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Mine To Keep (Hat/Mafdet)

"I am... very sad." he said. "What if we had met in a different way? In peace? As friends? I can only wonder what might happen then." he rose. "If you like, I can buy some cloth for you to sleep on?"
Sometimes she wondered on that as well, though there was little they could do to change that now. Shifting to stand up when he had, she looked to him as he made the offer to buy her cloth to sleep on. "I can deal with the straw.... though I would like some clothing," she said, partially berating herself for giving in and asking for clothes, though she'd rather ask Harumda than anyone else.
"Ah! I know just the person." he said happily. "Come with me." he lead her through the market, to a stall with many, many draped cloths, a grin on his face as the young draconic woman inside looked at her.
"Tell me she is my subject."
"She is, Beatri! She is."
"Ah! What wonderful color! I shall need you, dear, come here..." she said, dragging her into the stall.
Upon his sudden reaction, she followed after him toward what seemed to the market, leading her to a stall where there were many long cloths hanging around on it. The woman in the stall looked to her and seemed rather delighted to see her as she asked if she was her 'subject'. With the answer Harumda gave, 'Beatri' pretty much dragged her into the stall as she said she needed her. "Erm, I'll take it that you make clothing?" Talise said, hardly able to struggle considering that even the dragon women had about the same strength as Harumda, even if the males would disagree with that.
She grinned.
"I make art." she said, measuring her with care, selecting patterned cloth that evoked fire and heat. It didn't take long - It seemed female draconics favored wraps and the like rather than outright clothing. It emphasized her breasts and hips well, leaving her belly bare. Little golden bits hung from her hips and just under her breasts, drawing attention to her features as the woman rolled out a mirror.
Holding still as the woman measured her for the clothing, Talise watched the process with some fascination as the draconic picked out the patterned cloth and began to work. She didn't mind that it seemed that they favored wraps, as had her own women in the tribe. Really the only time that she hadn't worn wraps was for the battle. When Beatri finished with the whole process, Talise stared at herself when the dragoness brought out a rolling mirror - her image that reflected was rather stunning. "Wow... this is beautiful," she said in a voice that did say that she really liked it. And Talise wasn't usually one for pretty clothing despite being the princess.
"I'll buy it at double the price." he said softly, gold coins falling in the tailor's hand as he took Talise's hand. "Before you were incredible, now I cannot look away." he said with a laugh. "Incredible."
Harumda seemed to really approve the outfit as he surprisingly paid double the price than he had to, taking the feline's hand as she came out of the stall now. With his comment, she smiled as she felt her cheeks burn a little bit. "Should I take them back then?" she joked lightly, which was probably the first joke she had made since being brought here.
"Oh no. I was giving a compliment." he said with a laugh, leading her back to her home. "It seems such a shame to put you back in." he looked at the cage with a sigh.
Chuckling a little bit as she was led back, she was rather surprised to hear him say that it seemed to be a shame to put her back. "Why's that?" she said despite herself. Perhaps she could have said something like 'Maybe you don't have to,' or something thereof, but she didn't really think about that.
"It's rather like caging a rather pretty bird." he said. "...I have a spare bed." he said simply, nodding as he pulled it out, near his. "You can use this." he said, scratching his nose.
A lot more often than not, she seemed to blink in surprise as he responded, pulling out a bed from the wall much like his own. She didn't know why he would trust her to sleep on the bed rather than kill him, then again though... Knowing his plan probably changed a lot of her opinions about him. Aside from that, there was almost always a guard somewhere nearby that could watch for the door opening. "I... erm, thank you," she said with some awkwardness, rubbing at her ear gently as a sort of habit when she's embarrassed. "Would probably be more comfortable than the straw..."
"Of course." he said, making her bed. "I... Augh. Nevermind." he mumbled, shaking his head. "There's not long left. I'd rather you remember me well."
Raising an eyebrow when he seemed to have started to say something, Talise looked to him even as he shook his head and spoke about her remembering him well. "Can I ask what it was you were starting to say? You don't have to answer," she said, her curiosity getting the better of her.
"It's probably for the best I don't tell you." he said, "Dinner is soon, I shall fetch you a meal." he nodded and left the building. For the moment, she was alone, free to reflect on things - or attempt to flee.
There was little doubt that whatever it was that he had on his mind was something that he didn't want to effect her thoughts on him more than there already was. When he left to get food, she certainly did look to the door with a long thoughtful expression. She could escape... Wouldn't be a more perfect time to do so other than the eighth day he spoke of. Moving to the door, she merely opened the door and peered outside, watching the activities of the other dragons moving around probably in preparation for the dinner. But it seemed that she merely wished to watch, as she would lean against the doorway, staring out as she wondered where her spared sister and warriors would be. Maybe she could ask Harumda... If she was to 'mysteriously' escape, she may as well know which direction to go.
There was a clear way out - placed by Harumda or by accident, it was impossible to tell. But spiced meat scents filled the air, and chatter and crackling fire as well. She might hear cheering, on occasion, and music with metal drums.
Her stomach growled lightly as she could smell the meat that was filling the air, making her swallow lightly in the thought of eating. She was listening to the cheering and the sound of drums being beat on. Seeing the clear way out, she frowned lightly as she made mental note on it...

{{Dunno what to do, lol.. Headache effects all my thinking. XD;}}
He returned with a smile. "Would you like to join the festivities?" he asked. "You could probably dance better than most of us." he said, handing her the food. It smelled so wonderful. "And the drink, though I should warn you it has a minor aphrodisiac in it."
It seemed that Harumda returned soon as she learned that she wasn't going to be slaughtered upon stepping outside, though she didn't know if that was a good thing or not even as he asked her if she'd like to join in. She looked up at him as he handed her her food, which smelled wonderful. "You have been insistent with me joining in," she said as though in response, though she thanked him for the food. Perhaps it meant that she wasn't as resistant to the idea as she had the other times he had invited her to join. Upon mentioning the drink and warning her what was in it, she tilted her head a little bit. "Why would it have aphrodisiac in it?" she asked - she and her tribe had used it, though mainly as for females that wished to become pregnant that would visit the shawoman, giving them a drink that had similar if not stronger properties in it. So it was why it confused her, as it was apparently a social drink here.
"I know I have. I just wish to share so much with you." he said, relaxing as he ate. "The music, the dancing, the joy, the food and drink. We put the aphrodisiac in it at that dose to help others loosen up. It makes the party more lively." he said with a soft smile. "The more you know, the more you will understand."
Frowning gently as he relaxed and said that he knew he had been insisting, only wishing to share with her a lot of things, she took a bite of her food. The meat was delicious as usual, she found. Looking back up at him, he explained about the reason for the aphrodisiac in the drinks, making her smile a little before chuckling. "I see. Then it shouldn't be harmful," she said as she finally took her cup, placing it next to her as she still ate slowly at her food. She only took a few sips from it after she was finished eating, finding it refreshing. "Thank you."
The drink warmed her a bit deeper than alcohol, pleasantly. And while it wasn't overwhelming, Harumda's features were a bit more pronounced and... interesting. He drank as well, watching her. A small shine in his eyes, though he said nothing more. "What is your folk's dancing like?"
She had noticed a slight difference to how she looked at Harumda, though she didn't seem to mind at all. Staring briefly at him as she sipped her goblet once more, she blinked as he asked her what her tribe's dancing was like. "Well... it's rather wild, I suppose you can say," she said as she took a minute to think on that. "We're not quite following any real dance steps, but we know the dances by heart."
He smiled. "I'd like to see that. I could even get some music." he said, "And I could show you my dance." he said with a nod, the metal drums in the town thumping out a deep beat. The room was rather warm, the night invitingly so, the full moon looking down on them. "We do have steps. It... grew from military drills into something else."
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