New Thundera (thewhiterabbit/ Mizz)

Willykit was in a black suit made of leather belts it worked almost as well as armor. She had a number of daggers up her front, the outfit was comfortable and sexy as hell. The seal was a picture of the sword of omens and plundar crossed over a third sword. "Man look at that a third sword" She caressed the stone seal placing her fury face close enough to it to feel the cold.

Four chains ran up to a hole in the ceiling that in turn led to a well. The well was now in a bar and sealed over by a large table in the back. "I wonder what would happen if i did this" She began to rearrange the stones of power form one place to another, It was a safe combination too easy for her. "If i get that sword i can have my own kingdom" One where she would be free to love who she wished.
He came dressed in a black outfit himself. His pants and shirt where much looser and not as form fitting as his official uniform and armored bits he wore before. He went without his cape or cloak, finding the need was useless and would only hinder him more. He of course had his assortment of picks and gadgets he had made over the years. They clinked gently on his belt as he ran through the halls, quickly but with hardly a sound, even Tygra would have been proud, or envious, of his stealthy footwork. He came to where they where too meet. He got a bit side tracked with some guards, he truthfully did not have to sneak around, but he enjoyed the feeling of once more doing something a bit childish and naughty.

Kit would just have to wait for him, unless she wanted to spring a trap or something. He let himself enjoy playing with the guards, knocking over a spear or suite of armor to make them rush off before he once more went on his way to find her.
Willykit watched one of the floor plates vanish into a pit below her body pressed to the wall. She jumped over the hole and tried something else this time it would be right. This time a roof plate fell almost crushing her small frame. Kit came out of the roll and was determined not to let some old dead cat beat her. Several more traps all designed to knock her into the pit failed one after the other

"Oh come one" The ball fell and rolled into a pit three plates wide. "Really a giant ball that the" She rolled out of the way to avoid a swinging pillar. That's when her own jump slammed her into a wall that had slid silently five feet further out. Her head began to swim red and she stumbled forward into the center of the room. The traps resetting themselves while she slept. Damn old cats tricking her like that. She did not have eyes in the back of her head, no fair she thought as darkness took her.
Kat finally managed to get to where they where too meet. "Kit....kit where are you?" he asked quietly, but he got no reply. His eyes quickly adjusted to the darker area. He saw you on the floor, out cold. He did not need to see all the sprung traps to know what had happened. 'Someone got ahead of themselves," he said with a small grin," he made sure she was alright, noticing she had gotten a nasty bump on the head if anything. She was fine though luckily, he was afraid the worst had happened. He propped her up against the wall so she was at least a bit more comfortable.

It was not until he had her off the floor he got the idea, a nice naughty one at that. Her tight little suite looked very much like something one would wear for for the knives and such...unless you where into very kinky shit. He took a length of rope from his belt and tied her hands behind her back, and her legs, making nice complex knots so she could not get out. He then took a small ball gg he had, he never really knew why he carried it save for maybe silencing someone much like this, and he put it into her mouth, making sure it was secured and tight. The rope now bite into her body, rubbing against her pussy and would dqueeze her breasts if she struggled.
Kit had a dream of being attacked by mumra using snakes of some kind. The things wrapped around her body holding her still while mumra advanced on her. "Hello young cay how you have grown since we last met" His hand moved to her chest so she turned her head feeling his rough touch. Cheetara was there in a stock her hands and head held fast by a wood frame. she tried to fight it as mumra unwrapped his bandages unleashing the biggest cock she had ever seen. "No please don't" Her eyes fluttered open.

She was in the trap room her please don't silenced by some kind of gag. She turned her head scanning the room and found her brother packing the rest of the rope. She tried to move and fell on her small breast ouch that hurt. she tried to tell him to let her go but she could not speak with the gag in her mouth. Oh no cheetara and tygra were into bondage that is being tied up for sex. Kit rolled on her back and reached for her boot knife which kat now held.
"Oh you awake sis," he said as he turned, she woukld see all her tools and things where gone and in a neat little pile. "I found you out cold...seems you got ahead of yourself sis," he said with a tiny little smile. " You where thrashing around as you slept a nightmare sis?" he asked her. He went and sat a few feet from her, watching her sqiurm a bit. He could see the appeal of this kind of kink, he guessed it made her feel very vulnerable, trapped even. He would enjoy her struggling for a bit before he said anything else.

"You where trying to go ahead of me sis...not very nice right?" he asked of course she could only muffle and moan into the ball gag. "I think you need to be taught patience," he said to her with a wicked grin this time. He grabbed her by her hair and lifted her up, f course he also used the rope, not to hurt her head from the hair pulling, and also so the nice rope would really rub against her sensative parts as he did.
She watched him move making some speech about her being hard heade and impetuous. He moved up to her slowly and placed his hands on her body and the rope. Kit felt her weight shift the ropes sliding over her body. Over her cunt and around her breast she moaned bastard was enjoying this. She tried to bite through but it was made from steel wool of the black sheep. She tried to move enough to throw him off balance but she was all trussed up.

she looked around the room did he have any toys to use, dildo, paddles, oils, whips, clamps or a hundred other things, She sighed a breath of relief at least he was just going to do the normal stuff. She continued to fight but with not great enthusiasm. She looked back at the seal damn this would take time. She did not like to be so submissive it might give kat the wrong idea about her.
Kat chuckled softly, hearing her moan. "I guess Tygra and Cheetara aren't the only one who like this stuff hmm?" He continued to tug the rope, her nipples growing hard, showing through her skin tight suite. "Such a sexy suit come you never wore it before?" he asked a little disappointed this was the first time he got to see it. He pinched one of her nipples, twisting it a little and rolling it between his thumb and index finger. "I don't have much to work maybe these," he said. He had a few small pincer like things, meant for holding trip wires taunt when they where cut so as not to set off a trap. They where oddly like claps.

"I wonder what it would be like," he said, taking one and attaching it to her nipple. It hung tugging on the sensative nub, he continued to tug the rope more so her cunt was heavily stimulated. "Lets see how long till your dripping and wanting it sis."
Kit closed her eyes and tried to think of something but she had no plan. She had none of her tools or help from her friends to free her from bondage. She looked at the clamp that had a screw to set weight for sensitive traps or nipples. She watched him do some calibrations before placing it on her nipple. He then pulled on the rope it rubbed against her cunt sliding forward and back. the clamp on her nipple was painful but tolerable.

She would so get him back for this maybe shove something up, no he might like that. She gave him an eye as he clipped the other nipple flicking the first. She tried to roll side to side but every moves was countered. God it felt good on her cunt it was the only thing distracting her from her nipples. Though in the back of her mind like hot pain might be making everything sharper, better.
Kat continued to tease his sisters nipples and pussy with the tools he had at his disposal. "I wonder if maybe I'll fuck your ass like this sis," he told her. It might hurt of course, but to give her something to worry and fear about would only make this all the more fun for him. He tugged on the clamps, making her breasts stretch before he let go and they snapped back into there normal shape. "Bet your thinking of how your going to get me back about now huh?" he asked.

He used his boot and pressed it into her cunt. He rubbed the rough soles of his feet against it, pushing the rope into it more and roughly rubbing it harder. "I think your starting to like it now," he said. He was getting a sick form of satisfaction out of this, neither was ever more dominant, so it felt strange to be the one on top, and her helpless to do anything about it. He continued to violently rub his boot into her pussy. He wanted her to drip with need, to moan into the gag and drool from the pleasure.
Having run away from home the sibling grew up on pain hunger, cold, and often beatings from the law. The nipple pull was new and all pain but that was like the spice. The boot on her cunt felt good she was just sick that way. She had not known Kat was sick that way so had never brought it up before. Still the jerk was treating her nipples as his own plaything. Ass, fuck her in the ass hell know she would walk funny for a week.

She shook her head wishing she could talk to him or even bite him. She began to squirm but his boot on her cunt held her in place. It was already becoming wet under his boot god the prick was getting everything he wanted. She looked up at him and tried to will his head to explode.
He continued to tease her, at times really grinding his boot into her. "Look at that," he said as he noticed her pussy juices beginning to drip through the material of her clothing. "You like being treated like a toy huh sis?" he asked her. He took his boot off from her pussy, letting her breath a bit. "You want more sis?" he asked her.

He decided it was safe enough to remove the gag, he wanted to hear his sister moan now. He was careful in taking it off, quick to get his hands away from her mouth in case she did try to bite.

(sorry it's short)
Kit spit out fur a little closer and it would have had some skin and blood in it. "Ow i am you're sister not some common street walker" She moaned damn he was good. She wondered if he had planned it this way. I mean finding an ancient map in a random chest of cloths it was of course a trap. "Just untie me and you can find ahhh ahah stop doing that while i am ahahah ahah" She came around the book and turned her face away damn if she would give him an inch more of satisfaction then he could take. "Untie my willy kat or i will get you when you sleep see if you like life as a unich" Yeah castration joke.

(cant all be epic)
He knew she was joking about the castration, but he smiled and simply continued to grind his boot into her cunt. "Big words but your moaning like a slut," he said and continued, he pressed the toe of his boot into her damp cut spreading her pussy open a bit behind the material she wore. "Come on give in sis, you love being my little fuck toy," he teased. He would not stop, not until she was gasping for breath or begging him to stop and do more to her. He wished he had planned this out, he would have been better prepared to torture her nosy better. No he would have to make due with the rope and his boot for now.
Kit laughed if he could not tell after that orgasm he was either death or stupid "Oh come on Tygra can take more then that you think you are bad" She laughed as she tried to move away from his bot as the tip entered her cunt. She looked into his eyes he was loving this even more then she was. "Those better be clean or that is the last time you see this cunt" She rolled over managing to get the boot away form her cunt for a few seconds. It was the first thing bigger then her brothers cock to be inside of her. "Come on you can do better a big boy like you , cant even make his little sister scream"
Kay had to admit he was getting s but frustrated, true he knew how it was done, but he had never tried nor did he even have the proper tools. He smiled though as he noticed she was still at his mercy. "Sis your just talking big," he said and he pushed her over she once more fell onto her breasts. He looked at her cute ass, her dripping cunt outlined in her material. He took a knife and very carefully cut it open so her pink, though now a but red from his boot, pussy showed. He took out a bike and uncorked it. It was oil he used to help lubricate old lock mechanisms. He poured it onto her ass and pussy though. "Let's try this," he said and he thrust his finger into her cuunt, he however planned to fist fuck her tight cunt and began to add finger after finger until he was knuckle deep in her pussy.
Kit flipped onto her stomach ass in the air for all to see, well for her brother to see. She could feel his eyes undressing her. God she was turned on at the same time she would have her revenge for this. He would have to untie her sooner or later. If only to let her go to the litter box which meant only a few hours. She saw a knife and watched it slice through the fabric of her suit bastard did he know how much this thing cost. “You could have just taken that off” She yelled god this thing cost a weeks pay. She then saw the oil and began to shake her as as she tried to crawl away from him. She felt the cool oil slide over her ass and cunt.

She could not see him then her own as small as it was blocked him from view. Kit felt something hard but small and decided it must be one of his fingers with the claw sheathed. “No way, stop now kat” She felt him slide in and out of her cunt adding finger after finger until all were inside of her. She felt him pushing slowly ever so slowly until the entire hand was buried to the wrist in her cunt. Again she tried to shake him off but it was a futile gesture he was there to stay. The she felt his fingers on her cervix trying to pry her open like a clam. “Why not use both hands” She taunted god if only she could keep her mouth shut.
Kat smiled, despite it he knew his sister was loving this like a wanton slut. He moved his hand in and out of her pussy, her juices flowing like a river. His fingers pressed into her cervix, it was a bit difficult to pry though, though he managed to slip his middle finger into it, forcing it open. He fisted her pussy nice and slow at first, only so he did not accidentally pull out, but he then began to thrust his hand and lower forearm into her. His fist battering into her cervix very soon. "I would but I don't want to make your tight cunt too lose sis....else you'll just be a flappy cock sleeve to me," he said.

He took the empty vial of oil, and turned it around. He however was not going to leave her just with a nice fist fucking. He pushed the smooth vial into her tight little asshole. It was thick, though not like his dick. He was going to make her scream, but to hurt her, well he didn't feel like that just yet. He shoved it in deeper, until it was nearly gone into her asshole.
Kit felt his hand slamming into her cunt over and over again the oil warming her body. "Don't you know how to treat a girl" She was trying to act tough but her brother always melted her heart, and body so easily. "Stay out of there" She felt his fingers trying to pry her apart. She then felt the cold bottle enter her ass and tried to move away.

It was very cold what did it have in it ice. "Come on leave my" Just then she came again having both her holes filled made it hard to think. She shook her head trying to get the stars out of them. She began trying to shit the bottle out but it was in too far. She gave him a burning look he was enjoying this far too much. "Come on untie me i promise to be good" she lied through her teeth.
Kat would have beleied her, if he did not know any better. "Yeah...soon as I untie you the fun ends for me," he said to her. He decided he needed a change of scenery though. This secret could wait. He grabed her, taking the gag and pushing it into her mouth. He doubted she would make to much of a racket but he didn't want to tempt fate. He lifted her up iver his shoulder. He gave her ass a nice hard smack as he did though.

"I can't have alot of fun down how about we go and try somewhere else?" he said. She could only muffle "Glad you see t my way," he said and took her to another part of the palace. This place had more things to use. It was another room, though it had been badly damamged, cleaning had not happened. However there where lots of nice trinkets to use. He threw her down onto a bed like a sack of potatoes. "Now lets see," he said, grabbing a candle holder, the smooth metal was cold. He touched her pussy with it.
Kit watched the castle as he brother hauled her off to some love nest to do god knew what. The section of the castle was one destroyed by mumra years before. She felt her body land on a mattress and tried again to free herself. He brother stood above her with a metal candle holder. She shook her head as the cold metal was placed on her skin. She almost wet herself from the feeling of cold metal.

She tried to get up but that was five minutes of laughs. She could not talk to tell him all the horrible things she would do to him. Instead she looked coldly up at him what the hell was he doing. What about the sword god could he think of nothing but sex, well his dick was bigger then his brain. What now what would he do to her now that he had a room to himself filled with toys.
He felt his thumb run over the "candle holder" a small gem was along the end. He realized he could press it. Suddenly the device began to shake a bit in his hand. What he had was no candle holder, but a sort of vibrater. "Heh...seems there are a few secrets I don't know,' he said and rubbed her pussy with the metal vibrating thing. It seemed like it was magic of sorts, as it was not technology, it didn't smell nor look like any technology he had seen before.

"Now lets see it I do this," he said pressing the gem like button again, the thing began to flex even, like it was a moving thing. He smiled. "Okay now we are getting somewhere," he said. He pushed the device into her pussy. Giving her some releif as he pulled the vial out of her asshole. "Lets have a bit of fun...then we can get back to the treasure hunt," he said removing her gag once more. "Your loving it sis....look at how wet you are," he said. He knew she was acting this way because she hated to be dominated like this. It was one thing if she was unbound, it was another when she was helpless.

He flipped her over with the device went to work on her pussy. "How about it....suck me off and we can finish this quick...or do you want me to tease your tight little ass some more?"
The candle device looked like some kind of cork screw before he slid it into her tight young cunt. She tried to move away even as he removed the gag from her mouth. "You jerk take this out" She felt it moving in her cunt sliding deeper and deeper like n inch worm. His offer for a blow job to end this was looking very good.

On the other hand what would he do to her ass if she said no. She nodded and as he moved his cock to her she opened her mouth. Tied up as she was there was not much more she could do then take his cock. He felt it slide over her lips, tongue and again into her throat. As he always did he grabbed the back of her head and began to face fuck her.

At least the gag was gone so without his cock she could talk. It tasted like it normally did which was a flavor she liked. "Sleep with one eye open kat one eye open"
Willykat shivered with pleasure, he had worried she would bite, but he soon felt safe and secure to continue. He did not waste much time with being nice and gentle at all though, no once he managed to get himself deep into her throat he began to thrust his hips like a mad man almost. He growled like a feral male would, thrusting into her throat hard and fast. "Mmmng..mmm " he grunted roughly, letting himself enjoy his sisters mouth. This was not at all new to him, no but the idea of being dominate, it flipped a switch in him.

He pulled out, letting his cock rest on her face. " really do like this sis huh?" he asked, of course he knew the answer. He reached over her to grab ahold of the divice inside of her, he held to it fast, despite it's shifting movements. He suddenly shoved it in deep and hard. "Say it sis....let me here that slutty voice of yours," he told her. He swirled it inside of her like he was trying to mix her pussy up.
Willy kits eyes shot open how dare he do this to her she was the strong one. She had to give in for now but she would not forget this, no never. Maybe she would fake being pregnant that would throw him into a panic. But that was latter getting that machine out of her body was job one. "Yes i am a slut and i love it" She moaned making one of her god i could cum out my brains look. She smiled and thought that it would have felt good if not for all the moving.

"Please i need you're cum" She begged like the wanton slut she knew he loved. They still had to find the sword and find out how to make there relationship work. Fucking someone in secret was fine for young cats but in time it got old. She came, when close she could hold it or make it happen a good talent when you wanted a long nights sleep with a horny brother in the same bed as you.
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