Shadows of the Heart(LOTR)-Moon/Lady

Valo looked thoughtful as the other talked, a small smirk twisting his lip."No man can slay a nazgul. A elven woman is not male, nor human."He mused looking interesting at the idea, before shaking his head as he turned to look at legolas again. "Would you duel with me?"He said raising the sword he was holding a little bit. "Before we go, I should probably see how much I remember about using a sword."He said rubbing his forehead. Feeling tired and worn, but knowing he had no time to rest, no time to recover as much as he needed to.
Legolas looked quite stunned at the thought of a woman going into battle before he shook his head. "you might be right." he mused before chuckling a little as he patted his own sword, which was strapped to his hip. "yes, i'll duel you." he agreed. "after you get some sleep." he ordered. "your exaughsted, and we're not leaving for another week. you need to stop pushing yourself so hard. if you injure yourself again, or if you fall ill, you might get left behind. take your time, rest, recover. come on, i'll take you to your room and tell you a story from my childhood. i think you'll find it very amusing, Aragorn is in it." he admitted with an impish grin. "you see, we really wanted to find ourselves a wild Chicken Egg so we could raise our own rooster."
"I am always right. You will learn this."Valo said with a touch of arrogance, though there was more amusement then anything else. Glaring at the other at the order to rest he sighed before nodding. "But I feel like I'm being lazy, since I've slept so long already."He grumbled but letting the other lead him back towards his rooms a little, raising a eyebrow."oh?And why would you want to do that?Couldn't you hae just bought one?"
Legolas chuckled a little at the arrogance and shook his head a little. "you are not being lazy, you are recovering. you are resting so as to be in top form when you have to be useful." he pointed out. "if you don't rest now, then what good will you be when we leave? you won't be able to keep up." he snickered a little, "oh NO! we couldn't just BUY one! you see, Arwen had us convinced that Roosters could only hatch from WILD eggs. so we went out into the forest to find a wild Chicken Nest... we found a nest alright, but it didn't belong to any chicken." Legolas admitted with a smirk. "it was way up high, taller even than the highest oak tree... at least that's what it felt like. it was at least thirty or forty feet high but we where a great deal smaller then, and had never climbed anything so big before. Aragorn was convinced it was three miles tall." Legolas chuckled. "but we where intent on hatching our own rooster, so we started to climb. Aragorn found the first problem when he actually got STUCK to the tree! he'd gotten so coated in sticky sap, that he found himself stuck in place! it took us forever to unstuck him, so he had to loose his shirt."

and on Legolas went, explaining how they had disturbed a est of bees, bothered a den of squirrels who proceeded to heckle them, upset an angry snake, which had bitten Legolas on the ass. gotten stuck to the tree enough times that by the time they reached the tangled vines of poison Ivy growing up on the upper branches of the tree, they had been completely nude, and got completely covered in it. "but we where victorious! we finally managed to get to the Nest... the only problem was, it was a lot bigger than we thought a chicken nest aught to be!" Legolas was slightly breathless from his laughing as he told the story, leaning against the bed. "oh Legolas... not THIS story!" Aragorn protested as he moved into the room with a tray of hot food for Valo. "yes! this story, it's the best one now hush, i'm getting to the best part." Aragorn sighed and rolled his eyes and handed the tray to Valo. "yes well, i don't particularly remember it as fondly." "of course not, but I think i'ts funny." Legolas chirped with an impish grin. "now, as i was saying, the Nest was simply FAR too big to be a chicken nest, and we soon knew why... it was the nest of a massive eagle! and it certainly didn't like us so close to the nest!"

"it attacked! it dove, and clawed, and pecked and heckled and drove us out of the tree so fast i'm almost certain we flew ourselves! and once we where on the ground the worst happened!" here Aragorn made a face. "the eagle defecated.... all over Aragorn!" Aragorn made another face and Legolas laughed. "we ran all the way back to the village, covered in tree sap, dirt, bark, leaves, bee stings, poison Ivy and bird shit and BOY did people STARE!" "... i distinctly remember getting our buts smacked good for worrying your father." "yes, but Arwen got her's smacked too!" Legolas stated with a smug little grin. "for getting us out there in the first place!"
Valo smiled a little."That's true. But it still feels weirdm ust resting."He said before smiling as he settled into the bed, looking amused as he listened to the story. Starting to laugh as Aragorn protested the telling before growing serious at the end of the story, trying very hard not to laugh in the king in waiting's face. After all it would be very rude to laugh at a man who looked so upset about ti."That is..truly, the worst luck ever."He said seriously, his eyes shining with laughter."You're traveling with us?I think you need to stay away from birds. I do not need bird crap all over me, I have enough problems with Nazgul."
Aragorn's eyes narrowed at the young Istari, but you could see his dark eyes glittering with silent laughter. "well, you have not yet seen the manner of beast that the Nazgul ride. if one of them where to shit, i dare say all of us would be covered." Legolas gaped at Aragorn before the both of them burst into laughter, unable to contain themselves anymore. "and if you tell anyone else any part of this, i will deny it to my dying breath!" Aragorn complained, looking amused. "perhaps, since my dear freind is in a jovial mood, i should tell the story of how he got his head stuck in an oak tree..." "No Time! poor Valo is completely exaughsted!" Legolas interrupted, immidiatly shoving the laughing Aragorn to the door. "eat your dinner Valo and then get some more rest. i dare say i have to kick a King's ass." "i am not the kig Legolas!" "but you will be!" "not if i have anything to say about it!" "good thing you don't then, eh?" Legolas quipped, enjoying tormenting hi long time freind. it had been way too long since he'd actually heard Aragorn laugh.

later that night Legolas brought Valo's dinner again, an impish smirk on his lips. "i poured honey on Merry and Pippen and they where carried off by Honey Ants." he stated happily. not particularly the truth, they hadn't actually been carried off, but they had spent two hours in the bath house scrubbing themselves free of honey... and ants. "how are you feeling? did you get enough rest?"
"Oh, yes. That would be bad. And horrible to deal with."Valo nodded seriously flushing a little as he thought about the dragon things the nazgul rode laughing as he calmed."Oh?A oak tree?"He asked curious as he ate his food suking a little."I want to hear that story later!"He demanded looking put out that the two were leaving, but slumping back into the bed with a tired look, closing her eyes as he settled back into the bed to sleep, smiling a little.

When Legolas appeared Valo smiled a little, looking up at the man with a tired amused smile. "Oh?They got carried off?I didn't know the ants were that big."He said smiling a little before nodding slightly. "I'm still tired.But relaxed. "he said smiling a little.
Legolas went bright red. "THERE'S NO STORY!" he protested loudly, a hint of horror to his voice, Aragorn laughing wickedly as he was pushed away. Legolas chuckled a little as he shook his head. "the ants are as big as dogs around here." he teased, winking at Valo. "i'm glad your feeling better at least." he admitted. "i had to chase a few curious Elf children away before they woke you up. apparently they've never seen an Istari before and they seam to think your more amazing because your not old." he snorted a little and motioned for Valo to eat. "Gandalf will be in later to talk to you about your training. something about learning meditation and starting to carve your staff, i don't fully understand how magic works so most of it was beyond my comprehension..." there was a pause and then. "did you know that Dwarves are terribly uncouth? the one here, that's going with us, Gimli. he's RUDE!" he complained with a scowl ."he called me a WOMAN!"
"I am. Even if I think I need to rest more."Valo said raising a eyebrow at the other as he started to eat the food one of the servants had brought up for him. "I am amazing, definately. And I am old I just slept in stasis, so it doesn't show."He said looking old for a moment because he just knew that the wear and tear might not show on his body, but his heart and soul did. "Oh. Well, I'm sure that will be interesting."He said though he wasn't sure about tht, but he didn't want to disappoint gandalf by being totally inept. Snickering a little he looked over the long haired elf. "Hmm, well you ARE pretty..."
Legolas smiled a little. "good, if you need to rest, then do so." he ordered sternly before snickering a little. "ah yes but you don't look old, so the children don't realize that you ARE old." he pointed out, looking amused. "Gandalf senses great power in you, you'll be a grand Istari." he promised before snorting, flipping his hair with indignant. "i'm an Elf, ALL elves are pretty." he pointed out, looking smug. "i assure you Valo, i am ALL man, i would eagerly show you just how much man i am." he teased, flirting with Valo, grimacing as Aragorn walked into the room with Gandalf. "still spreading stories Legolas?" Aragorn asked, smirking. "we all know your..." "just because i prefer the fellow male body, does NOT mean that i am effeminate Aragorn! and don't forget that i can still kick your ass!" he complained, Aragorn laughing as Gandalf chuckled and settled into a chair with a small sigh. "i dare say, i'm getting too old for all of these stairs..." he grumbled, shaking his head as he laid something across Valo's feet. "i need you to close your eyes, and focus on the power that you can feel inside of you." Gandalf ordered gently. "and then reach out in front of you, and touch the one that feels the most closely connected." in front of Valo, not that he'd know it, where hundreds of slivers of wood from all around Middle Earth. once the boy had chose a wood that suited him the best, Gandalf would go, and get a nice perfect branch off of that tree, and the boys magic would help him carve a staff. it would also help identify the lads color. white, gray, brown and blue where already taken, but there where so many other colors to choose from. and only once Valo's fingers met the wood would any of them know his color Rank, his power rank.
"Hm true. Though you look young, does that mean you're actually a old man?"he teased raising a eyebrow before laughing. "Hmm, I'm not so sure. Very pretty man indeed."He said looking thoughtful flushing at the man's flirting as he looked away. Despite his life as a consort, the man didn't remember any of it. Couldn't remember having sex, or doing anything like that. He only knew he was the consort because other's kept telling him he was, he couldn't remember. "Are you so sure you could kick his ass?"He said looking uncomfortable before nodding at Gandalf, closing his eyes as he focused. reaching out he shuddered as his fingers closing around the silvery branch, blinking slowly as he actually felt his hand actually close around the branch."Do I break it off?"He asked looking thoughtful.
Legolas smirked a little. "i'm only three hundred years old Valo. not that old, besides, your prettier than i am." he complained playfully, smirking a little as he nodded. "and yes, i can, and have, repeatedly, kicked Aragorn's ass." "only in the deepest parts of your mind, Legolas, are you capable of besting me." Aragorn scoffed, and it was clearly that they where gearing up for a sparring session once Valo was done. of course they would invite Valo to come and watch and/or participate with the winner. Gandalf on the other hand, was fixed entirely on Valo, looking stunned when he was asked 'do i break it...' Gandalf was stunned. Valo had literally reached through space itself and gripped the Tree that was most connected to him. even Gandalf and Sauron hadn't been able to do that, though Saruman had managed that feat. it meant that Valo was either Black, Silver, or Gold in power. no wonder Saruman had wanted this boy so badly! "yes, Valo, break it off, but be gentle, for the tree is giving it to you willingly and you don't want to hurt it. just tug gently and the Tree will let it go." Gandalf explained. and when Valo opened his eyes, he had a long, straight branch in his hands that reached from the floor, six feet in length, so it could be carved to the proper length. "Silver..." Aragorn sounded amazed. "my god, there hasn't been a power level above white since Saruman was born..." and Valo wasn't 'just' a power over Saruman, he was literally the most powerful Istari in the world at the moment. one day the boy might even go up to the final level and become Gold. "it's magnificent Valo." Legolas whispered, touching the branch. "i've never seen anything like it. i will make sure to get you the proper carving tools. Elvish tools are always the best for carving."
"Hm, well okay old man."He teased flushing slightly at the others words before looking at Aragorn, looking amused and saddened by their jesting. He'd never had someone to do that with. Valo was quiet before looking at Gandalf slightly confused."I would never hurt the tree."he said smiling a little as he pulled the stick back to him, looking slightly disturbed at gandalf's reaction before studying the staff he was olding. "Wow. It's pretty."He said totally disregarding the fact that he was a silver wizard in favor of marveling over what kind of tree it had to come from. Before looking startled at legolas' words smiling almost shyly. "Good thing I am riverdell then isn't it?I have elven tools then."He quipped looking amused as he smiled tiredly, the magic that it had taken him to reach out and actually touch the tree had worn the still recovering istari out.
Gandalf smiled a little. "and that is what will make you a great Istari young one." Gandalf assured the boy, trying to reign in his shock as he examined the wood. "yes, a very good thing you are in Rivendell." Legolas chirped with a grin as he nudged Aragorn. "go get the tools Aragorn." "no, their your tools, you go get them for Valo!" Aragorn complained, scowling at the elf who grinned impishly. "i have to stay here and keep nosy hobbits out." "your just being lazy! i can't imagine WHY you think you can beat me when all you do is sit and lounge around all day!" "are you calling me fat!?" "what? i never said that! gods your worse than a woman!" "I AM NOT!" Gandalf glanced at Valo, laughter in his eyes. "they have been like this, all day." he muttered. "they are anxious, they are wanderers by nature so staying in one place for so long, grates on their nerves." he explained, chuckling a little. "this is a Silver Oak wood, very powerful. you had to have reached half way around the world to get a branch like this, so you must truly be exaughsted. get some more sleep. i'll make sure Aragorn and Legolas don't have their spar until you can watch and join in." Dumbledore promised as he gently tucked Valo in and kissed the boy's forehead. "goodnight Valo. remember one thing. you will always be my favorite." he promised the young istari, winking at him. "though Frodo does come a very close second."
Valo frowned a little looking amused as he leaned back onto the pillows, "Well, why don't you both get them for me?"He said looking amused at the two mens aruging. A small sad look on his face, he'd never had friends like that. Everyone had lived in abject fear of displeasing him- and through him saruan- so no one had ever wanted to sped time with him. Looking up at the others as they left, he smiled sleepily. "Oh good. I want to be someone's favorite."e said with a slight smile as he fell asleep.
they both paused, blinking at Valo, looking baffled at the suggestion that they BOTH go. where was the fun in that!?Gandalf looked curious as he tilted his head, wondering if he shouldn't invite Borimir in? Borimir had a fascination for Valo's wit and humor, the sarcasm that Valo could speak with amused Borimir to no end, and the older man would make a good role model for the young Istari. "you are a puzzle indeed my boy." Gandalf murmured, smiling as he gently tucked the blankets more firmly around the boy he had started thinking of as his grandson. when Valo woke, it was Borimir who was sitting, waiting for him, his head tilted as he examined a lengthy scroll in his hands, clearly the man was working on something he couldn't fully figure out. "oh! your awake, good morning. Gandalf didn't think you'd be up until noon, and it's barely past breakfast." Borimir smirked a little. "very impressive bit of magic, i'm told, taking a branch straight from the tree. you must be pleased?" he asked, his head tilted. "Legolas brought this for you..." he handed the other a leather cloth, that once unrolled, would reveal many kinds of blades and other carving instruments.
Valo smiled slighty as he stirred ,rubbing his eyes as he sat up slowly. "Well, I'm starving, and I've slept way to long for just one person."he said before nodding slightly looking down as he thought. "Not...pleased. Just better understanding now. At least I know why I had to be the consort now, instead of just random chance."He said looking thoughtful before grinning at the cloth, "Thanks."He said setting it aside before looking at bormir. "What are you working on?"
Borimir chuckled a little and nodded. "you also did a fair bit of magic. if your still tired then you clearly haven't slept enough." he pointed out, his head tilted a little. "you never HAD to be the consort Valo." Borimir chastised. "you where taken as a child, too young to understand. you didn't make a choice to become that, Saruman raped that choice away from you. you never have to be a consort again, ever unless you yourself decide to be." he assured the other. "and i'm working on a mind melting report about how i'm both not good enough and how the Orcs are taking over everything." he threw the scroll down in disgust. "my father is a bitter, bastard of a man..." he admitted with a sigh. "well. come on then, i'm tired of reading the ramblings of an idiot and i imagine your eager to get out of bed. we can probobly get there in time to join the others for lunch if you'd like?" Borimir offered, flashing Valo a little smirk. "perhapse we can cover Aragorn and Legolas in honey, so they are carried away as well? they have not stopped since you took your nap and their even starting to get on each others nerves!"
"Hm, true. But I'll nap later."Valo said not about to rest all day even if he knew he needed it. He felt well enough, and it was hard on his personality just laying there all day. Looking away at Bormir's words he tilted his head a little, hinking about it before laughing quietly."Hm, maybe I should talk to your father. You are helpful to me. Maybe he should hear about how you are being helpful to more then just him."He said getting up slowly before nodding."Let's go eat. And if I'm going to smear legolas with honey, I'm not going to let him get carried off."He said smirking as he looked at the other heading for the dining hall.
Borimir chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "well, it's your body i guess." he stated with a shrug, smirking a little. "and my father wouldn't listen, Sauron and Gandalf themselves could come from the heavens and tell my father what good things i have done and he'd scoff." Borimir admitted simply. "it's something i've gotten used to... my younger brother on the other hand, still hasn't gotten used to the fact that our father is a dick." he flashed the other a smirk. "besides, if YOU covered Legolas in honey, you'd take extra time to lick him clean." Borimir teased, looking both smug and amused as they stepped into the Dining hall. there where two seats open between Legolas and Gandalf. Valo had the choice to sit beside Legolas or not. sometimes Fate was a cruel thing.
Valo flushed a little at Bormir's teasing swallowing hard as she smiled. "Well, maybe I would."he muttered looking away, flushing even harder when he saw that the only place to sit was next to legolas. Sometimes fate was just cruel to him. Smiling a little as he sat down, he tilted his head trynig not to think about the man covered in honey."Good morning. Thank you for the tools."He said smiling at him.
Borimir laughed brightly, pleased with the others admission. "he IS very handsome... if you like men that are prettier than the women are anyway." Borimir admitted with a snicker. "personally i like my men a little more rugged." he admitted with a laugh as he watched the other settle next to Legolas. Gandalf looked ever so amused as he watched Valo settle next to Legolas. it was almost as if he and the elf had... planned this! "hey Legolas... pass the honey would you?" Borimir demanded, the Elf pausing, looking startled before handing the pot of honey to Borimir, making a face as it got stuck to his hand. "honey is so messy!" Legolas complained, sighing a little. "it get's everywhere! why do you like that stuff?" "oh it tastes great smeared on things!" Borimir chirped happily, Aragorn snickering as he caught onto Borimir's game. "do you like Honey Valo?" Aragorn asked, Legolas lifting a slender eyebrow. "...why do i feel like i'm missing the punchline of a joke?"
Vaki nade a face at the teasubg vefire friwbubg at the honey then the human that was making fun of him."You do realize I can break you both over my knee right?"He growled looking annoyed at both Bormir and aragorn, growling quietly as he started to eat. Disliking the teasing, and very unhappy with being the punchline of their joke
Borimir chuckled at the rage on the others face and nodded. "you could break me over your knee." he agreed, grinning. "we're only teasing Valo. it's all in fun." Borimir promised, Legolas scowling as he wrapped an arm around Valo. "you two leave him alone! he's tired enough as it is without you playing with his head!" Legolas complained before looking down at Valo. "you can beat them up tonight, we're having some weapons lessons for the Hobbits and you can test your blade against theirs. teach them a good lesson about picking on their betters." "hey!" Aragorn and Borimir complained, sulking a little as Legolas smirked at them. "oh please, me and Valo are SO far above you!" "Valo maybe, but not you!" Aragorn protested.
Valo glared looking annoyed at Borimir, definatley not apperciating it. Leaning into leglas a little he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he rested his head on his shoulder. Tired despite having rested so long. "Hm, I like that. Though beating hobbits doesn't sound much like a challenge."She said before smirking."Hear that legolas, I'm so much bettter."he purred looking amused before straightening again starting to eat.
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