Shadows of the Heart(LOTR)-Moon/Lady

Legolas smirked smugly at Valo leaning into him and he flashed Aragorn and Borimir a satisfied smirk before he laughed at Valo. "i'm not beating the hobbits, i am teaching them. you, Aragorn, and Borimir will have to beat on each other." "and what about me!? am i not invited to this!?" Gimli demanded, annoyed at being left out. "of course you can come Gimli." Aragorn promised, just to annoy Legolas who grumbled under his breath so only Valo could hear. "stupid annoying Dwarf... my father never should have let his father go... stupid nosy little creatures anyway, poking at dragons ad such. feh." he grumbled before smirking at Valo. "of course your better than me." he admitted with a grin. "your amazing after all." Legolas purred, flirting with Valo, hoping to make the other blush, Aragorn and Borimir snickering as they glanced at each other. it was funny watching the two smitten ones dance around each other.
"ahhh, well I can do this.'Valo said smiling a little before snickering slightly at legolas' words, shaking his head a little."Play nice."He muttered before flushing slightly at legolas' words, pulling away before sighing as he moved to get up."We better be going. I want to take a walk before we procede to train the hobbits."He said sighing quietly, tiredly.
Legolas sulked a little at Valo. "why do i have to play nice with the Dwarf? he's the antagonistic one! tell HIM to play nice!" he complained before pausing at Valo. "do you want some company?" he offered, glancing around the table. "you could take one of the hobbits with you? Frodo maybe? he's always nice and quiet." Legolas wasn't sure if it was specific people Valo wanted to get away from, or if he wanted to be completely alone, but whatever the answer, Legolas let him be and traded heavy insults with the Dwarf as they started training the hobbits up. by the time Valo came back, Aragorn and Borimir where trading blows with dull swords, fighting as hard as they could... well Borimir was, Aragorn didn't look to be trying too hard. clearly Aragorn was a superior swordsmen, but then, he had been trained by elves, so that was really only to be expected. Borimir was swiftly disarmed, and Legolas and Aragorn faced one another, ready to strike, pausing as they caught sight of Valo,, widening their stances so he could make it a three way fight if he wanted in. they where curious about his skills, and he had been talking about fighting them.
"No, I'm going to tell you to play nice."He said smirking a little before nodding."I will see if he wants to go for a walk."He said shrugging a little before both elf and hobbit went off in silence, just content in each other's company. When they arrived back with the others, Valo smiled a little as Frodo went to speak with the others before VAlo raised a eyebrow, bouncing a little on his toes before striking out. It was obvious he had been well trained, even without a elf in mordor to train him, he'd had a long time to train. Though it was equally obvious that the man had been asleep for centuries, the half remembered swings and moves hesitant and almost wary, as if he hadn't found his footing eyt.
Legolas smiled as the other two walked off, feeling rather glad that Valo wasn't going alone, he didn't like the way the other elves looked at Valo... with those interested eyes, who knew what they might get up to with his Valo! Aragorn and Legolas smirked as he dove in, their swords flashing, starting off slow to let Valo get his muscles back into gear before speeding up. at one point they started fighting each other because Aragorn complained that Legolas 'fouled'... how one managed a foul in a sword game was beyond most people, but Aragorn claimed it happened and Legolas claimed it didn't and they ended up wrestling in the dirt, trying to pin each other down and Borimir sighed. "they will be at this all day now!" he complained, scowling. "i wanted to see you snap them in half." he complained playfully. "ah well, at least they won't be so damn hyper all the time now." he grinned at Valo, lifting his sword. "fight with me? i need the practice, i'm not as good as i thought i was." he admitted with a small laugh.
Valo laughed a little as he watched the two wrestle, shaking his head a little. "Well, at least they'll calm down now."he said looking amused before looking at bormir, nodding slightly."Hm well I'm not a good person to help with that. I'm still rusty myself."He pointed out even as he started to fight with the other, going nice and easy, working on gaining skills he'd lost.
Borimir snorted a little and shook his head. "i don't think those two will ever be calm." he admitted as he shook his head. "just having someone to spar with will help me." he promised Valo, grinning at the other. "lets see how long i can last, hmm?" he asked before thrusting, starting the battle. at first they seamed to be equal, but as time went on, Borimir was clearly lacking in proper technique. most of his fighting was dirty, and his swordsmanship was shoddy, but he'd do well against the orcs... though he was loosing terribly to Valo, the hobbits, a dwarf, and Legolas and Aragorn watching the ensuing swords battle. before long Borimir was sword-less and gasping for breath as he surrendered to Valo. "very good Borimir! your getting better!" Aragorn chirped with a grin. "you lasted a lot longer against Valo than i thought you would... Valo will you show me that last thrust? where you twisted? i didn't quite catch it..." Aragorn admitted, curious about such a technique. it was one of Sauron's favorites.
"Of course lord Aragron."Valo smirked turning towards the human and easily disarming the man with the same move, catching the hilt of aragron's sword as he spun it towards him. Looking it over he smirked,"You know, I might have to tkeep this. This is to pretty for a man who's disarmed by someone as pretty as me."He said smiling a little before walking Aragron through how to do it.
Aragorn yelped as he suddenly found himself without a sword and he grinned impishly. "oh now THAT is fun!" he chirped gleefully, eagerly absorbing the new move until both he and Legolas could do it. not as well as Valo, they didn't have the right wrist dexterity, but they could use it as a 'sneak' attack to surprise any enemies they might come across. "if you took my sword, i'd just get another one." Aragorn admitted. "and then use it to tan that backside of yours." he teased. "you might be older than me, but your still technically a child after all. punishment should be forthcoming." he teased, Legolas glaring at Aragorn. "if anyone is going to be punishing Valo for anything it will be me, and it certainly won't be for putting you in your place!" and they where off again, arguing like old wives. honestly, how did they ever get anything done? "well. i take it teaching the hobbits didn't go as planned?" Gandalf asked, looking amused as he winked at Valo. "well we might as well call it a night. we leave in two days. we need to be ready. Valo? in the morning, i want to teach you how to acess your inner magic, it will help you to know how to carve your staff."
Valo smiled a little looking amused as he watched the others, sulking a little."Hey!I am not a child."He sulked looking annoyed before flushing as he looked at Legolas, frowning a little. Looking confused on how to react before jumping when Gandalf appeared, smiling slightly as he nodded."No exactly, but it was fun anyways."he said shrugging before looking thoughtful and slightly worried."Oaky. We can do that."
Legolas smirked a little. "no, but it would be fun to bend you over my knee and spank you." Legolas teased, Aragorn and Borimir both gaping at Legolas who had gone bright red and clapped his hands over his mouth, looking utterly mortified. ", hadn't meant to say that out loud..." Legolas admitted sheepishly. "i'm going to go... somewhere else." he decided, quickly fleeing as Aragorn and Borimir glanced at each other, fighting the urge to laugh. they didn't want Valo snapping them in half after all. Gandalf smiled at Valo. "it's a very simple process, i'm sure you have already done it since you woke without even realizing it. touching ones magic is instinctive, you just don't know how to do it on purpose yet."
Valo looked amazed and embarassed at the elf's words, and for once at a total loss for what to said. Swallowing hard as he watched Legolas go he turned to look up at gandolf. "Oh. Well that doesn't sound to bad. We'll do that."he said focusing on anything, but the idea of letting legolas bend him over his knee. He so didn't need to think about that. "We could do it now couldnt we?"
Gandalf smiled a little as he nodded at Valo. "you know, it's not wrong to be attracted to another person Valo." he pointed out. "come along then, i know how exciting it is to finally have your own staff." he admitted with a smile. "i still remember carving my own staff." he admitted, hefting his gray staff. "it was also very soothing. most IStari come into their powers during very traumatic moments. like you yourself are going through now, suddenly finding yourself, not only without memories, but suddenly free. carving a staff can be very helpful to the state of mind." he admitted. "i myself had just lost everyone i loved. my mother, my father, my brother and sister, in a random attack of Orc and Dark Men." he admitted. "carving my staff gave me the peace i needed to come to terms with their deaths." he admitted as he settled down next to the River, laying his Staff over his knees as another Elf came with Valo's uncared staff and the carving tools. "we will start in nature, because our powers are always within nature's laws. and our staffs come from nature. nature is everything, it is life, it is power, it is peace. take it into yourself, and then reach deep inside, feel the power deep inside of yourself."
Valo frowned a little at Gandolf's words, shrugging it off before nodding."It would be nice to work on that."e muttered disturbed by his attraction to the elf because he didn't remember if he was attracted to sauron, and it disturbed him to know that he'd had sex. Sighing quietly as he sat down with his staf across his knees, he glanced at the other istari, nodding uietly. Closing his eyes as he worked,carving and easily working, finding peace with himself as he did.
Gandalf smiled a little as he watched Valo start on the staff. it was a cleansing process, and it allowed one to think, as well find peace within themselves. Valo was such a natural at manipulating his own magic and Gandalf couldn't wait to show him the 'strings' of magic. show him how all things where connected. the bee to the flower, the flower to the butterfly, the butterfly to everything that ate it, the prey of everything that creature ate, spreading in a massive web of life that contained the glistening threads of power. every Istari had a gift. Sarumon had a gift with the trees, and making things grow. Gandalf had a gift with Sun, and Fire, light, and wind. that was why his fireworks where always the best. he had to wonder what Gift Valo would have? the gift of animals? the gift of earth? the gift of water or the gift of transmogrification!? there was no telling what Valo's specialty could be, but Gandalf was excited to see what it was, and to teach Valo how to use it.
Valo sighed quietly as he worked, before his head jerked up at the sound of a elf approaching, lashing out with the new found magic, his eyes widening a little as he looked at the reanimated bird he was forcing life into. Just as startled at the sight he let the magic go, wincing as the bird flopped to teh ground again, his eyes wide as he looked up at gandalf frightened, because the only nercomancer he knew was the witch king, and he didn't want to be like him, he didn't!
Gandalf let him work while he enjoyed the peace, smoking his pipe and pondering lifes mysteries. he opened his mouth to warn the elf away, well aware that as connected to his magic as Valo was, he'd strike out without meaning to, and if it was something volitile like flames... well that would be bad. he gasped as he watched a nearby dead bird leap to life and he turned awestruck eyes to Valo. "remarkable!" he whispered. "you have a form of Necromancy! you truly are very powerful!" he admitted before pausing at the look on Valo's face. "Valoiklorian? are you alright? you've gone all pale..." he muttered, carefully wrapping his arms around the other. "what is it my boy? tell me whats wrong." he had a feeling that he knew, but he had to be sure. "being a necromancer does not make you like 'them' Valo." Gandalf promised. "them being necromancers, your magic took the most recognizable path and made you a necromancer. but just because you share a gift, doesn't mean you share their evil. there are so many good things you can do with Necromancy. you can return a burned down glade to life, you can keep someone dying if they are sick, until they get better. you can even raise armies of the dead to strike at Sauron." he ran his fingers through Valo's hair, trying to calm him. "it is not or power, or who we are that makes us good, or evil Valo. it is the choices that we make in life. there is nothing but goodness in you, nothing but light and life." he assured the other. "would i train you, if i thought you where capable of evil things?"
valo trembled looking up at him, fear, extreme fear showing, a fear so strong that he wasn't really hearing what the other was saying, only that he was trying to talk to him. "No!No!I wont be like him!"He yelled his voice high and panicky as he bolted to his feet already running as he stumbled up. For a man who should be on bed rest still probably, he was doing well as he tore apart rivendell looking for legolas needing the elf. needing a promise he had never had considered he'd have to ask for.
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