The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ You are so right. In fact, I'll never be at one of those. lol.
< Might have a visitor coming this weekend.
V Would like to go visit someone soon.
^ Has to work today (was just notified when I woke up. :/)
< Would rather be having fun right now.
\/ Is hungry
^Yup, only half an hour to go and it'll be Sunday.
< Had a small spider crawling on her top - now feeling very uncomfortable and self-conscious.
v Is chilling for the rest of their day & had nothing planned
^ Can predict my life! Crazy! How'd you know that?
< Loves to feel wanted, loved, and adored
v Also loves to feel wanted, loved, and adored.
^ OOOOOOH yeah. Both on and off Bluemoon.
< Is behind in replies to rps.
V Rps on another site besides Bluemoon.
^ Nope. Not into sluts.
< A man with tight jeans, an ass that won't quite, and a sexy chest, on the other hand, turns me on.
V Likes a man with nice eyes.
^ Don't like men. :p
< Wondering what 'feeling slutty' is like...for the person lucky enough to be with BG.
\/ Wants to be with Biting Girl as well.
^ Done. And I do like me some games.
< Is happy with how life's going so far.
\/ Has had a decent enough change in their life recently.
^ living in Iowa can make you love or hate snow. And as much as I want summer to last, I do love snow.
< Fall sucks because it's the time in between comfy Summer earth as fun Winter snow. It's just rainy and cold or sometimes randomly too hot.
\/ not a fan if Fall either.
^ Totally agree with you Mercenary ^_^ Although, I wasn't really into the summer until last year.
< Is watching Suits on iPad
v Loves watching tv online too :D
^ Well, perhaps not love, but I like it.

< Got someone's love confessed to today.

v Wants to confess their love for someone.
^ Of course I am.
< Can not think of anything to put here. lol.
V Will ask a question of someone here on Bluemoon to answer.
^ Has gone horseback riding. I do a lot of wilderness and country-ish stuff for a city boy. Despite no being a fan of country music at all.
< Has no one replying to rp's at the moment
\/ wishes they had a more active rp.
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