New allies(Me and skunkhide)


Jan 10, 2009
The wold was seriously messed up. Yet another battle between human army and mutants and by now it had gone into the night, a full moon and the stars lit the clear sky. Though Shadowcat was quite crafty she was exhausted by now and had to hide to at least catch her breath. She fazed through a wall and found a strange room, in that was someone, another mutant and unconsciouss. She approached carefully and gently shook his shoulder. "Hi there, are you alright?" Kitty asked. This man had a tail. She was panting and trying to catch her breath.

She'd always been a loner and since her powers showed even more. Traveling, not really staying in one place since humans hated mutants. But it was time to finally do something. Flying on the winds she found a battle. She had had some trouble coming up with a name. But Living Flame would have to do. Her physiology in this form part bird, part human. Her flames burning blue instead of the normal yellow. She'd had plenty of time to practice. Those damn robots. She used her aerial acrobatics for starters, having them shoot each other.The blazing heat her body produced could melt their hulls and fry their systems, be it one by one since she didn't want to hurt any of the mutants fighting. She found a particula mutant fighting a robot, his claws made her recognize him, he had quite the reputation. She decided to help out by landing on its head and let the intense heat from the blue flames melt the head and systems. The battle was going quite well so far.
With all the robots the freshly escaped Moon Rider or Mark Rip had been followed for days by the mutant searching robots had tracked him until one of them found him and hit him with such powerful attack it had knocked him unconscious a couple of hours he was lucky that he managed to glide just far enough from there reach. He slowly opens his eyes to see another set of eyes looking to his "Huh? what who are you?" He grabs his tail with shock. He was barefooted , bare chested and only had of blue pants.

Wolverine notices the robot he was 'warming his claws' on had began to fall. Using this time to jump off having been trying to cut his way to the centre to find the battery core he looks up to see someone he had no idea was "Yea i was nearly core so didnt need your help' Now using the flames from the robot to light up a thick cigar, but was not doing a good job as it was keep going out
"I go by shadowcat. I'm a mutant like you. There's a battle going on outside. I'm exhausted and needed a rest so I phased through the wall and found you." She said and smiled at him. But it was obvious she was exhausted indeed. She was panting a little, her suit torn in some places. "What's your name?" She asked, trying to be friendly, he looked scared.

"Never said you did." She replied. He had nerve and she liked that. "What's your name?" She asked as she dodged an incoming missile which landed on a robot approaching from behind Wolverine. "These things couldn't possibly get any uglier." She said and sighed while hanging in the air. However the blue flamed had burnt half the cigar before he could even inhale because of their intense heat. A waste of a perfectly good cigar.
"Mutant? Phased?" He shakes his head "Sorry I'm Ma...Moon Rider" He knew her look most people looked at him the same way from how he looks with his bat wings, demonic tail and grey skin. "Don't be afraid people are always afraid by me" He sighs

"Well that was my last one as well" He managed to get one puff ."Me? I'm Busy fly now little fairy" He says as he leaps with a growl into another robot slashing at anything his claws could reach.
"I'm not afraid." Kitty said and smiled at him. "There's a group of mutants fighting for mutant freedom. We're always looking for new members. My power is intangibility. What's yours?" Kitty asked. He looked unusual, but that only made him more interesting. After all a group of mutants always looked unusual.

"Fairy? Whatever you say Mr. Sunshine." She said, plenty of robots for everybody after all. Her aeriall stunts allowing her to dodge, her flames usually surrounding her melting the robots. It had taken some time to heat her fire this hot, a lot of practice. But by now she was used to it. also the radiating intense heat made it hard for most people to clearly see her. Another advantage it neutralised electric attacks. It was a long battle before the humans finally quit and she landed next to Wolverine again. "Had fun?" She asked.
"Oh i just assumed because that what i normally get. Well I can fly and ..." He lets go of his tail and it goes towards her like extending a hand to shake as he stands up

He would not say it but she did quite good job "I would of if my last cigar was not all used up." He turns away from her and heads towards where the others were "well i suppose you best follow me or you can stay here and wait for the human to come back Twinklebell"
Kitty shook his hand. "Let's join the others." She said and stepped into the wall. "Just hold your breath." She told him an took him through the wall outside. The battle was over now and she lead him to the camp. "Where have you been and who's this?" Magneto asked. "I had to rest and found him in a room burried under ground because of the war. His name is Moon Rider." She said.
"We're always lucky when we have new recruits. Welcome Moon Rider, I'm Magneto." He said.

She chuckled "That's what you get when trying to lit your cigar on a big blue flame." She said and followed him, flying overhead, sometimes circling. "So what should I call you, unless you prefer to go by as Sunshine." She said.
His tail was shivering he was never that fearless or the fighter but standing there he then knew he would have to become a fearless warrior "Hello Sir" He holds his tails as his wings twitch "Sorry for my appearance i had to escape from there prison"

Without even looking up but getting into a job "Logan but everyone call me Wolverine" He start to run faster then leaping from broken robots past a damaged building. Landing near the entrance of the HQ "Cigar and oh we have a new free loader"
"You escaped from their prison, quite impressive. Shadowcat, see to it that he gets something to eat, a shower and some rest." Magneto said. "Yes sir." She said and looked at him. "This way." She said and expected him to follow as she lead him to what passed for a messhall. The food wasn't the best, but not bad either. Everyone got a standard meal. "This isn't exactly the Rits, but the food's alright." Shadowcat said.

She followed him. "I'm Living Flame." She said and landed in front of the HQ and folding up her wings.
"Another one. It must be our lucky day." Magneto said and looked at Logan. "You know where to find them. Oh and Logan, show her the ropes." He said to Logan as he was talking about the cigars. The new recruits would need a tutor. Wolverine brought her in he could teach her.
"well you not seen that food i been living on and i rather not tell you about them so to me everything is better than that stuff. Oh thank for saving me." He looks at her with smile his tail had tied itself in a knot and as they walked he had to untie it "dont worry about room for sleep just give me a bar from the ceiling haha"

"Well as soon i get what i want i will do Magnet Man" he scoffs "come on rookie this way we will get you fight ready before you have to changes your nappy ,kid" He walks down the corridor seeing a half naked guy with wings and grey tail "they let anyone in here these days."
"We don't get seperate rooms, we can't afford that luxury. It's just beds in a room. Four rooms total, three males, one female." Kitty said. For intimite action one had to sneak away. Once he was done eating she lead him to an empty bed, it was more like an army bunk with a canvas bed, no mattress, a pillow and a blanket. "This one will be yours." She said as she stopped next to a bed.

"Whatever you say old man." She replied. He was amusing. "I hope you don't mind heat." She told him. Living Flame, it sounded rather dull, but the cool names were already taken. She followed him to wherever it was he was heading.
He looks above it there was a beam just over his bed "perfect" he flips upside down and wraps his tails around it and hangs there he was swinging abit, little to close to her and flutters his wings to stop him swinging. he just smiles

He walks into a large room that had very little in only couple bench seats "this is the training room . i can take heat stronger mutants and other have tried to grill me many a times"
"I'm glad you like it. Please rest and we'll talk in the morning if we don't get called out sooner. I need some beautysleep too." She said and smiled at her. He came so close it made her blush for a moment before they were leaving. Kitty went tot he girl's dorm and just dropped herself onto her stretcher and dozed off.

"Oh yes, your famous healing factor. This should prove interesting. Alright grandpa, you go first." Living Flame said, teasing him since he called her a little kid basically. This somewhat short man one should never underestimate.
Mark closes his eyes and whisper "she does not even need one second of sleep she so pretty anyway." yawns as he starts to drift off he had to find away to repay her. To become a hero not a coward

Logan closes the door behind them and locks it pulls his jacket off under which he had a tight vest. He turns to face her and throws his fists out by his side as his blades shoot from his fists "Class is in session" he pounces for her
Even if he could heal his way through it still had to hurt like fucking hell. She was Living Flame grabbed his wrists and produced a ball of blue flames that could easily melt any kind of metal. It would hurt him, consume flesh much more effeciently than a housefire or even a crematorium. Right now she was testing him out.
It was hurting but from years of pain he was used to it and swings his feet to pull on one of her wings. they were being to fall to the hard ground
Well she let go of his wrists and flapped her strong wings. Though strong with half his muscles having to heal back it was unlikely before she shook him off of her ring. Living Flame looked at him. "Not bad, not bad at all." She replied.
"Well you need abit training and look at the exit of your enemy as he was coming away he had slash her other wing
"come on kid we will get you patched up"
being that close to her had charred his vest and pants
She didn't call herself living flame for no reason. Her form turned into blue flames entirely, be it, it was a recently discovered ability. But he no longer had any kind of grip and when she returned to her physical form there were no injuries to be seen. "No need for patching for patching up old man." She said. The fact that he still had remains of clothing only showed they had been made from very fire and heat resisting material or they would have been long gone. "I didn't take the name Living Flame for no reason." She said, her wings now folded on her back.
His skin had now healed without even red marks of where the burns ha touched his skin. He retracks his claws and lights himself a cigar he had picked up "Well this is just level one" he turns his back on her there was a few holes on his butt from the heat of the fire that burnt though to the skin showing his cheeks. "i guess you want some food now, i could do with a beer myself"
"Good. I do like a challenge." She said. Then she saw his ass and smiled. "Sounds good to me. Oh and you might want to get a new pair of pants while you're at it. By the way: nice ass for an old man." She said, teasing him.
Logan lets his middle claw of his left hand come out then quickly puts it back in as he walks to unlock the door so they both could , he walks though the door trailing a cloud of smoke in his wake
She followed him, still needing to learn her way around. She wasn't bothered by the smoke. They were heading to the messhall? Hopeully.
He leads her to the messhall for something to eat "here you can get food if you need it looks it like you do skinny" he sets down on his own once he got what he wanted
She looked around, the food wasn't the ritz, then again she preferred the nmore normal cooking. Today it was pumpking soup with bread with sausage and some cheap jello for dessert. She got a plate full and sat down with him. If she was really that skinny it wasn't because she didn't eat. Drinks were coffee, tea or the cheap versions of soda. She grabbed a can diet coke, the only so called diet thing on her tray. The soup was nice, she'd never had pumpkin soup before.
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