A purity long lost... [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]

It seemed like Anelia had one hell of a life, similar to hers and Maeliko's, but different in its own way. Yusa didn't know she was falling into a trap, seeing as she was still young and naive in many ways. She was the most trusting of the two in many ways, which is why she was easy to fall into Anelia's well placed trap. After drinking the 'lemonade' her body grew very hot and her legs couldn't hold her up anymore. She had fallen to the ground, where a surge of pleasure ran through her entire body and even down to her virgin sex. Her legs were rubbing together as her juices were starting to leak from her pussy, which was starting to show very clearly to anyone who would look down there. Hearing Anelia's words caused her to blush. "Nnnn... We've played with each other before... We would sleep together whenever we got the chance and we do so now... Even now we sleep together... Last night we had our fun..." Yusa paused as her breathing was starting to grow heavy now as she watched Anelia begin crawling over to her. The woman placed her hands on Yusa's shoulders and began pushing her down onto her back, which Yusa found herself unable to resist let alone fight back. Anelia was now on top of her now and asking her next question as her fingers were now trailing down her arm. "We've only fingered each other and played with our clits... We've never had anything inside of us before... So we're still virgins..." Yusa replied weakly as her body was starting to react to Anelia being on top of her in this seductive manner. Yusa's face was now completely red from the sudden questions and even though she wanted to push the woman off of her she couldn't gather the strength to do so. "Why are you... Asking me all of this?" Yusa asked as her pussy was starting to throb, begging for attention as well as the rest of her body at this point. Her body was craving to be touched, to be fucked, and even though she knew this was wrong beyond anything... Her body didn't care, even though her mind was telling her this was wrong her body would continue to ignore what her mind was screaming out to it. "This... This is wrong... If Mael came in here and saw us...." Yusa whispered as she felt a moan escape her lips as her body was giving into it more as she began to feel her mind was starting to slip into the lust.

Maeliko thought hard on what Kamerilla had said about her light and how it had saved not only the life of her lover, but also the life of Anelia. She was right about those times though, it had helped her then. But she still held bitter feelings towards it due to the fact that she had been forced into following the light without even given the option to choose what path she wanted to take. "Yes it did save them... Though I've accepted the light from time to time, I still do not like it. Coming from a noble family who prides themselves in discipline or holy magic and forced to go either path... It wasn't my choice to be a Priestess... But I know of no other path for me other than that of a priestess. I will rely on the light more, but in all honesty... I feel comfortable with the shadows, not so much with demons, but just the shadows in general. While I can protect my beloved with my curses and spells, should she get hurt I can heal her wounds. I envy Yusari in many ways though... She's a Shaman and can protect others with the powers of the elements. She often talks to me about how the elements are hurting because of this petty war between the factions and how they've been abused beyond anything. In times of need her elementals come forth and help us, but while Yusa doesn't like having to use them, they understand her and knows she means no ill will towards them like most do." Maeliko replied as she got dressed, putting her bra and panties back on before putting her robes on, covering herself back up. She grabbed her staff and walked over to where Kamerilla was and watched as she began setting up for the ritual. Maeliko could sense that something terrible must have happened to the elf before her when she agreed to help her summon Kirasis. She didn't know the woman's past and didn't want to pry, it wasn't her place to do so after all. Once everything was set up they would begin to summon Kirasis as the summoning circle began to glow with dark powers.

Kirasis had been trying to sate her own urges with a couple of the fellow succubi there when she heard her mistresses voice begin talking to her in her head. As you wish my mistress. I will focus everything on the Sin'dorai and keep my distance from Kamerilla for a bit. I do not wish to anger her nor have her send me back. If you're plan is to work I must obey and stick to the plan. Yes I can feel them summoning me right now and I will do as I'm told. So, when the time comes, you want me to use this knowledge of Kamerilla's past to try and gain her trust? Clearly she must know that Succubi cannot cause destruction except only in the hearts of others by forcing them to give into their own lust and urges. But I will not submit to her or to anyone other than you my mistress. I am your pet, your slave, your lover, I belong to you and no one else. I will get close to her after I've taken the Sin'dorai. This way your friend will see that I can be a very obedient pet of yours. I promise to not fail you my mistress. Kirasis replied to Anelia, knowing she'd be able to her her thoughts reply to her as she dismissed the succubi that was with her as she allowed herself to get summoned and pulled back into Azeroth. She was looking forward to taking the Blood Elf and getting her to submit to her while her mistress was now seducing the Draenei right then and there.
Anelia's deep eyes, gazed down into Yusa, with such a seductive and alluring expression, that her intentions where clear as day. A playful deminure, that only promised pleasure and joy. As Yusa submitted to her pushing, and lay down upon the ground, Anelia's head tilted to the side, throwing her hair over her left shoulder, her ears perking up with playful, excited ticks. She listened intently to Yusa's words, her lips giggling lightly, with the blushing of Yusa's face. It was clear that she was nervous. Felt this was wrong, even before she said it was. But even as she did, a soft moan escaped her lips, and Anelia lightly shook her head, with a pouting mouth.
"Tsk, tsk. Don't say that. No relationship evolves, and get's stronger, if you don't try new things. And I can tell you, through experience I know, that you are missing out on something. Playing, and having fun, is always good. Those.. Sensitive spots of a woman, has little equal. But feeling something push deep inside you.. Especially if not artificial. That feeling, has little equals." She whispered, licking her lips, as her hands got more bold, now stroking up her arm, and lowering herself to let their breasts touch, through the fabric of their clothes. Her fingers now stroked down Yusa's shoulder, but finding it's way to the outline of Yusa's breasts, now squeezed down by Anelia's. The finger trailed down Yusa's clothing, all the way down to her abdomen, where it started slowly turning in circles.
"Have you never found yourself.. Allured. By the thought. Of finally losing that precious purity? That virginity? I know you have. No woman goes about without. Which means.. Maeliko. Does as well. Trust me. There's nothing wrong in these thoughts. They are, completely natural." She whispered, smirking as she lowered her head above Yusa, letting their lips be inches apart, so they'd feel each others breaths. But she didn't quite taste. Didn't quite kiss, or let their lips meet. Only tempted the thought for a moment, before lowering herself, instead letting her lips reach down, catch, and gently nibble one of the thin tentacles, just bellow a Draenei's ear.
"Think about it. How would you like.. To give your lover that feeling? I could help you. I could show you. Whilst. I'd also show you. Why prejudice pushed me away, from everything I ever held dear." She whispered, as her lips gently tugged at the tentacle, her finger now trailing further down. It didn't stroke across her crotch, but instead seductively stroked down Yusa's thigh.

As Kamerilla was about to walk to the spot selected, she stopped to listen. She understood the woman's words very well, knowing how she felt. She nodded a single time, standing still for a moment, whilst Maeliko got dressed, thinking the words through. And just before Maeliko finished, she turned her gaze over her shoulder towards the elf, gazing with an almost grim expression.
"We do not always have to like that which protects us, and gives us pleasure. But submitting to it. And allowing it to help. Please. Protect. Often has its way, of proving worth it. Worth forgetting the past, and embracing what you've got now. Instead of dwelling on emotions, left by a darker past." Kamerilla spoke, a small curve of a smile almost showing, at the edges of her lips. But this was soon cut off, as she turned her gaze back and moved towards their spot. Kamerilla had done, just what she mentioned. Pushed away the dark memories of her past, to help Anelia. And ultimately, to submit to her feelings and give in to the pleasure she was offered. That went against a lot of promises to herself, made in the past. But it had now given her much more, then holding old grudges would.
As Maeliko arrived, Kamerilla pointed at the ground before her, the middle of the circle. "Go ahead. I will empower your summoning, by the uttering the words of this book. Just do, as you've done before." Kamerilla said with a nod, beginning to pace back and forth, reading from the book in her hands, silent whispers. Little would Maeliko know, probably not entirely tuned to the Demon tongue, that Kamerilla actually prepared a more forceful spell. A spell, that would summon a Demon, bound to someone else then the summoner. This was necessary. Normally, only Anelia would be able to summon Kirasis now. But with the chains that Anelia and Kamerilla had used before, it was possible again. And once again, it was chains that would shoot into the void, searching for Kirasis.

"Yes.. Use this knowledge. You might even find a way, to make her submit to you as well. But this will be much harder then the Sin'dorai. The Sin'dorai, has no reason to hate you. Kamerilla's former life, was destroyed by your kind. And she still holds a grudge for that. However. The hopes of a better life, was destroyed by a woman she loved. Yet she submitted to me. Pushed away the grudge, allowing me to please her, in the way that woman was supposed to. She can push grudge and break barriers. And if anyone can make her forgive your kind. It is you, my sweet. I will look forward to seeing you again. Tell us where the last book is. So we can summon you soon. Uh. And sweety. If possible. Do not mention, that I am now your Mistress. I would love to surprise her with that, when we finally free you into our world. But don't take any chances. If you have to mention it. Do it. But if you can resist. I'd maybe prepare a little. Bonus. For you. When you get into Azeroth, my love."
Yusa could see it in Anelia's eyes just what was going through her mind. But despite what her mind was telling her, her body wanted in and a part of her wanted it as well. "What do you mean by 'try' new things? And what do you mean by something pushed deep inside of me that isn't artificial? Are you talking about a cock? But you're a woman!" Yusa said as the woman lowered herself more onto Yusa, to let their breasts touch. Despite the fabric from the cloths she could feel the warmth from Anelia's breasts pressing into her as her finger was now trailing down her clothing till it reached her abdomen as she began slowly turning her finger in circles. This woman was seducing her and even though she wanted to fight her off, she couldn't. If she summoned her elementals they would attract Maeliko's attention. And if Maeliko saw them like this... No! She couldn't even think about that! But this woman... On how her body was aching badly to be fucked and ravaged! "But I... But we planned on taking each others virginity when the time was right... But what you say is... True... I've been wanting it for a long time..." Yusa trailed off as Anelia was now close enough to her face, her lips so close to her's she thought the woman was going to kiss her before she lowered them to where one of the tentacles that was below her ear and began nibbling on it. Which was one of her most sensitive spots on her entire body. She couldn't take much more of this as her body started moving against Anelia's, showing to the woman that she was wanting and needing to be fucked now. "I... I want to give her that feeling... Mael... She deserves that much... Please... Help me... I don't know how much more my body can... Can take of this..." Yusa now panted heavily as the tentacle was tugged on and Anelia's finger trailed further down to where her crotch was, but didn't touch it, instead she began stroking her thigh causing a slightly louder moan to escape her throat now. "Please... Fuck me..." She panted as she looked at Anelia with pleading eyes.

Maeliko's ears lowered slightly as Kamerilla spoke to her again and she nodded. "If... If doing so will help Yusari... Then... I'll do it... I just don't want anything to happen to her. But if letting go of the past will help..." She paused as her eyes lowered to the ground. "Then so be it..." Maeliko finished as she slowly looked back up and made her way into the circle and took her place. Nodding Maeliko closed her eyes and cleared her mind but leaving only one thought there, Kirasis. She had to do this in order to summon Kirasis or else it'd fail. As Kamerilla began reciting from the book Maeliko could tell this woman was fluent in Demonic, the language of demons. And as the chains were set loose they would soon find the one they were after. "Well looks like my ride is here..." Kirasis said as the chains wrapped around her entire body and soon she was dragged out of the void. Oh how she hated these wretched chains, but she didn't fight nor resist them so that she could avoid any unnecessary pain. The circle around Kamerilla and Maeliko was glowing brightly as soon the form of Kirasis was appearing from the ground. Soon the demon was fully there as she looked up at Maeliko, but kept her gaze away from Kamerilla for now. "So little Sin'dorai we meet again. I hope you have good news for me this time. Like saying you got one of the books?" Kirasis said as she tried to avoid looking over to Kamerilla. "Well... We didn't get it ourselves... But we had outside help..." Maeliko said as she slowly glanced over to Kamerilla. "Ah yes I remember those two. But pray tell, where's your lover? And if this elf is here with you, where's her companion?" Kirasis asked as she slowly moved into a more comfortable position. "Not that it really matters. But you got the book eh? Well outside help or not, the fact is you got it non the less. You've done well my little pet.~" Kirasis said as she smirked a little. Maeliko began shifting in place as she heard the demon ask her questions. "Yusa went to go check up on Anelia to make sure she was okay and to talk somethings over." Maeliko replied as she looked into Kirasis's eyes and blushed when the demon praised her. Being praised was one of her major weaknesses. Having never gotten any praises when she was growing up left a sour taste in her mouth. But when she got praised, it meant so much to her. "I... I'm glad that I've done well... Thank you Kirasis..." She finished as she could feel Kirasis's eyes burning into her own, as if trying to seduce her. She was having a hard time fighting her own urges now at this point and she hopped that Kamerilla wouldn't send Kirasis back anytime soon.

This will be tricky though Mistress Anelia, for your friend, as you said, hates my kind. But I will focus solely on the little Sin'dorai and win her over. Her major weakness is being praised. I know this girl's entire back story and her entire life up to this point. However I will not force Kamerilla at first, I will slowly seduce her and worm my way into her... Heart... But the Sin'dorai will have to submit to me first and foremost. I cannot allow any mistakes here my dear mistress elf. As for our little secret, I won't say a word if I can help it. But I doubt it'll even have to be brought up. The last book is hidden inside of Magtheridon's old lair, but be careful. There are strong necromancers still living in there. But you four should be able to handle them with no problems. I will say this though... I do like how your bonus offer sounds my love.~ Kirasis replied to Anelia as she continued to watch the Blood Elf. Maeliko was now moving towards her, which was good. "I will tell you where the last book remains my little pet. But first... You must be rewarded for such a great job you've done so far my dear.~" Kirasis said seductively as Maeliko was now within touching distance. "A... Reward?" Maeliko questioned as she sat down next to Kirasis. "Yes. For being such a good little pet. But first, can you have your little friend over there maybe... Loosen these chains a little?" Kirasis asked as she reached up and cupped her hand under Maeliko's chin as she nodded and then turned to look over to Kamerilla. "Is it possible to loosen the chains just a little?" Maeliko asked Kamerilla as she now waited for a reply.
There was still clearly defiance in Yusari's mind, but Anelia slowly felt it break, and give in to the lust and urges of her body. Yusari would break, and soon, Anelia felt it. She'd always been able to feel and hear others lust and emotions. It wasn't as if she could read their minds, but she'd watched humanoids at a distance long enough, to read things from their eyes. And lust, was far stronger in Yusari's eyes, then her defiance and morals. Her morals where breaking, and she was giving in to carnal urges, that longed to be pleased. Teased, by this foreign woman, not exactly fitting into her image of the world. She'd hoped to live out the rest of her days, with only Maeliko by her side. But Anelia had a different plan. She wanted them, to belong to her. To be part of her life. She wanted her, to be part of theirs. She didn't want a small slice, anymore. She wanted everything she could get. That might seem greedy, but living a life such as hers, it is no longer just pleasure and bodies you urge. It is feelings. Emotions. Longing to be warmed by others emotions, and warm them back with ones own. She needed it. And this was the only way, she knew how to get it. By taking it.
"And when, would the time be right? And with what, would you take it? A mere object? A tool? But that is so less pleasing, then the real thing. Would you really want Maeliko, to make do with that? Instead. Of giving her the real thing? I'd show you. If you let me. How pleasing... The real thing can be." Anelia whispered again, now with her lips inches from Yusari's ear, letting her feel the heat of her breath, before returning to an obvious weakness. It was clear, that those precious tentacles, was a very soft spot. She would make very sure, to abuse that. Now lunging her lips around the tip of it, suck gently at it, before tugging and nudging lightly at it. Then, as Yusari begged to be pleased, begged to be fucked, Anelia grinned softly, raising over Yusari's face.
"I could become the instrument, of your pleasure. I am not a normal woman. That, is what put distance between me, and the world before. Let me. Show you." She whispered again, her hand now leaving Yusari's thigh, instead gently taking Yusari's wrist, and leading her hand to Anelia's crotch. Anelia was already starting to get excited, at the woman below hers sent and moans. And as Yusari's hand was lead there, she'd feel a throbbing behind the cloth of her nimble, leather pants. Something wanting to burst out of its confines, and let free upon the world. Upon Yusari. And as that hand did so, her other hand now trailed down to Yusari's abdomen, this time not being as discreet as it's predecessor. This time, stroking down to Yusari's crotch, stroking a lone fingertip, along Yusari's slit, pushing the cloth of her wearings against the eager entrance, as she licked her own lips.

As the ritual was performed, Kamerilla's eyes continued to stare into the book, focusing on her part, as she waved the fingertips of her right hand, in circles. Her left hand held the book open bellow her, pretending to be reading from it. She wasn't, however. She knew this exorcism ritual, by heart. Meant to force Demons hiding in the void out, and to destroy, or send Demons outside back. Then, as Kirasis came through, Kamerilla tightened her fist, making sure the chains where strong and tight. It was clear, that she nurtured no thoughts, of Kirasis comfort. She just wanted to make sure, she staid in check, when her Mistress wasn't there. However. She already had a feeling, that Anelia had a plan. Had a demand, of the Demon.
And as Maeliko got closer to it, it became clear to Kamerilla, immediately. Kamerilla knew seduction, and the art of performing it, very well. And it was clear to her, what Kirasis was doing. But this was, undoubtably Anelia's demand. Kirasis wouldn't dare go against Anelia's demands, especially not with Kamerilla present. Kamerilla was the only true danger to Kirasis, in this world. Everything Anelia was able to do to Kirasis, had to come through Kamerilla's power at first. Which was alsot why, Kamerilla was so careful. She knew, that without her, Anelia would be in danger, when around the Demon.
But as Kamerilla was asked to loosen the chains, she only nodded darkly, and gazed back into the book. Again, she waved her right hand, her fingers going fluid, making waves. She murmured a few words, decreasing the strength of the spell, as she tightened her right hand into a fist. She did it once, and the chain upon Kirasis right wrist, gave a short sting of pain, before it almost vanished. As if it wasn't even there. Kamerilla opened her hand, and did this four more times. Loosening the chains upon Kirasis' other wrist, and both her ankles, followed by the choker, around her neck. Kamerilla then took a step back, her dark green hair almost covering her face, as if she was now only a shadow in their presence.

I know, my dear. But I also know of your talents. You can do it, my sweet. Kamerilla is not that complicated. Just a hurt little girl, in many ways. Fragile in spirit, but strong at hand. It is her power, that makes her strong, and dangerous. Not her mind. But yes.. Focus on the cute little Maeliko, to start off. She will be much easier. One important thing about Kamerilla, though. Do not try to seduce her. It will not work. She knows it, all too well. And yes.. A.. Bonus. Always sounds a little nice, doesn't it?
We will traverse to Magtheridon's, at the earliest of conveniences. Kamerilla's knowledge of Necromancy, will become invaluable. And with the little doves' magic, and my cunning, we'll get that book. And you. My sweet flame. Will be free."
Yusari could feel herself breaking down badly. With Kirasis's aphrodisiac running through her entire body Yusa wouldn't be able to fight it for long. It was amazing she was able to fight it for this long, for that was a feat in itself. "You're right... Those things wouldn't help us nor would... Work for us... But such is the life we chose..." Yusa panted as her eyes closed slowly before finishing her sentence. "I... I want you to... To show us then please..." Yusa couldn't fight it anymore now the ground below her was probably soaked with her own juices as her arousal was now taking control over her. Yusa's back arched slightly when Anelia began using her weakness against her and began sucking gently on it, tugging on it, and nudging it lightly. "Nnnn..." Yusa moaned as her breasts were now squished against Anelia's as her back had arched up more into her. Hearing her words Yusa's mind was now accepting it. "Show me then..." Yusa managed to say before Anelia removed her hand from her thigh over to her wrist as she guided Yusa's hand to where Anelia's crotch was. As her hand had been led there she could feel something rather hard and throbbing against her hand. The leather was tight around it from the way it felt and Yusa knew it was longing to come out, begging for it actually. Yusa could feel Anelia's other hand was now working its way down to her abdomen before it reached her crotch and began stroking her there. Anelia was pushing the cloth against the entrance to her pussy which caused more juices to flow freely and also caused some of them to get onto Anelia's hand. "I cannot hold it in anymore... Please... Take me..." Yusa moaned as she had now fully broken down and wanted Anelia to release what she was holding in her pants and ravage her with it. She didn't care anymore at this point and time.

Oh how the chains hurt Kirasis badly, but she endured it non the less. However Kirasis wasn't going to do anything stupid. She played it cool and stayed as calm as she could. For Kirasis knew if she made one fatal error she'd be sent back to the void and she would have failed her mistress, for to her failure was not an option. She obeyed Anelia without question. Even IF she wanted to disobey her mistress, the contract she was bound to her wouldn't allow it. Not like she'd disobey anyways when her freedom was on the line. Maeliko was the one Anelia wanted her to take and help claim, it was a direct order and she had to obey. Maeliko was already under her influence now which would make things easier for Kirasis. Kirasis knew abit of Kamerilla's past, but enough to make it work to her advantage. As Maeliko asked for the chains to be loosed Kirasis didn't look over to Kamerilla, she kept her eyes on Maeliko the entire time. Maeliko watched as Kamerilla began loosening the chains which caused Maeliko to look back at her demon as she watched the chains slowly fade away, freeing Kirasis from her bindings. "That's much better. Now my pet for your reward, do not fight me please.~" Kirasis spoke in a more seductive tone as she got closer to Maeliko and licked the girl's lips gently before pulling her into her arms as she then kissed her deeply, letting her tongue play around Maeliko's lips before Maeliko willingly caved in and allowed Kirasis's invading tongue enter her mouth. Maeliko wasn't fighting Kirasis, yes she was being seduced but part of her was wanting this. This is why she wasn't fighting it. "Now my dear... Lets remove those nasty pieces of clothing from your body, now shall we?~♥" Kirasis whispered as she pulled away, breaking the kiss as she let go of Maeliko. Nodding Maeliko began stripping down till she was fully nude. "Is... Is this the reward you were talking about...?" Maeliko asked as Kirasis, with a grin nodded. "Yes my pet. Do not fight what your body wants. I'll make you feel so much better.~" Kirasis replied as she then placed her hands on Maeliko's shoulders and helped her to the ground slowly before getting on top of her body. Maeliko's nipples were already hard by the time Kirasis lowered herself on her as their breasts touched against each other. Kirasis smirked as her tail trailed against Maeliko's leg gently as she reached down to Maeliko's sex and began rubbing her clit gently. Maeliko's body was reacting strongly to the demon's touch, specially when she felt the tail begin stroking her leg. Maeliko wouldn't fight her demon for she desired this.

So seducing her won't work, but if I show her that I mean no harm... She'll come around then, correct my mistress elf? A question though in regards to Maeliko... Do you want me to take her virginity or would you prefer to do so? I do not want to take something that you claim and want for yourself. But I won't seduce Kamerilla, she knew what I was doing to Maeliko from the start but she released the chains when Maeliko asked her to. So she must know that I'm simply following orders, correct? And I look forward to this little bonus my beloved.♥ If we can manage to claim these two for you tonight then you will have no problems with getting into his lair. If you would allow me, my mistress, I could open a portal to the entrance for you when you all wish to head out. That's only if you would like. I can do that and no one would question me, I hold a high standing in the void. Not something I'm proud of but I had to make a name for myself to gain respect from my fellow demons, ya know?
The second Yusari's hand touched, Anelia gave a low purring sound, vibrating against the tentacle in her mouth. She shivered and gently sucked at the tentacle, as the girl bellow her's juices covered her finger, in a mater of seconds. This almost surprised Anelia, seeing Yusari this heavily aroused. Kirasis' drug, clearly did it's job. And did it well. Anelia shivered with excitement, licking her lips, as the girl begged her to show, with what she could offer the wonderful things she did. Anelia snickered lightly, Yusari so desperately longing for it now, that she begged and pleaded, with deep eyes of lust. Anelia gently bit at Yusari's tentacle, tugging at it one more time, before letting go to speak.
"Oh, I will.. Sweet little Yusari. And you'll revel in the pleasure, I can provide. And be unable to resist the temptation in the future. You'll even want your dear lover, to have what you got as well. You'll know the pleasure I can provide. And I am sure. You'll want your precious lover, to feel the same." Anelia whispered, with a soft grin upon her lips, before quickly letting their lips meet, pushing her finger a bit deeper, bringing the cloth of Yusari's clothing slightly inside of her entrance. But she didn't kiss her for long, knowing that the intimate, passionate act of kissing, might make Yusari doubtful again. Instead, she rose slightly, to be able to unleash the thread, holding her tight leather pants in place, pushing them out of the way. And the second it was far enough, her member came in view for Yusari. Anelia observed her reaction, as she swiftly removed the pants, getting back down between Yusari's legs, now spreading them with her own. She gave Yusari a moment to observe, and revel in her members size, before her fingers sought her pants once more, now ripping lightly at the hint of her pants, and panties if she wore any. She didn't ruin Yusari's clothing, but instead soon lifted Yusari's legs up, resting them upon her own shoulders, starting to pull Yusari's pants up, and off of her. If she wore a dress, she'd suffice with Yusari's panties, pushing her dress up, to expose her most privates.
Anelia didn't let Yusari's legs down immediately, instead keeping them up, as she herself sat upon her knees. She then pulled her own shirt off, the tight leather releazing her breasts, into a dancing bounce, before her arms wrapped back around Yusari's legs. She then let her now hardened member, stroke back and forth over Yusari's slit, as her hands caressed and explored Yusari's soft legs, her teeth nibbling at Yusari's ankles.
"Observe. This, is what I was pushed away for. Called a deformation. A mistake. Will you do the same? Or will you let me show.. What amounts of pleasure, it can provide?" She questioned, with a soft grin, nibbling on Yusari's ankles again.

Kamerilla observed closely, as Kirasis worked her magic. The girl was so easily seduced, that more had to be involved. She wanted it. She wanted to invite the Demon in, and get the pleasure it offered. Nothing was forced. Nothing seemed to be foul play. Conflicting emotions welled up inside Kamerilla, her eyes narrowing a bit, as her ears lowered. She was having dark thoughts, as to how she'd given in to seduction, and how it had hurt her in the end. But nothing here, seemed to be foul play. Just a lustful dance, with a Succubus. How could Kamerilla deny Maeliko that? Especially when the Demon was bound to Anelia. She had to trust her. Didn't she? Kamerilla closed her eyes, and lowered her head, letting the act continue, as she nibbled upon her lower lip. She had to fight old hatred, and arousal at the same time. She had to open up this time, and let this Demon in. Kamerilla felt part of the family. Anelia had invited her in, she deserved her spot. But did Kirasis as well? She was the first, Anelia took that day. Kirasis deserved it, and Kamerilla had to live with that thought. Being in the same family, as a Demon. A Succubus, nonetheless. But it was not all bad. Anelia was always there. Perhaps, the Demon would even show itself different, from the ones Kamerilla had seen in the past?

If you show her. That you mean no harm. That your nice. And make her know, that you acknowledge her power. Know, that she is strong enough to stop you, if you ever actually wanted to hurt her. This may sound embarrassing, and as if you lower yourself to her. But it is only for a time. You could play her pet. Be cuddly. Be gentle. She doesn't mind closure, or touching a lot. What she minds, is words. She doesn't like.. Talking, with others. Maybe.. Be a bit playful. But without words? I don't know, it's a hard task. But about her virginity. Take it. As an extra price, for your good behavior, and.. For giving me something, I never imagined getting. But be gentle, of course. We want her to like what happened, even afterwards. Gentle at first. Playing rough, comes later.. Hehe. And yes. A portal, would make things easier. If we can get these two tonight, we can take the portal in a few days of resting and preparing. We'll get that last book, and you'll be free. Mmh. Free to use that tail on me, one day... I can hardly wait, my pet. My sweet love.
The vibrations from Anelia's moan sent a wave of pleasure through her entire body. Oh how at times she cursed herself for having such a simple weakness such as this. But it couldn't be helped. Yes she was lost to her own lust now and nothing mattered to her except for her release and to feel whatever pleasures Anelia could grant her. Yes, she was begging, pleading for it now. The drug was stronger than any other aphrodisiac and it was strongly in her system now. Moaning loudly as her tentacle was gently bitten and tugged once more before being released as Anelia spoke again to her. "I want Maeliko to feel as... As good as me... Please help her achieve what you're about to give me..." Yusa moaned as she was then kissed, though she could feel Anelia's finger pushing in deeper causing the cloth to go inside of her entrance slightly. Yusa almost pouted when the kiss broke but watched as Anelia rose slightly and began removing the thread that held her tight leather pants together before removing them, revealing a very large and erect, throbbing member. Yusa looked at it in awe and part of her wondered how she'd be able to take suck a large cock but brushed the thought aside. Anelia went back in between her legs again and began removing her her pants and panties, thought she did hear a slight ripping sound from her pants, but she cared little for them right now. They were merely in her way at this moment. Her legs were brought up as her lower clothing was removed, but her legs were now resting on Anelia's shoulders. Yusa's shirt lifted slightly, exposing her large and plump breasts slightly. She watched as the woman removed her top which once her breasts were released she watched them bounce, free to be released from their tight confinement like her member. Moaning loudly as Anelia began rubbing her very hard member back and forth over her slit sent jolts of pleasure through her spine. Oh gods she wanted that cock stuffed inside her tight pussy now. It was hard to control herself while Anelia was caressing her soft legs while her teeth began nibbling her ankles. "I do not call it a deformation... I call it... Beauty... Show me... Show me what amounts of pleasure it can provide for me..." Yusa moaned as her juices were now coating the massive cock well, making it to where when it entered it would be easier.

Maeliko was resisting Kirasis at all, and Kirasis didn't even use her natural aphrodisiac on her either. She just used what she heard from Maeliko's mind and used it to her advantage like she was instructed to do. Kirasis was obeying very well and was playing her cards right. For Kirasis, wasn't like any of her kind. She was a very rare creature who didn't believe in warfare, only love. She was only wicked when it came to sex, and rough sex mind you. But she wasn't the type to simply 'force' someone against their will. For her she had to have them willing to give themselves to her. She was showing this in hopes that Kamerilla would see that she was different than the others. "My little pet... You're so beautiful, it's no wonder that Draenei fell for you my beautiful little Sin'dorai.♥" Kirasis spoke softly as she let her tail slowly make its way to her pussy as she began rubbing over the inside of the slit gently. Kissing Maeliko again she looked into her eyes as smiled softly. "Would you, allow me my pet, the pleasure of taking your virginity?" She asked softly, but loud enough to where Kamerilla would be able to hear. She wanted Kamerilla to hear how gentle she was being to Maeliko, even by asking if she would be allowed to take her own virginity. She was however, pleased that her mistress was allowing her to do this, to take the little Sin'dorai's purity. But she knew full well her mistress was about to take Yusa's purity now, she could feel it and it was making her more aroused. But she had to maintain her posture and not let herself go just yet. Maeliko was moaning more now that Kirasis's tail was rubbing against the inside of her slit as she was asked if she could take her virginity. Anyone, who wasn't Kirasis, wouldn't had just asked, they would have just taken it. "Yes... Yes you may take it Kirasis..." Maeliko moaned as her arms now wrapped around Kirasis's back as Maeliko was now holding her close to her. "I thank you for granting me permission my pet. Know this my dear Maeliko, I will not force you to do anything against your will. But I will ask you, and if you deny me then that's fine. But I am not one to simply take from someone else. No, I simply ask politely, isn't that how it should be done my dear?" Kirasis stated as she let the tip of her tail slowly go inside of the girl's virgin pussy. The girls juices that coated her tail made it easy to penetrate her as she began to slowly slide her tail inside of her. "Yes... You are... Nnnnn.... Different Kirasis... And for that... I thank you... Nnnn...~" Maeliko answered as she spread her legs open more, granting Kirasis full permission to enter her.

I won't show any harm towards either of them. You know me very well now my mistress. But I will show her that I acknowledge her power, for I know that if I don't she will send me back to the void. She is a powerful Night Elf, my love. And you know I can be all of those things, you know it in your heart, do you not? I'm talking to Maeliko but making sure your friend can hear my kind words towards the Sin'dorai, maybe that might help seeing as I'm not talking to Kamerilla directly. And I thank you for granting me permission to take her virginity. She already gave me permission when I asked her after you gave me permission first. I want the Sin'dorai to trust me and know I mean her no ill will. I will be gentle with her, but judging how she is, she will want it rough soon.♥ And I will make a portal for you all when you're all rested and ready. I want to make this as easy for you as I can my dear sweet mistress. Oh how I long to be free and fully apart of this wonderful family you're creating here, Mistress Anelia. And someday soon, I will gladly use my tail on you. For I can hardly wait myself my most beloved mistress elf.~♥
Observing Yusari, it was more and more clear, that the drug was taking its toll. The urges and needs where growing stronger, and if she didn't get release to these soon, she would end up being the one, trying to take Anelia against her will. But that would only result in a fight for dominance, which Anelia was pretty sure she'd win. Up close, she was stronger then Yusari. If she could stop her spells, Anelia would win a fight between them. But it wasn't like Anelia wanted to wait for that. She was getting more and more aroused at the scent of Yusari's juices. Causing her own body to shiver and quake. Anelia's hands continued to stroke and caress Yusari's legs, as she coated her member well, in Yusari's juices. Her body wouldn't adapt as easily and smoothly as Kirasis' did. She would have to be gentle at first, not to hurt the beautiful blue woman.
Anelia grinned lightly, as Yusari begged for her to show, what kind of pleasure she could offer. And she would happily oblige. Now finally letting Yusari's legs fall, her hands stroked down the other woman's thighs, reaching her rear. Her fingers squeezed it firmly, before raising it just slightly, to make it outline her member. She then finally started pushing inside, the tip only having to fight for a second, before it slipped into her tight confines. Her walls where slick and slippery, making it easier, but still not simple. Her walls where tight. Untouched. So Anelia proceeded with caution, being gentle for the woman's first time.
"I'll show you.. What I can offer. What I can offer you both. All I want. All I've ever wanted. Is for someone to care.. Care about me, as I do for them." She moaned, as she pushed slightly deeper, lowering above Yusari now, once again letting their lips be close, her purple eyes gazing into Yusari's, with an almost loving expression. "Could you.. Ever. Care. For me? Love.. Me?" She asked, no longer with that dominant, stern expression. But with a caring, loving, almost hopeful eyes. She pushed her member further, but stopped as she reached Yusari's hymn, making sure not to push too deep, until Yusari had replied. "I do not demand this. I can provide pleasure, without it. I just. Want to know. If you might be capable... Of.. Of doing so. She continued, with a slightly panting voice, as her member was squeezed on all sides of it's tip, by Yusari's tight walls.

Kamerilla's eyes moved a bit towards the two again, a shiver running down her spine, as she nibbled at her lower lip. The scene was arousing. Unfairly so. And Kamerilla's legs was being gently stroked together, as she tried not to gaze upon it. She no longer understood. She'd submitted to Anelia, knowing she cared for her. Loved her, as Anelia so desperately needed. Why was she getting aroused, at this scene as well? Kamerilla shivered and nibbled at her lower lip, stepping a bit on her spot, before turning her back to the scene. Her eyes moved to the ground in front of her, her shoes digging the tips slightly into the soil, as her mind raced with questions. Kirasis was almost too gentle, to be a Demon. It was surreal. It had to be fake. But she could feel in the Demon's powers. That she wasn't preparing to force anything upon Maeliko, even if she'd been denied. And now, she heard Kirasis ask for something again! It was not the Demon way. If she herself hadn't just pulled her from the Void, seen her horns and her tail, she wouldn't believe her a Demon. But she knew what she was. She had to be playing some trick. Something. But even the drug she pulled on her the other day, wasn't present now. Nothing was used, to seduce Maeliko. She just.. Gave in. Was the Demon really worth that? Kamerilla's grudges ad memories made her unable to believe this. Yet.

I know you, very well my love. And Kamerilla is already fighting conflicting thoughts, I am sure. She would be easy to play with, now. You could possibly even seduce her. But I still do not think it wise. Play it safe. Play her pet for a moment. Kamerilla is submissive by nature, even though her strong exterior, won't show it. She'll be giving in, in no time to you, my beloved Kirasis. No one, could resist someone such as you, for long.
Yusa wasn't normally the dominate type. Maeliko however was more dominant than her. But Yusa couldn't take much more of this. Her body ached and needed this. A small amount of drool was starting to dribble out of the side of her mouth as she was starting to lose control now. It felt so good to have Anelia's member rubbing against her pussy. And her touch... She was enjoying the touch of Anelia... Even though she knew what she was doing was wrong, but she was maybe... Falling for this woman as well? But she had something both her and Maeliko didn't have, and that was this gorgeous cock. As Yusa's legs slowly fell she felt Anelia stroke up her legs till they reached her ass and her fingers squeezed it firmly. She was being raised slightly she could feel it was about to go inside of her. Soon she felt it starting to push inside of her, but the tip was having a bit of a hard time going in for a second before it started slowly sliding into her. Her fingers starting digging into the earth below them as her back arched slightly. It hurt badly but it felt so good at the same time. She moaned loudly as it slowly went inside of her, she knew that due to being a virgin it would be hard for her first time for it to go in easily. But it felt so good. "I can be... A very caring person... Mael... She's not as trusting as me... But... I feel as if I can trust you... A part of me... Cares for you... I know in time... As long as you don't leave us... Promise us... We can in time grow to love you... Allow you into our world... We just don't want to be thrown away like we were nothing... Promise me you won't leave us... If we... If we allow you in..." Yusa panted heavily as she looked into Anelia's eyes as another moan escaped her throat as she felt the member go inside of her slightly deeper. "Yes." Yusa answered as she looked at Anelia and could tell that her eyes were full of care, love, and hope. Something she had only ever seen in Maeliko's eyes until this woman came around. The member went inside of her deeper till it stopped at her hymen. "I will be... Able to talk to Mael... If needed... I can convince her... That this is what I want for both of us... I can tell you are different from the others... You are an outsider and traitor to your own faction like we are... We are alike... You, Mael, and me... Please... Take me... Show me the love you wish to earn from us... And promise to never leave us...." Yusa finished as she was now starting to lose the ability to talk as she wanted so badly for it to go deeper inside of her, for it to take her virginity and for Anelia to show her everything.

Kirasis was being as gentle with Maeliko as she could be. She didn't want to hurt the little Sin'dorai. "Are you ready my pet?" Kirasis asked as she licked Maeliko's cheek and smiled lovingly. She could feel Kamerilla was watching them in confusion, which didn't bother her. She wanted Kamerilla to see her nature, which she was showing every ounce of it. She did have another side that liked to be rough with sex, it was in her nature. But she was very loving and only wanted to love others... To be loved in return like her dear mistress. Kirasis was normally not the type to force others, however she just allowed them to show their desires. It was not a trick, nor was it magic. She was a very rare breed, her abilities allowed people to show their deepest desires, which was Maeliko was showing. Maeliko was ready for Kirasis to take her virginity now as she held onto Kirasis before leaning her head up closer to Kirasis. "I'm ready Kirasis..." Maeliko said as she kissed the demon gently. "Embrace yourself my dear. I am going to thrust once, to break your hymen. I will stop to let you catch your breath before I begin thrusting into you, okay?" Kirasis explained as Maeliko nodded before pulling Kirasis into a deep kiss. Kirasis couldn't help but look over to Kamerilla now as she could smell her arousal. She wouldn't say anything to her, but she gave her a small nod, as if to let her know she could come closer if she wanted to, but also showed her complete submission to her so that Kamerilla wouldn't feel frightened of her. She then looked back to Maeliko as her tail pulled out slightly as she held the elf close to her and with one thrust, broke past her hymen. Maeliko felt it coming when Kirasis pulled out slightly before feeling her demon hold her tightly then she felt her tail thrust inside of her, breaking past her hymen. She let out a moan that was mixed with pain and pleasure as her virginity was now taken. But as Kirasis said, she didn't move her tail any at all after she broke her hymen. She was letting Maeliko catch her breath and adjust before she'd begin thrusting into her. "Hah... Nnnn... Hah... Nnnn... Feel free to... To start thrusting into me... Now..." Maeliko panted as Kirasis looked into her eyes and nodded slowly. "I will start slow for you, then I will pick up pace when your body starts to tell me. Okay my pet?" Kirasis said as Maeliko nodded. "All I ever wanted... Was to be loved by people who I found I could love... I hate others of my kind for what they do... I never wanted to lie to you Maeliko... I cannot grant your lover eternal life... But I can honestly tell you that I do know of a way... Once when I am free... I will show you where you can give her the lifespan you have... I promise this of you my dear sweet Maeliko. I will never hurt you, I live only to love, to give pleasure, but most of all... To be loved in return..." Kirasis said as a slight hint of sadness in her voice as her tail slowly moved in and out of Maeliko. "You truly are different from others of your kind... I have always been able to see the hearts of others... And for you being a demon... You're heart is a little twisted, but it is pure... You remind me of Anelia... When I met her I could see her heart was like that... A bit more twisted, but it was still pure... I want you to be able to stay here with us... I knew you were lying to me, but I could see how lonely you were... That is why I chose to help you despite the fact that you lied to me... But... A part of me knew that you did know of a way... So all in all... It wasn't a complete lie..." Maeliko replied as she let one of her hands reach over to the demons cheek as she began rubbing it gently. Kirasis was a bit lost for words for once. This girl was very strong, yet she was so scared. Scared of being hurt and betrayed again. Kirasis could tell in Maeliko's eyes and kissed her gently. She wanted to help Anelia protect those two now more than anything. They had seen their fair share of death, betrayal, abuse, and torture in their lives that they needed to be free from it all and instead of protecting each other all the time, allow someone else to protect them for them.

She is fighting them, I can tell. But I will not force her nor will I seduce her. I want her to see my true nature as I've been showing Maeliko. I've been making sure Kamerilla could hear Maeliko and I talking so she could see that this is no trick, that I am using no spell. I've looked at her once, to let her know it was okay to come closer, I showed her I was submitting completely to her and tried to show her I am being honest and have no intentions on hurting anyone. I hope she understands this... As I've explained to Maeliko... I am not any ordinary succubus, but you already know this. Maeliko did say something rather odd though... She says she can see people's hearts, she described what mine was like and hit it on the nail, same with yours my mistress. Could it be possible that she can see others hearts? And if so... Would this explain why she is the least trusting of the two?
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