Soul Eater rp (Malin, and Frogger)

Shen could not help but let his eyes wander along his sisters body feeling an odd tension in the moment that his sisters breasts pressed against his skin. He swallowed as she told him good night, but at the same time he was now looking at the bare exposed legs of his sister as they intertwined with his own. There was a twisted sense of curiosity that was difficult to read past, and at the same time almost controlling. He wanted to see more of her, as he already had, in fact he wanted to see all that Kiyoko had to bare.

Quickly as he could Shen tried to pull his mind out of the gutter and into the world of sleep closing his eyes and focusing on his breath. If ever there was a time for meditation and not contemplation it was now. Relaxing his body as he tried his best to sleep only to feel his arm slide slightly when it pressed on his sisters shirt and tugged at the fabric. Since he had to lay on his side the arm underneath him was slowly going to sleep and sure enough a numbness was creeping up along it. Trying to adjust h leaned up for a moment, and it was in that moment that he fell off the bed, and took his sister with him.

His body pushed her physically, and his arm snagged along with the help of gravity which brought them both crashing out of the bed, and onto the floor. With Shen placed on top of his sister. Getting up for a moment his arms were planted on ether side of her face, and their waists touching which meant that his cock pressed on her body through his panties showing her that he was in fact very hard. "Sorry!" He said with small squeak to his voice. He was both embarrassed and at the same time struggling with all the problems they were facing just trying to sleep together.

Then again the ground had been made rather soft because of the blankets and sheets he had thrown onto the ground earlier and suddenly a new thought dawned on him. Leaning off of his sister he reached up and grabbed the pillows. "Lets sleep on the floor, it may not be as comfortable, but at least we can try to have some personal space." He said still worrying about drifting too far apart and activating the shock collars by accident.
Heat ran its invisible fingers along flushed skin...making the girl all too aware of the gaze wandering over it. Kiyoko found herself...rather enjoying the fact that he was looking, and blushed a light pink once she realized. Their legs intertwining further...almost to the point where she couldn't tell where her legs began, and where his ended. One eye opened, darkness casting shadows onto the violet pool, and making it look darker... almost luminous. There was a light pink blush spreading across the girl's cheeks, over her nose... and even down the curve of her neck, yet of course, he couldn't see it for himself.

Before Kiyoko could meet his gaze, however, his brown eyes drifted shut as he tried to find sleep. The hazy pleasure of being studied...of the possibilities lurking past that invisible line changed into a different sort, and the girl’s lips curved into a rather tender smile. With another yawn, she snuggled up to Shen’s broad, slightly firm chest, getting comfortable for the night ahead. It wasn’t long, though, when he began to lean up...which forced the siblings off the bed, and onto the floor...luckily, with the sheets providing a comfy landing. A surprised gasp left her lips, violet eyes flying open right before impact. Her eyes squeezed tightly shut shortly after.

Kiyoko hesitantly opened one eye...and then the other, only for the pair to widen. Her brother’s hands were planted on either side of her head...their waists pressing rather intimately, to the point where she could feel...something hard, and throbbing… through her panties. “Sorry!” Shen said with a small squeak, and quickly leaned off. Another blush replaced the first, this time painting her cheeks a becoming shade of red. I can’t believe… that happened… she thought, resisting the urge to cover her face. Strands of orange framed the girl’s features, bringing out the violet color of her eyes...not to mention the color she was sporting on her cheeks.

“S-Sleep on the floor…? Um, yeah… that’s a good idea…” Kiyoko bit her lip, making the pink flesh darken to red as she sat up. “We wouldn’t have to worry about rolling off the bed…” Now leaning forward, one hand came down to support her, while the other reached for the blankets strewn next to him. What she didn’t know, however...was how close her hand was to a certain male anatomy. Her shapely form strained against the shirt she had on, her panties peeking out from underneath the hem as she leaned further still.
Shen let out a small sigh as he laid on the ground at least now they had a chance to actually sleep normally. He swallowed slightly as he still felt a little nervous about how close he had gotten to his sister, and the fact that she had even felt is hard cock. Wanting to put it out of his mind, but with the small fact that he really couldn't he considered just turning away from her and trying his best to go to sleep. However his eyes were once again drawn to his sisters body. At this point he was a little beyond caring that it was all wrong and starting to realize that he was having lustful thoughts about Kiyoko.

What didn't help those thoughts was the fact that his sister wasn't wearing any kind of pants, but rather only had on her panties and night shirt. Looking down across her legs he could still see her panties and part of him was tempted to touch her. Just to see what the reaction would be, and to answer a question that was linguring on his mind. Was Kiyoko wet? It hadn't felt like it in the seconds that his underwear had pressed agianst her panties and it wasn't exactly something he could just come out and ask her.

~It's also really sick that I would even consider that, she hates me remember? Why would she get wet over realizing that her brother and weapon is some kind of sick pervert who is currently staring at her panties.~ It was a dark thought but it was also how he was starting to feel about this entire living situation. He wasn't even sure if she could say the same about his kind of feelings. They were awkward, and he shook it off trying his best to put things out of his mind he rolled over and in starting the one motion that was origonally meant to get him away from his sister and away from these odd thoughts he was having he ended up putting his cock right in his sisters hand.

The buldge of his underwear pressed hard against his sisters hand for a moment allowing her to get the impression of his cock from it's size to it's thickness and all while it was rock hard, and hardly held back by Shen's underwear. His eyes widened and he realized what was happening, an odd sense fear crossed through him. As for a moment he shifted backwards. Quickly pulling back from his sisters hand. His face couldn't turn a brighter shade of crimson from how awkward this night had already become. "I need to use the bathroom." He bit the bottom of his lip as he got up slightly. It was very clear he wasn't going to sleep until this problem was dealt with... and he couldn't deal with it while his sister was here. He needed a room where he could at least have a little privacy. "I uh... have something I need to take care of that's preventing me from sleeping."
"Mm...?" Kiyoko's dark, sleepy violet eyes fell to where her hand laid, curiosity filling the depths while she considered what was laying underneath the palm. It took the girl a few seconds...and once she realized just what she was touching...her hand moved away at the same time he pulled back. Red began making its leisurely way across her cheeks...which brought out her eyes, and the creamy skin untouched by the color. Of course...whatever wasn't painted didn't stay that way for very long. I...I can't believe I did that...and... and it's...hard... Blushing ever darker, it was a minute or so before she processed his words, and gave a jerky nod in response.

With that nod, her night shirt dipped...revealing inches of cleavage, and a puckering nipple. It was a nice, rosy pink...and as it grew harder, the areola darkened around the bud. Threads of orange came tumbling over her shoulder, almost concealing her breast from view. From what Kiyoko could tell...her brother's... thing was of decent size, and its...its thickness was probably just big enough for her hand to wrap around. Not that she was thinking about it, of course. Her cheeks still red...she found that...her body was a little bit hotter than normal...and that there was a strange moisture forming between her legs. Earlier, she noticed the latter...but she didn't pay it much mind before now.

Kiyoko cleared her throat rather awkwardly. "Ah... Um, okay... I just wish you could have gone, you know... before I had made myself comfy..." With a wide, though cute, yawn, she began shuffling back until she was sitting on her calves. The large shirt revealed quite a bit of leg...and when she lifted her arms high to stretch, her breasts strained across the fabric, almost every curve...every little detail, outlined. "You gotta do what you gotta do, though..." she murmured, albeit a little sleepily. Her voice was thick, even husky, the sort of tone one would normally associate with sex. Her dark violet eyes blinked, going over to her brother and just...studying him for a moment. "I don't know if the chain is long enough..." One hand lifted, playing with a few strands of hair.

"We were talking of us using the bathroom, while the other stands outside the door...but... I don't know if the chain is long enough for that..." Kiyoko leaned forward, both hands supporting her while she thought it over. The shirt fell yet again...this time, revealing her cleavage, and almost both breasts. Her nipples were still hard, however...he could see the size of the lush pair more distinctly, due to her position. "I mean... the chain doesn't seem to be very long... If we are having to be where...we can't sleep in a queen-sized bed together, or else risk being shocked... I don't exactly my standing outside is going to... you know, work." Not quite sure if she was getting her point across, she pouted, hair framing the girl's lovely features, and bringing out the color of her eyes. "Please tell me you understand what I'm saying..." she pleaded, her eyes locked on his.
Shen blinked hearing exactly what Kiyoko was saying and she was right he couldn't sneak away to the bathroom to take care of his problem because she would have to be in the bathroom with him. Either way it would be uncomfortable, but his body was at that point now where he was so far close to needing that it was starting to simply not matter. and her clothing really isn't helping my situation. He swallowed trying to survive the awkward situation that he was now involved in, and for once he wasn't really seeing a way out.

As he looked at her a shade of red came over his face as well as he looked at her chest. Her shirt was slipping away with each passing moment and there just wasn't a lot he could do about it. His eyes twitched as he looked at the amount of clevage she was showing and for a moment he thought something a little dark and twisted. She is just tormenting you. She knows your horny as hell, hates you, and is using her body as a weapon against you. He closed his eyes trying to think back to when the collars had been put on them. It had been a very close amount like 3 feet, but that should have let them use something like a queen bed, the main problem was that all they had were single beds.

"No your right you would have to be inside the room which means you would see it anyways." He admitted in embarrassment. There was also now nothing they could do in terms of taking a shower which elinated the idea of a cold shower to kill his thoughts. His eys gazed down at her legs, and then back to her partly exposed see. He wasn't going to get any sleep like this, and finally he just let out a long sigh. "I don't need to use the washroom." He admitted though short on words. He couldn't really return her gaze at that moment. "The fact is... I'm well." I can't admit it, I can't tell her that seeing her like this is driving me insane she will, no she probably already hates me.

"Okay here's the thing. My body is going crazy, and I need to release this tension or else I'm not gonna sleep. I gotta do what I have to do... and that means I need too..." His voice cracked and failed him, as he looked at the ground. He wasn't going to get through this night. There was no way he was going to do it. Yet even now he was thinking about how nice it would be for his sister to lend her hand or mouth to aid him in this situation. When he finally came forward with the truth he sighed. "Just please tell me you understand what I have to do." Cause if you don't then I really don't know how I am going to live with myself any time soon.
Kiyoko felt his gaze move down...and a rush of heat burned through her body, throughout every vein...only to stop right between her legs. It lingered along her cheeks as well...but that didn't seem to matter nearly as much. Her wide, violet eyes met his...noticing the dark shade of red on his face. It was impossible not to notice the tension in the air...for it was heavy, almost like a familiar blanket...and yet, foreign, too... for it was an entirely new experience altogether. A lump forming in her throat, she quickly cleared it, and tried not to think about how it felt, having his brown eyes drink in whatever bare skin her body has to offer. It was weird enough, that she liked the fact that he was looking...

I wonder what Shen's thinking... Kiyoko tilted her head rather cutely when he finally spoke up, embarrassment coloring his tone. A few strands of orange fell against her cheek, bringing out the dark red color on the skin there. More heat was added to the fire as his eyes fell onto her legs, and then lifted back up to her breasts. After a long, tense moment...he let out a sigh, avoiding her gaze. The admission wasn't really a surprise to the girl... but how to respond, she wasn't quite sure. "Ah... I'm...I'm glad you're well..." she started, laying a finger on her chin. "My question is...what tension is it you have to release? I mean... I don't know about this sort of thing... If your muscles ache, and you can't use a shower because of me... I can try and give you a massage..."

A little, hesitant smile making its way across Kiyoko’s features, her violet eyes lifting to meet his after a minute or so. “I’m not saying you have to say yes or anything...but I must say, I give really good massages… Here, let me show you.” Shifting forward, Kiyoko was unaware of her shirt dipping down further...making it where he could see just about everything. Her rosy nipples hardened from air caressing the pair...her breasts giving a little jiggle while she moved forward. The floral scent of the girl’s shampoo wafted through the air...perfuming it...and making it to where every breath was like inhaling flowers. Her hands going out to his shoulders, she gave a gentle squeeze, mostly to gauge his reaction. When Shen didn’t seem to protest...that was all the encouragement she needed.

“Now...Just close your eyes, and relax,” Kiyoko murmured...the words brushing past his cheek, while she bent down in front of him. “You have to, in order to enjoy the massage… I just hope that it’ll help release the tension in your body…” After looking into her brother’s eyes for a moment, Kiyoko let her thumbs rest on either side of his neck, slowly rubbing the tension muscles there. It sent a jolt of pain throughout her shoulder, doing so...but she ignored it, since it wasn’t too bad. Her heart racing for no reason at all...a deep breath helped calm her nerves, and with a small smile, she started gently rubbing the muscles… going down until her palms were resting on his shoulders. “I can use oil, if you want…” she asked, not sure if she should get it or not. “It’s old, but I’m sure it’s still good…”
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