On the Frontier (BassEXE)


Jan 9, 2009
In the middle of the night, the oni princess, Suzuka Hime, had been turning in her sleep for a while now, though she had luckily not disturbed her beloved, Kyo Enzan, who slept next to her. The two were engaged, set to be married within the next couple months, and Suzuka was very pleased to have such a man with her. As of late though, she had a few worries about the direction of their relationship, as she felt that they hadn't progressed all too much lately. For one, she still had somewhat of a complex about her flat chest, especially when she would compare to some of her friends. Since she was quite active with dance though, she had a very slim figure and wide hips that were quite mesmerizing when they were moving about. Still, she had a feeling that perhaps she wasn't all that entrancing to him, and they hadn't even had sex in the time they were together. It wasn't as though she was in a rush for that, but she was still wondering if Kyo did feel that way about her. She soon woke from her sleep, sitting up in bed as her dreams were being influenced by her worrying thoughts. She didn't wish to disturb Kyo about this, but she wasn't going to get to sleep like this. She slowly slipped from the bed, getting into her sandals and robe as she went to get some fresh air. Perhaps a little cool night air would be just what she needed to help calm herself. She felt silly for constantly worrying, especially when they had been together for so long. Perhaps it was just the fact that they would be married soon that raised all these questions.
Fancy_Brat said:
In the middle of the night, the oni princess, Suzuka Hime, had been turning in her sleep for a while now, though she had luckily not disturbed her beloved, Kyo Enzan, who slept next to her. The two were engaged, set to be married within the next couple months, and Suzuka was very pleased to have such a man with her. As of late though, she had a few worries about the direction of their relationship, as she felt that they hadn't progressed all too much lately. For one, she still had somewhat of a complex about her flat chest, especially when she would compare to some of her friends. Since she was quite active with dance though, she had a very slim figure and wide hips that were quite mesmerizing when they were moving about. Still, she had a feeling that perhaps she wasn't all that entrancing to him, and they hadn't even had sex in the time they were together. It wasn't as though she was in a rush for that, but she was still wondering if Kyo did feel that way about her. She soon woke from her sleep, sitting up in bed as her dreams were being influenced by her worrying thoughts. She didn't wish to disturb Kyo about this, but she wasn't going to get to sleep like this. She slowly slipped from the bed, getting into her sandals and robe as she went to get some fresh air. Perhaps a little cool night air would be just what she needed to help calm herself. She felt silly for constantly worrying, especially when they had been together for so long. Perhaps it was just the fact that they would be married soon that raised all these questions.

Kyo slept soundly until he felt Suzuka stir and get up. Kyo was a young man of twenty years. He was a fit man who was six feet tall, possessed flame red hair that fell to the middle of his neck, and beautiful ice blue eyes. He was in a white tank top and black pj bottoms as he slept. He looked up and saw Suzuka leave the room. He sighed. He loved her deeply, and thought for sure that she loved him as well. He was also sure she would "fill out" later on. But he loved her hips. Those gorgeous and sexy hips. Whenever they swayed, he had to fight back a tent in his pants. He stood up and followed her. When he followed her out to the balcony, he crept behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Something wrong, my sexy dancing princess?" He whispered softly, kissing her cheek.
Suzuka figured she should probably be heading back to be soon. Honestly, she thought it might be best if Kyo didn't notice that she was gone. She'd be given quite the surprise when she felt his arms wrap around her waist from behind, which got a little yelp of surprise from her. She felt at ease knowing it was him, and she calmed down a bit more as he kissed her cheek. "Oh...Kyo. I'm sorry if I woke you." It must have been way too obvious that something was bothering her, and she was wondering if he already knew what was on her mind. "Just...a lot has been on my mind lately." She paused for a little while, hesitating to ask her question, but she figured she might as well get it out of the way. "Kyo...do you really love me?" she asked, looking up to him as she rested back against his chest.
Kyo chuckled softly at her question. "Suzuka...you know I love you. More than Captain Pervert loves to ogle women." He joked happily. "But in all seriousness, I love you, no matter what. I will never, ever leave you. Don't forget that." He whispered, kissing her lips.
Suzuka chuckled a little at the mention of Haken, who may have been off trying to do just as Kyo had said at this moment. "T-thank you, Kyo. I love you too..." She felt a bit of a weight come off her shoulders as she kissed him back, and she almost wanted this to last forever. She soon pulled back from the kiss, a light blush forming on her cheeks. "I'm sorry to ask you such things, Kyo. I was worried that perhaps I was of no interest to you that you wouldn't want to..." She cut herself off there, not really sure if she should even mention stuff like that. She didn't want to seem like she was forcing it. "P-perhaps we should just be heading back to bed." she said.
Kyo smiled. "Yes. You know I worry when you worry." He whispered. He then blushed. "U-um....if you're wondering about.....that....I-I'm just not ready....s-sorry if that disappoints you...." He mumbled sadly.
"No...don't worry about it. I feel better knowing that then coming up with excuses." she said, trying not to seem too disappointed. She could wait on that anyway. The more important part was confirming that their feelings for each other were genuine. "Well then, we may as well go back to sleep. It may be a ways from now, but I wouldn't want you losing sleep at our wedding." she said, seeming more like her usual self now.
Kyo blushed. "Y-yeah...but....won't I be losing sleep that night, anyway?" He whispered, pinching her rear teasingly. He chuckled and ran off, practically begging for her to chase him because of his antics.
"Huh? Ahh?!" She jumped a little as she felt the pinch on her firm rear, giving Kyo enough time to get a head start back to the bedroom. The blush had returned to her face, and she immediately went off after him. "H-hey! Stop right there!" He'd be able to hear her wooden sandals clopping down the halls after her, which were definitely not the best for running in. Still, she was able to keep herself upright without much trouble.
Kyo chuckled as he slipped into their bedroom and hopped on the bed. Just because he wasn't ready for sex, didn't mean he wasn't up for a make-out session. He waited, leaning back onto the bed, waiting for his beloved.
Suzuka made it back into their bedroom a few second after, stumbling about now in her sandals as she tried to kick them off. "Geez...I can't believe you'd make me run like that. I don't think I'll get to sleep like this!" she muttered, soon climbing up in bed to rest on top of him. She had a somewhat annoyed expression on her face, but she wasn't all that mad really. "So? What will you do to make it up to me?"
Suzuka seemed a little surprised, but a little grin came to her face soon enough. "Oh? With pleasure." She got herself nice and comfortable before she lowered herself, pushing her lips gently to Kyo's. "Mmm..." Her hands moved to rest on his chest, gently stroking him there as she waited for his response.
Kyo kissed back with earnest. He gently snaked an arm around her and began to rub her back as they kissed. Before long, Kyo slipped his tongue into his beloved Oni's mouth. "Mmm." He groaned out slightly.
Suzuka was pleased with how fhe night was turning out. This may have been just what she needed to put her silly worrying aside and just enjoy her beloved's company. She cooed softly into the kiss, loving how Kyo snaked his arm around her to pull her close. She let her tongue slip out to meet his in her mouth as they exchanged saliva in their passionate kiss.
Groaning softly, Kyo began to lead Suzuka's tongue in an intricate dance, wrapping his tongue around hers, rubbing it against hers. He loved her, no doubt about it. Eventually he broke it off, breathing heavily.
Suzuka certainly did not mind letting Kyo take the lead in the kiss, letting his tongue slip a bit around hers. Even while this could be seen as a tender moment between them, they could get pretty crazy even while they were just making out. When Kyo had pulled back from the kiss, even Suzuka was panting a little from how much they were getting into it. "Mmm...I don't feel like going to sleep after that." she said with a little grin. She placed a gentle kiss to his lips again before she simply rested against his chest "Thank you, Kyo. I feel so much better."
(might wanna rethink the forehead bit. She would have impaled his face. Lol.) "I'm glad, my Little Oni." He whispered, using his affectionate pet name for her. He gently touched her belly. "Do you ever regret choosing me over Shuten? Just curious. He seemed to like you a lot. Eh. Who am I kidding? You gave your heart to me." He smiled, having reassured himself. He kissed her cheek and closed his eyes.

(after this next reply, skip to the wedding? Then after the wedding night, we'll do some actiony stuff)
(Yeah...edited that. XD)

Suzuka giggled a little hearing his little name for her, but he could use it all he wanted since they were together. It wasn't for him to be curious about her decision over Shuten, as that seemed like the likely choice. When it came right down to it though, Kyo was the best choice to her. "Come now. After you were the one to confess your love to me, it only made my feelings for you stronger. I did give my heart to you, and it shall only belong to you." she said, keeping herself at his chest as she felt herself getting a little sleepy again. So long as she got to stay like this with him, she had a feeling she'd sleep so soundly for the rest of the night.

(Sure, we can do that. And by action...battles and such? o.o)
"Hmph, and here I was thinking that I was the only one worried. You had better not be thinking that at our wedding." she muttered, pouting a little as she figured she might as well try and sleep.

(Against who? o.o)
Fancy_Brat said:
"Hmph, and here I was thinking that I was the only one worried. You had better not be thinking that at our wedding." she muttered, pouting a little as she figured she might as well try and sleep.

(Against who? o.o)

(hmm. maybe against a new enemy? Probably creating mutants? If not, we don't have to.)

Two months passed....

Kyo was in the chapel at Kagura Amahara. He was in tuxedo. He smiled as he looked through the crowd, waiting for Suzuka.
(We can figure it out. XD)

Rather than coming down in a wedding dress, Suzuka had been dressed up in a very lavish kimono that had been set aside for this special occasion. Perhaps it was more fitting for the Oni Princess though, who looked more like an Empress now as she also had a special hairpiece. She soon came to join Kyo in the front, offering a pleasant smile to him as she waited for the ceremony to begin.
The priest came forward and began to speak. A lot of it was just meaningless procedure. Then of course: "Kyo Enzan, do you take Suzuka Hime to have and hold, in sickness and health...as your wife?" "I do"
It was pretty clear that most of those in attendance seemed to just want the ceremony to reach its end already. They were really only interested in one part anyway. Suzuka was pleased to hear Kyo's answer, and pretty soon in was her turn to respond. "Suzuka Hime, do you take Kyo Enzan to have and hold, in sickness and health...as your husband." "Fumu...of course I do."
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