Dark Truth(moon/lady)

Nov 30, 2010
Wounded, he fled here, seething. It was not a defeat, not wholly. No one could say that when he still weilded Godslayer, that sword his brother had shaped in the hellfires of creation. He was (god), and from here to the sea in the west, was his. Two of his brother's generals were slain, their weapons lost or shattered. The lord Elterrion and his sons were slain, and many others of the elves.Though there was always Elterrion's grandson, it would be many years before the elven prince was ready to fight. There were men, of course, but such discord had been sown on the battlefield would make for bitter blood between the two.

It would be long centuries before another attempt was made.

But it would happen. He knew his brother.

Once, the 5 shapers had dwelled in peace. First among them Saran lord of thought, who brought forth his children, the elves.Second Came Ara the fair, there was grace in her ways, and compassion in her fingers as she shaped the world and her children were men, who loved quickly and fiercely. And Nera, lady of the seas and forest, who claimed the weres as her children. Then there was Hel, who claimed the trolls as her children and shaped them to the world of high moutains.

Then came the dark god, youngest of all, the sower and reaper, for life and death rode with him.

And also, there was dragons.

In those days, the three shaped the world to their own making. And still life emerged, those races known as the lesser shapers, and each claimed a race of their own, save (?God), who spent his time walking across the world, conversing with dragons. Alone among the 5, (?God)hungered for their knowledge. But his gift lay in the quickening of flesh, and he gave it gladly.

For the elves, Saran did not seek(?God)'s gift, for he had completed their shaping outside the creation of time, and death could not claim them. Ony Ara's touch did he suffer onto his children, and thus did Ara shape love into the being of Elves.

And yet Saran was displeased.

For men were not content, and made war on the elves, in ever increasing numbers. And it came to pass in the age of sorrow, Saran asked(?God) to withdraw his gift of life from the race of men.

Three times he asked. Three times (?God) refused.

Out of love for Ara, he refused, and out of knowledge, the deep and abiding knowledge of dragons. And in discord with his refusal, the shaper's war began.When the world shattered under the strain of their battle, the race of man and elves had thought they would be left alone.And yet, Saran would not leave his brother in peace, and breathed air of a prophecy on the heels of battle

When love touches the earth, and binds both mortal and immortal together in marriage, and the Sword Godslayer is freed from the fires, the lords of death shall fall, the weres shall be defeated before they rise, and the dark god will be no more, when one oath is broken to uphold another, the world will be remade anew, and the shapers' children shall endure.

When he heard the rumors, (?God)turned to his own thoughts, and decided he would become what his brother had shaped him as. Lord of Despair, banebreaker, father of lies.

Somewhere, in the far reaches of the world, there must be others who shared his pain of being betrayed, of knowing what the world would become. Of knowing a bright lie for what it is, and accepting of a darker truth.

Three generals his brother had sent to destroy him in the the battle. He would summon three of his own, comrades, commanders, keepers of his castle.

He would find them. He'd make them his. He'd make them immortal.


Loki Altara walked through the near silent halls of Darkhaven. It had been many centuries since he'd first walked through here, many years since he'd been just Loki Altara. The world knew his story, knew his name. He was called many things. Trickster. Kingslayer. Wifeslayer. Nercomancer.

And yet, none of the stories told, blamed his king or wife for making a cuckold of him, blamed them for the anger that had made him lash out and kill them before he'd thought it through. And in his pain and rage,he had heard his god summon him, and it was here, that he had found a new purpose.

Stepping into the tower room that his lord favored as a meeting room, the red headed general bowed. Though to call his hair red, was a injustice to red heads. Even as a mortal, his hair had looked like blood spilled under moonlight, and the color had only deepened as immortality settled into his bones. Raising dark green eyes he straightned, his helmet under his arm, fresh from the combat training."My lord, your guard is ready to defend your castle. Is it true, did the lord of elves finally determine that it was time to marry, and choose the last queen of man?"He said though he knew it was true.

After all, the sons of Elterrion had long been able to catch a woman's heart, but it seemed, this time, the elf had fallen in love to. It would make him laugh, at the idea of a mortal being able to love the immortal, who's life would never be able to understand, from a sheer vastness of centuries the elf had seen. It would have made him laugh, if it didn't make him want to scream in fury.


Elena, daughter of altara, tilted her head as she heard the light footsteps of her betrothed, straightening as she stepped back in from the doorway leading outside. "My lord, I had forgotten how very beautiful your city was."She said smiling, glad that this marriage was going to come to pass, for he was beautiful, and she was the last of her line. They wouldn't have had another chance to fullfil a god's prophecy. "Even the greatest works of man, cannot compare."
Keiran was his 'name' once, Keiran the Dark. he and his 'siblings' had once made the world as it was, he had shaped, and formed the minds of Men and Dragons from the earth within which he now lived. he had been betrayed, as many of his subjects had been, Darkhaven was just that, a haven for those cast into the darkness, betrayed, abandoned and forgotten. he had been betrayed, simply because he had refused to slaughter an entire species, simply because they did not suit another. he had held pity for the Race of Men and their greed, and had once considered finding a way to calm them, but now that he had been betrayed, the Race of men where most often his best support. their greed and hatred filled his halls with power and might and fed his own hatred and darkness. yet, all he truly wanted was a peaceful life to live in solitude and ignore his brother's attempts at war. they where foolish to try and kill of the Man they had helped create. Man was foolish, but hardy, and like cockroaches they could never truly be killed completely off.

He was the same. his foolish brother thought that Godslayer could be taken from him, thought that he, King of Darkness, Lies and Betrayal could be killed. the stupid bastard had even struck first, attacking his innocent denizens in a foolish attempt to destroy. all it had done was enrage King of Shadows as he now called himself. he was sitting in his throne room, thumbing through a Human book with narrowed eyes, his head tilted a little as he read before glancing up at his 'First in Command' Loki. Loki had been the very first of his people, he had plucked Loki out of the heartaches of man and brought him to his realm of Darkness, and the man had ever been faithful since. Loki was the closest thing to a freind that Keiran had. he smirked at the other for a moment, pondering the question before nodding once. "yes. and i would have you go and collect a... wedding present." he chirped, smirking. "either go yourself or send someone who won't fail." he ordered calmly. "go and kidnap the elf Lord." he sneered the words as if being a Elf was something disgusting. it probobly was, after all, no Elf would ever feel betrayed, for Elves knew only peace and love because they where stupid creatures that he had been betrayed over. no doubt the Elf Kind would always and forever be hated by The King of Shadows. but, at least Keiran wasn't the sort of person to make someone suffer simply because of what they'd been born as. kidnapped or not, the Elf Lord would have all the accommodations he needed.


Isengaurd, usually called Isen, smiled as he stepped into room, smiling at his soon to be wife. his skin a healthy sun kissed tan, his eyes a shining deep honey golden, and his hair as shimmering as golden wheat in the noon sun. Isen was ever the most beautiful elf in Elven Lands. "we Elves treasure the art and beauty of things, both made, and of natural make." and it was true, the city was a strange combination of finely cut marbles and natural vines and trees that made for an eclectic, but ever so gorgeous view. "and Men have such a short time to make their mark in the world." he admitted, wrapping his arms around her. he had offered her, her own immortality, but she had yet to answer him about that. "and yet, there are such fine works, like that church you where telling me about, where the whole thing is one giant art piece." not quite, but she knew what he was talking about. "and your stories! how i love a good Human book." Isen admitted with a grin as he pressed a light kiss to her temple. he truly thought that he loved her. "i wanted to tell you that i am going to be gone for a few hours. there is a light skirmish down in one of the villages. some of the Dark Men have appeared and are bothering the villagers for more beer than they have. at least their not trying to STEAL it this time!" he sounded a little exasperated. Human men always came to the outskirts of the elven lands looking for the rare delicacy of elvish wine and beer. usually they tried to steal it the uncuth little bastards.
Loki looked amused as he brushed his hand through his red hair, moving ot look out the window before baring his teeth in a semblance of a smile."I would be most glad to collect this weddding present."His eyes flashed dark and amused, besides Keiran, he had only one true friend, his second in command, blaise, was the only time elf and man had ever procreataed together,and blaise was hated for things out of his control, and the circumstances of his own birth. Oh yes, Blaise would be amused and pissed to have the lord of elves among them."I will leave Blaise in charge my lord, if you do not mind. I think I shall see to this...kidnapping myself. It has been years since I saw the white city of elves."He said his dark eyes flashing in amusement at the thought of walking through the white gates, and boldly taking the man away with him.


Elena smiled softly as he leaned into her, absently stroking his hair.She loved his hair,jealous of how very soft it was in fact. "We do have a short time.But whwat a glorious time it is."She muttered before leaning back into him."What is it like, to live for so long?"She said looking thoughtful, considering he'd offered her forever she was curious.Sighing softly as she turned to look up at him with worry."You will be careful?They are dangerous drunks, ny love."She muttered gently brushing his hair out of his face, looking concerned.
Keiran smirked at Loki, his eyes narrowed with mischief and laughter as he nodded. "Tell Blaise o your way out then." he ordered calmly. Blaise might have been half elf, but he was just as loyal as Loki was. Blaise had actually been 'rescued' as a child after being betrayed by his Elven father. Blaise had little love for his Elven Brothers, but that didn't stop the man from being tormented at every possible turn by others who hated the Elves. Keiran did his best to protect his Second in Command, as he knew Loki did too, but the taunts and hatred continued leaving a very bitter person who would be all too eager to get a little revenge on the elves. "Oh, and Loki?" Keiran stated, looking up before his freind left. "Do make sure not to die, hmm? if i have to bring your soul back up from Hel, again, i will not be pleased." The King of Shadows idea of saying 'good luck'.


he chuckled a little and nodded. "it is a precious time." he admitted softly as he nuzzled her hair, pondering her question. "it is hard to say." he admitted. "it is like asking a farmer what it's like to work for a living. it is simply something that is. the time is log, but we love even deeper for it. and grieve much deeper as well. we spend out time on things we enjoy, rather than on the greed that seams to affect man so." he pondered for a moment and then. "i am always careful, and no drunkard has ever bested me." he assured her with a chuckle. "by the time i get there they'll be too drunk to even swing a fist the silly things." he admitted with a grin as he moved away to gather his sword and his cloak before kissing her again and heading to the village, unaware that he was walking right into Loki's trap.
"I will. And I will let you deal with listening to him howl over having to leave the elf alive and in darkhaven."Loki said bowing his head slightly because he knew blaise was going to howl up a storm for the Isen being in the castle. Even if he wasn't sure about allowing the elf here, it might do his friend good to be able to confront the elf side of his heritage. After long years of venting his anger at Men for their hatred, maybe confronting a elf over it would be good. Pausing at the door he tilted his head, turning his head slightly to smirk at his friend."You have the oddest way of wishing someone luck, my friend."he muttered smirking as he headed out. And indeed, within minutes Blaise's howl of fury and Loki's laughter as he left filled the castle.


"Greed and short memories my lord. We do not learn from our mistakes, for we live so shortly to truly learn."She muttered smiling at him, laughing softly at his assurance. "Well then, I will try not to worry for you."Elena said looking amused as she settled in with a good book to wait for his return.


Loki smirked as he silently nudged the warhorse into the gates of the city, refusing to look at the feelings that being back in the city stirred. It had been many years since Loki Altara had ventured this far south, into the lands of his birth. Even though he was fully human, he had been born here in the white walled city of elves, a son of the second son of the king of men at the time. And staring around him, for once he felt the weight of centuries settling into his bones. nudging his horse forward, he was glad that he had the preaution, despite there not being many beings that would remember what he looked like-at least the non elves, he still had glamored himself to appearing less...like himself, and more bland.

And he was glad he did as he nudged his horse towards the bar, when he saw the lord of elves coming down the street.Surely, life wasn't that nice to him."M'lord. Whatever brings you out on this storm clouded evening?"The nercomancer said bowing his head to Isen as he got out of the saddle, looking bemused and wondering how the hell he was going to do this. He'd planned on having to get to the castle to get him. Having him here in the city streets made things easier and more complicated all at once.
Isen sighed as he ran a hand through his long hair, annoyed more than anything else. the human men hadn't been of the Shadow kind at all, they where just dark wearing would be mercenaries back from their latest victory. they hadn't even been dangerous, just drunk and obnoxious. the rumors he had gotten had been blown way out of proportion and the villagers had already handled the problem. the men had been polite and courteous, if a little too loud and hyper, drunk as they where on Elvish alcohol, but there had been no reason at all for him to come out here. he shook his head a little as he headed for his Elvish horse, one of the fastest in the lands. no 'man horse' could ever compare to the Elvish bred horses, though the Shadow Kings horses came far too close for Isen's comfort. it was said that Keiran's specially bred horses, could match, and even overtake Elvish horses. Isen was safe here in the Elven lands though, no Shadow Man would dare come here.

he had just been about to whistle for Sunmeadow, his horse, when he was stopped by a strange man cloaked in black, riding a horse just as black as the ink they used to write with. "oh, a good day to you." Isen chirped cheerfully. he was always happy to see a friendly face, most elves where friendly though come to think of it. "just a few out of proportioned rumors. i came down to deal with some Shadow Men that where bullying out Inn Keepers, and find that it's just a couple of drunk mercenaries singing too many loud songs." he grinned a little. "honestly, i think the Inn Keepers where enjoying themselves just as much as the mercenaries where." he admitted with a shake of his head. "still, if your seeking silence, i wouldn't suggest stopping at the Inn here." he warned, studying the dark man, his head tilted. "don't i know you from somewhere? you seam familiar." he admitted stepping close, close enough to grab, close enough to strike, close enough to drug. whatever plan Loki had for the horridly innocent Elf Lord, it was the chance he needed.
"Hmm, I will be seeking silence then."Loki said looking amused as he reached the horse, looking amused because it was true that his horse was no match for a elven horse, but they were close, far closer then any elf had even considered. Smirking as he raised a hand nodding."It has been a long time since you've seen me lord isen."He purred his hand flashing out and knocking the man out, dragging him up into the saddle with him, before turning and heading back towards darkhaven.

Stopping for the night Loki smiled as he set the elf lord on the ground, letting the glamor go as he prepared dinner for them both."You know, you're older then I remember. Prettier to."He mused, looking amused as he turned the leg of deer he was cooking, remembering the one and only time they'd met, over crossed swords and in the heat of the last major battle between kerian and the rest of the world.
Isen blinked, looking a little baffled at the comment before he crumpled under the hand without a sound. he was limp in the saddle, but no one really thought anything of it. Isen often fell asleep in the saddle so the few people who noticed him simply thought he was headed for another border patrol issue and was taking a nap in preparation for the long night. by the time anyone realized the man was missing, it would be far, far too late. he groaned as he woke, his head pounding as he slowly shook his head. "uuhng.." he hated waking up like this, he knew instantly that he'd been knocked out, something that hadn't happened since the Wars. "your Loki!" Isen managed to hiss, driving himself to his feet before staggering, dizzy as he collapsed back onto the ground. he scrabbled for his blade, only to find it had been stripped away from him. any weapon he might have used to defend himself with. "what do you want with me you depraved bastard!?" he demanded, getting to his feat and settling into a hand to hand stance, all too ready to kick Loki's ass... try to kick Loki's ass. "and i'm only three thousand years of age, that's NOT old!" for an elf, that was barley mid twenties really. he didn't want to remember about that last battle between him and Loki, Loki had kicked the elf's ass and only the arrival of more elves had saved the Lord from Death.
"hm, I'm so glad you told me who I was. I was questioning it, really."Loki said looking mildly amused as he brushed his hand over red black hair, sighing quietly as he watched the elf freak out. He'd only stopped because he knew it was better to let Isen get it out of his system now, before he saw kerian. He thought his lord would be able to hold his temper, but he wasn't going to take the chance if Isen yelled at him. "I'm not that depraved. I'd look to your own men if you want true depravity."He said watching the elf, and not even bothering to get up. Looking all relaxed and calm, despite the sword laying along his leg. Raising a eyebrow he laughed."Only a immortal would consider consider 3 thousand ONLY youngish."He smirked before laughing at the question of what he waned."You're getting married, lord elf. Did you think the lords of darkhaven would not pay homage to the wedding of the age?"
the Elf hissed through his teeth, annoyed beyond belief that the bastard HUMAN was sitting before him, calm as day as if not afraid of the Elf at all. he probobly wasn't. "You will release me at once!" he growled, his eyes narrowing as he held himself steady on the edge of the table, his eyes glancing around, trying to find an escape but knew that Loki wasn't stupid enough to leave a window or a door unlocked. "So what does the God of Lies and Depravity intend for me? disfigurement? torture?" he demanded, not aware that Keiran, being the vain creature he was, would not allow the willful disfigurement of someone else by his own men. anyone caught willfully damaging one another's looks without death intended at the end, was brutally punished. he only used torture for information, and any information the Elf Lord had, Keiran already knew. he was just kidnapping the Elf Lord to keep the prophecy from being completed and because he was bitter bastard who enjoyed ruining other people's lives. he only intended on holding Isengaurd for fifty, maybe seventy years at most. just until Elena 'bit the dust.' yes, the king of Shadows really was that petty.
Loki snickered a little as he started to eat, watching him look around."I'm not stupid elf. I locked your ass in this room with me, not only with a lock but elf magic. Now sit."He ordered more annoyed with himself for not returning directly to darkhaven and staying at the inn. He should have just pushed straight through to home. Rolling his eyes a little at the other's words he sighed."Oh well, disfigurement can't really be a BAD thing in your case, you'd probably end up pretty."he pointed out before smirking, because he was just as bitter as his lord, so keeping isen at darkhaven just made sense to him."You threaten my home, and don't think I wouldn't lock you behind high, unbreakable walls until your fiancee was dead?"
Isen grimaced as he realized he was well and truly stuck and he sighed as he sat down, burying his head in his hands as he thought long and hard before nodding as he straightened up, staring at Loki with a grim determination in the Elf's eyes. "you might have me now. but you will not always, i am an Elf after all and a very powerful one. if i cannot escape on my own, then my people and their men shall come from all corners of the globe to see you, and your ho,e and everything within it, burned to the ground and razed flat for new cattle farming locations." he sounded so sincere and certain. "no wall is unbreakable, no height is unreachable, and i will see you all dead, hanged, and burned to ashes for your actions against me, and my people." well, the Lord could be a Lord after all. he was taking his sudden kidnap and imprisonment with a great deal of poise and professionalism. of course, that wouldn't stop Isen from stabbing Loki first chance he got, but at least he wasn't going to whine and complain the entire time. he'd still try to escape, but he wouldn't be annoying at the very least.
Loki looked up at him, tilting his head ever so slightly. "Interesting.'He said looking thoughtful and amused that the man was taking it so well. Sighing quietly as rubbed a hand over his face trying to not think about what the other had said. He had to trust that they could defend Darkhaven. Smirking slightly he sighed."Ohhh, blaise is going to love you, o mighty lord."He uttered looking somewhat disturbed at the idea. This was going to go soooo badly.

The next day Loki stood, rubbing a hand over his face trying to wake up more.Even if he hadn't really slept, he felt better for the restless night. Looking at isen as the man woke he touched his shoulder, wrapping the magic aorund him instead of the room."Now, let's go."He said leading him outside and climbing up into the saddle of isen's horse, leaving isen no choice but to ride the darkhaven horse who's very breeding made them resistable to elven charms, which meant isen wasn't convincing the horse to turn away.


Elena frowned as she headed down to breakfast, looking worried about isen. She had no idea what was going on. Isen hadn't returned, and everyone that she had seen this morning, hadn't seen him either. "Have you seen Isen?"She muttered as she sat down next to her general at the table, looking worried.
Isen ate his food like a good boy and went to sleep in the corner where he felt a little safer. no one could sneak up on him like that. he didn't care who this 'Blaise' was... though the name did ring familiar. he shifted as soon as he heard Loki move, he knew he wasn't going to die yet, Loki had plenty of chance when he was unconscious, but his training was kicking in full force, and that meant waking up and being bushy tailed as soon as his captor woke. he could handle several weeks of very little sleep before it started to affect him. he would be rescued, or escaped by then. he shuddered as he felt the magic settle into his skin, and knew instantly that trying to run would be out of the question. he wasn't entirely sure what it was, but it would either act like a leash and not allow him to get all that far away, or it would cause him hideous pain if he tried to run. well that was his theory anyway. he stared at the black horse and shuddered as it stared at him. like Elven horses, Darkhaven horses where as intelligent as a man, Loki's Mount knew entirely what was going on. the Elf swallowed thickly, settled into the saddle, and let Loki take him away. it was a good chance to get some information anyway, like, where the castle itself was, where Keiran's room was, what foods Keiran ate, things that could be useful in poisoning or killing Keiran.


Rider looked up at his Lady and blinked a little. "No My Lady i have not. i have heard that the men anticipated problems in the village. it may be that he had to stay the night, or there was a problem with the border that he needed to see to. Isengaurd's men indicated that this was a common occurrence, and that he will be back within the day or send word through one of the Swiftfeet." Swiftfeet where the fastest elves on the fastest horses. they where like couriers, only for the nobles and army men to get word to other nobles and military men as fast as possible. "we will have word of him by evening, if not he himself, than a Swiftfoot will bring a message from him." Rider promised, examining the scroll in his hand. a report on rumors of the Shadow Men attacking the Elven eastern lands. "i do not think that Keiran liked how we destroyed one of his villages..." Rider didn't much like it either. there had been women and children in that village, and there had been no warning at all and no real reason either. Keiran had been silent in his Darkhaven for almost a century, he and his people hadn't made a peep and all of a sudden the 'Light' council wanted to attack them. it was just asking for a war, one that Rider wasn't sure they could win.
Loki snickered a little as he watched elf and horse consider each other, swinging up into the saddle of the elven horse heading for darkhaven with the other. Not overly worried about the man getting away. The spell placed around him warded the other from running, and from being able to track or remember where the castle was. It would keep track of a general area, but the man wouldn't be able to find it again, when the other was eventually released.Riding in silence until they reached the castles underground passageways he smiled a little as they walked into the castle proper, whistling high and loud to his guards. "Lord Loki!Welcome back my lord!"The guards yelled happily as they opened the gates, grinning as everyone in the castle turned out to see him and his prisoner. "Well.So here he is."Blaise's lip curled as he walked into the courtyard, the stamp of his heritage well visible on his features, even if his features were rougher then any elf's, there was a unmistakable stamp of immortality and beauty wrought into his bones.


"hm.well, we shall think of it."Elena said trying not to look to worried about what would happen. It would be painful to consider it. Tilting her head slightly as she looked at her friend and general she sighed. Her heart ached to, but it hadn't been her choice, it had been the elf lords,even if she was sure that there was not going to be a good reaction to the attack."And added to the news of my wedding coming..."SHe said because she was thinking even if it had been a century, she had a feeling that the heel of a prophecy wasn't going to make it any easier for the man.
Isen swallowed thickly, a look of terror in his eyes as he examined the castle of Darkhaven. protected by dark magics, only those who already knew where the castle was could find it. he grimaced at the tone of Blaise's voice as he slid down off of the horse, trembling as the dark magic pressed and pulled at him, making him feel dizzy and sick. "oh... you." Isen whispered, sounding so stunned he couldn't think of anything else to say. "your Roland's boy... he told us you had died..." he muttered, wide eyed and shocked. "Roland expected him to." that was Keiran, stepping out of the shadows, making Isen cringe and stagger backwards, trying to stay as far away from the King of Lies as possible. it only make Keiran laugh. "Blaise was only a small boy, how old where you Blaise? six? eight?" Keiran asked, his tone sadistic and harsh. "Blaise's mother had just died, trying to give birth to a pretty baby boy. Roland decided he didn't want either now that the human plaything was gone and abandoned both in The Shaded Woods. the baby died, Blaise did not." Isen looked completely horrified, his eyes wide before he narrowed them and he sneered. "you are the King of Lies! i cannot beleive anything you say! Roland is a part of my council, and he is an Elf! he would never be capable of such heinous acts!" aah denial, such a sweet lie.


Rider smiled a little and glanced at her. "...perhaps i had better take my men to check on Isen, just to make sure..." he muttered, having a sudden sinking feeling in his gut as he got to his feet. "you will come with us?" he offered. "it will do you no good to sit at home and fret." he admitted as he shook his head a little. "i don't like you being here alone anyway. that Roland keeps making eyes at you, the freak." he grouched. "he seams to have a human fetish."
Blaise's lips pulled back in a snarl."Yes me. I thought you said he was intelligent Loki." "No I didn't. I said he was good with a sword. never said he had more brains then the gods have my horse."Loki said as he handed the horses over to the stable lads, bowing his head slightly towards his lord, looking thoughtful at Isen's reaction. "Six, and alone. He's lucky I didn't shoot him." "You did. Moron. You thought I was a deer." "Oh yea. Thankfully, the dogs knew he was human." "Your dogs were always the more intelligent of the hunting party."Blaise agreed ,amused as the said hunting hounds, as big as great danes, those majestic hellhounds pressed close to their master, wanting attention even though he'd only been gone 12 hours. Blaise sneered at Isen's reaction before looking at his best friend. "Do you really have to keep him alive?Such stupidity should not be allowed to grace the halls of darkhaven. He might infect us with such stupid words."Annnndd they were off again. They just couldn't stop being sarcastic bitches. "...just keep your lips and cock to yourself, and you wont have to worry about such infections." "I'm not you loki. I enjoy my companions female, and intelligent enough to talk to."


Elena looked worried before nodding."I would apperciate it if you would."She said standing to, straightening out her skirts before smiling."You know, most men would want their queens staying home."She muttered as they walked towards her rooms."But I will go with you, for I do not trust Roland either."
Loki glared as he listened to the bantering going on, feeling horror sliding into his gut as he realized that he had left his fiance alone in a castle with Roland in charge. "oh god..." he whispered, closing his eyes as he swallowed thickly. "i'm going to be sick..." and sick he was, he turned on his heals, fell to his knees, and puked. all more gracefully than a swan. honestly, only an Elf could make sicking up look graceful. "it's just the Darkness Elf." Keiran stated simply. "you'll get used to it." honestly that WAS most of the reason why he had sicked up, but it wasn't all of it. "Both of you shut up before i lock you in the closets again." Keiran ordered, moving over to Isen, studying him intently. "Loki, see that out guest is... comfortable." he ordered, Isen shuddering at the tone, images of shackles and rolls of bedding on cold hard stone entered his mind. but Keiran meant what he said. Isen wouldn't be given what he was used to, but he was going to have a nice little room that locked from the outside, no windows of course. he'd even get three meals a day. "oh and Blaise? don't hurt the Elf." Keiran ordered as Isen managed to stagger to his feet. he felt a little better now that he'd upchucked, and the darkness didn't seam to be so bad now. he didn't fight them at all as he was led through the twisty turvey maze of the lower levels, and he grimaced a little as he found himself in front of a door. he looked stunned as it opened into a simple bedroom. a bed in he corner with plenty of blankets so that the elf wouldn't freeze to death. a chamber pot that emptied automatically and a small bathtub. there was nothing else, but it was everything that the Elf would need. he turned as the door was shut, leaving him completely alone, and winced as the heavy bolt slid home and he sighed, looking around again, hearing Keiran ask Loki if there where any problems during the kidnapping.


he snorted a little and shook his head. "most men are idiots and fools. i gave you lessons myself, i know you can defend yourself if the need arises." he stated with a sniff as he led her down to the stables, quickly saddling her favorite mount as he always did to make sure that the saddle hadn't been tampered with in any way, before saddling his own horse and hopping up into it, leading the way to the village. on Elvish horses the ride only took hours, instead of days, and they met no Swiftfoot on the way. talking to the villagers determined that Isen went the way of the Border, and was sleeping as he often did, but that there was a man wearing a dark clothing with him. Rider instantly had a bad idea and he glanced at her. "i'll go to the Border, you wait here in case he comes back and i missed him."
Loki stopped snickering a little as the man got sick. Looking a little disgusted that the elf loked so good doing it. Running his fingers through his hair he tried not to think about his own throwing up he'd done. He was better then that. Frowning a little he nodded."As you wish, Keiran."He said looking amused that isen would assume that he would be badly treated."Fine. If I must refrain."Blaise scowled watching them disappear inside.

Loki smiled a little as he let the god into the rooms across the hall from isen's, his own actually. "It was fine. He was out checking a bar report anyways, so it wasn't that hard to get him out of town."He said looking amused as he settled down into the chair, starting to relax now that he was at home again.


"Hm, very true, but it makes them so very easy to manipulate."Elena said looking amused as he climbed into the saddle, gently petting the horse's neck, glad that nothing had been tampered with. Maybe she really was overreacting to isen's disappearance."Okay. And rider?Be careful. I can't be missing both my men at once."Elena said, her voice wavering ever so slightly with fear for isen, for rider.
Isen grumbled a little as he was hauled into his rooms but he didn't complain, a fact that rather startled Keiran. "cleaning a Bar Report?" Keiran asked, looking very much like he wanted to laugh. "really? that's what he does in his spar time. he handles Bar brawls?" he shook his head and glanced at Blaise. "i am sorry Blaise, that you have to deal with him being here. but it is important for us to have him. without him, the Prophecy cannot come to completion, and we will be safe." or so he hoped. "i want you both to double the guards on all patrols, and set up way-points on every road so that 'light' can't get in." he paused and pondered. "lay traps in the forests and flatland's, that will deter most of the cowards, i'll get the animals and trees to assist as well. no Elf will want to enter a forest where the animals and trees go out of their way to hurt you." he pondered again and then. "i want two guards on the Lord anytime that door has to be opened. he won't be able to take out two guards without raising a ruckus.


he chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's good to manipulate your peers." he teased playfully as he started the trip, scowling as he nodded, gently touching the top of her head. "it will be alright Elena." he promised. "the Elves here are kind, not political. they won't hurt you." he promised, two Elf Guards moving over to her, asking if she was alright and offering to stand watch over her while her 'manservant' was away. two more offered to go with Rider to check and make sure that Isen was really on patrol or dealing with an emergency. he wasn't, in fact none of the patrol or border guards had so much as seen him. Rider and the two Elf Guards immidiatly knew that Isen had been kidnapped.
"Well, if you want to be fair, you take care of our drunk soldiers when they show up for dinner."Loki pointed out looking amused. Blaise sighed looking sulky before nodding a little."I know I know, I just cant be happy with it."He grumbled. "We'll see to it.And, I'll make myself one of his guards.Between me and loki, I don't know which one of us disturbs him more." "Definately me, child. Now, I'm going to go see if I can get some dinner."Loki said looking amused as he left, retrieving some dinner before knocking on Isen's door and walking in, holding a tray."I brought you something. I thought on your first day, you would not want to be down in the dining hall."


"It is. And we do it so well."Elena said looking amused before sighing softly, watching the elves before nodding slightly. "I'm fine. just wondering what has happened to detain Isen so long."She said before settling in to wait. Her eyes widening when she saw rider returning, pain and fear in her eyes."He's gone isn't he?Truly?"She said turning to look up at the elves. "I TOLD you, I told you that attacking that town would draw them out, would force them to attack. I told you it was not a good idea to kill a village under darkhaven's protection!"She screamed, starting to totally lose it.
Keiran smirked. "that is because they amuse me." he stated simply, shaking his head a little. "and i'd imagine i disturb him the most. i am his 'mortal enemy' after all." Keiran stated with a deep laugh as he settled into his chair to read a book, letting Loki and Blaise do whatever they wanted. Isen was on his feet, staring at the door when Loki walked in, and he studied the man intently. "the food is drugged i assume?" he asked, staring at the platter of food. "truth drugs? magic oppressors?" he asked even as he sat down in the chair and examined the food. he was hungry from missing lunch, very hungry, he knew he wasn't in danger of his life, ad he didn't know anything of value as of yet. so even if he was drugged to tell the truth it wouldn't hurt anything. with that decided, he tucked into his meal and ate in silence.


Rider nodded and then shook her head, grabbing her. "do not blame the soldiers for the decisions of others Elena." he ordered. "it was the council's decision and you know it is death to deny the council's orders. they where told to attack and they did." he stated softly. "if you wish to yell at someone, we will go back to the castle and yell at the fools who make the decisions." he stroked her hair, calming her down as best as he could. "now then, we need to decide what to do. the Council will try to get Isen back, but if they attack they might just kill him. i want to get you somewhere safe, and then i will try to find Darkhaven and slip him out of there if i can."
Loki tilted his head, wrinkling his nose."Why bother?I know everything that your men would be planning, and Between me and keiran, I'm pretty sure we could smack you down like a misbehaving child."He said sitting down, and starting to eat off the same tray to prove that it was indeed not poisoned or drugged.


Elena winced sighing as she was grabbed, trying to calm, running a hand over her face before nodding."I know, I know...I just..."She shrugged helplessly as she looked at him. "We'll talk, but the coucil will probably want to just attack,even if it means getting him killed."She said quietly as they headed back to the city, eager to talk to the council,needing to. When they got back she gathered the members before sitting down to wait till they got there, looking up at rider."Do you think you would be able to get him back?"
he shrugged a little. "for kicks and jollies i suppose." he muttered as he finished off his meal and leaned back. "i don't suppose i could get a book or something in here?" he asked hopefully. "it's rather boring in here, and you wouldn't want me to go insane would you?" they both knew that it would only take a few weeks for that anyway., being cut off from green and growing thigs would slowly drive the Elf insane. thankfully Keiran had a plan for that too. he was having a Garden made for the elf so that Blaise's perfect garden wouldn't 'be tainted by elf lord Scum.' it would be a nice place for Isen to work out his energy, planting, weeding and breaking the ground for new plants. until then, it was cold stone and blank walls for the Elf Lord.


Rider smiled at her and nodded. "we'll convince them otherwise. after all, this is their fault." he pointed out with a sadistic little smirk as he followed her back to the city and argued with the council until he was blue in the face. Rider had a month to try and get Isen back before the Council moved, no matter the end result. if Isen died, he died, they didn't really care. "i think i will try my very hardest My Lady." Rider assured her, offering her a smile. "and maybe i'll catch myself a fine young thing to take back with us." he teased with a laugh as he kicked his horse into high gear and raced off.
"That's true.Though I get my...jollies...from other people. Like Blaise said, I wouldn't want to get infected or something."He said looking amused before nodding, standing."Come then. I will allow you to choose your own book."He said waiting for the other before leading him down to keiran's library, the likes that not even the white city could match in sheer number of books.


Elena nodded watching him aruge, hugging him softly resting a hand on his thigh as he raced off."Goodbye rider. And be safe."She said watching him go, and trying not to think about how scared she was. After all, it was not every day someone tried to break into darkhaven.
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