Love Is Deaf (Penguin Desperado/Madam Mim)

"It's okay. I know, Maggie. I knew not to take it too far," he said. After all, he didn't want to scare her off. Especially not after all this, after he had seen just how wonderful she could be in a number of ways. He leaned in to return her kiss, his arms wrapping tight around her and pulling her against him. He still marveled at how lovely the innocent Maggie was, how she contrasted against him in more than one way.

When she asked after dessert, he couldn't resist the smile that came over his lips. "I thought I'd already had it," he said with a meaningful lick of his finger. He chuckled, a deep, rumbling sound, as he made to get off of the bed. "I would love it. But... I'm not sure what time it is. Curfew must be soon," he said. If it hadn't already passed while they were busy playing with one another.
Maggie smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as Blaise pulled her against him. She wanted to go another round, but didn't trust herself to have enough restraint to not cross lines they both knew they shouldn't. Not right now, anyway. She giggled and flushed a little when he licked his finger and wrapped her send around him as he tried to move off the bed. His chuckle vibrated in his chest beneath her hands, and in his back where she had laid her cheek. She was, however, watching the board and sighed. It was late and a clock that had just appeared on the mantle over the fireplace told them they had ten minutes to get back to their common rooms.

"Nope," she argued, wrapping her legs around him as well. "I love your laugh too much. I have to stay here with you and make you laugh all night."

Eventually, however, Maggie sighed and let go. Getting caught by Filch wasn't a great way to end a date, and they had double Potions together first thing in the morning, so it wasn't like they wouldn't see each other. Regretfully she started pulling on clothing.

"Tomorrow then," she said, turning to look at him as she hooked her bra behind her back. "Tiramisu, since the cakes are already made. And dinner, if you want." She smiled before slipping her dress on. "I really enjoyed my time with you tonight, Blaise. Thank you." She stood on tiptoe to kiss him gently.

Down in the dungeons, Draco Malfoy was waiting for Blaise to come back and report on his date. Given the hour, he had a sinking feeling he was already 200 galleons poorer.
"I'm pretty sure," he said, glancing down between their legs as she wrapped hers around him, "that you would have me doing much more than laughing if we were to stay down here all night." It had a certain appeal to it, though. They could hide out here and then return to their common rooms in the morning. But at the same time... she was right. He would hardly be able to hold himself back from the temptations of her body if they did..

"Tomorrow," he said, pulling up his underwear and his pants, before moving on to his shirt and his jacket. "I would love dinner with you," he said, taking her lips in a kiss as he threaded his belt through, tightening it around his hips.

Before long, they took their separate ways outside the Room of Requirement; after all, she had to go up, and him below, but soon he was pulling himself through the portrait down into the Slytherin common room. He still looked a bit mussed; that was, not absolutely pristine as he normally did, which was as much an indication as anything that the night had gone well.
Maggie made a noise of contentment against Blaise's lips as he kissed her and promised dinner. "It's a date, then," she grinned.

A few of the girls had heard of Maggie's date and, suspecting it was a trick, had waited up in the common room to comfort her. When it became late enough to make it apparent it had not been a trick, they'd stayed up anyway out of curiosity. Maggie wouldn't kiss and tell, though; all she would say if her date was it was fun and they had another tomorrow. She practically glided up the stairs with a cryptic smile, leaving the others frustrated and curious.

Draco had nearly been asleep when Blaise came in. Sitting up, he pretended he wasn't when he heard the portrait move. When Blaise stepped in, Draco immediately arched an eyebrow. Blaise Zabini was never mussed or disheveled.

"Well well, Casanova," he smirked, folding his arms, "should've told me not to wait up. Don't tell me she was so desperate she put out already!"
Blaise had a small smile on his face, and the moment he was through the portrait hole, he more properly tucked his shirt in. He'd been in rather too much of a hurry to escape Filch to consider spending too much time getting himself all prim and proper, but now that he was back in the common room, he did have a bit of time. Not that it meant much of anything, since it was so late...

"Didn't expect to be gone quite so long. Though you are just the one I wanted to see. Allow me to give you this chance to bow out of the bet. No questions asked, no mockery, nothing. I'd rather not make a bet of this anymore, either. But I have another date with Maggie tomorrow night," he said as he headed for the stairs that would take him to his room and his waiting bed. He turned as he reached it, settling one hand firmly on the stairwell. "What d'you say?" he asked.
Draco smirked and slid off of the couch, following Blaise to the stairwell. He folded his arms and leaned against the wall, blocking his way up the stairs.

"No, bet's not off. Not til you've fucked her. Is that why you're so graciously offering to allow me to bow out?" He chuckled and shook his head. Blaise was lying. He had to be. "You almost sound like you actually like her!"

But then Blaise announced that he had a second date with the deaf girl. It was a little confusing to Draco; if Blaise had already fucked her, it meant he wanted to do it again. If he hadn't and wanted to call off the bet it meant he wanted to in his own time. Either way, it meant that he actually wanted to date her. Why would he want that? She was deaf.

"You do like her!" Draco laughed. "What the fuck, Blaise? Shagging retards? What's next, animals?"
Blaise gave Draco quite the most unimpressed expression the other Slytherin had likely ever seen. It wasn't that wizards often went in for physicality, but the tall, reedy little Seeker wasn't exactly as large as Blaise Zabini, the tall, broad-in-the-shoulders chaser. There weren't very many people who would try to stare down a Malfoy, but he was one of them.

"I'm finding it hard to be insulted by someone who spends is time with a girl who looks like a pug. Call off the bet, Malfoy. I've given you the option of gracefully bowing out and not losing your money, and I do it as a courtesy. I'm not honoring either side of the bet at present, and if you'll excuse me, I have to sleep. After all, I do have a date to be ready for tomorrow," Blaise said with a wide grin that bordered somewhere between mocking Draco... and actually being pleased that he had a further date with Maggie the next day.
Draco had been grinning, but it quickly slid off of his face when Blaise drew himself up to his full height. The chaser didn't have too much on him, a few inches at most probably, but he was most definitely more built. Draco's eyes flicked over his broad chest and muscular biceps as if sizing him up, silently wishing Crabbe or Goyle had stayed up with him. He didn't much fancy his chances against Blaise in a fight, especially not in a fight without magic. The pale young man seemed to physically shrink a little as Blaise stared him down, unused to being confronted or challenged, especially by someone he considered an ally. Still, he didn't move out of the way.

"What do you mean, you're not honoring either side of the bet?" Draco demanded, scowling. "No! We had a deal! You're going to go back on your word? Over her?"

Malfoy unfolded his arms and put his fists on his hips, frowning and looking almost...concerned. A man was only as good as his word, and all he knew of this Maggie girl was that she sounded slow, was easy to pull tricks on, and made Blaise go back on his word. Even if she was worth the trouble of dating, Draco didn't like her just for this last fact. No, their relationship would get no blessing from Draco Malfoy.

"What's she done to you, Blaise?" Draco demanded. "What the Hell is your problem? What's with this bitch?"
Blaise was actually impressed that Draco didn't just wilt out of his way, albeit impressed despite himself. Still, though, he wasn't about to be waylaid by the other Slytherin for very long. "Yes. As is, I've already informed her of the bet. So, as it is, my options are that I cease seeing her entirely and abide by our bet for some strange reason, or I continue to see her. Whether I have, have not, or will sleep with her is immaterial at present. Even if I do fulfill the terms of our bet, I wouldn't be able to collect. So, we come to this option. Where I bow out and neither of us lose. I don't see how you're still holding on to this," Blaise said smoothly.

"And if you must know... I like her company. A fair bit more, I might add, than I'm enjoying yours right now. Bow out, Malfoy. There's no sense in prolonging this." He almost loomed just then, and he looked ready to just barrel through the other Slytherin.
Draco mouthed wordlessly, bearing a rather strong resemblance to a fish. How could he do this? They were Slytherins! Pure bloods! They had to stick together! And he was going and throwing everything away on some blood traitor? Already she was changing him, and Draco didn't like it one bit.

"You...You told her? And she still wants to go out with you? What an idiot!" Draco scoffed, desperately clinging to his usual mechanism of tearing down the less fortunate. Blaise then informed him that he enjoyed Maggie's company better than a Malfoy's and he thought he was joking for a moment...but he looked deadly serious.

"You're kidding. You're choosing her over me? Because of a stupid bet I made with you?" He was back to mouthing wordlessly, this time shrinking to the side as Blaise loomed over him to let him pass. Draco liked to talk tough, but he had no delusions about where he stood strength-wise. When Blaise passed he left a stunned-looking Draco in his wake, who soon followed after shaking his head and muttering under his breath.

The next morning Maggie had a sort of glow about her. She smiled more and actually walked with her head up instead of her eyes trained on the ground before her feet. Her friends noticed the remarkable overnight change and exchanged looks with each other. Blaise Zabini was an arrogant could he have possibly made her this happy?

After breakfast, however, Maggie's sudden bubbliness diminished a fraction. She would have to face Blaise in Potions this morning. This would be the true test to see if it had all been a cruel joke or something, or if he really did mean to collect on that bet. She just hoped she was right about him. At the door to Snape's dungeon she signed something quickly to her friends then took a deep breath and shyly sidled over to where Blaise was sitting among the other Slytherins.

"Hi..." she said slowly, eyeing the others around her as one might keep an eye on a group of snakes. "Um...mind if I sit with you?" Her heart pounded hard against her ribs as she waited for an answer.
"You know, normally I might be inclined to agree with you. If she were anyone else, that is. But you know what? I'm not so inclined to be dealing with this right now. Just drop this case of yours. You know you can't get to me, or get me to reconsider, so let's just pretend this whole bet of ours never happened, hm?" he asked. He knew that without Crabbe or Goyle, Malfoy was a lot likelier to just shrink back before him, and that little gamble paid off. He wasn't about to smack around Lucius Malfoy's son for any reason. Not with the kind of rumors that surrounded their family with Voldemort's return. He wasn't stupid.

He brushed past Malfoy without another word... but he did have a contented smile on his face. He was looking forward to tomorrow.

The next morning, Blaise was up bright and early. He was bathed and dressed well, before donning the robes that were such a mainstay of their daily attire, before he headed off to the nearby potions class. He often enjoyed early morning potions if only because it was a stone's throw from his very own bedroom, making it much easier to drag himself out to the potions classroom rather than halfway up the blighted castle on those confounding staircases.

Breakfast was over soon enough, and they were soon in the potions room, where cauldrons were bubbling with their various brews. Blaise had chosen a spot between where the Ravenclaws and the Slytherins had taken their sides, riding the hazy middle line at a table with some other Slytherin kid with thick glasses. And them Maggie was there, and Blaise did his best to keep the open smile off his face. As she came over to the table, Blaise gestured for her to take a seat with him. "Of course," he said smoothly, settling his arm across the back of the seat. It was an obvious motion. A claiming, protective one. Whether or not Maggie was entirely aware of it or not... she was his.
Maggie, not quite caring as much as Blaise whether people saw how she felt, grinned and sat next to him. She recognized the gesture for what it was, and happily scooted a little closer to him. So it was real, then. Blaise really did like her and want to be with her. She couldn't keep from grinning foolishly at how hard the realization hit her and hid her smile in a book.

Professor Slughorn walked in, bouncing on the balls of his feet and looking as usual pleased with himself. The party last night had gone off without a hitch! Tattering on cheerfully he passed back the brews they had been working on last time and magicked instructions up on the board so they could finish. He gave the pair sitting where Slytherin and Ravenclaw had drawn their battle lines a raised eyebrow, but said nothing. Of course he'd heard what had happened to the poor Cartwright girl yesterday and had thought his inviting her to the party had been an uncharacteristically kind gesture on Blaise's part. Apparently not. It was an interesting combination, to say the least.

Draco stood with his cronies Crabbe and Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, and Millicent Bullstrode as they worked on their potions together. Lord knew why Crabbe and Goyle had chosen Potions as an elective this year other than Malfoy had; they were just as dismal at it as before. Crabbe's potion had already eaten through the bottom of one cauldron and it was only the second day of term. Still, the five of them stood with their heads bent together as they worked, one or another of them looking up and glancing in Blaise's direction every now and then. Occasionally Pansy would shriek with laughter and look over at the pair, or Goyle guffaw and do the same whenever Draco would flail his arms and move his lips in exaggerated, noiseless motions as he clearly imitated the Ravenclaw. Not that Maggie noticed, but they were clearly the subject of some sort of gossip.
As she scooted closer to him, his arm wrapped itself around her shoulders, giving her the briefest squeeze before that arm slipped down lower, falling more comfortably around her waist out of the immediate view of the others. He couldn't care less about many of the other students, and though he cared about appearances... it was more that he was just interested in pleasing himself with them. And he was more than pleased by the delightfully sexy young Ravenclaw that had found herself with his arm coiled around her.

Blaise coolly regarded Slughorn as the man glanced at them and raised an eyebrow, and was glad the old fat man held his tongue, and instead just jumped right into the lesson. He hated when the man brought up his insipid little parties in class, and it was to the man's credit that he didn't.

As the five of them conspired together, making little comments and jokes, he was sure, he mostly found himself wishing that that Pansy girl would choke on something. Her voice was grating, and she looked like a pug; she found her company far more grating than even Millicent Bullstrode, which was really saying something when it came to the Slytherin girls...

Instead, Blaise focused on their assignment, working swiftly with Maggie. Besides everything else, she was as quick as a whip; after all, they competed with one another in about every class for top marks (except for potions, something Blaise was curiously gifted in; it was, perhaps, a result of the many rumors that surrounded his black widow of a mother, not that Blaise would ever say anything about that). They soon had their potion working even as the others more or less just stumbled and failed, and Blaise found himself leaning into Maggie.

"I'm looking forward to tonight," he mouthed to her, as his arm wormed its way out from around her and instead settled on her thigh with a smile.
One of Draco's flailing gestures eventually caught Maggie's eye. She looked up, stared at them for a few moments, then gave them a quick smile before turning back to her work. Not even they could ruin this day for her.

It didn't take much between the two of them to get their potion stewing properly. Traditionally, Maggie had always competed with Blaise for top marks--something she didn't plan on stopping any time soon--and they each had their areas of expertise. She had always been humbled in Potions, and while it irked her that she wasn't the best in class at it, it bothered her less now that they were on the same side in a manner of speaking. Apart from Charms, wherein she excelled, they had always been neck-in-neck. She supposed the N.E.W.T.s would be the deciding factor in the end.

Maggie's grin grew even more when Blaise slipped his arm around her shoulder, then to her waist. She glanced over to the Ravenclaw side of the room, where her friends watched out of the corners of their eyes. She recognized a mixture of approval, surprise, and mistrust all in the same expression on many of their faces. Well, it was better than the Slytherins were handling it.

"I am, too," Maggie returned, trying to control her volume, mostly successfully. As she spoke, she signed very slowly so that Blaise might be able to catch on. "But first I'm going for a run after school. You can join me if you like; nothing big, just a 5k."
Blaise had always had a problem keeping up with her in Charms. Maybe she just had a wand that excelled in their casting, maybe she just had a knack for it, or maybe it had to do with Charms being to Ravenclaws what Potions were to Slytherins, Herbology was to Hufflepuffs, and Transfiguration was to Gryffindors. He couldn't really guess at it, but he was rather behind her in that subject and it frustrated him to no end. Or it had; now that he knew her... it was rather hard to be irked by such a thing. Of course, he also continued to be humbled by Granger, but such was what happened when dealing with some of the best and brightest of each house.

He glanced down as she signed at him as she spoke. Okay... he was going to have to learn this, and soon. Knowing it would make their conversations much easier, he felt, and he knew she had to be self-conscious about her voice. Indeed, it wasn't the most melodious thing in the world because of having issues controlling her volume, but he liked it just the same. He put more stock into the words than the way they sounded, anyway.

"I would love to," he said back to her with a small nod, before he turned back to their potion. They didn't have any classes together for the rest of the day, he thought, which meant that after this... there would be a few hours before they could go running together. Ah, well.
Maggie smiled then turned back to their potion as well. "When I was nine I got knocked off of a broomstick while playing Quidditch with my cousins; a practice bludger caught me in the shoulder. Not as heavy or fast as an actual one, but it still hurt. Fell nearly two hundred feet before one of them caught me with a slowing spell. So after that Dad banned me from Quidditch. Being earthbound...well, I learned to run fast."

She shrugged before reaching for her knife to dice up some of the dead flobberworms from the Care of Magical Creatures class. Maggie liked flying, and was lucky that out in the country where they lived there weren't a whole lot of Muggles. Still, it wasn't her favorite pastime. As it was she could finish a 10k and still have energy left over to do another, though she didn't like to brag. Perhaps, though, once they were more comfortable around each other she could make some sort of a joke about stamina...

"Very good!" Slughorn was standing over their cauldron and Maggie was doing her best to pretend she didn't see him hovering over them. "Why, you two are the only ones in the class to get it perfect on the first try. Ten points each to Slytherin and Ravenclaw!"
"Well, I could certainly tell you were athletic," he whispered back to her. After all, she'd been wonderfully toned and flexible underneath those concealing robes of hers. There was a part of him that had been able to think of very little else since their little... fun that they had had the previous night. "If you ever wanted to fly, though, I'd be glad to take you up," he said. He was a good flyer, if not one of the best in the school. The Seekers definitely had him beat, although he was one of the better chasers. The Gryffindors tended to whip them, though, much to his perpetual annoyance.

Personally, he blamed their louse of a Seeker, Malfoy.

He squeezed her thigh with a small smile as Slughorn came by to announce that they'd managed to get their potion right, and awarded them some points. If he kept this sort of thing up, then the Slytherins would have a half chance at winning the house cup. He seriously didn't care about it, but it would be nice to have something for the Slytherins to brag about again.
Maggie grinned and giggled a little, blushing at the shared secret of an intimate life. She could tell by his body language that he was whispering, which even made it kinda cute. She, too, had a part of her in the corner of her mind which simply kept replaying last night over and over in her head. She blinked when he started talking again.

"Oh, I can fly," she said casually, "just...not as well as most. Dad doesn't know I go out on one of the old Cleansweep 7s while I'm at school." She gave him a secretive smile. "But I would love to go up with you any time you want." That sounded vaguely dirty to her. Was it dirty? She wanted to ask if it had sounded dirty to him, too, but not only were they in class but it might indicate over-eagerness.

At the small squeeze of her thigh, Maggie snuck her free hand to his thigh as well. Personally she didn't care much about the House Cup, nor did she think most other Ravenclaws did either. Everyone knew it was just an excuse for a pissing contest between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Of course it would be nice to win, but it didn't exactly mean much to her. She gave Blaise a gentle squeeze on his thigh as Slughorn walked away, sliding her hand a little closer to the inseam of his pants.
Blaise knew the whispering wouldn't really do much for her, but all the same, he was trying to avoid others hearing them. Of course, he could have just mouthed it, but he felt a little weird not at least making the effort to whisper. "Oh, I don't doubt you can fly. I just wanted to take you up with me," he said. It did indeed sound a bit dirty to him, but it was because his mind was already on such things. He wasn't about to dislike her for being over eager... given that he was rather eager for her, too.

He glanced down as her hand fell on his lap, and worked toward the inseam of his pants. Blaise glanced back up into her eyes and offered her a small smile. His hand shifted some, into the cloth of her robes so that his hand more easily sat on her thigh beneath, under the material of the skirt that was such a mainstay for many of the girls at the school underneath their breezy school robes. Here, he brushed gently, giving her a small grin.
Maggie's breath caught when Blaise looked down at her hand then back up at her, but she breathed easier once he smiled. It seemed to be a smile of approval, to let her know that she was okay. She turned very pink, however, at the feel of his warm, dry hand on her thigh. Her hand worked its way inward and upward and gave a gentle squeeze as a result. He was making it very difficult to concentrate.

She couldn't help but imagine, as she teased him gently, all the things they had done last night. The things they could do tonight. His lips on her wet slit, her fingers around his thick cock...or even more. Their skin in stark contrast to one another as legs wrapped around each others' bodies and fingers intertwined. The feel of him moving inside her, of his skin sliding over hers, of being filled with his seed...

The sound of the bell brought her back to herself. Maggie breathed in deeply and realized they were, indeed, still in class. Still her loins ached for Blaise. She wanted him now, and badly.
Blaise breathed in deeply as he felt her hand settle firmly in his lap, and gave him a gentle squeeze through his pants. She would be able to tell immediately the sort of impact that had on him as, beneath his pants, he hardened in her hand. Meanwhile, his hand gently pulled her skirt up until his hands could slide between her soft, warm thighs... a single finger pressing at her through the thin material of her panties.

He wanted to feel every inch of her. To feel her flexible legs wrap around his hips, to watch her breasts bounce as he took her in the oldest way there was... moving on her, over her, within her, until he had her spasming, screaming, and cumming on his cock... He wanted her desperately, but those thoughts were promptly interrupted by the bell.

Slowly, he withdrew his hand from under her skirt and her robes, and straightened himself out a bit with a small smile. He wished they could just run briefly off to the Room of Requirement, if only so that their hands could continue to work their magic on each other.
Maggie took a deep breath and smiled nervously. She knew it was silly to think someone their age could be so practiced in Occlumency as to be able to read minds, but it made her nervous sometimes anyway. If anyone were to peer into her mind now, what they saw might raise an eyebrow. She gave his thigh a final, gentle squeeze before withdrawing her hand and kissing his cheek lightly. His finger on her through her panties had made her wet, and feeling how hard he'd been getting just by her touching him wasn't helping the matters.

She wasn't going to risk her voice on this one. Maggie quickly scribbled on a spare bit of parchment, folded it and handed it to Blaise before kissing him lightly and leading him out of the room.

I've got a free period next hour. What if I promise not to make you more than a few minutes late?

Maggie's face, however, was very pink. It wasn't immediately clear why she was pink, but her eyes were toward the ground again. This time, however, it was to hide her wide grin.
Blaise had been rather pleased to feel her soft sex grow damp underneath the gentle touch of his finger... just as sure that she was pleased that he had grown so hard under her touch so quickly. As she left the parchment for him, kissed him, and fled, Blaise grinned and looked at the paper.

... well, hot damn.

Blaise was quick to get up and follow her out of the potions room, glad for his robes for hiding an erection that would be quite a bit obvious at any other time. He followed behind her swiftly, catching up to her side to walk alongside her. He gave her a quite deliberate nod, before he folded up the paper. He was certainly not about to turn Maggie down.
When Blaise nodded, Maggie gave him a crooked smile and took his hand. Swiftly she led him out of the chaos that was students hurrying through the corridors to switch classes. Up five flights of stairs and down three hallways to a quiet part of the castle before they were at the Room of Requirement. Maggie couldn't look at him the entire time, or she would be tempted to not wait until they got there.

When they got there the kitchen and sitting room were gone, replaced instead with a bedroom. A king-sized four-poster was in the middle of the room with several other pieces of furniture such as a dresser and a nighstand. There was, however, a chest near the bed. She wasn't certain how she knew about this, but she was almost positive that that chest contained an interesting variety of toys.

As soon as the door had closed, Maggie pushed Blaise up against the wall. Her lips started at his neck and worked her way up while her hands started at his collar and worked their way down.
Blaise spared her only a fleeting glance or two, mostly out of fear that if he lingered on her too long he might have dragged her into an empty classroom and taken her on one of the desks. Or even the floor if he couldn't manage to wait that long. But soon enough, several flights of stairs and winding hallways later, they were at the room of requirement, and had it open in a heartbeat. There was the room she had imagined for them; a classy bedroom. He didn't know if it was her thoughts or his own that conjured that chest, but he had a feeling that it was probably both of them, and they both knew what lay within.

Blaise soon found his back to the wall, and he groaned. Knowing that he could just repair it with magic later, he grabbed at her robes and pulled them off, before grabbing hold of her shirt. The buttons pinged off of the walls and the floor as he ripped it open, revealing what lay beneath as she kissed his neck and worked on his shirt the old-fashioned way. But soon even those buttons were undone, and he slid it off before leaning forward to capture Maggie's lips in a spirited kiss.

His hands went under her taut ass, pulling her up onto him so that her legs could wrap around his hips as he headed for the bed.
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