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Lords and Ladies (LingeringDesire & Greeneyed23)

The male simply nodded his head, too nervous to speak. More skittish than she would have thought. Ne’ebo flitted around the room, speaking too many and avoiding the lord’s altogether. Fenice hated how she seemed to fade in the background for him, though she knew she was being ridiculous, paranoid even. His kisses, soft, sweet and so wanting had told her she was at the very front. However, to keep them both safer, a separation was going to be necessary. Biting her lip Fenice pushed away from the table and approached the one full of giggling maidens. It seemed each had a favorite and not a one mentioned the name of sir Hargik. If anything, his sheer size intimidated them. Fenice could only shake her head, only a true woman could spot value where it lay.

Taking her leave of them, she meandered through the castle with Mathilde. A moment to refresh herself was in order. Behind the closed door of her room, she confided in her maid. “He kissed me and I him,” she whispered, a jubilant smile spread across her lips. “It was wonderful… I never imagined it to be like that, my lips still tingle….”

Mathilde shook her head, already knowing of the kiss. The sweet girl looked so blissful the night before, the aged woman took only a moment to detect that the princess was falling head over heel for the magnificent knight. Listening to the princess whisper on and on about the male did not come as a surprise since most knights she’d met were brutes, married, way older, or too young. “Come now my dear, the competition will be starting and look at you, still not washed up!” The woman tisked at her before handing her a wet cloth with which to wash her face.

Trala skipped ahead leaving Fenice alone with the child’s parents and her maid. They made small talk, mostly about the child. The couple were candid and open, talking about their worries and they joys. Fenice found it refreshing to speak with her people. Admittedly, some were not so easy to speak to, but all the same they were her people and she attempted to put on a pleasant demeanor even if she was worried. Ne’ebo’s tall form stood out on the field as they made their way to the list. Trala had paused to wave before asking the king to help her up. With a smile, her father gladly did so.

Fenice watched her mother frown slightly and wondered what ran through her head. Taking her seat the horns blew and the competitions commenced. The archery went off and Sir Perry pulled through. Her father pulled the boy to the dais; he stammered and mumbled his way through a few lines of congratulations and job well done. Fenice left the poor male alone but took note of a particular female that showed interest in the male. Smiling she planned to make sure special invites were given for dinner.

Watchful blue eyes scoured the field taking in the power of Jarn and the fluid strength of Ne’ebo. Another young knight caught fire in the ring as well, but Fenice was too preoccupied with thoughts for her knight’s safety that she missed him altogether. Each swing of the opponent made her stomach retch and each sound hit caused her eyes to close. Her body shuffled in her seat, trying not to disrupt the child at her side. The sadistic smile on Jarn’s face when Ne’ebo invited him into the ring caused her heart to nearly stop beating. Casting a worried and semi-terrified glance at her father, he merely ignored her and continued silently cheering on her champion.

Each blow thundered in her heart, but she couldn’t stop from watching as Ne’ebo all but destroyed his opponent. She hear the words from his mouth after each earth shattering hit. Eyes wide when the last blow incapacitated the male. Her name on his lips as he stood and walked away. The crowd exploded into applause and cheers, the man had defeated the cruelest of them all. Fenice lifted her hands to her mouth, happy tears spilling from her eyes. She wanted to run to the male, leap into his arms and press her lips to his repeatedly. However, her Trala sprang forward, yelling his name and blowing him kisses. The action caused the attention to float from her long enough to dry her eyes. After his win, she could barely contain her excitement.

The maidens and knights were added to their group. “Splendid job Sir Perry and Sir Kay, you have pleased your princess thusly so.” She smiled at Ne’ebo as their lips pressed lightly to her hand. Saving one behind her back, she was surprised when Ne’ebo’s large fingers wrapped about it and lifted it much higher and gentler to his lips. Once released she felt her heart soaring, eyes locked on his she smiled brightly, he’d called her his. Laughing at the silliness of the bet, she handed the ducats to Trala’s mother. “Here, a token of my appreciation, for allowing your daughter to leave your side and accompany me.” They tried to refuse but she did not accept it back, knowing they needed those two ducats more than she did.

Winding their way to the castle for a celebration feast Fenice walked between the Arch bishop and Mathilde, the two were gone in conversation and she was lost in thought. Once arriving at the table she smiled at the arrangements, so many were at the royal table there were seats on both sides. Fenice chose to sit across from her father, diagonal to Ne’ebo and close enough to share coy glances while participating in all conversations. The food was produced, Mathilde serving the royal family and archbishop. Engaged in a conversation about the fabric of her dress Fenice offered the maidens to take her old clothing off her hands. These gowns were given to her by the tailors and dressmakers of the city. Some she would never wear again, “I have too many to possibly wear in one lifetime. Besides when I marry I expect I shall grow with child and the extra love I gain.” Her eyes landed on Ne’ebo and she blushed softly before returning her attentions to the exuberant females.
Ne'ebo followed his princess to the castle smiling while Kay and William spoke with their prospective ladies. Ne'ebo had eyes only for Fenice. he had heard many knights planning to battle for her hand inn the next tournament. The knights would be terrified to know that Ne'ebo was already planning on winning that tournament as well.

At dinner he watched her smiling, chatting with the others but his gaze always coming back to her. He longed to speak with her. The dinner seemed to go on forever but finally the King and his Princess wished them good night. Ne'ebo moved quickly guiding the Princess into the library followed by the other three who were in on the plan.

First they discussed Ne'ebo and his feat with Jarn. jarn was not the biggest knight, but he was a cruel bastard and everyone was worried about facing him. the doctors said Jarn would not be competing to again until the wrestling which was in three days after the axes and boxing in the next two days. Ne'ebo's eyes narrowed at this. "He's lucky to be breathing." The others actually shuddered at the chill pouring off the large man in waves. Elias smiled and said. "that Kay fellow was remarkable. As was William." N'ebo smiled. "Indeed they were. Kay is going to be a fine knight for you Your Grace. I already have Sir Quentin down for ten ducats that he will beat William tomorrow. I don't think he can do it. The lad has a good head o his shoulders."

The archbishop laughed. "I hear both young men are already in the gardens speaking to their chosen ladies and will soon bear their favors." Ne'ebo grinned at this. "i certainly hope so. i know how much the faith of a beautiful woman helps." his eyes fell on Fenice and he smiled. They were playing chess again but this time the game was not really the focus. as they were already on the fourth game with Fenice having won two proving her skill and teaching. Ne'ebo had destroyed her in the third though and the fourth was turning his way. Ne'ebo assured them to keep beating on Kay, who would be in the axes as well and William would of course be shooting again. He was not sure Kay would reach the the finals this time though as a newcomer, a Sir Ectonwas a great beast of a man and though rather dullwittted he was imensely strong. Mathilde ventured to ask. "How strong can he be Sir ne'ebo?"

Ne'ebo won the fourth game with a queen trap and began the fifth before answering, winking at Fenice before turning to Mathilde. "He took a full war axe, five foot long with a three foot ehaad and threw it into the end of a target log. No one could get it out until Ecton ripped it out with a small grunt. I did not try as i was at the mace but I watched. that man beast is dangerous. I hope I get him not Kay." Elias rubbed his chin thoughtfully then nodded. "oh the big fellow in the blue armor?" "Yes your Grace." "Oh...yes. He was knighted before his injury. Every since he's really only a crusher but he is a good enough fellow. Loves the children. you know he was dancing around the maypole this morning?" Ne'ebo nodded. "i did Your Grace. he's a sweet and good hearted man but when he fights.. He was sparring with this guard who was almost the same size. he threw the guard a good twenty feet with one arm."

After some more gossip and rumoring the three elders went to their rooms leaving the young ones to their "game". Ne'ebo had taken the fifth but Fenice the sixth and on the seventh they were still unable to focus except on each other. "You were so beautiful today i had to stay away you know. Why i was so angry at Jarn. he insulted you and your honor." He reached out touching her hand. " know I have dreamed of meeting a woman like you. Strong. Wise. Fierce. Intelligence. Divinely beautiful. Delicious..." With that he lean across the board kissing her and broke the kiss to whisper. "Checkmate." he had beaten her and his eyes flashed playfully and he smiled as he kissed her again.
She, like Ne’ebo, felt the dinner would last forever. All she wanted was to be in his arms again, a thought that made her blush deeply as she took his arm to leave. They moved to the library, the five of them silently led by the King and archbishop. Fenice released his arm and set up the game board for chess before being seated. Her eyes following the knights every movement. They weren’t playing the game yet but she enjoyed watching him. Mathilde was quietly taking it all in and commenting briefly while the men talked and Fenice merely listened. The thought of Ne’ebo having injured the large man so well to as have made it impossible for him to compete in the other competitions brought a smile to her face.

The gentle comment made her pause, fingers perched above her game piece. Blue eyes wide, her father cleared his throat gently and it broke the trance as he began speaking. Fenice played halfheartedly, not worrying about winning but the spending of time with him. Their conversation went over the young men and she was happy to hear that they would be gaining favors from them. The girls were lovely and Fenice knew giving them her dresses would be a wonderful thing and would make way for possible marriage, eventually, between the duos. She lifted her gaze and met Ne’ebo’s, she knew he had her favor, as did Mathilde, and now the moment shared between them allowed her father to know he did as well. The king and archbishop shared yet another look before the conversation continued on.

Fenice placed her hand alongside the chess board, eyes locked on the face of the man she wished for all of her life. The stories of Sir Ecton were ones she knew and knew well. Having been at the maypole watching and cheering on the littlest in her kingdom she’d seen the large knight prance about. She chimed in about bits and pieces she’d heard as well among the people. Her eyes barely leaving Ne’ebo’s while wishing for time alone. When the others rose, bidding them farewell it took all she had not to rejoice. Her father returned a moment later and kissed her cheek gently. She patted his hand and returned the soft kiss, “Goodnight father.”

Fenice returned to the game, determined to beat him soundly for distracting her the night before. Her thoughts were so distracted she could barely pay it much attention. Her feet kept stretching forth and finding his, to which she’d apologize but then did it again. Her hand itched to reach out to him and bid him follow her to the fire where they could sit and explore, but she knew it wasn’t proper thinking and Ne’ebo would likely turn the offer down. She’d just moved a pawn when he began to speak, breaking her train of thought. She blushed at his words, she wasn’t as beautiful as many of the other females but that was in her own mind. She enjoyed that he thought she was fairer than all the rest. Her eyes narrowed, he’d insulted her. His touch was gentle and had her flipping her hand over so their palms could meet. The action causing tingles to shoot through the appendage.

Smiling as he continued, his words of flattery distracting her immensely. Their thoughts ran so well together she knew it was something decided and out of her hands. His words continued, each more telling than the last. The word delicious caught her off guard, but the moment he leaned across the board she was pressing forward. Hand lifted and clenching his as their lips met. Sweet heat and fire leapt through her veins. She whimpered when he broke away, his words caused her mouth to pause, falling open before closing gently with a soft shake of her head. “Cheater…” She whispered as he leaned in for another soft kiss.

Returning his soft kiss, she moved slipping from her seat. The game over she returned the pieces to their chest and turned to spy him watching her. “Rascal, thief, artist of trickery… I have dreamt of a man such as yourself… one that would sneak in and steal my sense of thought, my kisses and perhaps, eventually, my heart. However, I never imagined that he would be so witty as to brazenly beat me using his lips along with his skill on the board. Strong, brave, Intelligent, handsome, charming, and honorable. Sir Hargik…. Ne’ebo, you are all of those things and then some.” She pushed off the table and moved toward the pitcher set on the low table before the fire, pouring herself a goblet of water. Her mouth was dry and she drank deeply.

Watching him, she poured another and brought it to him before sweeping downward and stealing her own kiss. Even sitting he was almost as tall as she, something else that made her smile. Her lips lingered on his and parted a bit, she was unsure of how to proceed she paused momentarily before the tip of her dainty tongue touched the seam of his lips. Fear she was doing it wrong filled her and she broke the kiss, embarrassed and blushing. With her inexperience showing, she sipped at the goblet before trying again. This time pulling him to his feet and wrapping her arms about his waist, she pressed her lips softly to his leaving the rest up to natural progression, but refusing to do more than kiss. Although she knew the manner of male, she was dealing with and he’d not dare press his advantage with her.
Ne'ebo smiled at her comments and waited until she had finished speaking before replying. "I merely hope I prove worthy of one so beautiful and perfect my Princess." He let her lead him to the fire and when she had kissed him her tongue slipping over his lips he had begun to respond when she withdrew. he had just been about to take her in his arms when she pulled him and took him in hers. He wrapped his powerful arms tightly around her folding her into his chest perfectly as his own tongue met hers running over and along it his hands on her back so warm.

As their kisses were growing more passionate and things might have led further on Mathilde suddenly rushed in. She ignored the embraced couple. "Ne'ebo!! It's sir Hernod!!" Though a man of wit as well as action, Ne'ebo was a man of action first and with a pained longing look at Fenice he released her and ran out fo the room to cry out. "Hernod!!!"

Hernod was a Gaulman knight who was not very skillful but he was well liked for his gentle nature and is defense, even at his expanse, of those weaker than himself. Mathilde led Fenice out into the hall to see Hernod laying bloody in the main hall. He had no signs of an actual beating but of having been thrown from his horse into a might bramble with thorns and roots and other vegetation all over his armor. but his face was also swollen so badly that blood was leaking from many places. Ne'ebo was by the man's side and grabbed the knight's squire. "i know not my lord. One moment all was well as we rode along goign to visit an old friend of my master's. Then his horse went wild and reared and my master was thrown into a ravine and fell into a great bramble brush. While within he happened upon a nest of vipers and they did strike him."

Ne'ebo groaned. "What color?" "My lord?" "What color were the vipers!!?" "Ohh green my lord. i had to kill them..i have the bodies.." "Show me." The lad pulls out seven headless snakes and Ne'ebo groans and whirls on Mathilde. "Bring your healers and all their herbs. My princess I need to you to get the cooks making bread and a soup with as many leeks and onions as they can make but not to remove it from the pot until i come to add something. please go quickly." Mathilde had left as soon as he started speaking to Fenice and was back with every healers and a wagon full of herbs and treatments. Ne'ebo rose and got to work gathering items then began pouring them on the wounds and forcing them down Henrod's throat along with water before he began cutting at the bitten places with a small dagger. The resulting sprays of blood he ignored as the pressure released and Henrod began to breath though he was still in pain the poison pouring out of his skin in thick white globules there having been so much of it seemed to have great affect on the poor knight who began to make noises of life for the first time and then Ne'ebo took his hand. "Be at peace my friend. Where there is pain there is life."
Fenice trembled in his arms, his heat wrapping around her like a warm blanket. He was so strong yet he was gentle with her in this moment holding her close as they kissed once more. Pink tongue flicked out and met with his, tasting and testing eagerly. Soft moans and whimpers of pleasure left her mouth as desire filled her body. Pressing closer she timidly moved her hands to touch the bare skin of his back, her hands easing the fabric up. He might not press his advantage with her but she certainly could and would if given the chance.

Time ceased to exist as she kissed the male; the fates had blessed her with a kind and gentle spirit. Tapered fingers moved over the strong flesh of his back, burning a path of fire along his skin. That is, until Mathilde rushed in. Fervent kisses were being doled out and soft sounds of desire were leaping into the air. She swallowed hard and nodded at him to go and see to the man.

Fenice turned a smoldering gaze onto Mathilde, smoldering only because the heat welling up in her body from the teasing kisses. Following her maid, she gasped when she saw the bloody spectacle that was in the hall. She wasn’t one to faint or be terribly female about things but the amount of blood and, stuff, leaking out on the stone was enough to make her quite queasy. Turning her eyes to the squire, she listened to his story. The back and forth between the males lost her and soon the younger was pulling out headless snakes. Mathilde squealed and shoved her way behind Fenice.

Mathilde was all too eager to be free of the snakes and scrambled away on her task. Glancing at the male, her face still flushed from their recent closeness she appeared more innocent in this light. Nodding her head at his instructions, she grasped her skirts, moved in close and pressed a quick kiss to his brow before dashing away. Her actions normal to her but foreign to any watching. Rapping sharply on the doors in the servant’s quarters she’d roused several from sleep. Giving them their simple instructions she moved amongst the cooks and helped them knead and shape bread to make up for what they would lose in using some of their already made supplies.

The soup was a different story, the onions strong and causing her eyes to water as she moved about. With flour across her cheek and covering the tip of her nose, she sent one of the servants to fetch Ne’ebo. “Please, tell him the soup is ready, only waiting for his additive. She greeted him with wide smile but turned back to her work. Slicing the now baked bread into slices before bringing her knight a slice of the warmth. “Made from my own hand… tell me, do you expect Sir Hernod to make a full recovery my knight?” The kitchen staff was the most trusted of the royal family, having been handpicked by the Archbishop himself so as not to be poisoned, they heard the words and saw the actions of their fair princess, a few smiling at each other and back at the duo.
Ne'ebo took the bread from her hand by the simplest method. he bit it but he managed to lick her hand unseen by all before turning to the soup and began chopping herbs and dropping them in the soup until his hands were empty and then he gave a large tureen full to the squire who had followed. "Give this to your master. Every drop." as he spoke Henrod was brought into the hall door but not into the kitchen. He tossed one of the healers a funnel. "Put that in his mouth."" the healer obeyed and the squire got to it. The soup bettered Henrod's color by the very first drop and soon he was looking much better but Ne'ebo insisted they keep pouring it down his gullet until he was all but bleeding the stuff.

Ne'ebo helped the princess make food proving quite the skilled cook to the cooks and soon with his kind but witty remarks and gentle manner she was soon their favorite as well and they were chatting with him amiably as he worked on the soup keeping it cooking and the squire pouring it down Henrod's throat. The healers began to drift off and some of the cooks did as well not wanting to miss the little sleep they could get.

By the time the soup was all gone the servants had gone off to bed Ne'ebo shooing them away seeing their yawns. Henrod had stopped bleeding and though he was still asleep his breathing was no longer ragged and labored. "Get him a bed." The healers get him taken care of and off to bed. by this time it's nearly one in the morning. Ne'ebo yawns and turns to Fenice.

"Well my princes sit is time for both of us to be abed." he took her arm and lead her to her rooms. Once again he kissed her deeply but broke the kiss before they could both be drawn in to deeply then went to his room and checked his things before moving to another empty room which he checked before going to sleep on the floor in moments.
Fenice felt his tongue touch her finger, sending a chill down her spine. It helped knowing she wasn’t alone in her frustration at having been interrupted. At least it was a worthy cause, she didn’t fret when his answer never came. Going back to work alongside the baker. Her eyes were on him a bit of the time, she couldn’t help it. A pallet arrived with the ill man upon it, shocking some of the servants, but only because the extent of his injuries. Fenice sighed a sigh of relief. Seeing him now as compared to then she knew, the man was well onto his way of healing.

Smiling at Ne’ebo, she sent up her prayers of thanks for his arrival. Mathilde easily stepped into the kitchen and began helping them. After a time she sent Mathilde away to bed. Leaving Fenice in Ne’ebo’s capable hands. The laughs from the servants surrounding them was music to her ears. Wiping her hands on the apron tied about her trim waist, she scurried around the kitchen to help the tired squire refill the heavy tureen. Sharing a gaze with the knight, she felt her cheeks heat and had to turn away.

Slowly their company dwindled, the cooks and kitchen servants singing his praises. Smiling she returned to him in time to hear his words advising them of bedtime. The way he stated such left the blood to rush to her ears and make her feel as though she was floating. She knew he didn’t mean together but she could always hope and dream for such. Removing the apron, she wound her arm around his. Turning her head as they walked she covered her mouth as she gave a wide yawn. Save for a bit of tiredness around her eyes she looked fine.

Staring up at him as his head lowered she lost herself in his kiss, rising to the tips of her toes and pressing her body to his she whimpered when he broke the kiss. Her body burned beneath her dress and she wished to pull him inside and explore each of his long limbs with kisses and nips. The thought causing her smile to widen as he bid her goodnight. Fenice ducked into her room, her heart ready to explode. She was certain that this was what love felt like.

Fenice woke to the sun high in the air, a dress laid out on the chair nearest her wardrobe and alone. Her dreams had been filled with passion and heat from her wondrous knight. Her body aching for Ne’ebo in ways she’d never experienced. Singing a merry tune, she pulled open the sashes on the windows and smiled out at the bright day, clouds loomed on the horizon speaking of more snow but for now, the sun held up and made everything bright and cheery. Donning the dress of rich red, she smiled at her reflection and plaited her hair before coiling it upon her head. Adding one of the flowers in a pale yellow and white she smiled making her way to the dining hall for lunch.

Her stomach rumbled letting her know of its displeasure of missing breakfast. Mathilde took up residence beside her as soon as the door swung open. Sitting she smiled at her father and then turned her blue eyes upon Ne’ebo. “Good morn, pleasant dreams I hope… How is Sir Henrod this morning?” She moved her hands out of the way, as Mathilde sat a plate laden with food in front of her. Fenice ate heartily.
Instead of speaking to Answer he pointed at the knight. Henrod was still pale and he was being helped to the table but he was living. he nodded to the princess. "I thank you for your assistance milady. My squire tells me that you and your sworn knight there saved me from my affliction."

Ne'ebo said nothing but smiled. Kay, William, and their ladies soon joined the meal and it was clear to all that three couples at the meal were in love. When the king arrived he greeted everyone warmly and gave a grateful prayer that Henrod was still with them. He started to praise Ne'ebo but Ne'ebo broke in. "Your Grace all I did I did in the name of the Princess Fenice. So though it were my hand sit was her goodness that saved Sir Henrod." Elias smiles at this and nods. "Then thanks be to God that my daughter , the lovely Princess Fenice was that and had had the wisdom to have such a skillful knight sworn to her service."

After the meal Elias allowed Ne'ebo to walk Fenice and Trala to the tournament, Trala riding on Ne'ebo's shoulder as Fenice had his other arm. Ne'ebo did not speak as they walked smiling as Trala giggled at the jester who was walking before them making much of them and himself. Once on the dais he set Trala down then helped Fenice sit kissing her hand. "All i do i do for you My Princess." and witht hat he was off to the axes.

William again took his place to face Quentin and the others for the archery and this time it came down to a tie between Quentin and himself. They had scored point for point all day and at the last they had each a single shot to determine the Archery champion of the day. Sir Quentin lost the coin toss so he went first hitting a perfect bullseye. William looked at his lady, a Gwendolyn of Ettismoor, and smiled then turned, took careful aim and fired. Sir Quentin's arrow fell in splinters as William's arrow sat buried in the head of Quentin's arrow. the crowd erupted as the other knights rushed William and Qunetin paid Ne'ebo before going to congratulate the young master who blushed as the King named him Bow Champion of the day once more. Quentin shook his hand and said. "I'll get you tomorrow young man." William smiled. "i shall endeavor to prevent it sir." And laughing the two went off to watch the semifinals then finals of the Axes.

The Axes had been far more brutal than the maces. though only practice weapons with blunt edges these weapons were far more dangerous and only the truly skilled were allowed to enter. Ne'ebo had been grateful to be on the same side of the tournament board as Sir Ecton, Kay having been placed on the opposite side with a older gentleman name Throsson a large Norseman who and wielded an axe since he could grip one.

Throsson wielded a three foot battle axe with dual heads and used it expertly bashing his way to the finals with skill and vigor despite his age and never having a real challenge. Ecton was much the same though his seven foot monster of a single headed battleaxe, built more like a hammer, did great damage with every swing and his opponents were fortunate to survive not one able to withstand him.

Kay had a fair day using his speed, energy and considerable skill to overcome his opponents with his simple but effective three foot war axe and though he had suffered some close calls he had reached the semifinals Throsson uninjured. Ne'ebo had drawn the best. His dual war axes, only two feet long but with wicked looking small dual heads had allowed him to bash, throws and claw his way to the semi finals without gaining a scratch his speed still his best advantage over his fellows. When he beat the last man before Ecton, he looked over at the Dais as he helped the man up then looked back and said. "You fought well sir." the other knight nodded a bit shakily but gratefully and allowed Ne'ebo to help him to the healers having received a long cut on his forehead.

Kay and Throsson were up first and both men bowed politely to each other as they awaited the starting announcement. When it came with a "GO!" from the crowd their names mixing on the tongues of the throng, Kay did not rush Throsson, the older's man skill and strength having been made plain all that day. He did feint and Throsson had reacted charging at Kay. the blows that followed were thick, powerful, and almost wild with their intensity. Finally they had been glaring at each other, axes crossed between them when Throsson had shoved with his axe. to his dismay the weapon had cracked under the strain of battle and now it splintered. Seizing the moment Kay struck him in the chest with the butt of the axe then smashed him down with the weapon and held it over Throsson's throat kicking the shattered remains of the other's axe away. "Do you yield sir?" Throsson sighed but nodded. "i do. Well fought Sir Kay." Kay helped Throsson up and smiled under his helm. "And you Sir Throsson. next time i only hope your axe breaks before you can pummel me with it anymore." And the two left the ring to the roars of the crowd while the splinters were removed.

Once ready Ecton lumbered into the ring wielding his massive axe and Ne'ebo walked in with his usual grace. ne'ebo bowed and after a moemnt so di Ecton. "Good luck to you sir." Ecton nodded. he had not spoken a word to anyone since his injury and many were sure he had lost the skill. What no one knew is that Sir Ecton may have been addled but he still upheld his high sense of honor and respect and he protected those weaker than himself at all costs thus making him an excellent knight despite his disability but he had also gained a bit of an ego from his massive strength. he had felled knights today famed for their prowess in battle and hteir own impressive strength but Ecton was simply too much for them. So when the "GO!!" came and he swung the mighty axe around at Ne'ebo he expect the man to either be crushed or to dodge it. Ne'ebo did neither. He blocked it. He stopped the blow cold. Ecton strained but Ne'ebo did not seem strained at all. The crowd looked on in awe to see a man, though powerful to be sure, a full foot shorter than the towering bull Ecton holding the larger man still. Then Ne'ebo spoke. "You are indeed strong my friend. but not nearly strong enough." And with that he slaped the axe down and ran up the axe two steps to jump and smash his axes together on Ecton's helm. Ecton staggered grunted then fell unable to rise. When the time required passed and Ne'ebo declared the winner he removed Ecton's helm caefully and seeing the man looked at him a little blearily, he asked. "Are you hurt sir Ecton?" And for the first time Ecton spoke. "no..I not hurt. Just dizzy. How you so strong?" And as ne'ebo helped Ecton up he explained. "my friend I was trained by holding two straining horses still with one hand on each side. Eventually it became a game. Tug of war do you know this?" Ecton nodded. "I was not given my sword until i could pull all four horses to me at the same time." Ecton blinked. "me try." Ne'ebo smiled. "Do then my friend but be careful. don't hurt the horse and don;t pull to hard." Ecton nod his gentle heart not willing to harm the horse. "now come meet the princess." Ecton blushed and tried to pull away but Ne'ebo pulled back. "No no my friend. The princess is a fine woman and she will want to praise you for your skill Cme." he lead Ecton there and introduced Ecton to Fenice with a smile. Ecton's blush was so fierce that his hair seemed to be turning red. After kisisng Fenice's hand again Ne'ebo elft her with Ecton and Throsson and went to the ring to Kay.

Kay whimpered seeing Ne'ebo coming. "I'd rather face the giant!!" Ne'ebo shrugged. "Sorry lad." The resulting match was just a replay of yesterday's maces but the crowds were sated having seen the true battle of skill with Kay ad Throsson and the feat of strength by Ecton and Ne'ebo as Ecton's axe had taken five men to pull from the ground. Once he defeated Kay Ne'ebo helped the young knight up and again named him champion of the Axes. Kay blushed but he was grateful that now he would be able to only watch others get beaten by Ne'ebo rather than take the beatings. Still he was grateful to is friend and glowed even more as they neared the dais.

Today Ne'ebo ha d been unable to keep his eyes off Fenice unless he was fighting and then he had quite literally had forced himself to not look at her by having his back to her. His opponents did not think he could possibly be distracted but Ne'ebo took no chances with his safety. Many were commenting that he had not destroyed anyone like he had Jarn and wondered at it as today he had just beaten his opponents rather than thrash them and though they disliked losing the knights took great pleasure in watching and learning from him. When asked he told them gladly that he had indeed been in battle and had used his every weapon to fight and was able to offer advice even to help them and gratefully accepted advice from them on his opponents or the terrain that he was soon the favorite of every knight that was not serving one of the seven lords. These men hated him so much that they still bet against him and promised great rewards to their knights should any of them best Ne'ebo but all had failed much to the delight of the crowd who were beginning to expect amazing things from the newcomer and the odds on him were shrinking rapidly though older bets still retained their original odds.

The king and archbishop were so ecstatic with the day's outcome that Elias whispered in Fenice's ear."I've made another three hundred thousand today my dear!!!" The full debt stands at twelve million and some change and though it seems small with the archbishop already pledging to gift his winnings, with a ten percent offering to his church, to Fenice, the debt will be cut at least in half rather quickly. Mathilde also suspects that Ne'ebo will be putting his own considerable winnings in as well and with that and the next four events before the joust and the final day of archery, which will fill the final day, are the boxing, wrestling, Swords, then the free for all. The joust which is expected to last for five days with so many knights will be followed by the mock battles lasting the final two days and then on the fifteenth day the champions will be announced. If Ne'ebo can win and predict other winners then the treasury will soon be simply bursting with gold.
Fenice smiled widely, pleased that Sir Henrod was out of bed after such a scare. Because they were unable to touch above the table Fenice’s dainty foot rested upon Ne’ebo’s booted one beneath the table and hidden by the many skirts she wore as well. She tapped his foot gently and nodded politely at the man. “It was nothing good sir, I’m thankful that Ne’ebo knew what to do and my maid had the good sense to find him as quickly as she did.” Smiling up at her father, she blushed and dipped her head to share a soft smile with her knight after his words of kindness.

Her heart swelled with love for the man, even though it was not allowed to be that way. She knew the tournament was coming for her hand and the one her heart, and body, desired was competing there was no way to know he’d triumph. This weighed heavy on her mind, scaring her a bit and allowing her to calm her aching soul.

Fenice glided on air beside him, arm wrapped tightly about his as they walked to the lists. The quiet was not calming and served to stoke the fear welling up inside her. It was a fine thing to be in love, but to blatantly show it off when it was not allowed was not such a fine thing. Her hand tingled where his lips had been and she held the dainty appendage up close to her heart, wishing to savor the moment and the words that spilled from his lips.

The tournament was much more horrific than she ever thought it to be before. Sliding her rump to the edge of the seat, she watched the battles intensely. Sir William and Sir Kay’s females joined the princess on the raised dais, each blushing in turn when their beau glanced their way. Fenice wondered if this was how she looked when Ne’ebo cast his eyes upon her; if such were the case, the lords would be furious with him. They wanted their own choices picked and married in to sit upon the throne at her side. To give her many heirs with their choosing and to be in charge of the crown since the female was never allowed to make choices, not like the male.

It was their doing that said she had to be married soon. It was their words that stated she and her father were not allowed to choose. But in a sense, she had chosen him. Her heart wanted the strong knight at her side; her body desired the male night after night to be with her in her bed and in her arms. Every part of her essence wanted Ne’ebo as her husband and the people’s king.

“You’re majesty… are you alright, you’ve grown pale…,” the females asked.

“Yes… yes, I’m fine.” She was NOT fine, her mind spun with the realization that she was in fact, in LOVE with the knight. When did it happen and how. It was such a sudden thing to come to such a conclusion but there it was staring her in the face. Her eyes flew over the field before her, meeting his and feeling the charge of electric current jolting through her veins. Was it the same for him, she wondered. Perhaps not love but she knew he was terribly fond of her. His manner and actions told her such. Lifting a hand to her lips, she felt them tingle. Their shared kisses were filled with passion and heat.

Ne’ebo was facing Sir Ecton; it was terribly quick and fierce battle. He’d pledged himself to her, stating he’d fight for her life with his. “God save the man that tries…” She whispered the fierceness on his face and the determination to win was very apparent. Even though he adored his opponent. After the battle was over, she stood clapping her hands at the winner, Ne’ebo. It came as no surprise but still she was very pleased. Throsson sat on the edge with Sir Kay, his companion staying with the other females but continuing to bat her eyes at him. Her eyes trailed over Ne’ebo as he approached before smiling up into his face. The urge to kiss him swelled up in her but she stamped it down.

“You fought very well Sir Ecton; it was magnificent watching you fight.” She wiggled her hand in Ne’ebo’s grip as his lips caressed the top. “Fight well Sir Hargik…,” she stated softly before returning to her seat. She watched him and Sir Kay battle, her hand held tight in the grip of Sir Kay’s young lady friend.

Trala sat with the fallen warriors but didn’t bug them; instead, she sat silently watching her hero win. “He’s going to win the Princess to…,” she whispered into their ears which made the men roar in laughter.

Watching the trio suspiciously, Fenice rises to greet the knights heading their way. Ecstatic at the win she smiled down at him from her raised spot. Her father’s whisper into her ear caused her to smile wider at the male. “Congratulations on your win Sir Hargik.” She took his offered hand and walked along his side toward the castle. Trala followed them flanked on either side by one of the other knights, her parents following close behind her and then the two young knights and their young ladies. Trala rushed forward to say goodbye to Ne’ebo and Fenice. The princess knelt and hugged the young child.

The group made it into the dining hall, Fenice broke away. “I need to go do something...” She lifted her skirts, grabbed the girls, Mathilde and they all took off toward her room. A bit later they returned each wearing a fancier gown than she left in, save for Fenice who stood off to the side and ushered the males forward to escort the females back to the table. Smiling she slid into her seat escorted by the archbishop who patted her shoulder gently. She smiled up at him before her eyes rested on Ne’ebo, they sparkled at him. “I figured looking their best at dinner was the nicest way to congratulate their young men. Tomorrow morning we will be having the others fitted for all the rest of the tournament and commencing with a special one for the ending banquet.”
Ne'ebo hugged Trala goodbye as well then smiled as she kissed her cheek and whispered. "You would be a good husband for the princess."

He had been a bit worried when all the ladies vanished but when they returned dressed in gorgeous gowns his eyes instantly flew to Fenice. When he saw her his throat and mouth went dry and the world was gone except for Fenice to the man. Elias saw this and having picked up on his daughters worries he leaned over. "Darling daughter I see well that you are in love. And i assure you. that man is in love you with you."

The truth of it was plain on the man's face and eyes. though usual unreadable his adoring longing gaze bespoke of deep powerful feeling for her. Mathilde saved him from making the scene by nudging him towards the table. he walked to it and only just managed to collect himself before the lords came in.

They had a standing invitation to eat at the palace anytime they wished and tonight they took it though they came alone. They were not allowed to sleep in the castle though for reasons of chivalry and propriety. They sat at the table taking pleasure in the silence that met them. Their cruel methods of abusing their beloved king and princess were well known among the nobles and knights.They were just beginning to begin their usual presumptive ways of taking over when Ne'ebo asked. "My lords. how fared you in the wagering dens today?" he well knew that they had lost thousands each. This comment brought them around to glare at the knight.

"Lord Winter spoke first. "Tell me Sir. Hargik. What is it to hide behind the skirts of woman?" They started to grin but Ne'ebo answered quickly. "It is rather enjoyable my lords. They protect you quite well from even the most filthy of slime." This caught them sort. he of course had not given them the right to challenge him, though he could have killed them all bare handed instantly and as egotistical they were they knew it.

Lord Tallow spoke now. "Sir Hargik you seem unstoppable. What is your secret?" Ne'ebo smiled sweetly. "Simple. I have the favor of the ladies." They all giggled and Tallow smiled as well. "Oh. are you a ladies' knight?" Ne'ebo may have been a new English knight he was well of aware of the insult. This was a polite way of implying that a knight was gay. Ne'ebo smiled so very sweetly. "Perhaps. You could ask Sir Jarn." tallow flushed at the though of his knight, who was still unconscious in the healing tent.

Lord Dufrayne spoke up next eying one of the more comely kitchen wenches. "I am told you have fought in many wars Sir Hargik. Which ones?" Ne'ebo titled his head thinking after pulling out parchment and quill and wrote for sometime. Most of the wars and battles were place they had never heard off but he had also fought in Russia, in Europa, In Gaul, and even in Italia. Dufrayne and the others went pale as they knew they faced a warrior who had slew hundreds if not thousands but was also either their equal or superior in the mind. Most of these lords were too young to have ever seen actual war and only Lord Tallow had actually fought in one and everyone knew he actually don his 'fighting' in the command tent rather than on the field.

One of the ladies at the table, who could also read took the list and was startled to see how long it was. The list soon made it to the princess. She was startled to see more than thirty wars , major, and minor, listed here before her. They had all taken place in the last ten years and somehow he had taken part in them.Of course the lords tried to disprove it but Ne'ebo proved conclusively that he had been present and had fought giving great detail on each. When asked how he had moved so quickly about he laughed. "Well once I had my weapons I was sent out by my master Tekono to go forth and make myself a name. So first i fought in Japan. Then i sailed to China and fought there. Then north to Russia. The war there raged across the great land east until i Came to Europa and fought my way further east and south. I never managed to arrive here. After the last there listed I went back to Egypt to try to visit my father but he was unable to see me before i left for Japan in a caravan. I reached home eight years after leaving.Then i fought either at home or in China or southern Asia until we learned of the most noble Tournament held by the good King Elias." he raised his water in a salute to Elias.

The lords stared at the younger man hating him. The two younger lords who had not spoken, a Jethro Mansville, and a Hiram Bulyark asked in their weaselly way. "Tell us Sir Hargik how well off are you?" Ne'ebo chuckled. "My lords I have brought ten millions of silver alone to my Lord Tekono just in the past year. He granted me half of that as my own wealth. I sent that to my family in Africa." The two lords flushed and sputtered. "How much are you worth Sir Hargik?" Ne'ebo shrugged. "At least twenty millions with no trouble." This shook them mightily as even Lord Winter, the richest of them was worth only seven. King Elias was technically worth a hundred millions because he owned all of Britannia but even he was startled by the figure and now he asked. "Sir Hargik my friend how can you have so much wealth and be but a simple Knight?" Ne'ebo blinked. "but your Grace I am a samurai and a warlord in both Japan and Africa." Seeing this meant nothing to them he explained. "A samurai is a knight in Japan but like here is often a nobleman. But A Warlord is a man who has earned his power and wealth through conquest. I own a full ten million acres amongst Japan Russia, Europa, and Africa."

The lords stared at Ne'ebo and hated him but the last two lords, older men both twin brothers in fact lords Joffre and Navarre Cretch spoke now. They were much more polite. "Sir Hargik why then have you left they owning to come to us?" N'ebo did not look at Fenice but she could feel him wanting to. "I have come because the knights of England are ranked amongst the best warriors in the world and I wished to test myself. Also I am wifeless and I heard always that the beauty of Englishwomen was beyond compare. This i have found to be true." Now he did look at Fenice raising his glass again. "to the beauty of Englishwomen. May it only grow if that be possible." His eyes burn at Fenice.

After all this the seven lords had little to say so Ne'ebo turned to Sir Boris who had many questions about the wars Ne'ebo had fought in. It turned out they had fought together in several battles but had never met and they traded many stories about happenings while Boris bounced his children on his knee. Suddenly the table before Ne'ebo jumped and he looked under then laughing pulled out one of Boris's girls, then one of his boys." Boris' wife yelped. "Children you must not bother Sir Hargik." But Ne'ebo raised his hand. "All if well milady. Now tell me yout names little ones. " They smiled shyly up at him but answered. "Anatasia and Gregor Sir Hargik.." Ne'ebo shook his head. "none of that. My fear friends call me Ne'ebo. You are my freinds are you not?" They giggle. "yes sir-Ne'ebo." and they listen as Ne'ebo and their father tell this story together:

One snowy day in the white wastes of Russia after battle the men were feeling very lonely and depressed. It was Christmas. The men began to grumble and soon it appeared every man not of noble birth, and quite a few of noble birth would be deserting the army to go home. Boris himself wished to go home but he would not desert.Ne'ebo had been with a group who had remained silent but had gone out and gathered the largest pine they could find and brought them to the army. The men had fallen silent seeing the mighty greenery. One of the silent ones had spoken. "Here you may have your Christmas celebrations. Decorate eat, drink, make merry and remember that your families are as well." It had started slowly but Boris himself had gone to one of the trees and lit a candle and with some help put it at the top of the first tree then turned to the nearest man and gave him a whole loaf of bread. The resulting fever caught on like wildfire and soon the whole army was singing dancing and making fools of themselves but they were happy. The trees were bedecked with candles, weapons, armor, and all sorts of finery even jewelry. The next day the men had risen up and smote the enemy full sore until not one man was left to fight, most captured. the war was over and the men were sent home for Christmas the army not having lost a single man. Boris had gone home to his children and wife and Ne'ebo had moved east too join the next war.

"Father?" "Yes dearest?" "Will we get a Christmas tree?"" Boris looked at Elias and Fenice ad when Elias nodded eh smiled. "Of course my love." The tournament was to end on Christmas Eve and everyone would stay until the twenty seventh. By now everyone is ready for bed except the new couples. This time Elias and the archbishop just turn in so Ne'ebo takes Fenice's arm, once the lords are gone, and takes her ona walk in the gardens where it is snowing, having laid a heavy fur over her shoulders before taking her into the snow. Once sure they were alone he cupped her face then he said it. "Fenice i love you." and then he kissed her deeply and passioantely
Her father’s whispered words caused her heart to soar; she gazed upon Ne’ebo and saw something in his eyes as he slid into his seat. She wasn’t able to recover but it didn’t matter the eyes of the lords weren’t on her, only the knight. Turning her cool blue gaze on the group of men, she wanted them to drop dead, but in doing so, the debt would not be resolved that way. Her body turned in her chair to face the sour men, when the words hit her she fought everything in her not to rise up. White knuckles gripped the table edge; she knew he wasn’t a ladies knight, his passion in their kisses and the adoration he showed to her. His longing and protest when they were interrupted the night before.

The young lord’s eyes all bore into her daring her to speak in his defense. Fenice knew it would be disastrous if she did. Instead, her body turned and she faced Ne’ebo. His beautiful flourishing handwriting moving across the page. Her eyes moved over the others at the table and then back to the lords. The sheet found its way to her hands; her eyes flew over the list. Shock apparent on her face, he was valiant and loyal, confident and calm… these were what she loved about him. Smiling she passed the parchment on to Mathilde.

The talk of money didn’t bother her, she knew he was capable and proved it time and time again. Her eyes fell to him; his land ownership was a huge deal. Their own ownership was immense but for a non-royal it was unheard of. Her eyes searched his face for answers, but his eyes avoided hers at the moment. Sipping at her water goblet, she blushed, knowing he was wifeless but hearing him state it in such a fashion caused her cheeks to burn. Her gaze lifted to his, burning and growing in heat. Lifting her glass, she drank to his toast, his words touching her heart and soul.

Seeing him with the children made her heart leap, one day… wishful thinking flooded her and she HAD to turn away. Her eyes caught her fathers and he knew what she was thinking. Swallowing hard she took a sip from the goblet once more. Someday they would have children of their own, children that she would carry and grow. Her body would be his entirely, a thought that made her tremble in her seat.

The story was lost on her, so deep in her own thoughts. The question of a Christmas tree caught her attention and pulled her from her deep thoughts. Fenice loved bring the families together and decorating the large Christmas tree. Receiving her own personal tree in her room to decorate as she wished. The trees would come this weekend, a rest before the joust and a time to bond with all the families and knights that chose to stay.

Watching everyone filter out slowly, the lords having left before the story finished, Fenice smiled as Ne’ebo reached her side. Mathilde was sent to bed by her father after the war story and before dinner had been finished. The heavy fur keeping her warm as the snow lightly rained down on them.

Her eyes turned up to look upon his face. His words causing her heart to thunder in her chest. She returned his kisses, pressing as close as possible to him with the thicker clothing. Panting softly she broke the kiss, “Ne’ebo… I love you too. I wish to be yours forever…” She kissed him again, deep and passionate lifting her arms along his and wrapping about his neck as the fur slid down her body. She didn’t care nor mind as his arms wrapped about her keeping her warm. “I… I need you Ne’ebo… please.” Her meaning should have been clear; offering herself up to him was a huge step. Nevertheless, she knew what her body wanted, him. Lifting to her toes, she guided him into another heated kissing session. So hot, it seemed the snow about them would melt and force the sun to come out of hiding.
He kissed her back then holding her close said. "Fenice I long for you. i-" "NE'EBO!!" he closed his eyes and she knew he was cursing in his mind as he turned. "Yes?" "The Archbisop has been attacked!!" "WHAT?!" Ne'ebo turned and scooped Fenice up and ran. He ran smoothly and easily holding her and though it was not proper he knew they both would want to see to their friend. They arrived before the archbishop's door who was just fine.

Before him lay a athletic young man that Fenice recognized as one of the servants of Lord Tallow. Ne'ebo set her down and went to the archbishop. "Are you well my lord?' The man waved his hand dismissively. "not even scratched..but why did he attack me?" Few knew it but the archbishop had been a man of war before joining the church and had risen through the ranks because of his kind nature and loyal manner, but also because he brooked no abuse to himself or his priests nuns or monks and had thrown many a would be abuser out of churches and he had fought literally and figuratively with every threat that faced his church and his flock. He was one of the best preachers in the land and many could point to him as the reason for their coming to the Church.

He had killed the servant who bore an assassin's dagger. Ne'ebo stared at the blade. "Why should they wish you dead my lord?" The answer came in the form of Bishop Robert Tallow. Lord tallow's younger brother. he rushed on the scene. "my lord archbishop are you harmed?" Ne'ebo saw the family resemblance though eh did not know the man. Fenice did though and she knew full well that Robert would be one of many in contention for the archbishop's office should anything happen to the current one. Ne'ebo did not know all this but he came to the correct conclusion and started to rise but at a touch from the archbishop he said nothing as he held out the dagger and kicked the man's hand over showing the make that named the man a servant to Lord Tallow.

"My lord Bishop. it seems one of your brother's servants has gone mad and sought the blood of my life. You must tell him to take better care of his servants else they may destroy him." Robert blinked and started to speak but then looked at the fuming Ne'ebo and nodded. "my lord." and went off to speak to his brother. Once gone Ne'ebo hissed. "Cowards.t o attack a holy man." "Now see here Ne'ebo-" Ne'ebo blinked. "Forgive me my friend i did not mean to imply weakness on your part. but you are a man of faith and charity who has done much for this land. your body is sacred. nearly as sacred as that of Christ Himself. To attempt to harm a holy man..." he snarls his eyes still flashing in anger.

The archbishop sighed. "Ne'ebo I understand. but we must remain patient...and you best get Fenice to her room. They will be watching you." Ne'ebo sighed but nodded breathing away his anger though Fenice sensed that next time he faced one of the lords knights they would know true pain and fear for daring to come at their friend. Still he ki9ssed her tenderly enough then went to his room and checked everything again before changing rooms once again and still again checking his one as well. Then he stretched out on the floor and soon was asleep ready for the boxing the next day.
Fenice whimpered, his words mirroring hers. Her loins fluttered and her mouth widened into a smile. A smile that faltered as the voice hollered out. Tilting her head as his eyes closed she knew he wished the person away, as much as she did. He picked her up gently after she bent to retrieve her fur. Tears of frustration and fear fell mixed from her eyes. The world past quickly and he didn’t jostle her as she expected as he ran. Her arms curled around his neck and pressed into him shivering. Seeing the archbishop was fine, she sighed with relief. Lips puffy and full from their heated kisses, tears streaming from her curious eyes. Lifting slim fingers, she wiped at the evidence of frustration from her face before eyeing her family friend suspiciously.

Keeping her arm tight about his she stayed at his side. The bishop approached and her suspicions were piqued. Fenice knew this was no mistake and the lords were behind this, they were becoming very fearful and brave. Fear welled up in her; the man she loved was well within their range. Something that caused her worry, Ne’ebo could have been attacked and the wrong man killed, then he’d been accused of murder. Her hear nearly stopped as her mind’s eye imagined him on the gallows or chopping block. Her dreams of him as her king would die and with him, the children she imagined.

Hand gripping tightly his arm she felt panic rising as he moved with her through the halls after saying goodnight to the archbishop. “Be safe…,” she whispered after their lips parted, fear in her eyes. She wanted to cling to him and pull him into her room, keep him safe in her bed. Not even making love but just holding onto and cherishing the time spent in silence. Her hand slipped from his arm and she disappeared into her room. Falling on the stone floor in tears.

Mathilde held her, stroking her hair and whispering soft words into her ear. “The lords, they are after him…. and I love him…. I love him Mathilde… and him, me.” It was an hour or so before she calmed and allowed the maid to put her into bed, stripped down to her undergarments beneath the thick blankets. The maid sat with her and slept in the chair at her bedside.


The next morning after breakfast, the princess’s room was all atwitter with activity. Seamstresses and maids moved about showing the females gowns. Fenice was fitted for her Christmas Eve and Christmas gown. The day of the finals, she would wear a deep red color and the next day at the ball a gold one that showed of her assets as a woman. The girls giggled that Ne’ebo would hardly be able to control himself. Fenice knew this would not be the case, as she was the one who wished to advance their relationship beyond the borders they kept it in. After sipping tea and eating a light lunch her and the other females travelled to the lists together, it was more than a few and Trala and her mother had also been included in the festivities. Each receiving a gown for both as well, a gift from herself and Ne’ebo.

Her eyes found his across the field and time stood still for the brief moments they maintained the contact. Sending him a smile, she sent her prayers up into the heavens. The boxing was something she was not looking forward to. The young men greeted their ladies and joined the rest of them on the dais to cheer on Sir Hargik. Fenice knew he would do well but was still worried, each of the lords were plotting scoundrels and she could see the wheels turning.
Today was different. Today Ne'ebo had many names for Elias and the archbishop and after the attack last night Ne'ebo decided to up his own methods. He refused to do anything dishonorable but he had other ways. He had gone to each of the men not owned by the lords and had told them about the attack. The archbishop was nearly as popular as the King and Princess. Only a Sir Wilmer was left to Ne'ebo and that only because he was Ne'ebo opponent. Wilmer was reputed as an excellent boxer having won the event three years running.

While the other lord's knights were beaten about the ring Ne'ebo sat watching Wilmer. Their's would be the last fight of the initial round. and everyone knew it would be quite the show knowing Wilmer's skill and assuming Ne'ebo's. Finally their fight came and everything seemed to stop. Wilmer peeled off his robes and stood only in leggings his pale and pale hair revealing his hard muscled body well. Ne'ebo entered the ring and removed his robe. Everyone stared at his jet black skin, the many scars on his body, including whip lashes, but most of all the massive muscles of his body. They were thick but also lithe and he seemed to ripple with power and strength.

As he flexed and stretched waiting for the beginning of the fight the lords shared a look just before the "Go!" Wilmer rushed in swinging wildly. Ne'ebo responded with short but immensely powerful blows to the face, chest, and gut. His hands seemed to fly passing through Wilmer's guard effortlessly. Wilmer began to stagger on thirty seconds into the fight and then Ne'ebo brought up a vicious uppercut and knocked Wilmer up and out of the ring the fight over. So too was Wilmer's next three days.

His blazing green eyes fell on the lords and he stepped over the ropes and over Wilmer silently the message clear. The next seven fights were just like the one with Wilmer and no one was surprised when Ne'ebo won the event with no trouble and without a mark on him, dodging, blocking, or knocking away every blow attempted by his opponents. Trala had reported the lords getting angrier and angrier even trying bribe some of Ne'ebo's opponents and the overseers but the issue was simple. None of the knights would take the bribe and the overseers that would could not cheat when Ne'ebo knocked out his opponents with such ease.

William had narrowly beaten Sir Quentin yet again and this time the older knight was furious. not with William who had shot beautifully but with himself. He noted Ne'ebo's icy glare at the lords but did not ask. Ne'ebo had warned him to stay out of the situation days before and seeing how angry the lords were he felt it wise.

Ne'ebo had made quite a bit today betting hard against the lords and for those he had chosen and today he got the king and the archbishop off to the side. they now had about three million ducats between them Ne'ebo not restricted by the same limits as the other two thus able to make more of a profit. The king called Lord Winter over and smiling shoved two million, four hundred twenty one thousand two hundred and eleven ducats to the man. "I believe that squares our debt including interest. You are no longer one of my lords. you may remain but you will not associate with the other lords on pain of death. Now go."

Winter could not argue with the king and with the money, which he had to take, he lost his power. he would never regain it and though he glared at Ne'ebo the larger man now had every right to beat him senseless, but Winter was angry and a really bad loser. Winter hissed. "You African bastard." "That will do it. Excuse me Your grace. My lord." His heavy hand clamped painfully on Winter's shoulder as the king and Archbishop left.

Gabriel Winter had once been a knight. Not much of one but he had been one once. But even then he had never been a fighting man. Ne'ebo was not only a warrior but he was in excellent shape while Winter had rarely done anything for himself for the last thirty years. This was why his next choice was so foolish. He slapped Ne'ebo across the face. Ne'ebo smiled and clenched his hand breaking the shoulder under his hand and punched the former lord once. only once. In the diaphragm. The man was thrown out into the mud. Ne'ebo walked out over the man and by his servants. "Your lord's payment is within. you will collect it and him. If he tries to regain his power I will kill him, you and everyone you have ever loved. Good day."

Ne'ebo went to his princess and now he was able to smile as he kissed her hand. He did not break their cover but his eyes glowed as he murmured. "For you My Princess."
Looking over the field, she gazed upon the men discarding them. Her eyes following only one, his head of black hair shone in the sun. Her eyes danced over him, drinking all of him in. The robe hid much of his flesh and she smiled thinking of what he’d look like in only his leggings. The matches presented were of no interest to her save the fact that the lord’s men were beaten left and right. The men fighting harder and more powerful than she’d ever seen. Clapping she enjoyed the festivities, her eyes barely leaving Ne’ebo.

A hush fell over the crowd when Ne’ebo stepped into the ring behind the tall pale Sir Wilmer. Her eyes flitted over his body that the robe revealed. A quick intake of breath and a soft, “Oh my…” left her mouth. The thing was Fenice did not see the color of his skin when she looked upon him. She saw his strength, kindness, loyalty, honor, bravery, sweetness, confidence and gentleness. All the things she loved about him, not the outward appearance. That hit her now, as something within her womanhood throbbed to life.

Biting down on her lip she looked over his scarred flesh, his back had lash marks that caused her concern. Her eyes raked over his form as he moved, like a panther on the prowl. Sleek and fast. Fenice could hardly remove her eyes from the male even after he won and stepped over the ropes. Lost in daydreams she imagined her hands trailing over the firm flesh of his body. A soft whimper left her as she imagined him scooping her up in his arms for a reason other than running away last night, his body over hers, before they joined. Jerking from her seat, she began clapping with the others.

When her chosen mate called her father and the archbishop over, Fenice watched them curiously. Eyes going wide when the trio gave Lord Winter his money. She wasn’t sure what he’d hissed but saw Ne’ebo go into action; she stood and moved toward the edge of the dais. The second his hand touched Ne’ebo’s face she was on the ground and heading toward them. Her father stopped her, “He can handle it, the lords are watching. If they suspect how you feel then they will find a way to banish him from the competition for your hand.”

Nodding she sat on the edge of the dais. Her eyes flamed across the field toward the Lord. Her eyes remaining there until Ne’ebo came toward her. Her hand was lifted and a tremor ran the course of her spine. “Thank you.” Her fingers caressed his gently. Her heart thundered in her chest as her eyes flitted over his bare chest. Her cheeks heightened in color. “You were amazing,” She gushed, her mind flipped back to the gardens the night before and it didn’t help the heat rising from the apex of her thighs. One look and anyone could see that she was enthralled.

The females came forward as well as Sir Kay and Sir William to congratulate him. Fenice took her father’s arms and let him escort her to the hall. Her knees felt weak and her heart thumped crazily behind her breasts. Her head turning to catch Ne’ebo’s eyes, he was never too far from her thoughts and the ones she had now were very naughty.
Ne'ebo put his robes on smiling as everyone congratulated him and followed along to the castle. he got dressed before going to dinner. This time the lords stayed away plotting other things. Ne'ebo did not speak watching Fenice as many tales of the old days and other great events were told.

Ne'ebo did seem interested at the histories but he disliked the musician's way of telling the stories evidenced by his lack of attention. When asked by Sir Boris Ne'ebo answered. "Musicians and poets focus on the romance and the emotion. And that's fine when there are beautiful women, great moments of redemption or love but..what did he just say?" "Was talking about Sir Lancelot knocking a knight from the saddle." Ne'ebo stared at the musician. "And what what did you say exactly?" "The bold Sir Lancelot of the lake, he who would cause the fall of the great King Arthur because of his love for the beautiful Guinevere, feeling most wroth himself didst strike Sir Hamish Trottle full tilt in the breast and with great random and Sir Hamish was bore to the ground his soul greatly fixated on the moment as he considered the word of God." Ne'ebo stared at the man for a solid minute. "Did you really need to throw all that in to say 'Sir Lancelot knocked Sir Hamish off his horse?" "Well..uh.." Ne'ebo grunts. "My man you play beautifully but you are too wordy. Can't you just tell the story?" The man sputtered but Elias laughed. "A Fair point. Just play and tell the story goodman. I admit i lose track myself. Tell the story of Exacilbur." "Yes Your Grace."

The man went into the story of the legendary sword and without all the twaddle he proved an excellent story teller. He told of Merlin and Arthur finding and gaining the sword, then loss of the scabbard. He went on to speak of pulling Exacilbur from the stone after it had buried itself there due to Arthur's anger and misuse. Then about the Round Table and it's brave knights. Then of the Grail Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Bors, Kay, and the other great names famous the world over. Then he spoke of Mordred and the final battle then of Redivide throwing the sword into the Lake to be caught then the ship that bore Arthur to Avalon. Eyes were wet around the room when he finished then everyone jumped as the clock began to toll twelve. Ne'ebo left his seat and shook the musician's hand and gave him a bag of gold. "Tell stories like that my friend and only like that."

Everyone began to disperse and Ne'ebo was annoyed e would be unable to spend more time with Fenice but he had enjoyed the story. he took her arm and lead her to her room where he kissed her. "I do not care how beautiful your ancestor was. Guenevere could never compete with you my Princess. Arthur's own descendant..." he kissed her again then grunted as he heard the judges rushing knights off to bed. "I must go My princess." His eyes spoke of how much he longed to stay with her and she could feel the tension in his arms but he obeyed gently pulling away then going to his room. He performed his usual routine checks then changed rooms again to rest for the wrestling to come in the morning.
Oh how she hated that his robes covered him from her eyes but then she thought it was best. For if, any female given him the looks she gave they would have to see the village doctors. Jealousy, it was a horrible thing except where it belonged and she felt it belonged in a place that concerned him. He was HERS and she was HIS. It was simple and nothing could stop that. She swallowed hard sitting and listening to the bard’s tales. Well if he lost the tournament for her hand, but he wouldn’t… couldn’t do that. Her eyes were lost for a moment as they fell to him. Her mind lost to the little discrepancy that befell him.

She truly loved him and the feeling was mutual, something he shared with her the night before. Yawning absently no one paid her any mind as their eyes fell on the ones having their little spat before all eyes locked on the bard. Fenice wished to crawl into Ne’ebo’s lap and make him forget every word of the bard’s tale; she smirked and sipped absently at her drink. Left to wander her mind often went where it shouldn’t and all too soon, she was being swept away into her daydream.

She was swollen with child and wishing him well on some adventure, he was leaving her for. So life-like and real she could feel the child moving inside her belly as eh held her in his arms. Tears fell from her cheeks real and in her dream. She didn’t hear the tale that left the others in the room crying, only the pain of him leaving her in the dream. Her body jumped and she sat wiping her eyes as the clock struck. Biting her lip, she looked at Ne’ebo, her heart sinking knowing she would not be able to spend time at his side or in his arms tonight.

Winding her arm through his she felt the tension between them. Returning his kiss, she felt the heat rise in her before he pulled back. Biting her lip, she gazed up at him, silently begging him to whisk her away. It was for naught as he kissed her lips once more. Fenice melted into him, her hands clenching the shirt he wore as he grunted. She wanted him to stay, fought the urge to fall to her knees begging him to stay. Instead, she let him go. “Goodnight…” Her voice was a whisper.

Ducking inside her room, she closed the door silently and sank back against it. Mathilde was in her own room sound asleep. Fenice sighed and stripped out of her clothing before washing up and slipping into a simple gown. Her hair was taken down and brushed before she tucked herself into bed and cried herself to sleep. The exhaustion that came with a busy day overtook her before her pity could.

The next morning dawned bright and snow fell from the skies above. With wrestling being the game today, she wondered if they would be moved inside. A quick glance outside told her the answer. People milled about and watched some of the men stretching, none catching her eye and none being Ne’ebo. She dressed in no hurry this morning, bathing in the heated water the maids filled her tub with and then drying off slowly in front of the fire before dressing in a warm brown dress. Her hair was left down and merely swung free around her body as she walked through the castle. Her eyes landed on her father and the archbishop alone at the table. She accepted her father’s hand and moved to the seat at his side. Biting back asking where Ne’ebo was she focused on the warm plate of food Mathilde placed in front of her.
Elias smiled. "he's out helping set up the tent for the wrestling." When it had begun to snow the workers for the tournament had begun to panic as hey could not hold the wrestling inside as the people would not all fit. But then someone had said "Well the crowds have canvas coverings..why can't the wrestlers?" And so they had got to it. Finding a large enough canvas had been the real problem. But they had found it and with the knights help they pulled it up into place and then carefully tied it off to cover the raised ring and were now tying off the hanging parts so the view would be clear and also putting extra poles in place so the snow would not pile up and rip the canvas down.

While the king explained all of this to his daughter a lady who had not been present the day before spoke. "Your Grace what thinks you of the most dashing Sir Hargik." Elias blinked and looked and closed his eyes in disbelief. It was LAdy Adielade Thismal. An extraordinarily beautiful, wealthy, and arrogant woman. She was very tall but also voluptuous her dresses always cut to accentuate and show off her rather large and impressive bust and cleavage. She was notorious for stealing men from their lovers, using them, then sending them off to die on some foolish quest when she tired of them. And she now had her eyes on Ne'ebo.

Of course Ne'ebo had no idea but the king well knew and he instantly reached for and took his daughter's hand and lead her to the dais at the lists which commanded a excellent view of the ring. It was really just a platform raised four feet off the ground with poles at the four corners to hold up the tent. the rules were simple. Either you submit your opponent or you throw him out of the ring. Ne'ebo and nearly two hundred others would be vying for the prize but as these matches were timed they would go quickly. Ne'ebo smiled when he saw Fenice unaware of Adielade's existence, while the 'Lady' in question sauntered to sit with the lords as Lord Tallow was her beloved uncle.

Ne'ebo and the others were already shirtless today as the wrestling would actually begin with something new this year. At a signal all of them got up on the ring, Ne'ebo burying himself in the middle and at the "Go!!" they began to throw each other off. This one was more as a warm up but it proved rather entertaining as men clung onto the edge each other and the posts to try and prevent being thrown out and the crowd loving it. Yet again Ne'ebo proved his mastery though. From the go he had been a terror. He threw men out of the ring, dodged others, jumped over attackers and would throw others into groups spilling many off. For the first few minutes this was more of what was seen. A push a shove and ten twenty or thirty men would fall out of the ring dragging each other along. Before the match was five minutes old only twenty seven were left, Ne'ebo among them.

THen the real match began. The others rushed each other like bulls but Ne'ebo just dodged his attacker the man bellowing and running o quickly he ran off the platform falling on his face. Kay had joined the match but had been unfortunate enough to be in the middle of one of the groups who had been dragged out and now helped the man up laughing as were the crowds. The fallen man laughed as well and stepped back to watch.

Ne'ebo was playing to the crowd by pointing to his next target and on pointing at a pair of men tussling near the edge and receiving a cheer he went over and with one finger nudged them sending both men falling out, then he ducked as another man dove over him and out of the ring. Now only twenty three. Three brothers, who had kept each other in the match, threw two men out then sighted in on Ne'ebo. They snarled at him and he waved them on his eyes dancing. They rushed.

The crowd was stunned as Ne'ebo seemingly without touching them flipped each man onto his back. They all gasped and while they lay there four more men fell out, three having been distracted by Ne'ebo's move so unprepared when he gripped another man and threw the fellow into them. Nineteen. The crowd was shouting his name now but Ne'bo seemed to only be warming up. He waited until one man rushed him, the others had finally figured out he was the main threat, and just before the rusher reached him Ne'ebo dropped into a perfect split and lowered his chest to the platform the man tripping over him and falling out. Eighteen. The crowd was out of control with their cheers and the ladies were all squealing and oohing over Ne'ebo but what came next really caught them.

Two men leaped on Ne'ebo as he came up catching his arms. They said something to him but he smirked and walked to the edge and lifting them bodily with one arm each, he bought them together smashing them off him and out of the ring, then he did a full back flip dodging the man running along the edge to knock him off and as he came down to land kicked the man off the platform. Fifteen. The three brothers began directing the others to try and beat this man but Ne'ebo would have none of it. While several were still close together talking Ne'ebo leapt across the ring planting both feet in one's chest and knocking him and the man behind him off the ring and when the others looked down Ne'ebo sprang to his feet and catching two rolled his body forward throwing them out. Eleven.

The Archbishop was screaming. "GO AFRICA!!" and Elias was shouting Ne'ebo's name as well. The man was unstoppable. Trala was screaming her head off and bouncing up and down on the King's throne having clambered up to see better. The remaining ten now looked very nervous but decided to circle him. Ne'ebo moved to the center of the ring allowing this and waited. They rushed him and Ne'ebo leapt full into the air again splitting his legs letting them crash together then he came down atop them as they fell. He grabbed two and carried them, by their leggings to the edge and threw them into the waiting arms of the other knights, then dragged another who was clawing and scrabbling at his fellow and dropped him over the edge. Eight.

Kay, William, Quentin, and the many friends Ne'ebo had made since arriving were out of their minds cheering him on. Even the lords were standing staring at this man who had seemingly come to ruin them. They had bet heavily against him but Ne'ebo had bet on himself and had convinced the King and Archbishop to do the same.

The lords had bet on the three brothers but now they were truly regretting it. Ne'ebo eliminated the four others with rather simple techniques when all four rushed him and he ducked rolled through them somehow then turn and shoved two off the platform and then swept his leg at the other two knocking them off the ground to fall to the earth below. Four.

Ne'ebo turned to the brothers and grinned then pointed at them held up three fingers then drew a line across his throat and stepped back into his fighting stance. The rules on attacks were simple as well. No killing or maiming. The youngest brother rushed in first and Ne'ebo just waited until he was close enough then grabbed an outstretched arm, turned his body and with a yank threw the man out of the ring landing him right at the feet of the six lords. The other two rushed him together but he leapt up again and brought a foot around as his body rolled kicking them both across the face. He landed smiled and dragged the two to the edge and threw them ontop of their brother. The crowd went wild. The knights and the peopel were screaming his name as he bowed to them then to the king and Fenice then stepped off the platform.

When the crowd finally calmed down the regular matches began. Though there were some impressive feats, Kay lifted his opponents over his head then threw them out of the ring, and Ecton just shoved his opponents out, while Quentin tired his opponents out then knocked them out of the ring. Ne'ebo however made each one of his opponents tap out. He had ended up with the three brothers again as well as the lord's other knights as they had demanded this from the tournament maker. Ne'ebo was brutal. he could turn any hold they had into a painful submission and even let a few put him in one which he somehow made more painful for them until they screamed to be let go. Kay had met up with Ecton and had surprised himself by beating him with more of a lucky move than anything as Ecton had rushed him and Kay had dove out of the way sending Ecton into a post then falling out of the ring, but then Kay lost when a Sir Latimer, Lord Tallow's personal bodyguard fell with him out of the ring but landed atop him so Kay lost.

Ne'ebo would have let this go but Latimer then kicked dirt on Kay and said. "Impudent boy. You should go learn from your dark friend." Latimer was Ne'ebo final opponent. This time he did not play to the crowd he did not fool around. At the go he leapt on Latimer and gripped his head smashing it to the platform then whirled about and gripped his head again and wrenched it back nearly breaking the man's neck. "APOLOGIZE THEN SUBMIT!!!" his eyes locked on the lords. Latimer tried to struggle but in addition to the pain he could not breath so he shrieked. "IM SORRY!! I YIELD!!" Ne'ebo released the hold and kicked the whimpering man off the platform as he pointed at Kay, William, and Ecton gesturing them up as wella s a few others. They joined him and as one they bowed to the king.

There had been no archery today as William and Quentin had joined the wrestling only the eldest and the injured not competing. Amongst those on the platform were the King's nephews who had done well singly but had been beaten by Latimer and Ecton respectively. Ne'ebo took the champion's prize, a pair of gauntlets and gave one to each boy then raised their hands. The crowd went wild again. Ne'ebo left the platform ascended the dais and bowed to the King and his Princess kissing her hand. "for you my lady." Fenice had heard the jealous and hopeful murmurs of the ladies but Ne'ebo had eyes only for her. Elias was smiling at the angry tone of Lady Thismal. Apparently she had sent him her favor. he had blown his nose on it and dropped it in the dirt and told her messenger. "I already were a true Lady's favor and I will never betray that honor." Of course only Mathilde, Fenice, and Ne'ebo knew whose favor he wore for certain, but Elias and the Archbishop suspected who's handkerchief had been tied on Ne'ebo's right wrist the whole day.
Nodding she understood her father could read her still. She listened to the amusing story; she could only imagine the men running throughout the kingdom attempting to find a sizable piece of covering for the event. Her merriment was interrupted by a nasally female voice. Disdain for the female crossed Fenice’s, usually, mild mannered face. The archbishop lifted a hand to cover a smile as the woman spoke; the reaction of the king alone was comedy enough for him. Picking at her food Fenice appeared bored with the talk of the woman. The woman’s low gown was appalling, showing off her speckled bosom.

As her father led her to the dais, she couldn’t help but compare herself. Her fancy gowns for the Christmas Eve and Christmas ball were cut low but showed off her body in a sophisticated and tasteful manner. Her own skin was creamy and smooth, void of any freckles or mars. She knew of Lady Adelaide’s reputation and penchant for coming after men. She didn’t worry about Ne’ebo but instead, her own sanity. The woman would do everything she could to get Ne’ebo away from Fenice, even if it cost the princess her ever loving mind.

A sigh of relief left her lips when she saw the woman saunter away, her wiggle causing some of the men to gawk on their way to the ring. Her eyes met Ne’ebo’s, his eyes never wavered and it caused her to blush. He was shirtless, a delight for her and she couldn’t help but see the delight it caused for the lady as well. She split her time watching Ne’ebo and Adelaide who drooled over her chosen mate. Anger and fury filled the woman as she sat watching the other ogle him, a body that was meant for her and her only. The tremendous cheering brought her to her feet, rising she held on to Trala’s waist so the little one wouldn’t fall from the throne and hurt herself.

Trala grabbed her neck in a hug when Ne’ebo won. Fenice’s eyes sparkled watching the male, her concentration gone from the gaudy female. The wrestling matches were exciting but she could hardly concentrate when THAT woman kept squealing. The lords didn’t delight in her exaltation as well, glaring at her and giving her dirty looks. Fenice almost hoped one of them would shut her up, but Lord Tallow would complain and demand that the woman be permitted to sit with the royals, something Fenice and her father would never allow. She couldn’t remember how much of a debt was owed to Lord Tallow but prayed they could pay it off quickly so that she wouldn’t have to set eyes on the monstrosity again.

The matches were more amazing and quicker than the large matchup at the beginning and soon Ne’ebo was left to face the last male, a Sir Latimer. When he won, which was no surprise she smiled and clapped with Trala. Her hand shook slightly when he kissed it. Her eyes stayed upon his so as not to see the outrage that befell the Lady Thismal. Her hand stayed in his after he placed his robes upon his form. She loved that her handkerchief was tied around his wrist. “You fought well Sir Hargik…” Her words were combined with those of the lady’s as she passed.

Fenice ignored the female’s smirk as her uncle escorted her into the banquet hall. Sighing she knew the inevitable was upon them. She’d have to sit and watch the woman drool over him while she ate, something that made her sick to her stomach. Mathilde made a face behind the ladies back, something that made Fenice laugh as well as her father and the archbishop. Slipping into her seat, she smiled at Ne’ebo. “Will we be able to play chess tonight… or… or go for a walk?” She knew where both had led them into one another’s arms and she hoped they would be able to spend some time like that again, perhaps less interruption this time.
Ne'ebo smiled. "Well i think both would work. it is snowing and we cannot have the Princess getting ill can we?" he walks with her to the castle. He had noticed Mathilde's warning look at Lady Thismal and then he noted Fenice's glare at her and her understood. Tonight he was the only knight returning to the castle for dinner as the others were visiting their families or friends and thus he was allowed to escort the princess especially as the lords were also off dealing with some little trifle.

He did smell though so once getting her back to the castle and while the servants fiddled with the tables, not having expecting the day to end quite as quickly as it had, Ne'ebo went off to bathe and change. Lady Thismal came and stood by the princess. "your escort is quite a man. has anyone laid claim to him yet?" The way she watched Fenice's face and purred the words told Fenice and Mathilde quite clearly that she knew that Fenice had claimed Ne'ebo but she was laying down the gauntlet. Fenice was prevented from answering by some question from a servant and when she turned to answer Ne'ebo approached in new robes his body and hair freshly washed.

He smiled. "my princess." and kissed her hand then took her hand leading her to her seat. He never even looked at Lady Thismal who had leaned forward trying to catch his eye with her cleavage but to no avail. Mathilde smirked as the 'Lady' snarled and went off to her place. The ladies and a few nobles who had stayed, mostly to speak with Elias about wars on the mainland, were all very flattering to Ne'ebo but he simply nodded to each not responding feigning fatigue. Dinner was a short affair as Elias wisely got himself, the Archbishop, Mathilde, and of course Fenice and Ne'ebo to the library rather quickly having wanting to prevents Lady's Thismal's angry but determined gaze on Ne'ebo.

Ne'ebo helped Fenice sit and they began a game and then fell to discussing the winnings. Today's had been very profitable and they had enough to pay off two of the lords who together only held a million and half not counting interest against the crown. Ne'ebo smiled. "Then i say we send them the money and send them packing Your Grace." The Arcbishop smiles. "Very well. Lords Mansville and Bulyark are no longer an issue. Send for them?" Elias nods ad the three men lay out the twoo million ducats then Ne'ebo turns back to his game which he is losing rather badly having made a few serious mistakes in the opening. "you are goign to best me my Princess. Elias smirked at the affection in Ne'ebo's tone but did not let his daughter see by standing behind her watching the game.

When Mansville and Bulyark arrived Elias smiled at them. "Gentlemen I welcome you. There you will find the money you are owed. You will take it and remove yourself. You may remain at the tournament if you wish but the crown no longer has need of your services. Unlike Winter these two try to bluster and stall but Elias speaks in a very quiet, calm, but deadly voice. "Gentleman i have paid you in good faith. You will take the money and go or you will be asked to give your lives in service to the crown." They stared at the king for a moment then gathered their money and left silently followed by the King and the Archbishop as well as Mathilde as Ne'ebo lost the game.

Once it was over he smiled. "well My Princess..."He moved the chessboard and pulled her chair closer to his kissing her tenderly. Just as he was pulling her into his arms a servant knocked and called. "Sir Hargik? " "Yes?' he said with a snarl. "You have a visitor." "Who?" "A Erik Tonal Lord of the Bath." Ne'ebo raised and eyebrow and stood. "You should come by my rooms My princess. perhaps we could ...discuss some things dear to us both." He said this all very quietly then leaned forward and whispered. "I shall meet you there soon my love." And off he went to see his visitor.
“I know you’d keep me warm…” She whispered back teasingly, her blue eyes dancing. She watched him leave; the harlot approaching caused her to almost snarl. The perfume that smacked her in the face was heady and overpowering. Fenice fought to keep a soft smile on her face and stay neutral, without her training as a royal to guard herself from showing emotion, the bait of this woman would have set her off. She tilted her head at the older woman, fire in her eyes. Luckily the servant came back and then Ne’ebo. Sweet Ne’ebo and his blind love for her saw nothing else but her, something she was thankful for.

Dipping herself low, she smiled up at her knight as her hand was lifted. Fenice simply ignored the woman and was led away. The look on Mathilde’s face told her all she needed to know. Dinner was quick and an uneventful thing, all too quickly the group headed off to the sitting room. Leaving the woman there, she smiled and was guided out of the room. Her eyes flitted over his handsome face as the game started. Their talk was quick but held nothing of interest to her.

Her fingers flew over the board planning to beat him this round and hoping the others would leave them shortly. She only wished to spend moments alone in quiet with her love. Smiling up at him when he spoke she laughed, “Yes my knight, tis a pleasant feeling I must say.” Mathilde laughed beside her, before running to open the door for the men. Fenice paused in her game, her eyes focused on the men and their reaction. Balking and huffing but finally giving in and walking away in defeat.

She smiled and returned to her game. Watching the group leave, she smiled at him, “Checkmate…” Watching with amusement as he shoved the board out of her way and tugged her chair closer she smiled up at him. Arms winding around his neck as he leaned in and kissed her tenderly. Preparing to move and close the distance between them, she groaned at the interruption. A visitor, at this hour? She watched him as he stood, her lips lifting into a smile at his secret words. “Soon…” She whispers, as he leaves. Standing the princess bustled about the room, tidying up before leaving. Trying to waste a bit of time so as not to walk in on him and his visitor.

Skipping to her room she was glad that Mathilde was already asleep and nowhere in sight. Stripping she washed up quickly and slid into one of her nightdresses. Brushing her hair out she donned a thick robe. If anyone would see her, the outfit was appropriate. She had only a vague idea of seducing him but simply to spend a few more moments in his arms; it sent flutters moving about her belly. Tightening the closures on her gown, she moved through the hall to his room.

It was dark; perhaps he’d led his guest away so they could be alone sooner. Fenice was shocked that there was no fire started upon his hearth. Dipping to do the chore herself she saw a shadow move to her left as she struck the match. Falling back her eyes settled on Lord Dufrayne, Clasping her chest she smiled up at him until his glare reached her.

“What are you doing here Fenice?”

Steeling her face she huffed, “That would be your majesty or your grace… to you and NOT Fenice.” Her shoulders rotated back as she attempted to make herself look more authoritative. “I was asked here, to speak with Sir Hargik.” Her eyes met his daring him to state otherwise.

The man laughed, “To speak… in my time here I have certainly seen a lot of flitting about at night. But never to speak and never in their nightdress… that is just asking for trouble…. Fenice.”

She hated the way the man’s eyes flitted over her and lifted her hands to clasp the robe together again as she moved the opposite way of the lord. “I am not asking for trouble and Sir Hargik is as harmless as a fly… to me!” Her eyes flared.

The lord laughed, “You are a common harlot to him… just like your mother was to me…” His voice was a hiss in her ear as he cornered her as she jerked open the door, his intention wasn’t to harm the female since his target was the knight.

Fenice gasped, “How dare you speak of my mother that way… you are nothing and she was everything. You take it back…” She lifted both hands and sent his faltering out the open door. “My mother was a good woman… you are a worm!” Her hand lifted to strike the lord, something no one had ever done.

The lord’s eyes dared her as he smirked. One hand of his reached out and caressed her cheek, “So lovely… your mother used to be as well… before she bedded one to many knights…” He reared his head back to laugh. Her hand connected with his cheek sending a resounding snap ricocheting off the stone walls around them.
The impact turned his head to find the chest of the man he had come to speak to so for a moment his insane rage was stifled but then it vanished completely at the look in Ne'ebo's eyes. "You speak far too loudly to say such things my lord. You have insulted your princess. You will apologize." Ne'ebo's hands were clenched so hard that his knuckles were turning grey. He glared down at the little man only restrained himself by the most rigid discipline No one, absolutely no one would speak to Fenice that way, and one one, absolutely no one, would impugn the honor her her great mother.

Dufrayne did not know it but Fenice's slapped had cut his cheek and it was already swelling. She may have been a woman but she could hit very very hard and now with Ne'ebo around Dufrayne knew he was in serious trouble, but instead of being wise he blustered. "How dare you speak to me you dark filth! I am a lord!!" Ne'ebo did not strike. he did not threaten. he merely took a single step forward entering Dufrayne's personal space and now the little man realized just how much danger he was in. Fenice stood before him ready to strike him again. Ne'ebo stood to his side his throbbing muscles and immense strength ready to rip Dufrayne to bits. He deliberated. He considered. And like any coward he backed down but did so by insulting the both. "Very well i apologize to the slattern for telling the truth.Guard!!"

Ne'ebo did not react as the guard, and King Elias who had been speaking with the man came to the room. Now Dufrayne was truly worried. Elias might owe him a million and a three quarters ducats officially but two and half with interest, but e knew Elias would gut the man who harmed his daughter. He gulped and thinking quickly. "Your Grace I was just speaking with the princess and this good knight ad I felt concerned that the princess would need an escort after that dreadful attack on the Archbishop."

Ne'ebo watched the little man and thoughtI will kill you little man. Touch her again and I will tear you apart piece by piece. The thought came clearly to the Lord who bowed to the King and Princess then turn ad strode away.Elias asked. "What happened to his cheek?" Ne'ebo looked at the guard who scurried off and then Ne'ebo told him everything. Elias was himself shaking with rage when the story was told. "That-" "Sire. I must return your daughter to her quarters. She has had quite the ill treatment. I will come and speak with you. When she is safe." Elias nodded and went tot he library.

Ne'ebo turned to Fenice. "my princess i long for you. to hold and love you wit all I am. but I must take you to your rooms. The guard and that...thing you slapped will tell tales and I will not harm your honor." he guided her to her rooms making sure the guard and several others saw them go there but once out of sight he kissed her deeply. "Go and rest my love. I must go speak to your father. " He cupped her face, stroking her cheek and smiled. "You are quite the woman My Princess. Never have I see the like. ...I must go." He kissed her again then stepped away.

He and Elias discussed plans and protection for Fenice for many hours. Elias made it clear that he wanted Ne'ebo for a son in law in a dozen different ways and guaranteed him a spot in the tournament for her hand in a few months. Ne'ebo of course accepted though he said. "It shall be hard to wait so very long Your Grace. But i shall do as is best."Elias laughed and went off to bed confident that they could protect his only living love besides his nation. Ne'ebo went to his room and again changed to another one with his things and once more he carefully checked the room and his things before going to bed. confident that in today's sword he would truly destroy the hopes of the lords as today every knight, young and old, and even the injured would be competing. he had a hard task before him. but he was ready. "Fenice...I love you...." e breathed before drifting off to sleep on the floor while in tow Lord. Dufrayne was shivering in his room. not from cold or alcohol but pure fear. He had seen the deadly look in Ne'ebo's eyes and for the first time he truly grasped that he was mortal and no amount of money would change that.

While their comrade shook and fretted and slowly lost touch with reality, Lord tallow and the Cretch brothers Joffre and Naverre were all around a table discussing Adeliade and a number of other women they hoped would distract Ne'ebo. Some were paid others had just been encouraged to show their feelings but on the dawn many a woman would be seeking to gain Ne'ebo's favor and draw his eyes from the princess, though Tallow had his hopes on his lovely niece and her enticing assets. He looked down at the Tavern below. the unwed knights were not drinking but they were telling many tales and laughing. Such was true in most every knight, else he was sleeping, or perhaps praying. Except one. Jarn. Jarn, who had woken a few hours before, was sitting at the bar in his armor not drinking either though he longed to. is face and head were aching, the former still badly bruised an cut from Ne'ebo's mace. Oh how he longed to crush that little shrimp in his bare hands...and soon he would. He just settled in and waited. Waited for the time when his special practice sword would be in his hands and he would kill Ne'ebo and end all of this nonsense.
Fenice was not nearly done, the man made her skin crawl. Had Ne’ebo not been standing there she’d have called the guard and asked to borrow his sword. Eyes still flashing with anger she dared him to speak more about her mother. When he called Ne’ebo dark filth she felt something in her snap, but Ne’ebo was on him and left her standing with her hand in the air, ready to go once more. “Milk Livered churl…” She stated under her breath as he called for a guard.

Elias could see the anger on his daughter’s face, though Ne’ebo stood at her side he knew the anger was directed at the lord. “Spineless bastard!” her verbal insults were whispered as he walked away. Eyes enflamed she turned to her father filling in where Ne’ebo let her. Her father soon filled with rage, as much as she and Ne’ebo. Her eyes flitted from the two, she didn’t want to go or be sent to bed. She was fired up and ready for war. Give her a sword she’d take on the knights on the field the next day.

Blue eyes full of fire and emotion she gazed up at her future. Shaking her head, she understood but still it did not make it easier for her. His lips met hers in the dark corridor; soft whimpers of need fell from her lips as she pressed to him. “No… please…” Her arms didn’t want to let him go as he cupped her face. The will power it took for him to go must have been great, but she didn’t realize it. Tears in her eyes and falling with each step he took away from her she knew something had to be done.

The room was empty, her bath drawn and steaming. She stripped down slowly and submerged herself into the tub. The water spilled over the edge and she didn’t even care. The soft landing of a rag on her head had her coming up for air to find her maid staring at her. Snarling the princess when back under the water but not before Mathilde began laughing. Rising swiftly, “Nothing is funny Mathilde… he finds reasons to stop my advances or I’m not seducing him right… he doesn’t want to spend time in my arms let alone my bed…” She grumbled.

“Seducing…” Mathilde laughed harder, “He is in love with you and practically drug himself away from you to speak with your father about you.” Shaking her head, she began scrubbing the long locks of the princess letting her stew in her thoughts.

Fenice slept soundly dreaming of Ne’ebo. She knew, deep down, that he loved her and found it just as hard to walk away from her. With a full night’s sleep beneath her belt, she moved through the next morning’s dressing with ease. The snow had stopped and the sun was out making everything sparkle. Her lungs filled with cool air as she moved through the halls, light blue fabric of her dress swirling about her youthful form. Her father smiled at her as she moved to her seat with no help.

Her eyes stayed on her plate, if she looked up at Ne’ebo she’d crack. There had been no chance for her to tell him she loved him the night before.
Ne'ebo was yet again up before the sun ad had already gone off to the lists and like the others was stretching and flexing. because every knight would be competing they would have to start extra early which was why as soon as she finished breakfast Elias took Fenice to the lists and just as they sat down the first match began.

Every knight was using blunt swords for the event and though they would not cut they could do damage which was why every knight wore his full armor again. The matches were scored on contact. It did not matter how hard or soft if contact was made and the judges agreed then the points were scored. As the contact made loud bangs different than the armor coming together ti was a simple matter to determine.

Sir Ecton and his massive broadsword was a terror smashing his opponents. Kay, William, Quentin, Boris, and the king's nephews all did quite well quickly moving through the ranks. Though the sword was enjoyable and engrossing ti was fairly routine at this stage, even Ne'ebo's almost instant victories as he could strike his opponents twenty times before they managed to even find him, his agility and quickness making him untouchable. Adelaide had chosen to sit with the other ladies, much closer to the princess today ad was often heard remarking on how strong and fast the big handsome African was but today Fenice's favor was on Ne'ebo's helm and the care her took to protect ti told her how deeply he cared.

Also doing well were the favorites Traian, Graret, and Uramet from the beginning of the tournament as well as the lord's knights. Specifically. Jarn. The angry brute was like unto Ecton with how easily he crushed his opponents but his cruelty and brutally would have been horrifying had he not stopped short of doing true damage though the smiths were very busy that day mending armor and weapons. Finally there remained only forty eight of these titans and these matches would be much more...thrilling.

Ne'ebo got Ecton in the first round and to keep from hurting the larger man he simply circled him dealing out touches and remaining unseen or touched until the match ended. Ecton grumbled but was happy enough and went to sit and watch. William and Kay had also been matched up int he first round and though they had an exceptional match, dodging and circling round each other like wolves and trading blows until William made a small misstep and stumbled slightly but was caught with two quick blows from Kay. Quentin faced one of the Lord's knights and trounced him easily but eventually he met up with Latimer who wanted his revenge on Ne'ebo. Boris and the King's nephews Tywin and Tyrion were facing the other knights, including the knights from the former lords and were doing very well. After quite a bit of work only ten remained. Ne'ebo, Latimer, Boris, Kay, Traian, Tywin, Tyrion, Graret, Uraemet, and finally Jarn. Each man drew straws and only the matching straws would face each other int he first round. Boris and Tywin recieved byes while Ne'ebo and Latimer, Kay and Traian, Graret and Uraemet and Jarn and Tyrion would be facing off.

Kay's match was first. Traian was a brilliant swordsman and strong as a bull but Kay had been fighting Ne'ebo for the last week and also watching him. He had learned quite a bit. He and Traian came together matching each other strength for strength, but where Traian would smash at him Kay would duck and dodge and finally he wore the older man out and knocked him on his back and before all Traian surrendered, impressed and a little shocked but laughing as Kay helped him up.

Uramet and Graret's match was a rather brutal but thrilling affair. The two men were both striving for the affections of the same lady whose friends began to tease the moment the match was announced causing her to blush so hard it seemed her hair was turning red as well. They glared at each other for a long while after the go then suddenly rushed together like two bulls roaring and bellowing smashing at each other with blade, hilt, fist, elbow and their helmed heads. The points remained at a tie until they were at the point that the match was halted for a moment. The judges conferred and called out. "To decide the match we will allow it to continue until one man falls to his back and cannot resume his feet." And now the true battle began. Each man bashed, smashed, kneed, and simply battered at each other until their armor was in tatters. Then when Graret pulled back to catch a moment's breath Uramet saw his opening. He leapt upon Graret bringing his weapon down across the man's exposed neck with such force it exploded into splinters and Graret fell onto his face unconscious but unhurt. Grart was taken off to be cared for while Uramet went to rest to see his next opponent.

Latimer was in a rage. He would get his chance to face Ne'ebo again. To pay him back. Or so he thought. The match had barely begun when Ne'ebo had received his twenty touches. Latimer stared at his sword as Ne'ebo's rested on his neck. "You lose again Latimer.If you could like a man rather than a bully you might have a chance. But..." he smiled as Latimer turned in anger to strike and he smashed him across the helm knocking the man out and walking out of the ring as Latimer was carried away. He heard none of it but Lady Thismal and her fellows were going mad over him all of them making loud rather vulgar plans to bed him that very night and when he looked over at Fenice they all claimed to have his eye but his touching her handkerchief on his helm telling her how much her loved her.

Jarn's match with Tyrion was simply terrifying. Tyrion was far too small to hurt the man and Jarn's rage and skill, and remarkable speed and quickness made it impossible for the young man to ever touch him. but was was terrible was that Jarn played with the boy. he battered his arms and legs, smashing in his breast plate and with his last two blows caved in his helm badly hurting the boy though nothing was broken. He left the ring while Tyrion was carried away and went to stand beside Ne'ebo. "that is your fate darkling." Ne'ebo did not look at him but said quietly. "You have beaten a child You bullying fool. There is no honor in it. But i will make you pay for it."

Jarn had merely laughed as Ne'ebo went to his match with Boris. Boris was just as skilled as Ne'ebo had said but though he strove hard Ne'ebo simply outsped him touching his armor the needed twenty times quickly though Boris did manage to score several near touches. He growled. "i nearly had you!!" As Ne'ebo lead him out of the ring. "that you did my friend but my armor is lighter than yours so it's easier to dodge in. also my training was to never let a sword touch me. but yes you did well. Buit-" He turned and his face fella s he saw what Jarn was doing in the ring.

Tywin had drawn the bye that put him against his brother's abuser and though a brave young man he, like his brother, did not have the skill needed to face this monster. Jarn beat the boy bloody and refused to give him the final touch wanting his surrender which though the crowd was screaming it for him Tywin refused to give. Jarn grinned and brought hi s blade up to smash it over the young man's helm likely to crush his skull when a white towel hit him in the face. "End the match you bastard!!" Tywin groaned and passed out and was carried off as Ne'ebo glared at Jarn his hand clenched in rage. Jarn grinned. "Ahh well. We shall meet soon darkling." And strode off.

Ne'ebo refused to speak to Kay but also refused to give him a decent match just knocking him to his back and putting his swordtip to Kay's throat Kay's sword having been knocked away in the first attack. "Give in Kay. I have another target." Kay nodded surrendering. Ne'ebo helped him up. "We can have a proper match another time. I have to deal with Jarn." Kay understood but his lady did not. "Why did that mean knight disrespect him so? Kay should not have had to surrender." She chatters and whines while Trala asks Fenice. "Why is Ne'ebo so angry Princess?"

Even Uramet was not prepared for his match with Jarn and was as badly beaten as the two boys before him while Ne'ebo looked on his hands clenched in rage. The finalw match was to take place on the raised platform for the wrestling. Jarn went up one side while Ne'ebo the other. Jarn chuckled. "Well darkling... now i show you true swordsmanship." his special practice sword, which actually was a hollow wooden sword that had been filled wit molten steel so would do far more damage. But Ne'ebo ignored him as he lay his swords down, having brought two up this time and began to strip. he pulled off his armor, then his robes until he stood there only in leggings and Fenice's favor tied on his wrist. "No you filthy scum. I will sow you swordsmanship." He kicked his swords up and caught both flourishing them then crouched one high one low and glared at Jarn, the deep green of Ne'ebo's eyes full of flame. The platform was cleared and for the longest moment no one spoke. Even the crowd had gone quiet causing everyone except the combatants to jump at the "GO!!!"

Jarn came at Ne'ebo swinging the blade at Ne'ebo's unprotected face. Ne'ebo caught the blade with both of his and twisted it hard dragging the sword out of Jarn's hands tossing it aside. He was already smashing his blades on the monster roaring is rage as the blade fell and the shell broke revealing the steel within. Jarn was terrified and begging for mercy but Ne'ebo was shouting. "YOU ARE NO KNIGHT!!! ONLY KNIGHTS GET MERCY YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!" The dark skinned giant's body was throbbing and bulging as he was literally breaking Jarn''s armor into pieces with the rain of blows he delivered. The lords especially Lord Tallow were watching in shock as Ne'ebo tore their very best apart. Even the ladies were not speaking more than a little scared at Ne'ebo battle rage while he beat Jarn into submission. Finally Elias called out. "Hold!" And Ne'ebo obeyed resting his blade on the crack in Jarn's breast plate right over the man's heart and he hissed. "You will not rise dog. If you dare I will kill you."

Elias rose and sighed. "Sir Ne'ebo i apologize on behalf of all Britain for that..person's treachery. He is no longer a knight. you have indeed won the sword. i ask you not to bloody your worthy blades with his sword." Ne'ebo nodded stepping back. "Of course Majesty." he turned his back on Jarn whose mind broke. he snatched a dagger from his boot and rushed Ne'ebo with a "DIE YOU NI-"When Ne'ebo whirled and buried both practice blades through Jarn's helm and eyes and out through his skull and the back of his helm. The body immediately went limp. Ne'ebo held him up and carried him over to the edge and dropped him before Lord Tallow and the others. "Your former knight has shown himself to be a bullying monster. I wonder why he felt he could do such things? Hear this," the crowd was still silent and his words carried far. "I will always treat thusly scum who torment and mistreat those unable to defend themselves for any reason." he looked at tallow. "Financial." He looked at the Cretch brothers. "Age." He looked at Dufrayne and his lip curled. "or Status." He thumped his chest. "i am a knight of England!! i serve the Princess Fenice and the Great king Elias. I serve the people of Britain!! I SERVE!!" the knights around the rings all join him as he shouts again and again.. "I SERVE!!! I SERVE!!! I SERVE!!! I SERVE!!!!" They did not stop until the Lords had all fled the lists in fear and then Ne'ebo turned to the people and called out. "Forgive me my friends. As penance i offer my victory to you. I shall let you decide if i am the winner of the sword. The people stared at him for a moment but then began to scream his name. he smiled as they cheered him and took his prize and called Trala up onto he platform. he knelt and smiled at her. "This I give to you my little friend." it was a golden knight on is horse the detail exquisite. He lifted Trala onto his shoulders to the even more frenzied cheers of the crowd waving and laughing while Trala carefully held her gift and waved.

The Archbishop leaned in to Elias and smiled as he said. "that man is a genius. He can work the crowd better than any other knight I can ever seen but he does it right. he doesn't lie to or trick them. he's sincere. And they love him for it." Elias nods smiling and they both begin to applaud as Ne'ebo continues to wave and bow to the crowd. Finally he brings Trala down and brings her back toward the dais, pushing through the ladies who try to swarm him politely but firmly ignoring their words and sets the girl down he kneels at the dais and smiles. "Forgive my slaying of a dog before you Your Graces. I beg your forgiveness." he dips his head waiting. Elias looks at Fenice. "Well my daughter?" He of course would never punish Ne'ebo but is allowing her to show her claim on her knight and to also give her the authority she will need when she sits on the throne as even if she and Ne'ebo wed, though that will make him king, the throne cannot go to one not of Arthur's line. The people watch with bated breath and the ladies all glare at Fenice hating her for being allowed to decide Ne'ebo's fate. Her handkerchief is still tied on his wrist and somehow untouched by blood. Ne'ebo turned to face her more his head still bowed. "I live only to serve you My princess. Speak your will and I shall do it." The love for her is so deep in his words she can nearly feel the weight of them. He is also making a public declaration of service to her for all time. And a private declaration of love for just as long.
Fenice ate quickly and moved with her father’s assistance to the raised dais. There she sat and watched the matches, her eyes flitting excitedly over Ne’ebo’s armor clad form. Her heart fluttered in her chest. Keeping her eyes on him, she tried ignoring the females sitting at her side in the stands. Lady Thismal and her friends talked loudly about the dirty things they wished to do to and with Ne’ebo. Her eyes closed as she attempted blocking out the words. Nothing else could be focused upon as she watched. Pressing her eyes closed she groaned and opened her eyes to find Ne’ebo’s eyes on her. Long fingers brushed the lace trimmed handkerchief causing her to smile.

Even with this going on, he made sure to let her know she wasn’t too far from his thoughts. Fenice wanted to bed the dark male, she knew her chances were better than the other woman’s was and it made her smile a bit. The brutality of Jarn shocked her, turning her head she questioned Elias with her eyes. He gave a little shrug and looked to the archbishop. The quickness of Ne’ebo’s fights let her know he was serious.

Ignoring the female but stopping her with only an annoyed glare she turned to Trala,” That other man is hurting his competitors unnecessarily and Ne’ebo wishes to put an end to it little one.” Fenice smoothed her hair back behind her ears and kissed the top of her head. “Ne’ebo will stop him,” She whispered, sending up a silent prayer for his safety. She glanced at her father and the archbishop and knew that they were doing the same. Undivided attention was given to the duo climbing into the raised wrestling ring. The crowd gasped as Ne’ebo began to strip down; Fenice cast a worried glance to her father but enjoyed the view. As did the Whore and her comrades, made known by heated declarations of how large and wonderful he must be beneath the tight leggings. Fenice had never thought of that and her cheeks blushed rapidly causing the women to laugh scornfully at her now.

Fenice sat in silence, hands clenched with Trala’s as they watched their knight. “He’ll be alright princess. He’s the only one that can defeat him.” She was such a wise girl; Fenice gave her a small knowing smile and took in a long breath. The crowd was on their feet as soon as the ‘go’ was given, those on the dais included. Trala stood on the throne behind Fenice as she watched her man with concern painting over her every feature. It wasn’t that she was worried about him getting harmed it was the fact that he could readily kill this man and bring shame upon himself and therefore be unable to fight for her hand. The profanities and words that poured from Ne’ebo’s mouth scared her. If ever she made him that angry, she’d have to hide in a corner until the mood passed. The thought made her laugh while Ne’ebo revealed that Jarn had been cheating.

Smiling widely she watched him beat Jarn to a near pulp, muscles rippling and glistening in the sparkling sunshine. This was her knight, it might have scared her a little but she wondered if her softest touch could ease the anger from him. She recognized whom it was he fought for and who he would protect with his life. He had privately pledged himself to her and her father and declared his love for her and his intent to her father who stopped the fight then. Fenice watched the males in the ring with wonder. She felt no fear now that it had been discovered that Jarn was a cheater. The declaration that he was the winner brought a round of cheers from the crowd. However, Fenice merely smiled before screaming out as Jarn rose to kill Ne’ebo. She rushed forward, skirts lifted intent on getting to the man she loved more than anything, “Ne’ebo!”

Elias caught her, “What good will it do…” both of their eyes went wide with horror as the practice blades went through the male. Fenice lifted her small hand over her lips as she screamed. Her only thought was Ne’ebo and his safety as the body was tossed haphazardly out of the ring and to the feet of the lords. Daughter clung to father, unsure of what this meant. Her hands gripped his larger ones as they stood and listened, waiting for what would come about of this. The people would be what slaughtered or saved him, she knew they had loved him because of his kindness and had to see that what he’d done was in self-defense. His voice was deep and rang in the amphitheater style arena. His words were bold, true and captivating. They watched in amazement and amusement as the lords fled.

Releasing her grip on her father Fenice stood back and took in a much needed breath of air, she’d not realized she’d even been holding her breath. Motioning Mathilde to her side, she gave her a few instructions before sending her to carry them out. She then listened as he called for Trala; nodding her head for the girl waiting permission Fenice watched her take off to him like an arrow. Proudly the trinket was held and the child waved out to the crowd, smiling widely for all to see. Fenice waved back as she was waved to. Blue eyes shimmered with tears of joy that he was understood, forgetting where she was she stepped forward on the dais and cheered with the crowd, joining in their merriment, but only for a moment as he began making his way toward her and the others on the dais.

Eyes flashed with anger as he was propositioned, the Lady Thismal batting her lashes and trying to draw his eyes to her breasts on display. The woman was appalling and sneered at Fenice as though she had him right where she wanted him. Fenice wasn’t threatened, she knew who’s trinket it was he wore and to whom he had pledged his heart. His plea reached her ears and it took everything in her not to rush to him and bid him stand. Her father’s voice penetrated her thoughts and she turned her head to look at him from the spot she stood. From her perch, she heard his words loud and clear, a small smile adorned her lips and she cleared her throat gently.

The crowd was silent.

“Hear this!” Her voice was strong and confident, her choice of words a play off his. “I too will always treat thusly scum who torment and mistreat those unable to defend themselves for any reason. Be it financial, age, status or gender.” Placing her hand just above her breast her voice rose a bit with pride. “I am a princess of England. I serve the great King Elias, my father and I serve MY people. The people of Britain. I SERVE!” She shouted the last bit riling the people up once again into chanting with her and screaming. “I serve, I serve, I serve!”

Lifting a small hand into the air, she silenced them, kind blue eyes swept over them and down to the knight that stood before her. Swift feet had carried her down the stairs and to his side. She touched his hair gently. “Arise.” As he did, her eyes met his, a bit touched with tears but her voice remained clear. “Serve your princess, my knight.” Longing to step into the circle of his arms overcame her but she stepped back and up to the dais as the people watched.

Elias piped in, “Serve her well.”

Fenice smiled up at him, before returning her eyes to Ne’ebo. Eyes full of love and affection. Taking his arm in hers she guided him toward the castle, her father and the others following. “I took the liberty of acquiring you a private room for which to bathe and dress. We shall observe dinner there as well; the people have been stirred and will not even allow us to eat for to relive the event repeatedly. I figured you would not mind, Mathilde is there now with a page to attend you. Your speech was profoundly moving, I pray you do not mind my borrowing of it.” She gave his hand a squeeze and moved her body closer to him. A squire scrambled after them with Ne’ebo’s things in his arms.

Mathilde ushered them through the castle to the room and closed the door after having the items sent to his room. “Clean clothing and fresh hot water are in the wash room as well as a chamber pot. Dinner will be served within the hour...”

Fenice smiled up at him and before he went, placed a heated kiss upon his lips. When she pulled away she blushed, “That is how I wished to respond to your words, but feared the wrong idea might be given. Go wash up, We’ll be here.” She watched him walk away, every part of her longing to follow and take the place of the attendant. Sighing she stepped back and sank into a low couch in the sitting area. “Such an interesting turn of events…”

Any other thoughts were interrupted by a swift knock on the door, before either could answer it opened and in breezed Lady Thismal. No words could be said as the lady waved them out, or at least attempted to. “No need to bore the great knight with the likes of YOU. Sorry your majesty but it seems I’ve been summoned. After that rush of emotive words it appears some company is to be given.” The woman flung open the wash room door and made to close herself in to the fear of the attendant that stood just inside. “Well, well…. ACK!”

Fenice saw nothing but red. “Liar!” Jerking the woman back by her hair she slammed the doors closed and stood in front of them. “You were NOT summoned here, harlot!” The woman lay sprawled on the floor sniffling as though she’d been punched in the gut. “I would NEVER bore Ne… the great knight, it is YOU whom would bore him, flaunting what you have for all to see, leaving nothing to be discovered… how very thrilling? I think not!” She grasped the woman and jerked her to her feet. “I am the princess of Camelot and you are just the whore… see yourself gone from this room!”

Mathilde opened the door and helped her shove the woman out the door.

“I’m not done here!” Thismal cried out landing on her rump in the stone corridor.

Fenice grasped the door smirking, blue eyes wild with fury. “You aren’t, well forgive me then…” Turning she grasped the grip of Ne’ebo’s practice sword and unsheathed it, shoving the point in the lady’s direction. “By all means I dare you step in this room…? Just one toe and I’ll show you why my father is king and not your bastard of one.” Slamming the door in the woman’s blanched face, she laughed. Mathilde smiled widely at her, laughing even when she heard a scream of rage from the other side.
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