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Random Info About You 2.0

I have three dogs. All have names, of course, but I call none of them by their given name. Too bland, had to amp it up.
Every single one of my family’s pets was a stray/dumped/owner had too many/etc before we got them. We currently have four cats and two dogs, and all of them are extremely happy.
I have fits where I angst over Animorphs not having an updated media, like a Netflix series or something, then spend hours trolling the internet for fanart and random bits of "news" for the series.
Fact: I can bend the middle finger on my right hand back far enough so that it lays flat against the back of my hand.
I love to cook, but always feel nervous serving food to others.

I detest "The book was better" as an argument for not liking a movie. Learn. Film. Language. Goddamn it.

I work in legal cannabis on the west coast. (Left coast is the best coast!)
I've been a gamer ever since I can remember.
I had a Sega Genesis growing up.
*High Five
And it was call Sega Mega Drive for me

I detest "The book was better" as an argument for not liking a movie. Learn. Film. Language. Goddamn it.
I agree. I even asked my friend what he think of the movie without comparing with the book, he does it anyway.

Being in my 30s I finally have to be aware of my lifestyles. I actually have to start reading calorie levels when I go grocery, things I never did before in my life.
I love to bake, but for some reason some of my coworkers got a little ill last time I baked (reckon it must have been bad eggs) so I've refused to bake for them since =(
I have the ABCC11 gene so I have dry, odorless earwax and no body odor whatsoever. Never had b.o. never will.
i hate that i feel like i have to hide so many aspects of my life from my close friends.
My left middle toe is longer than my right middle town o_O
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