Division Four's problems (Malin and Airi)

The hollow grunted as He was shoved back by Rei's kick. Once again her fiesty nature spiced things up as He fell back, his grip against her body gone as she had kicked him. The hollow's eyes however never left his sisters body. The hollow almost wanted to celebrate the fact that she was a fighter, but he also didn't want Rei escaping him. He had moved her Zanpakuto away from her before he had began this confrontation and as she had kicked him, he was now the one closest too it.

Reaching out he grabbed it before she could fully break free of her restraints. Holding it in his hands he stood up too Yuan's full height towering over His sister he walked forward his steps heavy against the hard wood floor, his eyes searched her imposingly. "Oh you are good Rei, Please struggle for me some more." He said happily he didn't unsheathe her zanpakuto instead walking towards her with the sheith he stepped on her back pushing her breasts into the ground, and stopping her from moving. "Your right, dear sister of course I should get off you."

The hollow smiled his foot on her soft back rubbing her light skin, he let her sheathe drop lightly against her ass. the slender wooden shaft resting between her cheeks. "I tried to delve into the main coarse but I didn't do any for play, that was careless of me, I should make sure your nice and stretched out before I let Yuan fuck you." The hollow smiled threatening her with slender sheath of her own weapon. "Lord knows we should have some fun with this." He said with a sadistic smile, pressing down on the weapon ever so slightly so that it could find the proper entrance to her anal area.
She was slow, she couldn't help but thought. Much slower than usual. If it was a regular fight with a Hollow, Rei would probably have been able to break free of the Bakudo minutes ago. Yet, as things evolved, before it all could happen, Yuan's full weight was on top of the blonde girl. It didn't help that her body couldn't stop trembling, especially when she felt the smooth surface of her zanpakuto's sheath gliding along her ass cheeks. The Hollow's action reminded her of the time when the Hollow first told her about Yuan's darkest desires. Could it be that what the Hollow was about to do with the zanpakuto part of Yuan's own desire as well? Rei shook her the thought away persistently, her grey eyes wincing and her breath ragged against the hard wooden floor. She must have more faith in her brother. She needed to, if she wanted to keep her sanity.

When the Hollow found her entrance, Rei gritted her teeth and winced more. The shame and humiliation that she felt far surpassed the pain of having her arms and body bent in unnatural, uncomfortable ways that the Hollow was pinning her to. At the very least, though, she confided in the knowledge that her brother was fast asleep and unable to witness what was befalling her. "... Why Yuan?" She managed to voice a cracked question to the Hollow. "Why did you have to possess my brother? Why... us?"
"You really don't get it do you." The hollow spoke with some glee as Rei continued to miss the funnest part of all of this. There was no why about this, and the hollow leaned in pressing the sheath of Rei's own zanpakuto into her anus, making sure that it started too go into her body as he pushed on the hilt of the blade rubbing and moving it around as he started too have it enter her body. The tight anus of a virgin seemed to put up a lot of resistance against the hard wood shaft of the zanpakuto's sheath. and the hollow let out a small round of laughter enjoying every second of watching his little sister squirm and writh as he began too abuse her body. He was feeling exeralation as he took joy in messing with Rei's head.

"I didn't posses Yuan... I am Yuan!" The hollow let out another small short burst of laughter as he pushed down harder on the sheath pushing it deeper inside Rei's body. "I told you, I am every little secret that Yuan has never told you. I was there from the begining in that little shit whole you called a home, and I will be there in the end when Yuan get's dissected. I am not a tag along, but the best part is... you helped set me free."
Rei let out a pained gasp as she felt the hard sleek wood of her zanpakuto sheath forcing into her anus. It was a pain that she'd never experienced before. She struggled helplessly, only to find that each of her movement only made it easier for her violator to hurt her even more. In the end, she pressed her forehead to the floor and bit at her lower lip, not wanting to give the Hollow the satisfaction of hearing her scream.

The Hollow's revelation struck at her like a thunder. It caught her completely off-guard and when the sheath was shoved deeper into her abdomen, she couldn't even prevent a choking cry escaping from her mouth. "N-no... That's... impossible..." Tears began to roll down from her grey eyes once again. With much difficulty, she turned over her shoulder, seeing Yuan towering imposingly above her. A gleeful smile decorated his expression as he continued violating her with none other than her own zanpakuto. "It can't be..."
The hollow leaned in a little closer, still playing with the slender sheath that he now moved inside her lightly. The hollow was using smaller movements with the weapon not wanting to break Rei before he could have some real fun with her, but instead moved it around inside her lightly. Taking things slowly so that her body could adjust a little more to having something as long and hard as her sheath pushed inside her. He leaned over her body lightly working the sheath with one hand pushing it up and down and slowly forcing her to take it.

"Oh it's very possible, and all of it is your fault." The hollow said with a light smile as he leaned in over Rei's head, His foot rubbed the smooth skin along her back enjoying the small cries she made as he did every single movement. "Given enough time you will come too realize that, but tonight isn't about how you helped me, Tonight is about how I am gonna help myself too you."
Rei gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as she felt her anal walls continued to stretch more and more in reaction to the Hollow's ministrations. He slowly tortured her both with his actions and words. By itself, the torture wasn't unexpected, but what surprised the blonde more was how easy he got inside her, both literally and figuratively. Naturally, the fact that it was closely related to Yuan made her weaknesses all the more exposed, but there was also something more...

"I-I have... no idea... what you're... talking about... Ah!" She jerked slightly when the Hollow first stroke her back. Then, as the action was repeated, a moan that had almost nothing to do with the pain slipped out of her lips. There was an odd and disturbing feeling of pleasure emerging from the combination of his painful thrusting and gentle caresses, which, if she gave enough focus on, might as well make things less torturous for her. Rei shook the thought away, surprised at how low she could have become just from such little abuse.
The hollow made an audiable Oh sound as he seemed too have found a weakness of his sisters. his hand went over her body again tracing his fingers along her spine looking for any sensitive spots he could rub her while at the same time still moving the shaft of the sheath inside her body hearing her moan did something interesting too the hollow, he liked it as much as her earlier cries, and now seemed too want too hear more. He leaned over her body and licked her neck lightly dragging his tongue down her back and enjoying the taste of her skin. His nails dug into her body scratching her leaving white marks as he went, and all the while he continued to push and pull at the sheath inside her moving it harder and faster as he played with her body.

"Isn't it obvious Rei, I am gonna make you into a proper woman. They way only your brother can." The hollow's voice was different now that it was more aroused, enjoying her suffering sure, but also lower, and much darker. It was still the voice of many, but it was now a low whisper. "Moan, cry, make any noise you want little Rei, your our's now."
A shiver ran down Rei's body as she felt her brother's touches. His tongue was warm and teasing as it glided down her smooth skin, inviting another moan to emerge from her. Her breaths soon turned into small pants, forming a foggy patch on the hard surface of the floor. The smooth wood scraped lightly on her damp cheek as her brother increased his pace, bouncing her whole body forward with each thrust. Each movement he made with her zanpakuto sheath created small whimper and sobs from the small blonde.

She knew she had to fight back, to stop Yuan from doing these things to her. Yet, she felt so helpless and lost. The more the Hollow treated her gently, the closer he seemed to her as her actual brother, and the more difficult it was for her to struggle. The Hollow's accusation especially hit home hard. After hundreds of years, only now did she discover Yuan's true feelings about her, and all this time she'd left him to suffer alone. The thought haunted her as she lied there moaning and crying, unwittingly giving the Hollow what he had sadistically asked of her.
The hollow was gaining a lot of satisfaction from the tortures he inflicted on Rei's body but there was one torture that the hollow couldn't wait to inflict. He withdrew the sheath from Rei's anus tossing it behind him as he adjusted himself leaning over Rei's body he lifted her ass up into the air. His hand rubbed against her pussy for a moment, feeling the smooth wet skin of her forbidden area, as he lifted her up so that her pussy was at level with his cock. "Now that you have been softened up Rei, shall we begin on the main coarse of the evening?"

The hollow leaned forward pressing the tip of his cock against her pussy his nails digging into her hips with some anticipation. He breathed deeply as he thrusted inside her for the first time, pushing into her virgin folds as his cock took it's rightful place. He leaned over Rei. His nails digging into her body as he held her, his cock now inside her. "Shame really had you just payed a little more attention, maybe all of this could have been avoided." The Hollow pressed and pried at the one place he knew was weakest, using her feelings against her for the most satisfaction he could take.
Rei let out a glad sigh when the Hollow finally let the sheath out of her body. However, before she could further celebrate her freedom, the girl felt her hips being raised and panic started to surge all over again. She revived her attempt to resist, but was quickly subdued when she felt Yuan's own fingers stroking her sex, luring a breathy moan out of her. She was surprised to hear how slick she was actually down there.

"N-no... Stop... Ah!" Her words fell useless as she soon felt Yuan entering her. She curled helplessly onto the floor, her mouth letting out a pained cry as her brother's hot shaft forced its way through her walls, and eventually pierced through her hymen. Even the pain from having his nails digging on the delicate skin on her hips wasn't enough to distract her from the one coming from her nether region. But even more painful was the words that were uttered by the Hollow next.

"... I-I'm so sorry, Brother..." More tears rolled down to her cheeks as she muttered her answer quietly. She couldn't even face her abuser in the eye anymore, the shame and guilt that she felt rendered it impossible for her to directly see the face of her brother. She had failed him as his sister. And to think that she ever promised that she would protect him...
Yuan's nails dug into his sisters soft skin holding her as he began to move inside her slowly at first as he took his time enjoying Rei's soft curves and bodies. His nails digging into her as his body pushed against her tight body. His hands caressed along her back stroking her spine tenderly as he dug his nails into her and dragged soft white lines along her body.

He grabbed her shoulder with one hand lifting up her chest from the floor letting her small breasts hang free and using his own natural strength to make sure that she stayed suspended in air as his body slapped against hers. The hollow panted with every breath as he felt his sisters tight walls around his cock. Oddly this was what both Yuan and the hollow wanted, and it felt fantastic to finally have his sister in his hands. The moment made better by her tears and sobs as he held her body. As she apologized he laughed slightly.

"You feel fantastic." The hollow said happily. He was loving every inch that he forced his sister to take. Happy that he could have His own sisters first time. He moved his hips and spread her legs a little more giving him a wider access to her body. "I am gonna enjoy having you around. Just think Rei. We could do this every night for the rest of your life."
Rei couldn't even answer to the Hollow's words anymore, only sobbing and moaning as he continuously forced himself on her. Blood began to trickle down to her thigh, and its presence did lessen the pain but only for very slightly. She was marked as his brother's now. Nothing that she did next would ever erase that fact. Still, to have her first time taken that way, and by the very person that she care about and honor the most in the world...

"... I-is Yuan... enjoying this?" she asked weakly. Her will to fight was completely broken as it was, and she was only looking forward for it all to finally end. At the very least, she wanted to know if Yuan would feel good about it, and not tortured like what she would like to think. "I-if we do this every night... Will he still enjoy it?"
The hollow leaned his body more against Rei's his hips rocking against her harder as he fucked her tight body taking no mercy on her virgin body. His hand reached down and caressed her breast as he licked her neck with a twisted grin on his face. He let out soft panting sighs, and shook his head. "There is a vast difference between loving someone, and taking them." The hollow said more than happily. As he caressed and abused her body pushing her limits harder and harder.

"Yuan wanted you for years, wanted to love you not as a sister, but a true lover. He just never had the courage to take any steps towards it." The hollow sucked on her neck bitting down on her soft sensitive flesh and enjoying every second of her soft moans and cries. "Me I don't want you as a lover, I see you for the toy you are. Something I can break and play with at my pleasure. No Yuan isn't enjoying himself right now, but you can bet that I am."[/color] His grip on her breast tightened as he pulled at her nipple. His hot breath on her skin as he panted.
She whimpered and sobbed as the Hollow began increasing his pace, tortured between pleasure and pain as his hand and tongue graced her sensitive skin. Beads of perspiration began to dot over her forehead, and more blood was trickling down to the wooden floor, seemingly coming from more than just her broken hymen. Despite the abuse, Rei found herself being pushed closer and closer to the edge. And she hated every second of it. She felt tainted and violated, and overall guilty for not being strong enough to resist the Hollow.

When she was told that Yuan was torn from the Hollow's action, panic started to surge back and the blonde attempted once again to struggle. Only it was much too late now. Her pleas and cry for help were ultimately turned into harsh gasps when her brother's teeth broke her ivory smooth skin and his fingers pulled roughly at her sensitive nipple. She soon felt her body spasming and shivering from the inside as her orgasm hit her like a crashing wave, sending her seeing stars and whimpering her brother's name.
The hollow smiled as Rei's body clentched down on him from the orgasim next time he would have to deny her that pleasure, but since this was her first time she may as well enjoy it. After all if she enjoyed it now just wait till he started getting creative. He laughed slightly as he continued to slam his body against hers taking what he needed. His body was starting to twitch as he gasped the pleasure building up as he played with his sisters body as best as he could caressing her breasts. His nails dug into her sharply as his own climax was building.

He pushed her down against the floor harder. His body taking over as his hips moved violently against her body. He let out small breathing pants and bit down on his lower lip as he held his sister down taking what he needed until it finally happened. His cock twitched inside her pussy bursting with hot cum shooting it inside her. He let out a low moaning groan, as all the tension in his body built and released and his hips moved against her, rubbing out every last drop of his semen into Rei's body. He laughed slightly the hollow feeling more drained than ever. His eyes closed and the hollow, along with Yuan's body collapsed on top of Rei his cock still twitching inside her.
Rei let out a weak cry as the Hollow pounded even harder into her. Each thrust, though painful and humiliating, prolonged her orgasm a little more. She moaned painfully as Yuan's nails squeezed her breast tightly, her first concern was how possible it was that he left bleeding wounds there. She lied there helplessly as he continued on slamming against her body, wanting for nothing else than for him to finish finally. Her weak whimper echoed the Hollow's groan when he released his seeds inside of her. Her very own brother's cum filling her almost to the brim, mixed in with all the blood and her own dripping cum.

There was little that she could do when Yuan's body collapsed on her finally. Rei just lied there beneath him thoroughly spent and hurt, her whole small body felt so sore as if she had been torn apart. In a way, she was. As her own adrenaline died down, she began to notice how still the place had become, the only thing that broke the silence of the night was the sounds of the crickets from the outside and the breathing of Yuan and her own. She couldn't have imagined how loud they must had been; they would have a hell of trouble trying to explain that the next morning. The thought made her draw out a long, deep sigh.
Yuan breathed lightly his body was in an odd state of pleasure and pain. His cock was still inside his little sister's body, and as his eyes opened, they were Yuan's again not the hollow. He blinked feeling something smooth underneath him, hearing the breaths of his sister, He jumped back his body exiting her's rather painfully. He looked down at what he, or rather the hollow had done, his face paled slightly, sure he could heal the wounds physically, but the fact remained he had just violently raped his little sister. He swallowed back his fear taking a step back, and then falling slightly sitting down.

He wanted to speak but found that he didn't really have any words too speak with. He was struck dumb with fear, and nothing he seemed to come up with really helped that fact. His heart was pounding inside his head, and he blinked looking over Rei, yes he found her attractive, and yes part of him had always wanted to do what the hollow had done, but he had never wanted to rape Rei, far from it. He swallowed bile thinking it over, and feeling ashamed. He had allowed this to happen by Rei staying close too him. His voice shook with fear, regret, and anger at himself for not being stronger, when he finally spoke it was just a low mutter, as he said he was sorry. It didn't seem anywhere near enough for what he had done to the person he loved most.
Rei felt sudden movement above her and stirred a little, moaning softly when Yuan's cock exited her. Her body too sore and numb to even move, though when she heard her brother's voice, her eyes flickered open and she began to push herself to get up. She was in a mess -- bruises bloomed on her smooth skin from the Hollow's action, dotted with blood in the shape of teeth mark, and not to mention the one on her thigh -- but she tried hard to not let it shown. She flashed a smile to her brother, though it was obvious from the way she limped towards him that she was hurt.

"It's alright, Brother... You didn't do anything wrong. It was the Hollow." Rei spoke the reassuring sentences out loud not only to Yuan, but also for herself. When the distance between them was closed in enough, she reached up a hand to slowly, carefully caressed down her brother's cheek. The mean words of the Hollow about how he wasn't enjoying the sex at all resounded painfully in her mind as she did so. "... Are you okay?"
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