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Costume Party (Need People)

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Sue looked at Luna and said "the name is Sue forgot to tell you that". she walked over to James and said "i have no idea who is better looking but i have to add in I happen to think I look best here ". she gave a cocky grin to show she was just kidding.
"Well yes, your cooking is terrible. I feel sorry for anyone who has to have it." Amy said to her brother then smiled at Sue, "Well you are good looking and one of the sexiest here."
James rolled his eyes at Amy's comments eating some more of the food. "You are too young to judge sex appeal." He held his hand slightly above Amy's head. "After all you must be this tall to comment on a womans body."

"But she is right... your one of the sexiest." He gave her an arrogant smile before taking another sip of his drink.
Sue laugh and said "short woman can comment on other girls body after all not all woman become tall iam average so i just barely make that highth ."; Sue then said blushing "aaw really you two are just too cute ". She looked over at Luna and added "you too deary".
Sue smiled and said "yes same here i love L something about him just turns me on ". she cocked a wink at James and said "yes i also happen to love one peace too as well as batman but from that movie leaning towards harly quin good thing iam not a joker."
"See I'm old enough, Sue says so." Amy said putting her arm around Sue and smiled with victory as she stared at her brother.
Luna nodded vigorously. "Hey did you see the death note live action film? They did a great job casting out the characters"
Sue shook her head saying "no just the cartoon but now i just got to see it". she looked down as Amy put her arm around hers in victory against her brother and giggled the girl was almost as tall as her. She looked at James and said "well looks like sue wins".
"fine you can win." he waved off his sisters look and gave a small sigh. Taking another pull of his drink. "but I'm still the sexiest man in the room." he gave a passive and arrogant smile towards sue. "
Sue smiled back this game was sure fun she could not stop. She cocked a wicked grin and said "oh really not sure if i can agree with you on that one but you are pretty cute to me".
"Well your my brother so you are automatically ugly to me but I'll take Sue's opinion." Amy said sipping her pop and quietly admired the bodies of the girls she was with.
Alex was so embarrassed to show his face at this party that for weeks he had been pondering about what to wear. It all kind of started when he had embarrassed himself around James that one time. It was around some college freshman he was flirting with. To be honest he didn't even realize they were flirting he was so oblivious. Then out of left field something pushed him, grabbing on the closest thing for support he ended up pulling down the poor girls pants exposing her pink laced panties. James was there and well Alex got a reputation that crippled his social status around the campus.

He never quite knew though if James went to the school. He definitely saw him around the campus often but they never really talked much. Maybe he plain felt sorry for him but it came as a surprise when James invited him to his costume party. To be polite he humbly accepted. But the neighborhood had caught wind of his blunder so he really didn't want to show his face and much worse what if the girl he had pants was invited to the party as well?

Either way he made his decision with a character he had admire from his childhood. Good ole hunk, someone so inconspicuous,littered with body armor, and complete with a face mask. That there wouldn't be anything exposed to reveal his identity. He thought about using a voice changer but that was too cumbersome and hurt his face to wear it. So he slipped it into his pocket until he arrived. But that wasn't the only tool he had brought with him.

Instead of Hunk's usually arsenal of "hardware", in the book bag Alex was carrying was an assortment of liquid goodies. He had a connection and the liquor store at the strip mall a few miles away and called in the favor just for this party. Something about adding some liquid encouragement made the little deviant in him smirk without remorse. It couldn't be a party, not without him anyway, and maybe this would be a way to blow off some steam for the whole incident a few weeks back.

Nervously he stood at the stoop of James's home questioning whether to turn around and go home. Clenching the voice changer in his pocket so hard he could felt the hard plastic shell making his gloved hands sore. Then in one enthusiastic swoop his stuffed the voice changer under his face and knock on the door confidently waiting for someone to answer.
James gave a wave and turned away from his sister, she always had to have the last word didn't she? it was frustrating to have a sibling like that, but he let the joke slide off after all he didn't find her particularly attractive either. Though a blow to his ego was still a blow to his ego. Walking away he finnished the last of his first drink and decided that he needed to pop his head outside for a moment. Opening the door he blinked into the slightly fadding light of the sun to come face to face with another guest.

"Dude parties already started get in here!" He practically shouted seeing the costumed spec ops member. He knew the character from one of his old games, a series he had fallen out of love with in later years of his life, but he still knew 'hunk' when he saw him. "Human unit never killed!" he said announcing the guy to the rest of the party not giving him any real choice in the matter of entering the building or not.

James had invited everyone, not really caring for who was on standing he just wanted the party to be big. He looked down at the bag raising an eyebrow. "We will have to do a bag check on that. If its alchohal then the more the better, but I do have rules." he said he was fine with alchohal in the house but he wanted to make sure his guests weren't smuggling in anything more extreme then extra booze, and or some weed.
Sue watched as James walked away and looked to Amy ";you think maybe you hurt his feelings" she did not follow him but her eyes went to the man who just came in all decked out in ops gear and thought to herself when the war start. She walked over to the guy and said ";hello my name is Sue and by the way nice outfit";. she was trying to be friendly and hoped she did not sound rude or anything.
Charlie came into the part behind Alex. He was crouched over like L, wearing no socks. He didn't even need to wear a wig for his hair was naturally black but he did need to mess it up and put on make-up to make his eyes look like he hadn't slept in years.
"I hurt his feelings he hurts mine. It is just how our relationship works." Amy said watching her big brother leave knowing he would get her back later.

Amy ran over to charlie and looked over at Sue. "Hey Sue look who I found." She said with a devilish smile. "Hello I'm Amy, Jame's younger sister and that's my friend Sue. She is a huge Death Note fan."
Charlie smiled and when he saw Sue, his eyes lightened up. He thought he was the only person who was a fan of Death Note. "Misa Amane. Wow, that is one stunning costume. Oh I'm Charlie by the way."
Sue walked over to where Amy and stopped short "oh my God its L one of my favorite character's nice to meet you Charlie my name is Sue and thanks for the complement yours is down right hot". she giggled to think she was flirting with L well a person posing at him anyway if she could really flirt with him she would.
james rolled his eyes as everyone gathered around L. His ego taking another small hit, but not an unexpected one. Honestly he didn't see the appeal of the over all L costume, some make up some hair jell jeans and a shirt didn't in his opinion make a truly great costume, but the girls were obviously fawning over him. taking a sip of his new drink he let the girls have their moment with only a small pang of jealousy emanating from him.

"It's only jeans and a shirt." he grumbled lightly under his breath before putting on a slightly fake smile as he walked back into the party.
Sue did not know what to do both Charlie and Kyle where hot. She smiled and said "yea that was a sad time". She then walked over to Kyle and said "hey want to dance ". she hoped that he would dance with her.
malin said:
James gave a wave and turned away from his sister, she always had to have the last word didn't she? it was frustrating to have a sibling like that, but he let the joke slide off after all he didn't find her particularly attractive either. Though a blow to his ego was still a blow to his ego. Walking away he finnished the last of his first drink and decided that he needed to pop his head outside for a moment. Opening the door he blinked into the slightly fadding light of the sun to come face to face with another guest.

"Dude parties already started get in here!" He practically shouted seeing the costumed spec ops member. He knew the character from one of his old games, a series he had fallen out of love with in later years of his life, but he still knew 'hunk' when he saw him. "Human unit never killed!" he said announcing the guy to the rest of the party not giving him any real choice in the matter of entering the building or not.

James had invited everyone, not really caring for who was on standing he just wanted the party to be big. He looked down at the bag raising an eyebrow. "We will have to do a bag check on that. If its alchohal then the more the better, but I do have rules." he said he was fine with alchohal in the house but he wanted to make sure his guests weren't smuggling in anything more extreme then extra booze, and or some weed.

Alex nodded quietly and nodded handing the bag of clanking glass liquor bottles over to James. He couldn't contain his embarrassment when he introduced him to the rest of the party but his mask covered his blushing. Then he whispered over to Alex, "hey man it's me Alex." Before his could hear his response. Sue walked over to him. He stayed quiet but no because he didn't find her attractive but because he was extremely timid. Next thing he knew she had been whisked away by the guy in the L costume. L really?!, he thought, It's just a shirt and a stinking pair of jeans! . But ladies fawned over him regardless of his simply constructed costume. Soon he found himself slumped on the couch watching everything go pass him. So much for the master plan, he thought.
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