Awwwwww~ I <3 you too, sweetie~ *huggles tightly*
But I'll say it again. When it comes to shit like this, some people will get their shorts in a wad about anything in this day and age. Hell, I even remember the fiasco over games like Mortal Kombat, movies like Scarface (the one with Al Pacino that ALMOST got an X Rating from the MPAA back in... 1980-something), comics like anything you'd see from Image Comics, Dark Horse - back in the day, anyway - and all that shit. Like come on, like it's the first time you heard someone smack a woman in the face or someone said something that was totally derogatory? Wake the fuck up, people! It's 2015! This sorta shit has been going on since the founding of the country and way back in time!
And you know something? When I looked at footage from Hatred, all I saw was a reskinned, monochrome "HD" - can't really call it such since the graphics kinda look like ass, even at maxed settings - reboot of a PS1 game I remember playing back in 1997 or 1998!
Keep this in mind. Journalism sites like Kotaku, Polygon, Gamasutra and Rock, Paper, Shotgun were crying out that this would be the end to gaming as a whole because of it's ultra-violent content... Despite when I looked at it, I thought to myself that it looks mediocre. Oh, but wait. After they saw the game themselves, they COMPLETELY changed their tunes about it. I saw this all over YouTube, I saw it all over Tumblr, I saw it every-fucking-where. It's not bad, but it's not convincing. Maybe after a couple price drops and/or after they fix a few bugs, I'd snatch it up, but right now?
Ssssssssssssssss. No.
On top of that, I don't care how violent it is or how much profanity it has, or what you can do in the game. As long as it doesn't suck, that's all that matters to me.