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Trophy (Devilla-Roche and Greg Grey)

After their kiss, they suck his cock with absolute joy and pleasure until Tatyana brings her bosom up onto his cock directing Valentina to do the, moving their two pairs of tits up and down they both become ebullient as each smiles at each other, then they kiss again and again, their huge puffy lips meet...

Greg for his part remains somehow passive as he moans...his weakness in body strength keeps him down, so he watches these two women do what they enjoy doing....

Tatyana and Valentina smile once again, but they look over at Greg...

Valentina: "Look, is Little Man so quiet, so passive."

Tatyana: "Yes, I suppose I miss old Mr. Greg, but look at puny size of body, he like baby."

Valentina: ~rubs Greg's stomach~ 'And skin soft like baby to. Valentina likes him better this way."

Tatyana: "I suppose Tatyana likes him better this way too. Come here."

Tatyana kisses Valentina again as she guides the lips of her pussy onto Greg's she pushes down, she feels every bit of him, every bit and it makes her shriek with ecstasy....Valentina, for her part, starts to suck on Tatyana's nipples as she pushes her wonderful derriere against Greg's face....they go at it like this for quite awhile until Valentina and Tatyana switch positions....

As Valentina rides Greg, his moaning gets louder and louder....Valentina pushes herself off of Greg and he comes in both of their hands....without a word being said, they remove his pacifier/gag and feed him his own come and make sure he swallows every bit, licking both of their hands clean of any come...

Satisfied with their session with Greg, they put his pacifier/gag back in his mouth, they put his diapers back on, his pajamas back on and Valentina lifts Greg off the bed and places him in the playpen....just like in the recent past, he is strapped down tightly from head to toe making him immobile...they insert thick foam rubber inserts all around him and above and only his face can be seen...the top goes on and is locked into Greg is certainly not going anywhere....

They say good night and turn the light out.....all that can be heard from Greg is a quick.....
5 am in the morning, the next day.....

Just when Katerina thinks she has Milenka sedated, her body finds a second wind and she cries out....

"I need Greggy, where is! Where is Greggy!!"

Katerina rushes to her a clam voice...
"He's in bed. Tatyana and Valentina put him to go sleep."

Milenka: Shouts out.... "You no understand, Milenka wants my Little Man now!!!"

Katerina: "Now Milenka you must become calm, no?"

Milenka: Grabs at Katerina.... "Now!!! Must have him now. You not understand?!?!"

Katerina: "Milenka you hurting me."

There is no reasoning....Milenka has her hands around Katerina's skull and is about to crack it open....Katerina yells out.....

"..yes, oh-okay. yes..." I stammer, as Elvira is helping me, pulling me up out of the playpen. What time is it? What's happening? It still seems dark, but I hear voices in the house, coming from the hallway...and beyond that, a moaning: deep, powerful, and unmistakably...feminine. "I'm awake..."

Elvira's already pulled the pacifier from me, and as I come to stand she starts to hurriedly strip off the foam-laden pajamas from my body - so I can move. She muttering under her breath to herself, in Russian, and seems both exasperated and anxious. Her eyes look tired - she's not been sleeping, and her makeup is a mess. But, she jiggles nicely in short cotton shorts and a casual tank-top. Can she feel my eyes settling on her chest, as she crouches in front of me? As I come back, waking up more and more? I feel so little shame, even if she is aware of my gaze...these last two days have done that to me.

She finally looks up to my eyes. "Go to wife," she directs me, "she need."

"...y-y-yeah, okay..." I answer, my voice tiny, actually squeaking in its hesitations.

She stands aside me - aside from my diaper I'm now naked, completely - and places a hand on my back, urging me out towards the hall. The room is dark, but the hall is bright. Others are out there, standing vigil in their pajamas outside the closed door of the master bedroom. In a long, baby-pink t-shirt, Valentina leans against the wall as Jackie and Tatyana crouch alongside Kristina and seem to be tending to her. She has her head in her hands and is speaking Russian to the others. Akilinia is typing on her phone.

I walk, slowly, into the hall and am barely glanced at as the conversation continues, in Russian, Elvira joining in as well. It seems as if Kristina has been hurt - by Milenka? - but not seriously. My eyes dart from one woman to the next to the next. They seem to be in charge of the situation, handling it like a serious, organized team. Though I spent the day in a fog, memories flash back from yesterday - of how passive I'd been. In my distress, they've allowed me the comforts of their bodies - Jackie, Tatyana, Valentina. There was also a meeting, wasn't there? They're trying to figure out how the company will proceed without me. I vaguely remember it.

But, I'm clearer now. I need to help. But still, I feel so timid.

"c-can I go in there?" I find myself asking, even before thinking.

Five sets of eyes find mine.

"nyet," Kristina says, from her seat on the floor, "ona go zabić - she will kill y-"

"No, Kristina, we must try," Elvira interjects, as Kristina casts her eyes downwards. Elvira looks at me. "Yes, Mister Gray," she says, as she steps to open the door to the master bedroom, "To wife..." As the door opens, I see it is dark inside. Though no light escapes, that sound becomes louder. The moaning, the keening, the wailing...Milenka.

Again looking from one girl, to the next, to the next, I work to steel myself for my next move, for what I know I must do next. I take a deep breath, and step towards the open door...
Oh god, oh jesus christ, oh lord.

The door closes behind me, and my eyes adjust to the dimness even as they go wide in shock. Milenka is on the bed - atop the sheets, on her back - and the only light in the room comes from behind her, a small table lamp across the room. She's arched, her back vaulted, her whole body tense and quivering and dramatically naked. She calling my name, in a low, throbbing moan...and she is huge.

Yes, I am tiny, now. Three and a half feet? Maybe? But it's not just my smaller perspective doing this - she has grown enormous. I start to shake in fear.

Her head - craned back on her neck - is at the headboard. And her feet are still on the oversize bed, at the end...but only because her knees are bent. She must be over eight feet tall, and the room spins around me as I struggle to comprehend the awesome physicality of her body.

Arched as she is, convulsed into what looks like a spasm, the powerful muscularity of her lower body and the gigantic curves of her upper torso dramatically accentuate her impossibly narrow waist. Were it not so lithe it would look ready to snap under the strain as she bends and writhes on her back - both in constant motion and at the same time nearly completely frozen. Her fists - they clutch the sheets. Her face is taut, jaw clenched, eyes clamped shut. Her hair is a wild mane on the bed.

She seems to be in so much pain., I realize. It's not pain.

"oh my god Milenka..." I gasp, as I step towards the bed, helpless. I don't know if she even hears me. If she does, she makes no sign. I take another step - each one making me feel smaller and smaller - and start to circle the bed, with wide eyes, heart pounding

I look her over, wishing I could help, watching every muscle and bone strain and contract, grappling with some inner demon...It's not pain, that's consuming her so. It''s something else...

When I reach the foot of the bed, I hear her moan - loudly. I look up at her, from between her spread legs, and am struck speechless by the breath-taking sight of her womanhood, laid bare before me, between her spread legs. She is...huge.

She moans again, and her pelvis shifts. She calls my name again and again and again, moving her hips. Suddenly, I know, I can see it. I know what it is. She's not in's not pain that's possessed her.

It's want. She needs.

Without a thought, I am called to her. Despite my fear, I approach. I step to the edge of the foot of the bed, between her spread legs, and gaze down at her swollen, pulsing cunt. The bed is high, at my chest, and I start to slowly climb up, towards her. But she moves down, towards me, and her legs spread wider. She moans my name again, a chant, a mantra more and more and more urgent. I am leaning forwards, towards her...and then my face is on her, my mouth open. I feel her legs curl behind me, encircling my back, and I am pulled into her...feeling smaller and smaller and smaller still...
At what is her now 8'5" frame, Greg at 3'4" comes up to Milenka's lower thigh...he is truly a child's size when compared to her and because of it and in the upcoming days, she will treat him more like an older baby...and that is what he is, her baby...of course she still will recognize that he functions to serve her as he always has been doing, making sure that she is sexually placated...right now is one of those Greg advances he sees just how large she of her tits can all but bury him....his head can get lost in between her long, deep cleavage....and his body is dwarfed by her bosom...

As she pulls him into her, Greg can also see how large other parts of her anatomy has become....her thighs and hips are like large he is pulled into her more, they obscure parts of the room, he can't see past them....of course this feels good to truly be enveloped by her be so much larger than dwarf him in every way....her feet and hands are impossibly bigger than his - more than three times the size of his...and now, as she places her huge hand on his ass and pulls him in, she easily does this, his face moves closer to her pussy, which is now also, like the fur wall, seems to be alive and it opens up....enough to place his head halfway into her pussy....she can't get him inside of her and pull Greg into her uterus, not yet anyway....but she sighs with a moan - relieve to feel his head on her first she guides him - uses him like a dildo and wants him to eat her out, even though his mouth and tongue are so small...they have quite the job to do.....

Then Milenka says in a passionate tone....
"Please my Little One, make Mommy feel good."

To hear her speak, from above me on the bed - it heartens me, it inspires me. Eagerly I set my mouth to her, licking and kissing and lapping at her folds, her flesh. The taste of her is intoxicating, exotic and rich, and I can feel her responding immediately to my efforts.

Her moans deepen and flutter, becoming more rhythmic. The tension in her thighs around my head escalates, her muscles throb powerfully all around me. But despite my shrunken size - she could crack my head like an egg - I continue without fear. Rather, I push in deeper, reveling in the enveloping embrace of her legs, and now the pressure of her hand, urging me in further still. I feel my head could nearly disappear, be swallowed up by her snatch...indeed half my face is inside her.


Her body is bracing for climax, quickly...but at the same time becoming more relaxed. What was previously spasmodic tension - almost a seizure - is now more focused, more balanced...I can feel the music we've learned to make, together, slowly coming to the surface. I can hear its harmonies, building around me, growing, growing, growing. She is an instrument beneath me like this...I'm playing her, healing her, controlling her, and now I'm going to make her...


She comes, in a powerful convulsion that shivers and quakes the world around me, as she moans out again, full force. Words are lost to her, but I can hear her song. She's back, she's back, singing my Milenka...

Her breathing slows, settles, and the massiveness of her thighs around my head relaxes, smoothly, allowing me release. Her hand releases my head and I draw off, for air, listening to her. Her moans become coos, and then her coos become...giggles.

"M-Milenka...?" I ask, stretching my jaw as I recover, "A-are you okay?"

Giggles, again, only giggles. I can feel her relaxing, stretching her newly enormous frame, above me on the bed. She continues to coo, but she's laughing...giggling and tittering to herself...

...what's happening?
Medicines, shots, hormones....when engineered like they have been from KOLECTV's labs can have odd, almost unpredictable and surprising results...that, of course, is why it is experimental...

Now Milenka, after climaxing, finds herself anew, like a spring day after a very cold winter, coming out of a long hibernation, shedding her skin, she is a new person, but deep down the same....

Her bimbo-like exterior shows how refreshed she is....the fallout from this episode of what she had done to herself has passed, and she is different - even different than the Milenka before taking the two shots, but somehow there is still something congruent about her...maybe it is still her motherly ways, which have only been accentuated, regardless of her larger size or his diminutive size...

With a smile like no other, she lifts Greg up in the air....
"Oh Greggy, oh my Greggy, look how beautiful you are! Oh, how you Milenka's child, my littlest of men ~giggles~ Oh, Mommy is to take such care of you."

She brings him in for a hug, her arms wrapped around him....not knowing her own strength she almost crushes him if it were not for his coughing.....

"Oh my, Milenka must watch herself, yes?"

She pulls him into her bosom....
"Greggy must be hungry, you eat, you eat. It's morning."

Milenka forces Greg to grab onto her teat and have some food....Greg can see how big Milenka's gotten...her areola is huge as is her Greg, her areola is he size of a small dinner plate...and her nipple is like a small cock (slightly larger than a pacifier) and fits neatly into his mouth...much of his body disappears under her bosom and he can feel the warmth of Milenka and it feels oh so good....
I don't know what's more alarming - how easily she's holding me aloft in front of her, or the look in her eyes as she does it. She's curled her legs underneath herself to sit on the bed, and seems to occupy the entire mattress she's so huge. To her, now, I'm like the size of a small child or...<gulp>...a large baby. And she's holding me just like a baby, a treasured toddler, and that look in her eyes is...

"Oh Greggy, oh my Greggy, look how beautiful you are! Oh, how you Milenka's child, my littlest of men ~giggles~ Oh, Mommy is to take such care of you."'s different than before. Her eyes are wide, ebullient, glittering vapidly. Her accent is stronger, her English has regressed closer to what it was when we first met...perhaps even further. Her smile is wide, effervescent, animated. The joy is just pouring off of her. What's going on? Does she realize what's happened?! What she's done? That she's shrunk me to...this?! Of course she sees it, she realizes it. She knows how big she's grown: she's enormous now, beyond anything any human woman should be. And she seems...delighted. Excited. Like this is what she's always, always wanted...

"M-M-Milenka," I stutter, my own eyes wide, I know, "we h- <uuurrf!>"

My words are choked off as she pulls me in for an enormous, crushing hug. Breath rushes out of me as I am squeezed into her, and I cough.

"Oh my, Milenka must watch herself, yes?"

I inhale again, catching my breath, but before I can speak she's...



She slapped my face to her tit - her huge, overwhelming tit - and my mouth has opened instinctively to take her in. Laughing, she tears my diaper off in a flash and her hand is on me. Milk immediately begins to pour into my mouth and she giggles anew, cooing and clucking down to me with eager enthusiasm. That I am so small to her, now - it thrills her. She's giddy, elated, newly charged. The energy from her is palpable, frightening...what is happening to us?! What's going to happen to me??

If she senses my fright and shock and anxiety, she says not a word, but just continue to giggle and purr, cooing encouragements and little words of love. Her hand, in the meantime, is coaxing me - so very gently - to erection. I am hardening, despite myself, and slowly getting lost. The smooth press of her massive breast on my face, the warmth of her milk filling my mouth and throat, the strong support of her arms and her lap and her thighs and belly...her skin...her scent...her voice. I turn in, towards her, with a whimpering little sigh, and slowly let myself sink into pleasure.

Oh my god my mind is reeling with this: I am, too, living my fantasy. This is it. This is everything...
Excited to no end, her voice a bit on the loud side....
"Oooh, look at my Greggy oh just look at him! Oh boy, feels real good to have Milenka feeding Greggy and jerking little Greggy off, yes?!? Oh, yes of course! Oh Greggy, Mommy loves you so!"

Milenka jerks and jerks him off....the per the usual she pulls him up by his legs...this time it is so much easier...he is lighter and shorter and it allows for her to suck on his still big cock while he nurses on her she does his continual drinking of her milk she feels Greg as he moans from having his cock wrapped by those larger, puffier lips...this makes Milenka giggle aloud....

"Oh now little Greggy, you make Mommy laugh. No you stop little man! ~smiles as she is kidding~

Then she continues to draw his length in and out of her mouth...Greg's body undulates, tightens and he comes profusely in her mouth...Milenka sucks in every drop and does so with such delight...

After that she pulls him off of her and can see that he's satiated by his liquid meal....
she holds him up in the air and rubs his tummy...

"I bet Milenka's boy is all full! Yes, he is!"

Then places him on the bed, kisses his tummy and whips her even longer mane behind her head....her hair has grown and she gets up....also, it seems to be getting lighter too...

Like her frame, her tall, so she stands there and turns around, she walks toward the window, but her body completely blocks the morning sunlight from reaching Greg...

Milenka chants in song....
"La, la , la, di, la, la, la, la!"

Then she turns around....makes a serious face and places one arm across her stomach under her huge bosom and rests her other elbow on her wrist, with her index finger touching her lip.....

"Gee, Milenka doesn't know what to do today? Was I going somewhere today? Somewhere important, hmm." ~then giggles loudly~ "Oh well, I guess Mommy will need to take care of you Little Greggy."

Thinks again....
"Oooh, Milenka knows! Oh yes she does! Mommy can take Little Greggy for walking. ~arms at her side with a dumb smile on her face~ Now where is your stroller? Did Milenka lose stroller again?" ~laughs~ "Oh, and Mommy must get dressed too? How can I forget?!? ~ Laughs again at herself~ "Oh and maybe Little Greggy needs to be cleaned up to. Oh my, Mommy is so forgetful now. Yes, she is."
From my seat on the bed, I watch as she dresses. She blithely frets over her wardrobe, how -for some reason - ~giggle!~ nothing seems to fit.

"Of c-course nothing fits..." I offer, my voice weak and small, "you've grown...more than a foot..."

She tut-tuts my concerns, like this is all no big deal. None of this bothers her! She can just stretch out a bikini-top in place of a bra...



..and the bottoms for panties. No problem!

She keeps up a cheerful, vacant chatter, as if nothing is amiss, and allows me to watch her dress. Seeing her move about the room, at her enormous new size - it is totally surreal. My ceilings are high, thank god, but she dwarfs everything else, even this big new bed. She moves with such strength and grace, though, without a hint of awkwardness. She's taken to her new height immediately, naturally.

I, on the other hand, am struggling not only physically but mentally with my own new stature. The world is larger around me, and I feel fragile, endangered - even here in my own bedroom. And the thought of stepping outside it, to face the real world again...<gulp> brings me shivers. Maybe I'll just stay in here, forever...

Eventually she finds a white tank-top to fit her, stretching it over her brobdingnagian torso, and a jean skirt that she's able to adjust enough to slide over her wide hips. Still acting clueless as to how absolutely insane this situation has become, she nonetheless notes my enraptured stare, how I've gone more or less speechless.

With a big, guileless smile, she tells me to come keep her company as she puts on her makeup. Still naked, I comply, and stand aside her at the makeup table (I have a makeup table?) where she sits - perching prettily, with perfect posture on an absolutely undersized stool - to apply mascara, powder, eyeliner, lipstick..

I stare, goggle-gazed, as her face slowly changes, as she becomes more and more and more beautiful. Where she transforms from a big (very big) very pretty girl to an absolutely ravishing, absolutely exquisite absolute knock-out, right in front of my eyes.

Mommy look nice with makeup.

Wait? Did she just say that? Or...<gulp> did I?

She smiles at me, a knowing smile, seeing my reaction. Without even realizing it I've grown hard, standing here, and my twitching cock teeters in the air between us. She bats her long, thick eyelashes at me and purses her lips for an air-kiss - showing off, in her newly applied make-up.

I swallow, dryly, and have to fight the urge to take myself in my own hands and start jerking off. That she giggles, and goes right back to her make-up...that excites me even more. Lip gloss, now, to make her lips gleam with an even more moist, more lustrous sheen. She fluffs her hair, her hugely thick tresses with their alluring new highlights of auburn, and tosses them over her shoulder in a playful dramatic sweep. She giggles again, watching me watch her...
Milenka looks at Greg every once and a while...smiling, she knows what he is thinking....even a newly minted bimbo of a mini-giantess like Milenka knows certain things...she still has the lip gloss in her hand and stops for a moment and turns to Greg....

In a sweet, somehow nonchalant tone she says...
"I know what Little Greggy wants to do? Little Greggy is all excited and loves Mommy. Well-

~Milenka turns to the mirror and slowly applies more lip gloss and kisses her lips, then turns back to Greg~

"Greggy, you have Mommy's, what do you call it, permission, yes. ~with such confidence~ Yes, Mommy's permission to touch yourself. ~giggles~ "Oh yes, Mommy loves for you to touch yourself."

Aware of her own self importance and what she can do to him with just her sheer beauty, her newly minted size, and her sexy ways, like putting on make up, she is only happy to let Greg jerk off...

Out of the corner of her eye she sees him grab hold of his huge, hard cock and begin to jerk it off....Milenka, touches things up with the eye liner and some eye shadow...and glances over at Greg....

Sounding like the encouraging mother...
"That's my Little Greggy. Greggy keep touch himself. Greggy doing a good job. Oh he shows Mommy is how he loves me so much, yes?"

Greg continues to jerk off with a great fervor....

Now Milenka rises from the make-up table...she grows and grows and grows before his eyes....

Again, some words of encouragement...or a tease...
"I bet Little Greggy would love to have Mommy's bottom in Greggy's face. I would feel sooooo gooood, oh yes it would."

~smiling down at him~ ~he jerks off faster~

"Or would he rather have Mommy's bosom in face? Little Greggy loves Mommy's bosom."

~she giggles loudly~ ~he jerks off harder~

"I bet Litlle Greggy would love for Mommy, I push big bottom into Greggy, up against wall. ~places her hands on her derriere~ "Each one of this could wrap around Little Greggy's body and pick him up. Bring Greggy in and hold Greggy nice and tight. Greggy would just love that, yes? Of course he would."

~he is really jerking off with great intensity now~

Milenka bends over, her painted face in front of his....her wet, red lips perfect....

Now she speaks with a low sexy tone...her smile turns to smokiness....she is everything he wants from her....he watches every movement of her lips...
"And, ~she pauses~ wouldn't Greg love to live right in here?
~she pulls down the white tank top to reveal her cleavage~

Greg looks down at her long, deep cleavage and after hearing those words he.....
...comes and comes and comes.

Greg falls to his knees, whining, his legs giving out beneath him as he's overcome with climax. Delighted, Milenka giggles and hoots, sounding surprised. She has no idea how far his mind has gone; she has unwittingly been enveloping him with pheromones from the moment she sat down. They caused him to respond to her suggestion obediently, not hesitating to jerking himself off as he watched her apply makeup. She has no idea that these images of herself have been replacing images of his own mother in his mind, in his memories, in his reality. She only sees a man - a little man, a weak little man - totally enraptured by her.

She continues to chuckle in incredulous delight as he sprays and splatters come out onto the carpet, admonishing him playfully for the mess he's making. His whines continue as his orgasm fades, and begin to sound more like sobs. She clucks and coos down to him, as - dropping his spent member - he reaches out, finally, for her leg.

"oh god..." he says, curled on his knees in his pathetic nakedness, as he settles his hand on her upper calf. "mommy..?" he asks, as he begins to - almost worshipfully - caress her leg, running his hands up and down her calf. Amazed at its strength and at the same time entranced by its softness, he cries little moans of adoration. "mommy...mommy...mommy..."

She giggles anew, and patiently allows him his adulations. She lets him pet her lower leg, tracing her narrow ankle, stroking her big foot. His little mantra of "mommy, mommy, mommy..." begins to fade as, slowly, his mind begins to return to him.

And just then, there is a knock on the door - light, tentative.

It's Kristina, in an orange top and jeans, carrying her leather medical bag, and she's coming in.

Suddenly, somehow, I'm gripped by a bashful modesty and in my nakedness I dart behind the bed.

All smiles, Milenka calls out a bright, cheerful Good Morning! to Kristina, who walks slowly, carefully, hesitantly into the room. She sees me, peeking over the far side of the mattress, and of course she sees Milenka. I can read the awe on Kristina's face, seeing my wife's full height, standing, for the first time. She has trepidation - understandable for someone who just nearly had her skull crushed by the giant woman standing before her...


But her gaze is also clinical, observant. Kristina speaks to Milenka in Russian - it sounds like "are you okay?". Milenka responds in kind, still smiling, still chipper. As if this last day-and-a-half of physical torture had never happened to her. Kristina seems to relax, slowly, and finally looks my way.

"And you?" she asks me, "You Okay?"

"I-I-I'm o-okay..." I peep, aghast as the weakness of my own voice, "I'm f-fine...". Kristina's eyes on me are clinical as well, absorbing my own demeanor, scrutinizing my expression.

"They okay..!" she calls out back over her shoulder, "They fine..."

In a moment, Jackie and Elvira step into the room, behind Kristina.

"Milenka!!" Jackie cries, in exultant relief, as she steps to move past Kristina, "Greg!!"

"No." Kristina says, flatly, stopping Jackie with an outstretched arm, eyes not leaving me, "Stay back."

Jackie's face twists into a question.

"Must examine, must check," Kristina continues, "No touch, not now."

Elvira's hands come to rest on Jackie's shoulders, from behind, and she pulls her a step back. Jackie is obviously distraught, and wants nothing more than to embrace Milenka, and pull me in with her.

Milenka, for her part, is observing this coolly, her head cocked funnily to one side. I can't see her face, from my position, but it is odd that she says nothing to Jackie.

"Milenka and Greg must stay, here," Kristina explains, "I examine, проводить измерения, принять жизненно важных функций. Убедитесь, что никто не находится в опасности..."
Laughs heartily...
"Everything fine, Kristina. Milenka fine. No one in danger."

Waves Kristina off and then searches still for the stroller, which she finally finds and puts on a pair of heels, that she had purchased in anticipation for her new size...these are custom order shoes, 8" heels....of course on a woman who now stands 8'5" an eight inch heel feels like a three inch heel to Milenka...nonetheless, these heels push her height to a dizzying +9 feet...

With the stroller in hand she scoops up Greg and places him on the changing table...with no choice in clothes, he winds up in another pair of the thick foam pajamas with the special enclosures and built-in pacifier that Milenka pushes in his mouth to act as a gag and pulls the flap over his face and velcros it shut....

To Greg....
"Oh Greggy, so adorable. Mommy loves you soooo much!"

Milenka then swoops him up and passes by Kristina, Jackie and all and makes a B-line for the kitchen.....Greg gets put into his special stroller...this too, has some obvious straps and flaps...enough that it makes Greg immobile....he can't even turn his head, but somehow there is such comfort for him, knowing that Milenka has put him here, that he is his new mommy, that she loves him so...all that can be heard is the....


...from his pacifier....

Jackie walks into the kitchen, slowly, and stunned....she sees Milenka making her shakes, three of them for the road....then has the courage to say....

"Milenka are you all right, my dear?"

Milenka looks back as she stuffs the shakes in a carry-on bag for the stroller including two special bottles for Greg...

Milenka now makes her way over toward Jackie....the difference in their height is startling....Jackie cowers and then says, "Don't hurt me, please?!?"

Milenka giggles and places her huge hand on Jackie's shoulder...
"Jackie, Milenka no hurt anybody. Just must take Little Greggy for walk. Milenka be back in oh hour or two. Need fresh air."

To Greg...
"Let us go Gregggy. Let us go for long walk, yes."

Milenka takes Greg for his walk, leaving the rest of the women stunned...Monika, realizes that she needs to get in touch with KOLECTV about the situation with may require some direction from Oskana Andrushko at KOLECTV....luckily, the cochlear implants will allow them to monitor via GIS where Milenka will go...but with her height, her strength and possibly the thought of another episode, it is clear that Milenka and Greg require containment.....

Yes, humiliating, yes: Horrendously so. Being strapped into this thing, pushed in this thing, strolling down the little private road that links my house to those of the several other multi-millionaires that share it: awful. And then into the more public neighborhoods and watching her, my giant of a wife, waving and smiling to people: were my neighbors actually out, to see this? To see her? Terrible, terribly humiliating. What if someone were to approach my carriage? See that it's me in here, the rich guy from up the road, and not some new baby in town? What would they think? And even so, even without me - a nine-foot tall woman walking down the road in suburban San Diego, pushing a stroller? This is sure to attract attention. But that fact doesn't seem to bother her in the least.

I'm sure, though, that my face is the picture of petulance:


This is totally embarrassing. Cringe-worthy. Mortifying. Humiliating. And hot.

And, no, I don't mean I was turned on by the whole thing. Well..sorta, yes, I was. You know me by now, I guess. But...that's not what I'm trying to tell you. Hot. As in: I'm wrapped in head-to-toe pajamas, under a blanket, with the early-morning Southern Californian sun beating on me. We've been walking for twenty minutes.

I'm getting hot. Really hot. And - with this pacifier strapped into my mouth (it really does make things easier, though, having something to suck on) I can't say anything, to attract her attention. So I just start to whine. My eyes bug out, and I whine. Louder and louder, and I shake, trying to draw her attention. But she's oblivious, looking around, smiling, enjoying the day. I feel so helpless, so impotent. I can't even get her to-

Ahhh...she's smiling at me!

I stop my infantile whining and shaking as she looks down at me, from where she pushes me, from above, from on high. She stops the carriage and her smile - as she leans down to see what I might need, takes over my world...


<suck suck suck suck>

"What is it Little Greggy," Milenka asks, concerned, "Is it you too warm? Mommy can see perspiration on head." ~smiles cheerfully~
....the swells in her breast could not be any bigger as they are slowly filling up with milk....with a larger body, begets larger breasts, which begets even more breast milk production...

"Why not Mommy take you out and hold you." ~again, a smile that could melt diamonds is all Greg sees~ "Oh, but know Mommy just loves you all strapped up and snugly in stroller."
...Milenka undoes his many straps, then lifts him up....he truly now looks like a big baby in her arms...she undoes some of the strapping on the pajamas including around his mouth and plucks out the pacifier for now...the pajamas are pulled halfway down....
"I think is good enough, Mommy no want you to get cold." ~again that amazing smile as she holds him with one arm, up against her bosom...

Milenka can see Greg's hesitancy about something, so she cocks her head at first, half of her mane falls to one side making her look very, very pretty, then she says sort of troubled, her smile goes away and she has a look of concern....
"What Little Greggy? Does Little Greggy want to say something to Mommy?"
Yes, of course I look concerned.

They're watching us.

I feel better, a little cooler, but my eyes, looking up into hers as she hold me at her chest, are wide and bugged out. I don't want to say anything...because those people over there might hear! I kind of motion my head towards them - the older couple, stopped dead in their tracks, tending to the garden beds in front of their house.

Milenka doesn't seem to notice them at all. Or, if she does, she's paying them no mind. They're frozen, jaws wide, staring at us. Or, rather, staring at this enormous, impossibly-built woman who's just strolled down this quiet, genteel street lined with the homes of some of San Diego's wealthiest. She's just looking down at me, with that little pout of concern.

"Milenka..." I whisper, as low as I can, "thank you but...put me back in the stroller!" Our stunned audience is a good fifty feet away, but I still don't want them to know that it's an adult male in the arms of this super-woman.

My wife just looks down, and I feel a wave of familiar calm wash over me. She may be acting more ditzy, more bubble-headed, but she certainly hasn't forgotten how to do that, how to mollify her fretful little husband with the naturally powerful uber-pheromones that waft from her body.

She watches me relax, and a tolerant, maternal little smile returns to her lips...


...and she does as I ask, she places me back in the carriage, and carefully begins to strap me back in. Her full smile returns, seeing me settled back down into place, snug and secure. She wrinkles her nose at me playfully and sets off again, walking us down the sidewalk.

Unlike before we stopped - where her attention was all around, looking up, looking away, enjoying the sights and sounds of our morning stroll - Milenka's attention is now fully focused on me. She gazes down, our eyes locked, as she hums and coos and purrs in little conversations. She drifts in and out of English, in and out of Russian. I remain quiet, content for the moment to just hear her talk and watch her smile and on the few occasions where she looks up, or looks away steal a glance at her wobbling chest, jiggling fluidly in her tight white top with the overmatched bikini underneath.

We walk for a while without talking - this is beginning to get to be a long walk - and I feel the ground beneath us change from sidewalk to road, and then get rougher still. Above me, all I can see is her and a thickening canopy of trees, denser now than when we started our trip. After a bit I ask her where we are, and she - without as much as a worried look - just shrugs prettily, still smiling and looking around.

I should be worried, I think to myself. She has no idea where she's going...why would she? We've been walking, now, for the better part of an hour and with those long legs of hers I'm sure we've covered a lot of ground. Some of the streets around my place are private, some are public and residential, and then there are more undeveloped areas. There are even some little farms out here, local farmers.

She could get us lost, I start to think, I should be directing her, probably.

There are a lot of things I should be directing, probably.

My mind starts to drift, and i begin to think back on this morning, and the faint, unformed memories I have of some meeting with Monika yesterday. I think of this other meeting I'm supposed to be at, today, that Monika's arranged..."rebranding GGE" or some such nonsense. This is all stuff I should have a little more hand in, isn't it? I think to myself. This is my family's company, and I've begin to feel like I've let too much control of it slip away from me. It's like I've lost sense of the direction it's headed. It begins to get me anxious...

"Milenka..?" I ask, trying to get her attention again as she's taken once more to looking down the road, "Do you think I sh-"

But she isn't hearing me, I realize, as I watch her eyes go wide and her mouth drop open in a giddy exclamation of surprise. She's looking at something, outside, and is obviously very excited for it...

Milenka claps her hands, giddy about such a find along their travels....

"Come Little Greggy, we pick."

Milenka makes her way up to a stand where an old woman is their to collect $10 for a basket of strawberries...luckily, Milenka did not forget her purse, and she hands over the bill and in a sense of bliss makes her way back to the field to pick the strawberries.....

Of course, the old woman cannot let well enough alone, so she has to ask....

"Hey, young lady how is it you're that tall? You must be must be more than eight feet tall?"

Milenka smiles then with a giggle says in her Kazakh accent, "My mother, she make sure I drink my milk always."

Old Woman: "Well, gee it never did that for me. And, I must say, you sure are filled out and pretty."

Milenka: ~giggles~ "I have mother's genes. She more beautiful than me."

Old Woman: "Well, she must be proud of you, such a pretty girl."

Milenka: ~smiling~ "Goodbye."

Old Woman: "So long, and so long to your baby too. He looks precious."

Milenka: "My Little Greggy is precious. Thank you."

Milenka walks away and pushes Greg up a ways into the many rows of strawberries....

"Maybe Greggy want to pick to, no?"

After pulling him out of the stroller, she realizes the mittens around his hands from the pajamas will not make it, so she takes them off and has him stand there in his diapers....quite frankly, Greg does look convincing as a toddler or a big baby, especially from a distance...

Bent over, Milenka's breasts look wonderful, and it seems like they'll just roll out at any moment...this certainly gets Greg's attention...

With that now ubiquitous smile of hers....
"Mommy will hold basket while Greggy picks. No go, go. Pick Mommy some delicious strawberries."
I look around, nervously. Out here in the strawberry fields, this wide open expanse, I feel totally exposed. There are a few other people picking this morning - not many, and most at a good distance - but they're obviously looking our way. Most are trying not to be rude, trying not to stare...but Milenka is hard to ignore. And then there's me...

I kneel down in my diaper, along the row of strawberry vines that she's chosen for us - as much to get out of the line of sight as to do as she tells me, to start picking berries. I set to task, sweating and nervous, plucking ripe fruit from the plants. I really hope the other people here - mostly old ladies themselves - can start to forget us and go about their business. Maybe we actually do just look like a young mom and her rather oddly shaped son...

A few berries in my hands, I turn and look up at Milenka, to place them in the long white box the woman had given her for collection. I manage a wan smile and try to ignore the huge display of cleavage she's got planted right aside me, as she's crouched down to receive my first meager bounty. She makes that near impossible, though, as she coos me my first congratulations - oooh! such nice berries! good boy! - and squeezes her breasts between her arms.

My eyes go wide and she giggles, whether at my reaction or just the sheer fun she's having. I turn myself back to my task, and continue to pick. I work for a bit, and she begins to chat idly to me, telling me of her childhood, picking strawberries with her own mother. All the recipes she would make - strawberry tarts, strawberry bread, jams and jellies. Did I have any memories of doing this with my mother? she asks, as she crouches alongside me, to start picking berries herself. "No..." I answer...

...oh, but we're making memories now, aren't we sweetie?

I look up at her smiling tenderly down at me, and swallow dryly as I'm struck again by her almost supernatural beauty, her breathtaking size. The affection is just wafting off of her, her eyes beaming tenderness and maternal love. She turns back to the vines, on her knees now a few feet from me. My mouth gapes a bit as I struggle with this feeling that yes, this is like being with mommy. This is my new mommy...


I notice that, quickly, she's much better than me in the berry-picking department. Her basket is filling quickly, while the small pile I'm now setting alongside myself in the dirt is hardly growing at all. In my reverie, I watch her work...smiling, chatting all the while, she is taking strawberries from the vines efficiently and far out-pacing me.

I am so weak, I think to myself, so weak and inadequate. These feeling I'd had earlier, before we came to the fields, bubble to the surface again.

"M-M-Milenka..." I ask, as I wrestle with pulling a strawberry from a vine, "d-do you think I'm doing the right thing..? Y'know...t-taking such a b-break from work, from the c-company like this? I f-feel so...impotent." The words start pouring from me. "A-are you sure this is what you want? M-me..? th-this?"

With a funny little smile, she turns back to me...
"Come. Come here to Mamma."

Milenka's now very long arm span curls around Greg and she pulls his almost naked body into her...his head goes right into her bosom...deep inside of her cleavage....

"Milenka would not want you any other way. If not for you, Milenka would not be here now, not be in program, not be wife and mother of her Little Greggy." ~smiles down at Greg's diminutive face and body~ 'Besides, you think about work. Why? Why, is Greggy need work? Greggy no longer needs work, he needs a Mommy. Milenka more than happy to be that for you. Greggy sacrifices job for Milenka. You should be happy for Milenka and for you Greggy. You are where you need to be."

Milenka pulls him away and looks him in the eye....
"Milenka loves you just like this. Milenka want Greggy smaller and weaker. Milenka loves her Little Greggy and does not want him any other way."

~smiles again, but with an even bigger smile~

"Okay? Has Mommy made things all right for Greggy?"
Oh, my god, yes.

It took a near-breakdown in the middle of a strawberry field, it took an enveloping hug into the bosom of my wife, it took admitting it like this, in a moment of weakness...

but yes, I know it now. I know it I know it I know it.

He no longer needs work


He needs a Mommy


Milenka more than happy to be that for you

Oh my god, yes, thank you, yes

You should be happy

Yes, Yes, Yes

You are where you need to be

Yes...I know it now...I am...

and Milenka loves you

It's like a tidal wave, washing over me. Sitting nearly naked in the dirt, out here in the middle of a scrubby little field, it's like a huge wave of sudden awareness, of immediate understanding, crashing into me.

How did I not see this before?

This is ME.

This shrunken, impotent, infantile little weakling is ME. Diapered, a slave to my impulses, utterly dependent on a woman for every breath I draw, whining and mewling in the mud...this is who I really am.

The man, the billionaire, the celebrated CEO/President and sole owner of a huge, multi-national corporation...that was the facade. I knew it, I think, yes, back then. Maybe all my life I'd known it, realized it as a charade. But it took this...this process...these past few weeks...for me to really see it.

This is me.

And - why would I want to live a charade? Why, when I have her. When I have Milenka? She is, I realize now, the first person - the only person - who has ever accepted me for me. She knows me, and she accepts me. She loves this person, this little thing sitting in the dirt...she loves ME.

And when I look up into her eyes - those big, wide, glittering eyes - I see she knows this too, that she can see me coming to this understanding of myself. Her eyes are almost childlike themselves in their guileless innocence, their giddy acceptance of all this new world of hers has for her. But this...she's know this already, she's loved me from day one. As simple as she is, she's known it all along, and she's just been waiting for me to come around.

"Okay? Has Mommy made things all right for Greggy?"

"oh my god, yes," is all I can manage, croaking it out weakly, overcome by emotion as I bury myself, immediately, back into her bosom and murmur, "I love you so much." She giggles and hoots as my mouth takes at once to sucking at her breast, through her top. I feel no shame, even here, even out here in the middle of a wide open field, the eyes of others upon us. I mouth and suck and moan and think...this is where I need to be.

Surprised, a bit, by my outpouring of ardor, she asks if I'm okay, if I'm hungry. This makes me bury my face even deeper into her tit, and perhaps in a modicum of restraint, out here in public, she reaches behind her to pull a baby bottle of milk from the stroller...


...but I don't want the bottle, in my fervor. I want her her HER.
Milenka can tell what is that he wants so she picks him up and walks with the stroller over to a knoll with two large mature trees...she sets the stroller right near one of the trees and finds a spot midway between all of the shade underneath the two trees... Milenka then kneels down and sets the bottle down and Greg to the side....then, with her huge frame and powerful strength she digs and dig and digs the somewhat muddy first this puzzles Greg, he wants to interrupt, but Milenka is moving with a fervor of her doesn't take long before a shallow area is created with short muddy walls encircling the area...almost crater like she picks up Greg and holds him up by his diapers before placing him inside of the middle of this depression of mud...Milenka is quite the mess....she strips her clothes slowly and can see that Greg is struggling with quite the hard-on....

Then, with a grand smile on her face she says...
"Mommy make nest for Little Greggy. Is only way to make love. Must have nest."

The nest makes it difficult for anyone to see what Greg and Milenka are doing....

With that, Milenka removes Greg's both naked and smiling as his cock springs outward...Milenka places both hands on it and runs it up and down his looks like she is at a potters wheel and she is making something on she continues to hand job him in this unorthodox way, her body moves up and down quickly which in turn her tits jiggle up and down....then she kisses the head of his penis and stares up at Greg....

From this position, Milenka slithers and slides and faces Greg, their bodies side to she likes to do now, having control over him, she places her right hand on his backside and pushes his body toward hers...his hard cock slides perfectly inside of her pussy, which is dripping wet and oh so ready....Milenka sighs aloud, her eyes closed as she coos and moans, feeling every square inch of Greg's oversized cock...she pushes him in further, his body now consumed by her body, her bosom pushing down on his head....

Greg is surrounded by her softness and a flood of Milenka's pheromones are everywhere....and, the muddy nest seemingly helps to keep those pheromones from being whisked away in the wind....
I'm deep in her, going deeper, deep. She's pulling me in to her darkness, her slick wet muddy depths. I'm slipping in to her, into my new bride, into the wet mud of mother earth and my mouth is filled with her her loamy slickness. Surrounded, in her warm cavern, the fertile soil slides around me, between us and I breathe her in, the ancient ooze of life.

I feel it, and she feels it too, the elemental power she shares with the earth, connecting her to sodden ground. Her beauty is the heavy, glorious beauty of nature, and in my throes she lets me gaze upon her, aware of her own magnificence...



Her love is the thunder under a mountain, consuming me, crushing me, and at the same time holding me tender. The love we make is primal, grunting and dirty and full and ripe. Though we stifle our cries, we are otherwise near heedless of the fact that, just out of this crop of trees, old women pick strawberries. Anyone might wander in and see us wrapped into each other like beasts of the sty, naked, covered in mud.

And when we are done, my seed deep in her, I sleep, she curls around me, a mother wolf...allowing me the moment to rest...

Milenka lays there and thinks to herself....
"Oh, he always feels so good inside me, his come, oh yes. Ummm, so want to make him smaller, like my littlest baby. He would feel so good, so good inside of me."

She then touches herself imagining that she is pregnant with him inside her...then she sighs and gets up....and looks at the views from up is a glorious day, sunny and warm...a day that only mother nature could make....

Then Milenka sees a hose up against a barn building and decides to let Greg sleep....she finds the hose and cleans herself up...she walks around for a spell and then comes back for Greg...

He is still asleep...but then like he knows she is standing in front of him, he wakes up, Milenka nice and clean and eating some picked strawberries in front of him...


With a more high pitched, but still sexy voice, Milenka says....
"Well sleepyhead, good you wake up from nap. Is time to go home."

With no argument from him, she scoops him up and rather than clean him, she just swaddles him in his clothing from head to toe, leaving him all muddy...she straps him into the stroller and they make their way home....

What Milenka and Greg do not realize is that they have been followed by some of the bridesmaids with Jackie driving....every step of the way, they have kept a distance as to not be discovered...Milenka has walked so far away, that she needed the chagrin of both Monika and Elviira, something needs to be done about Milenka and Greg, something soon......

It finally grows dark and Milenka comes into the house and places the strawberries on the kitchen table....

Monika, Elvira, and Kristina are there, waiting and say to Milenka....
It is growing dark, in these early afternoon hours...a storm's coming.

"You finally home!" Elvira says, wide eyes first on Milenka, and then on me, "Gone too long! Anyone see you?" Her voice is full of worry.

"You walk where?" Kristina asks, also eyeing us both up and down, "You feel okay?" She, Elvira and Monika are - in contrast to Milenka and I - dressed smartly, as if for business.

Even at the girls' concern, Milenka is still bubbly, giddy fronm our trip out, and cheerfully starts to describe our visit to the strawberry fields. For my part I stand by her side, my hand in hers, crusty in mud under my dirty, sweaty head-to-toe pajamas. Though it's not strapped to my face, I realize I'm still absentmindedly sucking on my pacifier; I pull it out and flush in chagrin as I notice Monika eyeing me with a crooked, amused smile.

Jackie, Tatyana, Akilinia and Valentina enter the house from the patio, closing the door behind them as the rain has just begun. They join us as Milenka goes on to describe all the wonderful recipes she has in mind for her bountiful harvest of berries. The girls all tolerantly listen to her for a bit, with patient smiles. At a pause, though, Monika interrupts her.

"That all sounds wonderful, sweetie," she says, "maybe tonight after our meeting you can cook us all up something sweet. But in the meantime, the consultants are almost here-"

At that, the doorbell rings, behind us...and I hear, almost simultaneously, a clap of faraway thunder.

"Ah! there they are! Monika smiles.

"Jackie, take Mr. Gray," Elvira directs, as she moves towards the front hallway with Valentina, to greet our visitors, "get cleaned, ready for meeting."

Stepping towards me, Jackie crouches down and smiles tenderly, offering me her hand. As I take it and she starts to walk us away, Milenka takes a step to follow us.

"Wait, Milenka, I need a word with you..." Monika says, "Jackie, can you-?"

"No problem, I've got him," Jackie says, "c'mon, Greg...let's get you ready..."
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