Phoenix Rising(Harry potter)Moon/lady

RE: Phoenix Rising

James smiled a little as he watched Fydra cuddle the teddy bear. "that's Teddy." James explained. "he's Erin's... Teddy was mine when i was a baby." he admitted simply. "i had to go and save him from the family that raised me, but when the twins where born i gave him to them... there's another Teddy floating around here somewhere..." he admitted. "i had to copy the Bear so they'd each have one." he smiled a little as he handed her a plate with two perfect pancakes on it, before offering her a home made strawberry syrup, or a maple. the twins had their pancakes cut up and sprinkled with powdered sugar, since they apparently didn't like syrup. they babbled at each other in the mysterious baby language and James watched them with soft, worried eyes. "Lucius said that they where Magic..." James admitted after a long moment. "that... that they would be... like you and Him when they grew up..." he admitted, shivering a little. "it makes sense now... i thought maybe i was just seeing things but... Erik made his Toddy Bear float once... and Erin can get a cookie from anywhere... even on top of the fridge..." he looked at her. "is... is it safe? the.. the wizarding world i mean?" he asked, curious, and worried as well. it was clear he wanted the best for his children, who where giggling as they spread powdered sugar all over each other. "... great. now i need to find a bathtub." James complained affectionately. "they always make a mess. no matter what their doing, they have to make a mess."
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"Erin gave him to me when I woke up."She said blushing a little as she smiled slightly. looking amused as she started to eat she nodded a little."Those are normal kid things. We all had moments like that."She said looking amused before shaking her head, "It's safe. As safe as anywhere could be."She sighed softly."There seems to be something happening right now, but Malfoy Manor has some of the strongest wards in existance, they'll be fine."She giggled a little looking amused before swallowing hard. "Don't worry about it. Let them make a mess, we'll make little pretty come down and clean it. Manual labor will do him good."She snickered.
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Harry smiled a little. "he probobly thought you where upset about something. he's a very sweet boy." Jame's admitted, rubbing the little boy's hair so that it stuck up in every direction, making Jame's chuckle and try to straighten it back out. "as long as their safe." James decided, glancing at her. "i was wondering... would you mind terribly if i put you into one of my books? your... your perfect for my stories, i think." he admitted, watching her as he waited for his boys to finish their breakfast. from the plate in the sink, James had already eaten his own breakfast. "Little Pretty? oh, the... Draco, right." James mused, nodding a little. "he said something about House Elves doing all the manual labor... what is a house elf?" James asked curiously, his head tilted as he carefully lifted Erik and Erin out of their High Chairs and onto the floor, where they immediately went to Fyra and gave each of her legs a great big hug, James' eyebrows rising in astonishment. "well, they've never done that before. i think they like you." he admitted with a grin. "that's great. their usually completely petrified of strangers." he admitted, studying her. "would you watch them while i clean up this mess? it won't take long, and they won't do much. just roll a ball across the floor and let them chase it. it's their favorite game." he promised her, flashing her that winning, charming smile of his before he grabbed a rag and started mopping up all the powdered sugar. same as always.
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Fyra nodded a little smiling as she watched father in son before looking up at james, biting her lip a little."I...I guess that would be okay. I've never been in a book before."She said quietly smiling at him before snickering nodding at his confusion."I tried calling him draco once, but e was so confused, he thought I was sick. So he's little pretty, unless I'm being serious about something. And a house elf is a magical creature who serves wizards. They keep our houses and such."She said before looking startled as she was hugged swallowing hard,"Well....I can I guess."Shesaid looking worried about that before nodding as she got the boys into the living room, transfiguring one of the pillows into a ball, rolling it back and forth trying not to worry to much.
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James smiled at her a little and nodded. "you'll get part of the proceeds from the book of course." he admitted. "and i'll name you in the beginning of the book." he promised. "unless you want to remain anonymous." he gave her a strange look. "hmm, perhaps i shall start calling him 'Beauty'... he certainly looks like a woman." he admitted with a light snicker as he shook his head. Erik and Erin squealed happily as they batted at the ball, kicking at it eagerly as they chased the ball around, wailing as James appeared suddenly with a wet rag and proceeded to scrub their faces and hands. they wailed horribly at the interruption of their game and at the thought of being clean, and James took a full minute to chase them down so he could get them properly clean. "there, all done... come in!" he called to a knock on the door, Draco entering with all the grace of the warrior he was. "the grounds are safe." he promised Fyra, smiling at her as Harry stared at the spots of blood that should have been invisible. James wasn't sure how he knew that it was blood... but it didn't really bother him as much as he thought it should have.

"where there problems?" "just an assassin trying to get onto the Malfoy grounds. the wards took care of him and we had, take away the body." he admitted, looking amused as James lifted an eyebrow. "well, as long as their not anywhere near me." he mused, picking up both the boys and laying smacking kisses on their foreheads, making them squeal and giggle. "anyway James. i have a sure fire way to PROVE that your Harry Potter." Draco admitted, looking smug as he handed over a moving picture. James almost dropped it in his shock. it was a picture of Harry just after the final battle, finally healed and coming out of the shower. he had a towel wrapped around his waist, but it was slipping as Harry shook his fist at the Camera, which was held by Draco at the time. the Towel damn near fell completely off, but the Harry in the picture managed to catch it in time and turned his back... James gasped in shock, and horror as he saw the Tattoo, the Golden and red Phoenix spread across his back, the wings covered his shoulders, the head rested on the top of his spine, and the two feet held a twisting snake on the left, and a shining lightening rod in the other. it was Harry's personal crest, which he'd taken up during the war. "...holy shit..." James muttered, staring at the picture, his hand shaking. "...there's no way... no way that it could be a coincidence..." he muttered, tracing the Tattoo, which Harry had gotten the muggle way in sixth year... which was exactly the same on James Evans back.
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"No, its been a very long time since I could pass unnoticed."She said giving him a small smile as she thought. Saddened by the idea, because there had been a time during their last years at hogwarts were the mated pair hadn't been able to go anywhere without having to polyjuice into draco and pansy just to get left alone. Glancing up at draco as he entered she rolled her eyes looking amused at the sight "You just enjoy dealing with bodies because it proves your not a girl, little pretty."She said snickering before going quiet.

Standing slowly from the game she'd been playing with the boys she tilted her head a little."I think I'm going to go see pretty."She said walking out, quickly. not exactly fleeinig the room, but not staying either. She couldn't do it, not when she could see the phoenix tattoo. She'd managed to shove the thought away from her, and managed to forget she had such a good picture of harry laying around. By the time she reached lucius' office she was in tears, finally giving into the breakdown he'd been waiting for. Ignoring the startled look she climbed up on his lap, like both her and draco had done when they were young and needed comfort, resting her head on his chest.
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James smiled at her and nodded. "yes, someone as beautiful as you would have a hard time hiding in the shadows." he mused. it was no secrete that Harry/James loved the darkness, the night and the Shadows. he had the uncanny ability to wrap the darkness around him like a cloak, to the extent that he didn't even need his invisibility cloak anymore. unfortunately, that didn't work so well in bright outdoor places, or in the midst of crowds. Draco flashed Fyra a smirk at the 'body' comment and shrugged. "that and i like the blood." he admitted, James lifting an eyebrow. he said nothing though, he'd met others who where like that, Blood thirsty, but fully in control of themselves. they where usually people from hard lives, or from Wars, people who had been abused... James was like that, he liked the look of blood. any wizard from a War as bad as they had been in, learned to like blood, or they went mad.

Draco glanced at her as she left and he nodded, a silent promise to keep James occupied while she had her meltdown. Lucius was startled that she crawled into his lap, she hadn't done that in a very long time. he wrapped his arms around her anyway, and held her as she cried and sobbed, running his fingers through her hair in the comforting 'grooming' ritual that Fawks himself had taught him. Fawks, now there was a surprising Character, as it turned out, Fawks wasn't Dumbledore's Pet... he was the physical manifestation of Hogwarts itself... even more shocking, Fawks could turn human just as Fyra could. he just preferred to be in Phoenix form. Dumbledore STILL didn't know that Fawks could turn human. "are you feeling better?" Lucius asked softly, blinking at her as the tears finally ended, gently stroking the tears away from her face. "here." he handed her a cup of cocoa. chocolate was good for emotionally disrupted Wizards, which was why it helped so much when a person had contact with Dementors. "i even spiked it, just the way you like." Lucius promised with a small smile, well aware that she knew that it had been the house elves, not him to make the hot cocoa.
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"Yes, I do."She said flushing a little becuse despite her mate's ablity to disappear within the shadows, the phoenix was unable to do so. She burned to brightly, shined like a light in the dark.

Shifting as she rested in lucius' arms, she relaxed as she was groomed, closing her eyes as she sagged bak against the elder man. "I do."She sniffled rubbing a hand over her face, shuddering a little as she swallowed hard."....he has his tattoo. Freaked out when draco showed him picture."She muttered before laughing as she took the cup, sipping the hot chocolate, raising a eyebrow."You made it did you?"She teased shaking her head. "Thank you."She said smiling as she regained her alm and control again.
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Lucius smiled at her and shook his head a little as he blinked at her. "his Tattoo? you mean the one he got in trouble for back in his sixth year?" Lucius asked, looking amused. "well, if you had forgotten who you where, had strangers who could do strange things kidnapped you, told you that you where not who you thought you where, and then PROVED it... how would you feel?" Lucius asked, looking rather smug. "i'm just amazed we found him at all. his disguise is almost perfect." Lucius admitted, rubbing his chin. "maybe it's like in the story of Snow White, you have to kiss him to make his memories come back... oh Tifni what is it?" he demanded as a Frantic House Elf came in. "a...a Miss Ginerva Weasley at the d..door sir... here to see H.. Harry Potter..." the Elf stuttered, Lucius groaning as he shook his head. "dammit all to hell... very well Tifni, let the woman in." Lucius ordered, shaking his head. "Dumbledore must have found out he was here." Lucius complained. "and sent the Weaslette in to check on him." he complained, not realizing that Ginny had, and always had a viscous obsession with Harry Potter The-Boy-Who-Lived, He-Who-Killed-He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. really, the things people came up with.
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"I know, but its still upsetting to see."She grumbled at his amusement leaning her head back to look at him, suulking a little before rubbing a hand over her face. "it was almost perfect."She agreed trying not to think about the phoenix tattoo curling around her shoulder blades, the magical tatoo having gone dormant, not moving the whole time harry had been gone, but even within those moments she ould tell it was starting to wake up again at the presence of her mate. Swallowing she stood slowly, "I better go reassure draco and harry I'm fine."she said walking out of the room to go find the others, and make sure ginny kept her hands to herself, though even fyra didn't realize how bad her obsession was.
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Lucius chuckled a little and nodded, trying not to think about the reason why Harry had gotten the Tattoo. the boy had thrown a massive fit when he learned that he was no longer human, that he was immortal... he had calmed once the Black wings of the Shadow Phoenix that was now his 'True Form' took flight for the very first time.there was nothing that Harry had loved more than flying. he would no doubt, love it all over again once he rediscovered, or remembered what he was. he watched her leave and resisted the urge to sigh in pain at the life of his 'daughter' and the pain he knew she was going through.

Harry and Draco where still in Harry's rooms, only Ginny was there now too, the red head flirting shamelessly with Harry, who was flirting back. it was easy to see he wasn't actually interested in Ginny, but was simply flirting to flirt, but Ginny was getting ecstatic at having Harry's attention. "Fyra!" Harry stated, offering her a smile, clearly he had recovered from the 'i'm Harry Potter' shock. "look what Draco taught the twins!" he ordered, setting a large ball away from where the twins where sitting. they scowled at their father, and then with a POP, the Ball vanished and reappeared right in front of the twins who giggled happily. "at least now i know how they keep gettign the damn cookies!" "so, where did you get them from? the twins i mean?" Ginny asked, her eyes gleaming with vicious Mischief that Harry missed. he just looked puzzled. " i need to talk to someone about telling you where babies come from?" he asked, looking rather horrified at hte thought, Ginny laughing. "no silly, i wanted to know where their mother was..." Harry's face fell into pain and sadness and he shook his head. "she's dead..." he muttered softly, glancing at Ginny. "you kind of look like her..." and that, of course, had Ginny in near ecstasy.
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Fyra smiled a little, laughing quietly as the twins made the ball come back to them."well. Now draco, aren't you supposed to be doing something helpful?"She said looking amused as she looked at her friend. Tensing little as her shoulders tightened, her tattoo growing heated as it responded to the phoenix's distress. Swallowing a little as she watched the two she settled onto the floor with the twins, absently watching her mate and ginny. "Well, to bad she couldn't be exactly like her, and be dead to."Fyra said snidely before sighing. Rubbing a hand over her face,"Sorry. I'll be polite."She said struggling to remain calm and pleasant, so not to distress harry out over yet another thing.
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Draco snorted a little. "no, not really." he admitted with a shrug. "i already found the Leaks in the Government. it was tons of fun actually. i even got to do a little fighting." Harry had to snicker at that and he shook his head a little before he paused staring at Fyra with cold, dead yes, their Bond flaring into life as the hurt, the rage, and the depression slammed into him. he narrowed his eyes at Fyra and Ginny swallowed thickly, well aware of how powerful Harry was when he was in a rage. "...i think you should all leave." Harry hissed, the candles flickering before sputtering out as Harry's magic smothered them. he picked up his children and left, slamming the door shut, Ginny wincing as she breathed a sigh of relief, Draco scowling at Fyra. "that was very cruel Fy." he chastised gently. "you know Harry loved their mother. i know this is hard for you, but take your rage out on someone who deserves it, not on Harry." Ginny had already fled, well aware it was HER fault Fyra had gotten so jealous. "i'm going to talk to Harry and tell him that you two where supposed to get married before he vanished, if we're lucky, he'll accept that excuse and forgive you for being so Blase' about death when you KNOW how he feels about the people who have died around him."
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Fyra swallowed hard shuddering as she felt their bond light up again like the world had been set on fire, so out of it for a few minutes that she didn't realize harry had left. Tensing at draco's chastiment she tensed staring at the floor. "...I know."She slumped a little a soft keen escaping at knowing how distressed she'd made her mate. Swallowing hard she nodded without looking at draco."No...I'll talk to him.He wont apperciate me letting someone do my apology, even if he doesn't remember that he hates second hand apologies."She sighed standing."I'll talk to him after I go take a flight. Maybe I can talk to him without losing my mind."She said walking out of the room.

When she returned it was obvious wht she had been doing, at least to anyone who knew what she was. Her usual dark red hair was now the color of bright flame, with her bangs as they curled around her face that soft blue of the center of a flame, the well fit clothes the color of flame and darkness. Swallowing hard as she walked to where she oculd hear the twins playing she paused in the doorway watching the scene before bracing herself again and stepping inside. "H-James."She sighed correcting herself."I wanted to apologize...I more then anyone, should know better then to talk to you like that."She sighed quietly."It's just....hard to see this. I try hard to be nice, but life has left me cruel...and liable to lash out...."She sighed searching for the words to explain.
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Draco sighed as he gently kissed her forehead and nodded, smiling at her a little. "he does hate second hand apologies doesn't he?" Draco had tried that once, sending an apology through Blaise because he was too scared to face the Gryffindor himself. the results had been spectacular, Harry had Dragged Draco out of his chair in the middle of the great Hall, in front of the entire school, made the blond BEG and apologize three times before he was satisfied.... no one avoided an apology tot he Golden Boy since. Draco did watch her Fly for a while, smiling softly as he wondered if James would ever really recover, or if Fyra would ever be able to pick up the shattered pieces of her heart.

James opened the door, blinking in surprise at the strange hair colors, his head tilted a little. it was clear he wasn't really angry anymore. not much actually pissed Harry off enough to hold a grudge. "you can call me Harry, i suppose." the man conceded after a moment. "it is my real name after all... i... have to get used to it, i guess." he muttered, worrying his lip as he studied her. "i can see it in your eyes..." he muttered suddenly. "like a great beast, trying to get out. i see that look sometimes, in people who have lost everything, and just want to make other people hurt so that their own pain doesn't seam so bad... Draco has that look... so does the greasy haired man... Snapple?" he asked, frowning. "it's hard for me too." James admitted. "i... i don't know what memories are real anymore.." he admitted, swallowing thickly. "i don't know who i am... i don't know who i was... all i know is that Elena was real." he admitted, picking up a picture and blinking at it. "this is her... their mother." he handed her the picture. she had a heart shaped face, with a spatter of freckles across her nose and red hair. she did indeed look like Ginny, only... plumper, and softer. somehow this Elena was much more beautiful than Ginny would ever be.

"they said i'd gotten into a car accident." Harry admitted. "i woke up in a hospital, and all my memories where fuzzy from the time i turned eleven, to the time i woke up." he admitted. "they still are actually. the doctors said i might never get the memories back..." he swallowed thickly. "i had nowhere to go. i certainly wasn't going to go back to the Dursley's... if they're even real." Harry had told Fyra all about the abuse he'd suffered at the hands of the now dead Dursley's. "Elena was a nurse there. she took pity on me and took me home with her. she was a great woman." he admitted, smiling a little. "i might even have loved her if not for..." he shook his head. "i can't rightly explain it... it's like there is this great thing, missing from inside my chest, and it always hurts, and always aches, and it's always empty..." the Bond, even without remembering, Harry had still felt the missing half of his soul. he sighed a little. "i was yours... wasn't i?" Harry asked, blinking at fyra. "i heard Draco... say that i was supposed to Marry you.." he swallowed thickly. "that... that i was some.. great warrior, that people loved... that i led a war with my name alone..." he shook his head, fearing the truth of his identity. "that Snapple fellow... said that my Amnesia wasn't natural..."
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"Harry."She muttered, the relief, in her tone showing, something hurting relaxing at the thought of recovering her mate even that much. Avoiding his eyes as she stared at the ground as he talked, "Snape."She orreted not really paying attention before swallowing hard at the mention of Elena, her shoulders oing tense and closed off as she realized that depite elena being far more beauitful then the weasley bitch, there was something similar. Not realizing he'd chosen a woman who looked like her, beautiful and flushed from a flight, where she was still all flame and fire, before she settled back into her normal appearance, her more human appearance.

"You grew up with the dursley's. Though they are dead due to the war fought...."She muttered quietly still looking at the floor, sounding vaguely amused because that had been one of the first bonding experiences draco and fyra had shared when they'd both tried to work together, phoenix and wizard, and they'd turned on the dursley's with a fury that had shaken both sides of the war. She'd bonded with harry when they were young, about 16, but as the war started to gain momentum, the two gryffindor phoenix's had reached out to the slytherins, who had as a whole abandoned their master...though they didn't follow dumbledore either. They followed Harry.

"You fought to save a world on the brink of destruction....and we couldn't even thank you by protecting you from being cursed with no memory."She said in a soft defeated voice, blaming herself for not protecting him. And avoiding answering the question on if he belonged to her or not. he'd been happy with elena, she didn't want to make him feel guilty for leaving her alone. And she knew her gryffindor, he would feel bad. And she didn't want that. She wanted him to return because he wanted to be with her, she didn't want him to return from guilt.
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he smiled at her a little, his head tilted. "yes, Snape... i get the feeling that he doesn't like me much." he muttered, frowning a little. "can all wizards do that?" he asked, studying her intently. "burst into fire i mean, and change the color of their hair..." he shuddered hard. "so... i really was locked in a closet until i was eleven years old?" he asked, biting his lip. "and they'd..." hit him, a lot. the summer before his sixth year had almost seen him dead from a beating. if Draco hadn't come calling to beg Harry to save his mother and father, Harry would have died. "it is good that they are dead." Harry mumbled, frowning a little. "they can't hurt others that way... Erin stop chewing on your brother." Harry ordered, separating the twins easily with a shake of his head. "it's strange to think of myself as being important." he admitted, shaking his head. "i'm just... an author, you know?" he flashed her a grim smile. "i don't need thanks. even if i did save the world, just knowing that innocent lives where spared, is thanks enough." no matter the name, Harry would always be Harry. "Snape said he was going to look into ways of retrieving my memories." he admitted. "i hope he succeeds... Elena was great, but i... i can't help but feel like... there's someone else. someone perfect... that there are others, people who... who i NEED to remember, and a task that i was never supposed to forget." Harry admitted, fidgeting. "like there's something very important that i need to do, but just can't remember what it was..."
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"He doesn't. Though he is better then he used to be. He went to school with your father and they didn't get along."Fyra said smiling slightly as she shook her head."No. I can change into a phoenix...a fire bird. When I come back, I look like this."She shrugged a little wincing at his words before nodding."Yes. You were. Draco saved you, after one beating."She said before laughing softly as he seperated the twins before smirking slightly, amused that even harry as james, was just harry. "Good. You should know who you are."She said her heart aching at his words, and trying not to keen at the need to be with her mate, a soft sound escaping, she was doing a actually amazing job of locking down her emotions around him."Well. Then we'll figure out what it was. Though I can't think of what."She said looking slightly amused.
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Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "yes, i can see that." he admitted with a shake of his head. "James potter died in a car accident after a drinking binge after all." so Harry had forgotten the truth. "i can imagine he was drunk anytime Snape had to deal with him." he studied her for a long moment and then. "a Phoenix?" he asked, sounding, shocked as he studied her intently. "i have dreams sometimes, about bright flaming wings..." he admitted, sounding rather far off as he tried to remember the slips of dreams that he had. "it was important." Harry muttered, a vague look in his eyes. "someone... who had to be stopped at all costs." he mumbled before shaking his head. "it doesn't matter for now i suppose. i'll just focus on learning magic i think... Draco said that you have, Wand?" it had been strange. Dumbledore had returned after Harry had gone missing, with a Wand, and a note in his hands. both Harry's. Harry had apologized in the note, but said that he couldn't handle the Wizarding world anymore and that he was giving up magic, and everything magical. Dumbledore had given Fyra Harry's wand, and had said nothing more on the matter, but Draco had always thought it strange. then again, Draco was always paranoid when it came to Albus Dumbledore.

(giggle, just wait until you ind out who Harry went to stop! and as a Hint, it wasn't Dumbledore! muahahaha!)
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Fyra looked startled at his words, chewing on her lip as she tried to figure out what to tell him before letting it go. Figuring it would only bring up bad memories, more recent memories of voldemort instead of his parents. " spent alot of time with me. During the war I mean."She said backpedaling a little, having a extreme reaction for such a usually controlled woman before she looked away from him and nodding."We'll figure it out. After we get you learning magic again."She said smiling softly."I'll be right back."she said walking out and after pausing long enough to make sure she was all the way back to human form before returning with his hand, absently running her fingers over the wood, since it had been his wand for so long, it still had a piece of his magic, and had been the phoenix's only comfort for so long. Smiling as she held it out towards him."This is yours."
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he smiled at her a little and nodded. "yes... i'm sure i'll remember soon." he agreed as he stood up and stretched with a happy groan, all the bones in his back popping and cracking before he settled next to his boys and grinned at them. "shall i play you guys to sleep for nap?" he asked, just as Fyra came back with his wand, the boys eagerly cheering as they raced for their bedroom, Harry chuckling as he studied her, watching the wand with a look of... almost...fear. he nearly took a step back when she offered it to him, she would be able to see the flinch, and then he grasped the handle and shuddered, dropping it like it was a red hot coal, pulling away as he gripped his hand tightly, the flesh burned. "shit... do all wands attack a wizard like that!?" no, no they didn't. not unless they where warded against someone else from handling them... someone had Warded Harry Potters wand, against Harry Potter! "damn... stings..." Harry grumbled as he started digging in his piles of things, helpfully delivered by house elves, for his First aid kit. "Daddy Booboo?" one of the boys asked, racing back outside the door as soon as he'd heard his daddy yelp. "Erik kiss better?" "thank you Erik but no, that's alright." Harry promised, smiling at the little boy. "Daddy will be fine in a second. go play with your brother alright?"
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Fyra smiled a little as he took the wand, encouraging before her eyes widened as he took it."H-harry!"She started looking over the burn before a snarl, more dog then bir, but it was easy to see that the woman was pissed.Swallowing hard to calm down to not upset the boys she swallowed hard."I'll be right back. I need to get Draco."She said before walking out, barely making it to the stairs before she ran, skidding into draco's study, pausing at the sight of him doing paperwork. It always shocked her so much to see draco doing paperwork. "I'm going to fucking kill him. Burn him and scatter the ashes to the four winds."She growled as she realized that there could only be one answer to who warded the wand."Dumbledore warded Harry's wand. Against him!"She growled now that she had positive proof harry hadn't done it himself, because who would ward their own wand against themselves?- but it had to be the headmaster."You're better at wards then me.Come on."
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Harry watched her rush out, shaking his head as he smeared Burn Cream onto his hand, wondering why a Wand had done that to him. it wasn't a very serious burn, just a few blisters, it didn't even really hurt anymore. Draco himself sighed as she ran in, well aware that Potter was involved somehow before freezing. "...what do you MEAN his Wand was warded against him!?" he asked, stunned. it was basic knowledge that a Wizard connected on a very deep level to their wands. they could not ward against themselves. it was impossible, even with wandless magic. "shit. that means that Harry might not have run away at all, you know that right!?" Draco asked, his eyes wide as he followed her back into the room, where Harry was digging through his boxes, humming a little, the wand still on the floor where he'd left it, casting it concerned glances now and again. "Harry, let me see your hand." Draco ordered calmly, examining the Ward. "your right Fyra... even if Harry had somehow gone against his own human nature... he never did learn how to do anything other than a basic invisibility Ward." he admitted with a shake of his head. "he couldn't have Warded his Wand with a Personal, and Burning Wards..."

with a careful motion of his wand, Harry's burn was completely gone. "if Harry wasn't of Phoenix blood, he might have had his hand burned off." Harry jerked, shocked. "i almost lost my hand!?" "oh calm down, we would have been able to fix it." Draco promised, Harry huffing as he went back to searching, Draco casting diagnostics on the wand. as a Private investigator, and a Hitwizarrd, Draco was very skilled in the arts of wards... and breaking them. "very tricky." Draco murmured softly, examining the Wards intently. "it looks like there's suppression charms on Harry, no doubt blocking his magic and natural abilities. their tied to the wand. once the wards are broken, and Harry picks up the wand, he should be able to regain most of his natural abilities." "...natural abilities?" "yes, the abilities you gained when you Bon... er, when you accepted the Blood of a Phoenix. your the same way that Fyra is, just a different species of Phoenix." "...hmm, so i'll be able to burst into flames as well?" "...of a sort. your a Shadow Phoenix however. so instead of bursting into flames, you do something akin to the opposite of that. it's... hard to explain, you basically dive through shadows, instead of rushing through flames." Harry nodded, curious now as he watched Draco work on the wand. "so, i had my abilities suppressed, so i'd never think i was a wizard then?" "most likely, yes."
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"I mean he picked up the damn wand and it burned him!"Fyra scowled very annoyed that her own element of fire had caused harm to her mate. Bearing her teeth in a snarl she forced herself to alm as she followed draco back to harry's room, watching the two of them before nodding, letting out a soft hum of agreement. "He never had a talent for wards. There are not alot of people who could have set the wards, definately no one in this house right now."She mused, reassuring herself that the people she had trusted hadnt had anything to do with this. Since she was a phoenix in wizard form, instead of a wizard given phoenix form, it was esstentially harry's magic that she used to do wizarding magic, so she couldn't have set the wards either, because she could use harrys wand as her own, and have it work just as well, so all his weaknesses, were hers.

Listening to the two she tilted her head, paling slightly at draco's words when he messed up. relaxing when draco didn't admit to the bond. That was just something she didn't want harry to know. After all, she wanted him to remember, and love her, she didn't want him to feel guilty and come back to her now iwthout any memories. "There's only so much surpressing to be done."She sighed looking at draco."His dreams are most likely a result from...being a phoenix. Because its not a wizards magic, and phoenixes and their lives arent wizarding concerns, there's only so much that ....dumbledore could do..."She said her voice soft and hurt as she concerned the old man that had showed so much concern for her when harry disappeared, being the man who set it up. But there was no other explaination that made sense.
RE: Phoenix Rising

Harry blinked, looking confused before he shook his head, deciding that he didn't want to get involved in such confusing mumbo jumbo. he started digging through his boxes of things again, Draco scowling a little. "Father could have set these wards, but i know he wouldn't have done it." he admitted. "no one else i know, aside from Dumbledore, has the knowledge and the strength..." Draco admitted, frowning. "but, he was also sloppy... THERE! done..." Draco muttered. "that's one ward down. now for the other, lets see... oh that's a nasty little curse isn't it?" he mumbled to himself now, poking and prodding the wards with his wand as Harry snorted a little. "i have many dreams... not all of them are of fire birds." he admitted. "sometimes i dream about massive battles where people i think i should know die." he admitted simply. "sometimes i dream of a woman, i can never actually see her but i KNOW her. not just with my head, but with my soul too." he admitted as he finally found what he was looking for. it was a large black instrument case. "sometimes i dream about fighting with people, you know screaming at each other." he paused, thinking hard. "sometimes i dream of a large lake, and gliding across it on boats towards a Castle that... that just.. feels like home." Harry admitted before popping the case open and pulling out a Violin. this was new, the Harry they'd known, couldn't play musical instruments. "i'm going to go play my boys a song." Harry admitted as he headed into the bedroom, cradling the beautiful white and black Violin. from the way he handled it, it was more than just an instrument of music, it was something that held great sentimental Value. and Harry played it like a pro, his eyes closed and his fingers dancing on the strings as the Bow slid to and fro in a soft, graceful ballet song that swiftly had the hyper twins completely out cold.
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