Deadly Seductions (Batman4560 x Yoshie)

She looked at him in confusion. She just sat here and talked about something that she hated, something that she loathed. Herself and her past. “You have to let me go… there is no question in this endeavor you have to let me go or I will fight.” All the while saying this she was laying on his chest with her back on his chest. He had a perfect view of looking down her shirt. “I didn’t spoil you with that endearing story so that you can write my damn biography. No, what I need you to do is just forget that you met me and forget that I was here. When we see each other again, naturally I will try to kill you and you will try to protect yourself, it’s the natural way. You have an issue with being someone’s friend. We had a drink for today…” She looked around. “Tonight, obviously… but anyway. It was a drink nothing more. Shared a view from both perspectives. Get it? Got it? Good…” She said as she reached up and touched his face.
Ace's body went cold when she touched his face. His eyes drawn down her shirt. He brought his gaze to her face and wrapped his arm around her body. Her warmth was sending him strange signals. Ace couldn't hold back anymore leaning down he brought his lips to hers and let them brush lightly. "Do you want this as badly as I do?" He whispered and kissed her lips softly. His hands started to roam her body and gently feel her curves. Quickly Ace lost himself to her skin and lips. The taste of them sending him into a mental frenzy.
Thoughts were racing through her head, fire and ice’ what a wonderful combination. Her red fire eyes looking into his icy blue eyes she got tempted by his mysterious swirl orbs. Why was he not burned by now? She looked at his hands, they were smoking but not enough to cause alarm. Did he have some kind of ice power as well? He should’ve been scorched to a cinder but no, he kept touching, she was getting turned on. Then again playing with fire was something that some people loved to do. She began winding her ass on him, grinding, tempting him.

“Passion…” Was all she could mumble before he kissed her. That tongue of his roaming her mouth, hers tantalizing, teasing and playing with him, his mouth was warm but hers, hers was on fire. Smoke emitted from her body as she tried to calm her temperature down so that he would not have 3rd degree burns. Her hands holding his sides as she watched as he was seemingly addicted, transfixed on her, the attention was exotic, she had never had someone who was this infatuated with her, she might as well enjoy it. “Well, if you wish… you want to touch go ahead… just don’t blame me if you get singed.” She smiled a fanged tooth smile. He started roaming her entire form, each place more fascinating than the next to him, each place he touched his fingers went slowly over the spots that he like as she let out a soft moan. Trying to catch herself as she was losing herself as well.

“I take it you like it…” She mused.
Ace didn't notice the small amount of smoke rising from his hands yet. Her warm skin was inviting to his body. The way she moved her hips on his lap was a cause for his body to react. His armor covered member started to stir around slowly as Ace let out a soft moan. Her curves enticed him and he squeezed her chest playfully kneading her breasts with hands. Ace's lips started to suck on her salty sweet neck and his mouth memorized her skins taste. His thoughts were running wild with the idea of how much of a bad idea this was. She may attempt to kill him at any time or... It was at that moment he realized how hot she actually was. It wasn't so much bothering him as it was alarming to him that he wasn't setting fire. Maybe he had some power he hadn't realized was there, after all he had been alive for a long time and his powers may have evolved. Pushing the thought from his mind Ace continued to worship her body and neck letting his hands run down her legs and one hand slid up her dress's slit.
Those red bulbs of fire stared into his as she began to moan. He was something else, the way he talked his voice echoed through her head, the way his hands felt. It was better that he made the first move for she would’ve toyed with him, now it was the other way around, he was teasing her, pleasing her and worshiping her all the same time. She liked the attention and reciprocated his roaming hands with her moans. Moaning louder when he ran his hands over her hotspot that was on her breasts, her nipples. Speaking of which they were hard as diamonds as she tried to hold back on taking him right then and there. Grinding on him more she made it known that she was enjoying it because the fire place ignited higher but the fire wasn’t red, it was blue indicating that she felt comfortable around him, at least for now.

“You like this… say it…” She was getting bold she was getting demanding but still let him in control for the time being. “You want me…” She wanted him to talk dirty to him and the only way to do that was to firstly talk it to him. She gave a smile, a lustful, seductive smile. She liked the teasing and coxed him in for more.
Ace shivered when she started to speak. Her voice was sweet and made his skin crawl. His hand roamed around under the slit in her dress and started to rub against her clit in a circle. "Iv'e wanted you since I brought you here...I think being bad can be fun sometimes" Ace started to suck on her neck hard leaving a small bruise and his free hand started to pinch and twist her nipples threw her dress. "You must want more, your starting to get wet." Ace felt the dampness in her panties and smiled to himself as the warmth made him want her more. The fire was reflecting of the heat he had for this woman. leaning back he rolled her onto her chest and slid down her body. His mouth reaching her legs and started to kiss up the back of her left leg.
This was amusing to her, and when he said it, she didn’t notice that so fast she had become so wet. She looked down and noticed the sticky sweet substance emitting from her underwear. This caused a smirk across her face, he knew what he was doing, and his hands felt good touching her. She complied when he rolled her onto her chest this gave him time to worship her ass which was very full and plump. She mused when he started kissing the back of her legs her ass promptly reciprocated with a drip of cum cascading down her leg. A small moan escaped her lips and to no avail did she try to catch it. She was impressed, most men would not take the time to kiss all over a woman’s body.

“You’re good at this…” She commented.
Ace kissed up to the top of her leg and started to slowly finger her. His free hand smacked her ass and groped it hard. His eyes glued to the soft pump thing. a soft moan escaped his lips and he spread her legs. Slowly he slid off her panties and took in the scent of her warm slit. Carefully he flicked his tongue against her slit and took long , slow, powerfull licks. Gently he lapped against her clit while sliding his fingers in and out. The urge to be inside of her was starting to take over and he fought with everything he had to not take her completely then and there.
He was a good lover, showing attention to her every desire, she looked back at that face and she could not help but to be mesmerized by his actions and the way he cared for her. She bit her lip and he drove deeper and harder into her. Legs bucking under, Winry was powerless to stop the immediate orgasm that had built up. It was slow at first so she could keep it at bay but the longer he kept pounding at her g-spot the harder it got. “Damn, you sure you working for the right side Hero?” She finally got out.
Ace stopped licking and brought his head up slowly licking her taste off his lips. Pulling down his pants Ace reached down and grabbed her hips. Chewing on his bottom lip he slowly forced himself inside her slit and started to pound it. Both his hands snaked around her body and grasped her chest. Gently he kneaded her breasts in his hands, pinching and pulling against her nipples while he forced himself into her harder and harder. He let out a soft gasp of pleasure and tried to keep up a steady pace. A small sheen of sweat built up on his body and his knees began to grow weak.
Her body began to heat up but it was because he was touching all the right buttons. Her breathing labored she watched as he licked his lips and then moved on to the main dish. When he un did his pants she wanted so desperately to see what he was working with but to no avail, he was too quick to put it inside her. Now seeing is believing but feeling is something all the more wondrous. He was thick, he wasn’t that long but the girth made up for what he was lacking in the length department. He spread her apart like bread as he invaded her walls, she jumped a little as he tried to force his way into her and she grunted to let him know to take it slow first so that she can get used to him. The truth was that she was a virgin so she hadn’t had any physical contact at all.

“This… is my first time… “ She blurted out finally and somewhat ashamed.
Ace stopped when she spoke and looked at her strangely for a moment. "Your first time...after how long?" Taking a step back he pulled up his pants and buckled them again. "I can't do this....look Im gonna let you go this time but don't let me catch you again" Picking up his hat Ace opened up his front door and walked out. He couldn't beleve that she was a virgin. How does someone go on living that long and not have sex. This whole night turned out to be a massive flop in every way. Ace started to head down the stairs of his apartment complex and made his way to the front door. He felt guilty for even attempting to do that to someone he had never met before and decided he needed air.
Now she was angry, how could he just leave her there… if ever there was a time to be mad at him it was now. Why did he think that she even stayed that long? Why did he think that she even let him touch her? It had been decades, no one could touch her because of her condition. But this, this didn’t apply to him. He touched her all he wanted. He roamed her body without setting ablaze. How was this possible? She had to know and if that meant becoming his moral enemy then so be it. Her eyes turned red and angry fueled. She rushed back on her clothes and was about to torch the place then outside she remembered it was a gas station. She grunted and then set ablaze a abandoned warehouse that was adjacent to it on fire, and it made a pretty explosion.

“Damn him…” Her eyes welled up with tears. She was hurt, she was confused and most of all she was still horny.
Ace was about a block away when he heard the explosion. His eyes went wide with fear. Turning he saw the fire in the sky, red and orange lit up against the dark starry night. "Oh shit!" Taking off he arrived to see her standing there infront of her handy work. "What the hell are you doing!?" He demanded as he drew his gun again. "Your insane...its a good thing that place is abandoned." Ace aimed his gun sure she would attack and his eyes sized her up. Surely she would make a gesture or movement before she launched an attack. It was at that moment he remembered she was stronger when warm and the fire from the building was hot and intense. His mind rand wild with the idea that she could be much more powerful than she was before now that there was so much fire. Ace took a step back and bent his knees ready to run and spoke up. "Hands up, this time I do have to take you in." His blood felt cool and his mind was calm, surprisingly for the first time tonight he was not worried at all.
Her head turned to face him her body inched slowly with it but just enough so that he could see her face. Her eyes looked into his and tears were streaming down her face. Those once bright, fiery eyes fueled with emotion were now emotionless and cold, there was not a spark and the bright color was even gone. Her attention went from the gun back to his face, he was armed now, he was a threat, she could kill him with a moment’s notice, with a wave of her hand she could end his life. They both knew that… she had her greatest ally on her side blazing sky high embers everywhere, raining fire. But all she did was simply shook her head.


She looked at herself, her hands, and her body. She touched her face with those hands that could do damage. She looked up at what she had done and then looked back at him. “Why… is it because of what I am? Why did you leave me there? You carried me all the way there, took care of me, and fed me just to leave me there ALONE!” Her anger only made the fire burn harder and faster it erupted with a roar as she pointed to the place across the street where he and her were.

“You call yourself a Hero? You call yourself a savior? All I did was cause a little fire to an abandoned warehouse, they were gonna tear this place down anyway I saved them the trouble… but you!” She said with disdain. “You, led me on, made me tell you things I’ve never told a soul, I almost lost myself to you… and then you abandon me! Look in the mirror, who’s the villain now!”

Before she or he knew it the building came crumbling down and with the noise and distraction she was able to leap past the commotion and try to make her escape. She was hurt, she was a wounded figure and this time this hurt wasn’t physical. She couldn’t bandage up this with some salve and some menthol. No, it wasn’t that simple… she couldn’t breath, she felt dizzy and she couldn’t even jump straight. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, she wanted to destroy.

“Damn Him!”
"Uuhhh It wasn't like that!" Ace watched as he jumped off and he felt cold and distant. Taking in a deep breath he gave chase but she had a good lead on him. He had to put out the fire before it spread. Now stuck with a choice to make Ace ran back and circled the burning building. After just a few laps the fire was out and sufacated by his speed. He looked off at where she had lept and sighed. "I do care...that's why I couldn't do it." Taking a few steps back he ran to his actual home and changed. Feeling cold still he looked at his floor only to notice small tracks of ice from where he had been walking. "What the hell? Did she do this to me?" His last thought before sleeping was of her and how he hoped to see her again soon.
Truth was, for the night she had nowhere to go. Home just didn’t feel like home, and she wouldn’t sleep in those lonely cold covers, no not after finding out that being in the presence of someone else could make sleeping a whole lot better. She would hate herself for what she was about to do but she waiting until everything calmed down and then followed him. For safety reasons she could not get close to him for fear of being spotted but then when she crossed the place of when they had their first fight and she saw it. She saw the ice tracks and the fire put out. “He uses ice?” She thought nothing of it as she headed for his place. That gas station wasn’t his place, but for now the reason she couldn’t torch the place was because it was a memory, one that she wanted to forget but couldn’t.

She was resting carefully in a nearby tree when she heard gunshots. She almost fell when next came a piercing scream. Was someone being robbed? No, couldn’t be it was 3AM and this wasn’t the ghetto, it was the city. Next came an alarm, a noise so bad that it hurt her sensitive ears. “Make it stop, Make it stop…” She cried to no avail. Yes something was happening but who was she to stop it? She was no Hero, but…the person in that house was, and she could use this to her advantage as soon as she could find out what was actually going on… and if this would wake him up. Glass shattered in the distance, whatever this was it was getting serious.
Ace had been sleeping but ever the light sleeper the sound of a gunshot and screaming woke him up. Nothing he hadn't heard before He rolled over trying to ignore the scream. His soft pillow flopped over his head and he pulled his blankets up over his body trying to drown out the screams. Just as he fell back asleep he could hear the glass shatter and he groaned. Sitting up his brown hair fell in front of his face. "Stupid freaking people...just one night." Ace couldn't get warm and was having a hard time trying to adjust to his new found powers. Throwing his legs over the bed he stood up and walked to his closet. Drawing a board out from against the wall he pulled out his costume and strapped it on quickly. "I need a new costume if I have ice powers too!"

Ace sped of of his room and house stopping a few feet away from the street he listened again hearing the woman scream. "Break in or domestic case...." Ace took of at an alarming speed to the house and looked around. Front door was still closed but the large window next to it was broken glass hanging on the inside. "Break in....I hate break ins." Leaping threw the window he pointed his left finger it glew a gold light and acted as a flash light. Silently he made his way inside the house and grinned wide. His right hand grew colder the closer he came to the sound of the scream. Peering into a small room he could see a woman huddled in a corner cowering before a masked man with a gun. As Ace raised his right hand and went to blast his energy instead a stream of cold air enveloped the gunman and froze him solid in a matter of seconds. "The hell was that man!" Ace groaned with evedint annoyance. "Now I can't even pick witch power I use?" Ace quickly ran out of the house knowing the woman would call the cops and he didn't want to be there when they showed up.
Curiosity was a woman’s weakness. She followed her masked marauder until they came up on the house where the scene was being played out. There was no time for her to get a word in as all she could see was the man being frozen before her eyes. She was again, in a nearby tree but when the incident occurred she fell out of the tree in shock. Clumsy was no in her nature as she was usually very agile. However her emotions were on the fritz so she figured that this was something of a slip up. She hoped that she didn’t land on him, she prayed she didn’t land anywhere near him as she looked up to see the broken tree branch that had given under her weight.

“Fatass…” She cursed.

In the distance she heard sirens, they weren’t close yet but she knew that sound and as typical to a bad guy she hated it. There wasn’t cause for alarm as this time she wasn’t the one that they were after, for a change. Shaking her head she looked around for the two toned masked man.

“Damn him…”
Ace stopped outside the small one floor house that the break in had occur'd at. Looking at his hands in amazement he dropped to his knees and shook off wet slosh like ice. "I cant get it to stay off...." He cursed himself for his horrible luck and started to walk only to slip and fall on ice that was forming on his boots. "This stupid power! I can't get a handle on it!" He was starting to get frustrated. "I didn't have this power until I met her..did she do this to me?" He couldn't get the thought of his new foe and potential lover out of his mind.

Picking himself up off the ground carefully he stomped his feet on the hard ground knocking off the ice and took off much more slow than he was used to moving down the road. He only moved about twenty five miles per hour and could be followed easily back to his home where he paced back and fourth. "If I sleep am I going to freeze over?" He asked himself and walked to his small fireplace. Starting a fire he rested next to it and it seemed like he was sweating perfusely but it was indeed melting ice coming from his body. Slowly he drifted off curled up in front of his fire.
She finally went back to his house and before she saw anything she posted up against the wall as she watched him. The man was curled up next to the fire. It was cute but it made her hurt more. “That could be me your curling up with, I could keep you warm, I could keep you safe.” She sighed and walked in the room trying to be quiet.

“What is the point… how was he about to affect me this way?” She looked at him as she got closer. She was fighting the urge to touch him, to caress him, to make him hers. She placed her hands over his body, not touching him but close enough to damn near go crazy. She moved her hands over his body and a red ray went over his body three times as he should’ve gotten warmer. Once this was done she laid in his bed, the bed that they were in together.

“I’ll just say here for a second, I want to reminisce about this… just one memory, one good memory.” It wasn’t too long after that did she fall asleep in his bed in that same spot her hand under the pillow, her other hand on top and resting peacefully on her stomach.
Ace awoke that morning warmer than he thought he should be. He was no longer having a problem with the ice and he couldn't tell why. A pool of melted ice water and sweat covered his hard wood floor. His head ached from the heat and position he slept in. "Unnn what a crazy night" He mumbled to himself as he stood up carefully not wanting to slip. Taking off his wet jacket and hat he revealed his shaggy brown hair and exposed his vest covered body a bit more. Tossing them to a plush red chair in his room he stumbled softly to his bed and gave it a puzzled look. He could barely believe she would have the guts to break into his home. "She's why Im so warm...."

Stunned that she was sleeping in his bed he wasn't sure if he should cuff her or lay down next to her. She looked stunning in her peaceful sleep. Ace gently reached out and touched her head to make sure she wasn't burring up and smiled in satisfaction as he moved his hand away. "Ahh it cant hurt to let her rest a bit longer. Ace walked to the plush red chair and lifted it off the ground only to walk it to his bed side and sit down in it so he could watch her sleep.

Ace stuck his hand out and pointed it to a lamp. "Ok...ok calmly..." He took a deep breath and exhaled allowing the ice that had been forming in his body the previous night to flow threw him and out of his left palm. The ice effortlessly blew to the lamp and covered it in a light frost. The longer he stayed calm the longer the frost went on slowly freezing the blue lamp solid. "Hmmm ok...." Thinking about things that scared him the ice became frenzied and violent, causing the lamp to topple over frozen so thick that it didn't break when it fell. "Its linked to my emotions...." His attention reverted back to his guest and a smile crossed his lips.
You like this, you want more, say you want more! The man touched all of her hotspots without even touching her. The cool feeling of his hands on her body sent chills up and down her delicate spine. Moaning she could not help herself from falling into his trap, he was evil, toying with her body, messing with her mind. Damn him! Damn him! He had her suspended in the air fingering her wet cunt and to her amazement her juices were flowing; the hot liquid honey make a sizzling noise as it hit the hard cold floor.

This was all happening in her dream, in her mind she knew this man, she knew him but could not see his face. It was covered by some sort of man. Meanwhile, her body was heating up as she tossed and turned. Her hands rubbed all over her body, her nipples as hard as diamonds, her breathing was growing intense now. Because of her body temperature her clothes are a soft fiber so that when they burned off it wouldn’t be a problem but this time she unknowingly took off her clothes off. Now with the bars gone her fingers felt around as they pried her legs apart. She began to finger herself in her sleep!

“No… stop… touch me… please. Don’t tease me like this…” She cried.
Ace's head snapped down and watched as she started to strip and touch herself. He blushed and looked away until he realized she was still asleep. "Thats not normal." He said to himself and couldn't help but enjoy the free show. A small moan escaped his lips as he looked on at the way she touched herself. How he longed to be the fingers that were pressed between her legs and the hand that touched her body. His lips could still remember her taste and the smell of her smooth skin. Standing up Ace walked over to her and sat down on the bed and gently started to nudge her. "Hey....hey wake up" He really didn't want her to stop but he felt like he was obligated to make sure she knew that she was putting on a rather erotic show for him. Already he was growing hard and couldn't help but be impressed by her naked form on his bed. He could get used to the idea of her staying around if nights were all going to be something like that with her. His heart raced as he fought the urge to touch her body while she played with herself. Desperatley he wanted to taste her skin again but held back as best he could. "Please wake up"
Cum for me, cum for me Mistress…You like the way I touch you. Your mind is going crazy, look at you, you can’t help but to want a hard dick now. Yes, fondle yourself, touch yourself lewdly. I want to watch as you come. I want to bask in the glory of your juices. I want to shower myself in your climax!

Wake up! Please Wake up!​

There was a voice besides the man that was telling her to touch herself. At the same time this voice was different yet so familiar. It sounded like the mysterious masked man… but then again the man giving the instructions sounded like him too! She couldn’t get him out of her head. Was she obsessed? Was she stuck on him? No. Couldn’t be, one night together and she had begun to be mesmerized by him. Her head moved back and forth, she was going to have her first orgasm, caused by her hands.

“I want you… I want you… Ace!” The words woke her from her erotic slumber. She didn’t just orgasm she squirted on his face. She opened her eyes and looked around. No wonder she was so comfortable, she was lying in a bed… in his bed. There standing before her was Ace, the masked man however now his face was covered in her juices, her thick honey eased down his face like white rain. She paused and blushed. Her body heated up as she looked away. There were no words, she was lying there nude, her glory for him to see. But isn’t this what she wanted. With her desires still not met yet she opened her legs and spread her pussy lips.

“It’s not enough… my fingers aren’t enough. It doesn’t help that I don’t know what I am doing either… Please. No man was able to touch me without bursting into flames… but you… you…” She stopped her sentence as the bed sheets began to get damp.
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