Soul Eater rp (Malin, and Frogger)


Nov 20, 2012
with Carmen Sandiego

The moon hung in the air laughing at the city of London with it's slightly creepy, face, dripping blood as it giggled long into the night. Down below the cobblestone streets of London were cloaked in shadows, making it hard to see what wasn't directly in front of someone. Their was a light fog that covered the ground, and dampened the air making the ground a little bit colder.

Along the rooftops a shadow lurked stalking a young woman. As the young woman turned to walk down the street she was jumped by the shadow, and a loud scream filled the nights air.

A few blocks away a man's head turned his light green eyes searching off into the distance for where the scream had come from. He gulped lightly, realizing they had finally found the target. His orange hair was slightly frayed at the ends, and he looked like he hadn't had a proper sleeping schedule in a few days.

"Three days over due for this mission, but it sounds like we finally found him." His voice was rather excited aside from the obvious downside that the only reason they had found their target was because he was currently busy butchering another victim. Death was another part of their business, not pleasant by any means, but not something the students of the DWMA were taught to linger on.

Shen hopped lightly on his feet a bright light engulfing his body as he transformed himself into a sword, the long swords blade and handle were elegantly crafted, and this was Shen's personal favorite of the blades he could transform into. A double edged long sword it's pointed tip dug into the ground, the metal looked more like glass than actual steel, but like any demon weapon it was tempered to be as strong as it's users. His face appeared reflecting in the glass like metal. He give his meister and sister, an arrogant, and slightly reassuring smile, before his face vanished back into the clear metal.

Fog and shadows danced intimately within the city of London, each struggling to overtake the other. The moon giggled at their efforts. Not many people were out this late at night, what with recent stories of a killer on the loose. Yet a few did dare to venture out into the cloak of darkness, big fearful eyes glancing this way and that as they hurried home. One woman in particular looked over her shoulder, dark wavy hair moving with her head while she did so. Her equally dark eyes mirrored the emotions going rampant inside her chest. When nothing jumped from the shadows at her, she let out a relieved sigh through her lips, and turned down the street towards her home.
A loud scream filled the night air. Blood doused the wall, moonlight reflecting off its vibrant red intensity and making it appear silver. Luckily the poor victim died after a few minutes of such agony, in a pool of her own blood.

Kiyoko’s muscles grew tense, nerves leaping about like Ping-Pong balls. “Better late than never,” she told her partner and brother with a faint smile. The earlier boredom melting off her bones, her joints cracked as though in protest as she rose to her feet. It wasn’t going to be pleasant, fighting the soul right after he has eaten. Question is…just how powerful is this one soul?

“You realize this is the last soul we need before going after a witch’s…right?” Her voice didn’t exactly ooze confidence, but neither did it stumble over the words. “It’s kind of exciting…” Trailing off, she gazed into the distance for a moment. Excitement danced within her amethyst-colored eyes, the smile spreading across her features. Her orange hair, fastened into twin pigtails by black fuzzy hair-ties, moved under the power of a gentle breeze. The blue skirt she wore did the same. There were subtle indicators that she herself haven’t slept over the past couple days, but she still looked good despite that.

Bright light caused Kiyoko to blink, which in turn snapped her out of the reverie. The reassurance in her sibling’s smile wasn’t needed, but the arrogance did help those nerves settle down. In turn, she flashed him one of her own. Her fingers came to wrap around the ornate handle, easily lifting the weapon. “Come on… Let’s go get that last soul. Death is waiting…and we’re three days overdue already.” A soft laugh escaped the girl’s lips, a grin finishing off the moment as she jumped off the roof, now heading towards the source of the scream.
For now Kiyoko had the heavy lifting part of the job. Shen was relegated to the minor work, inside the sword all he could do was help to refine and balance her wave length. A job that was always easier said than done, and he fell into his main habit of backseat driving. Feeling that she was tense his face appeared through the glass blade, his arrogant smirk already slightly berating her. "Easy on your breathing, don't tense up. Keep yourself nice and loose, and don't focus on how many we have or haven't collected. We can count the chickens once they hatched remember?"

around them the fog hid many places where their target could be lurking. The human soul was already gone by the time they arrived in the dank side street, but the killer was still ever apparent. Small amounts of laughter could be heard echoing off of the wet cobblestone. They were being watched, rather closely. Even Shen found it hard to not let his nerves be effected by the dark reek of blood in the air. Shen's voice wavered slightly as he tried to give advice and poke fun at his sister at the same time. "Can you see him? Meister's can track souls right? or did you fall asleep in that class as well?"

Shen tried to keep himself aware. Their was no real danger to him after all, he was safe, his skin and bone were hardened steel, what did he have to be afraid of? Though he could swear he felt his body shaking slightly as a weapon it was hard to tell if he was the one shaking, or if it was Kiyoko. This kishin wasn't supposed to be that strong, they were the worst in their year, they wouldn't have gotten a difficult mission. Hell he wasn't even sure how they had gotten too 98 souls, but he knew the climb had been difficult enough without any curve balls in their mission.

In a second their was a flash of light through the fog from their left, as running footsteps echoed and a flash of steel came flying towards them. The creature they were hunting revealed himself quickly. A slender figure his face was hidden well enough under a hat, 'it's' clothing resembled that of a tux, with a top hat for style, however it certainly wasn't a human anymore. It's figgure was deformed hunched over and monster like, it's choice of weapon was a long messed cain, with a sharp stabbing point on the end. His laugh and muscular body were unmistakably their target... Mr Hyde.

(ooc: Sorry for the sudden shift in the opening badguy, I had a really strong image of this in my head and decided to run with it. Same basic idea though)
Kiyoko dodged the attack just in time, sparks flying between the two sets of clashing metal. Her hands instinctively tightened around the weapon. “Eh, case you haven’t noticed… I don’t need to track the thing down. It’s right in front of us, or do you need glasses to see that?” The ground slick with fresh blood, she ward off blow after blow, feet moving through crimson red against her will. Before long she was pressed against the wall, Mr. Hyde closing in one step at a time. Bloodthirsty red eyes glowed underneath the edge of his black top hat. It was eerie, how much he looked like a human…that is, until you notice his deformities, and how sharp his teeth are.

Another attack was thrown in her direction. Instinctively Kiyoko raised her hands, only for both weapons to clash…sending a wave of tingling numbness throughout her arms. “Crap… This isn’t good,” she hissed under her breath. Violet eyes narrowed, frustration swirling within those dark depths, the young girl fought to think of something…anything…to improve the situation. However, she couldn’t. “Dammit!” Metal clashing yet again, her arms almost buckled under the pressure. We’re going to lose this fight… probably be eaten too…she noted, one tiny sliver of fear embedding into her heart. Of course… it wasn’t her own life she cared about, but the life of her annoying brother and weapon.

“Shen, you can help out anytime now… Or are you too scared? Huh? Cause last time I checked, you’re a big strong guy…or well, that’s what I’ve heard. Why don’t you prove it to me?” Kiyoko’s feet fought for purchase, the blood making it difficult to do so. Her hands adjusted their grip on the scythe. The next attack took her completely by surprise, since it did slice through one ponytail…causing several long, orange strands to fall into her eyes. Luckily little damage was done. Mr. Hyde’s steel-tipped cane sank into the wall above, providing an opportunity to escape. Of course she decided to take advantage, and rushed out from next to the monster.

Kiyoko ran out into the street. Fog made it difficult to see, much less keep an eye on the opponent. Her heart pounding hard and fast –like a racehorse, only with no destination in mind-, it was hard to breathe, or even think. “Come on… Think of something, Kiyoko…” she murmured to herself, frantically wracking her brain for just a shred of an idea. Yet despite her efforts…there was nothing in that empty skull to use. Her grip tightened more, violet eyes narrowed with fear and determination. I need to think of something…anything… We can’t just give up…! We have to get this last soul, or else we start over from scratch!
"Calm down." Shen's voice was rather commanding even from his position as a weapon. He couldn't exactly stand to do anything without risking Kiyoko, and he recognized that she wasn't exactly being helpful when she wasn't calm. "I'm your weapon, I can't leave you without putting you at risk, not to mention your holding onto me with a vice grip, loosen up, calm down remember your stances and you will be fine." Once again Shen fell back onto his old defaults of back seat driving his sister. Critiquing her use of him as a weapon, and why was she begging for his help? He was the weapon if he gave up his form and tried to fight he would only be at half power without her.

She was right about one thing however it was technically his job to keep them both alive, but it was her job to slay the monsters they encountered.... She just sucked at her job. The metal blade of the scythe once again shifted to reveal shen's face looking out behind the par. "Were running the wrong way you should have pressed the advantage when you had the opening. Oh why did i get such a useless meister." He rubbed his face with his hands trying to think. He wasn't exactly being encouraging towards her but at the same time they seemed to have this kind of argument every time they went on a hunt for these things. It had taken them a long time to get the amount of eggs they had as it was, and because of that it was only a matter of time before they had to start over.

This mission wasn't even supposed to be that difficult he could have sworn when they had taken it off the job board it had very few stars. It was just a hunt of a single paranormal killer, it wasn't exactly taking down an entire organization, or even hunting for a witch. That said Shen knew that they were struggling with it, and that they would need to start working together if they really wanted to win the fight. He was just annoyed that she had called him scared, when she was the one who was running.

Mr Hyde returned jumping down from a building and landing down in front of the pair. Now however they were in the open streets instead of the narrow back alley way they had been before. He held his cane like he would a broad sword lashing out with a powerful two handed strike down, and then across. Mr Hyde let out a loud cackle as he attacked, clearly he was the one who was enjoying this fight the most out of the three of them.
“I am not an useless meister! This isn’t as easy as it looks, you know!” Kiyoko’s temper flaring up, she ignored the first slice she received in her right arm...painful as it was, and parried the second lash. I swear… I get absolutely no sympathy from him! she thought, letting her anger fuel her motions. None, whatsoever! Not even when I am being chased by a psychomaniac, carrying a wicked cane that he uses as a weapon, who has taken a liking to human souls! sympathy at all… A low growl rumbling deep, deep in the back of her throat, the weapon in question was raised high...its blade barely missing Mr. Hyde’s shin bone. Unfortunately...he didn’t miss with his next strike, because…his sharp cane sank right into the meat of her shoulder. The growl was soon replaced with a hiss of pain...which she didn’t like at all.

Kiyoko noticed her vision swim around the edges, making everything fuzzy and distorted. Uh oh...that can’t be good… Her feet shifting into a defensive position, she blocked blow after blow with the scythe, the tingling numbness crawling up her arms to the joints of her shoulders. Of course that was just another bad sign...but she couldn’t quit now. Not after harvesting so many souls already… This is the last one they need, before going after a witch’s soul… They can’t quit now… Red staining her sleeve, slowly making its way down the yellow sleeve, it was hard to summon the strength she needed. Her limbs felt heavy, in felt like both arms had been replaced with bricks. Panting lightly, she focused her attention on the monster before them, those violet eyes narrowing with intent and purpose.

“That’s it…” Kiyoko breathed. “I am so...sick and tired...of being the meister who is laughed at, who is...the example of what not to be like, the one who is...looked down on by the others, simply because I am not...that good at what I do… I am going to show you… Shen… I will show all of you… just how good I can be…” Determination settling into her bones, it made her pain disappear, as though it was never there in the first place. Her lips began to curve into a that can set people on a razor’s edge. “Are you ready, Mr. Hyde? Because...It’s about time you learn how to dance.”

The light coming off a street lamp reflected off the scythe’s blade, not to mention off her smile. Her orange pigtails flying, she sprang forward, the weapon slicing into the air...and aiming for his chest. When he dodged without a scratch, she hit the blunt end right on the back of his knee, making him fall towards the ground. An opportunity presenting itself, she went ahead and adjusted her grip on the scythe...which also gave Mr. Hyde an equal opportunity to strike. His cackling filling the air, his cane hit home… Kiyoko coughed, crimson red spilling out of her mouth while she gazed down in shock at the cane in her chest.
"Kiyoko calm down!" His words were a little too late, as his sister had seemingly gone into a blood lust. Shen watched in horror, and tried to focus on holding her together, trying to do anything he could for her, but failed. Watching her be stabbed not once but twice, was enough to cause him to break form. Swapping out as a weapon he left Kiyoko's hand's splitting from her, and dove mr hyde who was still on the ground, his arm transforming to a part weapon as he drove it into the mans skull and watched as he reverted into a soul. The battle over, he turned quickly grabbing Kiyoko his arms once again fully human as he held her.

His hand gripped her stomach where she had been impaled trying to hold her together. "It's not as bad as looks." He said trying really hard to lie to himself. This was not just his meister but also his sister he was dealing with she had to be okay. She had gotten too aggressive and done the very thing he had warned her against, he bit his lip looking her over panic still in his eyes, could he get her to a doctor, he didn't have a cell phone. Holding her she seemed to become pale, and as she passed out in his arms he was already running.


Morning light crept into the sterile hospital room of the nurses office. Shen's breathing could be heard lightly as he was passed out in a chair, his head was sprawled against the bed, where Kiyoko had been placed making him sit at an awkward angle. He hadn't left her side since he had been allowed back in after the surgery. He had been far too worried, and now as first light of the new day crept slowly into the room Shen's eyes stirred but only for a moment. Before continuing to sleep at his sisters side. He had forgotten the kishin egg, in his panic to get Kiyoko somewhere safe he had completely forgotten that he had killed Mr Hyde, and of course with that failure fully on his shoulders, well lets just say they had a meeting with death as soon as Kiyoko was ready to move again.

On the good side of things the nurse said that Hana should have made full recovery after the surgery that patched her up. They had escaped this time, but Shen wasn't exactly trusting of the next time they had to go into battle together. He hadn't liked that look Kiyoko had during that battle. His hand raised up slightly grasping hers as the two of them slept, and holding onto her. He had been terrified, unable to calm her down, and more then that he had been the one who had set her off in the first place. He had been the one who caused this problem. Everything that happened to his sister had been his fault. That was why he hadn't left her side, he wanted to make sure that as soon as she had woken up, he would be there for her. He was more then a little scared about what would happen after yesterday. There performance had been so abysmal, they were probably on their way to being expelled from the academy.
Kiyoko felt her knees buckle, body and mind growing numb from shock. The world tilted on its axis, sky flying on past her line of sight, only to be replaced with a bloodied brick wall. Right before she hit the ground, her grip grew lax on the scythe, the cool, reassuring metal leaving her palms. Shen...she thought, watching him out of her peripheral vision. I...I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have left my anger control my actions… Maybe...Maybe I am a useless meister… Those violet eyes drifted to a close for a second, perhaps two...only for her to force the pair open. The metallic smell of fresh blood was in the air. Is...Is this how it’s going to end…? she asked no one, fear biting deep into her heart. It wasn’t long before she could feel large, warm hands lift her head carefully, and she could see her brother’s eyes looking down at her.

“I...I’ll be...okay…” she managed. “D-Don’t...worry… J-Just get...the soul…” It was his dream to become Death’s weapon, that much she knew...and for him to be denied that would be just criminal. The panic obvious in his eyes, again she tried to reassure him how everything was going to be just fine...when blood gurgled inside her mouth, making it difficult to breathe...much less talk. The hot liquid escaped her lips, trickling down either side of her mouth. Now how am I going to convince him it will be alright? she asked no one, only for her vision to be swallowed in black.


The first thing Kiyoko grew aware of was a sterile smell...and of a warmth enveloping her hand. Where am I…? she thought, her conscience reluctant to fully emerge from slumber. What happened…? Little slices -pieces, really- of memory rose, though none fit together quite right. The last thing she remembered was going after Mr. Hyde...and the fear… but beyond that, she couldn’t recall anything else. Did...Did something go wrong? Did she fall unconscious…?, maybe they succeeded...and now they were resting in a nearby inn, just...keeping a tab on their next target? No...that can’t be… That didn’t sound right, no matter how much she wished it to be true. Something had to have happened...and not necessarily good. Otherwise...both she and her brother would be back in their apartment, and not in this...weird place.

Her dark, sleepy violet eyes came to open after a minute, the pair unable to focus on any one thing. Am a hospital? Kiyoko felt fear strike her heart at the very idea, yet she struggled to calm down, because after all...she didn’t know if she really was in a hospital or not. Not yet. After letting out a soft yawn, and rubbing at an eye, she glanced across the way. There was a mirror hanging on the wall, which she could see her reflection...and let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. One eye was swollen shut, while her cheek was dark purple. Bandages were around her chest, and around her shoulder, restricting movement. I must be in a hospital...if I have to be wrapped up like this...she thought. Yet I still can’t remember anything… Her eyes moved away from her ugly reflection...only to rest on her hand, enveloped in another. It took her a moment to figure out that it was Shen holding on it. What alternative universe has she fallen into, though? Shen would never hold her hand… much less in public! Quietly she began taking her hand out of his, because was making her feel all fuzzy inside, when there’s no reason to feel that way.
Shen shifted in his sleep when Kiyoko pulled her hand away. He felt a little light headed thanks to the position he had fallen asleep in, but more then that he felt a tad drowsy, as he started to rise. His head hurt, and his back was so stiff from the position but he blinked away his momentary pains and blindness. Stretching and yawning he felt his back audibly. He had held his sisters hand, even though it had been for mostly selfish reasons, he did like his sister. She just annoyed him, and got too excited and angry in battle. This was different however. In the past sure they may have messed up a mission or a dozen, but not like this. Last night he had nearly lost his sister, and his meister. It was perhaps the worst thing that could have happened to him as a weapon. It would have been grounds for a lot worse then expulsion. Rubbing his eyes he looked up finally Kiyoko was awake, and though he tried to smile, it was so obviously a fake smile. She looked like shit, he couldn't even try to hide that thought as it crossed his mind. Part of him wanted to make fun of Kiyoko, but another part of him wanted to hug her. Now that she was well and truly out of danger.

"Were back at the acadamy." Shen's voice was slightly meek by his usual boastful self. Every wound was his fault, and he felt a wave of guilt and nausea pass over him as he looked at her. As her weapon it should have been him that had taken the damage, that was how it was supposed to work right? He was the defense, and she was the fighter? Instead it had seemed during their battle more like Shen had hung her out to dry. Shaking his head he regretted not grabbing the soul, as it had been the last thing that she had told him to do, but at the same time he had been too afraid for Kiyoko's life. He knew she wasn't going to be happy about that. "I managed to get you back quickly enough that the doctors could save you."

It was understandable that Kiyoko would seem a little more then dazed but she looked more confused then she should have been. Shen couldn't place his finger on it, just that something seemed wrong. Maybe it was the fact that he had fallen asleep holding her hand, that had been a rather dumb move on his part, and he tried his best to not let that part show. Then again his face wasn't exactly good at hiding his emotions and right now it was hard too feel anything except the strong sense of shame he had. How the hell did he screw it up so badly. "Uhm... you... look terrible, but I'm glad you made it." Shen tried to be comforting, but at the same time just got an awkward feeling, he really wanted to avoid the big questions that he knew she would have.

"Do you need anything?" Shen said finally getting up from his seat. "I can bring you a glass of water if your thirsty, and when your ready, and able to move we need to go see Death, but You.... look like hell frankly so maybe you should rest first." There was no need for them to go right away, if she wanted he could help take her back to the apartment, and she could sleep in her own bed, but it was a little safer if she stayed here.
“We’re...We’re the Academy?” Kiyoko fought to sit up, only to gasp when her shoulder gave a sharp did her chest. Pain etched into her features, and even going so far as to darken her violet eyes, she lowered herself back against the pillows carefully. “I...I didn’t even realize… Um… I don’t need anything...Thanks… I could really use that glass of water, though… My throat is very dry…” After a fit of coughing, she tried to run a hand through her hair...only to wince and let that hand drop down onto the bed. This… really sucks… How long am I going to be stuck in here…? My injuries do seem pretty severe… Just the idea of being stuck in bed for days...even weeks...made the girl scowl with distaste. Ugh...I hate this already… “Probably should rest...I can’t even get up, much less go visit Death… Resting is my best bet. I look like hell, huh? I don’t doubt it, since I’m here…” A soft laugh left her lips, yet it was a bit weak...not to mention fake. Her eyes rose to meet those of her brother, concern swirling within those depths. “How...How are you doing…? I mean… Have you been treated…? Or were you okay, after the battle with Mr. Hyde…? did it go? The battle? I don’t really remember much of anything…”

Kiyoko bit her lip, not sure what to think...or what to say. Most brothers and sisters can get along on some level, or at least call a truce, every once in a while...however, that wasn’t the case between she and Shen. Maybe it’s because their personalities are too similar...or too different, either has gotten in the way of everyday life. They...had no relationship. Yes, they fight as meister and weapon...but it didn’t matter. It was...disastrous. It was pure, undiluted luck that they obtained as many souls as they have. No matter how hard she tried her was always this way. If only...If only she could improve, one way or another… Maybe...Maybe confidence would grow, and they could get along better...maybe even grow together as a team.

Of course...that was a bit far-fetched. For that to happen would take a miracle, maybe even two or three… It, in other words, was just plain impossible… Kiyoko let out a long sigh, her heart heavy at the reality of it. Once that was done, she tilted her head back against the pillows, gazing up at the ceiling. There was nothing even remotely interesting about it… but at least she wasn’t looking at her brother. Shen can be nice at times...but that didn’t mean she invited his jeers. “I...I just remember...that we were going after Mr. Hyde...and that I was nervous about it… Other than that, well… I really don’t know. Um...we were waiting… I just...I can’t remember what came next…” Her words trailing off, she bit her lip, violet eyes intent on the ceiling up above. After making herself comfortable by the lower half of her body, she glanced over at him.

“If...If my life really was in jeopardy...and all that, then I must say...thank you. I don’t know what I could have done without you...especially after whatever happened. I know that we don’t get along all that great...and most of the time, I really wonder if we are even related… but that’s how...we are. We argue...we fight over everything...and well...that is just things are. I just really saving my you did… Tell me straight, okay…? How, bad was it…?”

Kiyoko lifted those pretty violet eyes of hers, the pair gazing at him with a quiet intensity, though it wasn’t an intrusive...nor was penetrating.
Shen swallowed hard, his mouth suddenly becoming rather dry when he had to relay the story back to her about what happened. She may have wanted the cold hard truth, but he didn't know how he could tell her. Her last words before her collapse had been to get the soul, a task which he had completely failed to even remotely take care of, and now he was left dumb founded kicking himself. His mockery had of course played a large part into their loss, but now that she was safe. So of course he stood up and excused himself for a moment taking a good moment to secure the glass of water for Kiyoko.

Walking back into the room he handed Kiyoko the water and sighed sitting back into his chair. He grimaced for a moment. "It was bad." He said finally. Leaning back into his chair he felt his back finally loosen slightly. He looked at Kiyoko and sighed ~It's not like she can hate me any more, so I may as well just tell her everything.~ He was bitter in his thoughts that was true, but he also couldn't help but feel that he had earned the right to be bitter. "We didn't get the soul we needed." He said firstly, trying to put the news as what he saw was bad to worse. "And honestly I didn't think we would make it back. You were pretty much fading in my arms, I didn't know what to do so I just ran as fast as I could back to our vehicle, and high tailed it back to the hospital."

From there the two of them had gotten a swift transfer back to the academy, but it hadn't been a good welcome. He swallowed lightly after laying out the facts for his sister. They were in deep waters at the moment and he didn't know how she was gonna take it. Hell he wondered if they were gonna split up after this. She may not have been the best meister in the academy but she was still his sister. He didn't really see anyone else who he thought he was compatible with. It was just the sad fact that the two were hardly compatible as it was. They were less of a combo, and more like a large accident waiting to happen. "When you are feeling up for it, Death wants us to report to him, along with a few other members of the faculty... All in all it looks pretty bad."

Leaning back into his chair he wanted to add that it was all her fault, or some kind of juvenile insult. But part of him knew that wasn't the case this time it wasn't her slow reaction time that had gotten them into trouble. Well that had been part of it, but it had everything to do with him. He was the weapon, and that meant he should have been ready to die for his meister. He hadn't been ready for that, and so he had failed her and most likely the academy. At worst the two of them would be expelled. At best... he didn't even know what kind of torture the staff would inflict upon them for this kind of failure, but a full reset of the souls they had collected up to that point was inevitable.
Kiyoko wasn’t all that surprised when her brother swallowed hard, and excused himself for a moment so he could retrieve a glass of water. Being related, living together, meister and was relatively easy at times to tell when he was nervous. When he left the room, she fought to sit up yet again...only for piercing pain to shoot throughout her shoulder. Arm trembling, she lowered herself back down...but not before adjusting herself to the best of her abilities. I can’t believe I got hurt this badly...she thought, resting back against the pillows. Infinite possibilities ran through her mind, each more terrible than the last. Quickly she shook her head to dispel them.

Shen came back into the room, unusually quiet, the water in his hand. After giving it, he sat down, a sigh leaving his lips. What did happen yesterday…? Or...rather, what happened before she went unconscious…? It couldn’t be that bad, could it? Their eyes met. Dread leaked into her veins, even before he opened his mouth to start speaking. “It was bad,” he finally told. Leaning back in the seat, he let out another sigh. “We didn’t get the soul we needed. And honestly I didn’t think we would make it back. You were pretty much fading in my arms, I didn’t know what to do so I just ran as fast as I could back to our vehicle, and high tailed it back to the hospital.” The words came as a shock...or rather, not so much the words, but the meaning behind them. There much emotion...behind the bitterness, anyway.

“Death must be disappointed…” Kiyoko murmured, not commenting on the meaning behind his words, instead focusing on the present. “We finally got to ninety-eight souls...and we completely blew it…” A few strands of orange tumbled forward, several falling into her eyes. Giving those strands one hell of a glare -one worthy of much worse things- she blew out at them...only to end up with failure. “Dammit…” she grumbled under her breath, tucking the strands behind an ear. “I was really hoping we would know...get that last soul… I mean...we have been trying hard to get those souls...and at the last one…” Her lips in a cute, but frustrated pout, she shook her head. “No...I’m so not going there… Okay, so we have to meet up with Death...and possibly face big deal. Right…?” Here her assurance wavered...needing some kind of support to climb back up.

Kiyoko may not be academic, by any stretch of the word, but she loved being a meister. Okay, so she has does everyone else, right? It’s common...especially given the difficult missions they undertake. Swallowing the lump in her throat, the young girl leaned back against her pillows, body tingling with nerves. I really hope we don’t get expelled...she thought. I don’t want to be...and I’m sure Shen feels the same way… We love what we do. It’s just’s hard for us to get along… Her thoughts drifted into a different of which involved them taking on different partners. Maybe...that would be best… It’d be hard to find someone we match wavelengths with...much less get along with...but it can’t be impossible...
Shen let out a low sigh as they seemed to be put into these positions together. Constantly she dragged down his grades, not just academically, but performance wise. True he was a backseat driver, but if she would for once follow his instructions than he was confident that stuff like this would never actually happen, and they wouldn't be facing expusion like they were at this very moment. Still she was right death wanted to see them, and that couldn't mean anything good with their current record. Maybe it was for the best that they get new partners? Sure his sister was his sister, and that was why they had been co-opted but with how their reviews have gone as of late there was a strong chance that nothing good would come of it.

Biting down on his lip he let out a long sigh as he watched her frustrated pout. She was looking at him to be some kind of support but this time he didn't really have the words she needed. He was just as dreading this as she was. "Maybe it won't be that bad." He said lightly, they had been going at this for so long, that maybe they would be given another chance to start over. They were desperate sure, but determined. They had never given death anything less then 100% of their effort and attention. "Do you think you can make it to his office? I figure he would take it easier on us if we go sooner rather then later."

While his sisters wounds were no longer life threatening he knew that physical movement was going to be painful, and he extended his hand to help her up. He honestly didn't mind being used as a crutch, because it would lessen the chance of him being chopped in the head by Death. He had a few of those shinigami chops back in the day, and they were nothing less then skull splitting agony. That said using his broken sister as a shield may also have been a little cowardly, but what are you gonna do? It was sad really that he and his sister didn't get along better on the field. Maybe his next meister would actually be a little better, or at the least be able to help match resonance waves.

Letting out a low sigh everything seemed rather calm for a moment. It was one of those rare moments where he could actually see eye to eye with his sister. True it was about what would happen when they actually got to death's office. "I'm sure death wouldn't just kick us out onto the street." He said under his breath. This academy was really all they had. They had put everything they could into becoming a meister and weapon, and if it didn't pan out then years of their lives were going to go to waist. they didn't really have anything else aside from this place and each other, and if Shen was going to be truthful with himself then loosing even one of those things would hurt a lot. Loosing both would be devastating.
“I-I don’t know… I mean, I think you’re right… Death might take it easier on us, if we go now, rather than wait until later…” Kiyoko accepted his hand, palm meeting palm while he helped her get into a semi-upright position. Their eyes met for just a second. Though they are brother and sister who rarely get alone...okay, never get alone...he was still her brother, and she can’t help but wonder just what is going to happen next. Will they be paired with another meister, another weapon…? Or will they be expelled...without being given more chances? Her thoughts scattered as pain shot through out her shoulder...making her head pound and her breath hiss through her teeth in response. Damn...Damn, that hurts...she thought, the grip on his hand growing tighter.

Kiyoko drew in a deep breath, her vision swimming around the edges in the aftermath of such pain. “I’m okay… I’m okay…” she managed, feeling her heart slam against her rib cage, not once, not twice...but over and over again. “Just...a little dizzy…” His other arm went across her shoulders, providing support without any judgement. “Th-Thanks…” Once she had her legs up over the edge, she hoisted herself up...only to come toppling into his side. “O-Oh! I’m sorry, um...I guess I wasn’t quite ready yet…” After getting steady, and swallowing the lump that had formed in her throat, her eyes met his...while she gave a nod. “R-Ready whenever you are…” she whispered softly.

The walk towards Death’s chambers was...agonizingly long. It wasn’t only because of the pain, even though it did play a factor...but mostly, it was because of dread. Kiyoko bit her lip, forcing her feet forward one step at a time. “Hey...Shen…? I just wanted to know...before we are expelled...or reassigned to new partners...that...I’m really sorry. This was my fault… I just… I just hope that your next partner is better...not just academically, but as a partner… I probably will get kicked out, though… I grades were never that good, no matter how hard I studied… At would be able to stay… I wouldn’t doubt it if Death decided to keep you…” Her words drifted off, though the tense air remained hanging over their heads. Her hand gripped onto his shoulder a little tighter.

“Here we are…” Kiyoko murmured, once they were in front of the door. Her heart racing fast, she let out a long sigh, already resigned to her fate. After all...Shen would most likely be able to continue being at the Academy...not her, though… One hand resting on the door, she began pushing on it...only to be met with surprise, since it swung open easily. “I know...I don’t say this...ever...but I love you, Shen…” That said, she forced them to start walking forward, that way they could find out what will happen sooner rather than later.
This truly had to be the end of times. Not only did Shen hear his sister confessing, which felt wrong, she used the L word. The two of them hadn't spoken like that for a long time, and honestly Shen couldn't remember what changed? For a moment he was at a loss for words. In truth he didn't like the idea of loosing Kiyoko, but the two didn't or couldn't figgure out what was wrong team wise. Even as they got to the office and continued walking down the odd hall, above them the several dozen guillotines that marked the way to deaths true office. He could feel how hard it was for his sister to move, and he was wondering now if he had chosen wrong the wost thing they could do was some how re open her wound.

"Kiyoko don't talk like that." Shen said more honestly then anything else. He could pass off the admission of love as the amount of pain she was in, but the rest of it just made him feel guilty. He had been the weapon, it was his responsibility to die for his meister, and yet Kiyoko was the one who was injured. Saying it was her fault was wrong, because at the end of the day it was his job not just as the weapon but as her brother. "I love you too sis, and your right we do never say it." He said finally. It felt wrong to not say it, it was after all the truth. He cared about his sister he just didn't show it as often as he should have.

Unsurprisingly death was waiting for them, his mostly black body, along with the comical skull mask were watching the two as they came into the room. He didn't look frustraited, though knowing Death it was entirely possible that he was as he watched the two of them walk down the long corridor, and onto the platform that made his vary odd office. The office it's self looked larger on the inside, with a vast room and even clouds and what looked and felt like sunshine. Death himself was an imposing figgure standing in front of The glass window used when people called him, and oddly death was not alone, two members of the faculty were with him, the schools nurse, and one of the schools teachers were both standing with Death.

Death looked at the two students, one a meister who could barely stand, and the weapon she used for a crutch. "We were just talking about you two." He said rather quickly in his usual energetic tone. For a moment it seemed like everything was going to be fine just the way he spoke to them said buisness as he raised up his giant white gloved hand to wave at the two of them. "SHINIGAMI CHOP!" Death brought down his hand hard on shins head knocking him to the ground and as Shen hit the ground he dragged Kiyoko with him.
Kiyoko let out an uncharacteristic squeak, right when Death’s giant white gloved hand made contact with her brother’s head. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that it hurt...a lot. Violet eyes wide, she turned towards him, about to question him as to if he’s alright… only to be dragged down on top of him. “Y-Yikes!” Luckily he had an arm around her shoulders, else it would hurt a lot least...for her. Death didn’t offer mercy from his chop. The two members of the facility, which she only recognized because of their cool gazes and stiff attitudes, looked down on them with something akin to...disgust. Anger began boiling under her flashing through her lovely purple eyes. Yet instead of speaking up against the powerful two, like she would love to do...she laid a hand on her weapon’s chest, checking to see if he was, indeed, okay.

“Sh-Shen? Hey, Shen...are you conscious?” she asked, giving a gentle nudge to check. After he let out a groan -which was perfectly understand, given the treatment he just received- she finally relaxed. One ponytail fell, the ribbon resting right underneath her ear. Quickly both ribbons were yanked out, mercilessly, with no thought as to how much of an annoyance her hair will be later on. A wave of orange came tumbling down about her shoulders...making the young girl look older than she really was. Her violet eyes, flickering with repressed fury, landed on the party of people...just waiting for someone to speak delegate how things will go from there.

A young woman stepped forward, adjusting the pair of glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. Given by her appearance, she held herself in high regard, though she didn’t have any high ranking. Raven-black hair cut short just above her shoulders, her eyes were a pale, almost transparent green, and her features were delicate. In fact...she looked much like a porcelain doll, who has been on a shelf most of her life, without being played with or being out in the world. “Kiyoko and Shen Kanda,” the woman spoke, voice nasal and a bit, not just a bit, but a lot. “You have failed to retrieve the last soul required before going after a witch’s soul… Your previous souls are now confiscated, and no longer in void. If Death deems you...worthy… of staying at this prodigious will have to start over from the very beginning.”

Okay, that wasn’t too bad… Actually, Kiyoko expected that, since anyone who failed to retrieve the last soul had every soul before that confiscated. It’s just what happens. Her violet eyes gave no indication that she heard the woman, although she heard her very clearly. With an awkward clearing of her throat, the doll-like person stepped to the the stage to Death. His almost comical mask gazed down at them with no hint as to what is coming up next, his large hands tucked behind his back. Kiyoko couldn’t help but swallow the lump in her throat. Please… Let Shen stay...she prayed.
Shen's life was at the corner of pain and agony. His head throbbed and he was pretty sure his nose was bleeding thanks to the close encounter he had just had with the floor. He had partly expected to use his sister as a shield, but Death had caught him off guard thanks to the happy demenor they had managed to pull off. Sitting up he rubbed his nose keeping one eye closed so that he could slowly re introduce himself to the world of the living which right now everything just looked like a greyish blob. Looking towards his sister he knew he had no real right to complain about pain, but even so he managed to confirm that yes his nose was bleeding. Looking up at the slender woman who declared that they would have to start from scratch even if they were allowed to stay he couldn't really believe it. It had taken them the better part of their life time to get as far as they had at this school to start over now was... Honestly it was probably getting off easy.

Death waved the nurse off at that point however. "Now now, these two have proven they are determined time and time again. Kicking them out would be a waist of resources." He said in his usual up beat attitude. Justifying his choice to the rather harsh woman who had just spoken down to the group. He looked at the her with a slight shrug not understanding the harsh tone she had taken with two of his students. He didn't find the two students disgusting or below him, just troubled, and working out problems was what this academy was here for, well that and fighting monsters.

"The problem then is that we can't expel them, but we also can't re assign either of you. Your wave lengths are unique as to be expected of a brother and sister who have inherited very different qualities. There is a layer of strong understanding that you two have, but it's also clouded." This time it was the professor who spoke up. "Have you two ever actually been able to resonate?"

Shen looked at his sister happy for a moment before it faded away. They had been spared expulsion, but also now they were being expected to keep the same partner? Suddenly there was the thought, or rather terror that his sister would just go back to holding him back again. It was a quick and almost angry thought that was then quickly replaced with the guilt he had for feeling that when his sister was so hurt. Looking to Kiyoko Shen shook his head.

"N-no. We've never been able to match wave lengths for enough time." He wanted to add something akin to 'because she's a scatterbrain who won't get her mind clear in battle.' but the last thing he wanted was for his face to meet the pavement again. One introduction to the floor was all he needed.
“Is our wavelengths...really that unique?” Kiyoko asked, glancing at her brother to double-check on him. There was blood gushing from his nose...not to mention he looked a little...well, like he was reintroducing himself to the world of the conscious and living, but other than that...he looked alright. One of her hands came to rest on his shoulder. “By the way?” she whispered, a smile curving her lips. “I already knew that you were going to use me as a shield… I’m sorry didn’t work out. Death’s Shinigami Chop hurts...doesn’t it?” A smug tone underlying the girl’s words, she turned back towards the situation unfolding before them. “I need to apologize...but really...I can’t imagine our wavelengths having qualities where… no one else can match them. I love my brother…I really do...yet we can’t even match each other. Thank you for not expelling us...especially given how...bad my grades are… However...I don’t see the reason why we can’t be reassigned to new partners… He deserves a better partner...cause I know I’m the one holding him back.”

Kiyoko knew the truth, even if her brother won’t say it out loud. It was easy to figure out… okay, maybe it did take her a little while, but still. While her grades didn’t reach standards… and would in fact make Albert Einstein roll over in his grave, laughing...his would not bring such shame. It was just a sad...sad fact of life. Though she never intended to, she has held him back...has kept him from reaching his full potential. And so...even though the idea nearly made her cry...she would give up her right as his order for him to reach that potential. After all...he deserves a good partner...and a better chance of being Death’s scythe. Even if it means...that she has to leave the Academy...

Tears making her vision a little blurry, Kiyoko turned her head so no one could see, quickly wiping away the annoying sign of weakness. What am I crying for? There is no reason to, I mean… Death already said that we won’t be assigned new partners...and we are not going to be need to stop being a sissy, and suck it up… Besides...Shen would laugh, and make fun of me, if he knew...wouldn’t he? With that thought in mind, the girl drew in a deep, calming breath...then faced everyone once again.

“I know…that I’m scatterbrained, that I’m dense and temperamental… I try my best, but it doesn’t to be enough… I don’t will ever be enough… I’m just...a failure as a meister. Shen is a good weapon, though… Please, I really don’t think you should make him stay with me… I believe...he could...resonate with another meister, if he ever gets the opportunity to try. There is no reason he should be stuck, because I will always bring him matter how hard I try…”

Kiyoko’s violent gaze intent on her hands, she didn’t notice how the people exchanged glances, or how Death was looking at her with a quiet intensity. A few strands of orange came falling forward, hiding her eyes from their view. Once she said her piece, not to mention summoned a little bit of courage, she raised her head...her eyes going from one person to the next.
Shen grumbled lightly as she said that she knew what his plan had been, hearing the smug tone in her voice he almost sent a glare towards her. However he had to constantly remind himself that now was not a good time for that kind of thing. The simple fact was that they were in front of death, and the faculty if he couldn't get past his sisters overt obnoxiousness here he couldn't do it anywhere, and he stopped slightly hearing her words. He looked back at Kiyoko with a hestant glance. Unsure of what to say to her comments. She hadn't been that bad a partner. Sure she hadn't listened to all of his sound advice, but when pushed up against a wall Kiyoko had never really let him down, rather it always kind of seemed like it was the other way around. She had been the one hurt after all.

Death was the one shook his head next, and let out a long sigh. "You both have it wrong. You're so focused on the idea that you let the other down that you can't see this is a team problem. You both fail each other at critical moments." He said lightly, they were both to blame, Shen was too busy always backseat driving to make sure that he doesn't agree with Kiyoko, and Kiyoko had the instinct to be great, but let her self doubt second guess herself. "Your weapons want you to go left, but the meister wants to go right, half the time you can't pick a direction so you end up being hit in the face, the other half of the time one of you picked the wrong direction, and you end up getting hit in the face. Your problem isn't that either of you are weak individually, it's that together your a train wreck."

It was then that the professor stepped forward, picking up a brief case and placing it on the ground. Cracking it open he turned around the case to show a set of bracelets. "This is what we have decided, you two are on academic probation. For the next two weeks while you recover you will both be expected to wear these. "Eris if you would do the honor of telling them what it does."

Shen looked at the three members of faculty confused, probation? so they couldn't take any missions? He shook his head that seemed to make a lot of sense, with Kiyoko in her condition they wouldn't have been able to do anything anyway, but what were the bracelets, and while he had to agree with his sister on some of the things she said he also had to find his own voice in this conversation. "Kiyoko may be a pain, but she's not useless Given the chance and pushed to a wall with someone who doesn't crack under that kind of pressure I am certain that she would be a great meister."

Shen had a slowly sinking suspicion that this was about to go from kind of bad to really bad rather quickly. Turning to his sister he let out a long sigh. He loved her dearly, but she needed to stop trying to make him the exalted image of perfection. The fact was in the field he rarely performed as well as he could, or as well as he should. He brought her down in the field. However it seemed the teachers had made up their mind about giving them new partners. So the only problem that remained was what they would do about it. Shen and Kiyoko couldn't resonate, so how were they supposed to fix that problem?
Eris stepped forward, looking particularly smug about the whole situation. “While you are on probation, you can not take on any missions, only attend classes here at the Academy. Also, until we say so otherwise, you cannot take off these bracelets, or attempt to do so. It is to try and improve your...fragmented relationship, in the long run...making you a better team as meister and weapon...if it’s even possible.” Her pale green eyes went from one sibling to the other, her lips lifting into a rather...unnerving smile. Maybe it was just the situation under which they were meeting her, but...there was definitely something off about the woman… very off indeed. It was almost as though...she was taking pleasure in their predicament, or whatever lies ahead of them. One hand rose to remove her glasses, which only made her eyes look more piercing.

“Now… These handcuffs are only for...special cases. I believe this qualifies, seeing as how you can’t seem to get along without throwing insults at each other.” Eris gave a soft chuckle, her black hair framing that angular face. “You must listen to me very careful, while my associate, Mr. Rupus here puts them on you...alright?” Her voice indicated that there was absolutely no other choice in the matter. The professor stepped forward yet again, picking up the briefcase he set down on the ground walking towards them. Kiyoko’s violet eyes portrayed her nerves, wildly darting from one object to the next, however...she didn’t try to get away from their impending punishment. “For the next two are to wear these handcuffs, and never leave each other’s sight. In fact, you will be sleeping in the same bed together...taking showers together...amongst other things together.”

Mr. Rupus brought out one metal cuff, blue sparks dancing around it as he latched it onto Kiyoko’s wrist. Turning it first one way...then the other, she watched the sparks flash, almost like electricity above her skin. It was rather...nerve-wracking...yet she also thought of it as beautiful, though it would take quite a bit of getting used to. Her eyes watched as Shen received his, blue sparks dancing once more…only to settle on a dark red, almost like a warning sign. Hers did the same.

“If either of you try to walk more than three feet away from each other, the bracelets will give you an electric shock...not to will also shorten the distance you can move apart. I suggest you don’t press your luck,” Eris told them, her mouth in that creepy smile as she gazed upon both meister and weapon with a somewhat smug air. Her fingers tapped in a rhythm against her hip. “The bracelets are already set...and so, you are now hereby under probation. Neither of you may come ask for the bracelets to be removed, or attempt to do so yourself. Am I understood...children?” This last question was asked...though, given by her tone...she didn’t expect any questions to arise.

Kiyoko’s mouth dropped open, her eyes wide with obvious shock. “N-No! You can’t do this! Shen may be my brother, but...I mean...he’s not a girl! I don’t want him to see my...private doings! It’s not right! Please reconsider this!” Her hands rose with jerky nerves, only to make her hiss with pain...and for one of her hands to fall back onto her lap. It hurt too much to least too much. Unfortunately, that shoulder was connected to her right hand… which was dominant over the left. What she was going to do for the next few weeks, she had no idea.
"Three feet?" Shen was almost bewildered that the school would even come to such a position. It was cruel and unusual punishment for sure. How was he supposed to deal with such a small leash? He didn't even have the same class schedual as his sister, how were they supposed to attend all of their classes together? part of him knew that the teachers had already thought about this, but he was indignant about this punishment. They couldn't actually expect him to abide by this. He was sure that this would never stand, and yet the bracelet was already fully secured to his wrist. He bit his lip hesitant to deal with this. Something like this was a terrible punishment. How were they expected to do anything with only three feet between them.

"Understood." He said finally, even if he was slightly bitter over the punishment, and he didn't think that it fit the crime that was doing with. He was angry about this, but at the same time he didn't really protest it. Doing so would not get the bracelet off, they had already made up their mind about this punishment and he was sure it wasn't something they had decided on lightly. The three of them looked like this had been taken the better part of the day, and if that was the case then yes this was there life for now. He would be trapped forever with his dimwitted sister and all of the tedium that probably presented. He sighed lightly unable to vent his anger anywhere productive.

Rupus stepped back after the bracelets had been activated. "What's more while we are not going to expel you, death has agreed to a stipulation. If you can not get back on track within a year, then your time at this academy as weapon and meister will be over. Till then you have a year to both get off of probation, and collect your 98 eight souls back. If you can do that, then you will be allowed to remain for however long it takes to regain the remaining two."

Shen blinked. He couldn't believe that they had such a narrow time limit. He looked to his sister, and meister. For a moment he couldn't tell which was worse, the narrow time frame he had to make something useful out of his sister, or fact that they were connected at the hip for the rest of time. "Why not just kill me." He said in a melodramatic tone.

Death shrugged. "Because that would be a waist of good resources, make no mistake I wouldn't have agreed to all of this if I didn't know you two could make the best of it, and come out stronger for it." He said dismissing them both so that they could go home for the night.
We’re doomed… Absolutely, positively, without a doubt...doomed… Kiyoko realized, body numb. There is no way we can collect ninety-eight souls within a year...and there is no possible way we can improve our relationship before heading out to do just that. Death is just too mean...she thought, already close to tears. Before she could make another protest, or even speak up, Death dismissed them that they can head home for the night. No...Please, reconsider this… Her fingers curled into her shirt, head bowed. Because of this, orange came falling forward...the strands hiding her face from view. This is impossible… We are never going to be...back on track...or even come close. I know I’m holding Shen back… He may not be perfect, but I know who’s to blame at our...broken teamwork...and that’s me…

Kiyoko had to rely on her brother, her weapon and comrade, in order to stand back up. Shameful, really...but what else could she do? During the battle with Mr. Hyde, she was not only just a disgrace...she also received heavy injuries. His arm around her shoulders, holding her in an upright position, the dyo left Death’s office...both heavy with their own thoughts. I can’t believe it… I can’t believe that for the next two weeks...we can’t move three feet away from each other...that...we can’t have a moment to ourselves, or anything… Scenarios came to mind, the next more horrifying than the previous one. Oh no… We are never going to improve our relationship...much less improve how we work together… How can we? I’m just a big, fat dummy...

It was dark outside. A day has passed since she fell unconscious, forcing them into this fate. The moon smiled high above, blood trickling down its chin while it laughed at the world below him. There wasn’t many people out, given the late hour. Every once in a while, cats yowled and hissed, disrupting the silence. Cars, motorcycles and the like drove on down the nearly empty roads, taking advantage. Under their feet, dried leaves crunched, shattering into millions of little pieces. All in all...a quiet, almost eerie that could turn forbidding in the blink of an eye.

Violet eyes lifted up towards the mocking, cynical moon, almost tempted to narrow in a glare. Of course...what good would it do her? It wouldn’t really make her feel any better...nor would it improve their situation, or better yet...take off the silly bracelets. Nothing will change if she glared at the moon...except maybe the weather for tomorrow, who knows? Weird things like that does happen.

“Shen…?” Kiyoko whispered, just as their building came into sight. “Look… I know that you think it’s partially your fault...for what happened...but that’s not true… Okay? Really… I know it’s my fault, and I’m willing to take the blame for it… I just… After everything that’s happened, I really don’t think we have much of a chance when it comes to...making our situation any better…”
Shen shook his head he didn't like the conditions of this agreement anymore then his sister, but his head was hung downwards in shame. He knew his sister meant well with her saying that what happened was all her fault but they had both heard death, and the real problem hadn't been her. "Kiyoko please... Right now your injured, because I chocked. I cracked under pressure, just like half the other times we have a mission it's not all you okay. You heard death we both have a lot we need to work on." Walking Kiyoko up the stairs to their building he grabbed his keys and opened the door for his injured sister. Shaking his head he was worried about the immediate future.

Shen's biggest problem right now was the bracelet. He didn't trust it, three feet seemed like such a short distance and while he knew that it would be needed he had no idea what that actually meant. It seemed to him like over the next two weeks there would be no shortage of dirty laundry the two had to air. If all of this didn't destroy them then who knows, maybe it would actually succeed in making them a stronger combination of meister and weapon. Then again it could also, and more likely, end in one of them killing the other. Both outcomes seemed very likely as he was now forced to put up with his sisters actions after a while.

Shen had to admire just how creepy their city was at night, the moon was disturbing enough, but there was enough scenery out tonight to give him chills, he was glad then to finally close the door on the night time chill and instead hold the warmth of indoors. Taking a short elivator ride up to their appartment simply because he didn't want to force his sister up the stairs he got in the door. "Before we go to bed, we are gonna need to gather everything we need." He said very clearly the last thing either of them needed to do was wake up in the middle of the night and forget that they were now attached. Walking off to go get a drink of water only to shock and wake the other.

"Listen, Kiyoko, I know I give you a hard time, but... your not nearly as dumb as you think you are." He said lightly trying to reassure her. the crushing amount of self doubt she had wasn't helping anyone let alone Shen who was slowly becoming more wary of his sister with each passing time she apologized to him. Now that they were away from death he was half expecting his sister's claws to come out.
“No, you’re just saying that, to try and make me feel better… I know I’m pretty dumb… There’s no need to sugarcoat it, okay?” Kiyoko tried to think about all she would need, such as pajamas, toothbrush, underwear, socks… Wait. A question began to arise, intercepting her thoughts and making her pay attention. If three feet is our limit...which bedroom are we going to sleep in? It’s not like we can take off our bracelets, only to put them back on in the morning… Her gaze thoughtful, she leaned against the nearest wall, letting Shen go back into his bedroom for his...necessities. It wasn’t altogether pleasant, hobbling on her own...but at least she wasn’t depending entirely on him for transportation. Even with her injuries, she liked being a little bit independent.

Of course...even though the bracelets were on her mind, Kiyoko completely forgot about how the devices were on their wrists...and active. A jolt of electricity went through her body, not exactly painful...but definitely a shock. Heart pounding wildly, she threw a glance in his direction...also recovering from the electric attack. “I’m sorry about that… I just… I was know, an idiot…” How is this going to improve anything? she asked within the privacy of her mind. Yes, we can’t walk away from each other...but really...won’t this make it worse? After all...we can’t have even a moment of privacy...won’t we get on each other’s nerves…? I know he will...and it’s probably the same, vice versa...

Kiyoko wrapped an arm around his shoulders...ignoring the sting her pride just received. I wish I could be smarter...if only to make our lives easier… Once they reached his room on their right, she hobbled inside...keeping her eyes down on the floor. Her cheeks blushed a dark pinkish-red. Even though they are brother and sister, related by blood and everything… she didn’t know what to expect in his room...or what he would bring into their joined room. Are there porn magazines hidden underneath his bed? Or are posters of naked girls on one of his walls...or on all four? The thoughts making her blush even darker...she forced herself from going any further than that, and instead kept up with that they won’t accidentally receive another shock.

“Where are we going to sleep…?” Kiyoko finally spoke up, blushing still. “I mean...we can’t go to our separate rooms, and um...there is also the issue are we going to change clothes. I don’t know if the living room couch is big enough for the both of us… The...The only option may be that we sleep in either your room...or mine, depending on which bed is bigger...and more comfortable…”
Shen felt the sting of the bracelets before he could even speak up as his sister walked away from him trying to be more indipendant. He winced as he looked down. that was a warning shot more likely the charge would get more painful with each incursion they took. Best to use the few feet they had away from each other sparingly. He shook his head as his sister once again called herself an idiot. ~Does she really have no self confidence? and why is she being so clingy now?~ He thought as somewhat selfishly. It wasn't that they hadn't been close in the past but they had grown distant, and so much touching wasn't like her. Maybe it was just that she needed him for support, but even that was starting to get old Shen thought darkly.

Shen's room was a library of sorts. Everything had it's place, and every place had a thing. The walls were clustered with shelves that contained everything from books to Small miniature figures. A hobby he had done his best to hide, as some of the figures were of women who's clothing could be best described as loose, and their physical proportions were nothing less then exaggerated. They varied in job from sexy witches, to nurses, to one girl who had animal ears. Shen scratched the back of his neck trying to figgure out what he would need for the night. Opening a drawer he pulled out a pair of socks and closed the drawer quickly and loudly. forgetting that it was the drawer he had stashed the few dirty magazines he actually had. ~Who actually puts that kind of stuff under the bed? that's the first place people check.~ He said simply glad that the magazines were covered by many pairs of socks. He grabbed a shirt, and a pair of pajama pants. He scratched his head thinking over which bed they would use.

Shen turned to face his bed, it was a single, not exactly comfortable for two people. "If we slept in here we would practically be breathing on one another." He said finally after all of the thinking he had put into the statement. His bedsheets were clean at least, he had washed them just a night ago, but the bedding was old, and his room had his scent all around it. To tell the truth he liked his room, but there was nothing extremely dirty about it... if you got past the sock drawer, and figgurines. Looking through his books he paused for a moment pulling up one that he enjoyed reading. Letting out a small yawn he put the fresh clothing under his arms and turned around ready to leave. "Let's see what your room is like then we can decide." He said happily leaving the room with his sister in toe.

Walking across the way to her side, he was less embarrassed about walking into her room then she had been about his. In truth he wanted to know the dirty little secrets. How much of a mess was it? He doubted his sister had sex toys strewn about the room, but he was going to bet that she hadn't done her laundry in a while. Did she keep anything in her drawers or maybe she had a bunch of laced underwear she wore for boyfriends strung up in her closet. A room was a treasure trove of black mail material, and he desperately wanted to know what secret lives his sister had lived.
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