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Random Info About You 2.0

I love my horse much more then i love my family.
Has never done anything to let me down, and he is always happy to see me.
I have different eyes: one brown one green :) People stare at me when they notice, but I am kind of used to it.:)
one of my best friends on bmr is someone that i originally blocked because he was a dick. now he's one of my closest friends and i adore him. :heart:
hahahaha, i didn't mean you! I knew you before BMR and didn't even know it :)~

but love ya too boo
RedRose said:
I sometimes write fanfiction. I will even post it. I'm on various sites, under various handles, and while I love comments and likes I'd never disclose who I am there.

That's also true for me. Well, mostly. I give my name and where I am out to very few people; only those I've known for a really long time.

I'm now participating in some e-federation/online wrestling groups. It's been rather fun, actually. I've realized that my first wrestling character I created is a Tweener (neutral as far as alignment goes) but can definitely have quite the Delinquent Heel (bad/evil aligned) attitude.
Despite writing a bunch of horror and gore, i have a lot of irl fears

Like: bugs, spiders, the dark, monkeys, bridges, clowns, being barefoot in fresh water, and loud noises

:c I'm a big scaredy cat
I went on my first date was when i was in 6th/7th grade. It is to this date the most romantic date I've ever had. To remind everyone of how young i was, we went to see the movie Chicken Little
A lot of folk wanting to hookup down here but I just wanna collect beads and look like a pirate

Thanks sam
I'm a super big nerd over the Dragon riders of Pern series. I almost named my son T'gellan.

As in, my husband had to beg me not to.


I used to have an iguana named Mnementh after F'lar's dragon.
Random facts about me

I am a real life 24/7 Brat.
I enjoy educational talks about BDSM.
I am kind of shy.
Coffee ice cream is my favorite flavor seconded by strawberry

Soran_Jaymes said:
Fact: Being type 1 diabetic sucks.

I am type 2, it is an uphill battle all the time. It gets in the way of my life a lot. I hope you feel a little better.
I dream of Mexico.

Mexico isn't just a place I want to go for me, but a dream of things I want. Mexico is the happy place I go when I need something to hold onto. Mexico is my secret that I hold onto late at night.
I don't like to play against characters who have blond hair or a name of someone in my family. lol. Nope. The name part is creepy. The blonde hair on a male character makes me think of surfer stereotypes. "Surfs up dude." Nah. Not happening. Now I play characters with blonde hair. lol. Kind of makes me a hypocrite I guess.
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