Justice League New Members (Skunkhide x Mera1506)


Sep 2, 2010
After what felt an age j'onn j'onzz finds himself freed by being trapped by the parasites by his rescuers a Batman and Superman but in his weakened state he was not much help until he had rested. So having to send out an SOS to any able Heroes. Not knowing if they would hold out until if any support came he did his best to survive.

Victor King or known now mostly as Vking was nested in a small cave couple miles away putting finishing touches to his newly built motorbike. He stood up to marvel at his creation. His places his hand on the seat to make sure it sure it was secure. Something tickles the back of his head no not head his mind itself , someone was actually calling Vking for help. He was always ready to help those in need. So he pulls on his thick based combat boots, pair of short which had many different sized axes attached . Two large straps around his back which held a Large double bladed axe. Pair of leather fingerless gloves. Running a hand though his short dark hair then pushes his head into a battered and dirty helmet with 2 horns one had half of it missing. Kicks starts his bike and he was off ...
The martian's call reached far, even to the amazon haven. Diana had already thought they should do something, her mother had persuaded her not to. But she couldn't ignore this call. She snuck into the palace and took the special armor, put it on and flew off, whoever was sending this call was acting like a locator beaken as well. The island's space was limited and she found herself flying faster then before simply because of the long distance.

When she arrived she saw strange looking aircraft's. The message of whoever sent it had identified those as the enemy, the invadors and thus she set to work, launching one into the other with her magical lasso before moving on, but she wasn't the only one arriving on the scene.

An airplane looking somewhat like a black spider arrived to aid them. The hind legs of the spider formed the tail of the aircraft, the two pairs of legs before that were the wings, the front legs were rocket launchers and the chelicerae of the spider's mouth formed two laser canons and could also squirt corrosive acid. This young lady went by Black Widow. The rockets were ineffective, the lasers didn't do much, but the acid was effective. All in all they managed to take down the alien aircraft and it was time to meet up. Black Widow landed next to the bat's aircraft and jumped out, landing against a tree with her back and sticking to it. "So what's going on?" She asked, hoping they knew more.

"I think we'd all like to know that." Diana replied and loked at the bat.
Over all there heads something came out of no where to those who could see it was an axe spinning wildly
"Hope I'm not to late for the party" As the axe hit it just simply bounced off like a stick off a concrete wall . With a loud screech from breaks skid a motorbike. "well that could of gone better."

J'onn finally with the hope he needed looks at the group of the heroes
"Well let me explain There are a group of aliens that invaded Mars a thousand years ago, all but wiping out my people, and absorbing their telepathic and shape-changing abilities. I was the lone survivor of a strike mission that incapacitated the invaders, and I sealed them away in an underground chamber five hundred years ago. Unfortunately, astronauts released them while I was hibernating. came to Earth to warn your people, but was captured on arrival by the aliens. Instead,used partially-blocked telepathic powers to summon you all together. Unfortunately, the nerve gas which we used to incapacitate the aliens before is made from a now-extinct Martian plant, and cannot be reproduced.'
"But they have to have a weakness, we just need to find it." Black Widow said. "What else do you know about them?" She asked. Wonderwoman wanted to kick some but, but they needed a plan.
"Let's all introduce ourselves first. I'm Superman." He said.
"Call me Black Widow." She replied.
"I'm Diana, princess of the amazones." Diana replied.
"I'm Batman." Batman said, though most of them should know about him. There were three people left. One of them Black Widow recognized as a green lantern.
"I am J'onn J'onzz from Mars" as he morphs to a humanoid figure with green skin

"Hi I'm Vking and I'm an alcoholic oh sorry wrong group" With huge grin with a wink at each of the ladies

J'onn "Well i think there is a way to destroy them but will have to find the mother-ship"
"In that case we should split into teams. V-king go with Diana, I'll go with Superman, Green Lanter go with the martian and Black Widow." Batman said.
"Well they landed first in Metropolis. If they feed on people the best bet for their hide out would be a heavy populated area." Black Widow said.
"Agreed. We should start by looking at the largest cities." Diana said.
"Or maybe with the newsbroadcasts. It's all over television there isn't a net that isn't broadcasting about this and that means live footage from basically everywhere." Black Widow said.
"J'onn what does this mothership look like?" Diana asked him.
V-King "it would my honour Princess" He bows respectfully "Always wanted to meet royalty, now i have a real Beauty Queen"

"Well it should be the largest of the ships " He turns to look at the sky "There are even more arriving" Says J'onn
"Oh joy." Black Widow said on a rather sarcastic tone. Batman was also looking through the news footage. He found a ship that could fit the description. "J'onn look at this, would this be the mothership?" He asked. Black Widow soon found the channel, in Metropolis.

Diana looked at him and shook her head. "Where is it?" She asked.

Black Widow noticed something else on the newsfeed. "J'onn they brought a device that creates a sort of cloud and blocks out the sun. Obviously they don't like sunshine very much, do you know what it is in the Sun's rays that they're weak against?" Black Widow said. Diana smiled, they seemed to have found a weak spot.
V-King would fight harder now he had a pretty reason to, he walks over to his axe he had thrown before and dusts it off "I told you daddy would come and get you again" He kisses the tip of the blade with it not damaging him at all

J'onn "They are nocturnal they wish to block out the sun to live in the darkness" He looks down and sighs "If only i did a better job i would not have brought doom to your planet"
"So what we need is a sample of one of them and test out what they don't like in sunlight or maybe your ring can tell us?" Black Widow said.

Diana shrugged and shook her head, who was this crazy guy? "We just shot down some of their ships, we could take a sample from those." Diana said and flew off. She ripped a big chunk off. "I'll take that to my lab and start testing, in the mean time you focus on stopping those machines." BAtman said.

"My pleasure. Let's go you big teddybear." Wonderwoman said and flew off to the nearest machine, allowing J'onn to be her guide.

"Sounds like fun, let's get going." Black Widow said and looked at Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter. "Which one are we taking down?" She asked him.
V-king gets back on his bike and follows Diana it had been many year since he had seen someone that beautiful but truth was he was never really good so he went back to his other love , breaking things. He rides up one of the legs on a tripod slashing it as he goes loving sounds the his blades crashing.

J'onn looks at Black Widow "you are very much a warrior if i have ever seen one" he did actual admire that "not afraid to fight what you believe in"
He wasn't that bad, his weapons actually had some effect. Diana used her lasso to trip the tri pods and preferably have the fallingn one take down yet another. Her bracelets gave her some protectiong from their weapon.She was clearing a path for him. He had the weapons to destroy that machine. "Alright go and slash that thing up i'll keep them busy." Diana said. He could use some training, but his heart was in the right place.

"Thanks J'onn, now lets get busy." She said and flew off to the nearest machine to stop it from blocking out the sun. Her plane would get her there quickest since there weren't any left nearby. Green lantern had of course hi own transportation. Though by now the plane had run out of usable armements. The rockets didn't do anything and the lasers didn't either so she got out. She used the stick silk to stick the tripods together or block up the opening of where these things shot with. The latter didn't help much though.
He liked the compliment "thank cutie but this is more of hands on style " He says while cracking his knuckles. As his bike leaves the machine he jump off and lands on the machine itself and and he smashes his fists onto the shell he sings "This old man, he played one, He played knick-knack on my thumb; With a knick-knack paddywhack, Give the dog a bone, This old man came rolling home.." on home he had cracked it open and climbs in

When he got there he phased his way though and managed to a hole in the control panel. In the next he extended another set of arms to help him hack into the control panel to help shot the tripod with the own weapon. then proceed to shut down the darkness machine
Wonderwoman followed him into the hostile machine, if anything she could provide backup. "Can I borrow on of those?" She asked him. He was a bit strange, but it intrigued her. She didn't know much if anything at all about human males after all.

As Martian Manhunter was busy with the main machine Green Lanter and Black Widow developped a strategy to take care of the tripods more efficiently. Their main weakness being three legs. Black Widow could destract them with her agility While John cut off their legs completely or put a mirror from his ring at the opening of their weapon to have it backfire. Both of them hoped J'onn would hurry op.
V-King looks at a few of his axes and passes her one "This is good one " He grins "you can have it if you like you can have anything i have." He starts to pull things apart hoping to power it down

J'onn came flying past a great speed "its going to blow get out of here" He felt he had to try to help his team mates and decides to help Black widow who he grabs and holds her to floor in hope to sheild her from the blast
"Thanks." Diana said and began using the rather big axe with no problem at all and smashing it into control pannels or cutting wires. Of course at some point the aliens arrived and started shooting, which she blocked with her bracelets. "Keep at it." She said as she provided cover.

Black Widow was surprised that he came for her, but greatful she found herself beneath him in the rubble. Green Lantern created a shield around all three of them as it was preparing to blow. It blew alright, the explosion was enourmous. "One down, how many more to go?" Black Widow asked.
"i Hope you thank me proper when we finish up here." grabbing an axe in each hand and continue his song he dances around the control room cutting and slashing at everything that was not a beautiful dark haired goddess

J'onn gets up not checking to see if they were both ok "Yes there are far to many to think about but just keep going it will slow them down" He flies up higher to see if he could see many more machines
It was a primitive method, but it worked every time. "Of course." Diana said, she'd train him to get it right he moved like an amature. She held them off.

"J'onn are these machines connected to one another sort of like earth internet?" Black Widow asked him, so if they were linked a virus planted in one would spread tot he others.
"Oh well saying that i will get this done faster" he throws his axes to Diana feet if she needed them and grabbed the control panel itself and ripped it up from the floor

"Do you have any way to ask Batman if he has strong enough virus to help while i check " J'onn flies off to the net closet machine
Diana chuckled. "Well that works too. Now we need to blow this place, literally." She said and blocked more shots with her bracelets. She grabbed the big axe and threw it onto a group of them, spinning fast and cutting them up and in pieces.

Black widow nodded and used a com in her mask. "Hey bats, another idea, if the computers in the machines are linked a virus could take them out. Got one handy by any chance?" She asked.

"Maybe, let me check. By the way they're vunurable to the ultra violet rays from the sun, very vunurable." Batman said. Then she heard some moving around. "It needs some modifying, but I have something we can use." He said.

"J'onn Batman says they're very weak against the ultraviolet light. As for the virus it needs to be modified." Black Widow told him as Green Lantern was busy mostly watching their backs.
"Well then sweet thing as soon as i get rid of this start running." Victor exclaims as he smashed the panel into the ground upside down the force of the power he showed make the ground shake. He he for the exit only stopping to pick his axes and the fine piece of arse Princess carrying her by holding onto her chest

J'onn "We need to free the sun's rays in order to destroy the invaders' he was already working to shut down the machine as done it once he had to problem to do it again
Diana started flying. When he grabbed her chest she kicked him, into the direction of their exit. She didn't like him touching her there just like that. She flew past him and grabbed him by his belt to drago him out and away from the explosion.

"I have a feeling Batman has a plan for that already." Black Widow said. The modifications to the virus were her hint. The problem right now was that they could bring in more machines than they could destroy at this point.
"Haha oh so you can't wait to take me by my belt let's wait until after the fight" He just puts his hands behind his belt and let her lead the way

J'onn "we will have to stop any more ships from landing" as he flies out of the exploding machine as he rejoins them "and reverse the ion charge back to the sun that could free up the ultra-violet rays "
"Men." Diana said, her voice sounding annoyed at best. she cleared them off the blastradius. "Alright up to the next one." She said and flew off, expecting him to follow on his motorcycle.

"Exactly J'onn." Batman said, making a sudden appearance. "This should do it, and the virus will force the ion charges of the other machine's to reverse." Batman said. "Nice, now all we got to do is plant it." Black widow replied.
Vic Jumps on his bike and he was off following her her wake, trying to show off by stands on the seat of his bike as he went

"I will go after all this is all my fault but i have to ask for backup " He looks around for the help he needed as he takes the virus from Batman and tucking it away safely
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