The strong mare nipped at his short hair a kiss for the night of sorts. Sophia would lay down near his tent and lay her head down on the ground. She slowly fell asleep. Wakeing up before the war horns blew she stood up and waited near the tents opening for her master. Her ears perked when the horns sounded. A few moments later brutus came out nd cleaned her off a little bit before she felt the cold steel of her heavy armor sliping onto her body. She watched him as he put his armor on then got on her strong back. She turned towards the others and started to galloup with a thunderus sound as her hoofs hit the moist dirt. The horses lined up to perpar for a charge to brake the foot soldier's front lines. When the horn blew she charged at full speed quickly pulling infront of everyone else and continued to do so. Her murderus thrundering hoofs echoed as she busted through the front line trampleing enemy soldiers that were to slow to get out of the mighty mares path.