With a sigh, he was happy that she was helping, but it didn't hurt. When she grabbed her teeth to the back, he felt teh wagon pull to a painful, for him, hault. He sighed and looked at her canting his head and smiled gently.
"Silence you silly war mare. This is not hurting anyone. So just silence. Look, we are almost there." He pointed to the busy village square. He smiled and then rubbed his temple. "Be careful of how you hell my sweet. You can make my brain go deaf." He sighed and moved to a tree limping and took a long drink of the skin and watched her. His leg was twitching from the exertion. "Now, I could sense you didn't want to pull the wagon, and I will not make you. You were trained for battle not to be a beast of burden. You were also trained to take instructions, and I say I am going to pull it." He pulled it and it began to roll again and he began to walk. He gripped the sides and soon they made it to the village where he was setting up a stand. He was dripping sweat.