Love Is Deaf (Penguin Desperado/Madam Mim)

Maggie felt the vibrations in Blaise's chest and opened her eyes to see his words about wine disappearing from the board.

"I don't drink very much of anything," she said with a simple shrug.

The Slytherin's hands started to roam idly across her body, though not invasively so, and Maggie tensed a little. She had never been touched by a man before, not like this. A slow smile crept across her lips as she moved her arms up to hug herself gently and allowed the rest of her body weight to lean against him.

"Trying to feel me up?" she teased. "I liked that laugh, by the way. The one that came from here." Gently she grabbed his right hand and laid his palm across her chest; not her breasts but just above to indicate where she'd felt the low chuckle that had extended into her body. "I felt it; it was nice. It's a good laugh." To Maggie, the best noises were the ones she could feel in her chest, their sound waves far apart like a heavy base or a deep laugh. It made her feel a little bit more in touch with the rest of the world.
"Well, it's not as if we're the typical age for that," Blaise said with a small smirk. It was somewhat atypical, he supposed, though he heard other young folk in Italian families were also allowed the occasional sip of wine. He couldn't really check on the veracity of that claim, so he took it at face value. After all, he'd been allowed to.

"Well, not that I'm going to admit to," he said with another one of those rumbling chuckles. "I'm glad, in any case," he said as she took his hand and pulled it up to her chest, his dark hand splaying over the soft pale flesh of her chest. He could feel her heart thump in her chest, ever so faintly, against the tips of his fingers.

He found it remarkable how much had changed in a day. From... just one thing to another. Just constant ups and downs; this was certainly an up.
"Glad you're feeling me up? I should think so," Maggie teased.

Blaise laughed again, another one of those deep, delightful laughs. They sounded friendly, and she wished she could hear what it sounded like instead of just settling for feeling it. When Maggie looked down at his hand splayed across her chest, her heart thumped a little harder against his fingertips. She gently drew her fingers ever-so-lightly across his, over the back of his hand, and down his wrist.

"I like this," she said quietly, tracing aimless patterns over the skin of his wrist, "the way this looks. I mean, I'd never really given much thought to it before; still don't really. Doesn't really matter to me one way or the other...but I do rather like it." She smiled as she watched his fingers over her skin, chocolate on crème. She'd never given a thought to skin color before because it didn't matter to her--though she knew it would to certain others, one in particular--but she liked the contrast between them. It was stark and beautiful.
"Well, I'm hardly going to say no to something like that," he said. Where his hand was, on her chest, gently brushed across the skin there. Threatening to go down an inch or two toward the top of the dress, but not quite making that move yet. He certainly tempted it, though, with his finger brushing across the top, but not dipping past it.

He could feel her heart thump against his fingertips, and his own heartbeat quickened as her hand brushed across his own. "I do, too," he said. It was something he found surprisingly pleasing. The look of her light flesh beneath his dark, splayed fingers. He'd also never given thought to it. In a world of other species, he hardly thought there was time to worry about color. Of course, being one of color himself, he had seen a bit of that himself.

Of course, he generally promptly ignored or avoided that sort of person, but it rarely came up. His other hand settled down on her hip, brushing across the gentle sway of her curves.
Maggie could feel Blaise's heart pounding against her back. She glanced up to read what he had said, then looked back down again and took a slow, deep breath. She was feeling a little light-headed and it wasn't because of the wine. When his finger slid over the top of her dress, Maggie's chest tightened up and heaved gently again, the way it had just before Blaise had kissed her.

Wordlessly she looked up at him. Tilting her chin at a sort of awkward angle, she rested her head against his shoulder and looked up at him. She liked being this close to him, feeling his body firmly against hers and knowing he wasn't going to just disappear. Slowly the hand which wasn't over his floated down to the one at her hip.

She was thinking too much. Maggie closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, her breasts swelling momentarily just inches from Blaise's dark fingers. Slowly she let the breath out and opened her eyes, trying to slow her thoughts. She needed to in the moment.
Blaise was scarcely able to contain herself as he felt her body move under him. Every tightening of her muscles, every deep breath she took causing her chest to heave beneath his hand. When at last her hand made its way down to his own on her hip, he took it as a silent "yes" to the question he wanted to ask, but dare not verbalize.

His hand slid down from where it lay on her chest, flitting across the top of her dress, fingers brushing across the softer skin of her breast... before dipping down even further. His hand slid down the front of her dress, even into her bra. The touch was not invasive, but rather curious, moving with an experience one might not expect.

He leaned down slowly, pressing a small kiss to her neck, before pulling back slightly. His hand slid up from where it had found itself, instead lingering just outside it as his other hand turned to clench her fingers in his own.
Maggie's heart thundered as Blaise's hand slid down. She had known what it was he was silently asking permission for, and had willingly given it, but still she hadn't quite expected what came next. His hand was cool and dry as it slid across her warm breast, beneath her bra, curious but gentle. She made a tiny noise and leaned her head to the side as he bent down to place a kiss on her neck. When the hand on her hip turned his palm toward her own she laced her fingers with his and held on tightly.

Blaise's hand withdrew. His lips parted from her neck. It felt as though it had lasted hours and at the same time only an instant. Maggie was shaking with adrenaline and nerves, and was both thrilled and terrified to find that she hadn't wanted it to stop. Was she really ready for that? To be touched that way? Her first kiss had been probably less than an hour ago, wasn't that moving a bit fast? Her conscience knew the answer of course, but Maggie had hit puberty at twelve and the past four years of pent up frustration and disappointment and longing were all rushing around to override her quickly drowning conscience.


Her voice was tiny and quiet in the kitchen, but when she turned to face him the look in her eyes didn't need words to be put to it. She wanted to be touched like that again. Even if she wasn't ready to go 'all the way' on their first date--her first date ever, she had to remind herself--she wanted more than just a kiss. Without her realizing it a bed had been imagined into being in the far corner of the sitting room beyond the kitchen. Maggie reached up and rested her hand on his cheek, pale fingers splayed out against his dark skin as his had been on her. She searched his eyes for a moment or two before pushing herself onto tiptoe to bring her lips gently against his.
Blaise knew it. That she wasn't yet ready to go the distance on this... The wine hadn't quite gone to his head, but how she felt beneath his hands, how she had responded to him... that certainly had. She had felt so warm and pliant in his grasp, the softness and the firmness of her breast filling his hand certainly wasn't a feeling that was going to go away soon.

"Maggie," he whispered back. He spied something out of the corner of his eye, and glanced over his shoulder to see the bed in full. Hm... The room suddenly became a few degrees cooler, the room materializing a warm fireplace on the edge of the sitting room, near to the bed, as the rest of the room grew cooler still. His imagination at work, assuredly.

As she leaned up to press a kiss against his lips, he leaned into it, his eyes closing as his hands dropped to her hips, pulling her up a bit, before his hands went to her thighs, pulling her up to where she could wrap her legs around his waist. "Don't worry, Maggie. I know what I'm doing," he said, pulling back so she could see his lips move. The green letters faded from the board as he took her over to the bed, setting her down on the edge of it.

He pulled back, giving her a small smile as his hand reached out. He knew what she wanted. To be touched like she had before... and he gave it to her, gently tugging down the top of her dress enough to where he could grip one breast again, his fingers sliding from the gentle globe of her tit down to her soft pink nipple, making to give it the gentlest tug.
Maggie's legs were deceptively strong, holding her up easily as they wrapped around Blaise's waist. Most organized sports, especially Quidditch, hadn't been a good idea for her and so she had stayed earth-bound, running for miles at a time sometimes and strengthening her thighs. She didn't know if the room had gotten colder or if it was her imagining things, but she did know that she was glad Blaise had imagined a fireplace for them.

She breathed in deeply as Blaise set her down gently on the edge of the bed. She knew when to say no, when she ought to say no, but the question was whether she would have the willpower to when she wanted it so badly despite knowing she wasn't ready. She did, after all, believe in saving it for when you were in love. Either way, it was a good thing Blaise had set her down on the bed instead of having her stand because her knees were shaking so violently they wouldn't have supported her.

Maggie wasn't entirely certain what to do in return as Blaise reached out for her breast again. He wasn't pawing or overly aggressive, but slow and gentle. He seemed to realize just how inexperienced she was and adjusted himself accordingly. But she was thinking too much again; taking another deep breath, Maggie simply let instinct take over. And instinct told her to kiss him.

She leaned forward, laying her hand gently back on his cheek as she kissed him a little more deeply this time. A small noise escaped her mouth as Blaise tweaked her nipple gently, though it was more a noise of surprise than protest. Moving closer to him, she pressed her chest out to give him better access while her hand slid down his cheek, down his throat, to his chest to shyly undo the top button on his shirt, as though asking if that were alright.
Blaise was gentle as he held on to either side of the dress, pulling it down just so, before reaching for the straps to her bra, also pulling them down. Eventually, he pushed down far enough to free her breasts to the air. They were soft, yet firm, and certainly supple; they were extraordinarily nice.

As she leaned in to kiss him, he took her other nipple between his fingers, giving it a small tweak as they deepened their kiss. His eyes closed and he held himself close to her as they took their time with one another. His shoulders bucked as she touched him shrugging off the open jacket to allow her better access to the buttons. He certainly made no move to stop her, and they came undone slowly, revealing a very toned chest underneath all of the finery. More than anything, his torso and his arms had become defined due to the constant tossing of the quaffle.

He pulled back from their kiss, offering her a small smile. He knew what he was doing. He knew the line with her, and he wasn't going to cross it just yet. But if she was this pent up... if she wanted to be touched... he was going to touch her. He reached toward her hips, picking her up gently and moving toward the end of the bed. He set her down there, leaning her against the headboard. He shrugged off his shirt, leaving him half naked, as he crawled back onto the bed.

"Just relax," he said softly, reaching out for her skirt. He lifted it, reaching within between her legs. One finger pressed gently against her, rubbing at her through the gauzy material of her panties.
Maggie helped him off with the jacket before returning her attention to the buttons. She tried to not let her finger shake too much as she slowly unfastened each one, leaving Blaise's shirt open and his chest exposed to her. Slowly she ran her hands over his chest and shoulders as he kissed her and gently explored her body. She slipped off the black flats she had put on at the beginning of the night before scooting closer to him and gently prodding at his lips with her tongue.

All at once things seemed to progress and she found herself at the head of the bed with a half-naked Blaise, bra pulled down and skirt pulled up. Her bra and panties matched, green silk with a black lace overlay, not because she had been expecting them to be seen but because they had always made her feel pretty. It had been an impulse purchase on a "girls day" with Adrianna and at the time she had thought it wishful thinking. Perhaps now not so much.

As Blaise's finger pressed against her through the silk, Maggie's knees jerked in an automatic reaction. She fought hard to relax her body again and lower her knees, but still clung to Blaise's strong shoulders and kissed him harder as a way of calming herself. Things were progressing...very quickly. It certainly that she didn't like it--Blaise's finger had found her already wet--just that it was all very new and very fast. Still, eventually Maggie relaxed completely again and her hands slid to Blaise's chest as her bottom teeth gently scraped his lip. She could definitely get used to this.
Blaise was certainly receptive to her kiss, his tongue reaching out to gently lead hers in a passionate dance. He ran a hand briefly over her back as she ran her slender hands across the muscles of his chest.

"I'm starting to think that green might be your color," he said with a small smile, looking over her pretty silk bra and panties. It was quite nice, he had to admit, and he loved the way they look on her. Heck, he loved the way she looked, with her dress around her trim waist, so much of her bared to his hungry eyes.

He was pleased to find her receptive to his touches, even as her toned legs jerked against his touches. As she kissed him, his tongue played against hers, his finger brushing over her beyond the smooth material of her panties. Slowly, he pulled her panties to the side, and glancing down away from the kiss for only a moment, he found what he was looking for. Pressing her back against the pillows with a strong kiss, his finger gently brushed across her clit, rubbing and pressing at the delicate bundle of nerves.
Maggie allowed Blaise to lead as their tongues twined around each other. She couldn't help but grin back when he said green was her color; it certainly appeared to be turning out that way, didn't it?

"Really?" she asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "I think this looks better on me." Maggie reached behind herself with one hand to unhook her bra, then shrug it off and toss it to the side. With it pushed down the underwire had pressed too hard into her ribs and the fabric felt strange beneath her breasts where it wasn't meant to be.

Blaise leaned back in and she slid one hand around his neck, the other on his shoulder then slowly sliding down his chest. She breathed in sharply as she was pressed back against the pillows and his fingers found her bare clit. She wasn't sure what to make of it--apart from that it felt amazing of course--in terms of what she should and shouldn't do. What she wanted was no longer a factor; she wanted it all, and she couldn't trust herself to do the right thing based on what she wanted anymore. She felt the vibrations of a moan crawl up her throat as Blaise rubbed at her clit, and suddenly it was even more difficult to think clearly.

Her arm wrapped around Blaise's ribs as she tried to decide what to do, pulling him against her so that her bare breasts pressed against his chest. She also had to keep him in mind; she didn't want him to get the wrong impression.

"Blaise," she said finally, pulling gently away from his lips. She shifted her hips a little and looked him squarely in the eyes. "Blaise, I love where tonight has taken us. I don't want it to stop...but you need to understand. It's pathetic, but you've been my first...well...everything, and that means a lot to me. But there's one thing...well...I want to wait. I want to be certain that I'm in love." Maggie looked at him with eyes that pleaded with him to understand. "But Blaise...I don't ever want you to stop touching me."
"... I wholeheartedly agree," he said as he watched her undo the bra, tossing it away. He made to grab at her dress, pulling it and her panties off so that he could set them off to the side along with her bra, leaving her entirely nude before him. Goodness. He'd never seen someone so beautiful.

As they leaned together, feeling her soft breasts press against his chest, her tongue on his... he could have gotten lost just then. He wanted that from her so badly just then, but there was something yet holding him back. And that one thing was joined by her words as she pulled back to speak her piece to him.

"I understand, Maggie. I wasn't planning on taking things quite so far. All I had planned... was to make you feel good," he said, running a hand up her stomach and to her breasts, taking her pliant flesh into his warm hand, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Now... just lay back," he said to her, before he pulled back a bit.

He laid down on his stomach, his hands coming to rest on her thighs as he leaned into her. He pressed a kiss to her virgin pussy, before continuing right where he had left off. His fingers were replaced by his tongue as his warm, wide, and insistent tongue pressed into her, across her lower lips and flicking at her clit. He spread her lips open with his fingers as he went at her, seeking to bring her pleasure. He wanted her to not regret this night. To regret him. So he was going to make it as memorable as he could.
Maggie nodded as Blaise indicated his understanding and his intentions, clinging to his shoulders for dear life. She had started trembling visibly once completely undressed, out of fear and the adrenaline being pumped through her system. Everything was hot and cold at once and she could never remember being more aroused or more terrified in all her life.

"I trust you," she said softly, even as Blaise slid down her body.

Maggie gasped lightly as he pressed a kiss to her wet snatch. She was quietly glad she had shaved before going out tonight; again, not that she had been expecting anything even close to this. She had just always found body hair uncomfortable and unattractive, and being completely shaven made her feel clean.

"Mm...B-Blaise..." she moaned, closing her eyes and sliding her fingers along his scalp as he slowly slid his tongue along her virgin pussy. She swore to herself that she would never, ever tell him that this would be her first orgasm, too; it was downright laughable that a girl of sixteen had never touched herself, but there it was.

"Oh God Blaise!" Maggie's voice was breathy as his tongue flicked at her clit before exploring her further. She squirmed under his touch, but not out of any sort of discomfort. She had to exert great effort to keep her hips and legs from writhing everywhere; he was getting all the best spots and seemed to be finding more with each passing moment.
His fingers played up from her lower lips then to her breasts, taking them into his large hands and giving them a firm squeeze as he pressed his mouth entirely against her wet pussy. His fingers grabbed at her hard nipples, gently twisting them and tugging, being as soft with her as he could be as he pleasured her.

He could feel her legs tense and strain against her, as if they wanted to writhe about as he licked her, and it brought a smile to his face to be bringing such pleasure to a girl he'd come to care for so quickly. He wasn't able to resist looking up at her with a mischievous smile, bordering on a full grin. "You're tasty," he said, before he leaned back in and renewed his assault upon her virgin womanhood twofold as he gave both of her nipples a small tug.
Her heels dug into the mattress to keep from squirming so much. Another moan crept up her throat as Blaise's large, dark hands splayed across her breasts. One hand stayed in his hair while the other slid up his arm to rest on the hand at her breast as he gently played with her nipples. She looked up when she felt him pull away, afraid something might be wrong.

You're tasty.

Maggie felt her inner walls squeeze as she watched Blaise's mouth form the words. That amazing, talented mouth. Then he went back in for more. Her mouth dropped open as he continued to lavish attention on her pussy. She gently pulled his head more firmly against her as she moaned his name, mewling gently. Still a part of her felt somehow strangely...empty...

She was nothing if not flexible. Very flexible. She had to adjust herself to bring her hips forward, but in the end she managed her goal to not make Blaise have to stretch as far. Slowly, as if unsure if it was okay, she brought one hand up to her mouth and wrapped her lips around two of his long, dark fingers, hoping it wasn't weird. Still, she felt as though she would go crazy if she didn't have something to do with her mouth and sucking on his capable fingers brought her that much closer to orgasm.
Blaise could have grinned against her pussy as she reacted to his words, and he glanced up as she made to adjust herself so that it would be easier for him to get to her. As she took his hand from where he had used it to massage her breasts and began to suck on it, he felt a pang of arousal. He pulled back after a moment, licking his lips of her juices.

"If you want something to suck on... I could provide," he said, sitting back on his knees, allowing her one hand while he used the other to gently run one finger around her pussy, up and around it, just barely touching her there every few seconds. It was clear what he was talking about, though, as he was straining against his pants in arousal, tenting the front of his pants with a very obvious erection.
Maggie looked up as Blaise pulled away and sat back, still sucking on his fingers as he spoke. Her teeth pressed gently against his fingers for only a moment before releasing them as she sat up on her knees toward him and kissed him hard. As she slid her tongue into his mouth her shaking fingers fumbled with his belt only for a second before managing to unfasten it. Quickly afterwards Blaise's pants were undone and Maggie's slender fingers were wrapped around his engorged member though his boxers. If there was one thing to be said for Ravenclaws, it was that they were fast learners.

She pulled back to look into his eyes for a moment before leaning in again to kiss his neck, then his shoulder. Guiding Blaise to be the one on his back this time, she pulled off his trousers and underwear and they joined her dress and delicates in the growing pile on the floor. Maggie's hands went to either side of his hips as she kissed her way down his dark, deliciously sculpted body.

The size of his cock was a little daunting, if she were honest with herself. Did he expect her to take all of it? Well, he knew she'd never done anything like this before so even if he did at least he wouldn't be disappointed if she couldn't. Leaning down, Maggie kept her eyes locked on Blaise's, searching his expression for a reaction as she slowly slid her lips down his thick shaft. Yes, this was much better than his fingers. She moaned in contentment as her lips remained still on him for a moment, his head nearly reaching the back of her throat, before her mouth slid up again. She continued to watch for his reaction as her tongue ran a serpentine pattern on the underside of his shaft; just because she was a virgin didn't mean Maggie hadn't heard other girls' stories they shared in the dorms, and she had retained it all and was eager to try what she thought might please this man who had very suddenly become a large part of her life.
Blaise was certainly willing to go along with the press of her hands, his tongue meeting hers as he sat back and let her see to his belt. It came off quickly, pants sliding over his hips down to the middle of his thighs, revealing that he was most certainly hard beneath. He sucked in a deep breath as he felt her hand wrap tight around his shaft, squeezing him through the cloth of his boxers.

He met her eyes with his, and then closed them as he felt her lips against his neck. He allowed her to gently push him back against the bed, raising his hips to help her get his pants off. He felt every touch of her soft lips against dark, toned flesh as she worked her way down to his large shaft. Soon, his eyes fluttered open again to watch her take hold of his cock with her mouth.

He let out a deep, rumbling groan as he watched her slide down his shaft, feeling her tongue dance around it, causing it to twitch faintly in her mouth. He was surprised at how quickly she took to it, but certainly not displeased by it. He could have watched this forever. Instead... he sat up slowly, reaching out to her. He was gentle yet insistent in moving them around, turning her to where she faced away from him, and had straddled his chest. Grabbing hold of her hips, he pulled them back so that she lingered above him, with plenty enough room to reach his cock.

He raised a hand, parting her lower lips again, and sliding a single finger inside of her as he leaned in to flick her clit with his tongue. He had wanted to make her cum, and it pleased him to do so while she was sucking his cock for the first time...
Maggie smiled as best she could as she watched Blaise's expression. She was doing well, clearly, and she had felt vibrations through his torso resonating from his chest that sounded like it might be a good noise. It was at almost the same low pitch as that delightful laugh.

She was surprised, therefore, when Blaise began to move them. Had she done something wrong? She thought she had been doing so well. But as he shifted her with firm but loving hands she understood she hadn't done anything wrong; he just wanted something different. Her mouth came off of his solid manhood with a wet sort of popping sound as she complied and straddled his chest. When he pushed her hips forward she obeyed, stretching her body down his so her hungry mouth could once again reach his cock.

It almost instantly came back off, however, so she didn't accidentally clench her teeth around him. The sudden pleasure of Blaise's finger inside her and his tongue on her clit had shocked her and momentarily caused her to choke on her lover's thick cock. Her inner walls squeezed gently around his finger as she moaned and swirled her tongue around his head slowly. Like with her mouth, Maggie felt that Blaise's throbbing shaft would feel a million times better than with just his fingers and she wanted it so badly. Moaning, she took Blaise's cock into her mouth once more as she imagined Blaise slowly fucking her, letting her suck on his fingers as his cock penetrated her sweet virgin cunt again and again.

The pleasure was too much. Maggie's knees almost buckled beneath herself as she pushed her hips gently forward in a slow rhythm. She was close.

"Blaise..." Maggie moaned through a mouthful of cock. "Oh God Blaise!" A tight knot began to form in her chest and slide downward. She renewed her enthusiasm and slid her mouth up and down his shaft faster before shyly reaching to gently massage his testicles at the same time.
Blaise groaned happily as Maggie sucked him off better than he could have hoped. Her wet, slippery tongue and her wonderful sucking lips were driving him mad, hardly helped at all by her moans and the way her pussy clamped at his finger, as if wanting to keep it inside of her as he gently teased her untried walls.

He could feel her hips start to move, as if fucking back against his probing finger, and he slowly slipped a second finger inside of her, starting to gently draw them in and out of her as his tongue attacked her clit with renewed vigor. He could hardly handle all of it, especially as he felt her small hand begin to play with his heavy balls, surrounding him with warmth on all sides.

He couldn't even warn her as she drove him to orgasm, his cock thrusting a couple of times up into her mouth as it spouted creamy white cum into her mouth for the first time. He was quick to cum, but just the very act of touching her had been arousing to him, in tandem with the perverse pleasure he took from driving her virgin body wild with his hands, watching her sweet lips suck on his cock...
Everything happened all at once for Maggie. Blaise slipped a second finger in and renewed his efforts on her clit, driving her mad with passion and lust. The tight knot began to work its way down her body until it reached her loins, making her teeter on the edge for a few moments before exploding in a nearly blinding sensation. Her slick walls clamped hard around Blaise's fingers, milking them as she gently rocked her hips back to push them deeper inside of her and her toes curled in the pleasure of it.

She had been about to bring her lips up so she could clench her teeth when Blaise thrust his hips up hard as his engorged cock shot its load into her mouth. Maggie choked and gagged for a moment on the unexpected warm, salty cream hitting the back of her throat but quickly adjusted, swallowing it all as he came and closing her eyes, groaning around his shaft. She ran her tongue around his shaft as her mouth slid up once he had finished and her lips wrapped around his head as she spent a few extra moments sucking gently on the tip. When Maggie finally released his cock from her mouth entirely she wiped off a small bit of cum on her chin and licked it off of her finger.

Satisfied that everything was clean and that they had both been satisfied, Maggie kissed a line down Blaise's shaft to his pelvis, then up his stomach and chest. Finally she came to rest at the head of the bed with his head between her knees as she kissed his shoulders, neck, then lips. Straightening up, she looked down at him and smiled.

"That was...amazing." It was all she could really think to say. Maggie's first orgasm ever had been better than she could have imagined, and she didn't realize that it only got better.
Blaise lay there in bliss as he felt the walls of her pussy contract around his fingers, closing his eyes as he unleashed his load into Maggie's mouth. He could feel her swallowing it, which only caused his cock to jerk in satisfaction, remaining semi-hard in her mouth as she went to clean the head of his shaft like a good girl.

Her lips and her wonderful tongue left him hard as she kissed her way up his body, and soon, he found himself laying eith her, his eyes closed and his arms folded contentedly across his chest. That had been utterly amazing. He'd never cum that hard before in his life. Something about her just... set him off.

"It was. You did great," he said with a small smile, as he raised his fingers up to his mouth to lick her girlcum from his fingers. After a moment, he sat up, turning bodily to face her. "... we'll have to do this again," sometime he said with what bordered on a coy smile.
Maggie grinned and a thrill of lust shot through her body when Blaise licked his fingers. She couldn't help but grin upon remembering how he'd told her how good she tasted. That he was already hard again hadn't escaped her notice, either.

"Thank you," she said with a blush. "I ah...I never meant to go this far on the first date. I've never done any of this before." She looked down and her blush deepened. "I hope you don't think me a slut or desperate or something. I just really like you. And I confess, I find myself wanting to go farther with you though I know I shouldn't."

Maggie could only let that sit between them for so long before she started getting anxious and fidgety. She leaned in and kissed Blaise long and hard before pulling back with a small smile.

"You still want dessert?"
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