Dark Truth(moon/lady)

Isen snorted a little and shook his head a little before brightening a little at the thought of getting out of there for at least a little while. he had considered trying to escape, but when he saw the library... well, it would only be a few extra days... he could always raze Darkhaven to the ground and take the books for himself later. he picked out a thick Magic Tome and let Loki lead him back. a week later he was planning on his escape and then his plundering of the amazing library when he heard the ruckus and a familiar voice. Rider, Elena's personal bodyguard. Rider was struggling against the 'Darklings' that had captured him, it had taken all five of them to keep him restrained as they dragged him to Keiran. Isen struggled to repress a wince as he realized Elena was now practically all alone.

Rider spat and snarled and cursed and threatened as he was carried into the Throne Room where Keiran was speaking in soft tones to both Blaise and Loki about letting Isen outside for a few hours before the Elf went completely ape shit on them all. he paused, a smirk on his lips as he realized who was in front of him, trussed up like a turkey. "Rider Sages. personal Bodygaurd to one Princess Elena, fiance to lord Isengaurd. what an honor to have you in my halls. i'm surprised they sent you, instead of just trying to batter down my walls... what shall i do with you, hmm?" he asked, ignoring Rider as he was cursed at, Keiran's eyes flicking over to Blaise. "Blaise... aren't you in need of a new slave?" Rider went completely still and silent at that, his eyes widening in horror. "No! you can't!"
Blaise's smile turned wicked, nodding ever so slightly."I do. And he is much better then the elf." "The elf would be fine, if you would stop staring at him as if you want to feed him to the dogs." "But I do want to feed him to the dogs." "Well, at least this means his pretty little female is all alone. With your father. I think I need to go tell him."Loki said way to cheerful with the idea of seeing isen rage over something as he swpt out to find the man, raising a eyebrow at the plotting elf."You look lik your up to something. Should I be worried?"

Blaise sighed looking at his lord, running his fingers through his hair as he bowed slightly."If you would like me to take care of him my lord, I would gladly take the man into service. One never knows when one could use a new slave."
Rider's head jerked up at the mention of 'father' and his eyes widened. "your Roland's boy." he whispered, stunned. "i new that story he told me was a load of shit." he hissed, struggling against the ropes that bound his wrists, hissing as Keiran stood and examined Rider with a smirk as he watched Loki. "be nice Loki." he ordered simply. "we don't want Isen trying to escape. he's been behaving himself so far, i really don't want to have to deal with a pissed off Elf Lord... as for the man..." he reached down and stroked Rider's neck, and then his wrists and ankles, black markings flowing along the skin as if alive,Rider choking as the Marks twisted, the man jerking as he fought the Magic. "Blaise, these are 'loyalty' bands. they will respond to your thoughts and will control Riders body. if he fights them, they will choke him, and if he attempts to attack you, they will render him completely immobile." he admitted with a smirk as Rider finally submitted and settled into the half crouch, half bow position, panting hard for air that had been denied him. "enjoy your new toy. i have it on good authority that Rider enjoys the men." he admitted with a wicked smirk as Rider swallowed thickly

Isen was in his room, pacing back and forth nervously. he knew Rider was here, that meant that Elena was all alone, and that was bad... so very bad. as soon as the door was unlocked and opened Isen struck. he had played the helpless Elf card, now he was acting like the Warrior that he was. he struck fast and hard, striking flesh ruthlessly before leaping over Loki and racing down the hall. only five minutes later he was being dragged back, kicking and screaming and struggling the way he had not done before. Elena being all alone had affected the Elf a lot more than anyone would have thought. he was even cursing in Elvish!
Blaise's lip curled up at the mention of his father, looking disgusted."well. At least he appears more intelligent then the elf."He said before glancing at loki. "I'm always nice. Ask anyone." "hmm,as nice as a dog with rabies."Blaise said as the man left th room looking startled at the loyalty bands before nodding."Well, shouldn't you have given him to loki then?He's been without company for years."He pointed out because it was well known, at least in darkhaven, that loki hadn't had sex since he stepped into darkhaven, denying himself even that in the rage over th life that had brought him there."Would you enjoy that more, rider?Hmm?"He said absently stroking the man's hair as he stood next to him.

When he came back into the room, loki barely paused long enough to let the guards let go of him before decking the elf so hard that there was definatly the sound of cracking ribs in the air. "Calm down.I'm liable to kill you despite my ordrs if you keep it up."Loki snarled at him in elvish.
Rider snorted a little. "Elves are usually fairly blind when it comes to their own people." Rider grumbled. "i should have ordered Roland killed soon as i met him..." Keiran snickered a little, amused by the byplay from Rider before looking at Blaise. "Loki has Isen to deal with. not to mention he would not appreciate the gift. Loki will find his way eventually, besides, consider this a proper apology for making you share the same roof as that 'Elf Lord'. do you not like him? i could get you another, i know how you like the ones that will fight back." Rider huffed a little, but didn't say anything. he was pretty screwed and he knew it, he'd rather be the plaything of Blaise than the dust collector for Loki. the man would probobly forget to feed him or something. he didn't appreciate the petting thing though, and tried to snap at Blaise's fingers, since he couldn't move his arms, the loyalty band didn't react, probobly because Rider didn't intend any actual harm. he was just expressing his annoyance, that was all.

Isen yelped as he was struck and he collapsed onto the ground, clutching his side as he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. "Roland is going to kill her. i left that sick bastard in control. don't you understand this is all Roland's Fault! he talked the Council into attacking Darkhaven. he is the one who told me that there was trouble by the border, i have to go back! i have to stop him! we won't survive another war! none of us don't you understand!?" Isen was practically insane with worry over his kingdom and his fiance. he didn't try to get back up though, two of his ribs where broken and he wasn't sure how bad they where.
"Hm, true. Loki'd forget to feed him, or let him out...or forget to treat him like a dog."Blaise said looking amused before tilting his head."Oh, I will then, but making him think I'll give him over to loki just amuses me. He looks disturbd at the idea."Blaise pointed out laughing as he yanked his hand back, snickering a little."Come along then pretty one, we'll see what we can find to be amusing."H said helping ridr to his feet, bowing sligtly."May we go my lord?"

Loki sighed as he crouched down, pinning the ther as he glared down at him."No.You'll get married, and no matter what happens, you will declare war on darkhaven. You will not do that to my home. We wont survive it. Your people will be fine without you."He said hands tightening in the man's shirt, feeling the rage tightning his chest as he resisted the urge to bash his head off the ground
Rider just growled, annoyed about being talked about. he didn't mind being called a dog, he'd been called worse, in fact he was known as 'The Wolf' for his amazing tracking skills. he offered Blaise an annoyed glare but didn't try to say anything, he knew better, nothing he could say would matter anyway. "yes, by all means, go have fun with your new toy." "you people are bastards." Rider snarled, but he didn't doubt that if they where flipped around, the Elves wouldn't have any problems enslaving their Dark Enemies either. Elves could be even more viscous and cruel then mankind if they wanted to be. he followed Blaise, feeling stiff and old after his week in the woods, slipping past guard stations and apparently sentient trees. "you know, you wouldn't have caught me at all if those fuckin trees hadn't come to life and caught me. your men need training, i didn't even need to try to slip past them." he sneered at Blaise. "and you'd better get your fun in quick, because their sending the armies if i don't return."

Isen panted as he shook his head. "all i ever wanted was to have a wife! is that so wrong!?" no, but it was what started the Gods War in the first place. Keiran's love for a woman caused him to create mankind. Keiran's love for that same woman saw his refusal to destroy them... and it was the betrayal of that woman that was his downfall and his subsequent banishment. he cried out in pain as he was shifted and fury spiked in the elfs bright blue eyes. "MY PEOPLE WILL DIE!" he roared, but he had stopped struggling and had closed his eyes in some strangle sort of defeat. "my people will die now... the 'Dark' will kill them no matter what the Prophecy says..."
"We know. Your world condemns us for bing so."Blaise said refusing to be ruffled as he walkd, tilting his had slightly at the other."my men aren't alive. You'll have to talk to Loki if you think his dead army needs training."He sneered a little, knowing that th guard stations weren't so much as to watch for people coming in, they were there for the visitors who happened to get close enough to realize that theguard stations were commanded by the dead."They were sending armies no matter what we did."He pointed out as he stepped into the garden, immdiately relaxing at being in the green place.

"no, but you condemned us for your wedding elf."Loki said shifting, moving away from the man before he gave in and bashed the other's head into the stone until his brains leeked out. "So will mine elf. You slaughtered a village ,to get our attention. Do you think if you win, my people will be left in peace aftr Keiran, and me are gone?I think not. Even with our deaths, nothing will stop them from destorying darkhaven down to every child living here."
Rider lifted an eyebrow at Blaise before blanching as he realized why the men he had passed had smelled so funny, and had been so... distracted. "oh my god..." he nearly fell on his face he was so stunned. "you, Keiran really is a Necromancer!?" of course he was, he loved to fiddle with life. he had an army of Chimera and other such creatures as well. there where other people in Darkhaven capable of raising and commanding the dead as well, and Loki and Blaise where one of them, gifts from Keiran. "yeah well, there's no talking sense into a bunch of puffed up popinjays." he complained. "Isen and i argued with the council until we where blue in the face and they just walked right over us and did it anyways the ungrateful bastards." he paused, looking around the Garden, blinking in surprise. "this is Elves Ear.." he muttered, stroking a beautiful blue flower that was pointed at the top and round at the bottom like an Elf's ear. "this is only supposed to grow in the Elves forest... and this! this is the Lady's Slipper Orchid. their only supposed to grow in the mortal Caledonia Forest... and supposed to be extinct..." he looked at Blaise, stunned again. "this is amazing..."

he shook his head. "what does my wedding have to do with anything?" he complained, scowling. and it was suddenly evident that while Isen knew OF, the prophecy, he didn't know what it said. the Counsel was clearly keeping secretes. "i was against the attack!" Isen snarled. "your people haven't bothered anyone... but the Council are stupid..." he closed his eyes, just laying on the stone floor. "i've been played a fool..." he whispered. "the Counsel and Roland played me like a puppet... how could i have not seen?" he was talking to himself now. "all those secretes. they make so much sense now..." he turned and glared at Loki. "you broke my ribs..."
"Yes, but its loki who makes the soliders."Blaise said looking amused, raising a eyebrow."You thought the rumors of the two of them being nercomancers?"He looked like he was really to laugh at th idea that anyone could think any rumor that came out of darkhaven wasn't the true.Loki and Keiran both did not enjoy lying if they could help it. "and they're going to get their people killed for the foolishness. Darkhaven is well protected, as you saw."He said snickering as he watched the man look at his garden. "It is. And elsewhere in the world it is extinct, here, where a shaper claimed the land, and gave a half elf bastard a home?No, loki and Keiran both made sure I was well looked after with gren things.A little obsessed actually."

Loki stared at him looking surprisd, growling slightly as he spoke the prophecy quietly." When love touches the earth, and binds both mortal and immortal together in marriage, and the Sword Godslayer is freed from the fires, the lords of death shall fall, the weres shall be defeated before they rise, and the dark god will be no more, when one oath is broken to uphold another, the world will be remade anew, and the shapers' children shall endure.[/i]"H sighed as he sat bak, nodding."You have been played for a fool, and the council used your wedding to do it."
he shrugged. "until i came to this land i thought magic at all was simply impossible. Isen proved me quite wrong on that. i was certain the acts of raising the dead was... an over exaggeration, or a trick, or just a horror story that little Elves told to scare one another." he admitted simply. "i thought it was Elvish Folly." he admitted with a sniff of the flower before him. "this is nothing like i expected." Rider admitted simply. "Keiran... he's not what i expected. the Elves depict him as some cruel sadistic monster..." he frowned. "he was amused, not angry with me being in his territory. from what the stories say, he was supposed to gut me and make me eat my own entrails, not make me the sex pet of one of his favorites... he's not even supposed to have favorites..." he glanced at Blaise. "how many of the... stories, that Elves tell are true?" not many, there where a few grains of truth here and there, like the undead, but that was about all.

Isen's eyes widened in shock as he heard the prophecy and he swallowed thickly. "that's the prophecy? but it could be talking about anyone... i'm not the only immortal in love with a human you know... how do you know Roland isn't the one of prophecy? he had a child with a mortal woman after all." there was a pause and he grimaced. "i will have to apologize to the boy it seams..." he muttered. "it can't be me. i never wanted any of this to happen..." he closed his eyes and shook his head. "just go away. my Love will be dead soon i'm sure. either Keiran or Roland will see to it." he wasn't wrong, Keiran was considering having Elena killed, and Roland was trying to find the best way for her to have an... 'accident'.
"Well, it is something they tell each other to freak out. And personally, it creeps Loki the fuck out that he can do it, so he tries really had to not do it."He said musing before laughing, running his fingers through his hair. "Very little actually. Though, it's more likely Loki'll who will gut you, and only if you drink his alcohol. Man has a love affair with it."Blaise said rolling his eyes because even if loki wasnt there, t was obvious that he enjoyed thte man's company.

"No, not really. Because your people believe it is you. It could be about anyone,but your people are the ones who made it relevent."H said frowning a little before glancing at him as he sat back on his heels."...if Keiran would let me, do you want me to bring her to darkhaven?You wouldn't be getting married, or probably see her, but she would be safe."
Rider had to laugh at that, it was amusing. "yes i can imagine a man like Loki would feel... wary about messing about with the natural way of things." Rider had met Loki before, though Loki probobly wouldn't remember it. they'd both been drinking pretty heavily. "i'm not much of a drinker these days, you won't have to worry about me touching his precious mead." he smirked a little. "so you and Loki... are you, lovers? brothers? something else?" he asked curiously as he settled down into the dirt and ran his fingers through the thick Kings-foil, it was technically a weed but it had very good antibacterial properties. it had saved his life on more than one occasion.

he shook his head. "my people are fools." he spat before shaking his head. "but if the Prophecy is ripe now... there's not much that can stop it, provided it's a REAL prophecy..." he muttered with a small sigh before jerking, shocked as he stared at Loki. "you would do that? you COULD do that!?... please, see if he will please! she's the only thing that matters to me. my people can die for all i care, i just want Elena safe..." oh yeah, he had it bad.
"Hm,but he messes with the laws of nature by just being alive. He's almost immortal these days."he said before smirking."Well, he'll b glad to hear it. Damned man's obsessed."H said rolling his eyes before shuddering."Hell no. He adopted me when I was six, and despite being as old as him now, at least in appearances, he tries me like a child. A misbehaving one at that."Blaise said as he sat down to weed his garden.

Loki ignored the man staring at him, looking out the window before nodding a little as he stood."I would. She's kin, you know."He said and the old anger, despite how his wife and left him a cuckolded husband, he had loved the child they'd created together, and who had later married a king. So yes, he'd set aside his hatred for the race of man, and deal with his kinswoman."I will go now."he said walking out before isen could question why he was doing it. Making his way to keiran's rooms he knocked on the door before walking in."My lord...I have a favor to ask..."
Rider smirked a little. "ah, but a Maker, made him that way. that's not going against nature, that's just... playing with it a little." he admitted with a small grin as he laughed. "so Loki is like your father. it's good that you had someone to raise you." he admitted with a nod. "you know, if you let me go, i could go and kill Roland for you." ah, so THAT'S why he was being so nice. he was trying to bribe his way out of servitude. it wasn't a bad plan. especially since Rider could sense how much Blaise hated his blood father.

Isengaurd blinked, startled at the other. "Kin? as in relation or as in same species?" he asked, well aware what the answer was. Loki was one of Elena's ancestors. creepy. he stared at the other as he left and grunted in pain as he slowly sat up, setting a hand on his ribs. he wasn't very good at 'battle' magic. he was a healer by nature, as most Elves where. with a few strokes of his hand, his ribs where mostly healed. Keiran looked up at the knock and looked started. "a Favor? you don't ask many of those. what is it?" he asked, setting his book down and giving Loki his undecided attention. the last time Loki had asked for a favor, Atlantis had been sunk as a result so no doubt this would be a very serious favor. of course, Keiran could never truly deny Loki anything. he loved Loki the way Loki loved Blaise. they where family, and Loki was Keiran's favorite. if Loki wanted Elena there, then he would have Elena.
"Well, loki's still tangld up about it. If you want to see him really freak out, till him he's a freak of nature."Blaise said snickering before nodding."he is I guess."he said before frowning at the other, shaking his head."If I wanted my father dead, he would be by now. Keiran and Loki have had a plan for years."He said shrugging."I hate him,but not enough to kill him. killing him would mean he got more then just a thought in my head. And he doesnt deserve that."

"Same species."Loki said as he walked out of the room, not about to admit to calling anyone kin. Leaning back into the door as keiran looked at him, for once not meeting the other's eyes as he stared out the window. "It is not her fault, my lord.And now that their plans have gone wrong, they will kill her. The last of my family."He said hedging, because despite his desire to save the girl, it wasn't so much for isen, as it was for his own peace of mind.He'd lived long centuries, and a part of his heart,despite finding a new family, had always loved the ones his by blood. Loved them as much as he hated them
Rider snorted a little. "i'd like to keep my spleen thanks." he stated simply, shaking his head a little. "and you can't blame a guy for trying. i can't just run away because the Loyalty bands won't let me. and i can't kill Keiran to get them off because... well lets face it, he's a god! i stand no chance. my only hope is to trick, annoy, or persuade you to let me go." he admitted with a smirk. "it's a fun challenge." he admitted, stretching out on the ground with a groan. "in the meantime, this is just like a vacation, one i deserve." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i might even get laid." he flashed the other a wink.

Keiran paused, studying Loki intently before he nodded. "i will have her fetched." he promised, pressing a kiss to Loki's forehead. "i will not mention you to her, i will simply claim that i wanted her." he smirked. "she is very pretty after all." he teased, chuckling a little as he stood up and headed for his 'contact station'. where he could focus certain magics into mirrors where he could keep in contact with his various spies. one such spy, a human in Elena's guard, would soon be kidnapping Elena under the guise of following Rider's orders.

"Lady, my Lady!" Ash whispered, shaking Elena's shoulder. "i just received word from Rider, we must leave now! it's not safe here for you!" he whispered, urging her up and helping her to quickly pack everything she needed and rushing her down to the stable and onto her favorite horse. by the time she realized he was lying, they would be well outside of the Elven kingdoms and she'd be fairly helpless. he knew she had training, but the promise of being taken to Isen would hopefully keep her from trying to kill him.
"Very true. Though annoying us is hard. We spent time with loki, one must have the patience of a saint to keep from bashing his head in."he said snickering before nodding. "Come on, I'll show you the rest of the place, and to my rooms."He said a small seductive smirk curling his lips, not about to let th fine looking male in front of him sleep alone.

Loki nodded a little at Keiran's words before leaving, not about to raise to the teasing before sighing softly as he headed downstairs to wait. By the time a terrified, but calm Elena was led through the gates both loki and isen were waiting though loki stayed in the shadows as he watched from isen's side, shoving the man forward."You know, she's staying calm.Commendable."

"Isen?"Elena's yell raised in fear and worry as she got out of the saddle, ignoring everything, where she was, what was going on, needing to make sure the elf was okay.
Rider smirked a little as he got to his feet, brushing dirt off of his pants as he ran his hand down Blaise's ass, giving it a firm squeeze. "oh yes, i really am going to enjoy my little 'vacation', Elena can wait for a while." he purred, enjoying this strange seduction. Blaise really was the prettiest man he had ever met, and he was interested to see if Blaise was Dom, or sub... he had a feeling the half elf was a Dom, but one never knew.

Isen had his legs cuffed together so that he couldn't run off, and he ha a collar and a leash wrapped around his neck. Keiran had insisted, mostly it was to humiliate the proud elf, but Isen didn't need to know that. "of course she's calm, Rider trained her very well." he admitted, stumbling as he was shoved forward, the chains clinking, not that he cared as he gathered Elena into his arms, holding her tightly. "oh Elena, i'm so glad your safe!" Isen whispered. "i was so afraid Roland would get to you before Loki could have you rescued..." she'd probobly find that a very strange statement. "they won't leave us alone unfortunately, apparently that prophecy the Council has been all excited about is about us... the selfish bastards..." he muttered unhappily as he stroked her hair. then he stared at ash, his eyes wide. "why you little bastard!" he complained, Ash smirking as he handed the reigns to the two Elvish horses to Keiran. "pretty beasts." the God of Darkness muttered, running a hand down the flanks. "i wonder what would happen if our Darkhaven Horses where bread with Elvish horses?" he mused, smirking. "i think i'll find out. Loki, make sure that our new... princess, is in acceptable quarters." Keiran was giving Loki permission to house Elena wherever he wanted. even if it was the best room in the castle.
"Hmm I'm sure you will."Blaise smirked before stepping away, playfully smacking his arm."How gave you permission to touch me?I didn't."he said looking amused as he headd downstairs, looking startled."Elena's here."he said staring out into the courtyard surprised at the scene.

"What do you mean?Loki had-"She looked confused looking up at him then angry."That's why they wanted to attack?Because they wanted to make...Urgh!"She screamed sounding annoying but clinging to isn, stiring at the sound of keiran's voice, "You can't do that!" "You just told a god what to do, lady elena. I must say, you are braver then I thought."Loki said moving into the sunlight from shadows, and there was no denying the resemblance. Despite loki's red hair and elena's blond, they could have been father and daughter. "I will see to it. Isen?Are you walking with us before I return you to your qaurters?"Loki said, apparently ignoring the obvious look as if it didn't bother him to have her here.
Rider laughed at Blaise's banter, rubbing where he'd been smacked. "but how can i resist 'Master'? your so beautiful." he murmured, slyly seducing the other as he ran his hand down the others belly and heading lower. "i've heard rumors, that Elves have bigger dicks than humans... i'm curious to find out if it's true." he admitted before jerking in shock and turning tot he window. "ASH!" he gasped, stunned. "that son of a bitch! i saved his life and THIS is how he repays me!? i'm going to see his balls removed!"

Isen shook his head. "yes that's why they attacked. their trying to force the prophecy." he admitted softly as Keiran looked at Elena, lifting en eyebrow as he took her Chin, forcing her to look into his eyes, which where cold... and amused. "yes, very brave. clearly Rider taught her such bad manners... he's here as well, i made him into a sex slave." Keiran admitted, knowing it would horrify Elena, though Keiran knew Rider didn't actually care all that much being Blaise's boy toy. "shall i make you into a sex slave as well Elena? perhaps it will teach you some manners?" "don't you touch her!" Isen hissed, yanking Elena back, away from the Dark God and shielding her with his own body, Keiran laughing wickedly as he simply turned away and led the horses to their new 'bedmates'. he was very curious about what a bit of Elvish horse could do to his dark Horses. Isen was trembling, terrified of Keiran but more concerned about Elena as he stroked her hair and tried to check and see if she was alright. "it's going to be a little hard here... but Roland was planning on killing you, i don't have proof but all of this crap was him..." he admitted softly, stroking her hair gently. "everything will be alright i'm sure..." he promised her, nodding to Loki, letting the other lead the way. "...did Keiran really make Rider into a sex slave Loki?"
"Hmm I do like the sound of master."Blaise sighed quietly closing his yes for a moment before smirking."Well, I don't know about all elves, I trust Isen has a fairly small dick, but I most definately am well endowed."h said before laughing at Rider's reaction."hm but it got your girl out of the white city, with elves who want to kill her."he pointed out.

Elena glared up at the god, unwilling to be cowed into submission by he fear."Well, as long as he's not yours, I am sure he's enjoying himself."She said her frown annoyed and worried, but trying not to show her fear. Trying so vry hard. Yelping as she was yanked away hse leaned against Isen's back, watching keiran go before nodding."He's always made me feel weird you know. There's something odd about roland." "There is. Enterinity finally catching up with him."Loki said before looking at isen as they walkd inside."Well, I don't know how much of a slave he can be, considering he's enjoying being with blaise."
Rider scowled a little as he considered that. "i hadn't realized that the other elves would want to kill her really." he admitted, suddenly feeling guilty that he had let his lust for Blaise override his senses. "Isen must have begged for Keiran to save her..." he shrugged. "well she's as safe as she's ever going to be i suppose." he muttered glancing at Blaise. "can i see her later? she's probobly worried pretty sick about me." he smirked. "she's probobly all pissed off that i was turned into a Sex Slave, she abhors Slavery." he admitted with a snicker as he winked at Blaise. "so Master, we where going to your rooms?"

Isen shook his head a little. "i never noticed anything at all about Roland... but i suppose that was because of my own 'Elvish Folly'. i never knew that an Elf could... could DO things like that!" he admitted with a small shudder. it was like the madness of men was slowly seeping into Elvish blood. "i don't suppose i can pick out a new book before i have to go back to my room? i finished 'Arts of the Arcanium' last night." Isen was such a book worm, he loved to learn new things. "as long as he's enjoying himself i suppose." Isen grumbled, rather annoyed with Rider for leaving Elena all alone in the Elven Kingdom. how stupid could the bastard get?
"Well, some people are just stupid. Its a good thing your pretty."Blaise mused as he noddd."we'll see her later. She's loki's kin, and isen's fiancee. They'll want time alone."He said smiling slightly as he nodded."So we were. Lets go then."he said smirking as they headed for his room.

"Hmm,well, Elves are dim witted sometimes."Loki said wincing as Elena glared at him, ignoring the woman. "No they're not." "Yes they are. Now here is the library. Get your books and lets go."Loki said glaring at Isen, as if pissed that he had asked for this favor, very,very pissed off to find his kinswoman in his home.
Rider smirked as he grabbed Blaise's ass again, giving it a firm feel as he licked his lips, eager to see if Blaise would put up with it, pretend to be annoyed, or would actually punish him for 'touching without permission'. "i hope you have a big bed, i have a feeling we're going to be spending a great deal of time in it." he teased, snickering a little.

Isen snickered a little and nodded before blinking at Elena. "Elena Love... Elves can be pretty dimwitted." he pointed out. "for all of out book smarts we tend to have very little common sense." he admitted simply, grimacing at Loki's glare and quickly grabbing two books, urging Elena to do the same before letting Loki take them to their collective rooms. Isen's as bare as always, he didn't mind though, there wasn't much point in decorating a prison cell. "Loki?" Isen whispered softly, before the other left. "thank you, for saving Elena... thank you." he muttered softly. "i... i will find a way to properly thank you." he promised. as all Elves did, honor was important to them, and finding a way to repay Loki would be hard, but Isen would do it.
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