Division Four's problems (Malin and Airi)

There was a shock like electric jolt shooting through her when the Hollow, with Yuan's body, proceeded to kiss her. Certainly, when Rei was much, much younger, she had had little fleeting thoughts that her first kiss would have to be claimed by someone that was kind and strong like her brother. But not like this... Never like this.

Rei gasped and looked at the ground the moment the Hollow pulled back, feeling the whole fibre of her being repulsed of what she just did. Even if she wasn't the one actively meaning it to happen. When she looked back up while standing back up, anger and pain were all glazed over her teary eyed, and she imagined it must had been harder on Yuan himself. She couldn't even imagine how it would had been like if the role between them at that moment would be switched.

"What do you mean... With Yuan's dark and depraved thought?" Her tone reflected her disbelief. Cliché as it might be, Rei had always looked up to Yuan as the perfect role model, flawless in both his actions and characters. Never in her mind had it occurred to her that her brother would had even the slightest dirty thought like most men.
The hollow let out a laugh taking in Rei's disbelief this day just kept getting better and better for him, not only did he get to have a little servant girl from this point on, but she didn't even really know her brother. He walked around the shack slightly taking it in, but then finally he crouched down looking at her face to face his yellow eyes looking deep into hers, while a quarter of yuan's face was still taken up by the milk white bone of a hollow mask.

"Yuan has protected you since you were both little kids, raised along side you. You don't think he isn't a male with very real male needs. the man is a 1000 year old virgin, because instead of looking at other captains, or even other women, his eyes have been dead center on you." His hand reached out and caressed Rei's smooth cheek, sliding down to her shoulder slightly pulling away the upper parts of her Shihakusho to reveal more of her shoulders.

"Yuan doesn't just protect you, deep down he want's too fuck you, ride you hard into the night and nail you. Are you so blind that you have never noticed a single look from your brother? The way he watches your ass should be tell tail enough about how much he wants to ram it." The hollow let out a laugh divulging so much information in the most vulgar ways he could, he even added a bit of a thrusting motion with his hips. "The man had so much bottled up inside, that I was able to take hold, so you gotta know he's a little fucked in the head."
"No," she replied firmly to the Hollow's accusation, direct and immediate. Nevertheless, it was obvious from her quivering voice and hesitance to look straight at his eyes that a little seed of doubt had been sown there. Rei shook her head. "Yuan... would never do something like that."

She was confused enough that she let the Hollow touched her, even so far as pulling down at her sleeveless Shihakusho. Her mind played back a memory from when she was still in Division Five, when she was approached by the Shinigami Women Association for an interview about her brother, who was still a Lieutenant at the time. They had dropped a similar question, albeit with a joking manner. It seemed trivial for her at the time, and she could only hope that she could be as nonchalant like she was back them.

Looking back to Yuan's Hollow-like gaze, it would soon be found that Rei's fierce determination from earlier had diminished greatly. Both her hands lifted up to his cheeks, on the cold, bone-like surface of the Hollow mask that was forming over his face. Close like this, she had just realized that Yuan was in fact quite handsome, even with the mask, and she finally could understand why many girls in her class back in the academy had such big crush on him.

"I know you're in there somewhere, brother," she said softly, almost desperately. "Please, come back to me."
As Rei touched Yuan's mask and made a desperate plee, the mask shattered becoming almost brittle in her hands. The yellow eyes vanishing with a pained scream, returning to Yuan's bright green, before he collapsed ontop of her, his spiritual energy along with all the fight and energy that the hollow held was gone. The hollow had over stayed his welcome giving Yuan the chance to bid for his freedom, the moment she had touched the mask Yuan had taken some of her strength to finally turn the tide of his internal fight.

Exhausted, and breathing heavily Yuan's body was heavy, almost like it was made of stone, he didn't want too move, and he had fallen into Rei's arms which was a large comfort actually, though he felt rather ashamed. The fact that they were both in the run down shack was good though, and it would be some time before his hollow had enough energy to take control for a while at least. For a while Yuan's mind was his own. He turned using some of his strength to lay onto his back. Looking at Rei his first real thoughts started to string together, but the transition had hurt too much for him to say anything directly.

Instead he just shivered slightly laying down. His powers gone from him for the moment. He felt weak, and thirsty, his mouth was dry, from both horror, and exhaustion, he didn't even know what too say to Rei... Though he had for the moment stopped the other side of him.
Rei would be lying to say that she wasn't surprised when the Hollow mask shattered before her suddenly. Feeling that the Hollow's reiatsu was gone, she welcomed the feeling of Yuan's weight on her own. Her arms were lifted to wrap around his form, but the captain was soon withdrawing from her. She initially thought that he was rejecting her action, until she saw how her brother looked up at her from where he was lying on the ground.

She let out a tired sigh. Scooting closer, the blonde Lieutenant wanted to quietly say that it all didn't matter. What the Hollow did was out of his control, and he was nowhere near at fault for what had happened. It was all just made up truths uttered by a Hollow. She leaned in and rested her head on Yuan's chest, joining him on the ground. Her attention was focused on the beating of his heart, and Rei was reminded at how much she wanted it to keep it going. And no matter how optimistic she wanted to think, there was this painfully lingering feeling that the Hollow wasn't really gone yet.

"It's alright, brother," she said. "I'll protect you. We'll defeat that Hollow together."
Yuan's breaths came in sharp panting sounds he was exausted and felt burnt, but could see Rei laying beside him. his vision was clear and he could see just where they were. The broken down shack where they had been raised really hadn't changed at all, but he just stayed still for a moment holding his little sister. He had heard everything that the hollow had said, and sadly most of the creatures words rang true in one way shape or form, but unlike the hollow Yuan never would act on those impulses. he had done his best to hide those feelings. Though her offer to protect him felt awkward. Wasn't that his job? wasn't that what he had been trying so hard to do.

"Are you hurt?" It took strength to speak again, and his voice was distinctly his own for once if a little dryer and softer than it was normally. He coughed slightly as his lungs adjusted to breathing and speaking again. not to mention the small weight of Rei's head on his ribs. He didn't complain but it was sore. "He didn't do anything physically too you did he?" Where she was trying to be optimistic, Yuan was just worried about Rei. He had spent his entire life protecting her, he wouldn't have been able to take it if his darker side had taken her from him.

"That's my line... I am supposed.. to protect you." He said carefully his arms though heavy moved to wrap around Rei holding her in an embrace. He was tired, but not dead, and he would live most certainly.
Rei shook her head lightly at her brother's question. "I'm alright. What about you?" she asked back. Worried grey eyes looked up to Yuan's green ones. Was this the reason he avoided people recently? How was it possible that she only knew about it now? She burrowed her face deep at the nook of his head and wrapped her own slim arms around her brother's form. "I'm sorry, brother, it took me so long to figure it out." Her whisper was filled with guilt. "I could have helped you sooner."

Being close to Yuan like this, it was almost as if they went back in time. Years ago, before the academy, they also often sleep hugging each other like this, mostly to shun away the cold. She would feel greatly comfortable if not because of the earlier presence of Hollow. Still, Yuan was alright, and for her it was a comforting enough thought.

"Shall we go back soon?" she asked while rising up, her grey eyes looking down at Yuan with a content smile. "You'll be able to rest better, then, and the infirmary won't be so far away."
Yuan let out a slow and slightly pained grown as his sister wrapped herself around him. He didn't care that it hurt, he was just happy to hold her in his arms. though her regrets were painful to him. She had willingly sold herself too a hollow as a servant. As much as he loved his sister, he was scared for her far more than he was worried about himself. he had tried to hide the truth from her, so why wasn't she angry? He didn't feel like he should be held, and each moment that passed his mind became more and more active, until he remembered just what the hollow had said. A shiver ran through his spine Rei was in very real physical danger if she stayed near to him.

"Rei... i tried to protect you, I am sorry. You... shouldn't stay transfer out, go back to division 5 you will be safer there than with me." His voice was panicked, He had to somehow send Rei away before his hollow side could make real everything that he was saying. "If you stay, I could hurt you... worse than just physically. That hollow could..." He didn't want too say the words directly he didn't want to admit that the hollow side of him had been telling the truth, or that he wasn't the flawless role model he always tried to be around her.
"No, I won't leave you. Especially not at this time." Rei looked at Yuan with determination. Then her gaze turned downwards with shame as she got reminded at how she was dealing with the Hollow. In the end, she couldn't contain her emotion and let the Hollow get the upper hand. That should never happen anymore. She would have to get stronger than she was now.

"Promise me that you won't fight alone," she said next, leaning in closer so she would be on the same eye level as her brother. "Even when the going gets tough, promise me that you'll let me help you.

"Promise me that we'll stick together, like what you promised here years ago," she ended her words with a reference to a memory from a long time ago, back when they were just arriving in Soul Society. Life was much tougher then, but each of painful challenge thrown at the siblings only served to make their bond stronger. This Hollow problem was probably something similar.
Yuan breathed softly as his sister rejected the idea of leaving his side. Her eyes looked into his, and Yuan knew he couldn't send Rei away. He needed her. Probably now more than ever. Yuan ran a shaking hand through his sisters hair. brushing her cheek. They had promised too stick together, and yet over time that promise had lead them into separate divisions. Yuan was calmer now, his strength was slowly returning, and his face wasn't as pale as it had been when he had first broken the hollows control.

Yuan nodded, agreeing to uphold the promises, but more than that. He needed his sister in more ways than he could think. He didn't want too see her hurt. Leaning up his back making a few slight pops and creaks as he brought himself up a slight moan of effort escaping him as he brought himself closer. "I promise. I will keep you by my side."

As he spoke his hand brushed her cheek slightly, touching her skin softly as he pulled himself forward, his lips touched against hers in a soft embracing kiss. It wasn't the kind that an older brother should have given to his little sister, but it wasn't forceful like the one the hollow had taken. Yuan pulled back from the kiss embarrassed, a small smile on his face he didn't even know what he was thinking in doing that. He tried to speak again, but instead his mouth hung open uselessly for a moment. With all the strong emotions it was too hard to keep track of his own mind.
The kiss was unexpected, but welcomed. Even Rei was feeling surprised that it didn't surprise her much that Yuan just kissed her. The Hollow's earlier action probably had a lot to do with it. Nevertheless, she smiled and leaned back in to kiss her brother's cheek as her reply. His promise relaxed her. Being assigned to different divisions after graduation was one thing, but with his current condition, she was unsure if she would ever remain calm and not worried if she had to be separated from him.

"What is it?" she asked next, noticing that her brother was suddenly quiet. Looking back at the direction of Seiretei, the blonde Lieutenant just then noticed that the sun was beginning to set. "Let's go home, brother," she suggested while getting back up to her feet and offering to help Yuan up. Rei wasn't going to say it, but she was planning to stay in his room tonight. With all that just happened, she was sure that she would be too worried to sleep in her own room.
It had been a long day, and Yuan would be more than happy to walk away from all the chaos that he had caused in this small little shack. He nodded slightly as he looked at his sister slightly shocked that she hadn't recoiled from the kiss, but rather had kissed his cheek. As she offered him help he gladly took it. using her hand to pull himself up he groaned slightly from the exertion that it put on his body. Once he was standing however he felt better, stretching out all the muscles that had been compacted by the increase in spiritual pressure. His own body wasn't used too the amount of strength that the hollow was able to exert, it was almost impressive if it wasn't so terrifying.

"Home sounds wonderful right now." He said with a smile. He wanted the rest, and people would wonder where they had gone off too. Not to mention that someone would have noticed that he was missing by now. It was peace time so as a captain he was free to come and go as he pleased, but his job was important and both a captain and a lieutenant leaving for an afternoon was near unheard of. Not to mention it left their third seat in charge, and Yuan's third seat wasn't exactly the most competent of squad leaders. A good healer yes, but not someone he wanted running his squad for prolonged periods of time.

Turning and walking towards seireitei he looked at Rei, there was nothing he could say to hide the fact that he was slowly turning into a monster now. There would be questions on her mind that he didn't think he had the answer too. for now though he was tired and it felt like anything and everything could wait till they got back to their home in the fourth squad barracks. He wasn't gonna tell her yet, but tonight she would need to stay close to him, he would worry about her if she went off to sleep in her own room.
The trip back to the barrack was quiet. Rei herself was slightly lost in her own thoughts. Only mere hours ago she was training in Division Five's barrack, and now she was figuring out that her own brother's darkest desire was to sleep with her. To be honest she wasn't quite sure how she was supposed to react to the revelation; part of her more logical brain thought that she should be panicking now, but she honestly wasn't even bothered about it for a second. This was Yuan they were talking about, after all. There was no way that he would try to hurt her intentionally. True that the Hollow was still in the equation, but she refused to be scared off by a Hollow.

Even as they both walked to Yuan's room, they were still silent. It was as if the both of them just agreed on these things without having to discuss it audibly beforehand. After taking a quick shower in Yuan's private bathroom -- courtesy to being a Captain of Gotei 13 -- Rei went to change out of her uniform into a sleeping kimono and spread out an extra futon next to her brother's. It was only after all of this that she turned her attention back to her brother. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "I can perform some Kaido, if you need me to. Your reiatsu must have been exerted a lot this afternoon." She didn't dare to mention the Hollow inside the barrack, for fear that someone, whoever it was in Seiretei, could hear it.
Yuan sat back in his room as his sister went off to take her shower. It took every instance of control for the captain not too try something. Part of him wondered how his sister would have reacted if he had just walked into the bathroom with her and invited himself to take a shower with her. It would have been selfish of him, even slightly terrible, but part of him wanted it more than he would allow himself to admit. It was his deepest desire after all too have his sister, but he shook his head and stayed clear of the bathroom instead trying to focus on regaining his strength. They had hardily spoken a word to each other during the return, and so when he heard Rei's voice it snapped him from his meditation. His eyes drifted seeing his little sister in a sleeping kimono, it was modest, but also far less then the regular uniform he usually saw her in.

When she asked him how he was feeling or if he needed healing. he stretched feeling his body creek again. "I am sore, but I will live." He said with a smile, She didn't need to waist her energy on him. Besides if he recovered too quickly there was a chance of the hollow side of him regaining his strength, and for the moment even the hollow's voice was asleep. The real torture of the night was seeing that Rei had rolled out her own bed roll. It made sense of course, but he couldn't help but frown slightly at that fact. "My reiatsu will recover over time, I would rather it not be replenished quickly, also you would only drain yourself, and you would need your strength far more than I." He stretched out as he got up, wanting to change, part of him just wondered what her reaction would be if he changed right in front of her, but Yuan knew better. Instead taking his own sleeping robes too the washroom and stripping of the old dirty uniform. Part of Yuan wanted to call him sick, having her stay in the same room, but not pressing any kind of advantage.

As he looked up at the mirror he washed his face, looking up for a moment he was tired, and as he looked in the mirror what stared back were his own eyes, both black and yellow, Yuan jumped slightly the mirror cracking by his own fist, but he didn't remember punching it. He sighed shaking his head holding the counter and just breathing. He heard the voice in his head drained, but still their. ~No worries Yuan, you may not be brave enough to take what you want. But I am.~
Rei sat on the futon, brushing her hair as she waited for her brother. She thought about how Yuan was staring at her after she got out of the shower, and couldn't help but be reminded of the Hollow's words. She shook her head to get rid of the thought immediately. It was only shortly after this that she heard a loud noise from the bathroom, one that sounded like a glass or a mirror being broken. Out of worry and pure reflex, she dashed towards the bathroom. The sheer surge of panic made her slow to realize that the door wasn't even locked.

"Yuan! Are you...?" Her sentence was cut off immediately when she saw that Yuan was stark naked. His uniform scattered forming a pool of fabric on the floor near his feet. She swallowed once and averted her eyes in embarrassment to the ground. Her immediate thought was to leave and close the bathroom door shut behind her, but then she caught a glimpse of her brother's fist, bleeding and dotted with broken pieces of glass.

"You're hurt," she said and entered the bathroom without as much as hesitation. Grabbing at Yuan's wounded knuckle, she began to inspect it like a good Lieutenant of Division Four that she was. "What happened? Why did you suddenly punch the mirror?"
Yuan's face was pale as he turned to his sister. He looked back the mirror, his hand didn't even hurt but the blood was enough to show that he indeed was. He rubbed his eyes with his good hand his head shaking slightly. The voice was right it was only a matter of time before the hollow ended up hurting Rei, or worse he ended up hurting her himself. He shook his head reaching for his sleeping robe and slipped slightly on his own clothing. the result was that he actually ended up throwing his weight onto Rei to catch himself. Grabbing her body he held her close too stabalize himself and catch his breath even though he was stark naked, he took a moment.

"Sorry." He said at last finally catching his breath he pulled away from Yuan steadying himself he shook his head. Looking back at the reflection of the shattered mirror he just shrugged. "I thought I saw someone else in the reflection." His voice was still trembling slightly. His hand still didn't even hurt, in fact as he went too wash it off, the wound was already gone. He hadn't healed it, but the wound had healed in the few seconds it had took to steady himself. Rapid healing... an ability more commonly associated with the body of a hollow. He swallowed slightly his mouth turning dry.

"What am I?" He looked at himself in the mirror again confused and slightly scared, not sure what was wrong with him. Did this event even have a name? Had any other captains experienced becoming a hollow. there were a thousand questions he wanted too ask, but standing in the bathroom as naked as he was, he just looked at his sister, confused, scared and alone. He breathed slightly. "Still sure you want too sleep here tonight?" He asked.. he wanted her to stay close, but at the same time the words of the hollow rang in his mind, if he wasn't brave enough too take what he wanted... it would.
The moment she saw Yuan staggering, she was quick to step forward and catch him. At that point, gone was any feeling of embarrassment and awkwardness. She was a sister caring for her ailing brother. Besides, it wasn't like Rei had never seen a naked man before. She had worked in the hospital ward, after all.

Carefully, she helped Yuan to the sink and watched quietly as he revealed how his wound had rapidly healing. She knew what it meant, but decided against commenting about it. Instead, she helped carry her brother out of the bathroom and back to his bedroom. "What a stupid question," said Rei in reply to Yuan's question. "Of course I'm staying. I'm not going to leave you alone."

After some struggling, she set her brother down to his own futon. The blonde Lieutenant made sure to wrap him good with blanket, with him being naked and all. When that was done, she sat down next to Yuan and placed a hand on his forehead as if to measure his body temperature, but it was really just her way to try calming her patients down. "You'll always be my brother, even if you turn into a monster," she said before leaning in to kiss one of Yuan's beautiful green eyes. "Try to rest now, alright?"
Yuan was put into his bed, the blankets warm around his body he sighed knowing that Rei was right he needed rest, and part of him knew she would have too stay with him. He sighed breathing heavily he turned his body away from her. Not wanting to face her while they slept. Sleep actually came easy to him, his eyes closed and his entire body stilled save for the steady breaths.

It had been days since Yuan had slept so peacefully, and now with his body at rest he seemed more than harmless. An hour passed on into the night, when suddenly Yuan's eyes opened again, but they weren't Yuan's green. Rather they were the eyes of the hollow, back from his own rest. Assuming control while Yuan was asleep was the easy part, he moved shifting in his bed feeling the bedding shift as he got up. He had waited till Rei had been sleeping herself and now he crawled out of bed, standing at his full height.

It was night now, and the sound of night time insects could be heard, as crickets played off soul soceity to sleep. The hollow walked over to the futon with Rei in it. Bending down over her he shooed away the girls zanpakuto moving it silently from her bedside. he placed a hand over her mouth with a happy smile. "Wake up my dear." His voice every bit as haunting as it had been before. "It's time you and I got too play."
Rei waited by Yuan's bed until she could hear his steady breath, a telltale sign that he was sound asleep. She let out a short sigh and headed towards her futon, and fell asleep immediately the moment her head touched the pillow. The girl didn't let it shown, but it had been a true emotional roller coaster for her today, and it drained at her energy through her mind. It was perhaps almost comparable to the sleepless nights that she had during medical training prior to joining Division Four.

When the Hollow woke her up, she was still dazed for a second, but was quickly alert when she recognized his voice. It didn't take long for her to squirm and struggle, but the grip on her mouth was surprisingly strong that he could hold her down with just one hand. Suffice to say, screaming for help was rather out of option.

Panting from the sudden exertion, Rei looked up to the black-and-yellow eyes that had replaced Yuan's own eyes, and she felt panic surging like poison in her vein. There he was bending over her, in her brother's stark naked body, telling her that he wanted to 'play'. After what she had heard this afternoon in Rukongai, it wasn't at all difficult to connect the dots and realized what he actually wanted from her.

"I'm not afraid of you." Rei tried to mutter into the hand that was holding it close, though her shaking voice gave way to what she was actually feeling. Nevertheless, she wanted to make it clear that she wasn't going to just give up without a fight.
"It doesn't matter if your afraid of me or not, im still going to have you, any way we want." The hollow spoke knowing full well that these weren't just his own desires, but rather Yuan's as well. Pulling off the blankets that covered Rei's body the Hollow cracked a sadistic smile as he looked over her body, a steady hand slowly went down her kimono. Reaching the sash the hollow pulled slightly slowly untying her only true protection.

The hollows eyes were appraising Rei's body, almost sadistically as he looked her over. Taking a slow amount of time to peel back her robes to reveal her body to him. All the while his eyes danced and the creature couldn't stop smiling. As it held her pinned to the ground and slowly undressed his sisters body. It's black and yellow eyes stared into her own.

The hollow leaned over Rei's body pressing down on her shoulder too keep her pinned, but took his hand from her mouth. Leaning down he brought his lips to her own and kissed her lightly before pulling up. "Tonight's gonna be fun, I can't wait too hear you scream and cry. Who knows you may even enjoy what's happening." As he spoke finally pulled away her robes too see her naked form underneath, part of the hollow wanted to let her go watch her go running through the halls of the barracks as he chased her down, but then this would be fun enough without the chase, not too mention that would let on too his existance.

"You should relax a little more, after all you did say that you would do anything I wanted." The hollow spoke with a shrill laugh. The hollow looked her over not sure where he wanted to start. there were so many ways to make Rei scream that he wanted to try, and the promise of it excited him, and woke his cock, the shaft becoming semi hard and rising slightly as he looked over her body.
Rei was frozen with fear. At his words, his inhuman eyes, but especially at the sheer disbelief of what was happening. Yuan's big and strong hand untying the knot of her kimono was something that she never could picture even in her darkest, least optimistic imagination. Even as it was occurring, she had a hard time processing that it was all happening for real, and only when she felt Yuan's warm lips against hers did it really wake the blonde to the reality of her situation.

Rei wanted to say something to reply the Hollow, but ended up whimpering slightly as her kimono was pulled away from her form. Her breathing quickened as the blonde scrambled to cover herself with her hands as much as she could. Shame and humiliation were all that she felt as she felt her brother staring down on her nude body, and it didn't help that she caught a glimpse of Yuan's growing arousal beneath the shimmering moonlight. She closed her eyes shut and turned to the side in a feeble attempt to avoid it all.

"Y-you won't be able to accomplish anything," she said, helplessly trying to summon the courage despite her trembling voice. "J-just like in the shack. Yuan... he won't let you."
Yuans hollow simply smiled he leaned over the younger Rei as brought his mouth too her ear. He whispered his words into her ear with warm breath as he held her nude body to the ground. His heated arrousal touching lightly against her bare thigh as he leaned closer, his body so close that she could probably feel the hollows heart beat. Yuan's grip tight on her shoulder as his nails dug into her soft flesh. "What if He didn't want too stop me." The Hollow spoke softly into her ear before lifting himself up.

His hands were quick too lift hers off of her body pinning her as he was now directly over her. He pinned her to hands to the floor as he was now over top of her. looking down at her nude body he smiled, licking his lips slightly as he leaned in too kiss her mouth pushing her back onto her back and forcing his lips against hers, his tongue invading her mouth.

When he pulled away from the kiss however he did not pull away from her, choosing instead to lick her neck, his mouth biting slightly on her ears, and then returning to sucking on the soft flesh of her neck making sure to leave a mark where people would easily be able to see it.
She gasped sharply feeling the hard tip of her brother's velvety shaft on the inner side of her thigh. She could feel Yuan's warmth and presence everywhere, as if it enveloped her entire existence, and although Rei usually welcomed it with open arms, at that instance she felt choked and trapped. Tears began to glaze her grey eyes shortly as she heard the Hollow's words, fleeting and dark like an icy frost that sent her limbs trembling.

"No..." She shook her head persistently and struggled at his restraints, but was quickly silenced when her brother's tongue forced its way into her mouth. The blonde Lieutenant moaned at the intrusion, though at the same time her struggle intensified. Her whole body thrashed and turned and she tugged hard at her pinned wrists until she was almost certain that she felt it bruising. However, the pure and raw panic didn't immediately set in yet until Rei felt Yuan's lips moved downward to her neck.

"Brother, s-stop... Please..." Her voice cracked with sobs. Trails of salty tears overflowed down her cheeks and towards her neck. A mix of pained gasp and whimper soon replaced Rei's words as Yuan's Hollow sucked at a tender patch of skin on her neck.

It was a common knowledge that animals pushed to the edge could get tremendous will and power to strike back at its attacker. In a way, Rei thought she was just the same. It was through this short burst of power and will that she could slip a hand away from her restraint and deliver a slap across Yuan's face.
The hollow felt a heavy slap across his face, He blinked for a moment surprised that little Rei could have broken free from him, and yet she had. He smiled slightly looking down at his little sister her naked body and her fighting spirit. He loved it. The hollow licked his lips for a moment aroused by the fact that little Rei had the power to resist him. The hollow let out a sound almost like a purr as he smiled a small bit of the mask forming over his face. "Your brother isn't here right now, but im sure he will get your message eventually."

As the hollow spoke he did so with a hard purr, He grabbed Rei pulling her by the hair had little mercy for the smaller girl, as he tossed her rolling her over so that her face was pressed against the ground, and he put a strong hand on her shoulders pressing her breasts down onto the cold hard wood floor. He pulled the sleeping kimono off of her, using his weight too keep her still, and finally, smiling he leaned over her. "You were always good at kido, so why don't you try to break this one."

He drew a kanji on Rei's back tracing his finger against her soft skin. "Bakudo ichi, Sai." The simplest of kido, done at a captains strength forcing Rei's arms behind her back and locking them in place as he towered over her back side and naked now naked body, his weight and body pressed against her. His smooth cock ready to explore her virgin entrance. The Hollow just couldn't wait to hear Rei screamed, but took a moment too let the situation sink in.

His hips shifted and the tip of Yuans cock pressed oh so lightly against his sisters virgin folds rubbing so lightly at her forbidden area.
Rei let out a harsh cry when she felt her face slamming down on the cold floor. Her sobs and cries increased in intensity as she writhed and squirmed under Yuan's hold, kicking and scratching at every patch of skin that she could reach her nails to in her awkward position. Her struggles, however, came to an abrupt halt when Yuan's Bakudo bounded her arms. It wasn't even a remotely advanced Kido -- a first year academy student could cast it after a week practice -- but the Lieutenant was effectively rendered incapacitated by the combination of Captain-strength reiatsu of the caster and the fact that her brother's cock was dangerously close to her entrance. The latter especially was effective enough to ensure her to stay still, for fear that her slightest move would cause the exact opposite of what she had been struggling to flee from.

Lying there on her stomach, bounded and her long blonde hair disheveled, Rei winced torturously as she began to feel pressure from her brother's heated sex on hers. It made thinking for a counter Kido spell all the more difficult, her heart beat hard and fast in her chest and the blood rush gave her brain foggy haze. Still, it didn't stop her from thinking that no matter what she did, whether she struggled or stayed still, the Hollow would still steal her virginity using Yuan's body. And the very least that she could do was fight with all of her might to prevent it from happening.

And so, a pair of teared up grey eyes looked back at the Hollow's yellow-and-black ones, and with one quick motion Rei spun her torso around to swing her legs up towards her brother's nude side. Her aim was to break free long enough so she could locate her zanpakutou and reclaim it, all the while regaining back the space that she'd need to think more clearly. Without her brother's radiating heat and arousal, it would be much easier to break free from the Bakudo that was binding her.
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