Don't go into cargo bay 69 (Whiterabbit and ChrisGabriel)

RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

Cell felt the blast hit her shoulder. Had she been human she would have lost the arm. Phasers were supercharged in space and thus almost always lethal. "Kira i will not be able to make the ship" Her skin acting like a suit was now breached. She could not stay in space much longer and function. Finding a jagged hole she reentered the ship looking for a pocket of air. She quickly found that the ship was again with an atmosphere which was good for her. She made her way not to med bay but science bay.

Seven lay the woman on the floor of the runabout she could see Ezri approach through the forward view port. For some unknown reason she waved. Quickly she erected a force field around Kira who was starting to wake. The Bajoran felt her head blood came away on her fingers from a minor head wound. "You're metal girlfriend will not be coming to save you, i am afraid you have lost"

Kira opened her eyes and blinking looked around the room. She was on the enemies ship. Her finger brushed a force field "Well what now a warm federation penal colony" she asked standing her hand falling to her hip. Why had she expected to skill be armed she did not know. "If i were you i would leave soon the ships dilithium crystal was unstable last time a checked" She made as if to check a watch. "I think you have ten minutes before boom time"
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

When I finally stepped inside the runabout and seen Seven, I could not stop myself from hugging her, even in the bulky spacesuit without the helm. Then seeing the Kira clone, I sighed. Well, I do not think we should strand a hurt sentient android on a ship that could explode any minute... Nor can we leave without all the information they gathered, if we have time." I was ready to return to the ship, but hoped to get a transporter lock on me, and maybe use it to fish Cell out, and maybe the specific parts of the data cores...

"Okay, Seven, One of us need to go back.. or hack the system. The one who stays here need to overcome the blocks on transport, and be ready to get away in a moments notice." I just hoped we would not lost our prisoner or get hurt while on this mission.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

Seven nodded with her implant and the key she could easily find a route to the core. "I have a fix on, cell" She smiled as she hugged the trill through her suit. She stood up and floated through the door having turned the gravity off. She swam through the air coming to the shaft were the permanent data was stored. Only that data recorded directly by the ship would have survive. It was a black box of sort used for just this type of situation. Twisting a handle a long cylinder slid free of the panel as a light exploded over her head.

"Cell i was going to look for you we have to leave" Seven held out her hand the plasma pistol appearing in it. "Two to beam" The two vanished in a twinkling of lights. The runabout was already kilometers away from the hull when it exploded. It did not disintegrate but instead broke into small chunks. It looked like a melon exploding after being hit with a hammer. "Cell and Kira have some talking to do, they'll have plenty of time in there cell" she laughed what a poor choice of names.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

I was a happy Trill. Having the two terrorist in custody and even getting the recorded data from the Alternate Universe hopefully intact, all I wanted to curl up with my ex-borg. I would even shamefully give the ex-Intendant and her plaything a show, after all, if they got it on too, the less time they would have thinking about turning the situation on us.

It was a long way back to then through the Wormhole. "Hey, Seven, what do you say, we give the information from our scans and even some censured data from the other side to the Dominion if they ask? We could edit out the sensitive information..."
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

The dominion had them on an uninhabited proto-planet. The moon was being used as a supply depot for dominion ships. "Good some of the raiders" The guard moved to apprehend the two women but seven moved in the way. The man fell to his knees sevens vice like grip around his wrist. "Sorry but they are in our custody" She handed the second soldier all the data they gathered. The soldier led her to a small room that looked like a house in miniature.

"We must contact are superiors i trust you will be comfortable till then" Seven watched the door shut. Kira held up her cuffs and seven unlocked them. They knew that the two would not try anything. Even if they escaped the room they would have a dominion legion to deal with. "Kira i know you like Ezri would you like to have some fun with her" She asked with a wicked smile. She eyed the android it would be amusing to play with her. "Well we must eat first we can have desert latter"
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

"Hey!" I cried out with hurt egoism. How I always find myself in situations like this? It was one thing to be invited planetside, but really, do Seven had to accept it? Now, we had only the automated runabout as a method to leave. I could only hope that it was well hidden, and that Seven knew what she was doing with letting Alternate Kira go free. Of course I was in a heavy discussion / reprogramming session with Cell, hoping to get a fully autonom personality without any hardwired or reprogrammed side in this situation. Then maybe she would be able to choose wisely. After all, being a member of the Federation here would give the android real freedom, and only being part of Starfleet would give her access to data on Data, and her own body makeup, and of course technicians to help with her very long lifespan...

I was so engrossed in making a new friend, partially programming and partially being psychological about it, that I was eating only when Seven, and later Kira got something for me to try or eat.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

Kira knew that most federation officers would eat earth food. Having gone to the academy in San Fran most had tried at least one earth dish. "Fish and chips" Kira looked at it she thought chips were thin fried potato. These were more wedges of potato maybe the replicator was broken. "I would not try too hard i had he scrubbed" Kira speared a wedge and bit into it. Seven watched her as if she would try to kill on of them with her fork. Cell was as impassive as ever even as she had brain surgery performed on her.

Seven handed her a tray of fish and chips. It seemed like the fish was real. What kind of fish they used neither one wanted to know. Some large stations had tanks with live fish. Kira moves to sit next to Ezri. "Come on you cant spend all day doing that" A positromic brain was not a toy. It was almost as complex as the human brain. One mistake would turn cell from an engineer into a toaster. "Look i have nothing against you personally" I just want to destroy the federation to give rise to a second empire.
"Okay, I should be finished for today, but I would fry her brain and make her into an overgrown vibrator, if she have antisocial tendencies without real knowledge... I have nothing against if she wants to do it politically and legally within the Federation law... But as I am a Starfleet officer, I have to stop the loss of life if I can... even if it is the terrorists themselves." I was really cranky and started to wenture into a job that I really was not qualified... But maybe heightening her sensitivity and sexual drive would stop her from becoming a killer... Or just doing it in new, inventive, and pleasurable ways.

I closed her ports and put away the extralarge tricorder, then started eating the chips. The fish had to wait a little, but I hoped it would be at least edible. "Really, I have nothing against you or this Kira either... It is just your methods that need civilising."
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