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Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

I am assuming it means "mother in law "
Just be patient and embrace the suck for now. Time flows like a river. It will pass.
Id say write a story where she is the antagonist, and the character based on her meets a creative end.
Writing a story? ;) That's good advice, Pazzo! Or think of a good memory, darkangel. Surely you have them. Everyone has their stock of good memories. We just need to try and summon that silver vapour that is our memories. Here, try to visualise this good memory of yours. *brings darkangel a lovely birthday memory*

darkangel76 said:
Edited by me..... just feel the need to do so now.
~Totally invades D.A.'s space like we know she loves before pointing to the calendar~ Just one more day lass. You can do it without commiting murder... Right? :D
If the bint is half as bad as you say, then good damn riddance! At least until she comes about again to make your life hell.. Then you know what to do right? Invest in earplugs and get out the thumb screws! I will be sure to give you my address one day just in case you need to ship the remains somewhere. 3=D

As for Doc Martin? You mean to tell me you have never seen the show?! Oh lord lass, I know you will love it even more as the series progresses. That is if you have yet to see them all. While you watch the family friendly stuff I am on that Daredevil series. I avoided it up to this point cause I did not want a dissapointment like that of the movie. ~Shudders~ But it is actually pretty well written, and the fella they have playing the main character is fairly good. Would not reccomend it for lil ones (despite the fact the newer generation is even less sensitive than ours) but not a bad show to waste some time on when you have time to binge watch it.

I is gonna get off your journal now and smack my own around a bit. You know here at least you got some folks that care outside the family. If not I will remind you gently and then bite cha right on the neck! :D
Kinda goes the same with anything anywhere. I mean come on, people were flipping their shit over the just-released Hatred game, saying it was too violent, it was too this, too that and ba, ba-ba, ba-fucking-bah!

I'll never understand people these days. Maybe I'm not supposed to. What say you?
Ain't that the friggin' truth. But maybe, JUST MAYBE, people wanted a little bit of that old-timey tradition of having a pinch of ultra-violence peppered here and there. I mean hell, even the evening news is littered with violence, stabbings, fires, shootings, robberies, riots, bombings, an outbreak of the crabs, it's all over the place. It's not just limited to just one form of entertainment over the other. But you see, certain people - not saying all of them - have to tell you that you're not supposed to watch that, play this or listen to this because - and I am quoting this ver-fucking-batim - it'll make you out into a bloodthirsty monstrosity that disrespects authority and that you need to clean up your act if you want to make it anywhere.

*hawks and spits* Ech.

Apparently, these people never caught wind of that one episode of Penn & Teller's Bullshit that discussed that particular topic, which flat-out debunked that theory and blew a hole in this one guy's argument that you can drive a battalion of M1 Abrams tanks through!

Kinda makes me wanna punch someone in the face the next time I hear slanted arguments like that again.
Awwwwww~ I <3 you too, sweetie~ *huggles tightly*

But I'll say it again. When it comes to shit like this, some people will get their shorts in a wad about anything in this day and age. Hell, I even remember the fiasco over games like Mortal Kombat, movies like Scarface (the one with Al Pacino that ALMOST got an X Rating from the MPAA back in... 1980-something), comics like anything you'd see from Image Comics, Dark Horse - back in the day, anyway - and all that shit. Like come on, like it's the first time you heard someone smack a woman in the face or someone said something that was totally derogatory? Wake the fuck up, people! It's 2015! This sorta shit has been going on since the founding of the country and way back in time!

And you know something? When I looked at footage from Hatred, all I saw was a reskinned, monochrome "HD" - can't really call it such since the graphics kinda look like ass, even at maxed settings - reboot of a PS1 game I remember playing back in 1997 or 1998!

Keep this in mind. Journalism sites like Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra and Rock, Paper, Shotgun were crying out that this would be the end to gaming as a whole because of it's ultra-violent content... Despite when I looked at it, I thought to myself that it looks mediocre. Oh, but wait. After they saw the game themselves, they COMPLETELY changed their tunes about it. I saw this all over YouTube, I saw it all over Tumblr, I saw it every-fucking-where. It's not bad, but it's not convincing. Maybe after a couple price drops and/or after they fix a few bugs, I'd snatch it up, but right now?

Ssssssssssssssss. No.

On top of that, I don't care how violent it is or how much profanity it has, or what you can do in the game. As long as it doesn't suck, that's all that matters to me.
Eeeeeee~ I loves hugs! <3 *hugs again supertight*

But yep. That's humanity in shellnut. They preach about what's wrong, they tell you to do your part in such-n-such, when all I wanna do is shut up and enjoy someone else getting killed. You know. Whatever's on. Or whatever it is I'm in the mood for. Just shut up and leave me alone to what I want to do.

And yeah. I said shellnut. It's only words. They can be flipped around. They don't control us.
Of course I do. There aren't many people out there left who just say what needs to be said and to hell and be damned with the consequences. You either say what's on your mind, what's bothering you, tell it exactly how you remember/felt/whatever it and be thorough to the end. Since I'm on the subject, lemme just put this out there to not just you, DA, but to anybody that reads this. If you got something you wanna tell me that I might be wrong on, then go ahead and tell me. I'll listen. Shockingly, I do have ears, you know. I'll tell you exactly what I think and probably offer some insight of my own without embellishing what needs to be said.

So. Uh. Yeah. Be prepared to see me stalk your journal on occasion. Just putting that out there.

Ahem. >_>
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