Don't go into cargo bay 69 (Whiterabbit and ChrisGabriel)


Jun 17, 2009
7 of 9 exited the Columbus, this was her first time to DS9 now the border between the Cardassian Union and the United Federation of planets. The station had been somewhat stripped of arms after the peace treaty. That and Odo's return had turned the station into something of a vacation destination. The spiritual retreat was nothing like the sex crazed vacation world of Risa. 7 of 9 now known simple as seven wore a loose fitting shirt and pants. It was a very different look then her sleek single piece silver suit. She wore her hair long and loose sweeping over her shoulders. No jewelry and almost no makeup she had yet to fully embrace the human idea of face paint.

Quickly she decided to visit Quarks or was it Morts she could not recall who was running the bar. Everything was changing, from what she heard Odo after coming back from the link was now female. "You going to continue enjoying the scenery or are yo going to order a drink" It had to be quark from what she heard Mort had more manners. She pointed to something that was green with steam coming off of it a bubbles. It looked as if it could strip the paint of a star ships hull. "Lady you don't want that" He tilted his head to a sign quarks takes no responsibility for voluntary ingestion of poisonous substances.

She could see a few people she recognized from pictures, Bashir, WOrf, Miles, Ezri, and even Odo. "Drinks for the room" Before the Ferengi could protest she smacked a pile of latnium on the counter. She caught him before he could make the pile vanish. "That's more then enough for one round i will be counting" She smiled as he slowly slid the money into a slide out shelf and gave her a recite. "I assure you the way these people drink you will have no change" Seven decided to find someone to spend the night with. She had heard of a mysterious club on the station and wanted to check it out.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

I was sitting alone at a table in command red uniform with Lt. pips, nine shot glasses distributed evenly like there was nine people sitting at the rather small corner table with only two chair. I was moping and speaking to myself... well, I was speaking with the other eight personalities inside me, not that lot of them would reply. Just breaking up with Doctor Bashir, staying away from Worf too, I had no other options to quell my mood.

Well, trying to get nine refills would be a challange. "Hey, Barkeep! You know I am nine here! Bring a full bottle and leave it!" I was slightly slurring my words, and hoping that Quark's liking for me and my predecessor would indeed help me top up the glasses... I had only drank them down to half, but it was still enough alcohol to numb my body and let my mind wallow in depression.

Looking around, and seeing the frown on Miles O'Brien's face and that Doctor Bashir seemed to try too hard to show his back to me did not made me stop. Having Worf grumble and grip his bloodwine did not helped either, for I knew that he accepted Chancellor Martok's offer of a position as Federation Ambassador to the Empire, and would be shipping out. I had this inkling to just strech my tongue out at him, but the drinks numbed my face enough that it became just a slight tip out of my lips.

Odo was nowwhere to see, that I know of, or so I thought before I remembered that now he had a new outlook, and was a foreign ambassador too. The other people was just the background for me... Well, except the statuesque blonde dropping latinum for my drinks too. She I had to look at a little more, maybe too much. It was like I sit there, waiting for my - our - bottle, and just forgot my eyes on her.
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Ezrie was piss drunk and seemed to being having a fight with herself. For a human this would have made her crazy for a Trill it made it par for the course. Seven stood up slowly it was easy to see the trill was not at her best game. She was only feet away before the blind alien even noticed she had moved. "I think this should be what you are looking for saurian brandy a good year" Seven poured the drink into two bottles and sat down on the edge of the table. After her brief affair with Chakotay she was eager for something less vanilla.

It was clear the girl had been eye humping her from across the room. "You mind" She asked pressing the bottle to her lips and making a three count. She placed one hand on her hip and leaned down to press her lips to the trills. The room became almost a morgue as she simply shared a drink with a fellow officer. "Sorry about but something about cut little girls that makes me all, all melty" She took her arms by the wrist and pulled her onto her lap. She was being very direct almost abusive in her approach.

"What have you heard about cargo bay 69" She asked whispering into Ezri's ear before nibbling on it. She had not even shared her name and was half way to undressing the girl. "By the way my name is 7 of 9 , yes former Borg current nympho, but most people simple call me lieutenant seven" Ger hand moved over the woman's thigh grabbing a breast would have been crass even for her. A few years as a human could never compare to lifetimes of experience. In which the trill had done everything or had everything done to her.
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I just followed the interestingly jewelled woman with my eyes as she closed in on my table. I knew that I should know her, being somebody quite famous. I still kept my eyes on her when she filled two new glasses, they dwarfing the nine shot glasses I had set up in a nice pattern. I pouted, and tried to focus on her face instead on her bosom. She was saying something, then drinking... Then she just got really close. I could only blink, before I had very feminine lips on mine and saurian brandy sprayed in my mouth from hers. Free drink, and presented in a form that Curson was liking very much, so I just let it happen and drank it down. Then, just as I started to kiss her back, she was pulling away... The pout was back with force.

"Hey!" I exclaimed when she pulled me up and laying against her body perched on the table, forcing me to face the crowd. I was blushing, but staying where I was, for her heated breath and whisper in my ear made me streak out in goosebumps... all along my trill spots... or thrill spots, as they was, really. Yes! I knew that name.. but never before was it delivered like this and in this context. I thought I hated everything borg... But I could just be ashamed and even more aroused as she grabbed one breast... I just hoped that nobody would pull her away, or more like pull me away, for she felt quite stably.

"I am 9 of 9 for now, and it should be an all woman recreation zone for adults..." I meekly replied, the drinks hitting me with strenght, warming up my body enough that even my spots was blushing something fierce, making me look like a big red sign in my command uniform. "Lets disappear before I combust or anybody pulls the fire-alarm!" I was hinting at how my collegues seemed to start coming to my resque.
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Seven wrapped her arms around Ezri and kissed her neck tasting the soft flesh that only a younger woman could offer. “If we must” She slowly stood up having the young trill slipped of her lap sending a tingle through her body. The crowd of starfleet officer were ready to tear her apart before Bashir showed up. “I know you are a bunch of prudes but does it really look like she needs to or wants to be rescued” The officers watched her blush and instantly knew better. Ezri was a spitfire in the dominion war holding her own along side warriors like Worf and Sisco. Seven smiled and gave Bashir a wink he was not always useless. Quark held out a small battle amber colored. “From my own stores the good stuff” He did not let it go easily “Now we are even” Seven read the bottle old earth scotch and nodded.

Ezri's quarters were smaller then Sisco's wold have been being alone and a lower ranking officers then the stations commander. There was a lot of trill art not being a trill she could not tell that much of them were museum quality originals. Seven spun the girl around and then pulled her body tight to her own as not to have the woman fall down. “I can honestly say I have not been with a Trill male or female joined or not” Trills were far more rare then humans or Vulcan's or almost every other race of the federation. Sevens hands slid down Ezri's back her body pressed to hers she tipped the girl and kissed her exposed neck. “You taste so good” Seven commented her hand giving the officers shapely ass a squeeze. Starfleet uniforms may not be the latest in fashion but they showed of the body well and came off easily.

Seven found a release and watched the cloths slid off the petite form of Officer Ezri. She let her eyes soak in the soft pale flesh. On the other hand starfleet knew nothing about designing undergarments for anything but support. The bra and panties did nothing to enhance he slender compact form having been designed for someone not under regulation height. “If we are going to make this last we need to get you some knew clothing” She smiled as she pushed the Trill against a wall sliding her arms over her head. The action made her body longer and even more slender then it had been before. Holding her hands she began to kiss down her body over her neck her shoulder. He hand slid over her stomach to clasp her cunt in her cupped hand.

She began to massage the officer cunt through the thin but strong fabric of her starfleet issued undergarments. “God I could just eat you all up” It was so cut the way she let her manipulate her body. She could tell she would have fun turning the woman into a wanton lesbian slut. Maybe she would even fin people to share her with. None of the crass men, Bashir a boy and Worf well the less said the better. “I hear Odo has a new outlook you think she would like to join us some time” Seven ran her hand through the officers short black hair pulling her head back. Her tongue lashed out from her neck to her chin to her cheek. “I want to play a little game with you, do you like games, I like games I know you will like my games”
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I did not spoke, just averted my eyes as I felt every eyes on me. It was a heady feeling... or maybe it was just the brandy. I could not even recall how we arrived to my quarters, but recovered enough to tremble from the kiss on my neck. "And I never had a borg, partial or full doing me... But you kiss well..." then it was her hand opening the clasps of my uniform, and somehow the gravity helped remove it fully before I could even think about anything. But my mind was still slow from the alcohol, and the arousal.

"I cant wear starfleet uniforms with tholian silk or without underwear. But you get me any clothes, and I promise I would put it on for you, even if just once." Backed to the wall, I was soon panting as my arousal grew, the flush disappearing because my body needed the blood in other places. My breasts firmed up and my pussy lips too, all my spots getting not only darker but bulkier, lifting out from my skin. Maybe it was the right mixture of my drinks, the weather, Seven's forceful personality and experienced moves, the fear of the Borg, and all the personalities in me, with the last months stressful action, but I felt more aroused than when I just had to kiss Julian in the turbolift even with others present.

I meowed with pleasure as her jevelled hand cupped my sex, now I knew it was the one that was still cybernetic, and strong enough to damage duranium... And now it was covered with my juices too. My panting just got some moans in it, as I tried to follow everything that kept happening. "I don't know, haven't spoken with him... her? ... I thought you was the big bad wolf who wanted to eat me up... But now I would be the mouse , that makes you a cat, not a dog..." I just knew I was rambling and blabling, putty in her hand, against the wall... But I did not even tried to stop her. "Play me!" I cried out, my thigh's trembling and closing on her hand.
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Seven liked sex, and seven liked power the way it made her feel to be in control. She could feel Ezri's arousal even through the thin fabric a shame she had to wear such plain undergarments. "Well if that's what you want" Slowly Seven slid her hand under the officers panties working one then two fingers inside of her. The warmth of her flesh and the cold of Borg alloys. She worked her fingers in deep the back of her fingers working over Ezri's clit. "Such a horny girl how do you find the time for work and a good fuck"

Seven kissed down her neck even as she worked the officers bra with only one hand. "I am being so unfair here you are almost naked and i have all this on" She stepped back letting Ezri catch her breath before she pulled of her shirt. Her skin was the color of snow her pert pink nipple stood up. Slowly she slipped out of her pants her black panties were custom made to show much but not everything. "You like what you see" Seven had a big ego she had a nice body and she knew it. She did not let anyone forget that she was the full package, looks, brains and a sexy smile.

Slowly she snaked her arms around Ezri's body to her ass lifting her up to wrap her legs around her body. She pulled back letting her sample the Trill's body at will. Her stomach rubbing against the young woman's cunt while her own cunt rubbed her lovely ass. "Do you have any aids, toys, oil, chains, whips dildos" She asked with a smile she loved to play but did not bring her goody bag. Getting one through customs took time, money and usually a whole tube of lube. She would just have to visit the shops and buy new toys.
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

While squirming under her ministration I started stroking her arm from the point of contact to up, towards her shoulder, then even higher... I almost reached her face when she stepped back,

"Why dou you think I would have time for both? I am a model officer, just became part of the command staff of the Federation here... Still, I was a Counselor before and now I have less time, that is for sure. It is fortunate that Commander Kira Nerys have the station well in hand..." I was not telling this sexy but unknown creature that sometimes I fantasized about Kira having me well in control, just like the one would do from the Mirror Universe... Then I lost my breath when Seven started kissing down my spots on my neck.

"Oh, Snow White! Something that the Jem'Hadar could have been using instead of ketracel white... Which always reminded me of cum..." My mind was going on tangents, still not able to concentrate enough. That would make me do something instead of just salivating at the sight. "I like... Who would not?!"

I liked how cold and controlled she felt between my overheated thighs. Stroking her shoulders I marveled at her full breasts and womanly form, all the while feeling the strenght of the once was borg. "I remember the codes of the secret recipes of Jadzia on the replicator, but I only have a slim vibrator under my pillow." I tried to kiss her, and just hoped that she would not have a look around and see 'sex toy' into some of the art objects...
RE: Don't go into cargo bay 69

Seven placed her finger to her lips “Shh you re babbling” Stepping back she slowly slipped out of her panties and balled them. She them placed the panties into the Trill's mouth closing it for the first time in minutes. She almost tripped over something that looked like a limbless torso with a hole through the chest a label on the pedestal read empty. It was about the right size and shape to make one hell of a dildo.
She began to to lick the small stone phallic object was cold to the touch a deep black flecked with red.
She began to rub it up and down the Trill's cunt she could hear the racing of her heart as she pushed it slowly into her cunt. She watched the lips part around the small head of the statue and slowly pulled it out before pushing it in more deeply. She pulled it out pushed it int until she had a good rhythm. She knew she would enjoy the feeling much better when it warmed up.

She moved her mouth to one of her nipples and began to suckle using her lips and teeth to great effect on the Trill. She worked the statue in and out of her cunt her mouth suckling her cut nipples her other hand slid over her wonderful spots. “You are not going to tell me you did not see this statue and think I wonder how that would feel inside of me” She teased. She wanted to do more and found a length of rope tying her hands over her head.

Seven Drank in her body she was shorter then herself of course Seven was tall, well tall for a woman. She admired the lines of her body the curves and flats that made up her tones compact form. “You are a wonder” She slid her finger around the girls ass her cunt keeping the statue inside through the contraction of her own tight mussels. “So tell me is this the normal deep space welcome for all visiting starfleet officers, or am I special” Seven asked accentuating the last words.
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Sucking on her metallic tasting panties I had very hard time standing. With my arms above me, and the more than teasing woman doing kinky wonders with the art object... I would be keening in delight if not muffled by the piece of cloth. Like this I had to concentrate on panting, and clenching my inner muscles on the makeshift dildo. I was feeling the breakthrough in the statue teasing my inner pleasure spots, and when it went either way it felt a little empty... Just like its label descripted.

I could even nod at her question, but of course hearing just the last words... I did thought that she was all special...
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Seven smiled and ran a finger over the girls ear as the other hand slid one into the ass cupping the statues base. "You promise not to talk so much" She waited for a response then slid her panties out of the Trill's mouth. She slowly untied the woman's hand moving her to straddle the bed cut little ass in the air. "I think you need a spanking, maybe it will kick that chatterbox habit of yours or should i wait for next time, sighs but no i could not leave you without at least a few orgasms" Seven found a large flat object some kind of boar used for drawing paper or sheet music. She tested the object with a few practice swats she did not want it to break.
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"Oh, yes, please!" I panted as she moved me onto the bed, trying hard to keep my mouth closed... I really wanted her to give me orgasms, and even to have her return next time too... Not that I wanted her to leave just now, maybe never! Pushing my ass back towards her, keeping the dildo from falling out, I waited her finger to return to my ass... or the punishment to begin.

"But I keep silent easier if my mouth is otherwise occupied!" Gripping the sheets on the bed, I finally found a balanced position. My hands still tied together I felt changed somehow... more ready to be her plaything than be a Starfleet Officer... If every Borg done it like this... "Resistance is Futile!"
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Seven gave her ass a lick from cunt to just above her pert little asshole. She then swung the pad back giving the eager slut a good swat on the ass. She continued to swat the girl before she ran her hand from her navel to starfish sticking her middle finger up to the second joint. "Such a good girl, you must be an art lover" Seven found a second statue this one was a collection of small beads on a chain She began to feed them into The Trills tight starfish. "Such a hungry ass" She smacked her ass with her naked hand. Taking out the first sculpture she began to taste the Trill. It was clear she was enjoying herself from the way she positioned her cute little tush.
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"Oh, Seven! You are a kinky love doll, my dear!" I giggled while opening my legs a little wider to open up my arousal for her eager tongue. "I love your ideas, Mistress! Give me more!" I moaned at her, thinking on the swats that jiggled my cheeks and shoot lightning like pain through my arousal, straight into my nipples. All my darkly aroused Trill spots showed the way around my body.

I was feeling my stomach tighten with pleasure, maybe even my symbionte luxuriating in the drunk, brazen, sexual feelings. This, this was all me for sure, even if some previous Dax's had tried similar things... But it was all me that loved it! Well, until I got sober... But for now it was like a very kinky dream.
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Seven played with the girls nipples her shorter body let her arms easily reach them. "You are my firecracker and i won't stop until you explode" She tasted the Trill stuffing her strong tongue deeply between the fold of the Trills cunt. She forced more of the beads into her ass as she fucked her cunt with the statue spinning it. She could tell the girl was close she would cum soon. She smacked her ass again while twisting a nipple pain is life, life i pleasure, pain is pleasure. Seven wondered if there was some way to use her former borgness on the Trill. She would have to think more after she popped Ezri's cork.
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"Ohh, Yes! I love what you are doing! You are an artist!" Nipples diamond hard, I was pushing my boobs into her hands as my behind was trying to move back to ride her tongue... I started to tremble and some meows from my throat surprised even me.

The figurine massaged my insides, the balls grinding against the occasional turn of the hole, and as the once was Borg's tongue flexed against my folds and clit, the next touch on my sensitive nipples triggered my first drunken orgasm. For all the drilling of my hole and playing with my ass, there was not only the shakes and silent cries as I rocketed through cloud nine, but a spray of my juices covered her face too.
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Ezrie was not her first, female so she knew there were two main types. One that came gently and one that shot like a guy. Her juice covered face told her she was a squinter. Seven lapped it all up enjoying a taste that was like but unlike a human females. She flipped the trill onto her back throwing her short but slender legs over her shoulders. She slid the beads out and began to tongue her ass. She began working one finger after another into her cunt until she had her entire fist inside. "You like that don't you" She continued to abuse her nipples pinching and pulling enough to cause her discomfort but not pain. Her own cunt burned for attention but where did she want to grind it. slowly she crawled onto the bed and threw one leg between the Trills. Slowly there cunts slid forward utill they were touching.
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There was a feeling of vertigo as the world turned around me upside down. Or maybe it was me who got flipped upside down? Still, I was in the middle of coming down from my climax, helped with the full feeling and the tonguing, when the blonde started pulling out the beads... My ass and pussy clenched with every pop, making my sex throb again. Then the dextrous tongue was rimming my ass, long, slender, strong fingers sliding into my pussy... And I never could rest before my next pleasure started mounting.

Then Seven started to really strech my hole, fingers able to rend duranium opening me up, Borg knuckles slipping in, abrasive use of my tender flesh... Even with my juices it was more than I could stand without shrieking. Being drunk was making me miss the possible consequences, but the dull pain helped me sober up. Finding a blonde bombshell playing with my still or again aroused nipples, fisting my cunt with what feelt like torpedo casing and hot, moist, silky tongue cleaning my ass... I wished that all hangover would feel like this.

But it was just her magnificent boobs that hung over me as she let go all the pleasure and pain causing, and scrissored our legs so that my streched lips surrounded her aroused ones... It felt... relaxing yet still delectable. It felt like I was big enough to welcome all of her inside, pussy, cunt, and even boobs, like a hungry black hole opened up between my legs. Squirming and moving under her I revelled in the position and my tied hands, closing my legs around her, stroking her body with my feet.
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Seven did not know how much of a foot fetish she was but they were just so cute. She had sexy feet but theses were so adorable she had to have a taste of them. She felt the Trills cunt against hers as she took her foot in hand and began to massage it. She slowly testing the waters slid one of her digits into her mouth. The taste was not as rank as one wold expect from a toe she must take good care of them. Seven let out a moan as she finally came. The close contact of two bodies was too much for her to take. "You taste so good" She took another toe and began to suck it. Her leg slid back and she placed a toe on the Trills breast pressing lightly with her foot.

Seven briefly wondered is her lover would be on duty soon she had no desire to cause trouble. In a fit of amusement she took the food from her mouth and stroked the soul. The move was meant to tickle her a little, she only hoped that she did not pee herself. "So cut" The toes had a different color of polish on each one. They were just perfect like little people. She rocked her body feeling it slide over the Trills body in the best ways. She bit her lower lip she was not going to cum again, not yet at least She wondered how she could give some more of the wonderful pain she enjoyed giving, receiving. "If only i could have feet like this, then again i would fall over"
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Sensously wriggling my body and arching up when she stroked my foot, I almost threw off Seven... Her weight on me and the sole resting on my brast stopped the move, but my muscles cramped for a moment and my thight's clamped on her body, my pussy gulping hers. Panting I relaxed, and thought all about my situation finally.

Having a hot woman in my cabin, having the next day free of duty, and just about having my second orgasm was making having a dominant ex-borg playing with me a nice positive outcome. "I can do your toes!" I whispered with hoarse voice "Or you can have mine for the next half day, if you wish, Mistress Seven!"
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Seven gave a wicked Cheshire smile that said she was happy to hear such words. "If you want they are yours" Her hands slid down the girls calf's she had such lovely legs. She had felt the girl shake the orgasm must have been very strong. She felt her cunt flicker as like a lovers lips the slid into each other. The lip of her cunt sliding into The Trills slit and her ex borg cunt being invaded by the Trill. She smiled and licked the bottom of her lovers foot. "You taste so good" Her fingers slid up and down her calf. "Tomorrow will be so much more fun, so my pet what do you like how cane you're mistress make the most pleasure pain for us"
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"I.. I don't know..." My breaths came slower, body still flexing under her ministrations, and I tried to think anything at all to request the gorgeous female. "Can... can you program your nanoprobes?" I asked tentatively, remembering something I read about. "Can they change something for only a short time? Or making some changes in a controllable fashion?" I had no plan to use them on myself, but maybe she would have much more fun playing with her pleasure/pain receptors, or even heightened sensations in specific parts of her body.

"Anyway, now that you broke my cunt open, you can heal me... or maybe make use of the opportunity to fill me up? I once had this random thought of stuffing a Tribble up my pussy..." not that I could say it without blushing or that we had any tribbles anywhere on the station...
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Seven had the replicator make her a tribble the program was double secured to prevent making life forms. "Look i think he likes you" The creature made a strange sound as it approached the trills cunt. It was hard to fit even the small trill into an even smaller cunt. The creature began to shake as she pushed it fully into her cunt. "I can make a lot of changes, bigger breast, a dick, bigger nipples, change my hair color height anything i want" She was curious where the trill was taking this. Hundreds of years old it had done almost everything at least twice. Seven kissed the Trill on the lips. She slipped in her tongue enjoying the feel of her warm mouth. "Tell me what you would like me to do to myself" She slid a finger down her own stomach then down Ezri's over the patch of fur that was the tribble.
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Squirming and turning with the living insertion vibrating at my streched opening, I streched out on the bed to be more confortable. With my still tied together hands abowe my head, knees wide open and legs pulled slightly upwards that my feet lay against the bed, I was following Seven's hand raking on our bodies with my eyes.

"You are perfect... Or close enough for me. But it would not hurt to have more sensitive breasts and pussy, topped with over-eager nipples and clit to make use of my new furry companion... to give into my mouth to play with..." I was not even thinking about what she could do to me with those small robotic agents of her... No, I was just making the poor tribble's fur wet where it fit against my hole.
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Seven smile as she ran a finger over the bound Trills clit working it without mercy as she stuck herself again. “So you want to suck all of this” She asked with a wicked smile as she offered her chest to the bound woman. She could see the hair on the trill was becoming matted with the girls fluids the slut loved having the living trill inside of her. She let her worship her chest for a few minutes as she finger fucked her own cunt. She ground her cunt against the girls body before straddling the girls mouth presenting both her ass and cunt.

She ran her hand through Ezri's hair as she ground her crotch into the woman’s face. She did not need to force her but the feeling of power was like a drug for her sending her to new levels of ecstasy. She came around her mouth and cut the girl loose she was exhausted from her trip. Seven fell back onto the bed next to her victim, if she could have ever been called that. “So now that I am at you're mercy what will you do with me”
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