Shadows of the Heart(LOTR)-Moon/Lady


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was dark, night, there where no sounds except for the soft whisperings in Elvish nearby. He was laying on a bed of soft clouds, covered in a heavy blanket to keep him from growing cold. There where three people very close by, maybe four? It was hard to tell with how softly they where speaking, and them speaking in Elvish certainly didn't help matters.

Who is he Lord Elrond? He looks familiar, like a character from a story I saw a long time ago.” this was Strider, or as he was known now as Aragorn, son of Arathorn.

You would be right Aragorn. For that is Valoiklorian. The Sleeping One, consort of Sauron. When Sauron was struck down, Valoiklorian fell into a deep slumber, thought never to wake again. The Istari, and the Elves mourned, for he was taken as a child. He is Istari. He must have woken when the One Ring was found, and slipped his keepers.” Lord Elrond murmured, glancing at the supposedly sleeping man child, laying weak and wounded on the bed.

How did you come to find him at all? I had thought him to never again walk free...” that was Gandalf the Gray, an Istari like Valo was. Only older, more powerful, well trained. “How deep do you think Sauron's poison is in his heart?

He was fleeing the Nazgul, as far as I can tell. When the water rushed through the River aided by magic, Valo was caught in it's path and swept away. Fortunately, the Nazgul where swept even further, ad Valo fell to the feet of our Elven Border Guards. They brought him to me for healing. There is poison in his heart to be sure. No one can live so long with Sauron and the Nazgul and not be affected by their taint. How deep the poison goes? That I cannot say until he wakes, and shows his temperament and personality. What will you do, Gandalf, if he proves to be... poisoned too badly for recovery?” Lord Elrond asked cautiously, Gandalf sighing as he considered it.

He is only a child. Surely you cannot condemn him for being broken and abused by wicked men?” Aragorn complained, feeling his heart clench for the slender figure upon the bed. So beautiful the boy was, it was no wonder that Sauron had wanted him. “All creatures can be saved with care and patience, can they not?

No Aragorn. Not all creatures can be saved. There is great hope for Valoiklorian, as an Istari, his magic can protect him better from the poison of the minds, but Valoiklorian was with them for a very long time, we cannot know the extent of the damage until he wakes. If he cannot be saved, it would be better to put him out of his misery. There is hope yet Aragorn, do not look so discouraged, he was running away from the Nazgul, that is a very good sign. If he was running away from them, then he does not wish to return to Sauron and the Witch King. It means that they may not have poisoned his mind too deeply... ah! Look, he is waking. Let us see how he fares. and with that Gandalf moved over to the stirring young man, the young Istari, and waited for him to wake properly enough to ask him questions. Though Gandalf wasn't sure if the boy knew Elvish, or Dwarven, or even Westron, the common tongue of the land. He would have to wait and see.
Valoiklorian stirred slowly, slowly becoming aware of that he was laying down, that he was more comfortable then he had been in a long time. At least what he remembered. and considering that, he didn't remember alot. Groaning little he sighed quietly, trying to remain still, as if even though he wsn't to aware of anything, he was aware that his waking, would cause distress to his keepers, and had every intention of avoiding the witch king.

"...where...."He said slowly in elvish, dark blond eyebrows crinkling together as he blinked the room into focus, pressing back against the bed as he saw the men hovering near his bed.
Gandalf smiled at the now awake Valo and carefully fluffed the boys pillow so that he was more comfortable. "You are in the House of Elrond, in Imladris... or as you would know it, Rivendell. you are safe here Valoiklorian." Gandalf promised the boy, gently setting a hand on the others shoulder. "Do you speak Westron, young one? You are in the city of elves, but not all here understand Elvish." Elrond asked, his head tilted as he studied the young Istari, wondering what to do with the obviously confused boy. "Valoiklorian." Aragorn spoke in the common tongue, his dark eyes fixed on the person who had very nearly died with the people who had been hunting him. "tell us, how did you come to be in that river? where you with the Nazgul? the Wring Wraiths?" he asked softly, ignoring Galdalf's annoyed glance his way. "or where you running from them? what do you remember from before your sleep?" "come now Aragorn, he is sore, tired and confused, and probobly afraid as well, we should not torment him with such questions." "it is important to find his loyalties now, Gandalf. so that we can set at ease the minds of those who will be here for the Gathering. the Council of Elrond will be here soon, and if he is simply here to get to It, then it is better to know now then later." Elrond nodded and Gandalf sighed, nodding his agreement. "at least let the boy have food before we hear his tale. he must be starving, he has been asleep for a very long time."
Valo smiled slightly, his whole face brightening even with that small smile, he tilted his head."I..I do.Some."Valo said switching languages frowning a little at Aragorn, his eyebrows pulling even more together, looking annoyed. "I was running. And I wasn't the only one. Someone else got hit with water."He frowned,remembering...seeing someone else riding in front of him, but he'd been swept away to quickly. "The Nazgul? Is that who was guarding me?Then no, I was not with them.I was leaving. I did not like the castle I was in."He said sounding so very confused over what they were talking about
Aragorn nodded. "yes, there was another, Frodo of the Shire. he had been struck down by a Nazgul, and the infection was spreading." Aragorn explained to Valo. "the Nazgul where once men, they shroud themselves in dark cloaks and armor." he admitted, studying Valo. "which castle where you in, do you recall what it looked like?" Aragorn asked hopefully. if Valo had fled from Moria, he might know a way back in. "he is tired, and confused. no more questions." Elrond ordered as he produced a large tray of food for Valo and a pitcher if pure, clean water. "eat, young one and worry later." Elrond ordered calmly, offering Aragorn a firm look Gandalf chuckling a little as he gently patted Valo's foot. "i must go and check on Frodo. he will be awake soon, and i wish to be there when he does." and with that he was gone, sweeping out of the room with a great grace as he left to check on Frodo, who had barely avoided death, and forever being bound to the Nazgul. Gandalf was so very glad that Lord Elrond had been able to save him.

"eat Valoiklorian." Elrond ordered gently. "you must regain your strength, once you are well, we will help you wander as you please." Elrond promised, Aragorn chuckling a little. "well, perhaps not as you will, too many places here can get a young, curious man into trouble." Aragorn teased, winking at Valo before getting to his feet and heading out to speak to the few who had gathered already for the Council, leaving Valo in a peaceful room with good food and a warm Elrond, who let the boy eat his fill before removing the tray and sitting next to the bed, his head tilted curiously. "Tell me, Little One. what do you know about yourself?" he asked softly. "what do you remember about your life?"
Valo frowned a little,"The shire?Where is that?Why was the keeper chasing him?"He said frowning in confusion.Showing that he really had no idea why he'd been a guest of the nazgul, or their true purpose. "It was a castle. Surely all castles look alike."Valo said his annoyance at being questioned starting to show as his stomach rumbled. Moving, he sat up he picked at the food slowly."Tell this...frodo, that I am sorry I brought the keeper to him. I did not mean to."Valo said as he watched the wizard go, a frown on his face, guilt in his eyes. So, he thought that his presence was what had drawn the witch king to frodo, not the ring.

Looking up at Elrond as he ate he frowned slightly."I remember sleeping. I feel....I slept a long time did I not?I do not feel...truly there anymore. Awake, but not awake."He said struggling to explain,"I was treated well I think.Like a king."He said frowning.
"The Shire is a land to the East, it is a place filled with Hobbits, halflings... little folk. they are a jolly, childlike people, there are four of them here now. you might meet them if you recover before they leave." Elrond explained, smiling at him. "and no, not all castles look alike, but you are tired, hungry, and grumpy." he teased, smiling a little before looking stricken. "no, Valoiklorian. it was not you that drew the Witch King to Frodo, but instead something that is in Frodo's possession. they will hunt him to his death, or the destruction of that which they desire." Elrond admitted softly. "You had nothing to do with Frodo's fate, and truly, even if you did not exist, they would still hunt him as ruthlessly as a rat seeks decay." he blinked at Valo. "you have slept for over an Age. at least a thousand years. when Sauron fell, you fell into sleep. no one really knows what your purpose was, but he was very possessive of you." Elrond admitted. "we do know that Sauron kidnapped you when you where a very young child, and that by the end of his reign, he was mad and would... take his anger out on you. that is all we are certain of." Elrond admitted softly. "with the fall of Sauron, you fell into the protection of the Nazgul, and they would no more dare to harm what belongs to their master, than an Elf would to strike a child."

he paused, examining Valo for a long, silent moment before. "would you care to walk for a while? you will be tired easily, of that i have no doubt but it will give you some goodness to walk in the sunshine." he admitted, standing and carefully helping Valo to his feet and gently helping him walk to the nearest Garden where he helped Valo settle onto a bench to enjoy the warm air and the soft wind and the beautiful trees, grass, and flowers. "do you have any questions young one?" Elrond asked once the boy was settled and calm once more. "i may not be able to answer all of your questions, but i will do my best."
Valo looked thoughtful as he considered the halflings before sighing quietly. "I would like to see them. I feel that has been a long time since I found something new."He said closing his eyes before frowning slightly at the elf lord, looking confused at the teasing before shrugging. "You would be grumpy to, to see your keeper chasing after you."He grumbled looking thoughtful at the explaination. Frowning harder as he struggled to remember any of what elrond said. "I do not remember."he said sighing quietly as he gave up, feeling frustrated.

But brightening at the mention of going outside."I would like that. I miss the sunshine. The nazgul did not let me leave the castle since I woke."He said leaning against the elder elf to walk outside, looking around as he sat down on the bench as he thought of what to ask. " I have any family?"He asked, the small boy looking out the mask of a warrior. Consort he may have been, but he had been among the generals, trained to fight among the orcs and lead on his master's command. But..he was still young, and didn't want to be alone.
Elrond smiled a little and nodded. "i will see that Frodo and Sam come to see you, they are curious, and not as energetic as Meriodoc and Peregrine are." Merry and Pippen where a handful, that was for sure. "and i do not have a keeper, though i was decidedly grumpy that they would dare set food so close to my lands no matter their prey." Elrond admitted. "it is a shame they cannot drown, though i am glad that we where able to recover you before they did. you are a rather delightful being to have around." he admitted, smiling at the other, glad that Valo was beginning to feel well enough to show hints of his true personality. "i do not know if you have blood Family, but i do know that you are Istari, a Wizard, and that you where taken from Radagast the Brown, though we do not know if you where relation to him, or if he was simply taking care of you, there is no way to b certain because we have not seen him since you where taken from him." Elrond admitted simply. "but i do know that Istari treat each other as Family, and love one another as family, being that they are so very rare, had you grown up with Istari, Gandalf the Gray would have made you an excellent grandfather." Elrond admitted. "he will be back soon to check on you, the poor man, he is torn between two children he feels he is responsible for, you and Frodo. both of you where very close to death." Elrond admitted calmly, smiling as he turned to see Gandalf speaking to Frodo and Sam. "wait here, i will go and get Gandalf, and see if i cannot get Frodo and Sam to join us for some lunch. a Hobbit, i have found, is always hungry." he offered Valo a wink before heading over to the Hobbits and the Wizard.

"Frodo, how are you feeling?" Elrond asked politely, offering a smile to the young Hobbit before turning to Gandalf. "young Valoiklorian is well, he has eaten and is enjoying the sun. he us curious about the hobbits, and i thought we might dine together with him. i beleive you call it, second breakfast?" Elrond asked, his eyes glittering with amusement as Merry and Pippen popped out of the bushes, eager to enjoy more food. there where already Elven Maidens coyly flirting with Valo as they set up a table, high seated chairs, and food out for the small 'picnic.' the two cousins where all too happy to head right for Valo to introduce themselves. "hello! i'm Pippen! and this is Merry! it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Pippen chirped, happily shaking Valo's hand. "we heard that you got caught in the river! and that you nearly drowned! what was that like? where you scared?" "Pippen! you can't ask someone that!" "why not? he did make it didn't he? it must have been an exciting adventure." "you might be right Pip, i bet Valo has had many adventures. i heard Gandalf telling Lord Elrond that Valo was as old as the wars! will you tell us stories Valo?" "are you two making nuisances of yourselves already?" Gandalf asked, looking amused as he approached the table. "Valo has no real memory of the last many years i'm afraid, so he won't be able to tell you stories, however, i might just have a nice story about a war horse, and a brave little Hobbit named Entwine." the two trouble makers nearly crawled all over Gandalf in the excitement of a story. "would you like to hear as well Valo?" "of course he does! who doesn't like a good story!?" Pippen asked, as if mortified by the thought of someone not wanting to hear a story.

(you got Frodo and Sam ;))
"Well, that is good. I am not feeling energetic enough to have energetic guests."Valo said a slight annoyed frown on his face before laughing quietly at elrond's words. "That would be interesting. To see a ringwraith drown.I do believe I shall try that next time I see him again."Valo said his eyes flashing darkly or a moment. As calm and rational as he was being, the man had spent to long in the kingdom of mordor to be totally untouched by darkness, and even if he didn't know him consciously, the witch king made him want to hate him at the mere thought of him. Frowning slightly before biting his lip."Oh. Well. I guess that makes sense....I think I knew a wizard once. He was helpful."He said a slight thoughtful look on his face as he stared at the ground before looking up, watching the others join him. And looking just as confused at the elven maidens flirting with him.

Frodo smiled slightly, "I am well.Feeling better for not being drowned."He said trying to look more sure that he was okay then he was feeling. Sam laughed rolling his eyes a little nodding."We do. and these two are always eager to eat."He said looking amused and slightly sorry for poor valo as the other hobbits descended on him. "Don't worry, they'll calm down when they're eating."Sam reassured the overwhelmed looking istari shaking his hand."I'm sam." "Hello sam. Frodo was it?"Valo said looking up at frodo, the two studying each other before nodding shaking hands. "I-well,"Valo looked at a loss for words at the sudden assault of the hobbits demands looking up at Gandalf."I would."He said leaning back in his seat, though not looking so excited about it, he was tired, and depressed as he considered he might be alone even if he was around others.
Elrond looked startled by the dark flash before he shook his head. "where you to see a Nazgul again, i do hope you would do the sensible thing and run away, lest they take you back tot he castle where you where kept, and make sure you could never leave again." he warned, well aware that the Nazgul would not let Valoiklorian out of their sights again if they caught him. "you knew a wizard once? do you recall what color he wore?" Elrond asked curiously, his head tilted slightly before he gently patted the others hand. "well never mind that now, i am sure your memories will come back slowly." he promised the other before heading off to check on Sm, chuckling a little at the other. "Arwen would never have let you be swept away by the River young Frodo." he assured the boy, wondering if the scar, the wound from the Nazgul Blade hurt him badly still, or if it was only a small ache that he had grown accustomed to. he let them entertain Valo while he left to set up for the council, Gandalf chuckling at the hyper elves, glancing at Valo. "now then, let me see." Gandalf murmured as he lit his pip and took a small puff, pondering how best to start. "it was the year of 2015, int he era of Dawn... and back then Hobbits where spread far and wide like the food they so desired..." and so Gandalf told the story of the beginning of the shire. how Entwine had to fool Trolls, trick Vampires, tickle Giants, and outwit Werewolves for his claim to the shire. it was a funny story, and one that had the Hobbits laughing happily at all the silly parts. particularly the part where Entwine covered a Giant's toe with Jam, and let the ants chase off the mighty being.

all the while that Gandalf told his story, the Hobbits enjoyed a meal of bread, butter, and honey. clover grass and fresh fruit, and of course, lovely tobacco that they all enjoyed a good smoke of. "now then, off you all go, Valo is still recovering, not all creatures have the energy of a Hobbit." Gandalf teased the four Shirefolk, Merry and Pippin happily skipping off with chearful goodbye's to Valo before finding someone else to annoy as Gandalf chuckled and waved Frodo and Sam along their way as well before he turned his attention to Valo. "now then, i am certain your quite tired after all of that, how about i help you back into your room for a nice nap?" Gandalf offered Valo, helping the boy to his feet and keeping him steady and settling him into bed. "now then. there is something we must discuss before you pip off to sleep." Gandalf admitted, smiling at Valo. "and that is, where you want to go. there is a place here at Rivendell of course, for you. Lord Elrond is very fond of you, he delights in your dry wit." Gandalf admitted with a nod. "you could also come with me, though my journey is filled with danger that we might not survive." Gandalf admitted pondering that for a moment. "but, Danger or not, it would simply not do for my favorite Nephew to be unhappy."
"Is it sensible to leave a enemy at my back when I could just kill him?"alo frowned looking at elrond before sighing quietly shaking his head."I do not. I will think on it. Life...seems like a dream to me right now."She said before watching the hobbits as they listened to the story.

Valo laughed tiredly looking amused as they left, looking up at gandalf."They are fairly tireless. Even the quiet ones."He said looking thoughtful before nodding, resting a hand on Gandalf's arm as he walked. Looking tired and worn as he settled down into the bed. Looking serious and tired as he studied the other wizard, eyes widening slightly."Nephew?"He breathed slightly, sounding so helpful to have someone. "I...I think I would like to go with you. I have long enough lived free of danger, surely I would do better out there?"He said closing his eyes.
Elrond shook his head. "no man can kill the Nazgul, nor can the Istari, no matter how hard they have tried. if you could kill one then yes by all means do so, but i know no way to manage such a feat." he admitted simply before letting Gandalf take over. who was more than happy to. "Ah yes, perhapse when you are feeling better, you will be full of such boundless energy hmm?" he asked, smiling at Valo. "well yes, Nephew. if i have my Family tree right, you are my sisters, daughters, son in laws son... or something of that nature. in any case we are related by blood in some manner or another." Gandalf admitted with a small chuckle. "this is what happens when a man like me lives for five hundred and fifty years... oh! but don't tell anyone, it's a grand secrete, my age." Gandalf admitted with a happy little chuckle. "i must warn you, i am not yet sure where it is that we are going." he admitted simply. "but i do have to tell you, that the Quest i am leading... well, it is to destroy the One Ring, the one item that binds Sauron to this plane." Gandalf admitted, examining Valo intently. "the Council will be meeting in three days, so you have until then to be completely certain about where you wish to stay." Gandalf admitted. "whatever choice you choose, it is you who must be happy with the decision, alright?" he asked with a smile before he patted Valo's knee. "now, go to sleep my child. you must be exaughsted."

and for three days the schedule was the same. Elrond would wake Valoiklorian in the morning and get him breakfast, and second breakfast, the Hobbits would sometimes visit, more Pippen than anyone else. Pippen was very curious about Valo, and was constantly trying to make the young man feel better and entertained him. even if it was just reading a story from a book. Gandalf always spent his evenings with the young Istari, telling stories and explaining how Magic worked and on the day of the council, Valoiklorian was there to watch, sitting in a chair, almost back to full health while Gandalf sat in-between him and Frodo while the elves, the Dwarves, the Men and the Istari stood there and complained about what to do with the ring. Gandalf's fingers took Valo's when Frodo's voice rose above the fighting, and told them all he would take the Ring to Mordor and destroy it. "Valo... now is the time to decide. I will go with Frodo to destroy the ring. it will be treacherous, and dangerous, and the Nazgul will hunt and haunt our every step." Gandalf warned softly to the young man, of whom he'd grown very, very fond.
Valo frowned a little as he listened, watching the others before sighing softly. "The nazgul will hunt me as fiercely as they hunt the ring. my accompanying you will just give them something to focus on besides a small hobbit with a ring."He said slowly before standing slowly, unsteady on his feet, but trying to be strong."Now, there are some things I want to do, before we leave. I would like to go for a walk."he said the slight frown on his face, because he didn't understand the desire to do so, but he knew that he needed to walk.
Gandalf smiled as he nodded. "then i will be glad to have you with me." he agreed, patting the others knee. "we will not leave for a few days yet, neither you, nor Frodo have recovered enough to leave just yet." he promised the other. "the Fellowship will leave in a week, so don't push yourself too hard my Child." Gandalf ordered calmly. "do you want someone to walk with you, or do you want to be alone?" Gandalf asked looking slightly concerned as the Council spread apart, some to go home, others to sulk in their rooms, and the Order to start getting ready for their journey. Legolas of the Woodland Realms watched Valo with intense eyes, his beautiful Blue Gray Gaze nearly drinking in the sight of the Istari, who had yet to be given a color rank. Legolas looked around, checking to make sure he wouldn't be missed, before he slipped into the shadows and followed Valo until the boy was alone. "Excuse me... you are Valoiklorian, The Sleeping One, are you not?" Legolas asked softly as he studied Valo curiously. "i am Legolas Greenleaf of the Woodland Realm... i hear you are going to be traveling with us to destroy the ring."
Valo smiled a little, glad that his company would be accepted before laughing."Then I will rest and prepare."He said looking amused but glad that he wasn't going to have to leae soon. "No, I will go alone. Do not worry, I will not get in trouble."Valo said smiling as he walked turning his head slightly, pausing as if sensing legolas following him before walking on. Pausing when the elf spoke he turned his head to look at the man, frowning slightly."I am Valoiklorian, thoough I do not know the other name."He said slight confusion flickering over his face. "I am going to free myself of my keeper, not for the ring."
Gandalf chuckled and nodded. "good! we wouldn't want you getting into as much mischief as the Hobbits do!" Pippen was a constant cause of Chaos so far in Rivendell. he was always into things he shouldn't be, though most of the elves took his curiosity with amusement and patience. Pippen loved to recount his 'adventures' to Valo, like the time he'd fallen off the waterfall. (it had been a foot tall but still, technically a waterfall) "Valoiklorian is Dark Speech for 'The Sleeping', so many Elves have taken to calling you The Sleeping One." Legolas explained. "and the destruction of the Ring, and your freedom from Sauron are one and the same." Legolas admitted, his head tilted as he examined Valo. "you have a great power within you, has Gandalf begun teaching you yet?" no, Gandalf said that one could not work magic, if their body wasn't healthy, or they could damage themselves further. Gandalf had, however, promised to teach Valo as soon as he was healthy. "i am glad that you where able to free yourself from the Witch King and the Nazgul, many of the Elves and Istari felt despair when you where taken from the Brown Wizard... my father, Thranduil was there when Sauron fell, and you sank into sleep." he admitted, his head tilted. "I grew up listening to stories about you and your bravery in battle. i could recount some for you, if you would like?"
Valo frowned slightly looking amused, before nodding."Well, I do sleep alot. though I try not to. I feel that I have slept enough these last years."He said shrugging slightly before moving to look off one of the bridges and down at the waterfall, shaking his head at legolas' question."No. I am not well, not yet. Rushing after so long asleep, will cause more harm then good."he said before smiling, his cheek dimpling slightly as he looked at the elf. "I would like to hear about me. I have been asleep so long, that I do not remember."He said sadly shrugging a little.
Legolas chuckled a little. "most creatures sleep more than we would like to." he admitted, smiling. "particularly ones as sick, or as injured as you are. i can imagine that running for as long and hard as you did, before almost being drowned can't have been good for you." he suddenly felt himself incapable of speech as the young Istari smiled and he swallowed thickly. "you truly remember nothing?" he asked, astonished before motioning to a bench. "i'll tell you the story of how you fell into sleep." he decided. "it's one of the most famous stories. you see, even when you where the 'enemy' Elves had high hopes that you could be rescued." Legolas admitted. "it was the Battle for Middle Earth..." and so Legolas told the tale of Sauron and Iseldur and the defeat of Sauron before shifting the focus to what Valo had been doing. "The Elves had ganged up on you, attempting to knock you out so that they could take you to Lady Galadriel, who is best at mental magics and healing. there where no less then twenty of then around you in a ring. you where an amazing fighter, your steal flashed like a living thing as you struck down your foes, two, even three at a time. Elves, Men, and even Goblins and Orc fell to your blade. Sauron laughing and urging you on all the while. soon there where no Elves left to try and detain you, as the rest where far too busy with the Orc, you simply turned and started cutting down your own Army, as if the bloodlust and Battle rage had grown too much for you to handle. there was a look upon your face, one that chilled my father to his very bones, and when Iseldur cut the finger from Sauron's hand, you crumpled as if struck a killing blow. the elves swarmed to you, chasing back the Orc, but the Witch King dropped from the sky like a swooping hawk, and his Were-Worm picked you up, and away you flew to sleep for eternity... or so we all thought."
"No, almost drowning is not good for anyone, even a elf who would live through it."he pointed out with a amused smile before sighing quietly as he sat down, shaking his head."I do not....snatches. Pieces..I remember my favorite foods. And that I had a ritiual for preparing to travel but..."He shrugged helplessly as he listened, looking thoughtful before nodding."Then I must indeed go with you. For surely if anyone can stand against the Witch King of Angmar, it is I. He has long protected me, and kept me prisoner for my...our lord. He will not seek my death, only to imprison me again."Valo said, logically. Ah, so that was why he was going. He thought that if he went, and distracted the witch king in the moment of battle, the nazgul might choose his lord's consort over retrieving the ring.
Legolas chuckled and shook his head. "i doubt even an Elf would have survived that crushing torrent." Legolas admitted with a shake of his head. "you remember your favorite foods? how strange." he mused, looking curious. "perhaps the more traumatic memories will return slowly, over time so that you are not so upset by them later?" he wondered. "you saw a great deal of battle after all." he looked surprised by Valo and nodded. "you are correct on that i am sure. especially as The One Ring fights to return, you are a wild card that no one can be certain of. The Witch King would be greatly punished for loosing you, he will try his hardest to get you back before Sauron returns, though we all know that is impossible without an Istari to aid him, even if he had The One Ring, and no Istari would ever do that." Legolas admitted with a sharp nod. "would you like me to help you get ready for our journey? you said you had a routine?"
"I do. Though I have decided I no longer like rice. The hobbits throwing it at me during their food fight ruined it."He said sulking a little before sighing quietly. "Battle is traumatic, no matter when you remember it."He said shrugging, not overly worried about what he was missing. After all, he could do nothing about the forgotten memories, and it would be useless to worry now. "You neednt look so surprised, Legolas. I know my own value to the nazgul,even if I do not know who I am."He said smiling quietly, staring at the water."I am the wild card that he thinks will bring back sauron. After all, I was his named consort."He shrugged before nodding."I would. I would like to choose a sword for myself.Preferably one of elven make, since your people have the orc detecting blades."
Legolas laughed a little at that and nodded. "yes, those hobbits are tricky little imps." he agreed before nodding. "yes, Battle is... awful." he agreed softly before shaking his head. "it is not surprise, but shock. that you would risk your own safety for near strangers. there are not many with such a pure heart as you, Valoiklorian. you are a very good man. come, i will lead you to the armory. we have many fine weapons, swords, bows and arrows, axes and spikes and pikes and we even have a staff or two, though Gandalf will have you carving your own Wizards staff. it's tradition." Legolas admitted as he led the way into a massive room, lined wall to wall with expertly made weapons, all of which where stored correctly along the walls or wrapped in cloth to protect them. Elves took their weapons seriously. "you choose, i will wait here." Legolas promised, settling onto a bench to allow Valo to choose his own weapon as he pleased.
Valo glanced at the other, shrugging slightly."Not good, just realistic. The nazgul will be hunting me either way, if I come with you, I have more chance of seeing us botht through this alive, then if we seperated. So not so helpful."He said shrugging as he walked through the doorway looking over the weapons."Tell me more about the nazgul. I do not remember everything, and if I must fight them, I would like to have you bring my memories back."He said looking eager as he looked over the weapons before picking up a slender, well balanced sword before getting a belt and sword seath for it before looking at legolas.
Legolas smirked a little. "you cannot hide from me 'He Who Sleeps'. i know you more than you think i do." he teased with a playful grin before he shuddered. "the Nazgul, also known as Ring Wraiths, or simply 'The Nine'. back in the ages of old, Sauron was known as Annitor, and he pretended to be good and wise. he tutored Elves, and it was he who gave the knowledge to make The Rings of Power in the land of Eregion. the Elves made a total of Sixteen rings, all with names and all with a power of their own, Three of those rings where made more powerful than the other thirteen. when Sauron forged the One Ring, in the fires of Mordor, the Elves became aware, and took off their own rings, and managed to foil Sauron's plot to control them all. in his rage, Sauron swept out of Mordor with an army, and razed Eregion to nothing. the three Rings of Power had been sent away, but Sauron manged to claim the others for himself, gathering them up, he killed the creator of the rings, and was chased back to his own stronghold in Morder by the armies of Numengaurd. he gave seven of the remaining Rings to the Dwarves, hoping to turn them to his side, and he failed. they where mostly immune to the weaker magics of the rings... the other nine rings however... well they where given to Men. ad Men as we know, are greedy."

"the Nine Rings twisted the men into beings of great Evil, that answer only to Sauron and The One Ring. with the loss of the One Ring, the three Rings of Power where safe to use again by the Elves. Galadriel holds one even now, using it to try and sway the power of the One Ring, pulling it's effects as much as she can." he paused. "that is really all that we truly know about the Nazgul. over the centuries many have tried to kill them. they have been stabbed, drowned, poisoned, tortured, dropped from great heights ad even crushed, and always there is nine. they are as immortal as a creature can be, and it is said that no man can kill them. over the course of history, even their human names have been forgotten, and no one knows who they once where. they are tuned to The One Ring, like hounds to the rabbit scent, and the Witch King is their commander. he's the one that was supposed to be guarding you, and he's the one who hunts the One Ring, more so than the others. that's all anyone knows about them, as far as i know."
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