A Romance Most Divine (PK x BassEXE)

Jul 24, 2012
Cereza Smirked as she Walked through the Graveyard, adjusting her Glasses a little as She placed the small, pink lollipop in her mouth, stopping as she noticed the flowers and plant life all blooming around her. She laughed a little to herself as she saw the Angels Approached. "Guess You boys just couldn't keep Away..."

She Flipped back and Landed Gracefully, Holding both her Pistols, aiming them at the angels that approached, the Gold trim of them glinting in the Sunlight, she turned and Kicked at one that approached, leaping into the air as another swept at her, taking a few potshots at them as she landed, A Giant Heel Crushing them as she performed a quick spell, her Jumpsuit forming back around the shapely witch's body, she smirked as she Blew the smoke from one of the Barrels. "I do hope a few More come out to Play..."
PK_Blizzard said:
Cereza Smirked as she Walked through the Graveyard, adjusting her Glasses a little as She placed the small, pink lollipop in her mouth, stopping as she noticed the flowers and plant life all blooming around her. She laughed a little to herself as she saw the Angels Approached. "Guess You boys just couldn't keep Away..."

She Flipped back and Landed Gracefully, Holding both her Pistols, aiming them at the angels that approached, the Gold trim of them glinting in the Sunlight, she turned and Kicked at one that approached, leaping into the air as another swept at her, taking a few potshots at them as she landed, A Giant Heel Crushing them as she performed a quick spell, her Jumpsuit forming back around the shapely witch's body, she smirked as she Blew the smoke from one of the Barrels. "I do hope a few More come out to Play..."

Zane Kilvas was having a bad day. Angels had been dogging him, threatening him and ordering him to give up the "Emerald Fire" that they thought he possessed. Naturally, he fought back. Zane was a young man of 21 years old, with crimson hair that fell to the middle of his neck, and piercing ice blue eyes. He currently wore black pants, a red shirt, a black jacket, black fingerless gloves, and black boots. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as two more angels appeared. He growled. "I already told you! I don't have your damn Emerald Flame!" He shouted, aiming his twin pistols, Luna and Umbra, at the two, before firing.
She slipped out of the way of another Group and Knocked a few of them to the ground, finishing them off with shots to the face. "Sorry, But I just Can't stick around much longer... I'd love to stay and Chat.." She delivered a swift kick to the Ringleader's head before Pulling out her Katana and Cutting the rest of them to threads, the Angels around her Bursting into Halos.

She looked over and Saw Zane fighting with two of them, she pouted a little as She watched him fighting with the two. "Thought I was a little more entertaining than that.." She smirked to herself as She shifted into a panther and bounded over, pinning down one of the angels as she straddled it when she shifted back, it struggling on the ground, before finishing it off with a swift shot to the Face.
Zane finished off the angel before looking up and seeing the most gorgeous and sexy woman he had seen. He blushed. "Um....hi..."
Cereza smiled as she Stood up next to him. "Well hello.." She looked him over and stretched a little. "You don't seem like the kind to be drawing the Angels.. Especially considering how much they enjoy our playtime.." she put a hand on his shoulder with a smile as she Pulled the lollipop stick out of her mouth and tossed it aside. "Pleased to meet you..."
Zane blushed when she touched him. "N-Nice to meet you. M-My name's Zane." He tried not to look at her jumpsuit clad figure.
Cereza smiled at his Blush and stammers. "Cereza.." She kissed his cheek with a devilish smirk. "Nice to meet you handsome." She walked off from him and turned. "Try not to get killed though.. a Handsome boy like you doesn't look good in a coffin." She headed towards the Graveyard Gates with a smirk plastered across her face.
PK_Blizzard said:
Cereza smiled at his Blush and stammers. "Cereza.." She kissed his cheek with a devilish smirk. "Nice to meet you handsome." She walked off from him and turned. "Try not to get killed though.. a Handsome boy like you doesn't look good in a coffin." She headed towards the Graveyard Gates with a smirk plastered across her face.

Zane blushed brightly when she kissed his cheek. He stared at her seductively swaying hips and followed her like a lost puppy. "W-Wait! Cereza!" He caught up with her. "C-can I....come with you?" He asked.
She smirked as he caught up to her. "Depends.. what's in this for me?" She turned to him as he Caught up to her. "Well, I guess there's that Cute face of yours.. So that's at least worth a drink in the Gates, and I do want to check on my Darling Cheshire."
Zane blushed. "U-um....o-okay..." He tried not to stare at her chest, and her luscious lips. He looked away.
Cereza smiled a little as he looked away, kissing his cheek and sliding her arm around him. "It's rude to ignore a lady.." She smirked as the two of them headed to The Gates of Hell, now run by Luca after she had to Deal with Rodin.
Zane flushed a deep crimson as he was led by this sexy woman to wherever she was leading him. His torso could feel the very side of her left breast brushing against him as they walked. "U-Um...so...Cereza...where are you from?" He asked softly, making sure not to stare at her boobs.
She smiled a little as she walked with him. "Vigrid.." She turned to him as they headed along the road towards the bar. "And where are you from Zane?" She smiled as they headed into the building and down towards the Gates Of Hell.
"I'm originally from Vesper. Small town, not very well known." Zane explained softly, walking with her quickly, not sure he could take this arousal much longer. "I lived there all my life."
"I think I've been to Vesper once or twice before, Nice little place.." She smiled as she Opened the bar door for him. "Might have seen you before, Doubt it though.. I'd remember a face like that." She kissed him with a smirk.
Jake blushed deeply yet again. She was teasing him! He waled through the door dand looked around. "Nice place..." He obseved.
She smiled as he Blushed. "Yeah.. It's nice, and Usually private, so we'll have just us for company, and Cheshire, but he won't say too much."
"A friend... He took over the bar after the last owner.. well.. He was a Fallen, so.. take a guess." She smiled as she lead him over to a small booth, taking a seat on the black leather.
Zane blushed a little. "Um....I don't....usually drink." It was true. His family was not fond of alcohol. His great grandfather got drunk after one sip, and every generation since had stayed away from the stuff. And he told her that too.
"Shame.." She pouted Playfully. "I bet you'd be fun drunk... We could play around a little, Have a laugh." She smiled a little and looked up to him. "So.. what's your Story Zane? You're a guy from a tiny Village.. Here in the city, Being Hunted By angels, something must be going on."
Zane blushed deeper when she said that, but straightened his face when she brought up the Angels. "They come after me, claiming I possess something called the "Emerald Flame". I don't have it, at least...I don't think so..." He answered.
"Hmm.. I think I've heard of that Before, although coming from such a sleepy town, I doubt you would, Unless your mother liked to travel." She smiled a little. "But the past is the past.. I'd rather enjoy the Present."
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