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A Knight And His Horse ( Telanora x loneiysong)

The once mighty mare's legs still whobbled when she stood on her hoofs. "I gonna be fine." She said as she nudged his chest neighing softly. "brutus talk to me okay are you doing okay?" She asked softly Looking around. "Where is rever?" She asked.
She looked at him. "Its okay brutus." Sophia said softly following him slowly her hooves makeing a gentle clacking sound on the ground. "Your gonna have to replace my shoes soon brutus." She said softly before drinking from the water trough. "Have you been to town while i was under?"
He looked down and then to her. "Yes." He bit his lip. While she was out of it, he felt so terrible that he went to a man who kept and bred horses and offered Sophia to him witht he promise he would take care of her. He moved to a stool grabbing his reshoeing supplies and sat down.
After getting enough water she called for rever. She then saw brutus getting ready to change her shoes. SHe slowly walked to him faceing her side agianst him lifting up her front hoof. "What did you do in town sweety? Sale any more armor?"
She neighed softly seieng rever run up. "Hey sweety pie." She said smiling as brutus cleaned her hoof. She loooked over to brutus. "Is everything okay?" She asked softly.
Her ears perked up at rever. "He w..what!" She answered. She looks over at brutus. The mare pulled her hoof way after he reshoed her. " Rever said that your wanting to sell me is this true?" she asked" Why would you sell your love?"
She lowered her head and her ears folded back. She looked down at the ground. "You are a horribble owner.. but the most amazing gentle lover. Thats all i want from you brutus is to share our hearts. She slowly moved her nsoe under his hand. "You not gonna hurt me again sweety." She gently kissed his hand. "Please trust me."
Sophia sighs. "so.. i love you to much.. this isnt nothing." She said softly and snorts. "If you force me to leave i will only come back." She nipped him softly. " The mare nudged her human lover and neighs.
The strong mare snorted "i will still try and find you brutus... i wont beable to live with out you." She said looking at him a he pets her face. "I wont go with out a fight either..." She said claping her hoof against the hard dried dirt.
The strong mare looked at Brutus as he kissed her temple. She slowly worked her body to lay infront of him she placed her head on his lap. The mare slowly closed her eyes. "Brutus what will make you relise i want to stay. What do i have to do please tell me. " She asked looking up into his eyes. "I want you to be at my side till we grow old and die or die in battle next to each other." She said softly.
The mares large head slowly sliped off her loves lap as he stood. She watched him her heart broken hearing him not want her and it family sinking in. She started to cry. She could feel there bond stil but it was weakening. SOphia slowly stuggled to her hoves and looked at rever. "lets go to bed" she told him with a sadden voice. She slowly walked to the barn where she laid in her normal spot this time with rever at her side instead of brutus. She curled her body ignoring rever a bit and slowly falls asleep for the night.
She had ignored her poor dog all night. When the sun finnaly came up she slowly got up and walked to the house door laying infront of it waiting for brutus. She said nothing. She felt there bond getting weaker and weaker.
Brutus began to pack. Early in the morning. He would be going to the land of his people to fast and pray. He sighed and winced as he limped out and looked at his horse. Looking away, he just kept on moving not watching her. Not wanting to anyway. But he couldn't help but glance back at her.
Sophie sighed as she saw her love turn his back to her. She lowered her head to the dirt nudgeing Rever softly. Her heart had sunk. The mare's head was down not seeing that he had looked back. After Brutus was gone from her sight she slowly got up. "come on rever" she said softly to him. "lets go" She said slowly starting to walk into the forest.
"Where are we going?" He followed her frowning barking softly. He followed Sophie. He rubbed his face on her leg.

Meanwhile, Brutus moved back to the lands of his people. He knelt at an alter and fasted until he passed out being dragged to a hut by the shamans where he was fed and nursed back to health.
"Away" she said softly. "I dont know where to go my dear so we just gonna go" She said with a heavy sadden voice. The once magnifisnt mare walked through the woods with her dog. She would stop every now and then to rest her wounded leg. A day or two past since Sophia and Brutus had left each other. Sophia was captured by a group of hunting knights. She fought them off the best she could but with her hurt leg she couldnt out run them. One of the knights took rever away from her and the mare let out a cry for him "Rever!". She was now drafted into the kings armies. But untill her wound was fully healed she could not go to battle.

Weeks past before she was demed fit to serve. She was paired with a newly promoted officer that had noidea how to handle such a powerful mare. They marched to war. The knight who rode her back was unfit to ride where Brutus once did. As the battle started the knight was bearly able to stay on her back as they charged. Unlike when brutus was on her she was going slower then the rest of the horses. She had no drive to continue fighting for this knight. He was just so pathtic Brutus's right pinky toe would be more effective then this scum.
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