Justice League New Members (Skunkhide x Mera1506)

Wonderwoman mostly listened to the sound of the bike rather than looking at him as she flew, his stunts were barely noticed. "Alright here's the next one." She said and got to work, landing on the machine and dodging when a tripod fired at her, creating an entrance for them both.

"No it's not, you're not responsible for what they do." Black Widow said. "Alright, good luck." Batman said.
"I'll come with you." Black widow said.
"We'll hold them at bay from here." Green Lantern said.
With the hole ready for them V-King pounced and landed into the hole knocking invader down "show time" he closed his arms around himself and ran though the crowd of the invaders knocking them back until he got to the control panel where a blast from a larger invader knocked him aside little dazed he shakes his head

"I should of stopped them from being awakened" He nods at Black Widow and flew towards another and hopefully last machine with his needed back-up from what he had seen a brave fighter
Diana wasn't far and grabbed one of his throwing axes and threw it, beheading the attacker. At least he was enthusiastic. She ran to the panel and ripped it from the ground this time. She just rammed it into what looked like a powerline to get the explosoin started. "Let's bail." She said and grabbed him by the collar this time.

It wasn't his fault still, but this was no time to argue. Black Widow followed him to the machine. She landed on it and one of the tripods fired. A simple dodge and there was the opening. She pulled its legs together and stuck together thanks tot he stickyness from the silk. "Let's get going." She said.
"Flaming hell i like it rough but not like this haha " He waves to the alarmed invaders and checked her out as she carried him away with a pinch on the butt to say thanks

He was in throwing what troops there were out of the hole from the blast he made his way to the controls and started to upload the virus , just had to protect the panel until it was done
After the actual explosion she kicked him under the ass. "Stop groping me pervert." She told him. Diana hated that sort of thing, she still wasn't sure how to feel about men, but he certainly wasn't giving a hopeful perspective.

Black Widow had his back, since J'onn could phase through solid matter part of the plan was that she created a web sort of like a cage around him and the control pane before keeping the troops out that were trying to get in through the hole.
Vic was just enjoying the flight and watched as the machine explodes but notices something in the movements in the tripods and machines as well

He looks at the screen 59% so he shouts "not long then we can leave here" he looks around the cage making sure nothing was breaking its way in
Indeed the tripods were beginning to move to one particular machine. That was odd unless. "Let's go take down those tripods." She said and grabbed his collar and dropped him closeby before snagging on with her lasso.

"J'onn they're going to try and destroy this entire machine." Black Widow said as she saw the tripods approach. She jumped out, landing on one and when a second fired she dodges, that or glueing their legs together with her spidersilk worked best.
He falls clumsy breaking the floor under him and grabs two of his larger axes and chopping at the legs of a tripod like a lumberjack

J'onn phases out and uses his strength to knock them over which cause one to knock another over
"That works too." Diana said, more to herself than anyone else as she kept attacking the legs of either one or yet another tripod since all of them seemed to be coming to one location.

"Nice, but plenty more where those came from." Black Widow said, only stopping to tell him before getting straight back to work, but then it happened, the machine reversed and not just one machine. With the darkness lifting the aliens began to die.
Vic was so caught up in the current battle he was even biting into the legs just in want to destroy them ad impress Diana. But he notices there was something wrong with the tripods that were closing in on them.

J'onn could now see the burning sun back up in the sky as he watched the invaders burn under the rays of the sun "we have done it" It looked like they had done what they set out to do but stayed tense just in case something unexpected happened
The tripods and the other aliens began to literally boil and become nothing more than some sort of soup. Diana wasn't paying him too much attention she was annoyed by his antics if anything. He needed training for starters.

Black Widow looked around and jumped over to her plane to check the newsfeed. It was happening worldwide and not even their machines were ultravioletligt proof.
Vic was searching though the rubble to see if there was anything he could use in his personal space "you not getting anything? how about we go and get coffee?"

J'onn had actually smiled with delight "well i would not like to clean all this up. But i will have to thank you all for your assistance"
"None of us is VKing. This isn't a toy or decoration." Diana said, was he really that stupid. "Fine, I could use something to drink." Diana said, at elast it got him away from the alien technology.

"Leave that to the military." Black Widow said. "Either way I'm gonna get something to eat, wanna join me?" She asked.
"Yea would not go with anything i got anyway haha" He smiles when she agrees been years since he had a date and was going to try and play it cool

"Indeed and I have grown to enjoy cookies" He goes to stands by her side
Was this guy ever serious? "If you want to be a hero you've got a lot to learn." Diana said. She wasn't too up to speed on the outside world, but she at least knew how to properly fight and when to take thing seriously. She walked into starbucks. They did advertise with having the best coffee right on front.

"Alright I'll get some chinese to go and we'll get some cookies for you and then find a nice place to eat." Black Widow said and used the computer to find out where the nearest Chinese restaurant was and fortunately a supermrket was right next to it.
"Well i am quite new to all this, i only have dealt with small stuff until now, i hope i can learn to i need to be the hero that i am needed to be .." He says with straight face then with a smile "i bet you can teach me a few things" He gets her a coffee and himself a white caffe mocha and leads them to a seat

He smiles a small smile then looks at the world they had just saved but remembers the home he lost and all his loved ones. "Found somewhere?"
"A few things, I too have things to learn. The land of the Amazon's is like totally isolated from the rest of the world so I need to get up to speed as well. But when it comes to hand to hand combat I could definitely teach you things." Diana replied.

"There's a restaurant about five blocks from here and a supermarket next to it, let's just hope they're still there." Black Widow replied and began to walk. There was no point in taking a plain for such a short walk.
"Well my dear if you ever want to try a little one-on-one I am game" He stirs his coffee "Well i had to teach myself i live alone you see and do not see much of people " He could now see her beauty clearly as she sat across from him

J'onn walks beside her "I hope i do not make anyone feel uneasy from this" he gestures to his green form. "This world is so amazing sometimes it reminds me of my world before the invaders." Soon they were at the supermarket , shortly after J'onn gets some of the cookies he was after and as they enter the restaurant he opens the door for her
"Sure, but at least take it eriously." Diana said. She was a real looker, though she didn't think of herself as extraodinairily beautiful. Those kind of looks were quite common on Themyscara.

"I've seen stranger things." Black Widow replied. "This world is alright, though the picture is not as pretty as it seems at first glance." She told him. the ookies were easy, he seemed foccused on the oreo cookies. "Thank you." She said and walked inside. Not many people were going out tonight and she could place an order almost immediately.
"Ok serious " closes his eyes and breaths out "Sorry about that but being alone as long as i have you tend to forget what people are like and how you should ask" He sits back having to look away because he did not want to appear like he was staring at her

J'onn "well this is the first Chinese i have ever had so you will have to tell me what i should try. He looks at the people might be from what they had seen from him battling the invader but not many people seemed like they were afraid of him uneasy but not afraid "thank you for this, i must find a way to repay you"
"Why did you start living by yourself and why for so long?" Diana asked him. She was curious. Themyscara was a wonderful place, all the troubles this world had were not present there.

"Well I don't know your taste but Egg Fu young is a very common one, same goes for egg rols, ginger fried beef, chow mein and fortune cookies." Black Widow said. Those were the dishes most commonly known, but there were plenty of others. "The Chinese kitchen here does vary from the original, but it's good."
Vic shrugs "I do not i am a forger by trade so in my youth i moved away to focus on my work but when i came back nothing was the same i did not fit in plus as you know it affected who i was the only company i had when i was alone was me so i had to keep myself entertained " He did love his cave all there was, was a little forge, bed and his axes

"Well i shall try them " he smiles . This was all so new to him but he was drinking it all in with a willingness to learn. "What shall you be having?" Now the battle was over he could see how beautiful she was
"Looks like we both are going to have to adjust. My home though I don't live there alone is cut off from the rest of the world as well." Diana replied. They could help each other that way and he did seem to be a nice guy.

"I'm gonna go with fotune cookie with ginger fried beef." Black Widow said, she did love her meat. He was an unusual being and she liked that. There was something about him that she couldn't quite put her finger on and of course the fact that green was her favorite color couldn't hurt either.
"Well after today i do not think you will have need for me" he still did not see himself much of a hero he stares out the window , now he had calmed down he was relaxing and not staring at her.

"Hmm Egg Fu Young and cookie for me " He smiles he was amazed of how this woman was around him he pulls out chair for her as they get to the table. "Coffee to drink to"
"I doubt that. There's always crime which need to be solved and that means there's always need for heroes. You need training, but you could be great." Diana replied.

((Table? I thought they were getting Chines to go))
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