Phoenix Rising(Harry potter)Moon/lady

RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra looked amused at draco's mutterings, he was adorable when he was fousing hard on something.Nodding a little at harry's description at his dreams, shaking her head a little."He was sloppy. Those things...are pieces of memories."She muttered looking at the floor, startled at the sound of music, losing her eyes as she leaned against the wall, listening to the sound. It sounded like phoenix song, that beautiful sound from the violin was minicrying phoenix song. Swallowing hard as she slid to the floor, drawing her legs up as she pressed her face against her knees and started to cry softly. She wanted more, she wanted her harry back.Rubbing a hand over her fae she shifted, shifting to look at harry."You done?"She muttered amused at the hitwizard's focused attention
RE: Phoenix Rising

Draco had paused, startled at the sound of music and then smiled a little as he shook his head. "no, this one is tricky." Draco admitted. "if i don't do it just right, Harry's Wand will be destroyed." he admitted, his head tilted as he listened to the fainting cries of the beautiful Violin. "Harry play's beautifully." he muttered softly. "i wonder why he learned?" he mused curiously before crying out in delight. "aha! got it!" he chirped, pleased as the Wand glowed blue and then faded back to normal as a resounding SNAP filled the air. "there, a few more tests... and... yep, it's safe now." Draco promised, picking it up slowly and examining it before turning as Harry walked back into the room, looking peaceful and content. "the Doctors at the hospital showed me how to play." Harry explained at Draco's raised eyebrow. "one of the Doctors, Emelia's Fiance', gave the violin to me." he admitted Draco looking startled. "Emelia's Fiance?..." "well, yes... who else would have gotten her knocked up?" Harry asked, giving Draco a baffled look. "he died just after she found out she was pregnant though, they never got to get married." "but, you where living with her?" "yeah, i had nowhere else to go, after Thomas died, i took care of Emelia, she didn't have anyone else." he admitted, looking confused as Draco felt. "...are you guys alright?" so the Twins weren't Harry's after all...
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra sighed softly wathing draco before grinning."I'm going to buy you a present draco. You earned one"She teased looking amused before looking up at harry, tilting her head a little.Looking even more confused then the two men in the room, so confused and torn. Making a soft keen in the back of her throat she swallowed hard."Fine."She sighed tilting her head."Draco fixed your wand. You should be able to use it now."She said not wanting to talk about it now. The woman was just to overwhelmed at the idea of the twins not being harry's to think straight.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry blinked at them all and then rolled his eyes as he went into his boxes and pulled out a Photo Album. "here, i'll explain again." Harry chirped, opening the Photo Album, where he, in a perfectly still picture was laying, bruised, battered and damaged in a hospital bed. "they found me on the side of a road. they said i probobly got hit by a car." Harry explained, pointing to another picture. "this is Thomas, my doctor, he fixed me up and did what he could to help my emotional instability. he gave me the Violin, which was his mothers, to help me to relax and release pent up emotions. his Fiance Elena..." he pointed to another picture of the look alike woman. "fussed over me nearly constantly, she and Thomas became the closest thing to a family that i've ever know... like a brother and a sister. Thomas died about three years after i woke up without my memories. he died instantly, a vessel in his brain burst." he explained. "i'd been living with them for a long time, they kept trying to set me up on dates but i always felt guilty, talking to women... like i was betraying someone... i stayed with Elena after that, even though i was going to move into my own apartment, since i finally had enough money to do so from my books..." he shuddered. "a month after Thomas died, Elena found out she was pregnant. she was so excited to be passing on a little bit of Thomas, and she named me Godfather... i told her she was bonkers." Harry admitted with a grin before he sighed. "she gave birth to the twins, had just enough time to name them, and then died from internal complications. the twins, and Elena and Thomas' house have been mine ever since." Harry explained, blinking at them. "there, does it all make sense now?"
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra looked a little surprised and unsure how she felt. "Y...yes it does."She said smiling a little as she leaned over to look at the book, taking a shuddering breath before redireting her attention to the wand draco was holding. She didn't want him feeling guilty, or wondering what was going on. Which meant getting him his memories back."Harry. You should be able to use your wand now."She said straightening and smiling at the man. Looking worried for him, because it scared her that someone had hurt her mate like this, had taken suh extreme precautions to make sure he couldn't come back.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry smiled a little and nodded. "good, so you can stop feeling so insanely jealous now." he teased Fydra, looking very amused. "by the way, that Ginny girl?... can you never invite her over here again? i think she was trying to rape me with her eyes." he admitted with a shudder as he examined the wand very intently as Draco offered it to him. "...if i take that... will i get my memories back?" "...i don't know." Draco admitted simply, watching Harry hesitate before he stood up and swallowed thickly before taking the wand. there was an explosion of Magic, the Phoenix song swirled through the air as sparks flared out of the wand to be caught up by the magic and spin around Harry who shuddered once and then completely collapsed, Draco wincing. "well crap!" he muttered, stunned as he managed to catch Harry's head so that it didn't strike the hard ground. "that was unexpected. i think Harry's magic must have been bound too for such a strong reaction. come on, lets get him to bed." Draco ordered. thankfully, Fyra could still feel Harry, even better now that the boy's phoenix had been released. he felt warm, and happy, and content. he felt safe, like he knew the people around him would die rather than hurt him.
RE: Phoenix Rising

"I was not jealous."Fyra scowled a little,annoyed that even without his memories he'd read her well, before nodding."But I wont invite her. Didn't invite her the first time, the little bint."She grumbled before sighing."Maybe."She muttered looking worried slightly. Yelping as harry collapsed wincing as she felt the magic swirl in the room, shuddering at the feel of her mate being back in her head, like a cool blanket smothering a flame, but it was a comfort instead of restricting. Swallowing as she help draco get harry into bed she smiled as she waved draco out, settling in a chair beside the bed to wait till harry awoke. Laying her head down on the bed slumping over the edge of the bed looking uncomfortable but unwilling to invade his space to much, just holding his hand as she drifted off to sleep in the comforting heat of him being there.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry smirked. "of course not... just like i don't want to rip off the Blonde's hand for touching you." Harry stated, Draco snapping his hand away from Fyra, where he had been rubbing her back in the hopes to calm her down. "not a bint, just a shallow, gold digging whore." he corrected rather playfully as he took his wand and collapsed. Harry stayed asleep until Dinner, Draco opted to entertain the Twins outside, the little toddlers shrieking and yelling happily as they played on their very first brooms. which couldn't go more than a foot or so off the ground, and barley managed a crawl. Harry finally groaned, his eyes fluttering open as he blinked sluggishly. "f..Fyra? what happened?" he asked, groaning as he rubbed his eyes. "god i had the weirdest dream..." he mumbled. "i had to go track down Nicholas Flamel, who wasn't really dead, and Dumbledore cursed me in front of a trolly, and erased all my memories, and i lived with a doctor and a nurse, only they died and gave me these adorable little boys who managed to look quite a bit like me... Fy? why are you looking at me like that?" well, Harry's memories had returned, but seamed to think that the last five years had been a dream... wasn't that ironic? at least he'd realize that it wasn't a dream as soon as he saw Erik and Erin.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra stared at her mate at his words, a small amused smile curling her lips at his words. Before pouning on him. She couldn't help it!She needed to touch him and well... climbing on the bed with him she straddled his waist, not really intending for the sexual position, but because she wanted to be pressed as close as she could to him, burying her face against his chest she giggled a little."It wasn't a dream. You've been gone for five years."She said releasing a shuddering breath, starting to cry as she realized that her harry was back. That she had him back, and they could figure out what was going on.
RE: Phoenix Rising

son of a dammit! this is kinda really peeving me off! my Yahoo is being screwy again! sometimes i'll get the Email saying i got a new post, but then i won't get an email for the other RP! WTH!?)

Harry looked utterly shocked as he was climbed on and then smiled as he ran his hands through her hair and down her back, using his nails just the way she liked the most. he froze however as she told him it wasn't a dream, his eyes widening in horror. "oh my god..." he hissed, horrified as he sat up, dumping her carefully onto the other side of the bed. "Fyra... Riddle! he was a Victim!" Harry cried in horror. "Voldemort was CREATED! Flamel and Dumbledore used spells on the brat to make him insane, they MADE him a dark lord! they tried to make me into one too, which was why Dumbledore left me with those foul bastards! why i was always in so much trouble and danger..." he swallowed thickly. "Fawks. oh poor Fawks they have him under spells so that he couldn't get away. couldn't escape, has to do what Dumbledore says!" he started to cry as well. "Dumbledore betrayed us! he erased my memories! abandoned me in a hospital..." he pulled her into a tight hug and started to sob as the reason for his godawful life became clear to him.
RE: Phoenix Rising

What the fuck!!!Bloody hell. Well for ours, assume I've posted for both since I always do them back to back.><')

Fyra shuddered as he ran his hand down her back, a soft pleased sound escaping as she pressed closer to him, before yelping as she was dumped onto the bed, laying on her side she looked up at him, eyes widening as she studied him."Bloody hell."She cursed to confused to get words out before shuddering, yelping as she was pulled close again. gently stroking his hair as he cried, trying to think of what to do next, and knowing it was going to take quite a bit of acting, if they didn't get dumbledore now, they could at least get fawkes out of there. they had to.
RE: Phoenix Rising

he shuddered against her, calming quickly under the touch as he sighed softly, closing his eyes as he relaxed into her simple presence. "mmm god i missed you... even when i didn't remember you, i missed you so much." he murmured softly. "Dumbledore did a piss poor job of erasing my memories. i saw you so many times in my dreams. my books, that i wrote... all of them are about you, you know. i just didn't know it at the time." he admitted, offering her a small smile as he leaned into the hands in his hair, even as ge stroked his hand along her belly and sides, just needing to touch, desperately needing to touch. "...would you be terribly upset if i told the Twins that you are their new mommy?" he asked softly. "i tell them about Emelia a lot, so they know you won't be their first mommy... but i think they'd do well with a mother like you." he admitted, smiling a little, well aware that Fyra had always wanted kids, just like him. and while they weren't theirs by blood, they where still theirs.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra shuddered as he stroked her body swallowing hard as she struggled not to press down against him body. In the 5 years since he'd besn gone she hadn't even mastrebated so being pressed close to him was overwhelming. Laughing quietly as she nuzzlwd his neck."you knos, the ideas not as disturbing now that I know they're not yours by blood."zhe said relaxing agreejng to be mommy as she nuzzled her mate
RE: Phoenix Rising

he smiled as he felt her, closing his eyes he did something he hadn't done in years, he wandlessly cast a locking charm on the door as he brought his hips down, gently pressing against her as he sighed, nuzzling her neck. "i haven't had sex in five years my darling. how about we catch up, hmm?" a silencing spell went up, which would keep others from hearing the noises that the two made. he was gleeful that she'd help raise the twins. they where a handful, and he would be glad to not have to get up, at three in the morning, every morning, to calm them down after a nightmare, or help them go potty, or get them a glass of water... ugh! he smirked as he slowly lifted her shirt, kissing a line from her belly button to her cleavage as his hands swiftly unhooked her bra, his mouth settling onto a perky nipple, a smirk on his lips. "we're going to go slow tonight." he murmured. "i haven't felt you in so long, i have to make sure i remember every, single, dot on your body." he purred, promising her hours of pleasant sensations. Harry always had been a stickler for... detail.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra smiling a little snickering as she heard the door loking, whimpering quietly as he pressed into her. "Hmm I do like that idea...its been a long time."She snikered a little her hands tugged at his clothes, eager to see him naked, gasping everything forgotten at the feel of his lips on her body. "Slow?"She whimpered her back arching as she pressed into him, squirming in his lap.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry smirked a little as he nodded. "yes, Slow." he growled happily, taking his time to stroke every inch of her body, from her eyes, to her toes with his fingers, and then his lips, and then his tongue, before finally, finally slipping inside of her, and rocking both of their worlds for all it was worth. he chuckled a little as he laid next to her, panting from their exercise, pressing a small kiss to the back of her neck as he shuddered a little. "mmm that was amazing." he murmured happily. "it's almost dinner though... we should get up before Draco, or worse, the Boys try to come in." he mumbled, clearly not all that willing to move, even as a knock sounded at the door, Draco's voice asking if it was safe to come in, or if the boys and he should get dinner from the House Elves.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra sighed quietly as she snuggled back against him, panting, her skin hot enough it seemed she was running a fever, but she was just happy and not wanting to get up. And the blue tinged hair falling around them both, whining quietly at the sound of draco's voice."He does have the worst timing you know. We should curse him sometime."She muttered looking amused as she eased away from harry, gathering their clothes and handing him his,dressing slowly before getting up and opening the door as soon as harry had his pants on. Looking flushed and happy."Oh no, I want to go eat dinner with your father. I've not been to work, he's been covering for me. I need to know whats going on."
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry chuckled a little and smiled a little. "he's always had the worst timing." he mumbled softly, yawning a little as he slowly sat up. "and he's too quick to curse. nimble little Ferret just gets out of the way." he grumbled, zipping up his fly and stretching happily as he groaned and closed his eyes as the Twins raced in, babbling about how the pictures moved, and how they had flown on brooms, and how Draco had shown them how to turn each others hair different colors, and how FUN it was there and begging to stay forever and ever int he rather adorable baby babble that only Harry seamed to understand. he smirked as he pulled on a shirt, took the twins by the hand, and followed Fyra and Draco to the main dining room, it wasn't as fancy as the others, but that was why Lucius liked it. you didn't have to yell across the table in order to hear one another. Harry settled the twins in their high chairs, ignoring Lucius's smug little smirk as he watched them, clearly he was planning the best way on corrupting the children to be very large pains in Harry's ass... not that they weren't already but they where CUTE pains in his ass.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra smiled looking amused as she listened to the twins talking, looking up at draco."You need someone.Your enjoying the kids to much."She snickered as she settled into her chair rolling her eyes a little at lucius' look.She knew the man well enough to know what he was thinkng, "So.Tell me, am I missing anything truly important at work?And how is dumbledore responding to...this?"She said making a vague gesture towards harry, flushing slightly because she had no idea how bad things were going to get with dumbeldore now that harry remembered everything.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "i don't think so." he grumbled at her, rolling his eyes. not many people would date Draco, and those that would where gold diggers, he was better single, happier. "nothing has been happening really." Lucius admitted simply. "the French want another meeting, their nervous about the power that Dumbledore has over some of their citizens." Lucius muttered. "and your secretary is taking bribes." he paused and then. "Dumbledore is pretending to be happy that Harry has returned of course, but i've caught him three times speaking with assassins. so we're going to have more death attempts..." Harry snorted. "he doesn't know i have my memories back... but i didn't exactly spend the last five years of my life sitting on my ass either." he admitted, smirking a little as he cut up the roasted chicken for the twins, humming happily as he pealed an orange for them as well, settling the food into their high chairs as he went to his own meal. "so you finally gave of on lobster and caviar?" Harry teased, both Draco and Lucius smirking. because they COULD afford to eat caviar and lobster every night if they wanted to.
"Hmm I'll find you someone."yra snikered a little because it hurt her heart some days to see her best friend happier alone, when she had her perfect mate. Looking thoughtful she sighed quietly."I'll go meet with the french soon. They should know what's going on."She said a small frown on her face before smirking, "Well we'll just not tell him. Dumbledore has no right to but into your life anymore."She said beore snickering, rolling her eyes."Only because they got tired of me whining that there was more to life then lobster and caviar."
RE: Phoenix Rising

Draco snorted a little and shook his head a little. "if i felt like i needed someone to love, i'd adopt a brat like potter did." Draco stated with a roll of his eyes. "and of course we're not going to let Dumbledore know that Harry has his memory back. he won't think we're capable of unwarding his Wand, so Dumbledore won't have any reason to think that Potter has his memories back." Harry just rolled his eyes and enjoyed his meal as the twins giggled, watching the Adults bicker. "mmm that sounds like them. although i wouldn't mind trying Caviar once." Harry admitted. "we have to introduce them to high end Muggle Dining. i bet they'd love Quail and Sashimi, or was it Kashimi?...Hashimi?... the raw fish!" Harry chirped with a nod.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Fyra laughed softly looking amused as they bickered, before sighing softly, shuddering. "Ewww....please. At least not in human form. I wont kiss you then."She muttered whining a little at the idea of eating raw fish. Caviar was bad enough, this just disturbed her. Running her fingers through her hair she sighed softly, trying to relax."Do you think dumbledore will demand to see us?I mean, he still has all his titles and everything..."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's cleaned of nastiness." he promised her, lifting an eyebrow. "they do steam the viruses and bacteria away you know, and they only use the cleanest fishes. no parasites." he admitted. "and it tastes amazing." he admitted with a lick of his lips. "but, we could always introduce them to Edible Gold and Black truffles instead." "...edible gold?" Lucius asked, utterly stunned and Harry smirked. "what's a black Truffle?" "a mushroom that fetches about two hundred galleons an ounce." they where gaping at him now, stunned and Harry snickered. "in any case, Dumbledore still has his titles, but i have more. after i killed Voldemort, i outrank him." Harry admitted with a small sigh. "i think i might see him on my own anyway." Harry decided. "i'll claim that your 'Wand' was snapped when people came to kill us. with the wand Broken the Ward would have dissolved and you would never be able to get the counter to the blocks." Draco admitted, looking amused. "he'll be pleased by that." "and if he asks to see the wand?" "Fyra would never give it up. she's been clinging to it for WAY too long for Dumbledore to ask to see it." Harry's hand slid into Fyra's, offering her comfort. "good. it's a plan then."
"Soo its still gross."She whined making a face at her mate before grinning."I like truffles.And Draco's enough of a pounce to want to eat gold."She teased her friend rolling her eyes a lttle before sighing quietly at the idea o dumbledore before flushing at draco's words, squeezing harry's hand even as she avoided looking at them."I wasn't clinging."She grumbled not about to admit that she'd slept with the damned thing.
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