Discovering Young Love ~ { For Ryuu and Raeona } ~


Jan 22, 2012
Naruto had always cared about hinata, but she was only a very good friend in his eyes. He had simply never thought if her that way, and never really could see her true feelings. But when she protected him from Pein, he saw her true feelings for the first time. He came to terms at that moment with the feelings he never knew he had for the girl then. But even then he hadn't quite realized it himself yet. Her words however, combined with his true feelings led to Naruto's first brush with true pain. Naruto gave in to the fox.

His emotions bearing down on him like a weight that was constantly increasing, and the fox offered him an escape. The pain of seeing the girl who he had always cared for that he now knew loved him may have just died was enough to make him accept the foxes offer, and release the fox and give in to the fox's powers. The fox let loose a terrible rampage of destruction as it devastated the hokage mountainside. And soon Naruto would kill Pein... Or rather, the fox would. But then the light of his father, Minato, the fourth hokage entered Naruto and freed him from a little of the pain and resealed the fox. Naruto then beat Pein with his own strength and found the true Pein, and earned his trust. The pain of the village's destruction was not gone, the pain of the deaths of the villages was not gone but it was being healed as they all embraced their loved ones who had passed. Now Naruto had returned to the village and was praised as the village's hero. Only... As he was tossed into the air as a hero, as he was embraced by Sakura who had feared they may have lost him, he slowly realized he didn't see Hinata, and remembered just what had happened to her.

Now naruto was running through the debris of a devastated Leaf village, heading towards the medical tents, rushing through each if them shouting the name of the girl who professed her love to him. "Hinata! Hinataa!! Where is she?! Where's Hinata?!" The medical staff rushed to deal with the walking tornado that was naruto "Naruto! Calm down! She's all right!" The med ninjas tried to restrain naruto to make sure he was all right. Naruto pushed them off and ran into a tent right in front of him which had slightly open flaps and saw Hinata right in front of him on a medical table and rushed over to her placed his left hand in the side of her head gently, her beautiful soft black hair running through his fingers, and his right hand gently grasped her her hand and he began to cry ever so slightly as he said "Hinata... Hinata I'm so sorry! The only reason she got hurt was because of me!" Naruto's voice began to crack slightly as he said this and a tear fell from his left eye landing on Hinata's gentle, serene face.
Hinata had begun to stir a bit with all the commotion, but hadn't fully wakened until he was there and touching her. Slowly, she opened her eyes and gazed up at him, blinking a few times as her brain slowly pieced together what was happening. She blushed lightly and bit her lip "N-Naruto? I-It's okay, I'm fine" She said, wincing slightly as she went to move only to feel a big pain go through her "Well... K-Kinda." She added, frowning as she settled into the pillows.

She was honestly a bit surprised he'd showed up. Most of this time, she'd been asleep but she'd expected him to avoid her. The confession, she had hoped he would have forgotten about that, it had slipped out without her wanting it to, and now she was terrified of his reaction.
Naruto's face lot up as he saw Hinata open her eyes, and a smile grew across his while face as he gripped her hand in his and wrapped his left arm around her, hugging her from behind her shoulders and fell to her, hugging her tightly with one arm, the other still holding her hand, and he placed his head directly on the left side of hers and held her tightly.

Naruto knew he wouldn't react this way for just any of his friends were it the same situation. He knew he was so emotional now, because of Hinata's confession, even though a bystander would've thought it was he who had confessed he was so caught up in her being ok. Naruto let tears of joy leave him as he stood there holding Hinata close to him, almost as if he was afraid he would lose her as he thought he might have earlier.
Hinata gasped slightly in shock when he suddenly hugged her. She winced a bit, but ignored the pain for now so he could hug her. A light blush formed on her cheeks and after a while, she lightly tapped his back. "Y-You're kind of on m-my wounds" She said softly, not wanting to upset him or anything. She supposed this meant he remembered her confession, but she was still hoping it wouldn't be brought up so she could try and imagine it hadn't slipped out.
As Naruto realized he was actually on Hinata's injuries he quickly jumped up in a comical panicked state, his face showing nervous concern and his arms completely straight swinging them over Hinata as trying to see if he'd hurt her even more than she already was and said "Ah! S-sorry, are you ok?!" Naruto slowly calmed down as he said this and let his arms and shoulders relax and rest at his side as he said "S-So... Are you ok Hinata? You were hurt pretty bad there." Naruto's face wasn't quite as said this time, it was rather hopeful and inquisitive almost as he stared at the injured girl before him.
"I-I'm okay" She said softly, looking up at him curiously and then smiling, trying to reassure him. "I'm just going to be here for a while. They said once I heal a bit more, they can speed the process along with their jutsu, but for now I have to be patient." She explained before sighing softly and looking up to the roof of the tent. "I just don't like being in here is all, it's always gloomy and sad" She said softly before looking back over to him. "I... I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, you told everyone to stay away..."
Naruto looked at Hinata with deep emotion as he said "Heh..." His face looked deep in thought as he continued to say "Don't be sorry Hinata. It was only because of what you did... Your courage that I was able to do anything. After what you-" naruto stopped almost cold and continued with a brighter look on his face "What you said. I lost control after what Pein did to you, but the only reason I was even fighting him in that state was because of the desire to protect the people I care about that you reminded me of. And the reason I was able to defeat Pein after that was the strength you showed me." Naruto smiled at Hinata and placed his left hand gently on her shoulder gently and said "So-So thank you Hinata for being braver than I was"
Hinata blushed slightly and nodded her head, glancing away from him. "I wouldn't say I was brave... I was just... I dunno, I acted on impulse" She said softly, glancing back over to him and smiling weakly. "I couldn't help it, you needed help and nobody else was trying to save you, and I didn't want to just sit there" She said, sighing softly and closing her eyes, trying not to think about that day, it was brutal, devastating, and one that was likely to be in her nightmares from now on.
Naruto laughed softly as he said "Heh... Thanks Hinata, I'm glad to hear you'll be alright... Hey listen, I uh... I was wondering if you wanted to-" naruto was cut short as a medical ninja walked in and said "Naruto! You need to come with us so we can examine you already! And Hinata needs to rest before her wounds open up! Now come with us!" Naruto chuckled "Heheh yeah I guess you're right huh? Listen just give me another minute ok?" As he said this a medical ninja put his arms under Naruto's to grab him and lifted him up "Got him!!" The other med ninja quickly grabbed Naruto's feet and said "Finally! Come on naruto!" Naruto became rather flustered at the assault and started kicking and flailing shouting "AAAH!! No way! Hey! Put me down! Come oooon!" The two shinobi matched naruto out to a separate medical tent to restrain him for a basic examination. Another medical ninja entered Hinata's tent and said "Aaah sorry about that Hinata-sama. He'll be fine. He just needs to get his wounds looked at. And you Do need to rest, so please just try and relax."
Hinata watched the scene unfold with mild amusement. She smiled and watched as he was carried off, shortly after hearing the medical ninja apologize. Shaking her head, she smiled and looked to them. "It's okay... Thank you" She said softly, turning onto her side and closing her eyes. She knew he remembered and although that made her nervous, she let herself drift to sleep, thinking that maybe he would forget in a few days or so.
Naruto struggled as the doctors strapped him down to examine him shouting vigorously "Hey! Lemme go! I'm fine! Stay away!" The medical ninjas had run out of patience and one of them quickly injected a sedative into Naruto's arm and waited till he fell asleep to examine his wounds and seal some of them up and take some tests. After a thorough examination they in strapped him and simply let him wake up in his own time, rather busy with all of the injured people to treat.

After a few hours naruto slowly woke up to see a friendly Shikamaru waiting for him as shikamaru said "Heh. So the hero's finally up eh? That was pretty impressive back there naruto. You managed to beat the man who defeated the great Jaraiya. And uuuh... You know what I heard? I heard what she said to you" Shikamaru had donned an almost sinister smile and Naruto looked a little shocked and embarrassed "W-what're you talking about?" Trying to play it off so he could think about it himself without anyone giving him a hard time. Shikamaru looked at Naruto as he stood up and said "Whatever naruto, Sakura told me and I'm sure you do know, but just think about what you're gonna do hero. You may be the village hero now, but she may be the only person who didn't find you to be a royal pain all those years. Heh, she may be your one chance at an honest girl. Now you'll have to hope you can avoid those crazy girls like Ino who are gonna be dying to "date" the village hero. Heheh. I'm just sayin Naruto, consider it." Naruto looked a little upset as Shikamaru left the room but he knew Shikamaru was right, he had been thinking about it for quite a while at that point and wasn't sure what to make of everything, but he slowly got up and knew one thing at least. He wanted to see Hinata, however the reason was lost on him as he walked to her tent. He simply wanted to see her, and possibly make some sense out of all of his thoughts and feelings.
By that time, Hinata had woken again to find that some work had been done on her wounds. She was still in pain, but she was finally able to sit up without feeling like she was going to feint. So, with some pillows propped up behind her, she sat up and kept her back against them. Looking around, she held a bowl of warm soup in her hands that she slowly ate away at. Her father had stopped by to see how she was doing, but besides that, she only got fleeting glances from people who were probably thinking she was either stupid for running in, or brave for doing it and confessing her feelings.

Looking away, she sighed and looked to her soup. Slowly, she lifted it to her lips and finished off the rest before putting it on the little bedside table. Putting her hands in her lap, she sighed gently and looked to the wall, wishing she could leave already.
Naruto walked to Hinata's tent in a haze. Sitting down he hasn't noticed it, but he was now feeling the side effects of the sedative and wasn't entirely "normal", he wobbled slightly as he headed to Hinata's tent and found himself a little less lucid than usual and tried to gather himself before he walked into Hinata's tent. He wobbled a bit and slowly worked his way into lucidity and walked into Hinata's medical tent and saw Hinata sitting up. The sight seemed to fill Naruto with a bit of joy, to see her so much better than before.

Naruto walked up to Hinata and said "H-hey..." Naruto chuckled at his lack of complete control and said "Hey Hinata. How're you feeling? I see your finally able to sit up now... I-... I'm glad you're doing better Hinata. Listen, about, well... Before" naruto began to blush slightly and said "B-Back when you saved me..." Naruto looked as if lost in a dream as he said "You know something Hinata? My entire childhood the whole village stared at me with cold hateful eyes. Even after that phase slowly faded, people still just saw me as a nuisance. A bother. Something to be fixed or removed. Did you know you were the only person to look at me with any warmth other than the Third hokage? Heh, I didn't think much of it... Or even try and understand it, but I was reminded of that. I was just reminded that you were the only one who ever cared about me from the beginning. Did you know that... Hinata?"
Hinata blushed slightly and glanced away, gulping slightly. "T-That's not really true. You had your sensei's, they were always kind to you. A-And you made lots of friends, maybe they started off not trusting you, but you had lots of friends" she said softly, looking over to him and smiling a bit "don't worry about it okay? Everything's fine" She said softly, glancing down at the ground and biting her lip shyly.
Naruto laughed very softly "Heh... Yeah I guess you're right Hinata. Everything's fine now isn't it? Now that you're better that is... But..." Naruto walked up to Hinata's bedside and placed his hand on her right hand gently and said "But I do know that you were the first person to ever look at me like a real person... And you were the first and only person to protect me from Pein and try and free me. Hinata..." At this point Naruto's cheeks were blushing obviously and said "do you think that uh, that maybe you'd like to go for a walk when you're feeling better? The village looks pretty different at night, it's pretty damaged right now, but I'm positive we can find a place to get some real food... If... If you want... That is" At this point naruto was looking off to the side to hide his face's emotional confusion. He wasn't even sure why he was so nervous now. He had never been nervous before but for some reason he was so nervous he could almost feel his cheeks blushing.
Hinata blinked in surprise and blushed deeply, gulping a bit as she shyly looked down. "I... U-Uh" She began, fiddling with her fingers shyly. "I'm... I guess so" she said, finding it hard to believe he was asking her on a date, even if he didn't think of it that way. Gulping slightly, she looked back over to him and smiled nervously. "I... Umm. I should be able to walk tomorrow, if the medics do a bit more work on me"
Naruto still looking away with his hand in Hinata said nervously "O-Ok yeah, that uh... S-sounds good, I-I suppose." Looking a little more hopeful than nervous now, naruto looked at Hinata and blushed bright red for some reason when he saw Hinata's shy face and said "S-So the-Then you uh-when you're feeling better I'll be over in the medical tent those guys took me to earlier. So uh if I don't check in on you first and you're able to, you can uh just go ahead and find me there"

Naruto quickly pulled his hand away nervously as a medical ninja walked in from the other side of the tent and Naruto said "S-So! Like I said, I'll go ahead and check on how you're doing later ok? And uh you can visit me if you're feeling better before that." Naruto quickly walked outside in a daze, realizing he may have just asked Hinata out to dinner. The medical ninja inside walked over to Hinata then and said "Ah Hinata-sama, how are you feeling now? You finished your food. That's good." After saying this the man simply looked down at his clipboard and then back at Hinata.
Hinata nodded as Naruto backed out and shyly, she waved goodbye to him. That's when the medical ninja stepped in and asked about her state of being. "Y-Yes, I'm feeling a lot better" She said softly, glancing down before she shrugged a bit "I'm just a bit sore is all" She explained, pointing to her stomach where the main wound was. "W-When do you think I'd be able to leave?' she asked nervously. She was scared of the little date, but at the same time, she was eager as well.
Naruto ran back to his tent after he left Hinata's in a panic. The reality that he just asked her out to dinner had just slapped its way into his simple mind. He ran in panicked and quietly shouting "Yaaaah! What have I done?! How did I do that?! Oh man oh man oh man!" Shikamaru who had been waiting for naruto to come back, sitting on a chair right to the left of the entrance to Naruto's tent said calmly to the panicked naruto "Relax naruto, you asked a girl out it's not that odd. Especially since there's no way you'd get a girlfriend by hoping a girl would ever ACTUALLY ask you out." Naruto froze as Shikamaru spoke and slowly turned around to see who he didn't realize was in his tent and said "How did you know that?" Quite nervously. Shikamaru smiled lightly as he said "I might have passed by and heard you two when I rested against the tent's pole." Naruto replied still as nervous as before "So only you heard?" Shikamaru replied back "Well me and Sakura and Ino at least." Naruto's head fell in absolute embarrassment as Shikamaru walked out saying "Congratulations hero"

Naruto was terrified at the thought Hinata knowing he asked her to dinner but was mortified that Shikamaru and two gossips had heard him. He slowly walked over to his bed, looked up at the ceiling and with wide eyes lay there for half an hour until he passed out from a mixture of fear, leftover side effects from the sedative, and mental exhaustion with traces of over exertion in his recent fight.
"If we did a bunch of work right now, you could leave mid day tomorrow. You would need to rest though, your body won't be used to the rapid healing" The medic said, smiling to her. Hinata nodded her head and sighed "Okay, I-I'd like to do that then" She said softly, getting a nod from the medic. He said he would be back before leaving, and was back soon with a few others to help him out. They spent half an hour healing her wounds as best they could, it making her rather tired. It drained her energy to the point that when they left, she practically passed out right away.
Naruto slowly woke the next morning, his head rather tired from all the things that had been happening in such a short amount of time and slowly got out of his bed and stood there a moment before he walked out and saw some doctors standing in Hinata's tent's opening and walked over to them and yawned slightly as he asked "hey you guys are Hinata's doctors?" The doctors stopped talking and looked at naruto as the medical ninja with a clipboard said "Yes we're one of the ones who worked with her yesterday. What can I do for you?" Naruto looked in through the flap and said "Is she doing alright? She was looking better yesterday but she was still pretty banged up. Is she... Any better?" The medical ninja who had yet to speak and placed and on Naruto's should and smiled as she said "She's much better now, and just needs to sleep it off. Feel free to wait for her inside, we can bring your breakfast in here for you." Naruto smiled and said "Yeah, I think I'll do that... And thank you for helping Hinata." The medical ninja with the clipboard smiled as he nodded his head and walked off. Naruto walked inside Hinata's tent and smiled as he sat in the chair by her bed and tilted his head slightly as he admired her gentle sleeping face.
Hinata slept peacefully for another few hours before she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing Naruto there, she blushed softly and slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position. She felt a lot better, only a few places sore as if she'd been training all day and all night. Yawning, she stretched lightly and looked over to him. "M-Morning... Have you been there long?" She asked softly, hoping he hadn't simply been waiting around for her while she'd slept off the exhaustion from the night before. "I... I think I'm good to go tonight. I-If you still want to, I'd understand if you changed your mind or something"
Naruto smiled as Hinata woke up and laughed as he said "No not too long. Besides I didn't exactly have any plans other than tonight." Naruto was surprised at how cute Hinata looked when she first woke up as she spoke to him. Her somewhat messy hair and gentle face seemed to glow almost in his mind as he responded "N-No way! I definitely want to go with you! I-I mean... You know..." Naruto's face blushed slightly as he spoke and he got a gathered himself a little as he said "I mean, I wanted to have dinner with you, so there's no way I would change my mind."

Naruto looked endearingly at Hinata as he said "I'm glad you're feeling so much better today Hinata." Naruto's face began to blush a dark red as saw Hinata's cute morning look after he spoke and he turned his face slightly away from Hinata and said "Y-You look really nice today Hinata. I-I was wondering if you were feeling well enough to maybe go for a little walk in a bit"
Hinata slowly nodded her head and carefully brought her legs over the side of the bed. "Y-Yeah, I should be fine" She said softly as she carefully got to her feet, her knees shaking a bit, but otherwise being able to stand alright. "S-Sorry if I lag behind a bit" She said softly as she walked over to him and smiled sweetly.

"Lead the way hero" She said playfully, blushing nervously and scratching the back of her head shyly. She stretched slightly and walked towards the tent opening, eager to get out.
Naruto smiled, glad to see Hinata doing do much better. Naruto gently grabbed Hinata's hand and looked at her with a content look in his face as he chuckled nervously and smiled as he took his left index finger and gently scratched his cheek as he said "Hehe I'm not exactly a hero. Besides, I only beat Pein thanks to you and everyone else giving me your support." Naruto then began to walk at a light slow pace for Hinata to keep up and said with an unsure twinge to his voice as he looked at Hinata "Soooo... It uh it's a nice day today isn't it?"
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