The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Not too sure about that.
< Has 14 rps currently plus a group rp on another site. My request thread shows all my rps.
V Would love to sleep in tomorrow.
^ Seems like someone likes having fun with a lot of people. ;)
< Wishing you wanted I have some fun with me
\/ also wants to sleep in tomorrow.
^ Is right
< does like to have a lot of fun with different people
V Has some interesting rps going on right now
^ Have one going on, though not very actively.
< Wants to know if you'd have a lot of fun with me
\/ is behind on replies
^ Of course I'm behind on replies. I have to reply to 6 rps.
< Needs to find her muse.
V Has ideas to get the creativity flowing.
^ Yup. Again, even.
< was kept up by rain and flash flood warnings (finally getting the monsoon we were promised months ago!!!)
V hopefully didn't have that misfortune
^ Eh... Kinda. I took Spanish in high school, but I'm out of practice.
< thankfully wasn't flooded out. The rain stopped a couple hours ago.
V is looking for some fun?
^ Yup, I'm bored too... :/
< Is waiting for replies to RPs and PMs. The question is whether I will be receiving any?
v Would enjoy keeping me entertained in order to cure my boredom :p
^ Perhaps? I don't know you...
< Is really cheerful today without really knowing why.
v Has a shitty day.
^ Not as much as I should
< Has been rather frisky for a while
v Would like to get frisky as well right now.
^ Not the best, but definitively not the worst!
< Ponders what he should do today/If there is someone to do~
v Will have sex today!
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