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A Brother and his Sisters (Alexander May & Horseobsser)

alexshe groaned as she stuffed more into her mouth her breasts getting heavy from the producing milk
He kissed her gently. "It'll get better Carli."

It had been seven months since then, and both twins were due to give birth in a week. Both of them were carrying Alex's kids, and Jami was indeed carrying twins as he'd suspected. At the moment he was with Carli, running his hands along her body. Her back infection had healed, but the wounds themselves as well as a few others had yet to heal. He was checking to make sure now.
alex how badly am i scarred?carlie whimpered aas she rubbed her belly and winced as the baby kicked her again the baby was so strong and it hurt her 17year old body
"They're healing....but they're barely visible." He was lying to make her happier. Honestly the scars were silvery and stood out on her back, and they would be until they healed completely. He shook his head as he kissed her gently. "Alright, I need to see the front now."
coving her pregnant belly with er blanket she shook her head my bab...belly
He turned around so he was in front of her, meeting her eyes firmly. He knew she cared about the baby, having seen her talking to her stomach when she didn't think he was watching. "She's my baby to. I'll be gentle, now let me see the front. I have to check the rest of your wounds..."
no my belly she still wanted to deny affection for her baby girl

jami was downstairs raiding the fridge again she was always hungry now but the twins stared having a fight and she gasped in pain as he stomach was beingbeat up by her twin boys she didnt want to scream knowing alex needed his time with carlie but she wanted to
He sighed rolling his eyes. "Fine your belly, but I still need to see your front." He didn't wait for her, pulling the blanket away as he looked over her, sighing. The worst was her pussy itself. It'd gotten all cut up by Jessie, and now the scars covered it. As he searched Carli's front side, he paused as he looked at her stomach, leaning forward to kiss it gently, before pulling back and looking at her again. "This is going to make it hurt worse when she comes out..."

The twins had a few things in common now, all of them being from the pregnancy. Both of them were hungrier, sleepier, bigger, and hornier. He'd been inside of both of them over the past few months, though he'd never come inside of either of them again since Jami got made at him for doing it.
because of it would they do a c-section on me or try to be natural?

she couldnt take the fight anymore screaming out in pain as the both kicked her hard if she didnt go soon she would enduce herself she was tired of them beating her up from the inside
He frowned as he looked at her before answering her. "If the pain was to much, and you requested it of them, they'd do it that way....or if it risked one of your lives' they'd also do it." He jumped as he heard Jami's scream and smiled apologetically at Carli. "I need to go check on her." He moved down the stairs, hurrying over to the kitchen where Jami was. "Hey what's wrong?" As he asked it, he pulled her into his arms, rubbing her back and kissing her gently.
she whimpered their fighting again and it hurts im so sorry i know you were with carlie and i tried not to scream but it hurt soo much they are running out of room
He kissed her gently. "It's fine Jami. And the fact that they're running out of room just means they're ready." He looked at her then, scanning over her face before he finally decided. "The doctor said it should be sometime near the beginning of next week." It was only the beginning of this week now. That was a whole week away. "Or....if you'd prefer I could endunce you into labor."
how could you induce me i thought the doctors need some kind a medicince to enduce labor
"That's one way...but Alice said she wouldn't induce you remember?" He looked at her as he said it, and they both did remember. "Anyway...there are other ways to induce you into labor. This close to their birth it's very easy actually."
He frowned. Honestly he hadn't either. "I don't know why either...but if you really want to, I'll do it for you." By now his rubbing had calmed the babies down enough so that they weren't fighting any more.
He kissed her gently. "It's the same way you first made them." He said it simply. "Sex this close to their birth would induce your body into labor."
no i know i want it but no i dont wanna be fucked go into laber and cant get off
He smiled as he kissed her. "But that's what induces your body into it. Your orgasm at the end of it, it makes your liquids flow down....and your water with it. The orgasm at the end of it would induce you into labor." He'd looked it up earlier, when she'd started to complain about the twins' fighting the first time.
alex im just scared i want them out but im scared she whispered this trying not to cry the twins had calmed downnow that their father was their
He kissed her gently before he picked her up, and carried upstairs, laying her down in his bed. "Whether you want to wait, or induce it now do it here. Do it in the same bed we first made them." He kissed her gently. "Take the time you need to decide, I'm going to cook while you do it, what would you like?"
turkey both girls were craving birds chickens and turkies and whenever he asked that was their reply
He expected as much as he crossed over to Carli's room, asking her the same thing and expecting her to say chicken. "Hey I'm cooking again, what would you like?"
she was already downstairs raiding the fridge just like her sister
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