Dark Truth(moon/lady)

Blaise growld as he turned to look at him, shoving him against the door as they reached his bedroom, kissing him hard."ARe you so sure I'll be bending you over the bed?"He said looking amused as he groped the other.

"Well....okay. Thy can be."Elena said, disliking having to agree with loki but doing it and gathering the books. Looking sad as she was left on her own butsettling into her room. When he reached isen's room loki paused turning his head slightly to look at him."Good. I could use a good elven gift."He said before walking out and going in search of keiran, pausing in th barn doors, moving inside. "..You're going to be obsessing with those horss now aren't you?”
Rider yelped as he was slammed into the wall an then moaned into the kiss, shuddering against the other. "fuck, Master... i don't care where you put me so long as we do something... soon... please!" he pleaded, panting eagerly as he arched into the groping, his hands settling onto the door, as if saying that he was going to behave an not touch without permission.

Isen's lip twitched in an almost smile as Loki spoke and he shook his head as he settled onto his bed to read. Keiran was stroking his prize stallion, the perfect bred horse. he had been saving him for something special, he was the smartest, and most powerful of the horses he had and he was telling the beast that he had three fine Elvish mare horses to breed. Elves always used mares when in battle, because stallions tended to get distracted by the females and would bring their riders straight into a blade. "mmm of course. Shade deserves good strong females to make good strong babies don't you shade?" the horse snorted, as if amused by Keiran and rattled the door of his stable, hoping to go out and get laid. "besides you can't claim your not curious about what kind of foals the Elvish horses will drop after Shade gets at them."
Blaise growled a little looking amused as he pressed against him,”Hmm so good about not touching.”He snickred a little as he lowered his head to nibble at his neck, taking his time to undress the other man.

“You’re obsessed. I swear. You start treating that stallion like a child more, I might ask th doctor to look at you.”He said looking amused at keiran’s words, because if there was anything that could be countd on, itwas keiran’s love for th house. Walking closer he sighed as he leaned against the stall door, absently stroking the horses’ head as he looked at keiran.”Well, it’d be like watching Elena swell with isen’s child.Totally perverse and a amusing experiment.”
Rider just moaned and shuddered, smirking a little. "i can be a good boy... when i want to be." he murmured, shuddering as his neck was nibbled upon and moaning again, pushing his hips back to brush along Blaise's cock. "fuck me. please. it's been forever..." he moaned, closing his eyes. "homophobic bitches of men and elves." he complained, panting eagerly as he wriggled under Blaise. "please... don't tease..."

Keiran chuckled a little as he handed Shade a carrot and stroked the stallions nose. "Elena will never swell with Isen's child. i'm making very sure of it, that's why they will never be left alone together." he paused for a moment and then. "honestly... the fact that Isengaurd is straight is a bit of a baffling fact. i'd always sworn up and down that he was as gay as you are." Keiran admitted simply, shaking his head. "but, i have been wrong before." not often though... it was very rare for Keiran to be wrong about something. "tell me, Loki... why rescue the woman?" he asked curiously. "knowing that she is the one of the prophecy, why rescue her?" he didn't sound angry or upset, simply curious about why Loki would save someone they all knew he hated.
Blaise laughed teasing the other’s skin, amused that th other was squirming so much. Pulling away h tossed the other towards the bed before starting to undress.”Hmm, but I enjoy watching you go insane.”He said looking amused as he pounced on the other leaning down to kiss him slowly.

“That’s true.Though its still a interesting thought.”Loki said before snickering.”You know, its very odd the man is. He’s to pretty by far to be straight, and yet...you saw him. He pounced on her like a starving cat as soon as she got here.”He said before glancing at th other before looking away, leaning against the stall doors.”....Do I ned a reason?”He asked before sighing quietly.”....She is kin."
Rider groaned as he was teased, gasping as he was flung away, landing on the bed with a small grunt and a grimace before he grinned as he watched the other strip, his eyes glittering and gleaming with delight as he watched, running his hands along his own body to provide a show. touching himself in the hopes that he'd drive Blaise made with desire.

Keiran chuckled a little. "there are many kinds of love, and Isen is a sheltered little bastard... maybe he simply doesn't know that he's gay? i wonder if i should hire him a prostitute? i'd offer you one but i don't want you to try and kick me in the balls again." he looked at the other. "it's more than that. you hate your Kin." he pointed out. "you did this for Isen, i know it... but i don't understand why?" he asked, his head tilted. "he ordered an attack upon our people, and very nearly meant our doom with his wedding, why bother helping him?" Keiran hadn't realized yet that Isen had been used, or he wouldn't have been so confused.
Blaise laughed grinning amused.”A horny little tease aren’t you?”He smirked looking amused as he kneeled on the edge of the bed, leaning down to kiss the other slowly, teasing the other’s body with his hands as he looked him over He had every intention of torturing him.

“That’s true.Maybe you should.”Loki said snickering a little before raising a eyebrow.”I didn’t try. I did kick you in the balls. And it was because you terrified the poor boy, not because you bought him.”Loki sulked before sighing quietly.”I do hate my kin...but she is the last.”He shrugged before biting his lip, sighing quietlyl. “He’s being used. As surely as we are. Until I told him, he had no ida that his wedding would be part of the prophecy, only that his council got excited over it when he decided to marry her.”
Rider smirked. "i'm horny, i'm a tease, and i'm desperate and if you don't fuck me i'll walk naked through the halls until i find someone who wi...ooooh." he moaned as Blaise's hands joined his and he arched into the dark Elf. "fuck, please... it's been three damn years. tease me later i can't stand it!"

Keiran blinked at Loki. "it's not MY fault he thought i was a vampire." he pointed out, shrugging his shoulder a little. "and besides, he kicked me! he deserved to be threatened a little." he stated simply and with a sniff. "and you STILL didn't fuck him you damn virgin!" he complained, pointing to Shade, who was getting it on with a very happy female horse. "even the animals get laid more than you do!" he complained before shaking his head. "why am i not surprise? the Light Council have always kept their information tight to their chests." he pondered and then. "perhaps we should give Isen a little more freedom?" he mused, glancing at Loki. "if you think he won't try to escape and go back to his council, even an Elf doesn't like being used i would think. i am going to go and visit Elena after a while." he admitted. "i have no doubt she's as clueless about all of this as Isen is."
Blaise laughed growling as he stroked the other’s skin, sliding between his legs, absently thrusting against him, teasing as he kissed him slowly.”Ohhh poor baby. Three years really?”He said looking amused.

Loki looked at him looking amused and sighing.”They do not. And I’m not a virgin. I was married once you know.”He sulked looking amused as they walked back towards the castle nodding a little.”He’d do well. I’ll see to letting him out and about.”He said heading inside ,amused that keiran was willing to spend time with a human female, considering humans cost the man everything, his hatred was well earned.
Rider arched against Blaise, his breath coming in sharp gasps as he tangled his fingers in the others hair, trying to thrust back as he made strange noises of desire and need, PLEADING sounds, desperate sounds. "please, please please pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!" he whimpered, jerking and thrusting their cocks together again.

Keiran snorted. "it's been centuries since you had sex. you maybe weren't a virgin when you where still human, but at this point i'll be surprised of you can even find the hole." he teased, smirking a little as he shook his head. "just make sure he behaves himself, i'm going to go torment our resident human girl." he stated, humming happily as he headed to Elena's room, knocking once before stepping inside. "good afternoon, My Lady." he said that with as much sarcasm as he could muster. "i think we need to have a talk." he stated simply, settling into a chair as he studied her. "Your council has not been... forthcoming with you, as i had not realized." he admitted simply.
Blaise laughed looking amused moaning as the othre thrust against him. Shifting his hold and pinning the other to the bed before thrusting into him, growling as he kissed him, fucking him.Careful to not hurt him to badly, but not overly gentle.

“I can to!I can!”Loki snarled sulking as he walked into isen’s room, looking like a 5 year old sulking over something his hair sticking up every which way.”Now.Keiran’s decided to allow you more freedom.Do you want to go down to the gardens?”

lena looked startled to see the man, then a little frightened, but determined to not run away screaming. Setting her book aside she frowned as she looked at him, tilting her head.”Well, I knew that.They never tell me anything. What did you discover now?”
Rider could only utter his thanks as he arched, wriggled, writhed, and clamped tightly around the other, completely uncaring about the little its of pain. he was very tight after three years after all, but GOD it felt SO good! he arched, and came, making a good mess of the both of them as he scrambled for purchase along the others back as he wriggled and writhed against him.

Isen blinked at the other looking amused as he realized that Loki was... he was SULKING! and his hair was a mess! he simply shut his book, stood up and nodded as he examined the other. "...are you alright? you look... upset, about something." he studied Loki's face for a breif moment and then turned his attention to the hallways. "why the sudden change of minds?"

Keiran smirked a little. "you do not need to be frightened of me. so long as you are here, Isen will not try to escape or cause problems. and i dare say Loki would have my balls if i should do you harm." he admitted as he studied her, lounging in his chair. "oh, it is not a recent discovery unfortunately. all that has happened is the direct result of a prophecy, one that was told on the very day i started to build Darkhaven. i was betrayed and cast out of the heavens to be forever feared and hated by light minded individuals like yourself... this prophecy declared my downfall..." he recited the prophecy to her and stared at her. "you understand now why the Council was so very eager to get you to the oh so sheltered Isen now?" he asked. "why they where so excited about your marriage to him. why they attacked me now, after centuries of peace." he stared at her. "i don't care, about the light, i don't care about some stupid war. all i want is to be left alone, so that i can wallow in my grief and misery alone with people who understand. this is a safe haven for those who have been betrayed, who are bitter and angry and can BE bitter and angry without being judged."
Blaise growled laughing a little as the other came, sighing quietly as he buridd his face against the other’s neck, biting down as he came. Panting as he rested his head on his shoulder.”Damn...that was fun.”He snickered a little.

Loki growled sulking more as he frowned. “I’m fine. Keiran’s just a jackass.”He grumbled looking annoyed with his friend. It was horrible, annoying that the man could get under his skin. “Because, we’ve decided that with elena here, you wont be going anywhere, and your being used as much as we are, might as well let you have freer reign.”

Elena frowned looking at him before relaxing. Swallowing before frowning. “Why would he care?”She said wondering why loki would care if harm came to her before growling, anger showing in her face as she exploded out of the seat, not attacking him but a caged pacing that was so much like loki when the man was a mood, that paired with her looks, they should have been father and daughter, not so distant relatives his blood was barely there anymore. “Now what?”She growled turning to look at keiran
Rider yelped as he was bitten and then groaned at the understatement. "it was fucking wonderful is what it was... ten minute break and then round two?" he asked hopefully, smirking. "i want to see if i can still control my gag reflex." he admitted simply as he closed his eyes and tried to catch his breath.

Isen shrugged. "i knew that." he admitted simply. "and i doubt he means for me to have full free reign." he stated simply. "after all, used or not, i am still the enemy." Isen admitted as he settled into his own little garden and started pulling weeds, loving the feel of nature around him and the physical exercise of keeping it growing in the pits of Darkhaven. "you are right that i wouldn't leave Elena here though." he admitted simply.

Keiran smirked a little and shook his head. "Loki is your ancestor." he stated simply. "you are a direct bloodline relation to him." he admitted simply. "but, you are also human and the direct result of a betrayal so... he hates you just as much." he admitted with a shrug. "now? now you are my permanent guest, but since you where basically tricked and in fact did try to stop the attack on my people, you will be treated with respect and will have some freedom i would not otherwise allow." he admitted simply. "with both you and Loki here, the Prophecy will never come to pass..." he paused. "i hope so anyway. with both you and Loki gone the Council will be less eager to attack again, after all i did just prove i can get anyone i want from anywhere. they'll be afraid that their next and will be trying to fortify their feeble defenses." he studied Elena intently. "you won't be allowed to leave Darkhaven, but i am not cruel as everyone seams to think me. prove you can be trusted and soon you'll be able to wander the halls without a babysitter. until then, you will always have a babysitter, you are still the enemy after all. now then, i beleive Loki and Isen are in the Garden, would you like to join them?"
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