Don't go into cargo bay 69 (Whiterabbit and ChrisGabriel)

RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

I was trashing and cumming in no time from her fingers and the purring tribble keeping my pussy streched. When presented with those magnificent globes, my moans and little shrieks became non-existent as I tried to stuff my face into the mounds. Breathing hard and kissing, licking all I could was just making me more horny, my orgasm falling through and leaving me in an afterglow bliss fueled by the trembling tribble.

Then I was almost suffocated with the tangible metallic smell and juices of Seven, even her ass clean enough to feast on it. And oh, did I feasted on it! Burrowing my face into her wetness, moving my nose and tongue to stroke and fuck her openings. Sucking and lightly biting every loose piece, pussy lips, clit... The feeling of her power over me was making me light-headed... or maybe the loss of breathable air. Then I was gifted with her cumming, and even more of her to taste and revel in.

Panting next to her exhausted form, I started to giggle at her words. "Give me a minute or so to recover, my love! And let me save this poor tribble... Or maybe it would be happy to have you too?" so my first move would be somehow removing the loving creature from my hole, and put it on hers... Would not be dipping into her as deep as it was in me, but surely pleasant enough.
Then it would be my time to discover her body, to map every inch, borg jevelry and flesh, to kiss and stroke and find out where and how sensitive she is. That would give us both time to recover and think about the next part.
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Seven lay back on the bed her body was covered in a health sheen of sweat and cum. The gunmetal borg implants dotted her body like the Trill spots on Erzi's. “Is that all you have I thought a thousand years would mean something” Seven rolled onto her side tracing the Trill spits down Ezris body. She could feel little goosebumps of flesh as the heat from there encounter dissipated. She ran her fingers over the trill inside of her love. The creature was making a chortling sound that must have been heaven and hell for the trill. “Hi little, I don't think tribble's have names or genders. The creature was half snow white and half tar black. “You want to see Seven” She asked the little creature her chest rising and falling with her breath.

Seven threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood up showing her ass in the now pale light of the room. She looked back at her love the short hair the pixie like smile she was so delicious. “What fruit do you like best” The swirling lights materialized into a glass and metal vessel half filled with an amber liquid. Vulcan pleasure oil created in the days before Vulcan’s suppressed there emotion and became sticks in the mud. Seven plucked the creature from her loves cunt and placed it on one of the beds pillows. Seven had Ezri roll onto her stomach before pouring the oil into her hands rubbing them together. “Borg anatomy the nanites in my blood make it easier to keep on going” She placed her hands on her loves back.

Contacting the rooms computer she had to lights switch from neutral white to a blue with a pattern of white stripes. The feeling was interesting seven thought as the light played over there bodies. “You work far to hard” Her hands moved from her lover back to her shoulders needing her taught flesh like dough. Throwing on leg over the prone girl she begins to work the oil into her skin. She can feel her ass on her cunt. The Tribble begins to roll around anxious to get back to the warm spot she took it from. “Sorry little one but you will just have to wait” She swore the thing made a sigh but it had no way to make such a sound. She would not have minded music but after the blissful choir of the continium music seemed a pale substitute.
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"And had a bad week, and drank too much too... Also I am just Ezri in body, not all nine of Daxes... That would be too much..." I did not told her that I was contemplating if being borged was a way to get more stamina... Maybe I should look up Doctor Bashir and ask his help... No, that would be too evil... But still a good possibility!

"But Seven, if you want to be like an energizer bunny - something I had seen in a XXI. century holo-experience - be my guest. After all, the less I have to move, and the more you work on us, the more middle ground can be reached..." damn, I knew that I was just blabling, again. The nice sensations and earth-blowing orgasms shook my mind into pieces, it seemed.

After being turned on my stomach and a fully wet and oiled borg babe landed on my back, I sighed with pleasure and mumbled out "Oh, and I love apples... And melons... Yours are the best..." well, my mind again went in tangents, for I was half asleep and half aroused, without any place to be just normal.
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Seven leaned in to her ear to whisper to her “I think you need some sleep” She gave her a few more rubs. She smiled she pulled the girl close to her side closing her eyes. The climate controlled room made it easy to fall into a deep slumber. Deep space nine almost ran itself, most people were either picking up or dropping off cargo. Quark seemed to be running a brisk business one of which was a camera in the room of almost every attractive female on the station. The tapes of both Daxes would have set him for life if he was not suck a bad gambler. “God I hate work I wish they would just let me take a real vacation”

She had to deal with another borg attack after all that happened she would have thought the borg would have given up on the Alpha and Beta quadrants. Seven began to dress it was early in the morning and she was not in the mood. “You want to come along I could use you’re help” Dax knew a little something about everything. No doubt he would know something about the Gama quadrant. The ship was a modified runabout equipped with the latest in stealth. The ship was coated in a mirror black Finnish and looked rather menacing. “Transphasic torpedoes. Pulse phasers, regenerative shielding, ablative armor” and a whole lot of other goodies.
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Waking up next to an already hurriedly dressing blonde was not that usual occurence for me. Sitting up I streched and yawned, then looked at her with wide eyes and bed hair.

"Seven of Nine?" I asked with awe in my voice, as slowly the previous day's memories was returning. "Oh, Fuck!" I sighed, then moaned as some sensations also returned with the vivid memories.

"Sorrowfully I am a Starfleet Officer and can't just elope with my lover to the unknown... And if it is something that they want me to look after, then they better send the Defiant too! ... Not that I would need thirty officers for a sex-filled weekend..." I was really not that fast to wake up.

Not wanting to loose this nice blonde just after a drunk evening, I get up too, and stared longingly at her... but still stole glimpses at the sonic shower. "Still, you can ask me out from Captain Kira Nerys and the new Federation and Starfleet Captain who should have been arrived recently... But seeing as I am officially the Defiant's XO... And that I only have this day free..."
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Seven ran her finger over the officers nose “Its a mission silly I am sure I can get you assigned to it, and when not on duty there will be much smexy fun” Slowly she stood up and walked to the sonic shower she wished they had a water shower. Her own quarters at command had a water shower which was more like a waterfall.

“You know you can join me if you want I can brief you on the opp” The operation was to find a borg infiltration cell. The borg were trying to fly under the wire make the most of there limited Gama quadrant resources. Having dominions ships attack each other to start up a civil war in the Gama quadrant. Things were already on shaky grounds after the dominions invasion of the alpha and Beta quadrants.

She could imagine the petite Short brunet climbing into the sonic shower with her she hoped it was not an early morning dream. They did not have a lot in common besides both being women and both being in starfleet. They would have to develop something more then there love of hard kinky sex if it was going to last. “I did not know you had such a thing for trubbles” She teased having never heard of them being used in that way.

Ragnarok the ship they would be using in the operation Odin to hunt down the borg terror cell and avert a civil war. “something tells me you love me just for my body, but I don’t mind that” She had a great body it was dumb to deny that. But she was still an amateur having lived most of her life as nothing but a drone. She missed the crew of voyager but she had to start her own life find a family of her very own.
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After a moment or two to appreciate the body of the blonde ex-borg, I stood up on shaky legs and went after her. Hitting the control panel to start the water falling - for on a station it was always easier to have enough water and the recicling equipment for it - I slid behind her and hugged Seven. Pushing my breasts to her back, and soaping up her front and boobs from behind I was realy putting the last day's end into perspective.

"Well, one thing, I love tribbles just like any other... well, except Worf, but he is Klingon. And you are not supposed to be able to replicate a living organism... But even if you succeed, it would not have real sentience or much life-time before it. Poor tribble!" then turning her around to really get up, close, and personal with her, I slid one hand between her legs, the other pulling down her head for a kiss. "And anyway, I love any toys that work!" then kissed Seven until I have to get up for air.

"I love your drive more, after all, bodies could be modified! ... not that I would not love a body like yours even without your personality, but sure would not thinking about going on a sanctioned Starfleet mission with a sex-doll..."
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Her eyebrow rose she was half machine and her body perfected by the collective. Not for sex but to assimilate other sentient lifeforms across the galaxy. Then again if they had been smart they would have used sex, if they had the galaxy would be in there hands. "And you are my little nympho i just love short women" She kissed the girl again feeling her hand between her legs.

"I know you want to have more fun but we really" She lurched to the side taking the girl with her as she had an orgasm. The girl with hundreds of years of experience had quickly learned the inside of her cunt. It felt like she was a combination lock that had just been breached. Only her strong long legs and years of control kept her standing. "Ok one more, short, quick, yo know what i mean max three orgasms a piece" She kissed the girl feeling her tits crush into her stomach like two flashy orbs.
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After a quick thank you kiss, I pushed against her stomach with my free hand to keep her from going anywhere. Pushing my face into Seven's heaving bosom I tried to find the perfect place for my fingers playing in her folds. There was some implants all over her body, and another layer of the borg remnants under her skin. I could only hope not to touch something that was sensitive in a bad way, and I prayed that my fingers would be intact when I finished making her cum again... and if I was really successfull, again and again and again... I was getting horny and hot from thinking of making her orgasm until she had to regenerate.

Keeping up with the pressure with both hands I could only hope that her insides was somewhat female, and that my massage indeed let her accumulate more and more pleasure in her core and her cumming would be explosive... It was not a first time that a Dax tried to make a woman squirt and have a bigger, better orgasm... Even if this was the first time that I intended to do it, and keep doing it until she could do it no more.

That possibly I would come along her sometime was a nice bonus.
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She now knew that most humanoids had no idea how to use the female body to it utmost. The Trill on the other hands ha lived as male, female and everything in between. It also helped she had a borg tactile net under the surface of her cunt. It was made to measuring her bodies data but amplified every touch. Not that Ezri needed any help in making her feel good. It was also the area the borg located a sensor bundle, because what borg would ever be hurt or even touched there. The former borg place her arms on the shorter woman. She could do nothing more then kiss her deeply with great passion. Orgsms chained together to wrack her body like a cough. She felt back against the wall barley standing her eyes glazed over. After a few more minutes she felt her body grow week as she slid to the floor. "Officer Ezri i need, i need" The bundle had shorted out higher thought not brain death more like being drunk. With borg nanites she could only become drunk if she chose to. It was an experince she did not ofter choose.
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When she went down I followed. Seeing and feeling her cumming repeatedly - not counting smelling her metallic and clear female ejaculation even through the waterfall shower - made me follow her pleasure... Well, not that much and not that hard, but still, my legs buckled and I needed her to keep standing.

Laying together there panting, I tried to pull my hand free, but it was trapped in a vice like grip between her thighs. Still, for her 'need' I could only kiss her again, until our breathing got more normal. The ping suggesting that I should stop the overuse of the water rations of the station sounded, but still we lay there... Or more like I lay there in her lap, smiling like the Cheshire Cat, while gratulating myself that I defeated the Borg... Oh, well, even if they used sex to subjugate the galaxy, making them loose still seemed hard, but possible.

"Just ask anything, my sexy ex-drone, and it is yours." I pulled away, trying to recover and reclaim my hand from her, while using the waterspray to flush away the remains of the passion. I just hoped that any nanobots released by her would be filtered out harmlessly...
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Seven leaned forward everything was a little fuzzy her cunt felt like it was shut. "It is you're own fault" She pulled her close again and kissed her as she tried to stand. She had her cloths all ready she just had to get up and put them on. "Can you um help me up unless you need to fuck me stupid again" She grinned as she slid up the wall spreading her legs to get more of her balance back. Everything was in black in white her brain in backlog. In a way she was still experiencing what the Trill had done to her minutes before. "Ezri do you like bondage" She asked stumbling forward her hands shooting out to keep balance. She had the feeling she could play much more interesting games. "Seven of nine you're ship is ready" Seven held up the badge then stroked it "Yes i should be there in, um before tomorrow" Wobbling she had no idea if they would ever leave Ezri's cabin or if they even wanted to.
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I groaned at the pun and crawled out before her, shutting off the shower. "I do not need it again, what is more, I can not do it again for now!" I almost reached the closest furniture to help me stand when Seven question stopped me dead. "Bondage? How... where..." then as I looked back and realised that she was stumbling forward, I tried to catch her, hands in the air, kneeling.

Of course after a successful catch my face was against her pussy, again. And I was trying to breathe in her smell, and coerce out a little more with kissing and humming against her clit... Then her combadge chirped and I let her on her way. I get back to my crawling, but went further, straight to my walk-in closet.

"My dear Seven, I have no strenght in me to stop you if you want me bound... In the web of a sEx-Borg... Just don't forget to ask me away from the Captain before you kidnap me to have your way..." I choose not to put on anything, instead I just crawled to my bed and lay down on it half-way, knees still on the floor, hands streching forward and gripping the sex-soaked sheets, smelling us as my face disappeared in it too.
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Seven sat on the bed running her finger down the Trills back. She smiled and stood up slipping into her civilian clothing. It was easy to get in and out of with a seam on the side that was a lot like a ziplock bag. “Trust me I will sex you up a lot on the mission but I have a job to do as well just meet me at the cargo bay latter. She leaned down and kissed the trill on the head before leaving her room with a backward glance. The ship was in one of the cargo bays it looked like a sleep predator so unlike the bulky model it was made from.

“You must have been busy I could not get a hold of you for hours” The woman was a new droid one based on Data. After his death the federation had found his notes that he used to make his daughter. With two specimens it was easier to complete the research. There were still only a handful in existence but they may soon flourish into a race of there own. “I know I was just bringing the federation presence up to speed” The woman lacked datas emotional upgrades but she was sure that she did not believe her ruse.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

It took me some time to get up and pull on some clothes. It was a day I was supposed to be not working, and also after the last hour or so where other people could see me, I think every one of them was thinking of me having a hangover, sleeping in, or taking the day off to be in bed with the statuesque blonde.

Still, it was just time for lunch, so I was looking for my commanding officer. Seven's little incursion into the Gamma quadrant and looking for the Borg... A sanctioned Mission if she spoke the truth, but still, me being a Starfleet officer and an XO meant that I had to keep my eyes on something like this... There was a chance that this was just a secret mission from some hidden command in the fleet - ahem, Section 31, ahem - but that meant that I would not find anything, and that Seven could not ask me on this little quest legally... or lawfully.

I soo hoped that she would kidnap me to have her way with me... But being commanded to go with her sounded okay too. I did not thought that Kyra would order me to do everything Seven asked me to, but one could fantasize about the sensual and kinky creature that the alternate universe Intendant Kyra was... Now, she would be happy to command me truly, making me hot for even thinking about it.

A joined Trill's fantasies would make any sane person call for a counselor, but who said I was sane? Nine personalities swimming around in my symbionte and in my head, and I was still very much satisfied and horny after this little fun with Seven of Nine.

I was just thinking about what would the collective mean as in information on sex from who know how much species... All that memory, all that knowledge, even fantasies... The Collective surely dismissed everything about it, but if nothing more, the basic info on all that would be staggering.

So, I sought out my Captain, Commander, Kira Nerys, and together we tried to find out if I was needed to go on this trip, or if my being on it would be helpful... or just not forbidden. Of course the lenght of the said posting also mattered to my CO.
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After Ezri showed up it took Seven only minutes to get the ship ready to leave the station. Following that trip through the wormhole was no more complex then crossing the promenade. Seven simply had to follow the beacons to in the Gama quadrant. In the Gama Quadrant they found numerous dominion ships. Some were destroyed, but many seemed to be in some great search.

Continuing there search the only anomaly was a federation signal deep in dominion territory. The dominion of course offered to help. Seven was forced to decline in order to keep the prose of the mission a secret. Arriving in an uninhabited system they found the federation ship too easily. The ship was floating above a world being consumed by a micro black hole.

"Does that look like the Eiffel to you" The Eiffel was a support ship named after the architect of the Eiffel tower. It had vanished somewhere in the Gama quadrant moths earlier while on patrol. Seven locked the runabout onto the beacon of the Eiffel. The small runabout slowly approached the larger ship.

Soon the small runabout was close enough to dock with the Eiffel. The small ship bumped into the hull of the larger ship forming a tight seal with the airlock. "Be careful" The airlock hissed open seven found the floor covered in blood. It also leaked from the ceiling falling in her blonde hair. The deck was melted in some places from weapons fire making the floor more then a little unstable.

Corpses floated around the hallway, one seemed to be wearing the uniform of the Terran Empire "Looks like we found how the Borg made it this far into the Gama quadrant. If the borg had conquered the mirror federation, (the Terran empire). Then the the attackers could have been refugees from the empire. "Stay close" Seven ordered as she detected a power signature in the medical bay. A scattering field was shielded any life form readings. Seven moved her hand slowly to her phaser. She drew it from her side holster. The medical bay was dark but seemed to be in better workingorder then the rest of the ship.

"Drop the weapon" boomed a loud voice "I was shocked, shocked to see the federation in the Gama quadrant" Kira or her mirror counterpart sat on a medical bed one side of her face was inured. It looked like someone had burned her with a hot blade. "Looks like you had a falling out" Seven quipped. The Bajoran smiled as Seven dropped her weapon and kicked it over. "Put these on i would hate to have my merchandise damaged" Seven did as she was told she could easily bust through such weak alloys of the cuffs latter if need be.
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The next hours went normal. Assigned to the ship, taking charge of the secondary display for sensor analysis and communication, I let Seven and the nice android lady work their magic on the controls of their ship. Of course being the only fully living being on the ship felt creepy, more so when we found the traces of the Borg.

A trace that led us to the USS Eiffel, and a black hole that really did not make me happy to have near us. The Terran uniforms aboard clearly made me paranoid enough to let Seven go first, thinking that she was more prepared and equipped to tackle any problems.

When I heard Kira's voice I found myself to be occupied by watching Seven's behind instead of protecting it. Trying to find a better vantage point I moved with my phaser to be ready... My mind working overtime to come to terms with our situation and the possibilities.

First, was she alone? What was that thing Seven had to put on? Should I just shoot the Intendant - or was she really her, or just a look (and sound) alike? Was there any other danger around? Should I stay hidden, and wait for Seven's reaction, or should I react fast and maybe miss something that she could already see?
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Kira shot seven in the shoulder. The weapon was some primitive lase and not a phaser. The wound was like a burn black and scaled but no blistering. "Come out little one we meet again" The woman smiled a crocodiles smile. She held up the gun to fire again this time towards sevens heart. Seven placed the cuffs around her hands and moved to kneel before the dark Kira. She just needed to get a little closer to take the woman by the throat. A light began to glow on the cuffs throwing her back. The pain was electric as it shot through her body.

"Agony booth in a box" She laughed as she used her foot to roll the ex borg over. The android emerged from the darkness carrying a second weapon. An exposed Terran Empire crest could be seen on her breast bone. "Oh you like my toy it was supposed to topple the Federation, alas when the borg attacked they destroyed the beacon, i was lucky to get control of this one" Seven could see a small borg probe embedded into the skin of Kira. It looked almost like an earing, like the earing she wore for her gods but just a little off.

"You like the borg thought they had me, still i hear them seven" Kira put a boot onto Sevens chest. Listen if you don't come out i wont be held responsible for what i do" Kira bent down and placed the laser weapon to Sevens head.
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I had no other option, but to step out. But I also could not loose the last opportunity to help us out of this situation. So, as I stood proudly, my hand was aiming the phaser and firing with as much accuracy I could muster. "This is for hurting Seven!" I cried out in distraction, while the narrow beam impacted with...

... well, I knew that firing on the Data-girl would not do more than just a nice hole, if I was not using a high enough setting to destroy her. Not knowing if she could be saved, or easily deprogrammed, I did not wanted to rob her of the pseudo-life.

I also knew that firing at the alternate Kira was a two-way street. If she was shot, maybe all our problems would be over. But she could be protected by a forcefield, either from the borg, from the medical bay, or any other source, a woman of her caliber took personal protectin seriously. And if my shot did not killed her, then I would be surely the next target for her - and her droids - ire.

... so I shot Seven's hands. More like, I was aiming at her cuffs, and hoping that I either had a lucky aim, or that she could move them a little, while I kept firing the beam constantly. Not at the max setting, but enough to short out the pain-bands, and maybe even open the cuffs too.

And if I had time for another target, maybe I would able to shoot off Kira's borgified ear...
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Kira watched the former drone roll away as the shield absorb the blasts. A lucky shot hit the power juncture over her head. The lights went out plunging the room into complete darkness. Kira felt the laser knocked out of her hand. The next blow rolled over her shoulder as she pivoted damn integrated power system. “Well its more then I expected” The lights came on as the damaged systems were bypassed. Slowly Kra stood up and began to search the room for her pray both of them were long gone by now.

Seven huddled behind a half opened door with Kira's laser weapon. She watched the insane Bajoran walk by. She almost attacked the woman but stopped at the last moment. Kira took out a plasma pistol spun around and fired. The wall next to seven melted under a full strength blast. The liquified metal pooled on the ground below her. At least she knew where the fist sized holes in the floor had come from. “I hope I got that pretty little trill” Kira vanished around a corner and seven let out a sigh of relief.

Kira was on edge after loosing most of her teem she had been abandoned in the mirror universe. She was angry and she was horny. She had not fucked or killed something for days and it was making her paranoid. When the second federation ship she thought, fucks and kills just my luck. It was nasty to set a trap but she doubted the trill bitch would have been happy to see her. If something did not happen quick she might loose her mind. “That should work” Kira replaced the panel. “In thirty minutes the atmosphere will be vented from” It went on to give a list of every room but the main cargo bay. Now she just had to sit in her web and wait.
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Happy to be out of imminent danger's way, and that Seven got free, and maybe even got some kind of weapon, I concentrated more on getting away from the turncoat android girl. Playing cat and mouse on a partially destroyed ship was not really that much fun, but it seemed that she was not firing on me. Maybe she also liked playing this game? Still, the next time I was trying to have a look at the ship's integrity - and the possible way to elude her - I got bad news.

I just got much less area to hide, and run, for the ship just got the idea to went the air! I still had some minutes...
Then I had to be off, running, utilising the Jeffrey-tubes ... All the while knowing that the android did not needed the air, but we others did. I could only hope to return to our ship, or that I could surprise whoever was waiting for us in the cargo bay. After all, there was numerous ways in for a slim girl... But first I had to find them.

I was praying that Seven was well, and that she would be able to think up something to get us out of this situation intact. Then I just slapped myself in the face. The Comm-badges!

"Ezri Dax to Seven of Nine!" and I waited for her reply, hoping that it would work.
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Cell the female android had been trying to locate the trill or the ex-borg. "Master it seems that both of them have vanished" If one was within a few feet of her they would have heard Kira yelling. The android did not respond to threats, insults or any type of abuse. "Yes i will find her" Cell began to scan wall after wall with her tricorder. She knew she could scan even through the walls. But sadly she was limited to a few fee a room at the most. "Yes i am sure one of them will try to go back to the ship" Which meant only three routes.

"Yes" Seven responded as her com badge opened up with the voice of the trill. She was making her way to the the cargo bay while creating pockets. By taking out nodes she could segregate a room from the rest of the ship. "The ship, ill be there soon i just need to make sure Kira cant come after us" What she did not know was Kira had the same idea and was not in the cargo bay. Her plan was to trap them and take there ship. Most likely she would use the runabouts weapons on the ship and leave them dead, or soon to be dead.
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"As a last resort, I think we should activate the self-destruct of our ship. If one of us can't reach it first... You have the authorization." I very much hoped that I could laugh in the face of this scarred Kira if she or her 'droid would catch me. However, I was going to find a space suit and either walk on the outer shell to our ship if I was reasonably close, or use it as a surprise result for when there was no more air inside.

Nobody could tell a Dax that we did not have survival instincts. I even managed to open a weapon locker near a damaged section, thus would be able to overload a phaser as a trap and maybe the traitor would think that I had no weapon any more.

That I could damage or even disable her was an added bonus. After all, I did not cared to keep this scrap of ship in one piece, leaving Starfleet technology - more so from a trip to another universe - behind us to be salvaged by anything in this quadrant was not something I could stand behind.

Of course it woulkd be better if I was able to salvage the logs and any data from the core, but first I have to live, and stay free...
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Cell seemed to have the same idea Ezri did. Unlike Ezri she had no need of a space suit. The android began to walk over the surface of the ships saucer. She could see the mat black runabout and began to make her way in that direction. Around her floated pieces of the ship and the probe Kira used to invade the ship. "Yes i will soon secure the ship" Not even cell knew where Kira was. Like the rest of them she believed she was in the cargo bay. The android was making good time she would be at the ship in only a few minutes.

"Surprised to see me" Kira asked as she exited through a sealed door. The door had been a fake created by a portable holographic generator. "No not really you're thoughts are limited" Kira struck out her hands slicing through the image. Sevens feet impacted the back of the woman sending her stumbling forward. Just as she turned around her face mad contact with sevens fist. Seven disarmed the woman checking for the master key she must have created to gain control of the ship.

"Ezri this is seven i have Kira but there are no signs of the android" She began to move towards the ship the woman pressed to her back with her hands over her shoulders. It was hard dragging the woman she was heavier then she looked. Finding a panel she set the ship to seal up thus allowing air to return to the affected rooms. "You wont get away" Mumbled the unconscious woman. Maybe she was dreaming about her conquest of the Alpha quadrant.
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"Okay, Seven, I have good news and bad news. I see the turncoat girl, and she is just about to enter your ship from space. The good news that I have her in my sight, just need this phaser shoot at long range...." I was only leaving an air lock, as the android was nearing the runabout. As the small ship was blacker than the space, the spacesuit less woman was a good target... I was just straining to get a steady aim.


"Seven, I think I hit her. Strafed the ship too, but she disappeared around the corner! I am on my way!" I was moving with haste towards the black runabout, wanting to carch the airlock before the hopefully shot robogirl could get inside and close me out.
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