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Costume Party (Need People)

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Jul 11, 2010
Profile Thread

Amelia was in her room quietly putting on her Harley Quinn Costume she made herself. Tonight her brother was having a costume party and she was going to hang out and have fun with them. He Costume was a snug fit and showed of her body well. She then started to do her hair so it was right as well. This was a timely process but she was looking good.
RE: Costume Party

James opened the front door as he carried in bags from his car. he had spent most of the day cleaning the house and making sure that it would be ready for the party, and now with his shopping run done he had brought in all the booze and food he thought his guests would need. all in all he was looking forward to all of this, he was expecting a crowd, and that was always a good sign. putting the booze and food on the counter, he reminded himself that he would need to keep Amy away from the booze though he thought to himself, he didn't want his little sister drinking.

Going up to his room He started to get changed into his own costume, thankfully aside from the writting on his arms his was fairly simple not even a shirt, and that was one of the reasons he liked it. James was well built enough that he pulled off Portgas D Ace, and looking over himself in the mirror he clapped his hands he was ready to get this party started.
RE: Costume Party

Sue had gotten home from visting her father and noticed something in her moms mail box. She opened it up and let out a sigh it was anther pagake from that guy friend of hers. she closed the mailbox and got handed a flyer about some costume party James was having. She did not know too many kids but thought heck why not. she ran upstirs and got out her hallween costume she used pretty much every year cause she loved how it looked on her . She made sure the wings were still good and smiled as she put them on. She looked at the flyer and the time on the wall and knew soon she would have to arrive at the party.
RE: Costume Party

Amelia looked at a nearby mirror and she felt she looked great. She admired her self for a bit then and then decided it to head out into the living room and finish of the cleaning. She finished with a quick sweep and looked at the clock and knew people would be arriving soon. She didn't mind greeting them since she knew most of Jame's friends. Amy and James weren't that far apart age wise and their parents were often on long business trips so they had spent a lot of time together while they grew up.
RE: Costume Party

James stretched walking down the stairs the house was slightly more cold then he had actually anticipated and part of his costume required him to walk around without a shirt, the result was that his nipples had hardened slightly to the cold air, along with his smaller hairs standing on end. Walking down into the living room he smiled at his sister seeing her more as the childhood friend that he grew up with. "Harley Quinn? I feel sorry for anyone who comes as the joker." He spoke in a light teasing voice.

He said with a light shrug as he started to get the drinks and food out for people to have. His eye watching the door as moved around the living room and kitchen.
RE: Costume Party

Amelia looked at James with a sarcastic stare and said, "Oh bite me James. We both know my costume is better." Amy then stuck out her tongue and finished making the living room look amazing. "When are people showing up to this thing?"

Amy helped setup the food taking out a platter of cookies she baked herself earlier in the day. She found it a little chilling herself however she was smart and put on a bra and panties under her costume so she didn't show anymore then she meant to.
RE: Costume Party

Sue rode up on her bike that was a gift from her father on her birthday. She parked the bike and checked her herself out in its rear veiw mirror and said "okay you can do this you look cute okay". She walked up to the door and knocked on the door. She looked back at the bike and thought "maybe i should just leave now nope gonna do this ". she waited for the door to be opened her corgue coming back.
RE: Costume Party

Amy heard the knock at the door and shouted with glee, "I"LL GET IT!!!!" Amy ran to the door with the platter of cookies and opened it up. "Hello, welcome to the greatest part on earth. Cookie?" She said with energy and excitement. Amy had a big smile as she held out the platter of cookies.
RE: Costume Party

James shook his head lightly chuckling as she Heard Amy's sarcasim and excitement at the first person coming in. He smiled at the woman not directly recognizing her at the moment but she was cute and in a costume so he just gave a slight bow. "Welcome to the party, your the first too arrive."

The first too arrive didn't necessarily mean the last however, and over time more people started to filter in through the doors. He turned away anyone not in a costume but not necessarily checking identities.
RE: Costume Party

Sue gave the girl a warm smile and giggled saying "of course i will take a cookie as for the greatist part on earth that remains to be seen". She took a cookie and took a bite out of it in front of the girl as she came inside of the house and said "wow you did a great job making this place look like a party".
RE: Costume Party

"Thank you this is our first party we ever hosted. Now I don't know all my brother's friends so may I ask for your name?" Amy said as she lead the girl inside. She admired the girl's costume as they came inside.
RE: Costume Party

James whistled innocently in the background the fliers he had made were drawing a crowed of people not just his friends as he had told Sasha, but some people he didn't even know, and so he actually wondered close trying to hear the name of this girl that he didn't know.
Sue gave a smile and said "my name is Sue brown Iam new in the area so I do not know your brother is that okay i got this flier from this person and thought why not check it out if you want i can leave"? Sue wanted to stay but she was not going to force herself on them.
"No that's fine. We love people and this is a great way to meet people from this area. I love your costume." Amy said as she showed the new girl around the house. "This is the living room, and the kitchen so if you want a drink or anything is here."
"We have alchohalic beverages for everyone of age" James made sure to stress the part that his sister was under age, and that he was going to do his best to make sure that she stay sober. Seeing that she rode a bike here he smiled at sue however. "We also have room for the drunks to sleep it off, if they can't make their way back to their own homes. I am James by the way the host, nice to meet you."
Sue nodded her head and said "thanks and i love your custome too its cute and looks great on you". she followed the girl taking note of the house so that way she wont get lost later if she went looking for drinks or even the bathroom. Sue looked over at James and smiled "nice to meet you James and thanks for the party".
Amy stuck out her tongue then said, "Nice job checking ID Mr. Bouncer. What you want to say is that there is alcohol for everyone but me."

"Thank you Sue." She said to the complement then went to the fridge and grabbed a soda for herself. "Sue do you want one or something a little stronger?"
James walked towards the door hearing the next guest while also returning a smug smile towards his sister "Whats a brother for if he can't tell his little sister to stay sober while him and everyone else in the room gets wasted. Were gonna need someone to mop up after the party."

Opening the door he gave a slight smile. "Oh cute costume welcome to the party!" He said giving a slight bow as he turned away. "Drinks and food are out in the kitchen if you have car keys, my little sister the annoying Harley Quinn will take them." he said as he fixed a drink for himself, and turned on some music for the party goers to enjoy.
Sue walked over and said "well i shall start off with a soda maybe later i will drink or maybe i will stay sober with you so that you do not have to be alone in not drinking " . Sue did drink but she was not big on getting wasted all the time. She turned as Luna came into the kitchen and said "hello cute costume".
"Hi, awesome costume. You look like a dark angel or a succubus. I like it." Luna gave a smile at Sue before taking a bite to eat.
Sue smiled "yea i do but iam not iam the girl from death note so i can see why i would look like that cause that is one dark anime". she sipped her soda and found some chips to munch on.
Amy took out two sodas and passed one to Sue and took the other for herself. "You don't need to stay sober on my account. I'm use to things like this." Amy said, "Hello, what is your name? I'm Jame's younger and better looking sister, Amy."
James poored himself a real beverage, and joined the others in the living room picking up one of his sisters cookies. "Younger, yes, better looking? Hardly!" he said with a short arrogant laugh as he gave a small flex of his own muscles, and took a drink. As he took a bite of the cookie. "Better cook now their you have me."
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