Phoenix Rising(Harry potter)Moon/lady

Nov 30, 2010
Fyra Verruiel sighed tiredly as she leaned back in her chair rubbing her eyes as she stretched. The flame colored hair-truly, the front ranging a light blue to dark red, truly fire given form- falling gently around her shoulders. Looking older then her 28 years, the girl was worn and tired. And the pile of work that was sitting on her desk explained why draco hadn't heard a response from the Minister-or in this case, mistress- of magic about his discovery. The letter he'd written had been buried under piles of paperwork.

"Pretty!"Fyra called smiling when she saw lucius, getting up and looking amused as she saw the elder malfoy entering the outer office, assuming that the man was there for their usual business lunch as he worked as a lawyer at the ministry, but not today. She didn't know that both malfoy men where about to turn her world upside down at the return of her lost mate. The mate that had disappeared on her. And had left with the malfoy men watching her nearly constantly to make sure that the best manager of magic they'd had in years didn't kill herself, or just let herself waste away. Despite her reservations about being in control, the woman was good at what she did.And well.... calling lucius pretty-he was so devastatingly pretty- and draco little pretty annoyed them, so of course she did it all the time.
Phoenix Rising(Harry Potter)- Moon Struck Fox

Lucius was rather amazed at all the things that had happened in only the last few days. Draco had spread his contacts thin searching for the missing man who had held Fyra's heart so closely. no one expected Draco to actually FIND the missing man, not only find him, but literally walked into him! Draco at first, hadn't realized it was Harry, hadn't recognized the man. Harry was... different, healthy and whole. he was tall now, having finally overcome years upon years of abuse. he was thick with muscles that where lean and loose. he no longer looked like a starved vagabond, but like the Lord he was supposed to be. his emerald eyes where just as green as ever, his unruly black hair was tamed now, simply because Harry had grown it out to his shoulders, and kept it tied back into a braid or a ponytail. he was handsome in a very sexy way... but what none of them had expected... was for Harry to not only have no idea who Draco was... but to have no idea who HE was.

Harry was still i Hogwarts, terrified after three wizards had tried to kill him. Harry apparently didn't know about Magic either. they'd had to force feed Harry three calming potions before he finally stopped screaming... there had been a lot of blood after all. Harry's magic had lashed out, and completely shredded the would be assassins. he was completely certain that his name was James Evans. he had the memories, blurry though they where, to back them up. the first ten years of his life where exactly the same, abuse, abuse, and more abuse... but the rest of his life... it was one tragedy after another, all muggle. Lucius and Draco had been stunned to realize that Harry's memories had either been erased, or blocked, and had been replaced with false ones. they figured Harry had asked someone to do it, so he wouldn't remember the pain of the Wizarding world, or his Soul Mate. he was still panicking, or so Draco informed him before he stepped into the Ministers office.

"there's something at Hogwarts... a bit of an emergency." Lucius muttered, tone frantic, the fact that he didn't respond to his nickname was proof of his worry. "...we found him Fyra... we found Harry." he explained to her. "he had someone erase his memories... he doesn't even remember what Magic is..." Lucius admitted with a shake of his head. "he's convinced his name is James Evans..." he admitted, watching her closely, waiting for the explosion of fury he was certain to see.
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Fyra looked frowned looking up at him, tilting her head as she studied her friend. Staring as she sorted out what he had said, nodding slightly. "Well.I guess I should see him then shouldn't I?"She said with suh a calm acceptance that you just knew there was going to be a explosion eventually. Straighting her clothes she woman sighed slightly, she'd always been eslender, but in the last five years she'd slimmed down even mre to the point that she was almost sickly. Though no matter how much lucius or draco tried to make her eat, she just didn't gain anything. It was a immortal's way of starving to death. It would just take her longer to do so.

"you seem frantic, pretty."Fyra said as they walked towards the apparation point, calm amusement in her words. Apparating to hogwarts, the mistress of magi was quiet as they walked inside, growing withdrawn the closer they got to the hospital wing. Pausing outside the doors she looked up at lucius."He doesn't remember hating draco? To bad we couldn't trick him into falling in love with little pretty. That would be amusing."Fyra snickered slightly as they walked inside, still way to calm. "Draco?"She said stepping into the hospital wing, frowning when she didn't see the men or nurse right away.
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Lucius shook his head a little. "i'm waiting for your imminent breakdown." he admitted with a shrug as he apparated to Hogwarts with her. "no, he doesn't remember hating him, but that didn't change a thing." Lucius admitted, looking amused. "Harry... James, knocked out three of Draco's teeth, called him a kidnapping, rapist bastard, and broke his arm." Lucius admitted. "James is in a complete panic, he didn't know that magic, ghosts, moving paintings... he didn't know that any of it was real. he's had quite the panic attack." Lucius admitted as they walked in. "Draco's having his teeth regrown, he probobly won't be able to talk for a while yet." Lucius explained as he strode forward and pulled away the curtain, revealing the dashingly handsome Harry Potter, unconscious on the bed, his fingers twitching as if struggling to escape from a dream. "it took two stunners to take him down and get him off of Draco, and a sleeping drought to KEEP him out." he admitted glancing at Draco. who was clutching his mouth with tears in his eyes, in actual pain from having to regrow his teeth.

"i can wake him up, if you'd like?" Lucius offered, glancing at her as he pulled out the remedy to the 'ever sleep potion'. it was a recent discovery, and it was often used to keep prisoners asleep and not doing damage to themselves or others before trials. as a Lawyer, Lucius always carried both the potion, and the antidote on him, so he could question sleeping witnesses. Draco, as a private investigator, was not really legally supposed to carry it, but since most of his investigating concerned the Government, he was allowed to carry as well. Snape, was the potions master who invented the potion, and was always making it for the Aurors and the Lawyers. "don't wake him up until o can talk properly!" Draco demanded before pausing. "oh. i can talk properly... alright you can wake him up." Draco stated. "i want to know how he learned to smash my teeth like that!"
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"I don't do imminent breakdowns. I am to controlled for that."Fyra said as they walked, looking amused. "Poor little pretty. He should be glad we have potions for that, otherwise I might have to come up with a new name."She said shooting the younger blond a amused look, not at all reacting like the two men had expected."You look so pretty when you cry, malfoy."She teased looking t draco,tilting her head. So emotionally locked down that there was no sense beyond the vague amusement that always colored their interactions

"He was always stronger then us. Is it really surprising he could just shrug them off?"she said before looking down at the man in the bed, before glancing up at the two blonds."No one is to tell him....what we were once. If you do, I'll toss your ass in azkaban and throw away the key."She said glaring at the two before nodding. "Go ahead and wake him then."She said before perching on the stool next to the bed, indeed looking like the bird that was her other form, perched and looking ready to leave.
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Lucius snorted. "no your not. i'm here for you, when you do have your breakdown. don't go through it by yourself, alright?" he pleaded with her, kissing her forehead. he'd half adopted her as his daughter, there was no paperwork or blood or anything like that, he just looked out for her like a father would. he loved her just as much as he did Draco... more so sometimes, at least Fyra could stay on the right end of the law. Draco grimaced at the mention of crying and shook his head. "you try regrowing three of your teeth!" he complained as he examined the sleeping Harry. "no, i can't say i'm all that surprised." Lucius admitted with a sigh. "it was still a shock though." he admitted before both of them winced at her harsh words. Lucius administered the antidote and they all watched with worry as Harry... no, it was James now, groaned and twitched. "Lyra.... Coffee?" James asked hopefully before sucking a gasp in through his teeth, shocked at finding himself surrounded, leaping out of the bed he immediately settled into a stance.

"filthy kidnappers! what do you want with me!?" he demanded, tone so cold it could freeze. "if this is about money, i don't have any!" Harry snarled, his eyes flicking from one danger to the next, Draco groaning as he rolled his eyes. "we didn't kidnap you! we saved you!" "no, you MURDERED someone!" Harry spat. "no, those men in the funny black robes where there to kill you po... Evans." Draco corrected. "and i am NOT happy about you knocking my teath out! it took twenty minutes to regrow them!" "regr... you can't regrow teeth!" Jame's protested, looking infuriated as Draco smirked and opened his mouth. "no? what do you call these then?" " people are insane! regrowing teeth, moving paintings... THESE THINGS DON'T EXIST! you've drugged me or something! i want to go home!" Harry snarled, his eyes flicking nervously as Draco pulled out his wand and Harry, in one swift movement, had Draco's want broken into three pieces. "don't you pull that... that THING on me! i don't know what the fuck kind of gun that is, but you aren't hitting me with it again!" "mister Evans! PLEASE calm down!" Lucius pleaded. "we're not going to hurt you, i swear it..." Harry growled again, looking nervous but as he examined Lucius's face he did calm somewhat.
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Fyra rolled her eyes, leaning into him a little. "I wont."He muttered, her heart aching Despite the slightly antagontic fighting beginning of their relationship during the war, she'd adopted him to. He made life easier, and the only reason she hadn't moved on from a passive suicide was tht she loved the malfoy men to much to leave them alone. "I did once. Weasley punched me remember?"She grumbled rolling her eyes a little watching him, resting her chin on her hand as she watched, not bothering to jump up, letting draco and lucius take care of things.

Flicking her fingers absently she silenced all three men, rubbing her temples."I think I'm going back to work. You all are giving me a headache."She grumbled before running her fingers through her hair, glancing at Lucius."Will you see him to malfoy manor?He wont get any rest here, as soon as classes let out, everyone will be in here to see him. I'll be staying in my rooms to, since you keep trying to demand that I rest there."She grumbled giving him a half hearted glare, because it just amused her that even if she didn't leave the office- she had a set of apartment rooms at the ministry- lucius still had a whole suite at the manor for her. "Now if I unsilence you three, are you going to start yelling again?"She growled looking at them, atually hearting harry up and talking, was starting to break her.
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Lucius smiled a little and nodded before snickering a little. "yes, Weasley punched you, and then you put him in a coma with third degree burns over most of his body." he teased her, looking amused before tensing as Harry went on his little rampage. he gulped, shocked as he suddenly found himself unable to speak and he trembled at the show of power, not realizing he was the most powerful man in Hogwarts... in Britain! Lucius nodded, watching her intently as James shook his had. he didn't want to go anywhere! but... these people... these people where not normal... they... well they might actually make a good book. James had written several of them actually. most of them where Romance novels, about true Love and soul mates ironically enough. whoever had erased his memories had done a very good job, but in his dreams, James saw wonderus things. things that had actually happened, not that he knew it, and he put them into words.

"i... i need to make a phone call..." James muttered nervously, Lucius staring at James for a long moment and then. "what is a phoon?" "phone... you don't know what a phone is!?" James asked, giving them all very strange looks. "right... of course you don't... i'm the crazy person here apparently..." he grumbled. "i've been kidnapped by freaks wearing dresses, they won't tell me why, now they don't even know what phones are... i've fucking fallen through the rabbit hole!" James complained as he pulled out his phone, dialed the number, and proceeded to talk, Lucius and Draco gaping at him. Harry Potter was using Muggle Technology in the most Magical place in Britain! "hey, Evelyn? yes it's me, listen something's happened... yes i was attacked again... yes... yes... no it wasn't master Shin this time the old bastard... yes, can you hire Lindy? i don't know when i'll be back... yes i promise to work on that new book while i'm in protective custody... yes... no i don't think i will make a sequel for that one, it ended too perfectly... yes, yes i know it made you cry... listen i have to go. just make sure you hire Lindy, tell her i promise a good payout for the last minute thing... yes. thank you Evelyn..." he hung up and shook his head. "damn secretaries never shut up..." Lucius had to snort at that and James hesitantly smiled. "so... you guys are?"
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Fyra went quiet as she just enjoyed being with her mate, shuddering a little s she thought. Even with the three men were just talking, she was just enjoying the feeling of being with the bonded that had rejected her. Looking slightly surprised-the fact that she barely responded to something so odd as muggle teh working in hogwarts- showed just how much the woman was locked away. "I don't know. Pretty shuts up pretty well when I tell him to."She said looing thoughtful snickering slightly as she looked up at her father figure before standing straightening her clothes, "Pretty here-"She nodded towards lucius-"Only lets me call him that, is really named Lucius. The little one there-"She snickered, because draco towered over her by nearly a foot. "Is named Draco.Father and son."She sighed as she stepped back."And I am Fyra. Now, can we get out of here, before I'm pounced on by dumbledore and have to spend a day with a psychitrist because he thinks I'm losing it?"She whined already heading for the door. Very different, more reserved, quieter, then the woman harry had known. The poor girl had lost everything with her mate's disappearance, and the world had dropped away from her to the point that she just didn't care, despite her public office, the only people she really wanted to be with, were the malfoys, even harry's friends presence grated on her nerves
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Harry was also starting to relax, the close proximity to Fyra had a soothing effect on a place he didn't even know was hurting. "Lucius and Draco... interesting names..." Harry muttered, shaking his head. "Fyra... Dumbledore... god... weird names... weird places... maybe i'm in a coma? and this all a dream? please let this all be a dream." James groaned as he shook his head and followed them outside before turning to stare, wide eyed at the castle grounds and then looked up at the castle itself. "...beautiful... it almost looks like the one i see in my dreams." James admitted softly, looking shocked, and awed all at the same time. even without his memories, James still loved Hogwarts. "feels like... peace." James admitted before shaking his head as Lucius explained Apparation and what it was going to feel like. he took a deep breath, and on the exhale Lucius took James straight to Malfoy Manor, the man collapsing and dry heaving from the sensation, Lucius sighing a little. "well, at least you didn't throw up..." Lucius muttered, James shaking his head. "oooh that was even worse than a Tilt-A-Whirl." he groaned, closing his eyes as the world spun around him.

"come along. we have rooms set up for you." Lucius assured the man who shook his head. "i'm not staying here, i have to go back home. i have a life you know! my editor will kill me if i don't get that book finished in time, and Lindy will have my hide if i'm gone for more than a week!" he tried to protest, shaking his head. "not to mention what Erik and Erin will do to me!" he complained, staggering to his feet as he finally looked around. "well... this is fancy isn't it?" he asked, finally taking notice of the world around him. "fascinating... this is white marble!" "yes yes it is." Lucius chirped, pleased with James amazement of his home. "the Malfoy Family has lived for thousands of years. we are one of the richest families, and this Manor has stood for over six centuries!" "it's like living history." James muttered, looking amazed. "i guess i can stay for a little while."
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Fyra looked distressed at Harry's upset, swallowing hard as she refused to fuss over him as much as she wanted. Snickering at his response to the manor she looked around, rolling her eyes a little."Don't like it to much. Pretty's head will swell, and then I'll spend weeks deflating it."She said before growing serious, "Erik and Erin?"She asked in curiousity, wondering what kind of life he'd had outside of here. While he assumed Lindy was his secretary since he'd been talking to her, maybe she was wrong, and the phoenix wanted to know everything about him, even if it felt like she'd been gutted. "Little pretty, will you get me some food?"She said looking at draco, wanting some of draco's handmade crepes, the man so rarely making them that she usually had to beg to be allowed to have some
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James snorted. "are you kidding me!? this place is HISTORY! i love history!" James admitted, excited. "a place like this... i just HAVE to put it in one of my books!" "books?" "yes, i'm an Author, i guess i'm a pretty good one since everyone buys them but..." he shrugged. "i just like writing." god, even with amnesia, Harry was humble. "i could see a pure Unicorn living in a place like this.." "Unicorns don't come here. it might look pure and white, but Malfoy Manor is a place of Dark Magic and pain." Draco admitted simply, shaking his head, James considering that. "hmmm, an ancient curse maybe, oh now THAT would make a great book." he chirped, rubbing his hands together before looking at Fyra. "Erik and Erin are my kids. twin boys. Lindy will be watching them for me." he admitted simply. "their mother died during childbirth, so it's just me with them." James admitted with a shake of his head. "their three in two months." he admitted simply as Draco and Lucius both froze and stared at James, who didn't seam to notice. he was staring at an ancient wall tapestry. "...i'll go make you some Crepes." Draco decided, heading off to the kitchens, well aware that she needed them right then... the thought of James having a girlfriend, or worse a wife... and two children... it was going to kill Fyra.
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"Dont sound so surprised. you know what books are, lucius."Fyra teased looking amused before snikering,"Definately no unicorns here. Maybe a demonkyn or vampire, but no unicorns."She looked amused as she leaned against the desk before going still at the mention of children, though not the frozen stance of the malfoys. Swallowing she pushed away from the desk,"I'm going to go fly for awhile. I'll be back for food."She said quietly excusing herself as she walked out, the phoenix easily stepping off the balcony in the next room and falling, free falling almost to the ground before shifting to the fire bird.

Returning in awhile, Fyra quietly made her way to the kitchen."You know, you make a good house elf Draco."She muttered sitting down on the stool, resting her chin on her hand as she watched the man, sighing quietly."I should go get some work done. Your father and me have to be in court tomorrow."She said sulking a little, though it was obvious she was clinging to the last shreds of her normal shield, she was so very lose to falling apart.
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Lucius rolled his eyes and shook his head. "there better not be any Demonkyn or vampires on my property!" he complained hotly before staring at James, who had moved to another tapestry, looking rather amazed at the intricate details. "i didn't realize that you had children..." Harry just nodded. "yes, their a handful too but i love them." James admitted simply as he watched Fyra leave, his head tilted a little. "Lucius... why do you all act, as if you know me?" he demanded softly, Lucius hesitating for a long moment before he started to explain.

Draco turned to look at Fyra, wearing a tight T-Shirt and some leather pants with a single white apron. he looked as handsome as ever, and though the Apron was covered in batter and flour, Draco himself was spotless. just like a good chef. "i'll have the house elves gather the papers you need." Draco assured her. "you need to eat and rest for now. your on the edge Fyra and even i can see it." he admitted, staring at her. "you understand that James doesn't know, don't you? James doesn't know he has a Soul Mate. we can't be sure that he put the Charm on himself..." in fact, Draco was certain James hadn't done it to himself. though Harry had run away, Draco knew Harry would have come back at the first hint of trouble. the question was, had James erased his memories willingly, or had his mind been raped? it was impossible to tell. "i was thinking of simply bringing his children here. he would be willing to stay as long as his children are safe..." he muttered softly, nervously. "...they have no mother you know..." he glanced at her, well aware that she'd always wanted children. if... WHEN, James remembered, she could easily be their mother.
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Fyra nodde absently as she fiddled with her fork, starting to eat as he gave her a plate of food. "I know.He doesn't know anyhting."she said quietly as she ate, staring down at her plate, looking so very defeated. Biting her lip as she thought before noding a little."Ask him.If he says it's okay, take pretty and get them tonight."She said tensing up at the rest of his words, not even going there."Stop draco. Just...stop."She sighed quietly as she pushed her plate away not hunger despite not eating for most of the day. "You know draco, you need to get married. Fussing over me wont last you forever."She said smiling at her friend.
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Draco sighed a little as he watched her, closing his eyes a little as he shook his head. "i'll ask him." he agreed, watching her closely. "i'm worried about you Fyra. your wasting away to nothing... i can't stand to see you like this..." he admitted softly, gently setting his hand on hers and shaking his head. "besides... you know i can't get married." he and his father had barely avoided Azkaban, and then only because Professor McGonagall had provided memories of Lucius and Draco risking their lives to save others, Narcissa had also testified. because she had pleaded guilty of her crimes, the Wizengamot had no choice but to place her in Azakaban for a year, but her testimonial had also saved Draco and Lucius. despite that, many Wizarding Rights where denied to Draco and Lucius. they where not allowed to marry, or to have more than a set amount of Gold in their accounts. they where allowed to have Jobs, but they had a zero tolerance for crimes. if either of them so much as stole a pack of gum, it would be Azakaban for life. this was true for ALL Ex-Death eaters, and Lucius and Draco knew it was a good policy, so they didn't fight it in the least, not like the others had. only Snape was exempt from this law, as he had taken the Mark under orders of the government. most people thought he'd been spying for Dumbledore, but Fyra and the Malfoy's knew that wasn't true. most of the Gold that Lucius and Draco made, went into Snape's vault anyway, so it really didn't matter to them.

he pushed the plate of crepes back to her, and went back to cooking as Lucius walked in. "James is in his new rooms." he explained,. looking between the two. "i managed to explain to him who he was, he doesn't beleive me of course, but he knows we 'think' he's Harry Potter at least." Lucius admitted with a sigh. "he's completely convinced that he's a muggle who was just mistaken for someone else... Merlin if i could strangle the sense into him..." he shook his head. "he's insatiably curious about everything however..." he admitted with a thick swallow. "he's got three or four new books planned..." he shook his head. "and apparently he's a Black Belt in some sort of muggle fighting. it's how he was able to knock your teeth out."
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I'm fine Draco.As fine as I ever am."Se said her fingers flicking her she was going ot silence him but stopping herself from doing so. Nodding a little she smiled."Hmm I know. But you need someone to fuss over besides me."She said studying her before looking away growling as she looked down at the plate of crepes, before taking another bite as she looked up at lucius."Well.At least he wont be running away then."She said before standing."I'm going to go see him for a few minutes."She said before leaving the two there and heading up to harry's rooms.

"James?"She said knoking on the door before pushing it open, running her fingers through her hair and avoiding looking towards the man."I now you said you wanted to go home. But I thought, if the..twins..."She swallowed hard as she braced herself. "If you want to bring them here, then you can write in the scenery for your new books, and have the twins with you."She said her voice soft with sadness as she considered him having kids. Withdrawing even further behind her shields then she had, holding the tattering edges of her sanity together as she waited for a answer.
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Draco offered her a small glare when she made the motion to silence him. "i will always fuss over you, since you clearly seam to need someone to take care of you." he stated with an unhappy little huff. "and i can't be all that certain Harry even ran away in the first place. he never has before." he pointed out, giving her just that little touch of hope. Draco had always found Harry's sudden vanish... unexplainable. everyone else believed Dumbledore when they said he'd run away, but Draco... Draco didn't buy it. James looked up at the knock, looking up from a notebook where he'd been writing on with a muggle pen, blinking at her. "fyra right?" he asked, smiling at her before hesitating, looking worried. "...i don't know..." he muttered nervously, biting his lip. "it's not that i don't trust you and the blondes but... well, i don't. you know?" he asked, staring at her. "i don't know you people at all... you can do strange things with weird sticks and..." he bit his lip harder, drawing beads of blood. "and if you suddenly decide you want me dead, i'd rather my sons where far out of reach..." he paused as his phone went off. "crap, it's Lindy..." he muttered, answering the phone, all the blood draining from his face as he heard his boys crying, and Lindy screaming as if she was in the most agony in the world. "Erik! ERIN!" James leaped to his feet, grabbing Fyra by the shoulders. "their in danger! their in danger you have to help me PLEASE!" he was in an utter panic, almost as bad as the one time Fyra had nearly died. Harry loved his boys, and he was frantic, the sounds of screams spilling through the phone only made his panic all the worse.

back at Harry's home, a large Flat, three Wizards dressed in black robes with masks of blood red, where torturing Lindy the babysitter with Crucio, making her scream. two little boys where hiding in an air vent, wailing and crying with terror as another wizard tried to figure out how to open the Vent. they where black haired little angels, with eyes that looked like the sea, blue and green. they where completely identical in everyday, down to the dimples on their left cheeks. and they where terrified, screaming in fear and sobbing as they begged for their daddy.
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Fyra studied her friend, but shook her head refusing to give into hope.Smiling slightly at harry's words."I know. But-"she stopped when the phone rang, paling slightly when she heard the screams."I will. Stop. Calm."She orered growling as she yelled for draco and lucius to apparate to harry's, knowing the blonds well enough to know they knew where harry ws living before clapping her hand down around harry's wrist and apparated, while it was painful for the phoenix to use wizarding ways of travel, it was usually the easiest.

Growling as she landed she shoved harry towards the vent even as she slammed into teh wizard, more worried about the boys then the crucio'd woman. Even as her hand flashed down, phoenix claws at the tips of her fingers even as she effortlessly gutted the man,making sure her body was blocking the boys from seeing, glancing towards where draco and lucius where taking care of the others.Standing slowly she ignored the blood on her clothes."Luc, Dray, get them out of here. I'll deal with...james and the boys. And the babysitter of course."She said suddenly looking exhausted, staggering slghtly. She hadn't been using to much magic lately and even within just hours of finding harry again she was using enough magic she'd totally exhausted herself.
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James calmed at the order, looking shocked as he stared into her eyes, blinking slowly as he swallowed thickly, gagging as he was so very suddenly Apparated. but he was at the Air Vent in an instant, calming the screaming children, carefully removing the vent and pulling the boys out while death raged around them. Lindy was dead from the torture, her heart had given out and her eyes stared at nothing. Harry and the two children where sobbing and trembling, and Draco shook his head as he pulled the red masks off the now dead Wizards. "this is Shakelbolt... one of Dumbledore's men... and so is this one, a new Auror, Sanco." Draco informed her. "it looks like we found at least a few of our leaks." for the last month Draco had been investigating many Aurors for leaking information and stealing department funds. "this one was an Ex death eater, Tobias... damn, so is this one..." he shook his head. "this is a mess..." he muttered softly as he glanced at Lindy. "...she's dead..." he informed Fyra quietly so that James and the boys couldn't hear him. "Fyra, you need to rest. Father take her home. i'll deal with the Muggle Police and then take James and the boys back to the Manor." Draco promised. "i'll also get a hold of the Aurors, they'll come and clean this mess up properly." he promised, Lucius nodding as he took hold of Fyra and apparated her back to the manor, settling her into the bed and stroking her hair.

"are you alright Fy?" he asked softly, looking at her. "you've nearly run your magic dry. jeeze Fy you don't do anything by halves do you? you know your not supposed to use that much Wizarding magic." he accused, shaking his head as he pulled out some pepper up potions and a sleeping potion, a normal one thankfully. "take them both or your going to be bedridden for weeks." he ordered firmly. "i'll go back and get James and the Boys." he promised, kissing her forehead before vanishing with a Pop to check on how James and the kids where doing. thankfully they where all fine, shaken up but unharmed. James happily agreed to stay with the Malfoy's, too terrified of another attack to not agree.
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Fyra to looked exhausted and upset at the idea of who the men where. She just knew that this was going to be bad. Nodding slightly as she looked towards lindy she sighed."Be careful draco.And I'm fine."She growled but didn't even try to proest when lucius to her home, relaxing as he stroked her hair."I'm tired pretty. And hurting...but I'm okay."She muttered smiling up at him with a small smile,"I know I know.But save the lecture until I'm awake enough to remember it."She said knowing that despite being in harage of the ministry it wouldn't stop lucius from lecturing her for being stupid. Making a face at the potions she sighed but fed them.

A few hours later, hours before the potion should have worn off she moved to the edge of the bed, panting softly with the effort before pushing up,taking her time to get up. She really should stay in bed, but her worry for her mate and his matter how much the thought made her cringe...was driving her to push her body to the limit. The only good thing was that it was late enough both lucius and draco would be in bed, but harry was a notorious night owl, and would probably still be awake. Leaning against the wall a little as she slowly made her way down to the bedroom, she knocked quietly on the door, wanting to make sure harry was okay. She needed it.
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Lucius smiled at her and nodded. "the Pain won't last forever." he promised softly. "he'll remember given time." he promised, kissing her forehead before leaving her to sleep, well aware that trying to lecture her wouldn't work anyway. it was night when she woke, and any sane person would have been in bed long ago, but she was right, Harry was practically an insomniac. he only slept three, maybe four hours a night, it was all that he needed. there was a soft. "come in" when she knocked, and when she entered the room she could see Harry next to the fireplace in a rocking chair, holding both the little boys, who where sleeping with their thumbs tucked into their mouths. "Fyra. how are you feeling? Lucius said you took ill." James muttered softly, giving her a concerned look. "i just got the boys to sleep." he admitted, nuzzling the one on the left before giving the one on the right a small kiss to the forehead. "you look like your about to tip over... you'd better sit down." he offered the more comfortable recliner to her with a nod of his head. clearly he wasn't about to go anywhere, not if the poor children had only JUST gotten to sleep.

"...Fyra?... why did..." he choked, and then he swallowed thickly and continued. "why did they go after my boys?" he asked, eyes shining with fear. "why are they trying to kill me?... i just don't understand. it can't be because of my books right?... is it because they think i'm this Harry Potter fellow?" he asked, worried. "Lucius showed me pictures but..." he shook his head. "that Harry Potter has a funny scar on his head, and i don't, so i can't possibly be him... right?" but he was Harry Potter, their souls where connected, she would always know her lover. "...i am... i am afraid..." he admitted, holding the twins closer. "more afraid than i've ever been... waking up in that hospital... with years gone..." he admitted softly. "i thought i knew fear then... but this..." he shuddered and fell silent, focusing on comforting his children who had started to fuss in their sleep. "thank you, by the way... for helping me save them... they... they are my life..."
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"I'm fine. Pretty made sure I had the potions I needed to reover."She smiled slightly as she stepped into the room, shuddering ever so slightly as she looked over the twins. Glad to see that they were well before laughing quietly, sitting down."Thank you. I do feelbeter sitting."She smiled, curling up into the seat, relaxing slowly. Her body fully relaxing for the first time in months that she had. She was with her mate, and already she ould feel it soothing the ragged edges of her temper.

"There's magic to change appearances H-James... and alter memories. But if we are mistaken...."She swallowed her heart breaking at that, the phoenix nearly dying at the thought of being without her mate."well, then we'll see you're safe."She sighed closing her eyes so she couldn't see the children that were gutting her alive. Starting to drift off to sleep without realizing it."You are child deserves that kind of terror."She muttered
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James smiled a little at her, his head tilted. "you loved this Harry, didn't you?" he asked softly. "loved him just as much as i love my boys?" he asked, examining her. "...what happened to him, if i might ask? Lucius said that Harry just... vanished, but that can't be right... right?" he asked, blinking at her as he bit his lip and looked down at the twins. "they'll have nightmares for months after this, i'm sure... they loved Lindy. they always called her 'sissy' because they couldn't figure out how to say sister..." he sighed and tipped his head back, closing his eyes. "as long as their safe..." he mumbled before he fell asleep, holding the twins tightly to him, dozing in his chair.

in the morning, it was two sets of cerulean eyes that Fyra woke to. innocent and curious, Erin and Erik stared at her, both clutching Blankies to their chests, each engraved with their name. James was in the kitchen, making a breakfast that smelled like heaven. "Name?" one of the boys clutching the 'Erin' Blanket asked Fyra, before shoving his thumb back into his mouth, blinking at her. even at two years old, they had deep power. children fed on the magic of their parents sometimes, and it was clear these children where feeding on Harry's magic. they where going to be very powerful Wizards someday. "you Teddy?" the boy with the blanket 'Erik' offered, holding out a ragged looking Teddy bear that had it's ear chewed off and an eye missing. clearly, they thought she needed comforting. they where sweet children, and polite and caring... just like Harry. the little boy gently tucked the Teddy bear into her arms and went into the kitchen to crawl into their respective High chairs, Harry rolling his eyes as he saw the blankets, and carefully switched them when the Twins weren't looking. they'd grabbed the wrong blankets apparently, but it was just another bit of proof... Harry had always been able to tell Fred and George apart, even when Molly couldn't. "Fyra, you're awake, would you like some breakfast? we're having Blueberry pancakes today."
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Fyra was quiet before shrugging."I don't know. He was just gone."She said looking away and refusing to answer, sighing softly. It hurt to consider how upset the boys would be, but it would be okay.She'd make it okay.

"Fyra."She smiled sleepily at the boys, shivering at the feel of power on these two, even as her heart broke because it was just another piece of proof her harry was gone. "Thank you Erik."She muttered smiling as she took the teddy, cuddling the bear as he handed it to her, the bear still tucked under her arm as she walked downstairs. Looking a little more steady on her feet, though still not well. Swallowing as she tried not to think, she didn't want to eat. But she knew draco or lucius would be there in moments to pounce on her if she didn't at least try."I would.Pancakes sound good."She said shifting a little the teddy bear in her lap, absently stroking its head, not even realizing what she was doing.
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