A purity long lost... [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]

Just as Anelia had expected, a contract would be necessary. He knew the Demon wouldn't have to make a demand, other then one to bind them together. Anelia would already be doing a lot of work for her, so no dealings of that sort would be necessary. Just one thing.
The moan Kirasis had expelled as she'd been grabbed, already caused a shiver down her spine. She had always been dominant by nature. More alike animals then Elves in that sense. He'd taken her fair share of women in the past, not always asking nicely. And she wasn't about to do so, with this Demon. But in the Demons eyes, she saw hints of longing and want, that the Demon wouldn't be able to deny. Yaria saw something even deeper then that, but kept that to herself, focusing on the portal spell, as she licked her lips just lightly. Then, as the Demon admitted to knowing her desires, Anelia just grinned lightly, watching the hand approach, but making no attempts to stop it, showing with a stare back at the Demon, that she was allowed. Then, as the soft warm fingers stroked her skin, Anelia breathed deeply, followed by a hiss of pleasure and longing, as a shiver went down her spin. She proceeded to lick her lips, still grinning softly, quickly understanding the contract necessary. Well she'd be damned. She wouldn't even have to wait, before her urges where satisfied.
She licked her lips, as Kirasis asked if it was okay, her grin growing a bit wider, before leaping onto the Demon, pushing her back against the floor, with one hand still on the back of Kirasis head, making sure it wouldn't slam against the floor, and the other landing flat on the ground bellow the woman, keeping herself elevated above the Demon, placed between her legs.

"Oh it is more then alright, my little Demoness..." She whispered with a soft hiss, her hand letting go of Kirasis' hair, only to slowly lead down to her chin, and furthermore down her body. "I was hoping.. That the little Demon the youngling was playing with, would be a Succubus... It is clear now. That just that, was what she'd found.." She whispered with the same grin over her lips, as her hand found its way to the woman's chest, soon cupping one within her palm, squeezing it lightly, before letting their lips meet, in a heated kiss, as she groaned softly. Her hand then proceeded to firmly grope the Demons breast, gripping at the clothes, if any was worn, ripping it off as she hissed, and gently bit at Kirassis lower lip, pulling it slightly, before letting go.
"My beautiful little slave.. I have.. A surprise for you. Something, you could not have seen in my eyes.. Something, I'm sure you'd appreciate... A.. Defect. i've had to live with, through my life." She said with a lick of her lips, as she ground her crotch against the others, letting her feel the hardened member, still hidden beneath her clothing. And as she did, her hand continued to travel downwards, stroking to her side, then leading to Kirasis rear, firmly grasping it with a soft moan, pulling their crotches even closer together.
The elf didn't push her hand away, which she was thankful for. She was a succubus so of course this is how the contract had to be done. Of course the demon wanted it, longed for it. Before she could even speak the elf leaped on her and pushed her back to the floor as she kept her hand at the back of Kirasis's head so make sure she didn't slam it against the floor. She licked her lips as well as the elf was now on top of her. The moment the elf was fully touching her, her body was now fully on fire. She was already burning up before from feeling the lust from the Night Elf. As her body was explored she moaned loudly, oh how she longed for this. She'd be free but bound to this elf, not like she really cared. They would all have their wishes soon enough. "Mmm... But what else could she have summoned? Such a weakling.. But heart of purity... Both of them... Something in them was what made me want to help them, but to also achieve what I had wanted. But..." She was cut off as the elf kissed her deeply. She kissed the elf back just as deeply as her breast was then cupped into the palm of the elf's hands as she squeezed lightly. She wore no clothing for there was no need to being a succubus cloths was never needed. Her words would have to wait as she heard her mistress speak of a surprise, something she couldn't have seen within her eyes, something she'd... Appreciate... As she heard the elf speak of a deformity she could feel a bulge rubbing against her, causing her pussy to ache as juices were flowing freely from it.

"Mmm... My my... Now I understand... And it will make this easier for the both of us, my mistress..." She moaned as her new mistress let her hand continue to travel down her body, as it was lead to her rear before she began to firmly grasping it as she moaned, pulling their crotches even closer together. "Mmmm... Fuck... It has been so long since my body has ever been this active... It is as if it wants to be bound to you... And I, accept your 'surprise' my mistress... My will is yours now, whatever you seek, I will grant it to you within my powers... But you already know this. I bind myself to you Anelia, I see you as my mistress and my savior. I am yours to do with as you see fit. The moment you insert into me it will seal the contract." Kirasis said as she started the contract. She knew the elf's name because it was part of the contract. Their names, bodies, and souls were being bound together. Like how Shar and Arch were able to share thoughts with Anelia, she too would now share the thoughts with her. She was panting and wanting the contract to be sealed so that they could both start getting what they wanted.
Anelia shivered, as the Demon moaned bellow her, causing her entire body to ache with excitement. Her hand squeezed the Demon's breast a bit tighter, as she silence it. All this with the younglings, would have to wait. Her lust was about to be set, she was incapable of even thinking any other thoughts. Unable to enjoy anything, but what she was about to in this instant. Her body shivered again, as the Demon spoke of her. 'Birth defect'. It had always been a problem for her. Never really able to fit in anywhere. Only when she'd taken random travelers on her way, had it ever been a pleasure for her to have it. But now. Now someone appreciated it. Accepted it. Her body burnt with energy, as she shivered and bit hard on her lip, grinding her crotch against the Demons again, as her fingers found the Demon's tail, gently stroking down it's length, as Anelia listened. Then, as the Demon was nearly finished, she gently yanked the tail, very gently to not cause to much pain, but still hard enough to force silence from the Demon, as she grinned.
"Shh, now.. I get it, beautiful. Your going to be mine. Mine alone.. My, Succubus." She growled silently, before kissing the Demon deeply again, as Yaria in the back ground rolled her eyes, trying to not gaze at the act, feeling herself shiver softly. Anelia let go of the Demon's tail again, letting the cute thing sway freely as it would, before reaching for her own clothing, ripping parts of it to shreds, so she could remove it with only one hand, without getting up. This revealed a massive member, overshadowing most male tools. And she smirked with a soft grin, as she let the tip of it, push against Kirasis' entrance, as she lowered down to gently nibble the others neck. Her fangs where rather sharp and pointy, which Kirasis would feel as she nibbled the woman, her hand stroking down the others hip, squeezing her rear softly as it made it there.
"Mm... Your body.. Is so tasty.. Kirasis. That. I stumbled upon you. I am deeply grateful." She whispered, nibbling up to Kirasis' ear, gently biting and pulling at her earlobe, as she started pushing inside the other. She wanted this deal sealed. She wanted to be bound with her. She wanted to link them together, and then the games could begin. Her lust, longing to dominate Kirasis. Take complete control of the Demon, in any way she could. She had so many surprises for the Demon. But firstly, she so slowly pushed herself inside, being in no hurry, what so ever, teasing Kirasis with the thick member, as it slowly pushed inside her.
Kirasis had heard of some of the women being born with cocks before, though she didn't know if they could reproduce or not. Something that did perk her interest. But that would have to wait till later. Her body was burning badly with lust as her hormones were raging. Something about this Night Elf made her more aroused than anything had ever done, even another succubus couldn't do this to her. Anelia squeezed her breast tighter to silence her again, though she couldn't help but moan. Kirasis had never encountered someone that could easily overpower her, hell she was one of the most powerful succubus. Granted succubus weren't near as powerful as the other demons, but they were close. When she spoke again she could feel her tail being gently yanked, yet not to cause pain, but she knew to go silent again as she watched her mistress grin before speaking. She lowered her ears in submission as she was kissed again and she let her tongue dance with Anelia's as she moaned again into the kiss. Fuck her body was so hot, hotter than it has ever been and this woman, this elf, made it so hard for her to not cum right then and there before the contract was finished. Anelia knew what to do now and how to do it. So she wouldn't say anymore on the matter. Her tail twitched in anticipation for that cock to fill her, but she knew this elf would play with her and make it hard for her to resist cumming. She watched as her mistress ripped her cloths off so she wouldn't have to move as her massive member, which was larger than anything she had ever seen before was there for her to see. "So big... And yet... So beautiful..." Kirasis moaned as she felt Anelia press the tip against the entrance to her already soaking wet pussy. The elf lowered herself down and began gently nibbling on her neck, which sent shivers down her spine as she could feel the razor sharp fangs. No elf of any sort had fangs before, so this was a true turn on for her. What others might have seen as a curse for this Night Elf, she saw as a blessing and a gift.

Her rear was squeezed again, which caused her to moan more as she listened to her mistresses words. "And I... I am lucky to have been summoned by those two and for you... To have found them... To have found me... Mmmm... This is much better than the freedom I had once wanted... I don't want that anymore... I nnnn... Want to serve you and only you now... Unnn..." She moaned as her ear was now being nibbled on, gently being bitten and her earlobe pulled. Her eyes widened as she felt the massive cock start to slowly push inside of her as a very loud moan escaped her throat now. "So... So big! Nnnn.... But my body can handle it... My body can handle anything..." She moaned out as she could feel herself so close to cumming. She knew she would cum many times before this was over. Not like it was a bad thing, in fact it was a good thing. During the process of sealing this contract, the more times she came the stronger the bond this elf would have with her. Anelia knew this from what she showed her, for she showed it to her so that if she wanted the complete and strongest bond to be made, it would need to be done. But judging by this elf, that wouldn't be a problem. She was so full of lust and her body was pent up from not being able to fully let herself go and be free to be who and what she was born to be. Panting heavily she began gripping the ground, digging her nails into it as the member was being pushed in slowly. She knew Anelia was teasing her, but she liked it. Liked having someone to take control over her instead of the other way around. But oh how she wanted to feel her new mistress cum inside of her... To fill her with that hot and sticky seed of hers... If her new mistress couldn't reproduce, yet wanted to... She could easily grant that, give her the ability to do just that. Things like that, was part of her being. Anything involving sex, or things of the sort, she could easily grant. Over the centuries she had made men who wished to be a true woman become what they wanted, the whole package. They could become pregnant just like a real woman because, they were no longer a man... She did the same to women who wanted the opposite of the men, but never had she met anyone who was both man and woman before. This, truly turned her on and made her want to be bound to Anelia even more.
Kirasis' words about Anelia's member, sent shivers down her spine, and caused her ears to lower just slightly. Very few had ever praised her for her defect, and those who had always became her best friends. Thos who didn't mind it. Those who wasn't afraid of her, for being different. Her cock. Her fangs. There was so many things about her for others to fear, and most took everything in account, and saw her as a misfit. A freak of nature. But now, this Demon played her every string, and sent bolts of self awareness and lust through her body. She'd always wanted to have someone. Someone to please. Someone to please her. Someone to play with. Someone to love. She knew, love wasn't always a necessity to sate lust, but it'd been something she'd always longed for, nevertheless. And weather this Demon would return it, or not. She'd find a way to love her. Though the mater, wasn't that simple. It was hard for Anelia to trust others. To feel with others. To allow feelings to flourish. That was why, she'd never truly found love.

"And it's all.. For you." She whispered, at the comments of her size, grinning as she nipped at the Demons neck again, slowly kissing her way down her body, as she kept playing with the woman's slit, by stroking the massive members tip, against every inch of her. Then as the Demon offered itself to her, Anelia's body trembled with lust and eagerness, as her hand squeezed the womans breast and rear even tighter, just as her lips reached the Demon's breast, gently letting the tip of her tongue play around on it, leading to her nipple, twirling in circles around it. Before finally letting her lips cup it, and give it a gentle squeeze, and some suction. Then, her teeth gently nippled it, but through the means of the flat teeth, not interested in puncturing her new, beautiful little pet, just yet.
No longer could she contain herself, and she started pushing deeper inside Kirasis, moaning softly with a shiver, as her lips reached for Kirasis' again, kissing her deeply, letting their tongues dance again, as her member pushed half way inside of her. "Mm.. And you.. So tight. My little pet." She whispered against Kirasis lips, before starting to push even further, letting two fingers pinch the woman's nipple, just hard enough to cause slight pain, as she forced herself the rest of her way, the tip of it brazing against Kirasis' cervical entrance, causing Anelia to moan out with great pleasure, the fingers of her hand on the ground, digging against the rock bellow them, as she made sure to pinch and twist Kirasis nipple, just a bit harder, to mix that sweet pleasure, with soft pain.
Kirasis, being a demon, didn't fear nor reject her new mistress. She actually loved all of what Anelia thought were defects. But being a demon of lust it was understandable. No, she wasn't free the way she originally wanted, but instead she was granted something that freedom couldn't grant her, a chance to love and be loved. For a succubus love was just mere words to them because they wasn't allowed to know what true love was. But maybe, just maybe this Night Elf could teach her something no other succubus was blessed to know. Oh how this elf made her body ache and feel good. No other made her feel like this elf was making her feel right then and there, but this was only the beginning of a wonderful new life, a life free from loneliness and emptiness. She wanted to make her new mistress happy, no matter what the cost was, she would do it. She could tell the elf was ever so lonely... She could feel that she had been shunned by almost everyone who found out her secret, and once they were bound, she would protect her mistress and punish anyone who dared to mock her, shun her, or hurt her feelings. She was evil and sinister yes, but she could tell her mistress was the same as her. But she wanted this new life, wanted more than anything to be by Anelia's side for all eternity. Which they had just that.

Blushing when she heard those words she smiled, for the first time, a true smile appeared on her face. "I'm glad mistress..." She moaned as her nails clawed at the ground the more Anelia's cock went inside of her. She could feel her mistresses body tremble with more lust and eagerness after she had offered herself completely to the elf. Her breast and rear was gripped tighter causing her to moan louder as her mistress leaned over to the other breast and began gently letting the tip of her tongue play around it before it reached her hard nipple. As her tongue twirled around it she could feel herself almost explode. Anelia's lips finally cupped it and gave it a gentle squeeze, slightly causing a bit of pain which was driving her further and further over the edge. Oh how she loved pain... And this... This was simply bliss to her. The moment her teeth nipped the hard little nipple her back arched as she couldn't hold it in anymore as she screamed out from her orgasm. Her first time cumming. And several more to go. As she came her cum covered and coated her beautiful mistresses cock, which she knew her mistress wouldn't mind. As her mistresses cock when in deeper she could feel another one quickly building up as it was now half way inside of her. "Nnnn.. Not many... Cocks have entered me lately my mistress... Let alone anything of this size..." She moaned as the cock went in deeper and deeper into her. Her nipple was pinched causing her to almost hit her second orgasm. Now being a succubus, she didn't grow tired and she could cum as long as she was being pleasured and pushed over the edge. Which wouldn't be a problem in this case. The more she pinched her nipples the more her next orgasm built up. Oh how she was enjoying having her body being put through the pain and pleasure. "I'm... I'm going to cum again..." She panted as her next orgasm was about to take ahold of her. Their bond was becoming strong already, but to obtain the strongest and complete unbreakable bond the two would have to probably be at it for several hours.
Anelia grinned at the soft blush of the Succubus, before leaning down to gently nibble at her ear, before whispering. "For now, it is.. But soon. When you are free. You will help me. Take control of two little doves, as well..." She grinned wickedly, as her tongue played with the Succubus' ear, tickling inside it as she groaned softly, with another push. Then as she played the Demons nipple, she felt her arch bellow her, before she felt a tightening around her massive member, causing her to moan out softly with pleasure, before stroking her body against the Demons with a wicked chuckle. "Mm.. I'm going to make your body cum.. So many times. I'm going to test your inability to grow tired, my beautiful little Pet." She whispered to Kirasis again, as she started pushing slightly deeper inside her. "Where have you.. Been hiding from me.. All my life?" She hissed with a soft grin, as her cock was nearly pushed all the way in, and she pinched and twist her nipple. Then, as Kirasis moaned she was nearing her orgasm, Anelia stopped, with a wicked grin, letting go of Kirasis nipple, placing both her hands behind the Demon's head, just gazing into her eyes. Her cock also stopped advancing, and it was almost obvious what she wanted. She wanted the Demon to beg for this orgasm. She wanted her to plead her new Mistress, to be allowed her release. Anelia licked her lips, glancing into the Demons eyes, the purple storm in her own grinning, just as much as the lips where. Anelia realized the Demon could cheat, and finish herself, and quickly moved one hand, to force the Demon to stay where she where. A hand pushing down on her, to make sure she didn't grind her body against her Mistress, to force out that second orgasm.
"Beg for it, whore... Beg for your Mistress, to allow you you orgasm." She demanded with a grin, only gently moving her member inches now, to keep her rolling on the edge of the orgasm, but not quite yet allowing it, as she kept, practically still.

But as soon as the Demon begged for it, Anelia slammed her cock the rest of the way, with a deep groan, the tip of her reaching as deep as the Demons Cervical entrance again. Anelia gasped loudly, grinning lightly at what she felt, there deepest inside of her. "Mm.. When I cum... I'm going to push that tiny bit deeper. And I'm going to make sure, my seeds enter directly.. Into your whom.." She whispered with a soft grin, before she slowly started pulling out, only going half way, before she pushed back inside again, starting to make that a rhythm, her fingers grasping one of Kirasis' breasts again, gently squeezing her nipple once more, as she started thrusting more and more eagerly inside of her.
Kirasis nodded when her mistress said that she would soon need help with taking control over the younglings. She was already slowly being able to see what her mistress was wanting and it made her want to be fully ready to help her mistress achieve what she wanted. "Mmmm... So... Those two... You want them, yes? Want nnnn... Want them to belong to you as well... Correct?" She moaned as Anelia began playing with her ear, causing her juices to flow more when she felt the large cock push again into her. "The bond between us will only grow stronger my mistress... And the stronger the bond is, the stronger the both of us become... You might experience new abilities as I will... You're... Ahhh... Powers will be stronger then me, and your entire being will be too... I am but a mere slave to you but I will be able to protect you... Give you everything you want that my powers can grant... You... You will know when our bond and powers will be at the max... I really hope you can last long my mistress... I cannot grow tired but you can try..." Kirasis said as her body began shaking as she was nearing another orgasm. The cock was pushed more into her as her mistress had asked her where she had been hiding and she would have answered this time but she felt Anelia slowly stopping, preventing her from cumming. She hadn't been denied a orgasm before, instead she was the one who did the denying before. She could see her mistress grinning at her with wicked intentions and knew she would continue to deny her release until she begged for it. She was being shown her place quickly and she knew she would have learn it now. Anelia demanded that she begged to be allowed her orgasm, which she would. "Please... Allow me to... To cum mistress... I beg of you..." She panted as her mistress then slammed her cock the rest of the way, going in so deep that it reached the cervical entrance.

When her mistress told her that she then knew there was much more to her than she though. Seeds, that normally meant impregnation. Demons could get pregnant, but could this elf possibly be able to do that to her? She wondered and wanted to know. She wanted this though and she gave herself fully to her mistress. She didn't care if she could get pregnant or not, but she wanted to be loved and wanted to love in return. Her mistress pulled out slightly before pushing back in, going back and forth inside of her as she began squeezing her nipple one more before she started fulling thrusting in and out of her. Her body was already beginning to prepare itself for her next orgasm as her pussy began clenching her mistresses cock. "I'm... I'm cumming!" She screamed as her body began to buck wildly as she could feel her orgasm starting to take ahold of her. Her body was wanting to have her mistresses seeds inside of her womb, the mere thought of it is what sent her over the edge as she wanted her mistress to cum inside of her. To fill her womb up. She knew she would be filled up the entire time they fucked. She wanted this and could feel the bond was strengthening even more now as she came.
As Anelia thrust into Kirasis, the Demon saw her clear intent, and the Night Elf just grinned, and licked her lips with a silent hiss of pleasure. Beginning to fondle the Demon's breast again, gently pinching her nipple, as she snickered wickedly. "Yees... I wan't the little younglings, to be mine as well. I want.. The love they share, to be transferred to me, as well." She hissed, thrusting her thick member inside the tight entrance of the Succubus again, and again. "And if.. I can not achieve that.. I want them.. By my side.. I want to watch their love grow.. I want to watch the two please each other.. As I please them. If I can not have their love.. I will have their bodies.. And we.. Will protect their love. Protect them from the harm, this world offers. Make sure... That their love, stays strong.." She whispered to Kirasis ear, as she gently nibbled it again. Her body was surging with pleasure, as she neared her own orgasm, not intending to hold it back, knowing she could go on, even after she reached her orgasm.

It was hard, to manage enough self control, to deny the Demon her pleasure, just long enough to make the Demon plead. To have her beg for her orgasm, as the Night Elf grinned. And as she gave in, so easily, to the Night Elf's demands, she thrust right back into her again, deep and roughly, as she began thrusting more eagerly, her body tensing with the pleasure. She tightened her fists, placing them both next to the Demon's head, as she kept thrusting eagerly, and as Kirasis came, Anelia gasped with her own orgasm, her seeds spilling directly into the Demon's whom, Anelia's cock reaching as deep as her cervical entrance again, as she shot her head back. Anelia's body shivered, as the Demon's whom was filled, even causing her stomach to bulge, just slightly, as Anelia's head gave a violent twitch, before she panted heavily, grinning down to the Demon. "You can't get tired? Mm.. Well, I'm going to put that, to a test.." She grinned, before grabbing at the Demon's legs, pushing her around, to place Kirasis on her knees, raising her as, before instantly starting to thrust inside her again, Anelia's cock not giving in the slightest, still as hard as before, as she started thrusting. Anelia's hands stroked down Kirasis' body, before one reached her slit, a finger finding and gently starting to tease her clit. The other found her ass, a thumb gently stroking in circles around her rear entrance, as she grinned to show her teeth, before leading her finger to her lips, getting the thumb wet, before leading it right back to the Demon's tight entrance, pushing her thumb inside, as she started thrusting more eagerly. "I'm going to make sure.. That as you wait for me.. Wait for me, to find the last books.. Your body will be aching for my attention. Begging me to hurry, so that you might feel my pleasure again.." She grinned, her thumb now thrusting deep inside Kirasis' tight entrance, following the thick cock's thrusts, as two fingers gently pinched and played with the Demon's clit.
Kirasis saw what her mistress wanted and it was something she could grant. "I will give them to you my mistress. What they have will belong to you, will be yours to have. Nnn... They are as pure as can be, yet the priestess has the small sliver of darkness in her, but it is what I implanted into her when she signed the contract with me. But you can use that as a seed to sway both her and her lover to your side. It will take time, but that is something you all have. Ahh... Nnnn... But they will belong to you... I will make sure of that... They cannot love you fully until you break them in, show them how, make them grow to love you... But that won't be hard for you... I myself feel drawn to you... I can feel what is supposed to be love I believe... But my mistress elf... I vow that they will belong to you..." She said as her body was becoming more uncontrollable now. Her ears were sensitive like an elf's ear, so with what her mistress was doing was making it harder for her to resist anything. Of course she would give into Anelia, she wasn't one to deny what was demanded of her. When she was allowed to cum she could feel her mistresses cock grow harder inside of her as it shot it's hot sticky seeds inside of her womb. Her pussy clenched tightly around her mistresses cock as if to keep all of the cum inside of her as she was filled. A bulge had grown in her stomach from her mistresses release as she could feel the warmth deeply inside of her. She didn't even get a chance to reply this time as her legs were grabbed and she was pushed into a different position.

As she was now on her knees her moans were growing more and more louder as her mistress took no time to start fucking her harder and faster again. Her mistresses cock was still hard as before and showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. "Nnn... Still so hard... Mmm... But so good..." She moaned as her juices mixed with her mistresses cum was flowing down the sides of her legs. She never had this much intensity in her entire existence before now. Had she finally found her rival to succubus's? Her touches sent her into almost an instant orgasm, but her body seemed to only respond to Anelia's touch, never like this with anyone before, not even other succubi. It was as if her body, her entire being was made to belong to Anelia. And she knew Anelia could feel that. It was as if they had imprinted on one another, but if that was true then it was a good thing. Imprinting can come in many different forms, and this contract was one of them. "Nnnn...." She moaned as her mistresses hands stroked down her body before one reached her tender slit and began teasing her clit. Oh how it felt so damn good to be pushed beyond any limit. Now, there were no more limits. Her ears twitched when her mistresses other hand found her ass as her thumb began stroking in circles around the entrance. As her mistress pushed her thumb into her ass sent her body into shivers as her ears lowered in submission as her mistress began thrusting more eagerly into her. "Yes mistress... I will wait for you... But my body will ache and long for your touch and your amazing cock... Nnn.. I've never felt this good before... I was meant to be your slave... And you my mistress..." She moaned out as she could feel another orgasm starting to build as her mistress was now fucking her ass with her thumb and her other hands fingers were toying with her clit. "Please do hurry though Mistress Anelia... I want to have your plan set into motion fully... So that you can have what you desire... Those two little lights... They will be yours... Nnnn..." She moaned again as her body began shaking and her orgasm neared, but holding back so she could cum with her mistress. Kirasis would make sure that both Maeliko and Yusari belonged to her mistress, it was something she could do. Being a demon of lust she could easily hand them over to her mistresses and help her achieve her goal. Her mistress wanted to corrupt them and bend them to her will, but keeping their love pure but twisting it into her own desires. Her mistress longed for a family, to be loved and accepted. This, Kirasis understood full well and wanted to be apart of this 'family' Anelia wanted to form. Thus, when the books were all found, only then would she be able to be part of it. But for now she was going to work on corrupting the two little lights for her mistress.
Anelia listened intently to the Demon's words, a small smirk growing on her lips, as she licked them, and moaned deeply, with her own orgasm. She shivered lightly, thrusting slowly inside the Demon a few times, as she tilt her head. "I don't believe, I'll need sorcery, to take the two. I think we'll be able to have them, quite easily. I think they both want it. I think they both want, what the two won't be able to give each other..." She grinned, as she leaned down over Kirasis, whispering in her ear again. "A thick. Long. Pulsing cock.. Stuffed deep inside them.. Just like you crave, you filthy little whore.." She smirked, before biting Kirasis' ear rather hard, before flipping her around, to her knees.

Anelia snickered, as she'd entered Kirasis again, and she moaned out her stamina. She leaned over the Demon, licking her ear softly, before pulling it gently with her lips. "Certainly is... I am faar, from done with you, just yet." She grinned, as she increased her thrusts, pushing her thumb a bit deeper inside the woman, as she panted. She snickered as she was asked to hurry, leaning her head back as she groaned out words. "Ooh, trust me.. I will. I won't keep my little present locked down there, for too long. Your mine. You where always meant, to be mine. We both know it now... I just wish.. I'd found you earlier, my little pet." She shivered, as she relieved the Demon's clit, smacking Kirasis' rear hard, as she groaned. She grinned as she gazed down at Kirasis rear, tilting her head as her thumb thrust in. "Quite a tight little entrance you have here, slut.. Think I'll lay claim, to all of your wholes tonight..." She licked her lips, as she pulled out her thumb, followed by her cock, placing the tip against Kirasis' ass whole, pushing lightly against it as she spread the Demon's cheeks. Anelia's cock was already lubricated with the Demon's juices, and her own cum, so as she started pushing in, she gave no leave, slowly forcing her way inside the Demon's tight entrance, as she groaned deeply. She shifted her legs a bit, to make the penetration easier, as she pushed inside the woman. Should her reflexes try to stop Anelia, she wouldn't. Continued to push, only making it more Painful for Kirasis, should her reflexes clench down around Anelia.
As Anelia was half way in, she paused, reaching a hand for Kirasis' hair, pulling the Demon close to her, so her breasts pressed against the others back. "Mm.. I should wonder.. Am I the first, to take advantage of this entrance? Mm.. It is tight, that's for sure." She groaned with a grin, reaching her other hand around Kirasis, placing it over her cunt, pushing two fingers inside her, as she continued to push further. Her fingers thrust fast and eagerly inside the Demon, as the mixture of her own seeds and the Demon's fluids, poured from her, covering Anelia's fingers. Anelia then lead the fingers to the Demon's lips, licking at her ear again. "Taste our union. How perfect we are, together." She whispered, as she pushed the covered fingers, against the Demon's lips, forcing them inside, should she not open her mouth willingly. Her fingers began to play with the Demon's tongue, making sure she got them entirely cleaned, before leading the hand to the Demon's breast, fondling it again, pinching her nipple just lightly.
As they came together Kirasis moaned loudly as her body shook in pure pleasure. "Nnnn... This is true... But... They may need a little... 'Convincing'... They might be in denial in the beginning... Yet a little aphrodisiac might help drive their senses to where you want them to be... To help... Make it almost impossible for them to resist you... Should you wish to go that route mistress elf." Kirasis moaned as her ear was bit harder this time before she was flipped to her knees. For the first time Kirasis was actually panting now, never before had she panted during sex, but this... This was a first for her. "I'm glad mistress... I want to savor and basque in this for as long as we can... I don't want to have to go back down there... Not till the contract is complete fully..." Kirasis said as her mind was now slowly starting to merge with Anelia's. Their thoughts were now starting to merge into one. Anelia would start to hear some of her thoughts now as their connection was becoming much stronger now. The void has blessed me with a mistress at last... I will do whatever it takes to make sure that she is happy and gets whatever she wants... I know what her body is capable of... She has a gift no other has and I will protect that... She thought, a part of her already knowing her mistress could hear that but she didn't mind. Her mistress would be able to tell just how loyal she already was and when they finished, her mistress would always know whatever she was thinking and she would know what her mistress was thinking as well. No secrets would be hidden from one another, this is the full extent to the contract. The other part was whatever Kirasis felt, her mistress would feel, and whatever her mistress felt, she'd feel it too.

"Thank you mistress... I don't want to be apart from you for too long... Nnnn... My body cannot stand the thought of not being near you already... That's a good sign mistress..." She replied as her ears then lowered when she heard her mistress laying claim to her ass. No one had ever wanted to enter there before and then let out a small whimper when she felt her mistresses cock push against the entrance. She braced herself when she felt it starting to go in and closed her eyes as pain shot through her entire body, almost causing her to cum again. "Ah... Nnn..." She moaned as her body was already adjusting to the pain and her pussy leaked more juices. She felt her mistress force the entire throbbing cock inside of her, causing her body to shake and almost causing her knees to give out. As she was pulled by her hair her back was now pressed against her mistresses breasts and she nodded in reply as her panting began to grow more heavily now. "Y-Yes mistress... No one has ever wanted to enter there before... Nnnn... It hurts... But feels so damn good..." She panted as her mistress pushed her fingers into her cunt as she started moving them fast inside of her, causing more of her juices to flow out with her mistresses own seeds. As she pulled her fingers out Kirasis's ears twitched as her mistress pulled her fingers close to her mouth, which she opened up greedily as the fingers were pushed into her mouth. Her tongue danced around her mistresses fingers as she tasted the combination of their juices together, almost pushing her over the edge again now. When she finished cleaning her mistresses fingers off her mistress moved her hand down to her breasts and began fondling it again while pinching her nipple lightly, making her moan again. So good... So tasty... We make a good pair... She thought as her body was readying itself for another orgasm now at this point.
Anelia licked her lips, as they spoke lightly of the two younglings. Well, 'younglings' in their standers. She'd had these things in thought, already from the start. But never had she expected, she might actually get a chance, to lay claim to the two beautiful lovers. She wanted them. She wanted their love. Their bodies. She could never force the first. But she could take their bodies. And in the end. She could hope, they would submit their love as well. She grinned a bit with the Demon's words, shivering lightly.
"That sounds.. Interesting.. Not that I'm going to give them any chance, in the end. I'm going to take their bodies for my own.. And I think.. Their going to like it.. Something tells me... That the two. Haven't touched each other.. Yet.. And with a little bit of your.. Drug. They'll crawl at my feet. And.. I'll even let them, finally have each other. Which I bet both of them, have longed for, for a long time.." Anelia grinned with a lick of her lips, her ears perking wickedly, as she sent a narrow gaze towards the summoner. She still easily kept the portal open having a hard time looking away from the scene, her Purple Elf eyes gazing away, as Anelia's met her's. Anelia snickered, before lowering her lips to Kirasis' ear, whispering silently.
"Can you.. Inject.. Your drug at a distance? If you can... I'd like to see it in action.. Tease my little friend.. Your 'Capturer'. Make her squeal. Make her unable to look away. Make her long for what your getting... She won't break the spell, and send you back.. She's too loyal for that. And I demanded her, to keep you here, for as long as possible." She whispered. The portal would collapse, if the Summoner broke the spell, and this would send Kirasis back. Both Anelia and Kirasis would be able to hinder that. The building they where in, was defended against unwanted guest's from the Nether.
Kamerilla had been a very loyal friend of Anelia's. She'd been the first of her kind, to accept her gift, and had helped her through a lot of things. Anelia even considered, bringing her into her, slowly forming group...
As Anelia started hearing the Succubus' thoughts, she didn't seem surprised or scared about the sudden foreign voice in her mind. It wasn't the first time, she'd felt telepathy. But at what she heard, her cheeks started slightly flushing, and her sudden vulnerability became clear to Kirasis. She was very sensitive around her 'deformity'. Talk her down about it, and she became furious. Bless it. And she'd get embarrassed, but so in a pleasing way. She liked it. And she snuggled the side of her head, against the Demon bellow her, for a short moment. 'Thank you. I.. Will always remember that. And love you.' Her mind thought, letting it get through. She had a barrier, that could still disconnect the Demon, from most of her thoughts, still seeing her as an invader. But that barrier would submit for Kirasis, as soon as their connection was done.

She smirked softly, getting her mind straight again, after thoughts of submitting to the Demon, had passed away. Those who complimented her on her deformity, where the only ones who'd ever be able to control her. To take her body. The Demon would learn that, soon. But so far, that one thought, was kept from Kirasis. But as soon as the connection was finished, she'd learn that she didn't always have to submit. As long as Anelia felt she was still the Mistress, Kirasis could play the Mistress, when ever she felt like it. Anelia loved submitting, to those worthy. But for now, Anelia needed to control the Succubus. For the connection to become permanent. So gripping the Demon's hair tightly, she kept their bodies close, as she slowly pushed inside her tight ass. Anelia moaned deeply, as her fingers where cleaned, moving to use both her hands, to fundle the Demon's breasts, releasing her hair as she did. She grinned as the Demon admitted it hurt, and as she heard the creature starting to pant. She felt her own breath, slowly turning to a pant, as she started gently nibbling the Demon's ear. "Mm.. It does.. Feel good. My little slut.. None of your holes, will remain untouched, once your with me.. I'll please you.. Where ever.. And when ever I want.." She whispered, with a soft groan, as she started pulling a tiny bit out, only to push back inside again. And as the Demon said, they made a good pair, she snickered softly.
"A perfect one..." She whispered, before she started slowly thrusting faster inside the Demon, one hand stroking back down to Kirasis' cunt, gently pinching her clit, before moving two fingers back inside her, and slowly she started thrusting fast and deep inside the Demon, as she groaned deeply. She was growing close to her own limits, but she didn't want to admit it. She didn't want to stop, before the connection had been completed, as enthralling as possible. She wanted Kirasis to remain her's, for ever. She wanted her to know, every dirty secret, of Anelia's mind. She wanted to know Kirasis' secrets. She wanted everything.
Kirasis knew what her mistress wanted and longed for and knew how to help her mistress obtain the two little buds. She didn't care how she had to help her mistress, just that she had to. "Trust me... They won't be able to resist you for long once they are affected with my aphrodisiac. No man nor woman can stand against it. I will only use it if you tell me to, should they continue to resist you I will inject them with my aphrodisiac, sound good mistress?" She asked as her body was hotter than it has ever gotten before and her mind was full of ideas of how to help her mistress obtain them should she have to step in. Her eyes widened when her mistress asked if she could use her aphrodisiac on her captor to see it in action and a smirk appeared on her face. "Mmmm... For you mistress I will. As long as she can withstand it that is.~" She whispered back before turning her gaze over to the other elf. With the heat from her body she was able to feel the elf was already worked up just from watching them go at it. Mmmm.... This is gonna be fun!~ She thought as she felt part of her essence starting to work its way into the elf. Kamerilla would have a hell of a time fighting back the urges now that she had been afflicted by Kirasis's aphrodisiac. She watched as the elf started shivering and the demon could smell her arousal strong in the air as the woman began to have a hard time standing. I hope this pleases you my dear mistress... She watched as the woman was trying so hard to keep herself from moaning which failed miserably at it. Her eyes were now locked on both Aneila and Kirasis while they continued to fuck right in front of her. Kirasis could see the look in her eyes that she was wishing she could be joining in on the fun. Chuckling to herself her body was reminded that she was still finishing the contract as she let out a loud moan of pleasure. I may not be much of a fighter... But I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy my beautiful mistress... If anyone stands in your way I can easily make them fall to their knees from pleasure, weakening them for you to do as you please. I love you mistress and I belong to you. The contract is almost complete, but fear not I will make sure you get whatever it is you want. You want the little buds and I will help you get them should they resist you. Kirasis said to Anelia in her mind as she braced herself for another orgasm. The demon loved everything about her new mistress, no other woman nor man could make her feel what she was feeling now and her mistress could feel it, knew it as well.

In all honesty she didn't want this to ever end but she knew that once the ritual was complete and the contract was sealed she would have to return to the void while she waited for her mistress to fully free her. But she knew her mistress would not fail for she wanted the demon badly, she loved the demon where no other could. Her body twitched as she could feel her orgasm was nearing its eruption and looked deeply into her mistresses eyes as her loud moans were picking back up with each and every single thrust into her body. "My body... Is yours completely... To... Do as you see fit... I belong to you fully and no one else now. The ritual is nearing completion, this I know makes you happy as it does me. My holes will always long for you to fill them now my dear mistress elf.." She panted as her body shook one last time before she said one last thing. "Cum with me please mistress." Her orgasm took ahold of her as she knew her mistress couldn't hold hers back anymore now. Soon both their minds would be completely linked and soon they would in a sense, become one. Share their every little secret, dirty or not, their every desire, wants and needs, everything they would share as one. Such as the contract is formed of from a succubus to their master/mistress. But the main part of it was for her... She would never be alone anymore. She would always have someone to love and be loved by in return. Her mistresses desires were now hers as well. Which is how is was should be. Once the ritual is complete and the contract is fully signed, seek out the little buds. They are vulnerable and ripe for the picking mistress. Should they resist you... I will give you a vial of my aphrodisiac. Just a small amount of it on one of their exposed sensitive spots will work, but if you wish for a full complete affect feel free to use all of it on both of them, having them drink it will also cause it to work faster if you want them to succumb to you quickly. I will warn you though... It will affect you as well once you enter their bodies, but I don't think you will mind too much, now will you my dearest mistress? She thought with a sly smirk on her face as the last part of the ritual was now fully complete.
Anelia watched closely, as the Demon started working her magic. Then as she gazed towards Kamerilla, her poor begging eyes knew, what Anelia was planning. And Anelia only grinned wickedly, and observed as the aphrodisiac took effect. Kamerilla whimpered, and her body shivered with needs and urges. Anelia could smell her arousal, just as well as the Demon could. But Kamerilla wouldn't find any relief, for now. She could only try to maintain the rift, and allow the Demon to stay, as long as possible. Kamerilla moaned softly, as she dropped down to her knees. But she staid strong, her hands still focusing on the portal, keeping it open to make sure Kirasis wasn't sucked back inside, and away from Anelia. Kamerilla whispered a silent cantation, the portal taking in strength, before it started to fade. It was losing power, and they didn't have much longer to seal the contract, and be at peace. Kamerilla kept it strong, for as long as she possibly could, but she was no miracle worker. And she'd already kept the portal open far longer, then anyone else would've been able to. At least that Anelia knew.

Anelia licked her lips, having seen the effects of the wonderful aphrodisiac, now gazing back down to Kirasis, as her fingers continued to slide their way inside her cunt, and her member thrusting deep inside her rear. Anelia groaned deeply, as her other hand firmly grasped Kirasis' breast, squeezing it tightly, as her body started shivering. She listened intently to Kirasis' thoughts, her lips smiling at the Demon's thoughts. Her cheeks flushed lightly, as she stroked her head against Kirasis'.
"I know you will, my love. I have seen your intentions. Not all Demons.. It appears. Is wicked. And I will love, and cherish what you do for me. To me. For as long as you stay with me.." She whispered in words, her arms hugging Kirasis' body close to her. She groaned again, as she felt both their bodies, growing close to their edge. But as they where nearly there, Anelia pulled out, only to quickly turn Kirasis around on her back, probably rather roughly, quickly sliding inside Kirasis' tight cunt again, instantly beginning to thrust inside her, to make them both return to their edge.
"I will find one of the remaining books, and then return to the little lovers.. Give me a vial of your aphrodisiac for the Draenei. I have.. Other plans. For the Sin'dorai." She moaned, as she leaned down over Kirasis', letting their lips meet, in a deep, longing kiss. She panted heavily as the kiss was broken, her eyes staring into Kirasis' again. "I will have the Sin'dorai preform another ritual.. And when she does, Kamerilla will've made a Demon Snare. I will use this, to keep you in our world, for just a little longer. It will be a bit uncomfortable at first, but it won't hurt. And. We'll play with the Sin'dorai, together. She will not be able to resist that. And neither. Will you." She whispered, kissing Kirasis deeply again, panting with a whimpering moan, as her edge was met, and she released inside Kirasis, her seeds almost immediately filling Kirasis' womb. But Anelia didn't stop thrusting at first, but continued to do so, to prolong both their orgasms. But slowly, her thrusts dimmed down, her body relaxing, slightly elevated above Kirasis, her eyes gazing down upon her again.
"I will be quick about the books. I will find them. As soon.. As possible. I want you back. I want you.. Into this world. I want you. By my side. My love." She whispered, gazing into Kirasis' eyes, before letting their lips meet again, in a deep and loving kiss. Then, Kamerilla's powers, where at an end, and the portal began closing. Slowly, Kirasis' essence, was being returned to the Void, and Anelia could only watch, with a small hint of a tear in her eye. "I promise." She whispered.
Kirasis smirked as her aphrodisiac took ahold of the summoner. She could tell that the elf was having a hard time maintaining control now as she fought to keep the portal open. The ritual was about to be completed and the magic circle was glowing brightly around them as the symbols in the circle was near complete. Just one more symbol left, meaning one more orgasm for them both. Moaning loudly as her body was still be ravaged by her new mistress she closed her eyes as she listened to Aneila and smiled softly. "I can be wicked my dear Mistress, but in different ways. The ritual is near its end and we will be bound for all eternity. I will NEVER leave your side, once when I am free I will always guard and protect you, no matter what. You have given me more than anyone could have ever offered me, and for this I give you my body, my soul, and my very own life to do with as you see fit." She replied softly as she moaned loudly once again as she could feel them nearing their final climax. She somewhat whimpered when Anelia pulled out but her body was quickly moved back to her being on her back once again as her mistress's member was buried deep into her pussy as her mistress began thrusting into her again, bringing them back to where they were before. She didn't care how rough her mistress was with her, it only made her hornier than before. "I will leave you with my pouch I brought with me, in it has the vial you want my dear mistress elf. Other plans for the Sin'dorai? Hmm?" Her words were cut off when her mistress leaned over and her lips met her own as she kissed the demon in a deep and longing kiss, which she gladly returned. She listened to her mistresses plan and smirked as her body arched forward feeling her orgasm nearing more and more. "Mmm... I look forward to this my lovely mistress. I don't care if it is uncomfortable or not, just as long as I can perform a task given to me by my mistress. The little elf won't know what to think of the situation. And this... Nnnn... This will be perfect for you my mistress." She moaned once again as she was kissed again. Closing her eyes once more as she felt her mistresses member begin to twitch wildly inside of her, their orgasm was both about to reach the ultimate climax ever. Kirasis let out a loud scream of pleasure when her womb began filling up with her mistresses beautiful seeds as her own orgasm took hold over her. The final symbol was appearing in the circle as their orgasms completed the ritual. She could still feel her mistresses seeds deep inside of her, given how many time her mistress came inside of her she didn't know if it was possible for her to become pregnant but she didn't care if she could. The thought just made her more pleased to know that if she could, it'd be her mistresses child she'd be caring inside of her. She held her mistress tightly as their bodies became calmer now that the ritual was complete and they were now bound for all eternity. "Please be quick my mistress... I do not want to be out of your sight for too much longer. I... I'm already missing you and fearing of going back into that horrible world where I came from. I want nothing more than to be by your side and to always please you. When you find all the books I will be here in your world permanently and I will never have to return to the void..." Kirasis spoke softly to her mistress as she held her cheek in one of her hands as she grabbed the pouch with the other and handed it to her mistress as the portal began to slowly close. "The ritual is complete now, you and I will always be bound together. But please do not cry, I will be back as soon as you summon me again and I will be here by your side for good once you find all the books. I promise you my dearest mistress." She smiled softly as her body was slowly fading back into the void, she saw a small tear in her mistresses eye and a surge of pain hit her heart fast as she was now back into her own world. "I promise to protect you my mistress..." She whispered to herself as she stared at her throne and began pacing back and forth awaiting for her mistress to bring her back.

Meanwhile Maeliko was busy fixing dinner for her beloved Draenei, Yusari as she continued to control the darkness she was fighting to harness. She was still young but she will always protect her beloved no matter the cost. Her soul was already tainted from the useage of her dark magic. Her past was not a very pleasant one. She came from a noble family of priests and priestesses, all of which embraced the light and uses of healing magics. Maeliko however, was forced to uphold family traditions against her will. She wanted to be a warlock but it was strongly looked down upon in her family. Thus her training became much harder on her as she was forced to train as a high priestess to help aid and heal the soldiers of war, the soldiers of Garrosh Hellscream. Before she was trained to help aid Thrall, but her training wasn't even near complete, even after she'd been training for so many years. She was very young for a elf, but she was still older than any orc of new. She hated and loathed the light so much, she hated how it never brought her happiness, only pain. That is why she chose the path of the shadows, a forbidden path within her family. If she was to be a priestess, she would take the path of darkness. She found that inflicting pain on her enemies was far better than healing any of Garrosh's soldiers. However... Several years ago when she was on the battle field she noticed a young female Draenei being abused and tortured by some of Garrosh's Orcs, this enraged Maeliko. She used her own spells against the orcs and slaughtered them before they could kill the girl. The Draenei was terrified of her, yet was grateful. Maeliko for once, used her own healing powers to save the girl's life. She hated the light, yet knew she had to save this girl, she didn't care that she was the enemy, she was being tortured and almost died because of those wretched orcs of Garrosh. "My name is Maeliko Misachi, and you are?" She asked gently as she held her hand out to the Draenei. "M-My name is Y-Yusari S-Stormhoof." The Draenei replied with a stutter and that was when they became friends. In the years they'd known each other they grew to become more than just friends, in time they became lovers, and in many ways, traitors to their own factions. Maeliko, returning to the present looked over to her beloved as she smiled softly as she prepared their plates. "It is ready my love." She spoke softly as she brought the plate over to Yusa. "Thanks Mael!" Yusa replied with a smile on her face as she took the plate and began digging in. "Mmmm! This is so delicious!" She moaned as she ate happily. "I'm glad you like it dear. I made it special for us to celebrate our new found freedom." She said as she too began to eat. They sat there by the fire talking about their plans while they ate and began making plans on how to get into Stormwind without being caught. The book hidden there in the Warlock's Quarters was going to be a real pain in the ass to get but they would manage it somehow. The stars were out brightly tonight and the moon lit the very area where they were. Hidden safely from everyone else they knew that their spot was the perfect place for them. After they finished their meal Maeliko took their dishes and washed them clean before looking back towards Yusa. "Hey... Wanna go for a swim? The water is perfect this time of night and... It would be nice to see your body once again..." Maeliko spoke as she blushed, causing Yusa to giggle. "You mean my amazon body? Hmm... A swim would be nice though as long as it was with you." She replied as she walked over to the edge of the lake and began stripping down. Maeliko shook her head at her words and watched her go over to the edge as her face turned a deeper red as she then joined her lover and began stripping off her clothing. "You're not an amazon and you know it... No matter how many times you say it you'll never be seen as such in my eyes..." She replied softly, but knowing full well Yusa could hear her. She went into the water first, slowly but she got her entire body in as she watched her beloved stare at her naked form before joining her. "You're body is so beautiful Mael... How is it that you can ever love someone like me?" Yusa asked softly as she held Maeliko tightly in her arms. Their breasts were pressed against each other as she could feel not only her nipples becoming hard but her lover's as well. She looked up to Yusa and smiled as she replied. "Because it was you who saved me from myself and from everything else. You showed me what it felt to be loved by another." She then leaned up and pressed her lips against Yusa's and they both closed their eyes as they embraced each other and let their kiss of passion take over them, unknowing of what was to come their way very soon.
And with the Demon's words, Anelia smiled lightly, and dried away the tear, before Kirasis' body disentegrated, and she vanished from bellow her. Anelia sighed, and got to her feet. She shook her hands a few times, sending a grin towards Kamerilla, who still squirmed heavily, under the influence of the Demon's drug. Anelia licked her lips, as Kamerilla gazed begingly up towards her. Anelia rolled her eyes, before leaping over the other Elf, biting down on her neck, causing Kamerilla to moan heavily, and instantly offer her body up towards Anelia.
"It will be quick. We must begin the hunt for that book, immediately. We must set her free. I know, it does not fall in your liking. But I want her. And it's clear now. That you want me, you little whore.. You should've told me before... Now. The price will be Kirasis' freedom. And then. You can come with me." She whispered to Kamerilla, and the Elf could only moaned and gasp bellow Anelia, as she began to tease her body with strokes and bites. But a nod came from Kamerilla, as she had to fight, to get words free from her lips.
"I.. I will help you.. I will.. Help you get the book.. I know. Where it is." Kamerilla agreed, nodding eagerly as she moaned for pleasure. Anelia grinned, and nodded a few times, before licking her lips.
"Goood.. You'll come with me then, as well. I'll make a little harem, out of all you tasty younglings.." She snickered, before beginning to grant Kamerilla, what she most craved at this time. Pleasure.

Kamerilla lead the way, down through the halls of the warlocks den. Anelia followed within the shadows, hoping no sentries would have the senses, to catch on to her position. But none of them seemed to. There seemed to be a ritual going on. Most of the warlocks, was gathered in the main room, of the catacombs bellow the Slaughtered Lamb. Kamerilla and Anelia made their way there, Kamerilla knowing, that the book they sought, was often used in large rituals, such as these.
As they entered the room, Anelia heard the humming of the speaker, preparing the ritual. Warlocks was circled around a large fire, with runes covering the ground around it. It was clearly a powerful ritual. One, that might not be smart to interrupt. Kamerilla warned Anelia, but it did not stop her. She had no time for the mumbling of Warlocks. They could spend days in this state. So Anelia sneaked around, following the walls. She reached for her pouch, bringing out a few small marble sized bombs, that she tossed into the air letting them land in the fire. This caused an explosion of a thick, grey mist. The Warlocks all growled, and started complaining. Anelia siezed the chance, and charged out in front of the speaker. The speaker spotted her, placing a hand on the book, seemingly knowing it was the target. But with a swift and agile jump, she sent both her feet flying through the air, hitting the speakers chest, before landing on the other side of the podium.
"Your playing with powers, I'm not sure you can control. These consequences. Are yours to deal with." Anelia snarled, with a growling voice, so her voice could not be recognized. She then snatched the book, and with a booming noise, the runes around the fire was broken. This caused all the smoke in the room, to be gathered into the fire. And with it, a Void Lord appeared, roaring as it started flailing it's arms around. Anelia grinned lightly, befre leaping past a furious swing from the Void Lord, swiping for the exit. She made it out, unharmed. Later she would learn, that a few of the Warlocks had been killed, and several injured. A major search had been set in motion, looking for a purple elf, wearing light leather armor. They'd stand little to no chance of catching her. She was in no danger.

It had taken little more then a day, to get the book, and be on their way towards the lovers' grove. The two lovers, would've always seen Arch, hovering around them, in the time Anelia was gone. But some time before they went into the water, he'd screeched loudly, and flown off, to not return. It had returned to it's mistress, and friend. He'd immediately landed on Anelia's shoulder, cuddling it's head against her cheek, causing her to giggle lightly.
"And I've missed you, old friend." She'd whispered, before Arch had shown her the way to the lovers position. And as they arrived, Anelia watched from the shadows, with a small smirk upon her lips.

"You two.. Certainly make a.. Lovely couple. Cute, and beautiful." Anelia purred, as she crawled out from the leaves of a nearby tree, her deep purple eyes, staring directly at the two, as her body stroked itself seductively down a branch on the tree, hanging upon it, with an arm dangling downwards.
"I do hope, I am not interrupting.. And if I am, please don't let me.. Do continue." She smirked, licking her lips, before tilting her head back. A shoulder pack, hanging from her body, which she now closer to herself, gazing down towards it.
"I have spoken to your Demon, young Sin'dorai. It is weak. But strong willed. It was nothing to fear, as I'd thought." She started. It was a lie. Kirasis was powerful, but she wanted Maeliko to believe otherwise. Or at least not have any ideas, as to what had happened.
"I've got your book." She added, pulling out the old tome, they needed from Stormwind. "But.. I won't let you summon this Demon alone, anymore. So I brought a more powerful summoner to help you. I do not want to see you throw away, what you two have got, by making mistakes." She said, now with a more stern expression towards Maeliko.
Kirasis sitting on her throne as she watched the scene play out with a smirk. I knew she wouldn't be able to resist the aphrodisiac. No one can resist it after all.~ She though as her tail flicked from side to side as she licked her lips as she enjoyed watching her mistress and her little friend break down in front of her, begging to be fucked by Anelia. She watched as the two had sex, which only aroused her more and wanted more of her mistresses touch but she knew she had to wait. After their fun she watched them enter Stormwind as they made their way into the Warlock's Quarters. My lovely mistress... You're so close... So so close... I will be free soon and you will never have to be apart from me anymore... Kirasis moaned as her body shook in pleasure just thinking back to when they sealed the contract. Soon the demon would be free and her mistresses little harem will be almost complete. The two little buds needed to be put into play, which they would soon. Just was a matter of time which they had plenty of it. She watched the events unfold as her mistress and her friend Kamerilla as they made their way through the halls as they dodged the guards, which they paid them no attention to them as they worked their way downwards. The Warlocks were too focused on their ritual to pay them any heed but Kamerilla tried to warn Anelia, but she didn't listen as she jumped up and attacked the speaker as she spoke to him before taking the book. Oh how she loved watching the chaos that came with the book being stolen from that stuck up asshole. It served him right since he was keeping her imprisoned in the void. She didn't like violence unless it involved sex, but she needed to be free and needed to be with her mistress and needed to make sure that her mistresses plans worked. She would do whatever her mistress commanded of her, no matter what she would obey without question. Yes she was a succubus, but she was bound to the elf and was glad to serve her. Originally she was just going to overpower the little buds and force them to be her slaves, but this worked out better. She gets to be free, serve Anelia, and she gets to watch the two little buds fall from grace. Oh how she was curious to see if her mistress was able to impregnate the little darlings, would be an interesting scenario to say the least. But, regardless they wouldn't be able to resist what her mistress could give them, hell even she, a succubus couldn't resist her. Not like she wanted to, but even if she had there was no way she could resist Anelia. Something about her made her more powerful than any succubus. "Ugh... I wanna be free now... Nnnn... I will have to relieve some stress soon..." Kirasis moaned as she began getting wet just thinking about her time with her mistress before she was sent back here. Please hurry mistress... She thought as she began masturbating while flicking her tail against her clit, giving herself a dose of her own aphrodisiac while she waited to be summoned out again.

Maeliko and Yusari were relaxing in the water as they talked amongst themselves. "Yusa... Ever since we managed to get free... Haven't you noticed how much more peaceful it is now for us? We're free from the wars... Free from our factions. But most of all... Free to be with one another and not have to worry about our families interfering with our lives and the love we share for one another. It's nice to be free, ya know my love?" Maeliko spoke softly as she held Yusa close to her and nuzzled her neck slightly. "It is nice to be free from it all my darling. We've sacrificed it all on both our ends to get to where we are now. But it was more than worth it. We don't need them anymore, nor do we need to be with our petty factions anymore. Fuck them all, all I care about right now is our survival and being with you. Even the elements are on our side, then again they hate war and being used for war. But still! We've made it this far and there is no turning back now! I'm sure by now we are branded as traitors to our factions, but so what? We have something that those petty factions will NEVER have nor would they EVER understand! Let them fight their wars, we're done with doing their dirty work." Yusa replied as she held Maeliko tightly in her arms. Maeliko blushed heavily as their breasts began rubbing against each other as Yusa held her tightly in her arms. Oh gods it felt good to be in her arms. Maeliko turned to face Yusa as she leaned up and pressed her lips against Yusa's, kissing her. Yusa smiled softly as she felt her lover's lips against hers as she slipped her tongue into Maeliko's mouth and let their tongues dance together as they both closed their eyes as they embraced each other with their ever lasting kiss. They didn't even know that they were being watched nor did they really care at the current moment. They were lost in their own lust that nothing mattered to them right then and there. Maeliko's ears twitched when she heard a familiar voice from the distance. Turning around the girls saw Anelia as she crawled out from her hiding spot and both blushed deeply as they buried themselves into the water so their naked bodies wouldn't be seen. "Umm... It's kinda hard to simply 'continue' with you looking at us and watching us..." Maeliko said as she shifted in the water. Something wasn't right and she knew it. Hearing her speak of her demon her ears twitched as she listened. Kirasis was weak for her...? Just who in the hell was this Night Elf?! And just what was she? To overpower my demon like she was nothing? I don't understand this... Something is terribly wrong here... Maeliko thought as she glared at Anelia and then when the book was mentioned her ears twitched again as the both of the watched her carefully. "So you have the book... But why help us...? What's in it for you? What sort of deal did you make with my demon? And why did you bring a summoner with you when I can easily summon her? Just what are you playing at elf?" Maeliko asked as she didn't let her guard down. She didn't know what to do but she knew she had to protect her beloved if she had to. She was ready to cast her spells should she have to. But Yusa was looking around for the other person Anelia spoke of and couldn't see her. Little did she know was they were cornered. The summoner was behind them and Anelia was merely distracting them. Yusa wrapped her tail around Maeliko in a protecting manor, readying her own spells should she have to use them as well. "You say you brought a summoner with you, yet I do not see her. Are you trying to deceive us?" Yusari asked as their attention was kept on Anelia who was giving Maeliko a stern look. She knew her beloved was surrounded in darkness, but she knew what she was doing, at least Yusari had hoped for non the less.
Anelia smirked with Maeliko's first words, her head slightly tilting as she watched the submerge into the water, hiding their beautiful frames. She pouted lightly, in almost theatrical disappointment, as she rested her cheek upon her hand, tilting her head lightly.
"Awh.. That's too bad. But.. It's funny. You figure yourselves free of your factions oppression. But still let's someone who helps you. Force you to hide your feelings. Your beautiful bodies. What freedom is there then? When you still let eyes force you to hide?" She questioned, with a smiling expression of question. She felt the glares of them both, causing her eyes to narrow lightly. And with the question asked, she sighed lightly, and pushed her body up from the branch, twirling her body around, getting seated with both her legs put together, hanging down from the branch as they wiggled slightly back and forth. Her purple eyes gazed down towards the two, gazing with prejudice and defense upon her. She knew those eyes. There was too much fright and nerves in the two, for her to have any chance of winning them over. Or even getting a chance at one of them alone. She had to play this carefully, if she didn't want to simply force herself upon them. That would have to be a last resort.
"Why? Well. I seem to remember the two of you, saving my life. Lastly I looked in the book of requirements for favors, that was pretty high on the list. You helped me. I'm helping you. And now that I know you are not bringing the next Kil'Jaedon into Azeroth, I have nothing to be afraid of. Is it truly so strange, that I wish to help you? Does help come that foreign to you, when it is not from the other?" She questioned, almost with a small frown on her lips, as she tilt her head to the other side, and sent the long locks of bluish hair, swinging onto her other shoulder. She sighed softly, and shook her head a few times at the two, carefully observing her. She knew this feeling. It made her.. Furious. But she had to hide that anger. She did not wish to attack them. Force herself upon them. She wanted them to like her, before serve her. She didn't want dolls. She wanted pets. Lovers.

Anelia let Yusa speak as well, remaining silent for now, letting their words trail in. Kamerilla was indeed hiding in the brushes, but not with any ill intent from her, nor Anelia. Kamerilla just didn't like others. She didn't like company. She liked Anelia, and that's where the line was drawn. Anelia sighed again, her frown growing a bit, as she let her head shake a few times.
"I remember a time, where the two factions' war, was fought b for pride. Prejudice. But now, it is a war of fear, doubt and disagreement. And now, you two remind me of that. Is that.. Really what you want? Do you want to be, just a third faction? Keeping anyone out of your path, in a shield of paranoia? Was that really the life you wanted to live, when you decided to leave your families and factions?" She questioned, with a soft frown. Her voice didn't seem to wish to poke. There seemed to be no ill will. Only concern and care. An almost motherly, friendly tone, wanting to help the two realize something.
"Kamerilla hides in the shadows, because she fears others. She's seen many people through her lifetime. Watched most of these wither away and die. Some, accidentally, by her doing. She hides, because she is afraid." She stated, before pushing herself off the branch, landing gracefully on the grassy bed bellow her. ""You may think yourself strong in the arts you dwindle with, young Sin'dorai. But you can always learn more. Become stronger. Find more control. Kamerilla can help you with that. Learn from your elder, and the wiser. If not stronger then you, they've still seen more. Experienced it. She has a lot of things to tell. If you'll listen." She stated, before walking down the lakes edge, slowly making her way towards the cave hideout.
"I made no deal with the Demon. I want nothing of a Demon. And she knows not, how to grant you what you wish. Demons, don't grant life. But. She knows, who might help you. Something that might help. I want to give the two of you, what you wish. The long life for Yusa. And protection beyond what the two of you can muster. If you would only let me. And not look upon me, as if I was an upholder of your old factions, bringing chains to take you back." Anelia said, with a soft smile towards them, clearly peppered with some sadness.
"I'll let you consider, if you wish my help. If you do not, I will leave with the shadows I came. No matter your choice, you'll get the book. I will not take away, what your deeds rewarded you." She stated, now entering the forest, not letting them stop her with words.

She made her way to the cave, with a wide grin upon her face. She felt that little theatrical performance, went quite well. She'd meant every word, but had wanted to spill them with anger. In her eyes, they where unknowingly destroying, what they'd tried to create. A life outside factions. But the way they where treating her, was like both factions. An outsider. The factions found her useful, but only in times, where great trouble arose, where she could help. In times of peace. She was nothing. And they did not even know of her secret. It was just something about her, that kept her apart from others. Possibly what kept her apart from them, for now. Now she could only hope, that they would turn and realize that they wanted her help. Needed it. If not, she would vanish into the forest, but never leave. Then, when Maeliko should try to summon Kirasis. She'd find herself unable to. Kirasis would only be summoned by her now. She was hers.
The mere thought of Kirasis, caused Anelia to sigh softly, and lean agains the cave entrance, gazing towards the grown, with a warm smile.
I already miss you. I hope they make up their minds quickly. I do not wish to dawdle. But I want Yusa first. Maeliko is the most doubtful. She is shy, but she is also strong. I need you, with her. Yusa, I will try to catch alone tonight. Try to seduce her. Let her feel the pleasure of skin. Make her believe. I am teaching her, to please her lover. Whilst slowly letting her grow heart for me, as well. Their hearts are locked together. I will never receive as big a part of it, as they do with each other. But. All I ask for. Is a small part. Is that too much, Kirasis? Is it too much, to ask for a small piece? Of warmth, and care? No mater what happens. I have you. And I treasure that. I miss you.. So badly...
Lowering her ears Maeliko looked up at Anelia and whimpered softly. "It's just... We've never been around many people who didn't try to hurt us... And I cannot help it that I'm a bit... Shy around others... I'm not use to sharing this side of me with anyone other than Yusari..." Maeliko replied softly as she lowered her eyes. She listened to Anelia's words carefully and thought about what she said. She was right in many ways. What they was doing to the one who helped give them their freedom was wrong. They did save her life and she went through the trouble of even getting the book for them. "It... It's not that we're not thankful... It's just hard to show our emotions towards others well... Everyone else has looked down upon us and we fear everyone but ourselves... I deeply apologize if we offended you... And we'd never summon another demon like that wretched Kil'Jaedon. We do not seek to destroy Azeroth, just merely give Yusa the same eternal life that I have... We're not use to getting help from others... We're use to being kicked around and spat on... Our factions despised us for being together... Garrosh... He tortured me without mercy..." Maeliko paused as she shivered at the thought. Her back was against Yusa's chest, hiding the multiple scars that Garrosh had inflicted upon her. Yusa rubbed Maeliko's shoulders as she tried to calm down the Blood Elf. Yusa lowered her head when Anelia spoke to her now. "N-No... We just cannot be open with just anyone... What if someone finds us and tries to kill us? We are traitors to our factions now and will be hunted down for treason... We know you're not with them... But we're scared..." Yusa replied lowly, but loud enough for Anelia to hear her words. Maeliko's ears twitched when she was spoken to again and slowly nodded, taking everything Anelia said to heart. "If... If she's willing to teach me... Then..." Pausing Maeliko sighed as she took a deep breath before speaking again. "Then I will accept her help and learn all that I can from her... I want to become stronger... I want to be able to control my magic properly so that I can protect Yusari..." Maeliko finished as her eyes looked up at Anelia again as she watched her start to head towards their cave. Feeling relieved that her demon didn't betray her she listened to Anelia's words and sighed again. "If she knows a way... Then I'll do whatever it takes to give Yusari what she deserves... To live the eternal life I do..." Pausing again she turned to Yusari as they talked to themselves before turning back to Anelia. "Fine... We will accept your help... Just please... Don't betray our trust and take us back to those petty factions..." Maeliko said as let her ears and eyes lower towards the water. She spoke loud enough to where Anelia could hear her even as she was walking back into the forest. "What now Mael?" Yusa asked softly to Maeliko and she shook her head. "We wait I suppose... What else can we do now? We need help... I need help with controlling my magic... And we need to allow them to help us..." Maeliko replied to Yusa as they stood up and embraced each other, allowing their naked bodies show once again, but not hiding them now.

Kirasis could hear her mistresses thoughts and whimpered softly to herself. I miss you too my dear mistress... They will subcum to you soon. I can already feel it my mistress. The Blood Elf has already agreed to your terms, she won't be that hard to break in. But I will take her and work with her while you work with her Draenei lover Yusari. The young Draenei will fall for you, and the Sin'dorai will fall for you as well, they will both allow you into their hearts. I promise you this my mistress elf. It may take a little bit of time and effort, but we will make this work out together. We will always be together my mistress... I know that your plan will work out, for you have a heart for them and for me. To love a demon is a feat in itself, having those two little buds is another feat in itself, but again with some work and time you will have won them over. I miss you dearly Mistress Anelia... Please summon me back into your world so we can be together soon... Kirasis thought as she began to pout slightly. She knew her mistresses plan would work out, she knew it in her heart and knew if they resisted it would only be delaying the inimitable. Their fates were set in stone, they would soon belong to Anelia, just like she, Kirasis did. But Kirasis was willing, these two wouldn't be willing at first, but they would submit.

Yusari got out of the water as she headed over to their cloths before looking back to Maeliko. "I'm gonna go check up on her. See if she's okay. You can stay here and wait for me if you'd like Mael." Yusa spoke softly to Maeliko. "I'll wait here for you then Yusa. Take your time, she probably needs someone to talk to and whatnot. I was rather rude to her after all..." Maeliko said as her ears lowered again. "I shouldn't be gone too long my love." Yusa replied as she grabbed her cloths and got dressed as she headed back to their cave. As she got there she saw the Night Elf standing at the entrance and sighed softly. "Look... We're really sorry for how we've been treating you... But we accept your help... From both you and your friend." Yusa said as she walked closer over to the Night Elf, completely unaware of what was about to happen to her. Meanwhile Maeliko stayed in the water as she lowered her body in it more, allowing herself to somewhat lay in it. "I know you're out there Kamerilla. Please don't fear me... I accept the help your friend says you can offer me. I don't want to be consumed by my own magic and I know when to admit defeat on this subject. So will you please come out and stop hiding?" Maeliko called out to Kamerilla in hopes she would listen to her and come out of her hiding spot.
Anelia had cut her frown short, not seeming like an offended child. Her smile instead made her seem pleased, that her voice had been heard. And at the acceptance for her help, she nodded, but just continued towards the cave without a word. It worked. They thought her offended, rather then angered. In all truth, she was neither. She remembered a time, where she'd been paranoid and afraid. It was a natural cause, for someone who left a faction and became independent. But at least, they had each other. When she became solitaire and abandoned her faction, she had no one. She'd found both Sha and Arch. Nothing had come to her, like she had to them. Which was why she was sure, she knew how they felt. Especially considering their lack of sexual activity. She couldn't exactly see it in their eyes. But she felt it. They both wanted it, but had never gotten to it. It was sad, but often seen with couples. New found, or long lasting. The first time, was often the hardest. Especially to those, inexperienced. That was the knowledge, she was going to both abuse, and enjoy. She wanted to grant them both pleasure, in ways they hadn't seen or felt before. And that was what she expected to win them over with. Curiosity and lust.

Anelia grew a gleeful smile, her ears lowering lightly, as she heard Kirasis mind. Her ears didn't lower out of fear, or nerves. Instead, it almost seemed like shyness. Bashfulness at Kirasis' words, gleeful to be praised. The old and experienced elf, had a clear and obvious weakness. Compliments and praise, worked miracles on her. It was almost always possible to lull both anger and pain, with a simple praise. She didn't reply, however, remaining silent with an more girly and gleeful expression, then she'd carried for a long time. Her expression was almost always either stern or grinning. Never girly and giggling.

Her ears raised again, as she heard Yusa's voice, turning her attention back towards her, with a gentle smile. The girlyness of her expression vanished, and turned normal again. She nodded a single time, and turned around to face Yusa with her own arms crossed.
"I know. And I think I know how you feel. I abandoned my faction as well, long ago. Back then I felt alone. Afraid, that there was no one else then me, to keep me safe. I hadn't even found Sha and Arch back then. It was just.. Me. You two, have each other. And your not as weak, as I might've given you the impression I thought, before. Your not. In unity, you are strong. You need not be as afraid, as you are." She smiled, before holding a hand towards the entrance to the cave. "Let's sit down and talk a bit, hm? I'd like to get to know the two of you, a bit better." She offered. "To just start it off, I meant it. The two of you, do make a cute couple." She winked teasingly with a soft chuckle, before entering the cave, waiting for Yusa to follow.

As Maeliko called, Kamerilla sighed lightly. She didn't exactly 'hide'. She just didn't stand in her view. But as she was asked, she came through, walking past a large tree, and to the bed of the lake. Her skin was dark, even darker then Anelia's dark purple skin. Her eyes had an almost ominous red glow, and the black robes she bore, did nothing to make her seem less intimidating. Her red eyes stared out over the lake, upon Maeliko's. Her stare might seem intrusive, and as if she was just seizing her up. But she was assessing her strength. Her ability with the voids 'gifts'. And it was there. A clear possibility. But her calling, wasn't Demonology, which she had tried to perform. At least, that was what she felt.
"It is wise of you, to accept guidance. Many of my kind, denied help. And it ultimately got them destroyed. But even those who accept it. Is at great risk. You realize these risks? The dangers of these arts? If you do, then stop playing around with Demonology. It is a solitary art. To control it, one has to try. And when trying, it can go bad. And when it goes bad... those around you get hurt.. Dies. There is other ways. The ways of afflictions. Dark flames. If you wish to protect your love. Consider these. I will teach you, what ever you wish to learn. But know this. The more you play around with Demonology. The more you put your lover at risk." She warned, with a rather dark expression. It was hard to imagine, that this stalwart, strong woman had so deeply submitted to Anelia, once under the influence of Kirasis' aphrodisiac. The drug had made her realize, how much she craved the attention of others.
Yusari didn't know what to think as she approached Anelia. She didn't think that what they wanted was so wrong before, but Anelia made it clear that it was wrong. She followed the Night Elf in hopes to talk to her and maybe get some things worked out. Maeliko and her both agreed to both her and her friend's help and they meant it. But if this was gonna work out she had to talk with Anelia while Maeliko talked with her friend. Hearing Anelia's words brought a sharp sting to her heart when she heard about her past when she left the Alliance. "We honestly don't mean to be the way we are... We didn't mean to treat you so horribly..." Yusa replied as she nodded and walked closer to Anelia as she went inside with her blueish face starting to turn red from Anelia's comment from earlier. "Th-Thank you." Yusa replied as she took a seat near the fire and watched as Anelia sat down right next to her. Yusa's eyes shifted around the room as she took a deep breath and began talking. "What would you like to know of us? If anything at all. You shared some of your past with me and I feel it would only be fair if I did the same in return." Yusa spoke softly as she started making circles in the dirt on the ground with her hoof. This was a bit... Awkward for her to say the least. She was alone with another woman and it was uncomfortable to say the least. But she had to be strong and just hear Anelia out and ask her questions, if she had any to ask. Her slender tail moved from side to side before wrapping itself around her stomach. Oh how she wished Maeliko was here to maybe break the ice a bit. But Maeliko was probably dealing with the other woman right now. "So umm... What made you leave the Alliance?" Yusa asked as she got up and walked over to one of the food chests. "Are you hungry by any chance?" Yusa asked as she began rummaging through the food with her tail once again sway from side to side as she kept her back turned to Anelia while she went looking for something small to eat. She didn't know what this Night elf was capable of nor of what she had been planning. Kirasis would be summoned soon and Maeliko would be taken by her as for Yusa would be taken by Anelia. Yusa and Maeliko had slept with one another many times, but all in all they were still virgins. They never used toys before, only their fingers which never went in deep enough to break their hymens. Boy was she sure in for a treat though when Anelia started to set her plans into motion. She would never know what hit her.

Meanwhile Maeliko waited and watched for Kamerilla to come forth as she stayed there in the water, enjoying the night air and the atmosphere around her. Maeliko's ears twitched as she heard movement from over where the trees were as Kamerilla began walking towards her. Maeliko had seen many Night Elves in her life, but never one like Kamerilla. She noticed the red glow of her eyes which caused a spark of curiosity to show on her face. She took note as to what the elf was wearing and watched her carefully. Hearing the elf speak to her she listened carefully, making sure she understood everything she said. After Kamerilla finished speaking Maeliko took a few moments to process it all before replying. "I do not want to hurt my beloved. I only wish to give her what she wants... She doesn't want to not to leave me due to old age. She wants the same eternal life span as I have. I've always been different from the other Priests and Priestesses in my family, I denied the light and sought out for the shadows. I was forced to 'embrace' the light... When I never wanted to follow what my family expected of me." Maeliko paused as she took another breath before continuing. "When I met Yusa for the first time, I actually called upon the light to heal her as she was badly injured thanks to Garrosh's foul Orcs. They were torturing her and were trying to kill her. I couldn't stand by and watch as they tried to kill her. I slaughtered them, showing them no mercy as they showed Yusari. After that moment we became friends, then as the years passed we became much more. We couldn't help that we fell in love. I never felt so safe around anyone before I met her. I always hid in the shadows and did what I had to in order to survive. But now... Now I have Yusari and I cannot abandon her. She wants the life span I have and I will do whatever it takes to get it for her. But if there is another way to get it for her that is safer, then I will gladly go that route. I do not wish to harm nor get her killed. I will follow your advice and I will accept ALL of the help you have to offer me. I want to learn from you Kamerilla, please... Please teach me." Maeliko finished as she waited for Kamerilla to reply now. She didn't want to put her lover's life at risk, it wasn't like her at all. She loved Yusari more than anything and just wanted her to be safe and be able to live out eternity with her.
Anelia smiled as Yusa accepted, and followed Yusa close by as they entered the cave. Her eyes traveled up and down Yusa, as her back was turned. Looking her over. She gave the apology a second to sink in, before shaking her head a few times, with a dismissive wave.
"Do not mention it, beautiful. The two of you, aren't the first to doubt and judge me. The prettiest. But far, far from the first." She chuckled lightly, as Yusa was seated. Anelia walked over, and got herself seated by her side, legs together out to her side, resting her weight on a hand, leaning close to Yusa. It was clear, that she felt a bit awkward at this time. As if merely being in the presence of another woman, was wrong of them. As if she was being unfaithful to Maeliko through the action of speech. It caused Anelia to grin lightly. It almost made her want to take Yusa by force. With Kirasis' drug, she would be unable to ignore the pleasure. And so she would be enjoying adultery. But Anelia got a hold of herself, and gazed back to Yusa's face with a smile. And as she was asked a question, she was about to answer, but paused as Yusa got up to get food. But her mouth remained open in a light gasp, at the view she was allowed. Her neck ticked lightly, with again having to control herself. Yusa's rear, and the sway of her tail, was more tempting then anything.
"Uhm. No.. No thank you. Yusa.." She murmured. A shiver went through her spine, before shaking her head a few times and removing her shoulder bag. She took out a bottle from it, and jumped up on her feet. "I've got something to drink, however. Want to try it, before considering any glass'? It's a homemade lemonade from a great brewer in Stormwind." She questioned, with a gentle smile and wiggled the bottle between two fingers, a few times. "And to answer your question, for a start. Let's say I'll show you.. One day. Short version in words. Prejudice and distance. No one wanted anything to do with me, so I left. I was young, in a time where brides where chosen for suitors. Which I was fine with, until the one who I got, decided to chain me up and lash me, rather then love me. For. Various reasons." She explained with a light, calm voice. It was clearly in the past for her. Something that didn't bother her so heavily anymore.

Kamerilla observed and listened, as Maelio had. Kameilla was usually a very silent and secluded person. She didn't like being with others. She didn't like speaking with others. But Anelia had dragged her out. She longed for Anelia's attention as anyone, living their life alone and solitary would. And Anelia gave her everything she could ever want. That is why she followed, where she usually just left.
As Maeliko finished, she nodded a few times, before looking thoughtful. Her eyes drifted to the side for a while, as she sat herself down, with her legs folded in front of her. She took a moment to think, before gazing back towards Maeliko.
"You may have chosen foolishly, Maeliko. In many ways, the light is stronger then darkness. And when it comes to protecting others, it deffinitly is. But you've chosen your path, and I will not attempt to stop you. But I would advice, that you keep your atonement with the light. Keep it, to help heal and protect your lover, when ever the shadows can't. The shadows hurts. It has never mended anything, and never will." She started by stating, with a light tilt of her head. "The path of a Demonologist, is a lonely one. A solitary one. If you traverse this path, you will only cause Yusa more harm, as I've always explained. But you already have a light grasp of it. Summoning this Demon. Which means your well atoned to shadows already. I would therefore suggest the path of afflictions. It can torment and weaken your enemies. The process is slow, but steady. With that, and your atonement to light. You would become a perfect guardian for your lover." She said, with a single nod, before pulling her legs close. "We will use Demonology, to summon this Demon again. She seems to know something, that might help your lover, with her lifespan. But after that. There will be no more of that. Understood?" She then questioned, raising her perky brows lightly, her ears doing so as well, as the red eyes stared deeply into Maeliko's, if she gazed back.
It did feel uncomfortable being around Anelia but she was doing her best to keep it from showing too much. She blushed again when the elf called her beautiful, she wasn't use to being called that by anyone other than Maeliko. Shaking her head to herself she let out a small sigh. "Sad as it is to say... We cannot help but doubt and judge others. We've had experiences with others before who worked their way into getting close to us, saying they understood us and all... But in the end... Only betrayed us... We don't mean to be rude towards you. You are a lot different from the others we've come across..." Yusa trailed off as she started getting lost in thought of the past. Three years ago Yusa and Maeliko had been out in their other spot they would go and meet up in. The spot where they were right now was the most secluded spot they could find. But their other spot was more open sadly and they found that one out the hard way. They had been sitting down talking as someone had approached them. He was a nice guy at first, for a Forsaken. They didn't know he was one of the few who followed Garrosh willingly till it was too late. Demetri was his name as he had told them. For two years he got close to the two and pretended to be their friend. But one night while they were sleeping he tried to kill Yusa. Yusa had woken up next to Maeliko with a dagger near her throat and with Maeliko's natural instincts snapped awake as she saw Demetri with a dagger to her beloveds throat. Glaring at him as she began to silently cast curses on him, which caused him to back away in pain as she got up and held Yusa in her arms. "Why Demetri? Why are you doing this?" Yusa asked him and he grinned at them even as he was in serious pain. "I was sent here to monitor you two and kill you both off for Garrosh. His hatred for the Alliance is deep dear Yusa and as for you Maeliko... You know how much he hates traitors... He asked me to kill you as well since you love fractionating with our sworn enemies!" He laughed as he stared at them with the yellow glow in his eyes. Maeliko had already guessed this when she woke up but had hopped it wasn't what she thought. Shaking her head to the side she continued to glare at him as she began her spell of killing, a personal spell she created to instantly kill someone who was afflicted with her curses. "I should have known from the start when you came to us and tried to get close to us Demetri. See I had my suspicions of you but I had honestly hoped I was wrong. I would say I would send your pitiful corpse back to Garrosh, but no I won't. I know he will just have Sylvanas resurrect you to come back after us. So I will make sure that no one ever finds you dear Demetri. I cannot forgive ANYONE who tries to kill the one I love more than anything and you who works blindly for that monster Garrosh, deserves no mercy." Maeliko had said with nothing but pure malice in her voice as she finished the spell and cast it, not even giving him the chance to speak in retaliation. He screamed loudly in pain as the curses began consuming him from the killing spell and in mere moments collapsed on the ground dead. Yusa had snapped back to the present as she lowered her eyes to the ground. Just thinking about that night brought back bad memories for her. As she rummaged through the trunk she heard Anelia reply saying she was good but had some lemonade with her from one of the brewers in Stormwind. She knew all of the brewers and there was only one that could make the best lemonade in all of Azeroth. Thinking it over she felt it would be nice to have some since she hadn't had any in a good long time as she looked over at Anelia and walked back over to her. Hearing another bit of her past made Yusa sad for her again as she walked back over and looked at the bottle she had with her. "I'm so sorry to hear that... Did you kill them? Or how did you manage to get free? I'm sorry if it seems like I'm prying. I'm just curious is all..." She trailed off as Anelia offered her the bottle and she took it and looked it over. It looked and smelled like lemonade so she took a sip of it. The moment she drank from it she could feel a slight tingle in her body, but it tasted really good. She found herself unable to control herself as she downed the entire bottle, for if she had known just what it was she wouldn't have done so, but it was too late now. The aphrodisiac was quickly working through her body as she felt herself growing very hot and unable to stand anymore as she slowly fell to the ground. "Nnnn... Wha... What's happening to me...?" She whimpered as she could feel her body growing hotter with each passing second and she could feel herself growing very wet as she stared up at Anelia. She rubbed her legs together as she tried to ease her body, but it wouldn't simply go away. She drank the entire bottle, which would last in her system for a few good long hours now. She was beginning to pant heavily as she watched Anelia begin to make her move.

Maeliko thought long and hard on what she was going to do as Kamerilla spoke to her again and nodded. I know what I must do... I cannot keep playing with demons if I don't want to hurt my beloved... Maeliko thought as she listened to Kamerilla finish. "The light has never brought me any happiness though... I was forced to be a Priestess and one of the light. I was never asked what I had wanted to do in the beginning. I wanted to be a mage actually, but since I had no choice I was a Priestess. I took to the shadows, I knew what I was getting into seeing as it was forbidden within my family and I only knew of a select few in my family who took that path. They took me in and trained me they best they could behind the rest of the families backs." Maeliko started as she watched Kamerilla and sighed again before finishing. "I will follow your advice though. I want to learn from you and follow in your footsteps Kamerilla. Please teach me how to control the shadows properly and help me stray from Demonology. I do not want to put my precious Yusa in harms way anymore. I want to protect her, not get her killed." She said as her ears twitched again when she heard Kamerilla speak of using Demonology to summon her demon one more time. "Very well then. You're clearly older than me and you do know what you're doing. Lets summon Kirasis and see what we can do. I promise not to summon her anymore after this." Maeliko said as she slowly got up from the water and dried off as she started getting dressed before walking over to Kamerilla as they got ready to summon her demon.
Anelia observed Yusa, as something went through her head. It was clear, that this something possibly wasn't a good memory. Probably a bad memory of her past. And as Yusa turned around, reacting to her question, Anelia gave a crooked smile. One trying to comfort Yusa, where Anelia saw she was sad. She wiggled the bottle again, as Yusa came closer, tilting her head lightly, with the question asked. She pondered it for a second, before replying, before Yusa could drink from the bottle.
"No. I just. Vanished. Killing doesn't usually help anything, and others might change. They didn't, however. I was just forgotten. It took many years, where I hid in seclusion. But eventually, they stopped caring. Now I'm just an Elf, who shows up when ever Azeroth is in danger." She replied with a small smile, awaiting Yusa.
Anelia had been away from society for so long, that she in many ways resembled the animals she mingled with. SHe'd become a nomad. A no one, to the factions of the world. She helped the factions, when they, or something thirdly, tried to destroy Azeroth. That was the plane she lived on, after all, and she didn't want to see it destroyed. Because, then where would she live?
Slight curves at the edge of her lips, curled a grin upon them as she darkly observed Yusa's body. Her head tilted lightly, as she licked her lips at the sight. Yusa's question caused her to snicker lightly, before she started crawling closer, to the sitting woman.
"It's urges. My dear Yusa. Urges to be pleased. Lemonade sometimes does that to people. Makes them realize, what their missing. You and your lover... Do you. Often. Play with each other? Because it's clear to me, that your in need of.. Something." Anelia whispered, as she crawled over Yusa, placing her hands upon the blue woman's shoulders, trying to push er down on her back. If she was allowed this, she'd seductively lay on top of her, her throat giving a silent, alluring purr. "And when you do.. How. Deep. Do you go? Have you two, taken each others virginity?" She smirked, letting a few fingers trail down Yusa's arm, as her head tilted and her ears rose towards the ceiling of the cave.

Kamerilla's head tilted, as she gazed towards Maeliko, as the young Sin'dorai replied. Maeliko wasn't exactly 'young', but to Kamerilla she was. Kamerilla nodded a few times, as she mentioned the light, knowing very well how that was. Kamerilla had never really had any interest in spells, or fighting, but a few bad friends, dragged her into Demonology. Which ultimately cost Kamerilla her friends, and her family.
"No? No happiness? How about the time, where you saved your lovers life, by healing her? Or the time you saved Anelia, who now helps you, and your lover, get what you both want? I'd say, the light has done it's good deeds. I wish I'd ever gotten intoned with the Light. It has many invaluable properties." She said, nodding a few times, as she tilt her head to the other side again, continuing to listen. And as Maeliko agreed to summon Kirasis again, Kamerilla nodded a single time. There was almost a hint of dismay upon her lips. It had become clear, as it had so many times before, that she did not like Demons. Even the ones, she felt she should trust, like in this case, Anelia's Demon.
But as Maeliko got out of the water, Kamerilla got to her feet, and walked to a darker patch of the forest, after letting Maeliko know where she went. There, she began preparing for a ritual, from items inside her large pouch. She brought out the book, that Anelia had handed her, and placed it next to the summoning altar, and then waited for Maeliko.

Anelia felt them beginning, and let her mind drift away from her current scene, for just a moment. "My sweet.. They prepare to summon you now. I'm sure you know. When you are out again, focus on the little Sin'dorai first. Do -not- interact with Kamerilla. If you so much as look upon her in the wrong way, she will chain you to the ground, and possibly send you right back. Even against my will, fearing my anger. She does not like Demons, not even those she's seen good within. However. She does have, one weakness. The only Demon she ever summoned, that didn't massacre the ones close to her, was a Fellhunter pup. It was her pet for a while, and she loved it. Appease to her this way. Come close to her. Let her see, that your not wicked. Do not submit to her, however. If you play the innocent part of a pet right, she will fall for you. And then, you can take her. You will submit to no one, except me. I hereby allow you to be summoned by Kamerilla and Maeliko. That way, the chains won't hurt too severely." She whispered in her mind, trying to let her thoughts, reach Kirasis again.
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