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What are you reading?

In the past BMR has attempted to do a book club, well this thread isn't for that as it's difficult to get people to read the same book in the same time period. Instead just state what you're reading and what your thoughts on it are, if you like. If you just read a book, share, and if you're about to start a new one, share that too.

To begin.

I'm currently in the middle of a number of books so I'll just list the ones I've been reading most frequently.

Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny. I like it, it's a giant omnibus of all his Amber books which are a fantastical mind fuck. Our world is just a shadow of another, patterned upon the great City Amber. Corwin, one of many heirs, fights to take the throne. Very intrigue heavy.

Ultramarines Omnibus by Graham McNeill. I'm really just reading it to read, it's alright. Decent smurf action, a chapter I've never really enjoyed, and not too heavy on the thinking. My bathroom book.

Enforcer by Matt Farrer, a 40k omnibus about the Arbitrator Calpurnia. Not a good place for anyone to start with 40k as it's rather densely written; but a good source of inspiration for my Dark Heresy campaign I'm intending to run for my TTRPG group.

So folks, what are you reading?
A manhwa called the lottery princess
Alright, so I finally finished The Fortress: The Siege of Przemysl and the Making of Europe's Bloodlands. Still struggling my way through The Night Land.

Nearly finished with Poor Man's Fight by Elliott Kay. An entertaining military sci-fi. Mostly focused on a kid who joins the local space navy so he can get his student loans taken care of and ends up fighting against pirates.

Just today I started The Shadow Over Santa Susana: Black Magic, Mind Control and the Manson Family Mythos by Adam Gorightly. Can't yet comment on the material of the book; but it's probably the first Manson book I've read to include as many photos.
I'm reading Blazing Ambition by EB Hauk, which has been a lot of fun! It's on it's own world but it's very much Western steampunk styled with some strange tech from leftover civilizations to make things interesting on top of radical technological innovation courtesy of one of our main characters. The events all play out from different points of view along the story too, giving it a feel of moral ambiguity in a way. All these folks are just trying to live and do their thing, though it puts them on a collision course in one way or another.
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