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A Knight And His Horse ( Telanora x loneiysong)

She nods "I know sweety but i atleast wanna make it so it wont hurt you near as bad." She said softly "Brutus?" She asked "Can your loving mare know more about her stallion before they met?" She licked rever a few more times. "I keep having dreams of meating you in a field on a hill next to a big tree... but i know thats not true I think its from a different life time. "
He gasped as she said this and he hit a hammer on his bad foot. He barely flinched. He was thrown back to a time, coming upon a maiden so beautiful and fresh as the spring. She welcomed him and there they sat talking about nothing and everything. He looked down and away and then began to walk away. He moved a ways until his foot was killing him, he had to stop. He sat down and put his hands on his face and broke down sobbing.

How did this mare know about his love. His wife who he never got to bed. He began to rock feeling her loss far too keenly. He was never really allowed to grieve her, but now, that crash hit him and he trembled.
The mare staired at the mans face as he remembered things from his past. She could tail his eyes were moving but he was blank. She slowly stood up forcing rever off her nipple. Sophia's heart sank for some reason as he starts to walk out of forge. She follows him slowly till he collapsed. She didnt rush to his side at first. She whimpered hearing him start crying. The strong mare slowly walked to him and nudges her head against his back laying next to him. Her eyes full of sadness. She stayed quiet letting him cry as she nudged just back pushing him into her soft fur letting him cry on her.
She neighed painfuly for brutus. She continued to lay there for him if he needed her. Her heart was full of griff and the large mare watched her love being tore up inside and she coudlnt help him if he didnt want it.
Sophia let out another painful neigh and slowly nudged her body behind his her heart felt torn. She laided her head around his and sighed. She didnt know what to say or how she could help him. She loved him with heart and soul.
"Her name was Amelia..." He said softly and wiped his eyes and swallowed. "I loved her so..." He stopped to take in a shuddering breath and swallowed hard and rocked back and forth. "We...." He lowered his head. He couldn't really speak too much. He kept breaking down.
She very softly cooed him licking his hair. "Im sorry Brutus Im so sorry you lsot your love." She said very softly. "When did she die?" She asked laying her head infront of him.
She nods and lays her nose against his neck her warm breath blowing againt his neck. "do you think she was reborn? Through me?" She asked softly. She was hopeing her warm body helped soothed his sarrows. "Maybe thats why im having these dreams."
The strong beautiful mare gently kissed his head as he petted her flank. "Id like to think so. " She said very softly and laid her head on his lap as he rested against her large body.
She slowlly rose and followed him standing beside him as he threw up. The mare softly stroked his back with her chin. "it gonna be okay love i promise." She cooed at him.
She nods softly moving her big body to his hands and slowly helps him back to there stall and lays down waiting for him. " we can sleep aslong as you like sweety." She said softly looking at brutus.
She had curled around the man besst she could and laid her chen against his chest incase he wanted something to cuddle while he slept. She closed her eyes and softly humed in both tehre heads to lul them to sleep.
She felt the man get up and heard the stall door open. SHe got up slowly and followed him. His eyes were closed but he was walking she reliesed he was having a dream and followed him closely.
He was walking and stopped at the hill and drew the blade down his arm. "My my blood, my heart, I will avenge you." He growled and began to walk down the hill staggering and bleeding profusely in the direction of a land that was full of barbarians and thugs.
She let out a loud neigh seeing him cut his arm open. She raced infront of him her hoofs pounding the ground she used her body to hit him and make him fall back so hed wake up. "BRUTUS!" She said very loudly in his mind. Sleeping or not her voice would echo into his subconsius.
She faced him with her head down and her ears back. "Brutus... its me..." She said looking at him with sad eyes. "Please wake up Your scareing me." Softly pleding with him. She took a step forward and gently pressed her strong breast mucles against his chest and wraped her neck around his shoulder and hugs him. "Wake up brutus."
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