War Really Does Change Everything ... [Naruto RP, Yuna x Malin's 1x1]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

The weather seemed to match poor Shizuki's mood rather well; depressed. The rain had done all but let up and today, it seemed, was no exception. It was causing her to get drenched and only when she got to ... where was she even? Hell if she knew an exact answer; but it was away from any and all whom had been chasing the poor medical kunoichi. For now, that would more than suffice.

Anxious hazel hues quickly glanced around as she arrived at a seemingly deserted port. Now where? She silently mused, trying to ignore the sound of her stomach growling at her. With all the running poor Shizuki had been forced to do, the last thing on her mind had been food or eating, not even sleeping much if at all.

... How did it all come to this again? Gravity nearly made her body fall forward but she managed to catch herself before she passed out then and there, the answer to her own mental question slowly began to form within her mind whether she liked it or not ....

A younger and shorter image of Shizuki formed. If one could see, anyone could easily guess she was at least twelve, maybe even thirteen at this moment. She's on the sidelines watching a spar between comrades. The setting and headbands upon the faces of all the shinobi all but spell out she's within Kumogakure and one can quickly guess this was her homeland and nation of origin.

After many shuriken and kunai being tossed, one finds it's mark within one of the ninja's throats. He collapses on his back and despite knowing he was going to die even at such a young age, a smile manages to cross his face. Kumogakure was always a war-like nation and thus this would be considered an honor, a privilege ....

And yet, instincts still overtook Shizuki. She didn't think twice and knelt beside her dying comrade -- no, friend. Raven locks moved from side to side as her head did the same. "Don't die on me .... please ... " She pleaded, panic overwhelming her. What could she do?

As if an unknown god were watching, a blue-green aura swiftly covered her hands near the last possible second, when all hope seemed lost. The wound steadily but surely healed and within minutes, she'd saved her comrade.

While many others would consider this an accomplishment and feat, Kumogakure's 'beliefs' .... did anything but this. With her focus upon her friend, she never had the chance to glance back and notice some of the other shinobi slipping away, showing where they had gone to soon enough as the loud voice of the Raikage was soon heard behind her.

"What's this form of blasphemy?!"

By then, poor Shizuki's heart had ceased for a few moments as her head turned to meet the very angry and infuriated eyes. "I ... I'm not ... "

But she never got to finish and within moments felt herself pulled up roughly to her feet. With a quick and disgusted wave of his hand, a silent command the two shinobi knew all too well without needing to be verbally told, they began dragging the poor girl away. Seconds later, she was shoved in a cell, locked away and left alone .....

And as that last image burned into her head, her eyes shot open as she panted and breathed heavily. She was so damn close to passing out from everything ... but she couldn't here or now. Glancing around the dock again, Shizuki finally managed to find a lone boat; only able to fit one person but that was okay. It was all she needed. Shakily advancing towards it, she first got into it then untied the rope. After carefully lying down, she allowed her eyes to close.

By now, Fate would choose where she wound up going ... but not before her memory cursed her as the flashbacks resumed ...

Time passed with no word nor hint from anyone. To say poor Shizuki was scared by this point was quite the understatement. Finally, however, her door opened and as she glanced up, her eyes met another of her kin. Motioning for her to stand, he began to finally speak and give out the verdict she'd been nervously awaiting for so long.

"You were to be executed ... "

Her eyes widened and mouth opened but the sight of a hand raising up to silence her was all Shizuki needed to see. Holding her tongue, she continued to play the waiting game, hearing the man obviously hadn't been done talking. Slowly, she began the rather tedious task of getting up to her feet, trembling lightly all the while.

"However, your father and the Raikage, as you know, have been good friends for years. Thankfully, he was one of the first to hear of the incident and your original sentence. It took a lot of convincing, even from your father ... but an agreement was decided. Exile rather than death is what was chosen for you."

Just from the word 'exile', Shizuki nearly felt her ankles give in. "W-what?! But ...."

A new sight - that of eyes narrowing upon her - made her go silent again. "You would prefer Death then? You will leave with the clothes upon you, a few weapons, and a parting gift of sorts from the Raikage."

It took all her strength to avoid letting a low "Tch ... " actually leave Shizuki's lips at the last words. Parting gift my ass ... She thought, refusing to actually let the words dare leave her. Managing a slow nod, she finally managed to find her footing and soon was standing at her full height.

Her heart seemed to sink even further than she thought possible as she felt an arm roughly grasped. This 'gift' definitely couldn't be a good thing. She'd been sure enough before, but now she was damn well certain. Still, she made no moves to protest or fight back; not like she could in this state anyways.

All of the village, it had seemed, was informed of this day and what was to happen because as Shizuki was escorted out of her cell and the prison, an array of faces along with some sunlight abruptly hit her. After a few blinks to make her vision less blurry, her hazel eyes managed to catch her parents though they didn't remain there for long. Not when a more dominant face and figure was soon in front of her ...

The Raikage .... whom held a kunai firmly in one hand. With no trouble, he ripped off her left sleeve and turned her. Giving her no warning or countdown, the feeling of steel connecting with flesh was soon felt and caused poor Shizuki to scream out loud. Maybe it'd been from being imprisoned and losing track of time, but the task had felt like much longer than it actually took. To Shizuki, it seemed like she was being forced to endure the painful tattoo for twenty minutes; in reality, it was only about five.

Still, the task had been done carefully to ensure the symbol for 'Kumo' could be legible upon her left shoulder. Once the Raikage was finished, he let go as did the other shinobi.

"From this moment on, you are no longer one of us. However ... I refuse to allow you to forget where you came from....."

Now Shizuki was drowning out his words as she managed to re-find her parents, noting her mother's head was upon her father's shoulder. A few drops hit the ground and once the girl noted it wasn't raining, she fairly deduced it to be tears; her poor mother was crying. Then again, what parent wouldn't be? It was clear that if it weren't for the fact he was trying to keep a strong front while simultaneously comforting her mother, her own father would probably be joining suit in the act.

Moreover, he'd never dare do such a thing in front of his own best friend -- especially when he led the entire nation they resided in.

The rough shove against her back woke the younger Shizuki up and soon, she stumbled out of the gates.

Days became weeks and weeks years. With time, Shizuki had grown well enough though due to being mostly forced to live in a nomadic way of life and stealing, she was still rather skinny even by seventeen years of age. And yet, that was the most pivotal point of her life.

It was when she met him; though not in her preferred method. She'd been forced out of Sunagakure after being caught by the current Kazekage, Gaara of the Desert, and having the nerve to attempt to steal. However, he'd seen something in her that day in order to be merciful and just make her leave as opposed to killing her, though what even Shizuki didn't know to this day.

Within moments, she'd found herself in the outskirts between Suna and Konohagakure. As she was now, Shizuki had been forced to leave with little to nothing to eat and malnutrition was beginning to overtake her; so much that she was certain it was her turn to die. As her feet gave in and her face fell upon the ground, she remembered managing a very weak laugh -- mainly at herself.

"So this is it huh?" She murmured aloud, to herself more than anyone. She picked her head up and looked around for a few seconds before it fell again in silent defeat. Her eyes closed for several moments, opening only when she thought she heard ... footsteps? Before she could get a good look, however, fatigue overwhelmed her and she closed her eyes for what she feared might be the very last time.

Thankfully, that didn't seem to be the case. She did awake, albeit on a cold table with numerous IVs attached to her. What she guessed to be the last noise she heard was soon found ...

A young man with spectacles and silver hair was busy writing upon a small parchment of paper. Once his ears caught the slightest hints of movement, though, his head turned and a wry smirk mingled in with a smile crossed his lips. "Ah, good to see you're awake and that I didn't just drag you here for nothing. I am Yakushi Kabuto ... "

To repay him - and forced to do so to that damn Snake Bastard, Orochimaru - she served them both though more the medical ninja, whom not only aided her in enhancing her jutsus but teaching her some new ones as well, most of which he had known himself.

For a while, Shizuki found herself enjoying her stay in Otogakure for the most part, managing to be able to ignore the negative presences around her. Kabuto was all that kept her feeling as if she could be safe, sane. As more time passed, her own devotion to him became as strong as her mentor's was to Orochimaru's.

Even when the Fourth War began and Kabuto was fused with the Snake Sannin, never once did her devotion or feelings fade. The latter, however, she could never say or express. How could she? Even when he hadn't been mingled in with the Sannin, it was too much of a risk ... one that could have easily been used against her ... against them should the Uchiha brat known as Sasuke or the Snake-Bastard find out.

And now .... it was, no doubt, her biggest regret; to have not spoken up.

By now, Shizuki could feel herself lightly tossing and turning in the boat, even weakly groaning. But still, the flashbacks continued ...

Pools of blood surrounded her as visions from the war came into view. Bodies were everywhere ... and once again, she and Kabuto were both on the run, the two rather direly wounded. But with their assailants close behind, healing wasn't an option either could really afford to do, lest they cease and get stabbed, more likely than not ending up in death.

Her head turned in concern as she glanced to her mentor, seeing his own clothes weren't much cleaner than hers and stained in about as much blood. She merely stared before finally speaking, "...Let ... me get yours at least ... please."

His eyes narrowed in annoyance at the now eighteen-year old's plea. "Shizuki-chan, you know now is the worst time to be asking to do such a task ..."

"Oi, I'm serious! And stop calling me Shizuki-chan! I'm not a child anymore!"

The slightest hints of an actual smile - not a smirk - could be seen upon Kabuto's face as he broke eye contact with his pupil. "Just hang in there. We're not too far --- "

That was as far as he got before she felt herself shoved away, managing to find it had been from a blade and as her eyes followed whom held it, her pulse raced in fear and anger.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She hissed, unable to help but stare in horror as she found herself glancing up at a pair of stoic Magenkyos.

Silence was all she heard save her racing heart before finally, the Uchiha turned to her. "Run ... lest you want to join him." As she watched the Uchiha mercilessly yank his katana out, Shizuki saw Kabuto's body fall with gravity's help and the lack of seeing his chest rise and fall hint the cut had been as clean as it looked. It'd gone right through his sternum and lungs ... within seconds, her mentor had been killed.

But what had made it all the more worse was knowing the blade had been meant for her. But Kabuto had taken the blow for her ... saved her. It had been the closest thing to an unspoken confession of 'I love you' as she could have possibly gotten ... and it made infuriated tears form in her eyes.

"....You .... you bastard .... " She murmured, barely able to keep her voice intact. Giving one last glare to Sasuke and look to Kabuto's body, she forced herself to run even further, not caring how sore or hungry she was by that point.

With the last thing she recalled being Sasuke smirking at her as she heeded his words, her hazel eyes finally shot open as she sat up, panting heavily. Beads of sweat and a few tears that had managed to not only form but fall were upon her face, trailing slowly down it. Shakily, the runaway kunoichi laid back down, trembling as she held herself.

"Goddamn it .... " She murmured, her arms firmly wrapping around her stomach. Whimpering and shaking, poor Shizuki somehow managed to cry herself back to sleep, the boat continuing to carry her lithe body away ... though where to was way beyond her guess or caring ...

The waves of the tide lapped against a sandy shore. it was the starting hours of light as high tide washed a the form of a male body up onto shore. The body was drenched, and looked half dead, his blue eyes were closed, and his orange hair was plastered to the sand. He moved only slowly his entire body groaning as he felt himself tremble for a moment. His mind was cluttered, and as he breathed coughing up the water he had collected in his lungs he collapsed again into a deep sleep.

~Kirigakure one week prior~

Rain never seemed to stop hammering the small village on the ragged coast line. sea side storms were the most common, with Kiri receiving rain for days. if not weeks at a time, the few days when the sun would arrive were rare, and the harsh jagged rocks and sheer cliffs that marred the shore line assured that the summers sun brought no real advantages to Kiri even when it graced people with it's appearance. it's landscape was harsh and the people here were even harsher.

Malin walked through the halls of the city covered in a thick fog, feeling the rain on his skin. He adjusted the long cape he wore, it's only purpose too keep the rain from his shoulders and did up the straps. Breathing lightly He walked, he could feel the cautious gaze of the world upon him. He was summoned by the new Mizukage, but he didn't know why.

Malin could feel uneasy glares on his back, growing up in Kiri he had been used too it. In times of war the few kiri ninja with kekkigenkai were often put on the front line. For Malin's clan the Kanda's it had been an honor, and Malin had watched with pride as his brother, sister, and even father had all fallen in the war. They had given their lives for the village, and now that the war was over, peace was here, Malin's family had fought for this helped attain it, and Malin had even been there along side them. What ever this new Mizukage wanted to talk to him about, it would be fine.

"You and your family fought valiantly for Kiri when we needed them." The words reverberated through Malin's head for a moment the praise to his name being half of what he expected. The shore line was a while away from the mizukage's chambers, and he was surrounded by members of their anbu. Part of Malin wondered if he was being offered a position... it seemed to make sense he did the work of an anbu during the war.

"But, we arn't at war anymore, and frankly your clan is dying out." Malin blinked well there was still his mother, and that's when he felt a cold shiver. "Tragic news im afraid... but kiri has policies about dying clans."

Malin didn't hear another word, he blitzed for the door. finding his escape cut off. He was tackled to the ground a moment later. He felt his face slam hard against the floor, he coughed and tasted blood.

He Writhed as he was being held down. Malin looked up thinking his life was about to be over, His arm squirmed, and he felt a finger brush against something cold... one of them had brought a weapon.

~On the beach.~

Malin's body groaned slightly as he felt the waves still lapping at him, his eyes opened, he felt cold. he dragged himself. a small kunai was still clutched in his hands. He felt dead, he should have been dead. He groaned again coughing looking up at a cloudy sky. the rain was soft, but it only served to make his chill worse. He could see his breath against the sand. He got up slowly, standing he managed to drag himself too the tree line and collapsed. putting his back against the tree he felt the growl of hunger, and the shivers of exhaustion and sickness. He had gotten out of the frying pan, and into the freezer.

The tight clenching of Shizuki's stomach made her groan as she forced herself to wake up. Stronger ... she had to get more strength to avenge her mentor and she certainly wouldn't be able to even start achieving her goal if she allowed herself to die. Slowly - painfully even - sitting up, she managed to look around with her hazel eyes ... and weakly chuckle. " ... Lovely. Out in the fucking middle of nowhere. Just ... " A defeated sigh left her lips as her head slowly shook from side to side in disbelief, shakily pulling herself out of the boat and standing upon the sandy shore.

A quick study suggested she was on some beach ... probably an island. That didn't mean much though, given she knew of a few islands that existed. Running a shaky hand through her raven hair, she then looked for food; even mere berries would suffice at this point. She couldn't dare be picky ... not when she'd gone so long without any real source of food. Her left hand went to her side and pulled out a blood-stained kunai; they all were stained with the crimson fluid. Some was hers, others she barely remembered. Whom she'd cut down during the war or exactly how was the last thing going through her mind; all she knew was yes, she had killed ... albeit unlike Sasuke, she had done so in self-defense, not cold-blooded murder.

Her right hand weakly held herself, direly trying to keep herself as warm as possible. For now, her eyes didn't even notice the half-dead figure as she walked by; her focus was solely upon trying to find some form of food. Kabuto's spirit must have been watching her, ensuring she wouldn't die then and there because she managed to find her goal after a bit over five minutes of searching, finding not only berries but some coconuts which she acquired via using a kunai with wire attached to it and cutting them down. She already had ideas on how to open them easily in her mind.

Shizuki was ready to devour quite a bit of the berries before finally ... the chakra signal she'd missed upon arriving on this island registered. Her head tilted lightly and her feet barely managed to guide her, help her follow the new presence she was sensing. A light chuckle was quickly heard within her mind as she found herself glancing down at a man who couldn't have been in much better shape than herself. Oh the irony .... isn't this how Kabuto-san found you? Weak? Exhausted? Barely breathing? Seems you're taking his place, hm?

Normally she'd care about only herself ... and part of her tried to convince herself she should stay to that idea. But something was nagging and telling Shizuki not to heed that ... not this time. Practically collapsing down on her knees in front of the male, first thing was first. Setting the food on her lap carefully, she pulled her drenched shirt up and off, keeping her bra on to hide her 36Cs. The constant cold temperature wouldn't do her any good ... how she'd avoided catching a cold was beyond her.

Setting the food down on her shirt, not having wanting the sand to ruined any of it, she plucked one of the berries off. Taking her free hand, she tilted the boy's head back to make him open his mouth and then let it fall. The feeling of something - especially a nutritional object - entering his system would ensure he swallowed without her aid .... or so she hoped. If nothing else, she could help with that ... but only if it came down to such measures.

"Eat ... " The command was in a simple but still gentle and simultaneously firm voice. "Just from a glance alone, it's clear we both - for whatever reasons - need to regain our strength. I .... usually go down the 'loner path' but I think for once ... I can make an exception."

Keeping her eyes on the new figure - namely to ensure he couldn't begin to try to pull any fast stunts - her hands took one of the coconuts. Setting it again in her lap, she then began to perform handseals, a blue aura surrounding her hands as she finished. Normally, her sensei would have used the technique to cut through an enemy's muscle and tissues but right now ... she and this boy needed the milk within more than anymore injuries. After opening the four coconuts she'd managed to gather, she set two before the boy and two in front of herself.

Bowing her head lightly, she murmured softly, "Itadekimasu." before beginning to sip, though avoiding doing so too quickly. She'd need to save and savor the sensations. Moreover, she had no idea how plentiful any of these food items were; and because of that alone, she would need to try to ration everything out as best as possible. After taking a sip that satisfied her stomach for now, she looked silently to the boy, trying to study him as best as she could. Finally, she allowed herself to speak to him again, "Feel free to have as many as you want, though I have no exact idea how many more food supplies are on this island."

Biting lightly on her lower lip, an internal sigh echoed in her head before she lightly nodded, adding gently, "....Shizuki's the name, Shizuki Kazekyo. You are .... ??"

The feeling of something entering his mouth, that was sweet stirred kanda, he swallowed, and felt himself stir for a moment. He kept his eyes closed at first though his breathing increased in pace he wanted to show that yes he was in fact alive. Not that he could defend himself in this moment. He breathed slightly he could sense the addition of food, and part him clutched the small Kunai in his hand. He felt safer with the metal in his hand, it had saved his life, and was currently his best and only weapon, at least till he gained the strength too do something more with it.

As he heard the voice of a woman speaking too him his eyes cracked open slightly his body told him too take things slow, and Malin was not going to disobey to that. He looked her over seeing a young woman in a bra. Part of him wanted to celebrate that right there. If he had arrived in vallhalla this was certainly a good enough reward, but then why did Valhalla have a cold beach. He shook his head this wasn't any of the afterlives. it wasn't even hell. He felt his mouth dry, he had survived seven days in the ocean at large.

He picked up the sliced coconut from her shirt, nodding his thanks as he shivered and sipped some of the milk. It triggered something and Malin found himself turned away from the woman vomiting up yet more sea water, and the few stomach juices he had. breathing heavily he took another sip of the coconut milk more of his color's returning from the brink of death. "Thanks, for the exception." He spoke weakly but still spoke hearing his own voice for the first time in over a weak.

"Itadekimasu." He replied as he sipped more of the coconut milk. Looking at the girl she didn't look like a civilian, and if she was from Kiri he would be dead, so it came down too which village was she from. He shivered again needing to get out of his wet clothes. He regained some of his strength. "We need a fire." His voice was wavering he was still very much weak, and he reached up to uncliped the heavy watter logged cape that had warn before feeling it fall off his body, he stripped his shirt pausing for a moment at pain, as he saw that he had a cut.

It wasn't large, hell he hadn't notticed it with how cold and numb his body was. It ran along his rib cage, but his ribs weren't broken. Luck had been on his side. that was the sure part. He smiled to the woman as she introduced herself as shizuki. "Malin... My name is Malin." He said calmly intruducing himself and taking a few of the berries. He breathed more calmly now, but still held onto the kunai, clutching it, and not hiding it. He watched her, as she watched him. neither of them were about to try anything, and it seemed to him like they were both waiting for the other person to do something.

eating the berries he felt restored. they helped him a great deal, but Not as much as the coconut milk which helped him quench a thirst he never even thought possible. He licked over his lips greatful to this woman. He smiled towards her. Hoping that this wasn't a last supper situation, and he had just been pulled back from death to go back to meet with him. A cold chill past over his exposed chest, which oddly would have been colder with his shirt on.

"where are we?" He asked completely unsure of where he had wound up. It had to be coastal, it wasn't one of kiri's islands the beach here was sand not rock like the harsh islands of kiri. So... where the hell were they? was this the land of fire's coast, was this the land of clouds? Did he some how wind up in kumogakure? That could have explained a lot honestly considering what this young woman looked like. But if he was in the country clouds wouldn't he have just been tortured and extorted for any information? He shook his head. How had he even gotten here?

Normally, seeing an action such as grasping a weapon more firmly would have set alarms off within Shizuki's head. But admittedly, she couldn't blame the boy. Hell, she should have done that herself back before she watched Kabuto take her place in Death. The memory made her bite more on her lower lip, her head quickly shaking as she forced the flashback to go away for now. Even though he'd been able to turn away, her feet instinctively helped her scoot back as he puked. A low sigh left as he brought up the idea of a fire, her head nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, yeah ... been trying to figure that part out. What chakra elements are you though? I'm Wind and Water; at most I'll put the damn thing out before we can create one." The more 'traditional' - or 'easier' method of spooning and cuddling was immediately going to her mind ... but only as a back-up plan should he have the wrong types. No way in hell would she just allow her body to be so easily touched though, especially by someone she barely knew. Not only would it be awkward but she didn't know for sure if he even was an enemy or not yet .... though for the time being it seemed as if the latter. Hopefully it would remain that way.

Her eyes went to Malin's chest though not to stare at his body but glance at his wound. Her fingers tapped lightly against her sides as she glanced silently at it. "....Even if it isn't the worst ... we still need to keep it from getting infected. I doubt there will be many, if any, medical herbs here from what I have seen." Murmuring softly after setting her coconuts down on her shirt, another blue-green aura - albeit this one seeming softer - appeared around her hands. She placed them down on his chest long enough to heal the wound and get rid of any risks of infection then slowly pulled it away.

"Should suffice for now .... " She murmured, slowly standing again to her full height, barely over five and a half feet tall at five feet eight inches. "...Nice to meet you though I'm sorry it was under such bad circumstances." Her feet mentally prepared for her to move and seek out firewood but noted it would have to wait. The boy, much like herself, had questions. However ... she was merely listening to her survival instincts first; or trying to. Still, there was yet no reason to ignore him, though she barely knew much more than him.

Her head shook lightly no as her eyes went out to look towards the shore. ".... I'm not sure, honestly. I stole - well, took, - an unused boat to get here." It then dawned on her ... where had the last battles taken place? Wasn't it in between Konoha and Otogakure? So around the Valley of the End? Somewhere like that probably. Still, the fact remained that she wasn't sure like Malin as to their location.

"Off the top of my head, I know almost no islands; just that a few do exist. The most well-known is Kirigakure from what I was taught but .... it wouldn't seem this deserted. No ... definitely not. We'd already be in front of the Mizukage, more likely than not ... or imprisoned. Something of the like ... fucking paranoid nations. So .... " Her head shook lightly again before finally going back to meet Malin's eyes. "Your guess is as good as mine and unless we can find some hints on where we are, we may never know; or not anytime soon. Though to be fair, I'm more concerned on continuing to live for now; answers on destinations can wait. Now then .... "

Her head bowed as she began to take a step away but then stopped. Separating probably wouldn't be a wise idea; not when neither of them were clueless on where they were. Looking back downward, she extended a hand out towards him. "If you can stand well enough, would you mind helping me look for firewood? Especially if your chakras can't produce one, we're going to have to make one the very old fashioned way probably ... "

Malin watched her actions slightly, with interest as she touched his chest, and then felt his body heal, the burning that wound had felt was gone in seconds and he blinked feeling an echo of new strength fill his bones. He confirmed however that this woman was a medical Konoichi, though the way she spoke about Kiri told him she wasn't one of theirs. He blinked for a moment refusing to move their were questions that weren't important sure, but this one felt pretty fucking important. He stabbed the tree with his kunai using it too get a stronger lift on his own body and pull himself to a standing height.

"Water, and Fire." He spoke through gritted teeth as he held himself up right he could move, and he would live but he wouldn't be running any time soon. He also left out his third element, which was perhaps his most important, but also something that was none of this woman's business, and considering what she had said however he shook his head. "It's not Kiri. The rocks aren't sharp enough, nor is the mist thick enough, and the rain is wrong. Doesn't hurt when it hits you.... we aren't in the land of waves."

He spoke to deliberately expose his origin. stumbling slightly as he walked helping Shizuki look for fire wood, as he walked. He found a thick enough branch that he used to lean on, and he breathed shallowly thinking as he walked. "So what village are you from?" He asked calmly walking along side her the branch helping to take the weight off his legs as he found a good way to hold it like a crutch, putting a set of branches under his arm as he walked. Unlike her he hadn't used a boat to cross the ocean. He had dove in head first.

His full height was a starteling five foot 11 inches. He didn't tower over her, but it was noticably above the woman. He still clung to the kunai that had saved his life, but ot was comparatively less than he used too. His grip was lighter and he focused now more on the area around them trying to find the wood they would need to build a good fire. Dragged some wood around finding the bits that he could as he trudged through the wild finding a drier spot for them to set up a place to sit. He laid back on the ground putting his back up against a new tree as he started to snap branches with his Kunai. shaving stuff off to create kindling.

His body thanked him for being able to sit again as he sat back and breathed his lungs more relaxed now that his body was healed. His mind was less foggy than before. He was starting to recover, but to get too full strength would take time for them both. If this had even been within the land of waves they would have been captured. That meant death for Malin, but for Shizuki it would have been far worse. He shook his head, this wasn't kiri, nothing looked right, and he didn't recognize the plant life here. His mind went too other things that he needed to work on. Like now that he was here, building the fire.

The difference in height suggested he was either a bit older or around the same age as herself. Mentally noting it, she nodded upon hearing he at least had fire. This was perhaps one of the few times she didn't mind being around someone with said chakra, Sasuke being one of the exceptions to this rule. She'd definitely attack him on sight the next time her hazel eyes caught sight of the bastard. The way he spoke of Kiri ... suggested he was likely to be from there himself. If nothing else, that was one possibility down, for sure.

"I will have to take your word on that. Kiri was one of the few places I never travelled to given I had to live .... nomadically for a period of time." Taking up the task of walking, talking, and gathering firewood to ensure things still got done, she slowly began answering each question. The small and still very cautious part of her wondered if this was wise to be doing ... but she'd already given her name. If nothing else, she would wait for the perfect opportunity to strike him down should it be needed; though an even smaller portion of her hoped it wouldn't come down to that. She'd down more than enough from the last war ... she didn't want to repeat those days if it could be helped.

Nodding lightly to her left shoulder, she then went on to reply, "I was from Kumogakure ... before they exiled me. Though .... " She paused, unsure of whether to go on. That may very well be pushing it. After all, Sasuke wasn't the only one whom was after her; just the only one she immediately knew of. But with no guarantee on whom he did or didn't know ... mentioning her former affiliations with Akatsuki and Otogakure could mean the difference between life and death for her. Her head shook as she gave a light wave of her hand.

"Forget the last bit; it's no big deal. But yes, Kumogakure to answer your question." Her eyes gazed down as he began to work on creating a fire for them both. Spooning may need to be used though not quite as much as she'd feared which ... wouldn't be too bad, Shizuki supposed. Slowly, she sat across from him as he continued to work. Her eyes closed for a few moments before slowly opening. " ... I will try to find hints or recall what islands are in existence. Until then .... I ... don't really have many other places I could go to. What of you? The only issue I would have with remaining here is if there isn't enough for us to live on. We'd have to be forced to relocate .... eventually. But I suppose we can cross that bridge when it arrives if nothing else."

Looking around this didn't seem like a place that was on any map that he remembered. though if they both came from two locations, and ended up here than that suggested the currents pulled here for some reason. It was almost like a vortex. this island... was interesting at least. Malin shrugged it off, it was unique that was all. He didn't need to focus on it right now, right now he needed to focus on the fire that they needed to live through the night. He formed a few hand signs once he had a good fire pit, and focused.

He didn't have much chakra left, but the small amount he had he forced himself to breath out his lungs. The small puff of orange caught the wood easy enough and he leaned back enjoying the heat. they had enough collected wood to last them the night if they were smart, in the morning once they were restored to some extent they could explore the island and find more shelter. Maybe there was a local population or something that could tell them more. For now however he moved himself closer too the fire feeling the warmth of it helping the core of his body temperature rise.

Something struck him then. He was homeless, and the last of his family. Malin Kanda was the last of his name. He shivered for a moment hearing she was an exile, he looked at her with some understanding, but didn't say anything. Instead he curled up slightly bringing his knees close to wrap around his arms and shake feeling the warmth and light of the fire. His family had all died for Kiri in the war, and his mother had been killed by them, they had tried to kill him, but failed, and now he was alone with no place of his own.

He had been raised from a young age too not show emotions, and to have a constant eye for everything and everyone. Yet now he was alone and the only person in eye sight was a traitor of some kind. He sighed looking around this all felt like some sick joke as he breathed he shivered slightly coming to grips with that loss was a harsh reality, the island didn't make any sense either. But maybe if they didn't know where they were no one would. It was very possible that this island wasn't on any maps, or had possibly been removed though he didn't like the idea of the latter.

Malin sighed he knew Kiri wouldn't let one of it's own run free for very long. In fact they were gonna hunt them down till they had his corpse and could physically remove and destroy his kenkaigenkai. Which sadly for the Malin was linked to his nervesystem. They could extract it while he was still alive, and if it was one of the kiri inquisitors that found him they damn well would. Malin breathed lightly part of him wanted too sleep, but he had more to focus on.

"Shizuki-san... Thank you." He spoke lightly with a small brush of his hand he leaned forward facing the fire as he put some more wood onto it hearing the moss crackle. their was bird song, and crickets, the sound of the forest which meant they were the only people around, no ambush or armored movements. "Any family?" He asked just wanting to hear about her, not wanting to talk about himself yet, he wasn't ready for that much, and she didn't seem to be interested in asking questions.

Leaning forward a bit closer as well, Shizuki grasped the first unfinished coconut and slowly sipped the remaining contents of the milk. Were it for the common knowledge of knowing she couldn't leave the second one alone too long, she would have tried to save it for the next day. Alas, though, she knew it would have to be finished off before she fell asleep; though with the long naps she took, Shizuki doubted that would be something she would get easily anyways. Her eyes closed as her head found a tree behind her, a deep but soft sigh leaving.

Revenge, she'd often been told, was never worth the time and effort to execute. What if that wound up being true with her? The more she thought on it, the more it honestly terrified her. Even if she did kill Sasuke ... then what? She didn't really have anywhere to go to as few places would dare accept her, moreso with most knowing she had affiliated herself with Akatsuki and what remained of Otogakure during the Fourth War. She was a criminal to most and wanted ... not in a good way. A shiver trailed down her body even whilst being near the heat. She had, it seemed, nothing. Maybe ..... she should have just let Death take her?

The mental contemplations were quickly ceased however as Malin spoke up, making her open her eyes. Her fingers lightly tapped against her sides as she leaned near the fire again, silently thinking for a moment or so. "....Hm ..... I know before I was exiled, they still lived. Whether they do or now though ..... " Her head shook. "I doubt..... maybe my mother still lives at least. But with how good my father and the Raikage were friends, no doubt the latter asked for him to be near the front lines when the war came along. And with how many perished ...."

She let the sentence trail off, knowing he could easily finish it off and sink in. "I'm not sure though. My exile's meant I can't keep in touch with anyone from Kumogakure nor return there." The orange-red fire reflected in her hazel orbs as an angry look crossed them for a few seconds before she faced the expression to fade, calming herself. There was no sense in taking her aggressions on someone who didn't deserve it. "I was originally supposed to receive death but my father managed to negotiate. Honestly though, it's times like the recent ones which make me question .... if that was the smart thing to do."

And as if Kabuto's spirit were not only beside her but corporal enough to perform actions, her cheek abruptly felt as if it'd been harshly slapped, as if someone had done so while hissing to her, "You baka, don't speak like that!". Her eyes blinked a few times as she rubbed her cheek lightly then sighed, her head shaking from side to side. "... I'm sorry. I've had a horrid past week or so and ..... that's no reason to go all emo on you. Though I haven't exactly been able to react to anything ..... properly either." Unlike Malin, she'd had no 'training' with emotions or what to do or not with them. Then again, she'd deny such lessons. Women, unfortunately, were made to defy such concepts; they were too easily emotional over even the simplest things. She'd never be able to pass such a silly-sounding class as 'Emotion Controlling 101', end of story; not even if it may help her at times.

Malin no longer had a home, and Shizuki didn't seem to have a home either. Which meant for the moment this island where ever the hell it was, was their home. That alone brought him a few ideas. He was partly ambitious and he kept looking at this island, part of him wanted to know where the hell he was. The warmth of the fire helped him recover, he felt stronger by it, though really he was still just as drained as the dead man that he was. He looked around the trees provided shelter from the cool rain, and the night sky.

Hearing that Shizuki was cut off from her family He sighed lightly. His family name had always been important too him, knowing that he was now the last member of his clan alive. He sighed lightly. "No I sympathize with you. Really I do. My Week wasn't all that great, I spent most of it at the bottom of an ocean dragged through a current. So yeah I can understand how it puts you in a bad mood." A small amount of anger went through Malin as he gripped his kunai more heavily. Memory was starting to return to him of just what had happened in Kiri, and he grimaced.

He had been lucky enough to live through the fall against a cliff face, he hadn't immediadly been dashed too peices against rocks, and found himself swimming for his life, using a water breathing jutsu that allowed him too stay under. He had escaped Kiri, but it was only a matter of time before someone found him again and wanted him to be invested into something. Outside of Kiri he didn't really exist, save for the few engagements he had fought in during the war.

"I recently became the last of my family alive. My brother, sister and father all died for their village, and in return my mother was murdered while I was away, and the rest of the village tried to take me alive. No actions on my part, just another day in a fucking paranoid nation." If they could have taken him alive they could have extracted what they need, and kept it in storage, that way at least they could re implant someone from the village down the line if his blood line ever had needed to be restored as a weapon. then those poor bastards would be betrayed the same way his family had been.

"So i guess that makes me an exile as well, and hey if you hadn't walked the path you did, I wouldn't be here right now. So I can be grateful for that much." He said slightly happy he would have frozen during the night, and died out by morning instead his clothing was on a branch drying out and he was propped up against a tree breathing and well enough to talk to a young woman who was in a bra. As far as situations go, this was not the worst one he could be, and he gave her a smile. "Thank you." Malin said as he gave her a small but comfortable smile. Trying to open himself up to the woman who clearly just saved his life a number of times in the past few hours.

So whereas she'd arrived here by boat, he was literally dragged here. Ouch ... she inwardly winced and silently pitied him. But if he was like most men, he wouldn't want to know she was feeling such a thing for him. So many males usually had pride --- and tons of it. She'd be more amazed if this wasn't the case for Malin; but she wasn't about to take that risk. Giving him a quiet nod, her head bowed as she listened to him go on and explain a bit of himself. The entire situation was becoming more ironic as he went on more and more, making a low chuckle leave her lips. " ... Sorry, this situation isn't at all funny. But the irony is .... "

Biting roughly down to keep the tears that tried to form from actually doing so, she then lifted her head up to gaze back at Malin. "After my exile, I had to live from place to place. After a bad run-in with Suna and the Kazekage, I seemed to nearly run out of luck. I wandered that damn desert for about four days and by the time I got to the outskirts, I was too weak and tired. And then .... I got found, as you just did. The man .... raised me as his student, taught me all he knew and now .... "

Her fists clenched tightly, her knuckles turning a bit white as she forced herself to stay as calm as possible, "He's dead. But what makes it worse is not only was the blade meant for me, but if he hadn't taken the hit ... if he'd just helped me avoid it instead ... we'd both still be alive." Wouldn't they? That was what she wanted to believe anyways but deep down, the logical part of her knew that in reality, she would have probably died anyways if she hadn't ran away like Sasuke had suggested; whether by his blade or another shinobi's. She had been on the very wrong side and more than enough people would have gladly taken her life upon learning she had technically sided with Kabuto and the Snake Sannin.

Running a shaky hand through her hair, she exhaled deeply, forcing herself to keep eye contact with Malin, though not quite to the point of staring at him. She stayed silent for a while before nodding lightly and speaking up again, "We'll probably need to relocate in a few days; just because I doubt this island will be able to provide for us well enough. The old base where Kabuto-sensei raised me ... is probably abandoned. And if not, he had many others; all of which I recall the locations of. They, for sure, have supplies we'll need and can use. Getting back ... "

Her fingers tapped gently against her sides before she gave another slight nod. "Do you know how to walk on water by chance?" It'd been one of the much more annoying jutsus she had to learn; but she'd managed to do so, something she was rather proud of. Her own small smile managed to cross her face as for one of the few times in her life, someone thanked her. It was a new sensation .... but certainly not bad. In fact, she wouldn't mind hearing it again.

Her hands rubbed against her shoulders as her eyes went down to the fire, temporarily breaking the eye contact to keep from seeming as if she were staring at Malin by now. Gazing silently at the fire now instead, she did continue to keep her ears alert for his reply. All the while during the wait, however, she used peripheral vision to try to glance for other ways to leave this island ... and so far, the Water Walking Jutsu would indeed be the best way. The boat she'd stolen and used was way too small to fit them both and she wouldn't dare swim all the way, especially not without properly knowing their exact location.

That, she realized, would be another thing that needed to be done prior to leaving. First and foremost, she would have to find out where the fuck they were. Then and only then could she truly begin to figure out an idea for leaving here so she knew where exactly to guide them both. Until then ... she would have to keep figuring ways to survive. But so far, that had been one of the easier parts. It was after - when they left here she knew - that their true challenges would arrive. Though what of .... even Shizuki couldn't exactly guess.

Malin could notice small trembles in shizuki's own body, but he couldn't tell who she was feeling upset for. Her eyes told him enough though that she was physically and mentally exausted, and so was he. They were both close too their breaking points, and this island had been the first bit of good news either of them had gotten in what would probably be weeks or even months. She was right about getting off the rock though part of him knew that meant exploring it first. If there were people around here, maybe a village or something, he wanted to know more about this place.

Malin listened too her story, He shook his head slightly if her mentor had taken the hit and died for her than it was really the only way that could have gone down. Whoever struck down her mentor was probably strong enough that the delay and taking the life was necessary for her to get away. Though her ideas of hidden bases sounded interesting something felt wrong, where would they go after they got too a base, sure the supplies sounded great, but what then? was it just gonna be a life on the run with some woman he hardly even knew?

"I am from Kiri, I can walk on water, I can walk under water, I can breath water, I can clone myself with water, do I need to go on? The water walking technique is something they teach us in the acadamy. A Kiri child of six can do it." Malin spoke trying to make some light of the situation. Asking a water ninja if he could walk on water, he let out a small chuckle of amusement at her words as he leaned back against the tree putting a few more branches on the fire. "In the morning when we are more alive, we can explore this island, and see what we can take from it." He said happily.

Leaning back he curled slightly putting his hands under his head as he laid out on the ground. They didn't have bed rolls but fuck it the ground here was soft and tropical, and the fire would keep away the bugs come morning. Part of him wanted too offer his body too the woman if she was cold he could 'snuggle' up too her and they could both be warmer for it, but he wasn't comfortable making that kind of deal with a woman he hardly knew to any full extent. Malin instead just curled up yawning slightly happy that he had at least someone else around him. Kiri and the Mizukage would never stop hunting him, they were paranoid, and that meant he was dead meat as long as he stayed alive. The anbu of the land of waves would scower the oceans, rivers, and lakes of the world till they could bring him back in front of the mizukage to be the corpse they so desperately wanted him too be.

As for Shizuki she would become wanted by the kiri government fast enough. As soon as they found out that she was aiding him, She would be considered an enemy of their state. and there was no chance of pardon from that crime. Shizuki didn't seem like she was a stranger to any of this danger. There was also the stuff that was hunting her, chances are they would want him dead as well. He yawned slightly "Is there any village you can think of, that would give us sanctuary? Anywhere we could run that we would have a chance of fighting?" Malin asked with a slight frown the obvious answer was no, if they wanted a home it would probably end having to be one that they made.

Her head bowed quickly in shame, realizing the stupidity of her question on if he could walk on water. Her head shook no at herself as she inwardly scoffed herself. "... Fair enough .... " She murmured, her own yawn leaving. Taking the second coconut, she finally downed the contents. Standing slowly up, she pulled out some more spare wire and attached it to some branches within reach, ensuring it was above the fire. After making sure the wire was tightly secured, Shizuki then grasped her top, shaking the sand off of it and then tossing it over the wire as a make-shift laundry line of sorts. After a few more seconds of glancing around, she found the discarded shirt Malin had removed and put that beside her shirt.

Her fingers tapped quickly against her hips as she contemplated silently ... then nodded slowly. The blood-stained pants, no matter how annoying it was in her mind, also needed to dry. Her head turned to hide the crimson, hoping the fire could mingle in with the blush that soon covered her cheeks as she silently removed her drenched pants. Within seconds, she was in nothing but panties and her bra; a damn rare and lucky sight for Malin. Under normal circumstances, she'd slap - no, worse - anyone who got this sort of glance upon her. But ... now was different. They were doing what was needed and necessary to survive and avoid getting ill. She'd allow him to gaze at her like this ... for now.

Her head nodded in agreement as he brought up the idea of checking the island out in the morning, "Yes though I'm not sure if I'll be able to join you anytime soon in sleep. I got quite a bit of it - forced but still - in the boat. Still ..... exploring here will definitely be the first step. With any luck, I can deduce where we wound up on, assuming we don't find anyone here that is. It looks pretty empty though so ... I doubt we will, honestly." Still, she wouldn't make any assumptions without proof; and that would be what they would seek out tomorrow; full-fledged evidence on if they were or weren't the only ones here.

Noting he had taken the initiative and gotten ready for bed, she followed suit and lied down across from him on the other side of the fire. It was warm ... enough for her to not complain aloud. Her head glanced up in thought as he asked on other villages. "Well .... there are a select few I can immediately think of. Yukigakure, Takigakure and maybe Iwagakure. Iwa, though ... their leader saw me during the war I think so .... probably just the first two options, more likely than not." A low sigh of near-defeat and annoyance left her lips. Damn her status as a wanted kunoichi; she really did hate it.

Not just because it caused inconveniences like this ... but on a technical note, she hadn't done anything wrong. The self-defense killings didn't count .. not to her. She just .... chose the wrong side, at worst. But for many, that was more than enough incentive to hunt her down. And knowing she was with another whom was no doubt being sought out, it terrified her a bit. They were both wanted in bad ways ... though with him, it was probably mainly - if not only - Kirigakure. Shizuki, however, had practically every other nation's eyes opened and looking for her, knowing she was one of the last accomplices with and for Orochimaru and Kabuto, whom wound up aiding out the leader of Akatsuki.

That was the main cause for her to be hunted down so eagerly; the amount of dislike and hate everyone had against Orochimaru and Kabuto was nothing compared to the feelings for - or not rather - Madara Uchiha. She only knew the name from being with Kabuto when he gave him his 'incentives' - the bodies revived by the Edo Tensei - to ally with him. And then ... that made her wonder more ... had Madara ever actually seen her?

She'd done her best to keep to herself or the shadows but ... it was damn difficult, nearly impossible, to hide from an Uchiha. Her head shook quickly; she didn't want to think about it right now. Her eyes closed as she took steady breaths. "At any rate .... " She finally said aloud, breaking what silence Malin may or may not have been enjoying. "Rest up; we'll both need it. I ... will see on trying to join you soon enough. I really don't know, like I hinted, how well I'll be able to obtain sleep but .... I'll try."

With that, she kept her eyes closed as Shizuki tried to take calm and steady breaths. With any amount of luck, the combination of the steady breaths and knowledge that she was safe -- for now -- would all aid out with her getting some rest. She knew she would definitely need it, despite all she had gotten earlier. Her eyes remained closed, her ears once again remaining alert as she listened for whether Malin would have an easier time falling asleep or not despite a half-nude woman being so close and yet so far from him.

Malin shifted after Shizuki removed her pants, yes he watched her, and really it was damned hard not too. She hadn't exactly told him not too, and even if she had he probably would have ignored her. Seeing a half naked, woman was rare in his life, seeing an attractive half naked woman, was even more so. He shifted lightly also just feeling how much his own pants had stuck to his body and knew that he probably should do the same. Blinking lightly as he kept his eyes focused on her body for the few moments he was convinced that Shizuki wasn't looking at him, aside from those moments he was a perfect gentleman.

Malin pealed off his pants and put them up on the wire laying back down so that he was now just in a soggy set of undwear uncomfortable yes, but actually slightly refreshing to be open too the breeze. He shivered looking over his legs. they had actually fared far better than he had originally anticipated. in fact they were intact, along with his spine, which was always a good sign. He sighed breathing lightly as long as he held the kunai nothing could really harm him, and as long as he was awake and wary of the situation he couldn't be stabbed. For the moment he felt completely safe. He sighed closing his eyes again feeling better without the slogged pants, his movement wasn't restricted and he found himself not needing to limp as much as he moved.

Laying back he considered their options it didn't sound like anywhere in the world was safe save for this island in the middle of no where. He had killed several ninja's of each of the villages she had named, but that was a problem with Kiri being as seclusive as it was. Malin had fought Ninja's from all over the world and from Iwa and now too Kiri, it would be hard finding a village that he hadn't hit in some way shape or forum, but the real question was which villages would care enough to remember. That was the hard part, outside of Kiri he didn't really exist after all, no Kiri ninja did.

He layed back closing his eyes hoping that he could drift off too sleep, and actually managed it. With a small yawn he closed his eyes and breathed deeply, the world fadded away once more and he breathed the night air and the calming scent of camp fire. He made no further motions as he slept rather he did so deeply, and night passed quickly enough for him.

When morning rose Malin had half expected him too awaken too a nife too his throat, instead it was too the crack of a branch. His eyes and ears alerted himself, as he awoke, the sky was an early shade of blue. Marking it as... early in the morning that was all he needed too know. He couldn't see what was causing the motions in the bush, but he could hear it. it was large it was heavy, a preditor? certainly it was something that ate meat... and that meant it was meat.

Malin turned too Shizuki. He rolled onto his front and pushed himself up. The bushes were shaking slightly. He crawled forward and placed a hand on Shizuki's shoulder shaking her but motioning for her to keep quiet. Breakfast had come too them, now it was just a matter of what it was, and how did they kill it?

Sleep came to Shizuki though not quite as easily as it had for Malin. Fatigue had all but forced the poor girl to pass out, whether she'd wanted it or not. Thankfully, however, she was given rest from nightmares -- something she had fully expected in her sleep. Those and flashbacks absolutely adored haunting her, whenever possible and generally when the medical kunoichi was asleep. Though part of her questioned why tonight seemed to be more lucky than others, she welcomed the new change. She didn't just want it, but her sanity and what was left of it needed the bad memories to leave her alone, even if only for a small while.

Normally, the concept of being shaken awake was something that would have irked her. In fact, her mouth opened up but before anything could leave her lips, she heard what must have gotten Malin's attention. A knowing smirk crossed her face as she slowly stood up. Giving him the silent gesture of 'Wait here', she then paced slowly towards the bush. She wouldn't have minded him being behind her .... save the jutsu she had in mind would have definitely affected him too. And this was something that probably was not as easy for him to walk upon the water; in fact, it would be more difficult to resist and she didn't wish to drag both his body and whatever was behind this.

After tilting her head from side to side enough times, Shizuki managed to sneak a glimpse at what the source of the noise was; a wild swine. That only made her smirk widen more; not only did it eat meat but it was a damn good source of just that. As quietly as possible, Shizuki began moving her hands to perform seals. She didn't say the name of the jutsu aloud, but she did mouth it, knowing Malin would be curious. Then again ... it was only natural; after all, they were both human when all was said and done.

'Temple of Nirvana no Jutsu ... '

Within seconds after the hand seals finished, white feathers began to fall upon the swine. It turned and tried to charge towards Shizuki but it's movements got slow ... sluggish even. It went from slow to sloppy and finally ... it stopped and if Malin had a good enough view, he would be able to see that she'd forced it to fall asleep and assuming he put two and two together easy enough, see why she'd insisted he stay back; to avoid getting hit by the effect.

A proud smile was on her face as Shizuki finally motioned for Malin to join her. "Help me with this ... " She murmured as a deft hand pulled her own kunai out. With a quick and harsh thrust, it went through the beast's heart. First giving it a few turns and twists - more for reassurance than anything - she yanked it out and kept it held in her left hand as her right went to one of it's legs, ready to pull it towards the fireplace they'd made the night before.

Malin watched Shizuki somewhat impressed by the genjutsu she used. He was far enough away that the feathers didn't affect him fully though he did feel a slight wave of lathargia just looking at it's effects. He shook it off though when she commanded him to help her. He moved quickly grabbing one of the dead hogs legs and helping her pull it towards the fire pit. The fire was out, though they still had some gathered fire wood. He bit his lower lip for a second looking down at the creature, this thing would need preparing and proper cooking, it wouldn't be an easy job, but damn it would be delicious, and if they did things properly the food had a chance of lasting them a while.

"Okay you give me your Kunai, and go off that way, find some more fire wood, any good chunks of logs you can break off with that glowing fist jutsu of yours would be great." Malin said pointing off in a random direction into the forest. Mostly he wanted her gone, if he was gonna use his abilities to skin this animal, he didn't necessarily want too answer her questions. Though he did require her weapon if he was too work his magic, the metal was something he needed if he was gonna do what was needed to be done.

Taking his own Kunai and hers, he waited till Shizuki left him alone too work, it wasn't that he disliked being watched, He more just didn't want to deal with the questions, not to mention if she found out exactly what he was capable of, it would be bad news for him in the long run. He let the Kunai's drop forming his hand signs, the metal blades of the kunai started to evaporate turning to a black dust. Malin controlled the dust with half gestures, small finger movements and a lot of concentration.

The dust entered into the wound that had killed it, silently cutting through it's skin, and seperating flesh from muscle, though in reality it looked like the insides of the boar were writhing slightly as he stepped back. pulling slightly as a large incision was made from it's gut allowing the skin to fly apart leaving a cleaned corps, and it's organs fell out hollowed and ready for cooking aside from the smell. The metal dust reformed into the kunai which stabbed it's self into the ground as Malin fell to his knees slightly gagging from the smell, but also tired from the use of his abilities.

he looked at the kunai, not wanting to touch any part of that metal. The pig still needed to be washed and cooked, but at least the skin, and ineddible parts were cut free. He breathed panting for a moment as he looked over his work. He was slightly worried that Shizuki had seen it, but at the same time part of him didn't care, he wasn't going to explain it, even if she asked.

An eyebrow lightly raised as Shizuki heard how eager Malin seemed to be to direct her away from him. Upon hearing her own stomach growl though, she figured it was probably for the same reason; he was likely to be as hungry as herself if not a bit more and wanted to get this properly cooked soon so they could eat. Giving him a light nod, she darted off, her hands leaving the kunai buried in the corpse, allowing Malin to use it to prepare the soon-to-be-made meal. What Shizuki lacked in physical strength was easily made up for in speed, and it showed with how fast she managed to vanish out of sight from him.

Her hazel eyes didn't need to do much seeking compared to when she had to look for the berries and coconuts, thankfully, and because of this she headed back towards the camp within minutes. There'd been more than enough firewood on the ground to keep her from having to use much, if any, of her chakra; which was fine by her. Better to conserve it all for later, especially if the task was more tedious. Her mouth opened once again to inform him she'd gotten more firewood but first an odd sight got her attention.

Her eyes went down from Malin to the kunai, seeing it alter after evaporating. Her head lightly tilted in curiosity. This ... was something she'd never seen nor heard of before. The same definitely applied with how he used his hand seals in such a controlled manner, almost like he was using only one hand. In fact, upon closer inspection, she saw that was exactly what he was doing. A light smile crossed her face as she finally approached him, setting the wood down beside him.

"Excuse me if this sounds like I'm prying .... but that one-handed trick ... are those able to be taught by chance? That'd make a lot of the medical ninjutsu so much easier for me. Or .... how do you do that, at any rate?" Though she had mentally noted how he altered the kunai, that could be asked of later. Right now, the way he'd performed the jutsu had gotten her attention just a bit more ... enough to ask about that now and wait for later to bring up what exactly he'd done with the kunai.

Malin blinked this girl could use medical ninjutsu, but didn't know how to use hand signs with one hand? Wasn't that like running before you could walk? He shook his head. It wasn't an easy skill the hand signs for jutsu were too help focus your chakra's on the immediate task they were used for channeling your energy, one handed jutsu hand signs were for when your attention needed to be split between multiple tasks and multiple jutsu at once. Double casting was difficult for most people so he didn't really blame her. And they had time on the island so it wasn't directly like he couldn't teach her.

Then came the other realization, that if she had seen his hand signs she had also watched his work. He bit his lower lip for a moment contemplating what he should do about that, but this was also the girl who had saved his life twice in the last few days, if anything she was at least trust worthy, and the problems they had now didn't really concern himself with how he was going to be treated by her. If she looked down upon him for having an additional ability like his village had, well than as tragic as it was he would deal with it.

"It would take some time, but one handed hand signs is teach able sure. You should know though that Jutsu casted with one hand, unless directly needing it tend to be more fickle than those who are formed with two hands. They have a chance to fail you when you need them most or if your mind wonders too far from your objective." Malin was practically quoting from the guid book at this point but it was a lesson he had learned more than a few times. For now however they had a pig to roast and Malin started setting up a split on which they could roast the boar.

Using the fire wood, and the branches he set up a good cooking set. One of the first skills they teach out of any academy really. Setting up the boar on the splint so that it was properly set he he did his hand signs and breathed one more burst of fire lighting the cooking set and setting the boar to roast. It would probably take an hour or two but damn would it be worth it.

It was about now that Malin was realizing the highly attractive woman was still in her underwear, and Malin was only wearing his. He looked over at their clothing ruined by the salt water, stained, and wreaking. He wasn't really excited too put any of it back on his body. He blinked slightly. "Do you think we can find any fresh water around here? Not just too drink, but too get some of the smell out of the clothing would be nice." A stream or a river would be wonderful, if they could find it, but one of them would have to stay with the boar unless they wanted some other creature to run up and steal it, or for the creature too catch fire and burn. Exploring for that stuff would have to wait till after breakfast which meant he was gonna keep his shorts on, and not really complain if Shizuki did the same with her bra and panties.

Her head nodded in appreciation as Malin finally spoke up. "That's fine. I wasn't expecting to be taught right away anyways; just when you can. I'm hungry more than anything at the moment ... " As her eyes caught sight of the clothes still hanging up, she reached carefully up and lightly brushed her hands upon them. Thanks to the make-shift wire she'd used and the fire for how long it had lasted, they were mostly dry.

"They should be done in about ten or less." It was then he brought up a good point; needing to find a source of fresh water. Her fingers tapped gently against her sides as she looked up again. "Hm ... I'd think there would be something like an oasis or pond around but I've yet to find one. That can be another task we work on after we eat along with all the others we've established, namely seeking out hints as to where we wound up on exactly and such."

Stretching slightly, Shizuki then sat beside Malin, knowing it would be quite a while before the meat was finished cooking. The gradually increasing to-do list only seemed to continue on in her mind as she silently got more and more ideas on what needed to be done. Her eyes slowly closed as an inward sigh echoed in her mind.

How the hell did you do all of this multi-tasking so easy, Kabuto? It's hurting my damn head ...

A small smile crossed her face subconsciously as her mentor's face and smile came to her memory. Pulling her knees up and concealing her breasts, her head rested upon her kneecaps.

When her eyes did finally open again, they looked right at Malin. For what felt like forever, Shizuki continued to stay silent but finally, after all the mental contemplation, she made up her mind. They both already had to wait a hell of a while for their food; may as well kill time somehow. And she could think of no better way than knowing as much as she could about her ... partner of sorts, it seemed.

"Also ... that trick with the kunai ... that was ... ??" She let the question purposely hang in the air, knowing he knew exactly what she was speaking of. He could only deny it for so long, after all.
Malin shook his head there was the million dollar question. He rolled his eyes not wanting too truly explain it, but decided he didn't really have a choice. Sighing slightly as he rotated the meat waiting for it too cook. He tried to delay for as long as he could part of him wanted to leave for fear of persicution though the tone of her voice suggested she was only curious in his abilities. Eventually he sighed giving a small shrug and shook his head willing to finally give her the answer. "It's called Kinzoku Souran, in a short explanation, my chakra infects any metals I touch. After it's touched I can break it down into a fine black powder and control it."

That was the simple explination the one he gave in passing, there was more too it of course and he would take those parts of it too his grave. He sighed slightly hesitant to say anymore on the fact. He was the last person in the world who could actually use this technique now. and he wasn't about to give away any more information on the close guarded family secretes. He shook his head lightly. "It's not something that can be taught if that's what you're wondering.... others have tried, it only works for... well me I guess."

The multi tasking was starting to ware on Malin, and the fact that he was mostly naked around an attractive woman who was also mostly naked honestly didn't help much. Honestly part of him wanted to know how she was so comfortable standing around someone so close to their own age with all the goods just showing off. Then again he also couldn't help that Shizuki kept looking alone. Somehow she looked worse off than he was, and it was surprising too him. She had been on the road longer, and been along for the longer amount of time, so why was it that she was the one that looked like they were having the break down? Wouldn't that normally be his job?

Malin's thoughts drifted slightly too Kiri, how readily they had started too purge off people with helpful abilities, population control being something the village seemed to rally behind, not to mention all of the old prejeduces. Part of him kept expecting shizuki too turn on him. Which all be it would have been messy, he was just growing to trust this woman the last thing he wanted to happen was end up having to kill her, or hell having her kill him. For now they were partners, but trust was a word he wasn't comfortable with, and he had no intention of using it now. He was wary of Shizuki, for all he knew she was a kiri ninja waiting for him too lower his guard. Though that didn't really make sense she wouldn't have helped him out in the first place if that was the case. still she was starring at him, and he was staring back, and neither seemed like they had the ability to talk.

Her head gently shook no. "That wasn't something I was expecting to learn, honestly. It's a Kekkei Genkai ... isn't it? Kabuto .... 'served', technically, a more powerful man than himself; one who was obsessed with them. The Sharingan especially, Magenkyo moreso, than any other. But if he could find a way to obtain them, he was always seeking them out .... or ways to mimic and learn them himself ... " Her head then looked upward as Shizuki went silent. What did happen to that snake bastard anyways? A part of her couldn't help but fear somehow ... he was still alive.

Tch, probably. He didn't even try to stop Sasuke from killing Kabuto and he, of all people, deserved that chance to be saved. Fucking prick ...

With another inward sigh echoing in her mind, she went on to the real point of the matter, "Because of Hebi-yaro's obsession with Kekkei Genkai's, I was taught some basics of them. Though prior to meeting you .... I haven't really met anyone else much whom had one."

She didn't count the Uchiha brat known as Sasuke; not after the stunts he pulled. Besides, they never spoke on good terms ... so according to all she was saying, it was the mostly honest truth.

Her eyes stayed upon Malin before finally, she gave him a soft smile. "You seem like you're expecting me to pull another kunai out or do hand seals from what you've said? Why? When I was exiled ... it was for my own abilities waking up; the medical ninjutsu ones. Kumogakure has a very proud group of people .... so when they saw me doing something as 'wrong' and 'unnatural' as healing ... I think it scared them, just like yours must have with Kirigakure."

A low chuckle left as her head shook lightly. "Pathetic really, isn't it? That people are that afraid over things they don't know or understand hm? Unfortunately, trying to change others doesn't do anything really. All we can do .... " She paused to think on how to best finish the sentence before replying and nodding, " ... is move on and work towards our goals, I suppose. That's ... ironic from me given I barely know that anymore."

Her head continued lightly shaking as she kept eye contact with Malin. "Relax your muscles; they're tense as hell. I can almost literally see them ... but I'm not gonna lunge at you and try to slit your throat or anything. It'd gain me nothing; if anything it may help whomever is seeking me out to find me faster somehow. If I wanted to be that stupid and reckless ... no. I'm not like that."

Her eyes finally went down to the forced tattoo upon her left shoulder, remembering why it'd been practically branded to her before glancing back to Malin. "Perhaps one of the best traits of nin from Kumogakure ... is no matter what, we at least say what we mean and mean what we say. I understand if you don't want to believe that through words just yet. Hell, we barely know one another. But I will say right now .... I see it as much more of a benefit to keep you alive and well, not kill you. We're both in almost the exact same situation of sorts ... we're more likely to be able to help one another out. It'd be pretty stupid to get rid of that one bit of hope I have left, wouldn't it?"

She then finally went silent, allowing Malin to not only think upon her words but let them fully sink in. It would all be his call in the end, she knew but maybe ... she could give him one last sign of faith to help fully convince him she was being true to her words. Untying the pouch beside her right hip, she tossed it next to him. It was full of all her kunai, wires, and a few other accessories. Now all she was really armed with were jutsus but knowing he could do them with only one hand ... it would be clear whom the winner would more likely be and it was definitely not Shizuki. She'd be too slow in her movements; by the time she got halfway done, Malin would be likely to be finished and striking at her with a deadly attack.

Malin had mixed feelings about shizuki as she spoke. She was telling him how she used to work for a kekkigenkai collector, and she was a medical ninja. The exact type of ninja used too extract and harvest oh a kekkigenkai. So she now had ability and motive in his mind, though she didn't speak about her former employer with much revelry she certainly loved her former mentor, and that just made things awkward. Experimentation was something Kiri was noted for having done in the past, and even today Kiri had a bad habbit for people outside of the village vanishing into the night. If you had an ability outside of the norm you were bound to run into a collector, and she worked with someone who had formerly done just that.

Malin's nightmare didn't seem to get alleviated till she spoke about her village, he breathed sighing slightly as he tried his best to calm down. He knew that Shizuki wasn't going to attack him but he was having a hard time fully trusting anyone right now. Shizuki's words weren't exactly helping him in that regard and so he sat back a little way away from her. His eyes not leaving her for a moment as he thought over what too say.

"your telling me too relax after confessing that you worked with a collector. Your a medical ninja, who worked with a collector and harvester of rare and unique bodies. A few more years given the situation and you would be cutting me open to harvest mine putting it in cold storage for some collector to use down the line. Yeah you saved my life, but sorry if I seem a tad uncomfortable dealing with that information." Sure it could have been worse, she could have still worked for this guy that she mentioned.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat before finally allowing himself to relax breathing deeply he came to terms with the fact that she was correct. She was not going to stab him, or even try to kill him. Sure he didn't really have much reason to trust her, but at the same time he didn't have any reasons to mistrust her. Kiri had raised him too be paranoid, and he knew that. Still it got under his skin that she was a medical ninja. Under a different situation this would be a very different meeting, and Malin would be being dissected by her.

Still against his better judgement Malin relaxed his muscles and let himself be for the moment. He sighed breathing out a low breath he had been holding for a while now and felt his body fall slightly. His chest became less pronounced and he was clearly not standing on edge anymore. "I need something more personal than that, you can say that a Kumogakure ninja holds to their word, but your not of kumo just like I am not of Kiri right now. give me something more valuable than that, swear on something you hold close, your mentors spirit that you are not out too harm me, and then I will relax. You may be my last hope for survival, but that's why I can't take any chances anymore. Call me paranoid, but you know full well it runs in my country."

Her eyes narrowed angrily, though only for a few seconds. Unfortunately, she could see where the accusations were coming from; were they switched around, she would have probably spouted out something like assuming that she would have aided out someone like Orochimaru. Taking her own turn to calm herself with some deep breaths, her head shook firmly. "No, I wouldn't. Given the chance, I'd kill him, actually. He wrong many other individuals ... myself included. I was ... I suppose ... one of the ones he was more merciful with though. Still ... I never liked the man nor respected him. Not once, not ever and with him allowing Kabuto-san to just die .... "

Her fists clenched as she continued to shake her head no. "Death would have been his karma. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if he's even still alive. Probably though, hiding away like the snake he is."

Twirling a strand of her raven hair in between some fingers, her eyes stayed upon Malin. What could she offer him? Her body would not be an option -- not now. Maybe with more time and trust ... but now? No, definitely not. Biting down on her lower lip, she nodded slowly. "Well ... if you'll somehow believe and accept the very good possibility that Kabuto-san's spirit is probably close by, if not beside me now, then yes. Otherwise ... I don't have much more to offer. The next best thing would be some form of a blood oath ... "

Malin blinked seeing the offense he had stirred in Shizuki. It wasn't really fair too her that had been for sure. He looked at the still roasting boar, and rotated it slightly to help buy himself some time. He had crossed a line with that he knew it, and the looks she was giving him were certainly heavy. He was acting selfish and paranoid, hearing more about her past now he could figure that much out rather plainly. He sighed giving her a nod she didn't need to say anymore he believed her. It had been tough too realize it but Shizuki really didn't mean him any harm. "I am sorry I know it was rather extreme. Growing up in Kiri you always have too keep an eye over your shoulder. It's a very frustrating, and for people with kekkigenkai there is a paranoia that every day could be your last."

Malin slumped for a moment. A cold chill running up his spine were they seriously still in just their underwear? Not that he was complaining part of him had no qualms with seeing Shizuki in her underwear. But his body shivered slightly all the same. "Our new mizukage brought back idea's from Kiri's past. It became dangerous for people like me. Stories of people vanishing in the middle of the night, people re appearing but acting differently. At first I didn't believe any of it, but than they tried to cleans what was left of my clan."

Malin shivered slightly looking at the fire and giving it some more wood. He breathed slightly not sure what was gonna happen. He sat back in the dirt looking at the boar and avoiding Shizuki's gaze. "So I am sorry. I know I should trust you. Every part of my body tells me that you are every bit the person you say you are. I am just... im frightened. I know what's gonna be coming after me, and your being pursued... It feels like we are in a boat that's slowly sinking... at least the boar is done." As Malin spoke he pulled at some of the creatures skin feeling it tear off in his fingers, to reveal cooked clean meat underneath... breakfast was ready.

A sigh of relief left Shizuki's lips as he went on to apologize. Thank gods that part had gotten out of the way. "It's ... fine, really. Yeah, it does feel like we're both in one of the worst spots possible .... but that being said, we should embrace the fact we were brought together. You're already sorta hinting - no offense - that if you were alone, you probably wouldn't be able to handle your mess too well. Likewise, I'm not sure if I could were it just me in all honesty. Medical nins aren't exactly good with taijutsu or anything .... we're rather weak if you can get up close enough to us." She admitted, a nervous smile finishing off the sentence.

Her own mind and body were too focused on the discussion to recall she was still only in a bra and panties .. up until she saw the slight shivers and then realized Malin was in basically boxers only. Chuckling softly, Shizuki got back up to her feet and lightly moved her hands across the clothes once again. "They're dry if you want them back." Grasping her black pants and top, Shizuki began getting dressed once again ... albeit a bit slowly, to purposely tease him, though not yet for sexual purposes.

No, that was Shizuki's way of getting back at Malin for thinking she would dare backstab him rather than her usual method of slashing at him with a kunai. This, she figured, was more merciful ... to some degrees.

Regardless of whether he'd want them or not, Shizuki went on and gently laid Malin's clothes down beside him, allowing him easier access to them. An eyebrow couldn't help but slowly raise as she sat back down, a select phrase finally comprehending and catching her attention now.

"Our new Mizukage ... "

"... Wait ... new Mizukage? When ... did this happen? Last I heard, it was still Mei Terumī. Did she ... retire or something?" That ... was certainly odd. She never seemed the type to easily give up her position. Had she done just that? And if so, why? And to whom? But what made things worse was the way he went on to talk on whomever was now Mizukage ... that sounded like experimentation and that brought up nothing but bad memories.

It took all of her will power to avoid rubbing the back of her neck where her Cursed Seal was concealed. Then that made her wonder .... was it even dormant? So long as he didn't activate it again, it should be. That made a sigh of relief echo in her mind but still .... the very realistic fear of him being around and alive somewhere almost made her appetite fade.

Almost, however, was the keyword and as her stomach tensed then growled, she finally managed to snap out of her thoughts for now as Malin announced the meat was done. "Oh good, I'm famished. We can check for sources of fresh water and hints as to where we are after this then." A small smile crossed her face as she remained across from him. " ... Don't worry about the lashing out from earlier. Just ... let's just move on and keep surviving together, okay? But I'm willing to forget of it, regardless." And with that, her focus went right to the meat, more than eager to have something edible in her stomach soon.
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