A purity long lost... [Himeko x ForeverMischievous]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
The plan had been set now and time was of the essence for them. They had planned on meeting up near the entrance to the forest where their new life would begin. It was night time, which would make their escape a bit easier. Soon... Soon they would be free from this war, free from their pathetic leaders, free to be with each other at last... Maeliko Misachi had left her home and her family behind. She was a Blood Elf that came from a proud family, much like her lover and best friend, Yusari Stormhoof. Their relationship was taboo and forbidden, but they didn't care. They met on the battle field and would have slain each other, but found they just couldn't do it. They ended up meeting in secret over the years and built up a strong bond, a wonderful friendship. But as the years passed on they fell in love with one another, when they tried to talk to their families they would hear nothing of it and told them they were to never see each other ever again. This is why they were running away and leaving behind everything. They didn't care about the petty wars between both factions, what they wanted was freedom and peace. Free to be with each other and away from their enemies. When Maeliko arrived she noticed a figure in the distance. "Yusari, is that you?" She whispered and noticed the figure nodded. They both hid their faces with their hoods and then ran to each other as they embraced one another with a loving kiss. They've never had sex before because they never could get away for long enough to do that. But now, they had a home they've been working on in secret that they could live together and they would do just that. "We must go now my love. My family will notice me missing as yours will too and if they catch us all of this will be for naught! Come lets go now!" Yusari said as she took Maeliko's hand and they both ran off into the forest. They ran for hours until they finally came to a stop. Catching their breaths they looked around and saw their new home, their sanctuary which was a rock, though it was a hidden cave. They walked over to it and chanted the spell that opened the hidden door, granting them entrance.

Once inside they closed the door and lite the torches on the walls to reveal a bed, a small fire hearth, chests with cloths, items to hunt for food as well as fishing poles. Everything they needed to survive, they had it there. They were careful to not be followed so they knew it would be safe to hunt for food tonight. "We can have fish for tonight my love if you'd like." Maeliko said as she got the fire started to warm up their new home. Yusari smiled and nodded. "Fish sounds good to me. I'll put my water walking spell on us both so it'll be easier to get to where the good big fish are." Yusari replied as she took her cloak off and to reveal her traditional Draenei chain mail that was made for Shamans. Yusari had large breasts that bounced in her chain mail, to Maeliko it looked uncomfortable but Yusa told her time and time again it wasn't. Maeliko wore a simple robe that was of the Sunreaver's colors, which was traditional to her family. Her breasts were large but no where near as large as Yusa's. Yusari held out her hand and Maeliko took it as they walked outside, opening the door and then closing it again. The fire inside was safe, they tested it several times so they knew nothing bad would happen. As they walked towards the lake they didn't know that they were not the only ones out there. But right then and there they didn't care. They were both still very inexperienced with their classes but they weren't completely ignorant to them either. Yusari placed the water walking spell on both of them as they both walked out onto the lake and took their fishing poles with them. "I hope we can find some good fish tonight, some nice big ones. That will make a nice meal for us." Maeliko said happily as they walked further towards the middle of the lake. When they arrived there to their destination they sat down on the water and began fishing. Hoping to catch something soon so they wouldn't have to be out too long. About an hour later they finally got their fish and made their ways home. Home... Their safe haven. Still, they didn't even notice that they were being watched and followed...
Why did it always have to be the same? Why did it always have to be the same boring, dragged out, babysitter missions. As soon as townsfolk saw a Night Elf traveler, they always expected it willing to do quests and work for their gold. And that wasn't a wrong assumption, she did help out when ever she reached towns, to make an extra scrap of gold. But why the hell, did it always have to be bloody tinkerbell quests? 'Oh no, my child has been kidnapped by the eevil Horde/Alliance, can you please get my itty bitty child back?' It was making this Night Elf wanderer sick. She loved children, and she hoped to achieve some herself, once. But she knew she could protect hers, and keep them safe. Why the hell did others get children, if their just going to wind up and loose them? And why was she always expected to get them back? She couldn't even count the amount of bratty young Elves, humans and so forth she'd rescued, only to be met with no graditutde from the children, what so ever. She was just a mercenary, in it for the money. And by now, she had to admit she was. She no longer cared for the safety of others. She'd grown tired, pessimistic and dreary. The world had nearly been torn asunder, that after many ages of war. And she, was always expected to clean up the little details. She'd taken part in the destruction of the great Dragon Aspect of Death, only because she knew if he hadn't been stopped, the world she so loved to explore and travel in, would go up in flames. So she cut down a few enemies on front lines of other peoples wars, but never did she join an army. Never did she take a side. It was always just her, and her pets. The great White Tiger: Shar, and the Hawk: Arch. Never did she care as much as a straw of wheat for others wars. She just made a profit, taking care of others problems.

And so, once again, Anelia was sent out to 'rescue' a 'kidnapped' daughter, of a renowned family in Exodar. She was getting too old for this. In the deepest darkest corners of her mind, she just hopped the daughter was dead, so she'd just have to bring back a token to prove it. She had to nodge her own head, only to be pushed slightly by Shar, knowing her mind. She sighed slightly, and stroked an elegant hand over the pure white fur.
"I know old boy. I'm getting too old for all this. I'm stopping to care." She smiled faintly. When she said old, it was in old Elven standards. She wasn't like the new Night Elves, with a shortened life span. She would never die, or age in looks, if she wasn't killed by another' hand. She'd always remain as young looking, as she was now. She was a tall and athletic woman, her body made for jumping through thick forests, without cutting herself on branches. A great bust on her chest, wasn't the only thing to justify her feminine body, her legs and her face working for this as well. She'd abused it plenty fold in the past, and she probably would again. She was free spirited, and not afraid of abusing every advantage.

This time, she'd been in for a surprise. 'Kidnapped', was a very strong word. And it most deffinitly didn't fit the description of this woman's predicament. Her problem, was her ignorance towards her parents war. She already liked her, when she first spotted her in the woods. It hadn't taken more then a few minutes, to find the two. Arch had easily spotted them, walking through the woods, and through his eyes, Anelia stalked them. Leading all the way, to their hidden home. She was rather impressed, by the two rebellious women's craftiness. They reminded her of herself. And their attachment was clear. This was no mere friendship. The two doves where in love. What an interesting scenario.
She laid out a plan, and as the two women returned from their fishing trip, they'd find their solitude, a bit less. Lonely. On a nearby tree's branch, lay the tall woman, fiddling with a dagger in her hand, scratching the nails of her other hand.
"It took me... A few minutes. To find you and your little sanctuary." She murmured silently, with a warm, gentle voice, as she spread a wide smile, turning her purple eyes to gaze down upon the two women. "But don't be embarrassed. I'm rather good at this. Been doing that for a while." She said, grinning lightly, as she turned on the tree, to lay on her side. Her clothes was made of simple leather covering, covering her intimate areas for decency, and not covering too much, to make fighting harder. "How long do you think, the scouts of Exodar will take?" She questioned, grinning lightly as she rested the side of her head on one arm, letting the other hang down from the branch, waving slightly from side to side. "I've been.. Quested. To find you, little Lady. You've apparently been kidnapped?" She asked, grinning lightly as she tilt her head, her ears perking a bit upwards. "Enthralled by a pretty face, rather. You don't look particularly destressed, and you certainly don't look like a prison guard." She giggled lightly, pointing towards each woman as she spoke of them. "But I'm afraid, I'll have to live up to my expectations, and bring you in, beautiful. If not, your parents'll be veery upset." She suggested, now widening a greater grin as her eyes narrowed lightly to a devious expression.
As the two walked back happily together, talking about their plans for the future they soon stopped dead in their tracks as they heard a voice talking to them. "Fuck... They've found us! But how?!" Yusa cursed lowly under her breath as she stood in front of Maeliko in a protective way. "Show yourself fiend!" Yusa snarled out yet no one was around that she could see. "I'm not going back to that shit hole! I have not been kidnapped! I came here on my own free will. Both our parents wanted to keep us apart and we won't do it! I love her with all my heart and I am not leaving her! Fuck the Horde and Fuck the Alliance! No matter what you do or say will not change our minds! And if they did manage to find this then we can easily escape. We've been working on this for over a year now and we're not going back!" Yusa snapped as she made sure her lover was protected. "Please... Just leave us alone... Tell our parents we're dead or something... I just want to live in peace with my lover here... I left my own family behind because I too do not wish to be separated from the one I love. I cannot continue living the life I had before... Not without Yusari by my side... So please... Leave us be..." Maeliko pleaded as she clung to Yusari's waist. They heard movements in the trees and Yusa snarled as she shot a lightning bolt at where the sound was coming from, but could clearly tell she missed. "If you do not leave us in peace we will kill you if we must..." Yusa said as she glared up into the trees. "We don't want to... I don't want to... We left that world behind us because we wanted to be free of the petty war and free from the stupid factions bullshit..." Maeliko said softly knowing their poacher was able to hear her. They looked at each other and nodded as they both ran towards the entrance to their home and attempted to open it before their attacker made their next move. Their move was a bad one but Yusa would protect Maeliko with her life. They never thought that they'd be caught this fast nor this easily. But they had to fight if they were going to be free for good.
From the safe security in the branches, she smiled widely at the two's neat words of each other. The warmth expelled from the two, was a pleasant change, from the cold world she felt she lived in. The emptiness of everything. This, was growth. This was full. This was something, worth fighting for. She'd felt this many times before, something deep and heartwarming she felt she wanted to fight for, and observe. But as always, she'd remained an observer, and protector. Never herself indulged in these feelings. She never felt anyone would want that. She was a fighter. A thief. A tracker. Nothing more, nothing less.
She tilt her head at the Draenei's testament, that 'they'd' found her, and giggled slightly, letting the two continue talking, as she listened intently. Then as the Shaman charged for a bolt, she narrowed her eyes, and prepared herself, but as the lightning bolt was far off, she relaxed again, and started gazing thoughtfully towards the ground bellow her.
"You missed." She murmured silently, before she heard a cracking of wood, her gazed quickly turned towards the other end of the branch she was resting on, gasping as it gave in to the damange the bolt had caused, before dropping with the branch to the ground with a surprised chuckle.
As the branch landed, leaves still slowly dropping to the ground, the tall Elf rose from the ground with slight giggles. "Now that was hardly necessary, was it dear?" She questioned, gazing over her outfit, removing a few minor branches from it, before proceeding to remove such from her long purple hair, hanging to her waist. Her purple eyes then stared deeply towards the lovers, with a narrowed gaze. "And they didn't do anything, but sit and wait. I. Found you. I, am not them. And Ihi am certainly not Alliance, nor Horde..." She giggled slightly with a sofr grin. "And I'm quite sure killing anything won't be necessary." She continued, then sighing as the two ran to the channeling stone, rolling her eyes as she vanished into the shadows.
Only seconds later, she appeared behind Yusa, and with a hiss she attempted to leap upon her back, like a wild animal trying to push her down on her chest, sneering if she managed this. And if she did, she lowered her lips close to the Dranei's ear, and the former hissing slowly turned to a distinct purring, resembling that of a cat.
"Now, now, beautiful. Let's not call off this meeting, just yet." She hadn't forgotten her second opponent, but as soon as Maeliko should realize what happened, and should start to do something against it, a loud roar rang from behind the tree Anelia had dropped from, and the large white Tiger leaped from it, getting between Anelia and the Draenei, and the Blood Elf Priest. The Tiger sneered threateningly, as it's deep white eyes stared upon Maeliko, with the clear intent of making her wait.
A sniffing sound arose from Anelia's nose, her lips still close to Yusa's ear, before her nose gently stroked the blue ears of the beautiful Draenei. "Now. Less cursing, running and complainting. More rationality. Agreed?" She questioned, her nails pressing lightly against the Draenei's armor, before she pushed herself up, and took a few steps to the side. The Tiger remained where it was, until Anelia made a wave of her hand, and it walked around Yusa, to meet Anelia's side, where it sat down neatly, observing the other women with narrowed eyes. Anelia rose a hand, placing it upon the creatures head, gently stroking it's fur with her long purple fingers.
"Tell me now. How long did you two expect, to keep this scheme up? To. Keep away from everything? To only have yourselves? Could you truly live, with no other care in the world? Could you live in nature, and stay away from those you formerly called a family, without gazing back?" She asked, tilting her head back a bit, with a thoughtful gaze.
Just as they were about to enter their home Yusa was jumped and fell to the ground landing on her chest. She grunted in protest as the woman kept her foot on her, keeping her down. She felt her lean down to whisper in her ear and rubbed her nose against her ear?! But she had to endure it for the safety of her beloved. She looked over at her lover and saw the large tiger keeping them separated from one another. Maeliko glared at the large cat as it was in her way, she wanted to attack it, not kill it but attack it. She thought a simple mind control spell would work but just as she was about to cast her spell she noticed the night elf slowly get off of her beloved and the cat make its way back to its mistress. Maeliko ran to Yusa when they were both freed and listened to the Night Elf as she spoke. "We've been together for years and simply cannot live without each other. We don't care about our families since they didn't care about our love for one another. I love Yusa as much as she loves me, we're in this together and we won't go back. Not now, not ever." Maeliko said as she held her lover close to her and looked at the Night Elf and her pet. Yusa held Maeliko tightly to her as she lowered her gaze to the Night Elf. "We made this decision together and we will stay together, our families mean nothing to us. To us they are dead. We don't care about the gold or the wealth nor any of it. All we care about is getting far away from everything, the stupid wars between the factions, nor the fact that our races aren't suppose to mingle with one another. She saved my life as I saved hers. I owe everything to her and we'll do whatever it takes to be free from all of that." Yusa replied as she made sure the woman didn't make any false moves.

Time and time again Maeliko saved Yusa. Whenever Yusa would try to visit her in Eversong Woods she was always attacked by other Blood Elves, almost dying every time but able to escape. Maeilko's powers were used to heal the wounded, but she recently has been dipping into the ways of the shadow. She wanted to protect her beloved as well as keep her healed and alive. Blood Elves lived forever, but could die to wounds and whatnot, but Draenei's can't. Maeliko's been working on an experiment with trying to grant her the same lifespan that she had, so that they could truly be together for eternity. That was why she was trying to do everything she could to make sure they could do just that. Even if it meant dipping into dark magic. A lot of the fellow Blood Elves went that path as Priests and Priestesses so why not her? But right now they were in danger of being forced to go back to their families and neither of them would accept that. "We won't go back and that's final. You cannot make us go back for those people that are our 'families' they are dead to us." Maeliko said as her mood started to shift, something only Yusa saw, which was very rarely. Others... Well those guards no longer live to this day because they hurt her beloved. The shadows were starting to encase Maeliko as she was starting to lose her calm nature, but trying so hard to control it so that she didn't kill this woman if she didn't have to.
As the women where together again, Anelia tilted her head, gazing with deep thoughts. This was a caring, worth fighting for. But she still knew one thing. Fighting for something, is impossible without the means to fight. And she was in need of the money for this assignment, and she expected the parents wouldn't accept her lies. She was never fond of lying to get what she wanted, and even if they did believe the lie, they still might be inclined to not pay her wage. She looked thoughtful with a slight pout, as her fingers continued to stroke the large cats fur, now leaning her body against it.
"This.. Devotion. Is surely admirable. And I am not the one to pull you apart." She started, gazing down at Shar as she scratched him behind the ear. She then rose a finger, and moved her gaze back to the lovers. "However. I need to income, of this mission. I need to be paid." She started, now looking for Yusa's eyes. "And I have my reasons for desperately needing this. And you -will-, be brought home to your parents..." She continued, as she turned, leaning her back against the large Tiger instead, starting to fumble a bit with her nails.
"But before you start getting your blood boiling again. I have a suggestion." She stated, turning her purple eyes back to the two. Her eyes overlooked their bodies, as her her ears rose slightly. She didn't try to hide her interest, even the slightest. "If.. You go back to your family, with me. We bring your lover, and we confront your parents once more. Tell them, how it is you feel, again. Explain to them, after I've been paid of course, that you weren't kidnapped, but rather ran away. And if they remain reluctant to accept your choice. We'll help you both out of there, and take you far away from this place." She explained her plan, her eyes again focused on the two lovers, rather then their bodies.

"On a different note. How exactly, where you expecting to live on your lonesome? How where you planing on acquirering food. It's meant as no offence, your both rather inexperienced with that type of life, am I not right? You both grew up in significantly rich families, having most handed to you?" She asked as well, as she turned around again, resting her arms on the Tigers head, rising one foot slightly off the ground, as she stroked her legs together. Her eyes didn't show the experience behind them, but was gazing forward as a pair of playful childs eyes.
Yusa sighed when she heard the part about money and tried to calm Maeliko down. "Look, if you want money that badly I've got a good amount of gold in my pouch here. I have enough to pay for the both of us. Just let us go and everyone will be happy." She said as she reached for the pouch that was on her side and tossed it to the Night Elf. When the woman spoke about going to their parents to talk about it she knew full well what would happen... She knew they would kill Maeliko on the spot and she wouldn't allow it. "I've tried talking to my family but they want her dead... Don't you understand how hard it is for the both of us? We can't just simply go to them and expect them to listen to reason... They don't care about what I want or need... They would rather have me marry a human male that I hate and despise rather than the one I truly love..." Yusa explained as she wrapped her tail around Maeliko's waist. "Shhh.. Please don't let your emotions get the better of you my love... I cannot have you losing control of yourself baby... Not right now..." Yusa said as she tried to calm the Blood Elf who was wanting to unleash the void on the Night Elf. Maeliko looked at her and Yusa noticed her eyes weren't the normal fel green, but red this time. This is not good.. I need to calm her down and now... She looked over to the Night Elf with pleading eyes and continued to hold Maeliko as she stroked her hair gently. "Please... Don't make us go back... I cannot afford to lose the one I love... We'll do anything if you please don't make us go back..." She begged as she looked at the woman with worry in her eyes.

She knew they couldn't go back, at least not together... And she knew her family would make it impossible to see each other again... She'd do anything to not go back, even give the woman her gold. "Just because we've been 'pampered' doesn't mean we wasn't taught how to hunt. We were taught to hunt should we get lost and there was no place to go eat at. There's plenty of food around and well..." Yusa started as she trailed off looking at the fish that was on the ground. "We know how to survive out here... This is why we chose here, far away from both our homes and in safety... Plenty of food and water. We can make it work out here..." Yusa finished as she felt Maeliko was starting to slowly calm down, yet not fully letting go of her rage. "Please Maeliko calm down my love... I am trying to make arrangements to secure our safety here... I cannot lose you, not now, not ever..." She cooed to Maeliko which seemed to have calmed her down a bit more. Hopefully this Night Elf will take the payment and let them live in peace. She was even willing to offer her and her friend food if it would help them.
Anelia observed and listened, as Yusa began in the same rambling, about staying away once more. She needed the gold, and as Yusa's was offered, she tilted her head lightly, and looked to the pouch. She narrowed her eyes a bit, and a screech was heard above them. In a second, a Hawk appeared above the two lovers, instantly striking down at the pouch in Yusa's hand. If it managed to grab it, it head off to it's mistress, who held out a hand to catch the pouch as it was dropped into it. She opened it, ocationally gazing back at the Blood Elf, with curious eyes, noticing the rage boiling up in the woman. And apparently, the Draenei feared this rage. Probably for a good reason, she'd seen Blood Elves, attuned to magic, run amok before. She didn't particularly want to see that. So she kept silent, waiting for Yusa to calm Maeliko down a bit.

As the gold had been counted, Anelia sighed softly, dropping her forehead down on her arms again. Shar whimpered slightly, as it pushed it head a bit back against Anelia, who agreed with its whimper with a second sigh of her own, as she gazed back to the lovers. She looked back and forth between them a few times, before holding out the pouch to her side.
"This isn't enough. I'm not sure you understand. I -need- money. I'm running out of time for an arrangement. " She said with a calm voice, sighing again as she looked back to the pouch. For her own reasons, she didn't want to care about the two lovers. But she did. She groaned as she moved a hand to her face, itching her eyes a bit, before looking back to the two.
"You keep. Talking to me, like you are prisoners. Rage boiling inside you, as if I hold a dagger to your throats, and I didn't even touch mine." She said with sadness in her voice, her ears tingling a bit with a shake of her head. "I need your families gold, dear. And I believe they will pay me handsomely for bringing you back to them, alive." She started, as she stood up next to the Tiger, and took a few steps closer to the two again, raising a head taller then Yusa, she gazed down to the two, as got as close as a few steps from them, making no movement to provoke thoughts of aggression. "When I then return, and 'kidnap' you afterwards, I'll already have what I need. I'll bring you back here, to your love, and you'll both have what you need again." She continued, a faint smile across her lips. "Please. No hostility. No force. I won't make you do this. But I am asking. Let me get what I need, and I'll give you back what you need, afterwards. I am asking now. There was so many other actions I could take right now. I could take you by force. But I'm not. I ask, because you two have something, I've never had the pleasure of. Something deserving protection. Help me, and I'll promise you both your safety, with my own neck at a risk." She said, with a rather silent voice, her eyes narrowing to a sorrowful gaze, as her ears lowered slightly, the piercings in them singing as they clanked together. Shar, remaining where he was, narrowed his eyes as he observed Maeliko. The creature clearly didn't trust the fire within her, and the loyal beast he was, he'd make very sure she wouldn't get a chance to hurt his Mistress.
Yusa sighed as she when she was told it wasn't enough. Maeliko's rage was slowly subsiding but was slowly rising again at the same time. "You only need me right? You said you were contracted by Exodar, and only Exodar... Right?" She asked as she sighed again and reached up to rub Maeliko's ear, which she knew what that would cause be didn't care. Just as long as her love was calmed down. A small moan escaped Maeliko's lips as the rage had fully subsided. "Please don't do that to me Yusa..." Maeliko panted slightly as she turned her gaze back to the Night Elf. "My family didn't pay you did they? And what if this plan of yours doesn't work? What then? And if it does... Then I and Yusa would forever be in your debt." She finished as Yusa let go of her ear and looked to the Night Elf. "Well? Is it only me that needs to be returned? If so then I will go back with you. But I need to know that my lover will be safe and allowed to wait for me to return after you've gotten your gold. Deal?" Yusa said as she waited for an answer. Maeliko was waiting for an answer as well but she also knew that she would kill this woman should she not bring her beloved back. It was hard to control her anger once she allowed the void to enter her body. But she tried so hard.

The last time this happened and she wasn't forced under control he killed every guard that ever laid a hand or sword on her lover. She was still new to the darkness and had a very hard time harnessing its powers. It granted her so much but at a terrible price. She didn't want to lose it and kill everyone around her. She closed her eyes as she tried to play out the scenes of what would happen if she did or didn't get her love back. Yusa noticed Maeliko was lost in thought and she knew what it was about. " Look... If your plan works then my beloved won't be forced to hunt you down... She's killed her own people because they hurt me and almost killed me. She's still learning how to control the dark side of a priestess and she has a worse time recognizing friend from foe. I don't want her to live with the regret of killing me." Yusa said as she squeezed her lover tightly with her tail. Hopefully the Night Elf will understand and truly work with them and help them out, keeping her word as well.
Anelia nodded with the question, agreeing that it was only Yusa's family, she'd gotten arrangements with. They where the ones she'd met. It was only Yusa she'd need, to get the gold she was promised. She gazed down to Maeliko as she spoke, shaking her head a few times with the question. "Your kind doesn't take lightly to Night Elf wanderers. We aren't really particularly liked in your cities." She answered, smiling lightly, before she gazed back to Yusa. "It is only you I need. She can stay here. I'll leave Arch here with her, to keep an eye out for her. He's a good bird, and he knows how to incapacitate an enemy. She'll be as safe as outside help can gain. Although that rage inside her, makes it clear she'd probably not need it." She said with a slightly risen brow.
Then as the argument came, that the young Blood Elf would hunt her down, she narrowed her eyes lightly with a soft sigh. "Threads are hardly necessary. And even if it should come to that, I should hate to take her life. The darkness within a Priest is strong. But don't overestimate it. It can only give power to a limit, and when it isn't controlled, it's fighting blindly." She argued, her upper lip making a slight nudge, as she spun around on her heels, the long purple hair making a wave with her movement. "You might be able to control it one day, and that day a thread aimed towards me might actually work. Until then. Don't bother wasting your breath with it.." She murmured, as she walked towards Shar, the large Tiger raising from where it sat. Anelia leaped up on the cats back, and leaded it over to the two. It was clear in her sudden change of attitude, that she hadn't taken lightly to the statement of 'hunt down'. It might not've been meant as a thread, but it was clearly seen as one. Her now more darkly eyes glanced down to the two, as she reached down to offer a hand to Yusa, to help her up.
"I've watched, and fought shadows all my life. What you started playing with, is far from a gift. Power is never so. Only to a length, can it protect the ones you love. But the kind of power you've invited into your mind, could just as soon destroy what you love, as protect it, deary. Be wary of it. And try to use the actual gifts you got, through the love of your partner, rather then dark magics." Her statement was aimed towards the Blood Elf, sorrow and experience clear in her eyes.
It was clear now that Maeliko was safe and wouldn't be harmed. She nodded and and watched the Night Elf closely "Very well then..." Yusari replied as she pulled her beloved into a tight embrace as she kissed Maeliko deeply and she pulled away slowly both her and Maeliko nodded again, as if they could hear each others thoughts. Maeliko turned to the Night Elf and somewhat glared at her. "I do what I must to keep my beloved safe. You wouldn't know nor understand how it felt to love someone like I love Yusari. No one could ever understand our love for each other... This is why we fled. Left our families behind, however I am glad I can wait here for Yusari comes back." Maeliko replied as she killed Yusari back deeply as Yusari took the woman's hand and got up on the cat. shaking her head Maeliko look at the Night Elf deeply in the eyes as she listened to the comments about her going to the dark arts. "This is the path I have chosen, I need to protect her from harm. Even it means giving my own soul to the demons I fear I will do just that for this power... I know she doesn't have the lifespan that I have, but they can give it to her and I will pay whatever price there is to pay just as long as her and I can live together for all eternity. I will never age, but she will... And I don't want to live a life with out her..." She finished as she looked at them and watched them leave, leaving her behind. "I know what I'm getting myself into... I know that this wasn't given to me for free... They gave me four years to master this art, and it's almost been a year and a half... I've got time..." Maeliko said lowly but knowing the Night Elf could hear her.

The bird named Arch was there with her now and Maeliko walked over to the house and chanted the spell to let her in as she took the fish in with her. She watched them disappear into forest and out of sight. As she entered she told the bird he was allowed inside as she walked in and the bird followed her inside. Hunger was written all over his face and she got one of her fishes put onto the fire after cleaning it and adding some spices she brought from home with her. "I hope you don't mind cooked fish, if you do then there's a raw piece for you." She offered as her thoughts ran to Yusari and hoping she was safe. She would know if she wasn't, their bond was that strong. Something no one else had that she knew of. She would wait for her beloved which she knew was probably almost home by now, after all it had been about an hour since they left.

Yusari didn't want to leave Maeliko behind, but she knew she had to. She had to keep Maeliko safe. She bit her lower lip as she left on the back of the large cat and pouted slightly as she watched her beloved grow distant as they moved farther away from her. "I cannot live without her..." She spoke softly as her stomach tightened up as the mere thought of not being reunited with her beloved popped into her head. She shook her head to get it out of her mind so she didn't worry herself more than she already was. "So uh... What sort of plan do you have on freeing me from that shit hole?" Yusari asked as she hoped the Night Elf would share her thoughts with her.
As the Blood Elf spoke of the dark arts, still so naively thinking it a gift, Anelia slowly shook her head, aiding Yusari up on the cat, placing the Draenei in front of herself. Did she truly think, that the dark creatures she seeks to command, will ever let the two live in piece, rather then try to dominate them? To take their free will away, and make them the husks, so many others had become. Then, as the Elf gave prejudice words, of Anelia not knowing how it felt, Anelia hissed angrily, as a demand of silence. "Do not pretend to know me, Sin'drei!" She sneered with an angered expression. She quickly gazed away, and set Shar in motion, slowly at first, still not entirely done with the Blood Elf. "If you truly believe, that these powers will let you two live happily together for an eternity, and grant you these powers, without stealing your soul and consiense in the process, you are truly foolish. You underestimate the powers you seek to control. Make damn sure you know what your doing, before utilizing this. For the sake of your beloved.." She sneered ,not even throwing Maeliko a glance, before sending Shar into a sprint, heading towards Yusira's home. "Hold on to his fur for balance. It won't hurt him." She said, with a rather ignorant voice, seemingly not really caring anymore.

Arch tilt its head, as it gazed down upon the Blood Elf. And as it was offered inside, it was first hessitant and gazed around, with a watchful eye, before flapping its wings, and joining the safe sanctuary of the lovers. As it entered , it first flew around, searching every corner of this uncharted place, before landing on the floor, several steps away from Maeliko. It looked up upon her, with investigating eyes, before it jirped silently, and hopped a few steps closer, at the mention of food. At her question, it answered quickly, by accepting her offer, and snatching one of the raw fish. It hopped a few steps away with the fresh meat, and started hacking it up, ripping bits off the scaly creature, to be consumed.

She remained silent as long as Yusira asked no questions, her eyes narrowed as they travelled through the forest. Then as she was asked a question, she spoke. "We go in, I hand you over, I'm paid, and then I leave. You'll stay outside, and as soon as soon as its somewhat clear, I'll ride back in, snatch you up, and bring you back to your beloved." She explained, stretching her neck a bit, as she sighed. "I've assessed that you two, have build a great relationship. I prey that your love, won't underestimate the powers she seeks. They can consume her, no mater her strength. Far greater sorceress', has fallen into madness, through the arts they sought to control. And.. What she seeks to do.. I fear is impossible, the way she seeks to do it. The dark arts takes life. It doesn't grant it." Anelia murmured, a soft sigh on her lips.

As they arrived, she lead Shar to a halt, and lift Yusira off the riding creature. The ease she lifted the woman with, belied her profession. It wasn't entirely common for Hunters, or Rogues for that mater, to posses strength at that ease. She soon followed off the Shar, accepted her reward, and rode off again, with a nod to Yusira. She didn't say much else then bartering to get herself a bit more then firstly agreed, considering the splendid order she'd returned their daughter in. And so, Anelia and Shar vanished in the shadows, and awaited their time, observing and waiting for it to be clear enough, for the plan to proceed.
Maeliko hadn't said another word to the woman, not like she could understand or anything. Her mother was the one who taught her all she needed to know about shadow magic, even some of the others in her family that used it helped her. She knew the risks involved, but also knew how to make bargains with the fiends. She bit her lower lip as she finished her meal, the bird had already finished its meal before her and she was contemplating on what she should do for the time being. She looked over to one of the chests that she had brought with her and sighed to herself. "Looks like I might as well try it again... I don't think they will be back for awhile, if they do come back..." She said as she got up and walked over to the chest, taking a key out she unlocked it and began grabbing some vials of liquid and herbs out of there. There was a passage way in the back of the cave, that was where the escape route was as well as her alter room. Yusa knew she had to have an alter room and let her have that to use. Maeliko knew the dangers in dealing with black magic, but she was taught how to deal and harness it. She was still inexperienced, but she knew what to do and what not to do. She had to find a way to expand her beloveds life.. She got her summoning circle made and placed some candles around her, letting them float in the air. There was a small cauldron in the center right in front of her. She was going to contact one of the demons she's been working for and doing deals for for over a year. The demon she made the pact with has been lenient with her. The only thing they asked in return was to be released and freed. Which she was working on releasing her into the world. She knew how demons were though, knew they could lie or trick. But this one... This one wanted only one thing: Freedom. And would do anything for it, even give the one who's bound to her what she wanted. Maeliko started emptying the vials carefully into the cauldron and adding the herbs as well. Once she finished she closed her eyes and began chanting the summoning spell, she had to do something before they returned.

The circle lit up as she chanted and a portal opened up as a horned woman stepped through it. "Mmm... Little Maeliko it has been awhile since you last summoned me... What do you desire now my dear?" The demon asked as Maeliko finished the summoning ritual. Maeliko lowered her ears in submission as she bowed before the demon. "Kirasis I have summoned you to ask for advice and a favor..." She began as the demon lowered her gaze down to her. "I am listening... For now..." She said as Maeliko kept her head low, knowing the demon was busy and had other things to tend to. "I need to know if there is a way to get my beloved to have the same lifespan as myself... You know of Yusari Stormhoof and you know she doesn't live as long as I do... I've been working on finding you a way to be free for good to walk this realm. I swear it to you. You can see it in my mind that I have. And I've been getting closer to achieving that for you. I will hold my end of the bargain, you know this. I've done all you've asked of me up to this point. I stole the book you asked for from the High Warlocks in Silvermoon and even the one from Undercity. I cannot get into Stormwind to get the third book without getting killed on sight. But I will still try, I will do whatever it takes to make sure you are free and that I can get the only thing I desire." She said as the demon listened, she was rather pissed but yet thankful that her servant had at least gotten two of the books. There was only three left but she had time to wait. "You have done well my pet, however I cannot grant her the lifespan as yours just yet. However, I do know you cannot read those books that I need, only demons and warlocks who understand demonic can understand it. So, as a reward I will grant you the ability to speak, read, and understand demonic. However, you MUST read those books and take everything you learn from them into your own being. I will warn you though, if you do not clear your mind before reading them, you might lose yourself. I cannot afford that to happen, I desire to be free and you desire for your beloved to have the same lifespan as you. You're serving me well elf, but if you fail me you will suffer dearly. If you fail the rituals in the books, you will be turned into a demon. I've seen it happen too many times, so you must be careful. Failure is not an option and I will not tolerate it. Do you understand me, Maeliko Misachi?" The demon spoke and Maeliko nodded. "I do. And I thank you. I accept your gift and I vow that I will not fail you. I will do whatever it takes so that we both get what we want." She said as the demon smirked and nodded. "So be it. Take my gift and complete your mission. Do not contact me again unless you have found and retrieved at least two more books. Do you understand me?" The demon said as she walked over to the elf and grabbed her wrist. Pain shot through Maeliko's body as a seal was burned into her wrist, the seal of the demon who she was bound to. "This seal will grant you the ability to understand demonic, speak it, and read it. You are fully bound to me now elf. Fail me and I will know. I see what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel. You are too valuable to me to lose now. When you get two more books I will grant you another gift, and with it another seal." The demon finished as she pulled away from Maeliko who was still in pain but knew it was needed. "I will not fail you... I promise..." She said as she watched the demon walk through the portal. "Oh I know you won't, you have no choice now elf." The demon said as she disappeared into the portal before it closed.

Maeliko looked at her wrist as the pain was slowly subsiding, it was the symbol of the demon who she was bound to. "Yusa isn't going to be pleased with this... But she will understand. I need to get those books no matter what." She said as she got up and began cleaning the alter room up. She placed the empty vials in a chest in the corner as she left the room and closed the door behind her. Surely they should be almost done.. She didn't like being all alone like this.

As Yusa rode on the back of the giant cat she noticed they were close to their destination. "She knows what she's doing though, she has been taught how to harness and deal with the demons, but being very careful as to what demons she should summon. There is this one demon who's been working with her for over a year now and nothing bad has happened. So she must be doing something right." She replied as she looked around. "I do worry about her, but she won't ever die of old age like I will... I don't want her to be all alone again, I will do whatever I must to have her lifespan to make sure that she isn't alone ever again." Yusa finished as Exodar was within clear sight now. Sighing to herself as they neared Exodar she knew this was going to be risky but hoped the Night Elf would keep her word. Once they got there her parents ran to them and thanked the Night Elf, paying her handsomely as she was handed over. When that was over and they turned their backs on the Night Elf she saw her nod to her and she had to follow her family inside, but she'd sneak out again as soon as she could. About half an hour later she managed to sneak out. She had managed to grab a few things, her magical pouch that could hold everything and anything. She had more spices and more food in the pouch as well as a few other things she'd need. When she was outside she made sure no one saw her as she kept her face covered with the cowl she had on. She couldn't risk anyone seeing her as she went to a hidden spot where she could wait for the Night Elf to return to get her and take her back to her beloved.
As Arch continued its meal, it kept a close eye on the Blood Elf, its eyes narrowing slightly, as the girl started wandering around, finding different things. It cut its meal short, and started following her. Its head tilt from side to side, but as soon as the woman started drawing her circle, its eyes shot wide open, and it chirped desperately. It started waving its wings manicly, and set into the air, starting to fly in circles above the Blood Elf's position. Several times it tried to disrupt what she was doing, clearly greatly disaproving. And as soon as she finished the circle, it screeched loudly, and with anger bleeding from its neck, before it set off out of the room. It quickly found the escape route, and started searching for a way out. If it required more strength then the poor Hawk possessed to get all the way out, it started flailing around in the hideout. It was angry. Afraid. Desperate. And as soon as the Blood Elf finished, it wouldn't let her come near it. And should she try, it would strike out at her, with its sharp fangs and beak. And should she let it out, it would storm outside, and set off high into the sky, where she wouldn't be able to see it. It would remain, as it'd been ordered by its Mistress, but it made a giant distance between it, and the Summoner.

Anelia made a violent tick, as she saw what Arch did, before hissing angrily. But she said nothing, only listened to the Draenei, with a shake of her head. Still, she remained silent. She was burning to hiss at them. To tell them how foolish they both where, to risk this heavily. There was no chance, that this demon would actually release her pets, once she was lose. And they had no idea, how powerful this being would be. It could be the next Archimonde, here to destroy Azeroth. And of course nothing 'bad' had happened yet. It needed it's obedient, foolish and blind pet, to do her filthy bidding. Anelia wanted nothing more to do with this. She wanted her gold, and then she'd be out. This.. Was no longer worth defending.

As Yusira had left her home, and found a hiding spot, Anelia left the shadows, with a narrowed gaze. "'Taught' how to harness it? The most... Powerful being ever. Have you heard of this man? Ner'zhule? He was a.. Most, powerful Shaman, and turned into a Warlock. Powerful, as none other. He! Was tricked by a Demon, Archimonde. And he lead the Demons to this world, and damn near destroyed it! What in the world, do you think'll happen, once the Demon is set free? Did you know, that is what your beloved seeks to do? Demons.. Doesn't give life. They take it. I will bring you home, and then I'll find out what that Demon wants. And I will guard this, with my life, and make sure your beloved, will never! Get i..." She was interrupted, as she heard voices, her ears peaking, as she looked into the trees. Shar also gazed the same way with a low growl. Anelia quickly moved her body down on the large Tiger, as an arrow passed over her. "Erh.. Your family really don't want you to leave again, Yusira..." She sneered, leading Shar over to Yusira, only to quickly grab her, and pull her up on the Cat, setting them off in a sprint towards the hideout. "Hold on tight to his fur, this is going to be b.. Ergh.." She was interrupted by a groan, followed by a second one. Her eyes closed, and her head leaned down to rest on Yusira's shoulder. Her arms then slowly clenched around Yusira's waist, holding her in a tight embrace, as she went silent. "You.. Know the way. Shar.." She mumbled silently. Should Yusira try to look back and see what'd happened, she wouldn't be able to see anything else, then the Night Elf, resting against her back.

As soon as they arrived at the hideout again, Shar whimpered, and tried to look behind it. Anelia slowly rose her head, smiling weakly as she saw where they where, before slowly starting to slide to the side. She dropped to the ground next to Shar, who imidiately turned around, to look upon his Mistress. If Yusira wasn't holding on tight to his fur then, she would've surely been thrown off his back. Anelia lay silent on the ground, two arrows stuck in her back, one by her waist, jut above her leather loincloth, and on just bellow her right shoulder. She was lifeless and silent, but her heart was still pumping weakly, and her breath still silently there.
Maeliko sighed at the bird as he flew around in a panic. "You should not have followed me bird. You have no idea how badly I need this..." Maeliko said as her ears lowered. She was saddened and she didn't know what else to do... If this didn't work... She would outlive her beloved... She couldn't... No she wouldn't allow herself to live a day longer than Yusari... She shook her head in dismay as she paced around the hearth a bit. "Where are they...? It's been far too long since they've left..." Maeliko said as she walked over to the door and sighed again. She knew the moment she opened it the bird would flee. But she needed some air. She needed to breath while she waited for them to return. She cast the spell and opened the door as she walked out. Her ears were still lowered as she felt the cool breeze hit her face. The bird was probably outside and long gone by now. Maeliko went over and laid down in a patch of grass as she waited for them to come back. Hoping they'd be back soon.

Yusari waited in her hiding spot as she was then approached by the Night Elf. She had thought about what the woman said before and knew that she might be right. But she also knew what would happen if she died of old age and left Maeliko behind... Maeliko would kill herself so she didn't live a day older than her... This always saddened her and that is why she went along with her plan. The woman spoke to her again as she was then cut short as she too heard what the woman heard. The voices were of the guards and her family. Before she could even say anything the woman jumped on the large cat and she then grabbed Yusari and told her to hang on tightly as more arrows flew from the trees. Yusa feared that the Night Elf had been hit, but wouldn't look back for fearing what she might see. As the cat ran she spoke in reply to what the woman said before she had gotten cut off. "I know of Ner'zul, but I also know he summoned a demon that more powerful than anything. However... Kirasis is a medium leveled demon. She has no power that Archimonde had. Maeliko knew what demon to summon and I am against it... I know what will happen if I don't live the lifespan she has... It pains me to see her suffer like this... But what else can I do? But I have this feeling that this demon might be telling us the truth, that all they want is to be free... They aren't that powerful... Only the maximum level demons are the ones to look out for, and Maeliko couldn't ever be able to summon it. Please... Just trust us..." She said as they rode on. She could smell blood in the air and she knew that the woman had been wounded. "Maeliko will heal you when we get back to our home... I am so sorry you got caught up in this..." She said softly as they neared the hidden cave.

Maeliko could hear a fast movement coming in her direction as she got up quickly, she could feel her beloved was nearby but also could smell blood in the air. As they neared her she saw both of them and the Night Elf was wounded badly. Maeliko rushed over to them and helped Yusari to slowly and gently lift the woman up and laid her on the ground. She slowly removed the arrows from the woman she then leaned down to listen to see if she was still breathing. She was but her heart was pumping slowly. "I will heal her, make sure I am not interrupted by ANY means!" Maeliko said as she closed her eyes and began chanting one of her strongest healing spells. Yusa watched as her lover removed the arrows and when she was told to make sure that she wasn't interrupted she nodded as she began placing down protection totems around them. She watched as her beloved was chanting her spell, she recognized and knew it was one of her most powerful healing spells. Maeliko had used it on her several times when she too was near death. The area around the Blood Elf and Night Elf began glowing a golden color as the wounds on the Night Elf started to slowly close and heal. When Maeliko went silent she stayed where she was as she was weak. Summoning the demon took a lot out of her earlier, but now casting this healing spell wore her out completely. But it was done. The woman would live now and that's all that mattered as Maeliko collapsed on the ground. Yusa rushed over to Maeliko as she collapsed onto the ground and held her close to her. She couldn't help but notice the burnt symbol on her wrist as Maeliko was fast asleep. "Maeliko my love... What have you done?" Yusa said softly as the elf slept in her arms. "Maybe... Maybe this Night Elf is right... But... You've been marked with a cursed seal..." Yusa said as tears started to form in her eyes. She heard movement from where the Night Elf was and looked up as she saw her starting to stir.
Anelia lay silent on the ground, as the others took care of her, remaining unconscious. Shar whimpered again, and started walking a bit back and forth, observing closely. Then as Maeliko pulled the arrows from Anelia's back, and he saw blood spattering from the wounds, he growled fiercely, as he entered an offencive stance, with threatening eyes focusing at Maeliko. It, as Arch and Anelia, didn't trust Maeliko, but it also knew no one else could heal her, in a long distance. But it made damn sure, the Maeliko knew, she better be doing this for Anelia's good, and not the opposite. Shar didn't understand the common language as Arch, the Hawk, did. It communicated with Anelia, only through their bond. So it didn't know what the two where saying. But the sad, desperate creature, realized there was nothing else to do, then trust the Elf, so he whimpered, and sat down again, giving of a sorrowful purring, as he watched the chanting.

As Maeliko finished the healing, Anelia remained unconsious for a few moments, before her eyes started slowly opening, and blinking. She coughed a few times, blood sprouting from her lips, as she moved a hand to her chest. Shar growled cheerfully, and got up on all fours again, his tail waving behind him. Anelia took a few moments to get her mind right, until she realized the situation, and her eyes quickly shot in Maeliko's direction. She hissed and leaped up from where she'd lain, spinning around and taking a few crawl steps away, before landing on on fours, leading one hand to the hilt of one of her daggers. She hissed and sneered as she glared at the Blood Elf, her instincts telling her not to trust the summoner. Shar walked over to her, growling gently as he nudged her side. She sneered a bit again, looking to him as he communicated with her. She then sighed, lowering her head slightly, before glancing back at the lovers. She then rose to her feet, whistling loudly, as she walked towards them.
"Why'd she have to go and save me... Now I don't really have a choice but staying, at least for a while till she gets better. But the foolish trust you give these Demons, are misplaced, young Draenei. They can't be trusted.." She said, gazing to Yusira as she spoke, before gazing to the skies, as Arch came a bit closer. "Oh get down here, scaredy pants, it's not like she's going to summon anything in this condition." She demanded of the Hawk, that then flew down to land on her shoulder. "Get me a position of our pursuers. And if their far enough out, tell Shar, and tell him to go back, and give them some more trails to track. That'll give the Elf enough time to return to strength." She ordered, Arch screeching as it flew off. She then gazed down to Yurisa, before kneeling down to the women.
"You two, should apretiate the time you -do- get with your beloved ones. It's more then most others get." She said with a soft sigh, moving her arms down to Maeliko. "Let me take her. Get the door open, I'm guessing you have something comfortable to lie on, in there?" She asked, taking Maeliko bellow her back and her knees, lifting her up carefully. "These deals with Demons... It's only going to get you, even more enemies, then you need. Even if this Demon doesn't have ill intentions, don't you think she wants out, because she's afraid of something? And what if this something also gets out, through someone else? Then I can asure you, you two are the first it'll seek out, and then there'll be hell to pay." She said, more calmed then the anger she'd been in before, sighing softly as she gazed down to Maeliko. This mindless devotion, as foolish and stupid as she found it, it was honorable in some ways. "The love you two hold for each other, is.. Admirable. But this.." She whispered, gazing to the brand on Maeliko's wrist with a shake of her head. "Isn't the way." She mumbled, shaking her head again. As soon as the door was opened, she'd lead Maeliko inside, and place her somewhere comfortable. She'd then find a wall to lean against, dropping down to a sit, with a soft groan, and a hand against her chest again. Her purple eyes then proceeded to stare emptily at the floor in front of her.
When Maeliko had collapsed Yusari held her close as she waited for the Night Elf to wake up. She had watched as the cat wanted to attack her beloved as if he thought she would do something bad to his mistress. But she knew he wouldn't attack so she didn't freeze him in place. The cat had to trust her beloved, for if it wanted its master to live, he had to. "There there my love... You've overdone yourself tonight... You shouldn't have summoned Kirasis tonight... But I also know that you're ever so desperate... To not have me leave you..." Yusari spoke softly to Maeliko as she stroked her cheek gently. When the Night Elf finally woke up she was coughing up some left over blood before moving her hand to her chest. After a few moments she then moved away from them as she got on all fours and began reaching for her dagger as she hissed and sneered at Maeliko. Yusari glared at her as she held onto her beloved tightly to her as fire started to form around them. If this woman was about to harm her beloved she would strike. She noticed that the elf was hesitant in attacking them, which was good. She didn't want any bloodshed, not after everything they all had been through. After the Night Elf lowered her hand and then sighed she watched her walk over to them and she too lowered the fire that protected them. "She saved you because you returned me as promised and got hurt along the way. You were near death when we arrived and she wouldn't allow you to die on her watch. She is a priestess who heals, yet she longs to protect those dear to her... I know that what she is doing is wrong and risky... But I also understand why she does it..." She said as she lowered her head to Maeliko and laid a soft kiss on her forehead. "So we are being pursued... Lovely... We have an escape route within the cave, it's connected to her alter room." Yusa replied as she continued to hold Maeliko safely in her arms.

After the hawk left the Night Elf gazed down at Yusa before kneeling down to them. "I only have 30 years left of my lifespan... While she will never age, nor grow old... I will..." Yusa said sadly as she felt the tears starting to form in her eyes. She watched the woman's arms reach for Maeliko as she asked if she could take her and get her onto something more comfortable. Nodding Yusa let her take Maeliko as they walked over to their home and opened the door to let them in. As they walked she listened to the elf's words and slowly nodded. "Even if it came to that... We would fight... But I have met the demon as well... And she isn't bound to anyone, just wants to be free. I am sure you have heard of rogue demons before, am I correct? Those who seek for a master or mistress? Warlocks find those demons and that is how the pact is made. Not all, but most." Yusari spoke as the door was opened and the warmth from the hearth spread over them. "Our bed is over here." She said as she led them to the bed where Maeliko was then placed. As Maeliko was placed on the bed Yusa sighed as she listened to what the woman said as she indicated to the burnt mark on Maeliko's wrist. "What other way do we have to go then? She is fully bound to Kirasis now... That mark.. Is proof of that... I don't think, that there is any turning back now..." Yusari spoke softly as her head lowered. She watched the elf go off to one of the nearby walls as she sat down against it. "Here let me make you a bed, we have enough pillows and blankets to make you a bed. I don't want you to be uncomfortable... For all you've done for us... Just so Maeliko and I could be together... It's the least we can do..." She said as she went went over to one of the several chests that had the extra beddings. She gathered what would be needed and walked over to where she began setting up the bed for the Night Elf. "Please forgive me... But I never did ask you your name..." Yusari asked as she finished making the bed. "Here you go miss. I hope it is comfortable. I would offer you the bed but I don't think you'd feel comfortable with sleeping with Maeliko and me." She said as she walked over to the hearth to add more wood to it before putting the torches out to dim the lights a bit before walking over to her bed and crawled under the covers with her beloved. That night had been a very eventful one, and she too was exhausted and needed rest.
Anelia followed Yusira into the cave, and gently placed Maeliko upon the bed suggested. Anelia listened to Yusira, but gazed not upon her, only walked to the wall, and gave herself a sit. Her empty eyes signalized displeasure with the Draenei's words, slowly shaking her head in disagreement. She couldn't know, if she was followed in the underworlds. She couldn't know, if she was lying. There was so many things, neither of these young women could know, of the underworld. She herself, had little grasp of it, had only been taught to defend herself against it, as she had against magical abilities.
"How do you know? And what makes you think, anything this Demon says, is trustworthy? I have lived for many hundreds of years now, and I still don't find Demons trustworthy.. She might just want to be free, yes. But what if she doesn't? What if she wants your beloveds soul, which chances are great she does, and as soon as she's set free, you'd lose your beloved. And when a Demon takes a soul, you sure as hell ain't getting it back. Is that really worth the risk?" She asked, now sending her worried purple eyes up to Yusira. "I only know how to defend myself against the Dark arts, I do not know what they are capable of. But I know, they usually work in taking life. Not giving it. I don't believe this Demon you speak of, is the way to get the lifespan you seek." She admitted, shaking her head a few times as she looked down in front of herself again.

Then as Yusira started working on a bed for her, she gazed up again, and shook her head. "No, no. Please. That won't be necessary. As soon as Shar returns, I will sleep upon him. I've never been fond of beds. Warm fur beats a cold bed. And the song of a beating heart, is always so soothing." She explained, smiling lightly, remaining where she was. Then, as Yusira continued, Anelia pouted slightly, fading into thought whilst still registering her words. Then as she was asked her name, she gazed up to Yusira again, with a slight smile. "Ann. Call me Ann. I had a real name once, but has grown insignificant." She said, with a slight chuckle, gazing over to Maeliko again. "I really wish to help you. Both of you. The love you have, is worth protecting. And I don't want to see you destroy it, through blind faith to a Demon." She said, gazing back up on Yusira. "And I can't trust this Demon, and won't help you, as long as your faith remains as blind, as I find it now. But there is a way, to learn this Demon better. I know of someone, who is highly skilled, in the arts of Demonic possession, domination and destruction. She.. Might be able to tell us, if the Demon's words is true. And if not. She might be able to destroy the bond created." She explained, gazing out into the thin air by her side. "I wish to meet this Demon. I wish to speak with her. Give her an offer. If she will see the Master Summoner I know, and confess her reasons to enter Azeroth. I will help you two, complete the tasks she offers." She then suggested, gazing back to Yusira.
Sighing Yusari didn't know how to explain it to the woman, but deep down inside of her there was a part of her that believed the demon. The demon was lonely, that they could tell. Kirasis was alone and just wanted to be free... She wanted to live outside the realm where she could be free from her loneliness. In many ways Maeliko understood the demon, she had felt like that for so long. Until she met Yusari... "It is hard to explain this to you... I just... Have this feeling that she is telling the truth. I know demons and their reputations... But what if she is telling the truth? She might be able to lengthen my lifespan, I don't expect to live as long as Maeliko, but... IF she is true to her words then there is no harm. I've been with Maeliko for each summoning, and not once has she asked for anything other than these books..." She said as she pointed over to the alter room where they remained. "If the demon wanted life or blood other than what is used to summon her, she would have asked for it long before now, don't you think? I'm not one to meddle in that... Magic... It goes against my nature as a Shaman, but it's part of her path and something she has taken upon herself. As much as it goes against my nature, I cannot force her against her will. But if it life threatening, I will be damned if it came to that, but if so, then I would put a stop to it at once. The moment it asks for life I will end it right then and there, this I vow and she knows this. Kirasis knows this as well, it's as if she can see within my mind and know how much I love and will protect her. She would be a fool to do something like that if that was her intent. But I don't think it is..." She said as she looked at the elf who refused the bed. "Very well then Ann." Yusari said as she went over to the bed and got under the covers with Maeliko and held her close to her.

Listening to the elf's words she nodded. "If this person can help us understand the true meanings behind Kirasis, then maybe it might help. I will work with you, even if..." Looking down at Maeliko as she spoke, knowing her beloved couldn't hear her. "Even if she doesn't, I will work with you. I cannot have her know this for she'd see it as a betrayal. But I don't want this to turn out badly if the demon is speaking the truth and can help us. You do understand that, right? But if Kirasis has been lying to us and giving me false feelings.. Then I want her dead and my beloved freed from her bindings. I promise you, that I will work with you. I don't want my beloved to be consumed by this demon should she be lying to us, but if she has been telling us the truth, then we haven't done anything wrong. But one way or another I want to know the truth. Please promise me you will keep this a secret, have it be our secret so that Maeliko doesn't lose it and we can work together to help her and me out. Will... You be okay with this?" She asked as she snuggled up to Maeliko and looked over to the elf.
As Yusira continued, Anelia sighed softly, listening intently, as she tilt her head. Maybe it was true. Maybe the Demon did just want freedom. And if so.. Anelia had a whole new thing, she wanted from the Demon. She needed to see this Demon, without the girls. Without the two. She wanted a condition of her own. Now she rather hoped, that the Demon was asking something of them, that would be impossible for them to get. Then she could make her own arrangements. And a wide smirk formed on her lips, at the mere thought, hidden from Yusira's view. But the smirk was quickly removed, as she gazed back to Yusira, with the same look of discretion and disbelief. She looked down to Maeliko, with a soft smile, and a single nod, as her eyes moved back to the door, leading outside, as Shar spoke to her mind.
"We will keep it a secret to your lover, yes. However. I don't want you involved in this. I'll speak with the Demon myself, together with my summoner. If you stay none the wiser, your lover has no chance to see through your lies. Because you have none." She said, nodding a single time, before looking back to Yusira. "Shar has removed the track, that lead her, and made several others, for the Draenei to follow. You will both be safe here, for another week. I will seek out the summoner, and we will summon the Demon by the name Kirasis. And I will learn the truth behind her words. If she is hiding something. If she is more powerful, then she pretends to be. If she will be a thread to you, and your lover. Agreed?" If Yusira agreed to this, Anelia smiled, and rose from where she sat, stretching her shoulder, as she walked over to the bed they lie in, crouching down next to them. She reached out a hand, gently stroking a lock of hair, behind one of Yusira's horns.
"The kind of love you two have. Is what gives hope to this wretched world, yet." She whispered with a soft smile, looking down to Maeliko as well. "And I'll do my part, to keep that warmth safe." She ended with a soft mumble, before making her way towards the door. "Would you open the door? I'll set off immediately, so I can return before the week has passed, and we can leave these woods together." She said with a nod, hoping Yusira would open the door, and let her, rather sinister play, come in motion.

Should she have opened the door for her, Anelia leaped upon Shar's back, immediately setting off towards her destionation, leaving Arch to keep an eye on the girls, and keep them safe.
It took little more then a day, to find the Summoner she was seeking. It would've taken less, had she not been forced to sail across the seas to Darkshore. But she made it, and got the ritual started immediately. The summoner was far stronger, then Anelia had truly admitted. Her speciality: Exorcism. She usually summoned, and destroyed Demons. Had probably summoned a few Demons, a lot more powerful then this Kirasis. So chains was shot into the underworld of Demons, searching out the Demon by the name of Kirasis. Summonings by name, by summoners the Demons didn't know, was very rarely a good thing, and they did not expect the Demon to be stupid. Therefore, they attempted a summoning of force, hoping to catch the poor Demon, with rather painful chains of light. Anelia, and Yaria the Summoner, was far from Angels. Was far from the fluffy nice Elves, Yusira and Maeliko might've thought, a wide grin across Anelia's lips, as she waited for the Demon to come forth from the portal, Yaria wavering her arms, with powerful chains invading the underworld.
Yusari nodded as she agreed to the terms. "I will not get involved in whatever you are planning on doing. This I promise. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Maeliko is safe. I will leave this in your care." She said softly as she nodded again and thanked Ann. "Thank you for everything you have done for us. It means a lot to us both." Yusari replied as she nuzzled Maeliko's neck. Yusa agreed to all the terms and Maeliko would know nothing of what was to happen. She watched Ann walk over to them as she crouched down next to them as she reached out and gently stroked a lock of hair behind one of her horns, causing her to blush slightly. "I will go open it for you. But I thank you again for everything..." She said softly as she got up and opened the door for Ann, as she watched her walk out and leaped on her cat before leaving them. The bird was there still to watch and protect them, which made Yusari happy. She went back inside after Ann left, closing the door behind her as she crawled back into bed and snuggled up next to Maeliko before passing out...

Kirasis knew that the elf would come through for her. She was bored and lonely, seeking to be freed. She knew she couldn't grant the two what they desired, but she knew how to. She didn't want to lie to them, but she wanted free and wanted to find a master or mistress to serve. She was bound to no one and was happy for that. She didn't want to be tied down to any other demon but she had hoped that when she was summoned that it had been by a Warlock. But sadly it was just a mere priestess. But the little Blood Elf and her Draenei lover made it interesting for her, and well, very worth her time. She would help them even though she herself couldn't grant them what they desired, she would still hold her end of the deal. She wasn't like most demons, she actually did care and was as honest as a demon could get. She needed those books though, those books were her ticket out and also, her way to finding her owner. The books were powerful demonic books that was used to either help or destroy a demon. But if a mortal read it wrong or fucked up at all with those books, they would be cursed to become a demon. Flicking her tail to the side she looked around in boredom. She could feel her pet was tired and exhausted, which was to be expected. "Silly elf... Out doing yourself and pushing your limits like always..." Kirasis sighed as she began moving around her lair before something odd happened. She could hear chanting from above and knew it was the summoning spell to summon her. Chains came forth though and wrapped around her wrists before wrapping around her entire body. The chains burned as she screamed out in pain as her body was ripped from her lair to the surface. When she arrived at the surface she saw two figures standing in front of her bound and burning body. "Now why in the hell did you have to go and do that?!" She snarled, clearly pissed. Normally she didn't get pissed by being summoned, but this was pushing it and went too far. "Just summoning me would have worked, but holy chains?! REALLY?!" She screamed as her body burned badly in pain while waiting for an answer.
The two girls, where both young, and in Anelia's eyes, fragile. She felt they needed protection, and she wanted to give them that. She wanted so much more, but she wasn't about to say that, anytime soon. Well. All good things, in time. She smiled lightly with the thanks she got, nodding a single time. "Your welcome. I still think you both have been reckless, summoning a Demon. However. The reasons you did it. Somewhat justifies it." She said, with a soft smile, as she head through the door. "Make sure Mae doesn't try to summon Kirasis anytime soon. I'm afraid she'll find her. Otherwise occupied." She grinned lightly, as she leaped onto Shar, and got on her way.

As the chains caught their prey, Yaria nodded a single time in Anelia's direction, who was gazing her way. Yaria wasn't a Warlock, but had spent many centuries, learning how to summon and conjuring up Demons, becoming an Exorcist through this wisdom. She did not despise Demons, and didn't usually just snatch them out of the Netherworld. But in this case, she was doing an old friend a favor. And as the screaming Demon came through, Anelia narrowed her eyes, at the obvious pain she was in. But so far, she didn't care. She still didn't know this Demon, and still wasn't fond of her. She sneered at the Demons words, and held out a hand, that she tightened slightly, as if she was holding something within it. And as she did, the chains grew tighter around Kirasis. "Shut it, Demon. Your no longer in the presence of Naive younglings. And we doubt you would've been foolish enough, to accept an invitation, from someone like Yaria. Think she has somewhat of a reputation, in your world. Also. If you aren't careful, little Yaria might get scared, and accidentally break something..." She sneered in thread, before relaxing her hand, and waving it towards the ground, the chains trying to Kirasis to her knees. And as she did, she held out a hand towards Yaria, who chanted a few silent words, and the chains stopped burning. And as they did, Anelia walked closer, crouching down in front of the Demon, as she eyed the creatures body. It was beautiful, indeed. Probably a Succubus.Which could've possible made it even worse for the two girls. Her urple eyes then focused on Kirasis', as she continued speaking.
"Now.. What is your scheme? Demons can't grant life, don't try that bull shit lie on me. Yaria here will know when ever you lie. And the burning will recommence. Understood?" She started, resting her wrists against her knees. "So. What is your plan? Why do you abuse the youngling, to get free into this world? You are strong, but not strong enough to be a thread to it. So destruction probably isn't your goal, is it? Are you running from something? Is another Demon going to swoop out with you, in a search to destroy you? Be nice now. My patience is short with your kind, and I really do not wish to cause you any further pain." She admitted, eyeing the Demon again, as she moved a hand to stroke Kirasis' cheek. "Wouldn't want something as pretty as you to get bruises, now would we?" She grinned softly, her sinister plans and lust, probably clear to the Demon, whilst it had staid hidden to the lovers.
Yusari would make sure that Maeliko wouldn't try to summon her demon until Ann came back with information. They slept in peace as night slowly ended and morning soon arrived. They slept till noon when Yusari slowly woke up. Maeliko was still asleep and from the looks of it would stay asleep for another day or so. So Yusa left her beloved there as she went to go hunting. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning and was starving. She moved through the back side of the forest, far away from where they had came and began to hunt for food. She spent a couple hours hunting till she finally returned with a dear and two rabbits. She opened the door and closed it as she entered it laying the food she got as she began cleaning it and getting it ready to cook. She made some deer steaks and rabbit and deer stew. She added vegetables and spices they had brought from their homes and made sure that there would be plenty of it for when Maeliko woke.

Kirasis didn't like the treatment she was given. Most of her summoners treated her with better respect than what was given right now to her. The chains tightened around her and caused her to scream out in pain again as she glared at the elf. She listened to the elf's words and the burning slowly stopped, allowing her to slowly collect herself as her knees were bound. She listened to the elf's new words closely and waited to speak. When she was granted that she began. "I know I cannot grant life, but I know of a way that will grant the two of what they seek. I serve no man, no demon, no one. I am not running from anything but loneliness. I can see you too suffer from that, your lust cannot be hidden from me elf. I just want to be free and that Blood Elf summoned me, she asked for my help and I will help her and her beloved. I couldn't bare to tell the two that I personally couldn't grant them their wish, but I had planned on showing them the way that would grant them their wish. But I can tell that there's more that you want from me than to simply gather information from me and threaten me. So, what is it you desire?" Kirasis finished as her tail swayed from side to side. She had spoken the truth to the two in front of her. She had no reason to lie, seeing as lying wasn't her best forte.
Anelia watched the Demon intently, with narrowed eyes. The anger within her, only worked to make Anelia's own anger grow. What could she have expected? That her little 'scheme' would go unnoticed? That she could enter this world, and be free? That wouldn't have been possible, for a so long. A Warlock, or exorcist would've stumbled upon her energy, and taken her as their own. It was a foolish hope, to expect freedom in Azeroth, as a Demon. However. Anelia wasn't intending on giving her this. She intended to release her, but not as a free Demon. But as hers. She wanted the Demon, the greed in her eyes clear for any who understood it. She'd tried conjuring up Demons before, with others help, and with horrible consequences. So afraid of what might happen, she stopped trying. Until she heard about Kirasis. A strong Demon, but still dominable. Still capable of controlling. Capable of releasing Anelia from her loneliness.

As soon as the Demon started speaking, Anelia listened intently. Her ears perked as she did, her head tilting slightly, Yaria letting her know, if any lie came forth. However, none did. The Demon was speaking the truth. And she saw right through Anelia, which only made the Night Elf grin lightly, and tilt her head to the other side, the rings in her ears chiming silently. Anelia then nodded, and stretched her back slightly, where she was crouched. She gave a moment to ponder, leaving the Demon thinking, as she did herself, before finally speaking again.
"The younglings cant get you, what you need." Anelia started, waving her hand a single time towards Kirasis, the chains vanishing in an instant, leaving the Demon free from the bonds. Yaria was about to protest, but a raised hand, was all Anelia needed to do, to keep her silent. Anelia stood up, and turned her back on the Demon, starting to walk a few steps. "One of the books you need, reside in Stormwind. Am I right?" She asked, turning her head to gaze back to the Demon. And if Kirasis tried to stand, Anelia would immediately point at the ground where she was. "Stay!" She'd demand, and if Kirasis resisted to obey, Anelia would waver her hands again, and the chains would once again engulf the Demons body, and force her back on her knees.
Anelia then turned, to gaze down on the Demon, her purple eyes with the same sinister hint in them. "But i can." She explained, grinning softly for a second, before walking back towards Kirasis. "And I am willing to get it. To help the younglings gather the books, and the wrestle you from your chains in the Netherworld." She explained her plan, crouching down in front of Kirasis once again, this time only inches from the woman. "And all we have to change in the arrangement.. Is to remove the.. 'Freedom'. Part. I can't let you have that. But instead.." She started, moving her hand to Kirasis' cheek, stroking it softly once more, the chains vanishing again if she'd misbehaved, as she softly stroked the womans chek, before reaching for her hair, grabbing it and pulling her head even closer to Anelia's. "I'd grant you a Mistress.. Someone to control, and keep you in check. I am a traveler. I go all around Azeroth, with no particular aims. I'd take you to see, all the things you could ever want. But never. Would you be a lose Demon. Never would you be hunted by Exorcists. It would be another prison. But a mobile one. And one with someone by your side, wrestling you from the loneliness you feel. Whilst relieving myself of just that." Whilst she suggested the ultimatum of her plan, she kept a tight grip of the Demon, their eyes close. She could see any lie she would spill, but none was. Anelia had training in controlling and dominating Demons. But never had she learned to summon them.
Kirasis waited for a reply but remained silent for she didn't wish to displease her captor. She could tell that this Night Elf wanted something pretty big from her, she could tell that the elf had intentions of her own which made her curious. She would of course, do anything to be freed and so she would wait and hear the elf out. The elf finally spoke after exchanging glances over to the other before nodding and then stretching where she was crouched. Kirasis listened to the elf's words and flicked her tail from side to side as she listened. The chains were removed from her when the elf waved her hand, which confused the demon but she wouldn't move for in case if it was a trick. She continued to listen to the elf and her curiosity was more provoked the more the elf spoke to her. "Hmmm... You are correct about that elf. The third book is located in Stormwind. There are five books in total. The fourth book and the fifth I will reveal soon..." She paused as she continued to listen to the elf again. The Night Elf was close to her now as their faces were almost touching as she listened intently, yet carefully to what she said. "So, let me get this straight... You will help them get the books in exchange for my freedom?" She asked as she watched the elf move her hand to her cheek, causing her own lust to slowly build, but keeping it under control. As the elf stroked her cheek she then felt that hand move to her hair as she was pulled closer to her, letting a small moan escape her throat as she was pulled in closer. She thought about her new option and a small grin appeared on her purple lips. "I suppose it's better than being stuck down there. I was planning on making my way to Outlands but this will work too. I will accept your terms, but a contract must be made. This I am sure you know. There isn't much you cannot hide from me Night Elf, I will accept you as my mistress and I will do as you wish. I will even grant you whatever you desire that I can personally give you. You seek to no longer be lonely, the same as me, but I can also tell there is more that you're trying to hide from me. I can see your desires elf, not that I am against them. I... I am actually quiet pleased that what you want and desire is..." She paused as she slowly lifted her hand, as if asking for permission to touch her new 'mistress'. Should she be allowed she would gently stroke her cheek as the elfs body would surely shudder in pleasure and then the elf would know how the contract would be completed.

Oh how she had dreamed of being free, but alas she would only be slave to another. But what this elf had in mind, and her desires... Were simply too much to not accept. A offer, she simply couldn't nor wouldn't refuse. The elf would have to have sex with her to complete the contract, but she could tell the elf probably wouldn't mind given the lustful look in her eyes. "You know how to seal the contract now. This contract is different from others, this one will bind me to you and make me your slave and you... My mistress. I do warn that once this is complete a mark will form on both of us, proving that we are bound together. This is..." She paused again as she let her tail sway from side to side. "This is okay with you, yes? You can tell if I am lying and if I am not. And I will give you whatever you desire, my, mistress.~" She said as she lowered her hand and sat on her knees as she waited for an answer, which she knew the elf would sign the contract, she was desperate and most likely would do anything to get what she wanted. She was a greedy elf, but also a lonely one who wanted what the Blood Elf and Draenei had. She could tell her intentions, but she wouldn't say it out loud.
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