Soul Eater rp (Malin, and Frogger)

Kiyoko’s room was not what he imagined it would be. Though she may not be the brightest girl in class, or at the Death Weapon Meister Academy...well...her personal items all have a place within the four walls. There was no alarming mess on the floor, or inside her closet. In fact...everything was in pretty good order. Of course not everything was in perfect order… such as the papers on her desk, strewn about...and the few cases of DVDs next to the television set...but other than that? It was clean, tidy even. “Mm…” Violet eyes glanced from one object to the next, trying to think of what is necessary...and what isn’t. Fingertips brushed aside a few strands of orange, tucking them behind an ear to get them out of the way. What will I need? Besides pajamas, socks...panties, a bra...that sort of thing? Her eyes darkened around the edges while she thought.

There was few books, since she didn’t much care for it...yet next to her desk, there was a small bookcase dedicated to her textbooks. Her grades may not reflect it, but she does try hard...and yet, the material never seems to stay in her head for long. One was even open, right on her desk...a few margins with notes on the side. Inside her closet, clothes were arranged just so, the jeans on the left...and the shirts on the right. Everything was color-coordinated as well, though it did appear a bit...out of place for the young girl. Shoes were lined up along the bottom, almost like soldiers. Kiyoko began leading Shen towards her dresser, where pajamas, underwear and the like was kept. Now these clothes were not as organized, for it would be difficult to keep them color-coordinated...but like everything else, each item had a place where it belonged. No lacy underwear was within...nor was there any kind of garment to be ashamed of. Honestly...she didn’t care to date, not with a mission in mind. So all the boys in the past, who seems to be boyfriends...were not. Just illusions, not set by her.

“Let’s see…” Kiyoko murmured under her breath. In one arm she gathered her favorite pajamas, socks, panties, and a bra for tomorrow morning. The extra-large shirt was green in color, the front having the face of a big white bunny. Usually, well...she would just have on the shirt on, for those hot, stuffy nights...but she grabbed a pair of blue shorts for the occasion. “I need to head over to the closet, if you don’t mind…” Making certain that he was following her...she looked in the closet, only to grab jeans and a purple shirt. “I don’t know how you feel about sleeping in my bed… I mean...My bed is big enough, but still… I’m fine with us sleeping in here, as long as you don’t go messing with my things… You understand?” A glare was shot...almost deadly, given the intensity...yet it was obvious that if she was better, it would be a whole lot worse.

Kiyoko glanced towards her bed, taking in the dimensions. “Honestly...I have only a queen sized bed… I don’t know if we could sleep on it, without breathing on each other… but it could work. A few of my stuffed animals would have to be knocked down, and my pillows moved...but that’s not a big deal…” With a shrug she went over to it, sitting down with a long, relieved sigh. “Sorry… It feels good to sit down, after walking so much… It’s probably a good thing we won’t be going on missions for a while…” After stretching one arm...then the other...though carefully, the young girl ran a hand through her hair, finding it a bit of an annoyance...for it wasn’t in it’s usual pigtails.
Shen didn't really know if he was supposed to be impressed with Kyoko's room, or highly disappointed. There was almost nothing inside here that he could use to black mail or otherwise torment his sister, and on top of that it wasn't even the sea of items he had envisioned. What little mess he had seen was controlled, and honestly the entire room looked like a mirror of his own except for one thing, one giant glaring difference that he practically spent time staring venom towards. He hadn't even known that she had it in her room until he walked in here. It's presence not only confused him slightly but angered him as he followed his sister through the room so she could gather her things.

"Okay when the hell did you get an extra TV?" As far as Shen had known there had only ever been one TV in the house, and for the most part he had always let his sister have it. She horded the outside TV, and yet apparently she had one in here as well? The many times in his memory that he could have no SHOULD, have told her to fuck off when he was watching a program, and yet relinquished the cable to her because he didn't want the fight, and all that time she had her own one in her private room? Shen's eyes twitched noticeably as she told him that he could stay in this room as long as he didn't break anything. He returned his own glare to match her's in fierceness. She was the one who tended to break things.

Shen knew Kyoko was hurt, and needed to rest comfortably but god it was tempting to just throw her onto the ground and take the bed only for himself. If she still had her pigtails he would have pulled on one by now just for that glare, instead however his eyes returned the cold menace of her own eyes. He wasn't injured, and if she wanted to play then she forfeited the right to play that card against him. He may be tied to her hip at the moment but that didn't mean he had to take any of her attitude, and he certainly didn't want to take that from her. "Your bed will do." His tone was actually slightly embarassed however there was one more problem that he had to think about after a long moment he paused the glare leaving him.

"Where do we change?" The question running through Shen's mind was more along the lines of How could they change? They were attached at 3 feet, they couldn't really be in separate rooms or anything of the like. Shen guessed that meant that they had to go on the honor system for changing their clothing. Just knowing his sister would eventually have to see him nude gave him a slight shudder up through his spine. "I guess if we both turn our backs to each other it wouldn't be so bad." He said scratching his head. ~What am I thirteen she's a girl and your a guy, deal with it.~
A long, exasperated sigh left Kiyoko’s lips. “I swear…” she murmured, shaking her head, orange moving back and forth with the motion. “Look...I didn’t buy it, if that’s what you’re so wound up about… It was given to me, by one of my old friends. Akemi...gave it to me when she bought herself a new one. barely works, half the time… I can play video games on it, but whenever I try playing a starts glitching really bad… It even messes up the sound, so I can’t understand what the actors are saying…” The venom practically dripped off her words onto the carpet. That was the only reason she ever tried to grab the living room TV for herself...because the audio didn’t glitch, not to mention it doesn’t try to change channels randomly.

“Now...If you’re done being hateful, maybe we should go to bed.” Kiyoko heard his question, which was a lot better than the jealousy...but brought up a different set of problems. Where, huh…? she thought, her eyes growing thoughtful. Tapping one finger against her cheek, she began looking around...not sure how to answer that question. Finally he spoke up… giving input himself. “It might work… Or better yet, why don’t you stand in the bathroom...and I stand outside...the link between our bracelets will be caught in the door, but we probably can have some privacy, as long as we don’t move too far…” Her words trailing off, she mentally winced, now thinking over the idea...and finding that it couldn’t possibly work… that it was horrible.

Why can’t Death just give us new partners? Kiyoko’s self-confidence spiraling down to lower depths, she ran a hand through her long hair...and laid down. I can’t believe I suggested such a...a horrible idea… It couldn’t possibly work… Besides, Shen will always be hateful, and mean...and think I am a big, fat idiot… I don’t know why I bother with stuff like this… Quickly the girl buried her face into an old stuffed, ironically enough, he gave to her at her tenth birthday. It was a little ragged, of course, but it was obviously well-loved. The gray wolf looked a lot like it did, back in the old days...except for the little collar around its neck, which she bought not long after the present was given. One ear was bitten on the edge...from a dog incident...yet she held onto it as though it was her best friend. Her hand rubbed over its back softly.

“If...If you want to stand back to back, and try changing clothes… That’s fine. You can go first… I really don’t care… I promise, I won’t look either…” Kiyoko mumbled into her animal, arms tight around it. Not even looking up, she started taking off her hitting the carpet, then the other. Later she’ll put them up, but right now...comfort was upmost in her mind. After a long minute or so, she hesitantly glanced up at him...waiting for something...anything to be said.
Shen turned his back to his sister for a moment, but paused turning back after she grabbed something. She still had that? He remembered when he got her that wolf, He had saved up his allowances for weeks to buy something he remembered really wanting, only for their mother to remind him as he was leaving that it was Kiyoko's tenth birthday. He had felt so guilty, that he had went to almost every store he could walk to trying to find something he knew his sister had liked, and ended up spending the entirety of the money on that wolf. Seeing it now he hardly remembered what it was that he was had even been saving for. He sat down beside his sister seeing her harsh reaction to the jealousy of the TV. Out of everything else he hadn't expected to see the wolf again, but he remembered the day so vividly. because it was before they had become enemies.

Shen's hand brushed Kiyoko's long hair rubbing her back lightly as he looked at the wolf, it was a little damaged, but honestly he had never expected to see it in such good condition as well loved as it was. He reached out, and took it from his sister, lightly at first holding it. "I remember when I got this for you." He said lightly under his breath. Looking at the damaged ear, he paused for a moment. He wasn't even sure why he had taken it from her at this point, knowing it would just cause a little more chaos between them, but he was caught up in a moment of nostalgia. Shaking his head after a moment he gave it back to her but he still smiled, and patted her on the head. "I'm glad you kept it."

Laying down beside Kiyoko he let out a long sigh as he looked up at the roof. "What the hell happened between us?" He said lightly. He remembered the times when they had been kids, and he had been able to tolerate her not just for a few hours, but almost every day. Hell he remembered a version of Kiyoko that was almost adorable, one that he had enjoyed spending time with, and then somewhere along the line everything had gone wrong. There was of course the big change, the day that had shifted everything, and the two had never really spoken of.

Their parents... it was like a big taboo to even speak about them, and now He and Kiyoko had just come to accept life as it was, and after a while they had grown apart. He looked at Kiyoko, after a while not really sure what there was to say. Just that this bed was going to be an awkwardly tight fit. even now as he was on his side looking at his sister, his body was awkwardly close to hers. At this proximity she could probably have even felt his breath. The bathroom door suggestion she had wasn't a bad one, the door was kind of thick, but three feet between the bracelets was allowed. At the same time it felt like just a lot of work. He was tired, and really the last thing he wanted to do was have to work at something as simple as getting changed. However at the moment he just laid beside Kiyoko off in a bit of a daydream as he looked at the wolf. "I'm sorry Kiyoko." His voice was rather light as he continued to rub her back.
Kiyoko felt the bed dip down with his added weight. What, no smart comment? No… barbed remark to put me in my place? Just...nothing? Her fingers curled into the little wolf, scratching at her favorite spots in its fur...finding comfort in that simple act. It may be old… It may be a little ragged, but it was her favorite stuffed animal amongst her whole collection. Of course she didn’t know the story behind it...or how he knew what she would absolutely love to death...yet she couldn’t bear to part with the creature. Maybe it reminds me of better times...when we didn’t argue nearly as often as we did now...and when we used to play together, and not feel like it was an obligation… I really miss those times… I mean… We would spend all day together, not because Mother forced us to...but because we loved being together… I wonder what happened to us… besides, well...the obvious. I would love it if we could...start...getting along better...

A hand brushed her long hair, rubbing her back lightly. Kiyoko almost jumped out of her skin, having not expected it, and hesitantly raised her head. The wolf’s head was tucked underneath her chin, almost cutely. It was then that he reached out, taking it and holding onto it. “I...I remember when you gave Luna to me, too…” she murmured, not sure how to take his reaction. After a moment or so, he gave it back with a nostalgic smile...his hand patting her on the head. “Of...Of course I kept it… I love it… I will never...ever...get rid of it…” With a stubborn look she hugged the wolf tightly...nestling her face into the soft, fluffy chest and rubbing it there. Again, one of her hands rubbed over its it a little deserved love.

Shen laid down beside her. Kiyoko glanced in his direction, trying to figure out what is on his mind. Once he let out a long sigh, he looked up at the roof. “What the hell happened between us?” he asked lightly. Oh...So...he was thinking along the same lines I was… she realized, incapable of smiling at that realization. Her fingers began picking at her comforter… finding stray threads. We got along much better...when we were kids, didn’t we? He was… adorable, I think, just randomly coming at me with hugs… Somewhere down the road, everything just went to...hell. I don’t know what happened to us, but I’d love it if we patch things up between us...

Kiyoko looked back at her brother, thinking. The bed was going to be a tight fit, this she could see, since there was only...four inches, from his arm to hers. “No, don’t be sorry…” the young girl whispered. It actually felt...good...him rubbing her back...and being this close together. It may sound...really weird, but still… Her lips curved into a hesitant smile, directed directly at him. “I know that you are… I can see it, on your face…” Her hand rose, her fingertips touching his cheek...tracing along his facial features. “I’m sorry, too…” Rolling onto her side, she tucked one arm underneath her head...still tracing her fingertips along his mouth. Her breasts brushed his arm with the motion. “Can we try to get along better…? Please? I miss… I miss us playing video games together, just being competitive and having some food fun… I really...miss us just...understanding each other, and tolerating each other… We don’t have to be like we were as kids, but...I’d like it if we can at least… Please?” Her violet eyes blinked up at him.
Shen let out a long sigh as he felt his sisters hand press against his cheek, her fingers lightly tracing his face as he continued to rub her side since he could no longer reach her back. There was an odd comfort to everything as he felt her breath, and her breasts as they rubbed against his arm with every movement, they were going to need a much larger bed if this was going to be their life. He already felt awkward, but at the same time he closed his eyes lightly enjoying the touch of his sister, as awkward as he knew it was to say such a thing. Nodding his head he honestly wanted them to have a better relationship then the one they had together. Maybe this was the best way for them to reconcile everything? It wouldn't really be easy for either of them he was certain of that.

"It will take some time, but maybe we will get used to each-other again? I'd like us to not be enemies anymore." It sounded like a long shot, that the two of them would ever really have a level of simple understanding, and yet that was the way of it. Getting up and pulling himself away from her, he turned his back to her for a moment. The way she had been rubbing his face had Shen feeling kind of odd, and he shook his head slightly trying his best to forget that they were going to have to be so close. "I'm gonna get ready for bed. Everything has me drained."

He had his back to his sister as he pulled off his shirt. His body was unscathed, with no real scars to mark it. His body wasn't really toned, but it was skinny, and at the moment rather relaxed. even as he pulled off his socks and shoes, he seemed rather comfortable as he was depending on the fact that his sister wouldn't really be trying to look at him. As far as he knew she wasn't really a deviant of any kind, and yet even as he dressed he could almost feel the eyes upon him.

Pulling off his pants, and underwear he changed into his pajama pants as quickly as possible, choosing to not go with a shirt. More because it was going to be hot with him laying beside his sister, and having a bunch of covers over his body, and the last thing he really wanted to do was sweat in his sleep. If she was looking at him she would have seen his ass, or maybe more, as did stand naked for several moments as he was getting his pants ready, enjoying the slight breeze that ran through him.

"Okay i'm done." He said lightly wondering when he could turn around. As awkward as he felt towards his sister part of him wanted to sneak some kind of guilty glance at her body, just to settle his own curiosity. He knew it was wrong, and that mostly it would have only started some kind of fight, but part of him wanted to turn around. So much so that of course he found his neck craning slightly and his eyes drifting, Hoping that his sister wouldn't notice him sneaking a look, though if she did it would only have been because she was trying to look at him.
“It will take time, but...maybe it will work, since we are trying to get along better…” Kiyoko knew it may not happen tomorrow...or in the next week, yet if they continued trying… their relationship will start improving sooner or later. Her fingertips trailed down over his cheek, before he began pulling away, the tips going down over his neck and shoulder. “I would like not be enemies, too…” Her smile frail around the edges, as though the smile was capable of shattering, she buried her face into the nearest pillow. “O-Okay… You go ahead and get ready… I’m pretty...drained, myself… I won’t look while you change, I promise…” Yet for some reason...curiosity about his body struck, and before she knew it...she was peeking through her fingers. What...What am I doing? I am not...I am not a perv! Why do I want to look at his body?

Kiyoko felt heat lick at her cheeks, however...she still couldn’t tear her eyes away. His body was unscathed, with no real scars to mark it, unlike most weapons. There wasn’t any real definition, but it did look a bit on the skinny side… The violet pair traveled up towards where his hair tickled the back of his neck...and then down...until meeting the waistband of his pants. When she realized that he was close to pulling off his pants...she quickly pulled her eyes away...blushing darkly. Her cheeks felt hot to the touch...something she was ashamed of, given how she was looking at her brother changing just moments ago. Her eyes screwed tightly shut, the dark red color persisting.

“You...You’re done?” Kiyoko first opened one eye, just to make sure...and then let out a sigh of relief. “O-Okay...It’s my turn to change…” Crawling across the bed, she picked up the clothes she found earlier, and hobbled onto her feet. “Um… I...I have trouble with balance right now… I know...that this sounds really wrong, but...while I’m changing… Do you think you can, just...I don’t know, make sure I don’t fall over?” Her violet eyes blinked up at him innocently, not having any ill intentions behind her request. Really...she didn’t want to fall, and make her injuries any worse.

After a long minute or two of silence, Kiyoko realized the foolishness of her request, and quickly turned he couldn’t see her blush. “S-Sorry… Don’t worry about it… I’ll just hold onto the bed, okay? Just...turn around…” Why am I making such a fool of myself…? It’s just my brother… There’s no reason to be so...jittery around him… Her back turned to him, she carefully pulled her shirt off...and laid it down by her feet. Next she reached around to the bra clasp… only to wince in pain, fingers curling at its presence. “Nn…” Her head bent, one breath hissed through her teeth.

Her back was long and smooth, almost like a graceful swan’s neck...only without majestic white feathers. The bra she had on was white, with a little white lace around the edges. Her orange hair flowed down the length of her back...the tips ending right at the middle of her back. “ you can help me here…?” she asked, mortified.
Shen turned when his sister let out her his of pain, and then asked for help. He swallowed lightly figuring that she probably would have needed such a thing. He didn't even know why he was really so nervous. She was his sister, and she was hurt, of course he would help her with out any real repercussions. He let out a small affirming sound as he walked up towards Kiyoko. His hand passing over her back for a moment as he got to her bra strap. He looked at it for a moment as she moved her hair out of the way, and then finally uncliped it.

"There you go, and here, I'll spot you incase you fall." He said avoiding any kind of real contact between her skin and his own at the moment. He stood back watching her back so that he couldn't see anything but also keeping his hands at the ready encase she did fall. He felt almost kind of like a letch, unsure of what he was doing. His face had a giant blush on them as he waited for her to finish up and put something on, but at the same time he knew that with her clutzy reputation falling and making her injury worse was a very real possibility.

So he was careful to not do anything that would hurt her, or get in her way, rather he was just there as the support encase she needed it. He had unclipped the bra but he wasn't really sure if she wanted him to fully remove it, he doubted that was the case and instead only brushed his hands along her shoulders moving the bra down slightly so that she could remove it easily without anymore of his help. Another time or another day he would have happily made fun of her for having him do this, but as it was he was tired, and slight embarrassed.

It was weird honestly he shouldn't have felt embarrassed she was the one getting undressed, and yet he couldn't help but feel a fire upon his face, as he was red with embarrassment. "There you go, and don't worry if you fall I'm here to catch you." He said his face looking away slightly so he didn't end up looking at her ass when she took off her pants.
Kiyoko shivered as his hand passed over her back. Wait, why am I shivering…? There’s no reason to… His fingers got to her bra strap, and for a moment...nothing happened. It was… electrifying, this one moment in time. Quickly she gathered her hair, and pulled it over her shoulder, that way it wasn’t...well, in the way. “Th-Thanks… I can’t seem to...reach back as far as I usually can… It hurts too much, right now…” Laughing awkward, she waited until the bra grew slack around her torso...and made sure it stayed up, by pressing her hands against her breasts.

“O-Okay, thanks again… I’ll try not to fall, but...there’s no guarantees it won’t happen…” Kiyoko told him with yet another awkward laugh. A giant blush burning at her face, she gently guided one strap down her shoulder...then its partner, careful not to let the device fall. Finally, the bra was off, and her hands went to her skirt...pushing the material down her slender legs. Please...Please don’t be looking...she thought, blushing darker at the idea of him looking at her. The skirt fell to around her ankles, revealing a pair of white panties, with purple around the edges.

After kicking it away, Kiyoko bent down...hobbling while working on her panties. Every night, she changes pairs, simply out of old habit, really. One foot managed to make it out… while the other got caught, making her stumble. “Aah…” Her hand flew towards the bed, catching herself just in time...that is, until she tried to get back on her feet again. “Oh no…” she gasped, right before falling into Shen, making them tumble back onto the bed. Somehow, during the fall...she got twisted around, so she fell on top of him...but not on her back. Instead, her chest met his...which meant, he received an excellent view of her breasts, and probably the rest of her body.

Kiyoko may not exercise, but her figure was still shapely. Her breasts, petite as they may be, were full and lush, easily enough to satisfy any man. Her hips were wide, and her longs long and slender. All in all...she was the entire package. Their eyes met, hers wide and in shock… not to mention her face a dark, burning red. “I-I’m sorry…” she told him in a hoarse voice, burying her face into his chest from the embarrassment.
Shen moved when his sister stumbled trying to catch her, and in a moment later he was suddenly under her, and he had seen every inch of her. His face couldn't have been more red as he had just witnessed every inch of his own sister, and more then that her bare breasts were pressing against his bare chest. her lower body was snug up against him, and her face was burried into his chest as she appologized. there was a lot of awkward air that filled the room, but Shen actually found himself rather okay with all he had seen. Part of him knew that he should have been a little creeped out that his sister was naked and against him, but even as she appologized his arms encircled her, and held her against his chest.

Shen didn't say anything he was rather embarassed himself and didn't really know what to say, what he did know was that right now there was a pleasent pleasure to the way Kiyoko held her body against his, feeling the warmth and smoothness of her naked body against his, it was a feeling that if it weren't for her being his sister he honestly could have gotten used too. He hugged her, his nails tracing along the back of her spine as he looked over everything taking in the fact that his sisters rather full breasts were pressed against his body, and Shen was oddly okay with that fact.

In fact Shen found himself enjoying it, there was a tension he hadn't expected, past the awkwardness there was a warmth, and heat to it that laced his body with an odd sense of electricity. Even as he held his sister he probably did it for a little too long, before snapping out of it. "Here let me help you up." He said finally as he started to push her up, helping her back onto her feet, and getting up and standing. In the process however, his eyes took in another long glance at her body, and this time it wasn't quick or even hidden, he couldn't hide it. There was an odd excitement to his eyes as he had seen everything, and try as he might he couldn't shake that odd energy from him.

She's my sister, what am I doing suddenly looking at her like that? Shen shook his head hard trying to bypass his mind, and pretend like he hadn't just looked at his sister like he was a starving man, and she was a plate of delicious food, but he most certainly had. Shen couldn't shake any of that it was the pure and honest truth, and his face was a flaiming red after doing it. "I'm... i'm sorry." He said finally his tone was very low, but he made it very apparent why he was appologizing part of him couldn't help but think he had just violated her trust or something along those lines.
“I-I’m sorry, I, so sorry…” Kiyoko said over and over again. Her face burning to a crisp, well...most likely, anyway...she kept her head in his chest, not wanting to see his expression. After a little while...when nothing was said, she hesitantly raised her face… wanting to at least see his reaction. His arms came to encircle her...which is the last thing she’d expect from him. Heart pounding rather hard and fast, she raised herself up a little… unknowingly revealing more of her breasts to him. A few strands of orange tumbled down over her shoulders...the waves tickling the crevice between her breasts, almost as though trying to draw his attention to the pair. One of her hands smoothed over his bare chest, memorizing how it felt beneath her fingertips.

Kiyoko bit her lip. It felt pretty...good, laying on top of him like she was. Maybe it’s because of it simply being...well, him, or maybe it’s because he’s warm, on a chilly night like this… but either way, she couldn’t deny that it was nice. Her cheeks still pink, though a rather attractive pink on her...she found herself pressing a little closer...just to prolong this moment. While he embraced her, his nails traced along the curve of her spine, as he began looking over everything… For some reason, she was...okay, with him looking...with him, taking his time to get up. Every inch of her body was growing rather...warm...with electricity coursing through her veins.

“Th-Thanks…” Kiyoko told him, her soft, delicate hands scrambling to raise her body. “Um… I...I appreciate the help…” Once she was standing on her own two feet, she felt his eyes upon her again...not quick...not hidden...but rather, taking its sweet time to devour everything there was to see. And so...for a moment...just a moment, she let him see it all… and then covered her breasts with her hands, so he couldn’t see anymore. There was a strange… excitement, about him looking at her...about him...actually looking at her, and liking what he sees… or...was she just misreading the situation, like she does almost every single day? Oh...It’s so hard to tell...especially since this was her brother she was talking about… her brother she was thinking about.

I feeling his eyes on me… Kiyoko offered a faint smile, her cheeks pink. “D-Don’t be sorry… It’s okay. Um, I have to finish getting dressed… Since I seem to be having trouble… standing up, without falling over… Do you think, by chance… you can help put my shirt on? I might be able to manage my panties, but...I don’t know… I’ll at least try to put my panties on, so you don’t have to…”
Shen had too have imagined the moment where She had simply let him see every part of her. His hands were shaking lightly even as he reached for her shirt, some part of him was telling him to go a different route, wanted her to tell her that clothing wasn't necessary after what they had just gone through or try and stall it out in some way so that she didn't need to get dressed instead however he grabbed her shirt and nodded when she asked him for the help. "Y-yeah I can do that." He said his voice trembling after a moment as he opened up the shirt and helped his sister put it on.

He lifted his sisters arms up for a moment as he pulled her shirt down, and just for a moment as she was standing up, blindfolded by the fact that she had a shirt over her eyes, with her breasts more exposed then ever, Shen had a bit of a moral crises as it were, and as he pulled the shirt down to cover her skin, his hands brushed against her soft breasts, and for a tenth of a second or so he groped his sister, feeling the softness and buoyancy of her breasts, enjoying the short moment that his hand was inside her shirt. it hadn't been necessary, and half of him expected his sister to call him out on it, that it had some how been the step to far on this crazy rail road that was suddenly becoming the first of many nights he would have to spend with his sister.

There was an odd tension to that fact, as he finished and let her shirt fall over the rest of her. "There you go, all covered up." He said lightly, in truth part of him wanted to bite his lip and say something else, but at the same time considering her track record with the panties she had the first time around he quickly grabbed them before she could really protest, and got on his knees. "Your a bit of a clutz, so really lets just speed this up." He said lightly making a little bit of fun at the way she had fallen on him earlier, but at the same time he had meant it to be a little more endearing.

Oddly this time even though his face was closer to her lower body, it was very clear that Shen kept his eyes toward the ground. Trying to avoid any more mistakes or accedents the like of which his sister had, he allowed his sister to step into her panties before pulling them up her long slender legs, and finally covered the lower half of her body, his face couldn't possibly have been more red, even as he pulled back on her panties elastic and let it snap lightly against her backside a little juvinile yes, but part of him was expecting her to squeak after it happened. "Anything else you need?" He said finally after she was dressed, and thankfully so he didn't think his heart could take another night like this. There was a rare kind of adrenaline pumping through his body, that was making everything go ridged, and yes he couldn't really hide the bulge all of their interactions had caused against the light fabric of his pajama pants. He wasn't wearing any actual underwear himself after all, and after all he had just seen and done, he felt... invigorated, perhaps even more so then when he normally looked over his magazines, but at the same time disturbed, after all this was his sister, and his meister. This was going to get complicated quickly.
Kiyoko gave him yet another smile. This smile was a little less hesitant, but not any less beautiful. In fact...compared to the other smiles she’s given in the past...this one seemed more genuine. “Th-Thank you… I really appreciate it...and...I’m sorry, that I’m having to rely on you so much…” Once he lifted her arms up, the material went down over her arms… yet she closed her eyes as it was pulled down over her head. Of course...doing that made her four senses heighten… Her skin tingled when his larger hands brushed against her breasts… actually wanting...more of the attention. And...for a tenth of a second...he groped her, both hands inside her shirt. A part of her wanted to call him out on it...but another part didn’t.

It was strange, but...she liked how it felt, being touched by him...being looked at by him… There was no reason behind it, because...well, he’s her brother, and she shouldn’t like that… but she did, and that fact won’t change. Kiyoko opened her eyes when the shirt fell to the middle of her thighs, covering all the skin from shoulder to there...oh, and revealing a little bit as well. With this particular shirt, a good deal of cleavage could be seen...though she didn’t realize it earlier, for she didn’t think it would be an issue. “Y-Yep… I’m all covered up…” she replied, heart racing hard. Shen bent down before her with panties in hand, making her blush dark...very dark. “I-I know I’m a klutz, don’t have to put it that way…” One hand came to lay on his shoulder for balance...the other doing the same on the opposite shoulder. “H-Honestly…”

Kiyoko knew he was making fun of her, just a little bit, but also trying to be endearing. It was rather...sweet, at least in her opinion… Lifting one leg...and then the other, she stepped into her panties, finding it clear that he wasn’t going to look… His hands tugged the panties up long, slender legs, until finally the pair was around her hips. Even from high above, she could tell that his face was beet red, almost painfully so. A squeak escaped when he pulled back on her panties, letting it snap lightly against her backside. “H-Hey! That wasn’t nice!” the young girl half-laughed, her own face turning red. “I’ll get you back for that later! I-I can promise you that!”

After laughing, she shook her head in answer to his question. “N-No… I don’t think so… but we should go brush our teeth, before turning in for the night…” Kiyoko’s violet eyes rose to meet his, the depths glistening with unshed tears. Her lips curved into a smile. It was then that she noticed his...problem...however, she didn’t say anything on the matter. Her fingers curled into her t-shirt…now holding onto it, tugging on the material lightly. “Are...Are you hungry…? I think I am, and...I can make us a little something...before we go to bed… I mean, it’s really up to you. I may be a little hungry, but not so much where I can’t wait until we get up…” Why am I rambling…? I shouldn’t be, because...this is just my brother… It’s not like he’s some boy I have a huge crush on...right…? Ooh...just what are we getting into? she asked no one, already feeling as though trouble was right around the corner.
Kiyoko didn't have to say anything, Shen twisted himself around turning his back to her, to try and hide his problem. Laughing slightly at how red his face was, it was a problem by far. However he was happy, for everything else Kiyoko was smiling and laughing, how rare had that been? Shen felt a slight amount of calmness at that simple fact. She was happy, and oddly so was he, yeah right around the bend there was bound to be problems, not completely unlike the one he was already having, but right now her smile was warming, and her laugh was rather cute. "I don't think I've heard you laugh like that in... a long time." His voice was rather nostalgic, as he looked at her careful not to turn his body, just his face, and return a rather warm smile seeing her tears it was an odd thing.

Shaking his head Shen let out a low yawn. "I don't really need food right now, if you want something I can make make you something small, or just wait while you make it, but in truth I feel just kind of drained. I wanna sleep." He said lightly giving a long sigh. He was tired, and yet she was right, he walked slowly out of the room making sure that Kiyoko would follow him. She did say she was hungry which he understood honestly she hadn't eaten anything in the last few hours since her injuries aside from a glass of water so the kitchen seemed like a reasonable place to go.

He had no doubt that somewhere along the line she would get him back for the little prank he had pulled, but honestly right now seeing Kiyoko as happy as she was, it was both rare and yet fulfilling. Of course chances were good that by morning all of this good would be undone as the two would start to get on each others nerves or cross some kind of line that the other wasn't ready or comfortable with. In truth the punishment for however many steps it had brought them together would most likely be their undoing in the end.

Going into the kitchen he turned to her, his problem gone for the moment as he looked around the kitchen. "What do you want to eat, and really I can help you make it, all you have to do is give me directions." He said lightly waiting for her to tell him what needed to be done. He wasn't a bad cook when it came to bachelor food, but in truth when it came to larger meals he tended to be a little more vapid then most. The stove had plenty of black marks from back in the days when he had really thought he could learn to cook. Those days had resulted in some of the larger fires that this apartment had ever really seen, but at least he had tried, and in truth he had never really given up, he still owned a bunch of old cook books, he just didn't try anything with the oven anymore.
“R-Really? You think so?” Kiyoko couldn’t really think of the last time she’s laughed like that… but she did know one thing for sure, and that felt good. Her cheeks a rosy pink, she offered him yet another smile as a precious gift. Violet eyes clashed with brown, and for a moment...just a moment...she felt as though he was looking straight into her heart. It gave a rather hard thump in response, making her chest ache. “U-Um… I know what you mean, I feel a bit drained myself… but I can’t ignore my stomach for long… It has a mind of its own… Don’t worry, right after we eat...and brush our teeth...we’ll go straight to bed, okay?” Her hand outstretched, she helped him up onto his feet carefully, and with their hands still linked, the pair slowly walked out of her room. Of was still pretty difficult for her to walk without a great deal of support, so she kept stumbling into him.

Because of the stumbling, Kiyoko would fall into his back...her breasts pressing through the shirt, into it. “I-I’m sorry…” she murmured for the fifth time, cheeks blazing. Their fingers touching by just the tips...the young girl tried not to think about what happened back in her room...or about the strange feelings she had, from him looking at her naked body. Am I… a pervert? she wondered, biting her lip. I never had such thoughts before...but...the thing is, he’s my brother… I shouldn’t be having such thoughts, or feeling this way… Oh, I hope things go smoothly from here… I really do. I don’t think my heart can take much more of this… drama.

Kiyoko looked around the kitchen, trying to think of something simple that she can make… and eat afterwards. “Hm… I don’t really know what I want…” the young girl admitted out loud. “Um… First, let’s see what we have, before we make any decisions…” Opening the fridge, she looked into its gaping mouth...only to find that there wasn’t much there. “We should go grocery shopping tomorrow…” she murmured, shaking her head while laughing. “There is barely anything in here… Of course, we mostly order take-out of some kind… so no wonder…”

Bending down, Kiyoko gazed over the individual items, thinking...and all the while, not realizing that in doing this, she was showing off her shapely butt. We have pasta noodles...bacon, mushrooms… “I think...I’ll just make us a little pasta carbonara… That okay with you?” Unlike him, she was actually quite gifted in the kitchen...she just didn’t cook often. “It won’t take but...ten, fifteen minutes to cook...and it’s tasty. I think you’ll love it.” Her hand reached into the depths of the fridge, taking out the mushrooms, the bacon, some parmesan cheese and butter. “Can you… wait, the pots are a little bit too far away for your reach… Give me a second, I’ll put these on the counter...then we’ll get the pot.”
Shen nodded as she started to move around the kitchen taking notes on what she did, and doing as she asked, waiting till she moved so he could grab the pot and hand it back to her, the bracelet made sure that the two had to work together, almost in complete harmony just to get something as simple as cooking done. The short distance meant he was never more then a foot from his sister, and they had to be cautious less one of them be burned, or his sister take on too much weight and fall over thanks to her wounds. "It's a shame everything around here closes after nine, I really could have gone with some order in ginger fried beef." He said with a slight sigh lamenting the lack of late night 24 hour Chinese restaurants that existed.

It was honestly more then a little exhausting going through something as simple as the prep work of just making food. What added to that awkward fact was that his sisters ass shook in the air when ever she bent down to pick something up. It was almost entrancing in the way he watched her, and it added an additional layer of awkward shame to his mind, and so he tried his best to simply push it to the side. She would probably hate me for feeling like this, it's too weird. Shen thought darkly. Looking over the pantry there was a general lack of foods. He scoffed slightly though at the idea, "Go shopping with what money? we lost the last mission, were still broke." There was always taking out some kind of loan from the school, but that was dangerous, they weren't exactly in high academic standing, and it could fudge there budget for the next mission since they didn't know when that would be.

Shen helped where he could being careful to just stay out of his sisters way when she knew what she was doing. The last thing he needed was getting poked with something sharp because he got to close to Kiyoko when he shouldn't have. All in all though the smells were delicious. Maybe it was the fact he hadn't eaten in the past day same as his sister, but he was slowly realizing just how hungry he actually was, and his mouth watered slightly. "Why don't you cook more often?" He asked lightly, they mostly had take out, and he was no good in the kitchen, and in truth Shen was kind of surprised that she knew how to cook, where did she learn all of that?

"Heck who taught you?" He asked lightly, wondering where she picked up the all important skill. He felt a pang of jealousy at her skill. Shen could hardly do anything without burning down the house, and yet here Kiyoko was not just cooking, but making it smell rather nice, and look rather easy. At least if we lost their jobs at the school, they wouldn't starve apparently. Another dark thought scrolling through his mind as he looked at his sister shaking it off as he waited for the food to finish cooking.
Kiyoko set everything out on the counter, and moved so he could grab a pot. “Thank you,” she told him with a smile. Because of the bracelets, the two had to work together, just to make a meal one person could. “It is...but to be honest, I’m happy for the opportunity to cook. I mean...I would love a bento box right about now...yet I never cook, since we are rarely home… That, and we seem to lack money pretty often.” After pouring the mostaccioli noodles into the pot, setting it on high...she pulled out a skillet and placed it on the stove. “I heard that cooking at home saves money...not to mention it’s healthier.” Bacon sizzling in the pan, she began chopping the mushrooms with fast precision. There was a small smile on her face...not exactly a full-blown smile, was enough of one to was just delicate, and fragile.

“I know, we lost our last mission...and we’re still broke… but we have to do something. We need to eat in order to survive, so...I don’t know, maybe I can start babysitting, or ask around for something, while we are stuck together like this…” Kiyoko removed the cooked bacon off the skillet, only to drop the mushrooms into the drippings left over. Once the mushrooms were browned, she placed them on paper towels, and drained the skillet. Butter, cream, parsley, garlic, pepper sauce, and salt was added to the skillet...sizzling while she set the heat on low. It felt good to cook again, after so long of just ordering take-out from numerous fast food restaurants. It was almost...calming, doing this… Maybe it was because of all the stress of the day, but still..she wished she could cook more often. A long, wooden spoon was taken out of a drawer, slowly stirring the mess until the butter was melted. The next step was easy.

Kiyoko gave a soft laugh when he asked why she didn’t cook more often. “The same reason we don’t buy many groceries,” the young girl told him, already working on draining the pasta of water. “ almost seemed easier, just to order take-out...I never wanted to start arguments about what to, I went along with it most of the time… I also knew felt like cooking, because of everything we do. It’s a few reasons why I don’t cook, I guess.” Giving a shrug, the pasta noodles were added to the cream mixture...and the bacon, mushrooms and cheese were added. “Don’t worry… It won’t be much longer before it’s done… I’d ask you to set the table, but I know you can’t… so hey, I have an idea. Why don’t we just eat out in the living room? We can watch a little TV while we eat.”

“Who taught me?” Kiyoko laughed, this time louder than before. “Are you kidding…? With our parents gone most of the time, do you really think I could have learned from either one…? Besides, Mom was a terrible cook...and Dad wasn’t all that much better. No, I learned by cook, you know...watching the cooks do it. At first I thought it cooked fun… but then I decided to give it a try, and well… here you go. I don’t know everything, but I do love eating, so I thought it’d be best if I learn how to cook first. Okay...done!” With a big smile on her face, she showed him the creation...which smelled amazing. “Ready to eat?”
Shen should have guessed that Kiyoko was self taught. The realization however was a bitter pill to swallow as she not only mentioned their parents, but had also managed to make actual edible food. He felt a large amount of envy as he had tried his hardest to learn from cook books, and tried to follow recipes yet always ended up destroying something with every attempt while she seemed to know her way around the kitchen far better then he ever could have. It was difficult to take that his sister had so much talent.

Sitting down at the table he did have a new respect for his sister, but it was also a fading respect. One that went back into his jealous ways, and made him envious of her skill. She had never been too bright, and in all honesty it would some times be easier if his sister was the burden that she always thought she was. Moments like these however where her abilities out shined his own were difficult for Shen to take. He was snapped out of his thought however when his sister said told him that it was ready to eat, and he gave a loud 'mm' sound as he nodded his head. The smell lightning his mood and spirits, he was sure he would feel better when he had some food in him.

It felt like it had been forever since Shen had actually eaten anything. "itadakimasu." He said lightly raising his plate as he started to eat. He let out a very loud sigh of pleasure for a moment. "Okay screw take out, you just became my personal chief." He said lightly, any harsh feelings he had towards awarding her the position were immediately taken away by the quality of the food. He couldn't stand that it tasted this good, and he wanted more at the same time. However he tried his best to hold himself back from eating too much or too quickly. No matter how hungry he was he had to retain some level of manners, and more importantly he had to refrain from choking to death.

He paused lightly for a moment. Looking at his sister, an odd thought passing his mind. "I don't mind this." He said finally. It was odd putting down his utensils for a moment, but it was the honest truth. "These bracelets, and the closeness. It just hit my mind, but I don't really think I will mind this punishment all that much." Oh in the long run he probably would. Considering how they usually acted towards one another she was bound to annoy him some how, but in the moment? "Either that or this food is really just that good. I didn't even realize I was so hungry."
“Itadakimasu.” Kyoko bent her head, blessing the food before taking a bite. Immediately, a big smile spread across her face...followed by a sigh of pleasure. “I guess I missed home-cooking more than I thought… This tastes delicious,” she said with a laugh, her tone in no way bragging as she dug in. When she heard his comment about how she just became his personal chef...she couldn’t help but laugh again. “I can cook for you whenever you like… We just need to get better on the that we can buy the ingredients we need for my masterpieces!”

Kiyoko glanced up whenever he paused, directing his attention onto her. Their eyes met, brown clashing with violet, almost sending an electric current through their bodies. “I don’t mind this,” he said finally. Her body went numb from shock, her heart skipping a beat inside her rib cage. Because of their shared past...she could tell he wasn’t lying either, and was telling the honest truth. “These bracelets, and the closeness. It just hit my mind, but I don’t really think I will mind this punishment all that much.” Her face heating up...surely turning a dark shade of pink or red, she ducked her head down, playing with her food. “M-Maybe the food really is just that good… You know we’ll get on each other’s nerves sooner or later…” she pointed out.

“A-Anyway...Do you think my bed will work, at least for now? I don’t know if it will, but… when we were laying down together, it seemed to be big enough…” Kiyoko’s fingers continued making her fork dance left...and then right, picking up pieces of pasta and mushroom. I just hope I don’t fall on top of him again...that was… rather embarrassing… and really confusing. I can’t believe I actually liked it...when he held me close, and I was naked… Dark pink making its way across her cheeks at the thought, she kept her head down, so that he couldn’t see the blush. I he felt...when that happened… I mean...I know I saw...that...but he could get that reaction from any girl, couldn’t he…? So...that doesn’t mean anything...

Once she ate her last bite, Kiyoko stood up, gathering their dirty dishes together. “Eat as much as you want… There’s plenty left. Or...we can have it again tomorrow, for lunch or for dinner… either way. Um… Are you done…? If not, you can come with me while I put these in the sink… I can make you another plate…” Her violet eyes rose to meet his, an awkward smile spreading across her face. “Your comment...made me happy…” she breathed. “Cause… I really like to cook, and...I want us to get along better… I don’t think this punishment is going to be too bad either…”
It didn't matter how low Kiyoko ducked she would never really be able to hide that deep shade of red from Shen's eyes. He couldn't tell why his sister was so embarrassed he had simply complemented her, and then proceeded to say that their punishments wouldn't be all that bad. In truth he was actually starting to understand a bit more about his sister. Though why she was currently blushing the way she was, was just beyond him. This wasn't exactly a good time for either of them to be falling i'll and he for a moment he thought that could have been it, that her redness was simply some fever coming onto her, but reality quickly gave Shen a kick in the ass to kick start his mind.

She's embarrassed? was it because I touched her earlier? does she think that I am going to use this punishment as some kind of excuse to.... His thoughts quickly ran into a very dark situation that he really hoped wasn't the case. The last thing he wanted was his sister to fear anything like that from him, and yet.... he had already shown that he was willing to molest her. He had groped her when he had changed her clothing, and while he had never said anything about it he was sure that his sister had noticed his problem. Shaking his head for a moment he came crashing down to reality quickly enough when his sister spoke.

"Oh I'm done." he said showing off a plate that he had clearly finished eating off of. "I think it would be best if we saved the rest for tomorrow we have a microwave, and we have little to no groceries so left overs will kind of be the life savor for us." He said lightly getting up and then pushing his sister out of the way when he got to the sink. Running the water he started to clean the dieshes taking his sisters spot. "You cooked for me, the least I can do is clean up for you." He said lightly as he went through the pot they used, and cleaned up the dinner the two had shared.

"Your bed is fine, i mean the couch is too small for us both to lay down on, and if we used my bed, we would end up pressed into each other all night long. At least this way as long as you don't toss and turn in your sleep we will be fine." He said as he dried off the dishes and gave a loud yawn. "Come on lets brush our teeth, and get to bed." he said lightly moving towards the washroom but making sure that she was close behind him. Three feet still seemed like a very small amount of distance. "by the way you don't... snore do you?"
Kiyoko reached out for his empty plate, their fingertips brushing for just a fraction of a second. “I think you’re right… The rest we can have for tomorrow, and hopefully, I can make dinner from...well, whatever is left in the fridge. Maybe we should...see if any of our friends are willing to have us over for dinner… After’s been a while since we’ve had any time to just...relax, see our friends… do that sort of thing… And if one of our friends is cooking, well...that would make things a little bit easier on us, when it comes to dinner…” A soft laugh left the girl’s lips, painting the silence with its musical quality. Strands of orange fell against her cheek, giving her a rather innocent...yet sexy look, wasn’t long before she brushed the strands away, out of her eyes and behind an ear.

“Oh, uh… You don’t have to clean up…” Kiyoko protested, stumbling against the counter after the push. Her lips curved into a faint smile when he didn’t answer, and she laughed softly, shaking her head. “Fine… You wash the dishes, but...tomorrow, I’ll pay you back, okay? Whatever you want...I’ll do for you.” Luckily only a few dishes were dirtied in the making of dinner, so it didn’t take long at all to clean everything. “You’re right… The couch is too small for us to sleep together, without my being on top of you… And in your bed, we’ll be breathing on each other… I guess my bed will have to least for now.” After giving a little shrug, she began following him to the bathroom.

Luckily it was just down the hallway, else she’d have more trouble, what with her injuries and all. Kiyoko hated having to depend on others for something as simple as walking...but if she had to, she would. Her hand trailing down the wall, her violet eyes studied her brother’s back for a long moment...not sure what to think. An obstacle has been overcome somewhere… one barring their relationship from turning into a good one...but there was several more down the road, and who knows… they may stumble over one or two… making that journey more perilous...but it would be worth it. At her mind, it would be. After was rather...nice, to have her brother back.

After wetting her toothbrush, and applying paste, Kiyoko tucked it into the corner of her mouth. "Oh... As far as I know, I don't snore… My friends always said that I was a very quiet sleeper, so...I would assume that I don’t snore.” Brushing her teeth now, she made sure to brush every single one she could reach, before spitting out the toothpaste and saliva mixture in her mouth. Violet eyes glanced in his direction, yet quickly darted away after a moment. “R-Ready to bed?” she asked, blushing a light pink across her nose...not to mention the tops of her cheeks.
Shen let out a small sigh at the idea of seeing their friends. It wasn't that he didn't have them, there was a few people in town who he actually liked to spend time with, but with these restraints on, and the fact that he couldn't move more then three feet away from his sister it would be far too embarrassing to go to their friends house's or even have company over in their already rather small apartment. One wrong move and there would either be a lot of questions, or a lot of pain. Not to mention Shen, and Kiyoko traveled in wildly different social circles. "I don't think you would really like any of my friends." He said lightly, but there was a second reason he had kept his friends away from his sister for so long.

However selfish it was he didn't want to accidentally introduce his sister to some kind of potential boyfriend. He had always thought of it as just being protective of his sister, as he knew how a boys mind worked at their age. However considering how easily Shen had been able to molest his sister and silently justify it to himself mere moments ago he was starting to think that protection wasn't the only reason he was standoffish when ever his sister came up in conversation around his friends. He had never been outwardly threatening towards any of the other boys in her life, or so he had thought, but when ever a boy had talked to him about it there was a stern edge to him. Maybe he was a bit more protective of her then he should be. Maybe there was a larger problem he needed to deal with.

"Bed sounds good." He said lightly as the two of them finished brushing their teeth, he winced slightly as he saw that she wet her tooth bruth before using it. That always seemed like an odd habbit to him, as he simply applied the toothpaste and went at it. after which point he flossed and even used some strong alcoholic mouth wash which he made sure to offer Kiyoko. It was the best to make sure one killed all the germs after all. Walking with her back to the room he was still surprised to see just how not girly the room was. Oh sure there were stuffed animals all over the bed, but aside from that he hardly believed that his sister lived in such a room. It didn't nearly have any of the mess he had always imagined. and while he was kind of proud of his sister for proving him wrong for once, he was also very disappointed by it.

Crawling into bed he waited for his sister to join him. Giving a small sigh he did his best to try and make himself comfortable. It took a while though the bed was a queen sized bed, which should have given them plenty of space between them for some reason or maybe it was because of the pile of stuffed animals He found himself being pressed closer to Kiyoko then she probably would have cared for or liked. It was hard to breath without getting a mouthful of her hair or his nose filled with her scent. If she were another woman the closeness wouldn't have mattered, but in reality this was his sister right? So why was it that just having her so close to him was causing his heart to race. How was he supposed to sleep with his sister pressed against his body?
“Mm...You’re probably right. I mean, I don’t think you would really like any of my friends, either.” Kiyoko didn’t mean anything...well, mean, about it, but it was true. However… despite all her reasoning, and her rational part of her didn’t want to introduce her brother to Hana and Euiko and to Tai...because...she really...really didn’t want to introduce him to a potential girlfriend. It was selfish, it was stupid, and she didn’t understand why...yet that was the truth. Just the thought of him being introduced to a girl, and them hitting it off right away...was making her heart twist uncomfortably inside her chest, not to mention her stomach drop straight down to her toes. So...she won’t introduce Shen to any of the girls...not now, and maybe not ever. Who knows?

Kiyoko accepted the mouthwash offered, although she never did like the strong alcoholic taste. Yet...after such a long, stressful day, it was rather tempting to drink a glass of real alcohol. Once that was said and done, she followed her brother out of the bathroom and back to her room, a hand on his shoulder to keep her from stumbling. Her violet eyes went from her personal quarters to the young man by her side...heart slamming against her rib cage and even skipping one...two beats. No...No, no,, stop that this instant… Do you hear me? she told the silly organ that was her heart, coughing to clear her throat. “Bed does sound good…” she agreed, letting out a quiet sigh. After he climbed onto the bed first, she went after him, a yawn parting her lovely pink lips...those sinfully tempting pink lips, which many boys long to kiss.

Laying down in the mountain of pillows, it was right then that Kiyoko noticed how close they were...and how much -or rather, how little- wiggle room there was. Those violet eyes grew big, her heart slamming against her rib cage as irrational ideas...ideas that she shouldn’t even think about, bounced around inside her skull. Of course, it didn’t help he practically groped her earlier, when she fell on top of him… Her cheeks taking on a pretty pink blush from where all her thoughts were heading, she nestled down into her pillows, wishing that she could just sink down and disappear. However...that could never happen, unfortunately. Their hands did their chests, when she tried to shift and get more comfortable. I really, really need to stop thinking this way… Shen isn’t interested in me, there is no way he will ever be interested in me… and besides, he is my brother! It’s forbidden, it’s taboo… And yet, despite all that...she wanted him to be interested...she wanted something to happen between them.

Kiyoko peeked up at him through a veil of hair, blinking those big violet eyes. Why is my bed so small…? Usually, it feels huge whenever I’m sleeping in it… Well, I usually sleep in it alone… Biting her lip now, the young girl shifted yet again, her breasts accidentally pressing into his chest for a brief moment. “I...I hope you get a goodnight’s sleep…” she told him, her voice quiet...and yet, there was a subtle implication underneath the words, giving an indication of how she felt. Her leg brushed against his, the smooth appendage capable of bringing shivers to a person’s spine. “I’ll...try and not roll over you, or anything like that…”
Shen took a deep breath of his sisters hare. There was an odd moment as she said that would try not to roll over him. It was an odd thing to hear from his sister but odder still was the problem that he realized that he wouldn't mind that. What would have been worse, and the thought that actually made him giggle a little was what would happen if Kiyoko happened to roll off of the bed. If that were to happen they would both be in for a rather rude awakening. Pausing he looked at his little sister a slight amount of worry in his mind.

"There really isn't enough room on this bed for the both of us, and if one of us should happen to fall off of the bed during the night then we would end up being hit with the shock collar." He paused trying to walk his logic through to a solution to this problem. The only one he was finding was that his arm draped over his sisters body wrapping around her and pulling her closer against his own body. feeling the warmth of her as he pressed her harder against him. At the same time though he couldn't help but blush as he was already feeling wierd from the way that their legs were slowly intertwining, and the fact that her chest was slowly pressing against his.

Closing his eyes Shen let out a long hot breath against his siters body, and then noticed the bigger problem with all of this. The heat caused by being so close to her body, taking in so much of her sent and feeling her breath on his skin. Already there was a warmth that screamed take off his clothing, but now it was nearly impossible to hide the fact that every little motion his sister made was making him aroused. Shen writhed for a moment trying to ignore the fact that the covers were so thick and he was so close to his sister but couldn't.

After a few more moments of the silent agony. Shen tossed the covers from the bed. "Too hot." he said lightly Even though discarding the bedding left his lower half exposed. The light matarial of his pajamas did nothing to really hide the fact that his body one way or another had become completely aroused thanks to his sisters motions. At least now the air isn't so stuffy and the breeze will cool me down. He thought lightly. Looking over his sister for a moment a second more darker thought crossed his mind. The view is also a little better here then i would have thought.
Kiyoko couldn’t believe this was happening, punishment or not. Normally, it felt as though her brother wanted absolute nothing to do with her… much less be in the same room unless it was absolutely necessary...and yet here they are, sleeping in the same bed together. “Um… I have to agree… There really isn’t enough room on this bed for both of us… and if one of us falls off the bed, we’ll both end up being hit with the shock collar…” A light pink blush spreading across her pale cheeks, the meister tried not to imagine the situation...where she ended up on top of him, or him on her.

I need to stop thinking about what happened earlier...or else, he’s going to realize, and make fun of me… Kiyoko bit her lip, her heart slamming a little harder against the cage of bone protecting it. Right then, his arm draped over her body, wrapping around her and pulling her close against his own body. A soft gasp hitched in her throat. What...What is he doing?! she thought, wrapping an arm around him when she was pressed harder against him. Their legs slowly intertwined… her chest pressing into his, and without a single inch of space between their bodies. A long, hot breath was let out, its heat warming her already-hot cheeks. Her giant t-shirt rode up a little when she shifted against him, exposing quite a bit of slender leg, as well as the edge of her panties.

The heat was getting to be much, though. It was making her body heat up in ways Kiyoko has never felt before...and it was also making her want to peel off the t-shirt, and just sleep in her panties. Every once in a while, she’d do that...but when alone...and normally during winter. Her violet eyes opened to watch Shen for a moment, noticing him twisting this way and that in order to get comfortable. After a few more moments, though, he tossed the covers from the bed. “Too hot,” he said lightly, giving her a faint smile. It did feel good, the sheets being off, though.

“It’s okay… I was getting hot, too,” Kiyoko admitted, arching her back in a stretch. Of course, this caused her breasts to press into his chest...hard...not to mention her hips against his. Once she was done with that, she relaxed. “You’re pretty warm, though…” she murmured, snuggling up to him when she realized that fact. The shoulder of her giant t-shirt fell off one shoulder, exposing all that creamy skin. Even the curve of a breast could be seen, though not as clearly as earlier. A soft yawn parted her lips. “I get a good night’s sleep…” she told him, her voice husky and a little deep...though still sexy despite all that. “I will...see you in the morning…”
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