New allies(Me and skunkhide)

There was no beer for him so made due with strong coffee. Using his claws to dip his bread in the soup. Only enjoying his cigar he pays no attention to her as she sat down by him "just like a lost dog following it's saviour"
"It's not like I know my way around here yet." Living Flame replied. She dipped some bread in the soup and took a bite, it was quite good and she was hungry. He didn't seem like one for conversation so she would just eat for now.
"Well I will drop you off at the lady quarters then I am going out for midnight walk" He says as he rips off bread with a growl with his teeth then belchs
"Sure, just put a new pair of pants on, unless of course you want the whole city to see your ass." she teased and finished her meal. SHe followed him to the quarters and found an army stretcher that wasn't taken yet and dozed off.
Logan went to his bunk and wrapped a pair of jeans and did not bother with new vest and he had left his jacket in the training room. Then set off for his 'walk'. After a few more wrecked robots he went back to the HQ but as he walks past where the 'MatchStick' was sleeping and thought she could do with abit of out of hours training, dragging her by her feet he takes her towards the training room
She woke up the minute his hand grabbed her foot and she kicked his head. "Now what gramps." She whispered. But he wasn't one to answer her. "This is a women's dorm, ever heard of knocking?"
He just dragged her as he got to the Training Room "well i know you need much more beauty sleep but you can never be to ready for out of the blue fight" throws her into the middle of the room locking the doors again
As he tried to drag her she used him to get to the top half of the room and spread her wings basically dragging him along. "Whatever grandpa." She said. She was a light sleeper.
Her heat was gaining in temperature it was eating away at his clothes his vest had nearly completely gone there were little flames on his jeans. He lets go of her , he lands on the floor with his legs bent saving him from the fall
"Ever heard of cold fire?" She asked. Some firemanipulators had later learned how to use lightning, which was why it was nicknamed the cold fire. And with a skeleton of adamanthium it would definitely be very effective against the old man.
throws out his claws ready for anything now running around not giving her an easy target he cuts out chunks of the floor throwing them at her
He was running around. She created two words made of flames and just struck the rocks into pieces. But the heat also made it hard for him to see her flearly.
the heat was so intense that he was now actually running around naked but that would not stop him he jumps onto the wall and scales it using his claws
Living flame did a wolfwhistle as she saw his package. He wasn't attacking her and she just watched him, he was quite the sight crawling around like that.
He was hanging from the ceiling the whole package in clear veiw
"like what you see " he growls
"Obviously." Living flame said, however she didn't waste eny time covering the entire ceiling in blue flames now that he'd made it there. This was a trainingsession after all.
The pain was horrific but he was still going clawing forwards to her , he had not gone thought all that he has to give up now
He was coming still, his pain tolerance was amazing. A halinfactor would do that. She could see him move through the flames that remained as she prepared her cold fire, aka lightning. The flames and heat covered her exact location and the main small was mostly his flesh being burnt. So when he was close enough she launched the lightning and with an adamantium skeleton this should be much more effective.
The moment the lightening touched he starts to fall from the ceiling "ahh" he lands hard on the ground he lays there momently before jumping back up for more. "that all you got kido?" As i it was strange enough that we was not bother fighting naked but was his member beginning to rise as if he was loving the battle to much
"No, but if I let loose there won't be much left of HQ." Living Flame replied, noticig he was getting hard, it was amusing. "You must really like pain." She told him. Any other human would have burnt to a crisp a long time ago..
"Oh i live for the pain " he makes a huge effort and grips onto her leg baring the pain to make it fair he using his claws to slash at her clothing he grins as he watches them fall
She chuckled it was sort of strange that all he did was cut her clothes off. "You're gonna pay for new ones." She told him and put her hand on the one gripping her leg before unleashing yet another electric attack, it seemed to have the best effect on this one.
"Send me the bill" he then cries with pain as her attack hits. he stares at her naked body and could not help but think it was not half bad
"Enjoying the view?" Living Flame then asked him before shocking him yet again since he hadn't pulled away, this was still a trainingsession as far as she knew, though he wasn't putting up much of a fight anymore.
He smirks and pushes two fingers into pussy lips fighting as 'dirty' as he can
"I think you are enjoying the view as well girl"
He could take the pain as he had felt worse in his time much worse
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