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Life Outside The Battlefield-Continuation

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I turned my head towards his voice and slowly made my way closer to him and the horses. Feeling Alex's nose nuzzled against my shoulder I smiled. " So, your going to ride Alex?"
I head before grinning slightly. " Just don't let your fairs down while your on him, his a bit prankster with new riders.".I chuckled slightly before holding Paris in one arm and running my hand along dancers.side till I found her saddle.
"Trust me. He won't get away with anything." I said with a smile. I took Paris from clove so that she could have both hands to get on. "Do you need help?" I asked.
I smiled but shook my head. " No, I think I can do this.".I answered him as I carefully mounted dancer. I just sat there for a moment, getting used to being on her before stretching my hands down wards for Paris.
I carefully placed Paris into cloves hands, and then patted dancer on the neck. I quickly mounted Alex, still holding dancers reins to lead her, since clove couldn't see to steer. "Ready?" I asked.
I nodded my head as I wrapped one arm around Paris, my free hand holding onto dancers Sadle. " yes, just... Go slow, ok? Please?" I muttered quietly as I looked down for a moment.
"Of course." I replied. I moved the horses into a slow walk. Dancer moved carefully, just like I knew she would. I guided the horses onto the trail.
Riding and not being able to see did not agree with me. But I knew I would get used after a few minutes of riding along the trail. I gripped the saddle tightly, and held Paris close to my chest. " Well, um, this is new."
"Just let me know if you want me to stop. But just trust dancer." I said with a smile. After a few minutes of walking down the trail, I turned down the small path that led to the pond. "Almost there." I promised her.
I slowly let go of her sadle and smiled softly. I was slowly starting to enjoy this, at least I knew dancer would act up like Alex would. " how's Alex doing?" I asked softly. I knew Alex had never been good with new riders, and worse with male riders.
I smiled. Alex had tried to act up as soon as I had gotten on, but I had quickly set him in check. "He's doing great. He tried to act up when I got on, but I used to break all the colts for our ranch, so I'm used to it. He's a good horse." I said with a laugh.
I laughed softly as he spoke. " Alex has never been good with men, even his past trainers had problems with him." I chuckled softly. " it's nothing personal though."
"I don't blame him. Why put up with men when he can have you? He's a smart horse." I said with a grin. We came into the clearing next to the pond. I stopped the horses, and jumped down from Alex. I walked over to clove Paris and dancer. "We're here." I said.
I smiled and blushed slightly as he spoke. I sat silently till I felt dancer stop walking, and raised my head slightly. " Could you hold Paris while I get off?" I asked quietly.
I waited till I felt him take Paris before carefully dis mounting dancer. I smiled as I turned around. " That was fun... Sorta." I grinned slightly.
I smiled. "Good." I took her hand and led her to a big rock next to the pond that was in the sun. I sat down on it with a sigh.
I followed him to the rock, slowly sitting down on it carefully. " when I would get in trouble, I used to come here. It would take anyone hours to find me." I muttered softly.
I smiled and leaned in against his side gently. " Just being with you makes me feel better. " I told him softly and closed my eyes. " Remember the last time we were here?" I chuckled quietly.
I smiled and nodded. "That was before I left for base. That was a few weeks ago..." I murmured. "How have I managed to go so long without our adventures?" I asked with a playful laugh.
I bit my lower lip slightly as he spoke before laughing softly. " I have no idea how I've managed to go so long with out teasing you." I grinned teasingly.
I couldn't help but blush faint as he spoke. " Hmm, well, I wouldn't get used to this lack of teasing if I was you." I whispered into his ear.
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