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Geos: A Modern Fantasy RP

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"I... My parents lost their money. They had missed some things in their taxes over the years, and it built up into massive debt. I was too used to living in money, so I tried to find a high paying job. Eventually it led... Here. Why did you become Zeheris?" Lena asked in return. She wanted to know what had turned the young man she know in school into the most famous crimefighter in the country. "I wanted to stop corruption, to fight evil. To stop drugs and crime on the streets. To help innocent people." Zeheris replied, angered that the young woman he'd known had become his enemy.
He had laid out clothes on the bed, and had left the room to the door on the right, which was slightly cracked. He sat there, on his knees, back straight, arms and hands laying comfortably with his eyes closed, meditating. His lingering thoughts and desires calmed, and the seams of the hardwood flooring seemed to radiate a faint light as he channeled his soul's former components.
Fontina could feel her desire fade by a little under half. It certainly helped her think, but it did not help her situation. Namely, dealing with a new sensation that she only half wanted to fight. She put on the outfit Asura had laid out for her. This did not help quell her rising arousal. She sat down on the bed, her face slightly red and her body warm. She looks around for her knight but does not see him.
"Sir Lufaine? Where have you gone?" she calls out, her right hand cupping her mouth.
He snaps back awake, the glow fading, though he was calm once more. He opened the door slowly, stepping out. "Sorry, for what did you need me for, Milady?"
Fontina visibly relaxed as she saw Asura re-enter the room. She released a heavy breath. "Nothing more than your presence, Sir Lufaine. I was... the magicks of this place... they feel... different than what I am accustom to," she said hesitantly. "It is both comforting and unsettling, all at once." Technically true. The magic WAS different... but that wasn't what was comforting and unsettling her. Hopefully he wouldn't notice her misdirection, however.
Tsukasa had come upon the scene while returning from the mission. His 'people' near the gates told him of mafia activity on the docks... probably something he would like to see. So he donned his child-like Iori persona, polymorphing into a 4 foot, 6 inch tall slender young man with golden eyes and short, black-green hair. He changed his clothes to resemble that of a street urchin, a dirty and ragged formerly white t-shirt and a torn up par of too-short shorts. A quick, shoeless romp in the mud left him covered in it, the dark mud on his skin and dismal clothing turning a stark contrast to his sunny smile and rosy cheeks. After finishing it all of with a well polished Hide Magic spell, he rushed off to see what all the hub-bub was about, and ended up seeing the Guardian of Hope heading in the same direction. Having lived for at least 300 years, he had no problems tailing Zeheris there. Discreetly, of course. He was now hiding behind a barrel full of fish, watching from afar and reading their lips.

[Hide Magic: A spell to hide the fact that magic has been cast. When well practiced, makes detecting magic from a creature or object all but impossible. Even True Seeing only has a one tenth chance to pierce the veil of Illusion.]
"I... I see. And... Geoffrey was Portalis?" Lena asked, uncertain of how he felt, or what had happened to Geoffrey. "Yes." Zeheris replied, his tone cold and dark, before he drew Dracosalus and shot a few goons in a spinning motion with bullets and spells before facing Lena again. "And this is how you want to be remembered? Dying for the Mafia in some two-bit heist? Geoffrey died a hero, trying to save people. The people he helped and lives he saved will remember him and are his legacy. All you have is a string of mercenary jobs and money." Zeheris told Lena, anger still in his voice. Lena took a step back, an indecipherable emotion on her face. "Leave, Lena. Go now, in memory of Irvine, and don't let me see you working for the Mafia again. This is your only chance." Zeheris said. Lena backs another step, then vanishes in a teleport. Zeheris sighs, and then draws Orasolis in one hand, Dracosalus shifting into a shortsword in the other, and proceeded to jump the remaining goons, taking them apart with martial arts.
He nodded. "Well, this is magic at it's most primal and basic form. I haven't 'unlocked' advanced magic yet.. I'm not aware how long that will take either. The books and tomes here all tell of ancient heroes and mages alike... It's funny, they all feel so close to me." He spoke softly as he led his fingertips against the spines of the books. "Perhaps's I'm just imagining things, though... I'm going to take a shower. You can look around, if you like."
Fontina's face reddens slightly at the sight of him being so gentle with the books, so deep in thought, so.... so something. She didn't know what it was, but it made the room hotter. ... Or was that just her?
She nods in confirmation. "Yes, I.. think I'll do that. Thank you for the offer," she said, smiling sweetly at Asura.
"Holler if you need anything," He replied as he entered the bathroom, pulling off his clothes once more and folding them neatly.
Tsukasa tracked the teleport's destination, stealthily leaving the scene to follow. If he could find this Lena and play his cards right... bam. Experienced recruit, courtesy of one Guardian of Hope! With any luck, Zeheris would take her getting into the Helping Guild as a good thing.....
Zeheris disappeared after the last goon was taken care of and they were stripped of possessions. The jewelry and other unique things would go to the police for the owners to find. The money was his to keep, the weapons he left behind. Zeheris moved out to intercept that recruiting drive. Maybe smashing a couple of faces would make him feel better. Lena finding out about the connection between Irvine and Zeheris had rattled his calm. He'd left Irvine behind after Geoffrey had died, and Zeheris was all that remained.

Lena Frey was rattled, staring at the apartment she had and the possessions she'd bought with nothing but ashes in her mouth. Quiet Irvine Aelfdane, the guy who couldn't pull off half of the traditional magic schools, but had early mastery of the other 4, was the most famous crimefighter in the country. And Geoffrey Arcand, that obnoxiously loud braggart, had been Portalis, an acknowledged hero in his own right. They had spawned dozens like, but none ever matching them. And she? She'd been a spoiled brat who didn't want to live in cheap places and eat cheap food until she could get the better jobs. Instead she'd sold her talents to the highest bidder.
Fontina looked through the book shelves, her fingers trailing along the spines of the books, shudderings of their power racing down her spine. Even if Asura could not feel it, she could. It was intoxicating, being in the presence of....
Her hand, and her heart, stop on a dime when she sees a certain book. Rather, a trilogy of books. The Book of the Five Rings. Brave Fencer Musashi. Musashi: Samurai Legend. Books written by her first, last, and only crush she'd ever had. Miyamoto Musashi.
She'd been there for the third book. Before her death and reincarnation, that is.

When Asura next saw her, she was sitting on his bed, avidly reading the books. Fontina's glasses were slightly steamy and a light blush accompanyed the bittersweet smile on her face.
Tsukasa had transformed back now, though he kept the Hide Magic spell up. He though it would make a better first impression to look compitent. Well, that and he didn't feel like sneaking in looking like a street kid. That's always a little difficult when you're resorting to mundane means. Oh, and he just couldn't allow an alias to be revealed so soon. It pays to be discreet, after all.
Arriving at Ms. Lena's door, he dropped the Hide Magic illusion as he knocked.
Lena startled at the knock, and the magical person that suddenly appeared. She hadn't let the mafia know of this apartment, and an assassination by them would have been less discrete. So she opened the door, and gestured for the man to come in. A powerful vampire still had to be verbally invited into a home, and she had pissed a few off through the years. "Yes?" The man before her was powerful, and from another dimension. It wouldn't be a pleasant fight if it came down to it.
Tsukasa looked her over, silently casting a small scan on her. Discreetly, of course. He made a mental note that she was certainly talented, and she seemed to know her lore fairly well. He stepped in, taking care to appear friendly. "Hello, Miss Lena. I apologize for the abruptness. However, it seems you are coming to a revelation about you life."

He looked her in the eyes, and, for a mage of her caliber, it was easy to see. There was power rumbling in them. Power that few had ever held, and most had only known when it killed men, women, and children by the hundreds in the form of skyward, scaly wings. His voice cut through the air, seemingly piercing her soul with with his charisma alone. "I'll be plain and simple with you. You're looking for a purpose. The chance to do something good in this world, like those whom you once considered beneath you. You want an honest living, making honest money with honest work. Am I not correct?"

And for all he said, he looked and sounded as comfortable as could be. Like he belonged there, and he had every right to say such things. As if he was not invading her privacy. As if he simply wanted to help.
And, maybe to Lena Frey, like he was saving her from herself. Just maybe.
Lena was a mage that knew how to battle other mages, how to twist and weave through their defenses. She had held her own against the current Archmage of Quedom, and knew power when she felt it. And the dragon magic this man had pushed against her had been felt. But Lena knew he was right. She had found herself lacking against a man she had considered beneath her once, in school years ago. She had looked at the things she had and felt shame. The scan he'd done hardly meant a thing to her, it was something an intelligent Mage did when encountering another. And she had done her own scan. So many different magics were wielded by this man, and yet he was here, talking to a mercenary bitch. "What... What did you have in mind?" She asked. Unlike Irvine (Zeheris now, she thought), this man didn't have nearly as much ki, so probably an unusual magic style was his preference. The worst to fight against. But it seemed he had an offer for her. But... "You can't let anyone know." She said, suddenly extremely defensive.
"Of course," he said placatingly, "Everyone has dirt on them. Something buried in their past that they'd rather remain undisturbed." He was no different, after all. There was no such thing as a 'clean' person, simply those who were less dirty. No such thing as innocence, only varying degrees of guilt. The only question was how guilty a person could be before they were actually considered 'bad,' and even then it wasn't always that the person was bad. The 'taint' on the mind induced by living... it was so odd. Order and Chaos, Good and Evil, Sanity and Insanity... the odd scales of life would forever be trying to balance these forces.
Tsukasa decide to proceed with his offer. "What I have in mind is this; You join my guild. The Helper's Guild, Guild ID 12-96a4258-b31n90. We're mercenary, but we only take jobs that we feel can help people. This morning we were hired to take care of some Kobolds on the South Road. That's a secret, by the way. Soon, however, we'll raise our fame. We'll be able to get more business, get new recruits, help more people... pay our own better. What do you say?"

There was something about Tsukasa's voice. It wasn't magical by any means, in fact it was completely mundane. But something about it made people more cooperative. Tsukasa, however, never seemed to notice this innate quality he had, simply brushing it off as 'being exotic' since he was from another reality. Or from being so androgynous, either or. All he knew was that simply speaking while pushing out a miniscule amount of power did wonders for convincing people to, at the very least, listen. The best were the times it had gotten him laid, but he wasn't looking for anyone at the moment.
Lena shook her head. "Not me, him. Zeheris. You can't let anyone know he was... who he was. You were there. That boy behind the barrel. You used some spell or ability to hide magic, the same you used to hide your magic to get to my door undetected. You _can't_ let anyone know. His family is still alive. I'll join your guild if you promise." Lena said. She couldn't do much for Irvine, but at least she could stop this man from using his old life against him. And this helping guild did sound promising.
"You like those, huh? I find them nostalgic myself." He commented as he sat down, taking the Book of Five Rings. For a split second, Fontina could feel Musashi's own soul within Asura's. It started to become clear- all the books were records and publications of or about parts of HIM-almost like a collection of manuals to his own soul.
Tsukasa smiled. The stars must've been lined up in his favor, because he had been getting all kinds of good deals today. "Done. You can start as soon as you like, but no later than 7 days from now," he said, happy with his recent hire's show of moral fiber. After giving her directions, he excused himself. "Well, I'd love to stay and chat some more, but I've got things to do, people to see. You understand."
Flashing her a winning smile, he simultaineously cast a stilled and silenced Hide Magic and Greater Teleport. If only because it had the word Greater in it.
Her heart beat fast. Could it be? She, after all, had been reincarnated into another world. For Musashi, who was summoned to another world in order to save it (Twice!), surely it wasn't unthinkable. Although, for him to not have his memories... It could be, but it would still be someone else. .... She felt compelled to ask if he still had Fusion or the Great Ore. Maybe he could show her Lumina, from the adventure she didn't get to see? And then her high crashed. There was more than just Musashi in here. He... his soul was an amalgamation of heroes through time and space. He wasn't Musashi.

... But.. even so, it was comfortable here. It felt... good. Familiar. Safe. Right. It was... odd. She shakes her head, smiling kindly. "Yes. The tales of Musashi are... a personal favorite of mine. I believe the order they were written in is Musashi: Samurai Legend, Brave Fencer Musashi, and then The Book of Five Rings." Because he simply looked more mature in Brave Fencer Musashi, and The Book of Five Rings was written when he was in his 60s. Not only that, but being summoned from another world somewhat changes a person's attire and appearance upon arrival. Not to mention Master Mew had to help train him during the events of Musashi: Samurai Legend. The concepts he gained through his adventures and live would eventually make it into The Book of Five Rings. Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Void.

Fontina's glasses steamed up at the thought of Musashi's physique, her right hand holding her cheek like a lovestruck girl who had just been kissed by her crush. Her cheeks were red from increased blood flow and (hopefully secret) lewd thoughts. Unfortunately, she had been speaking aloud when she thought she had been thinking. Everything up to the naming of the five elements was said aloud... not that she knew that. She was currently busy trying to fantasize about him and keep herself from touching herself at the same time.
The names stuck hard in his mind, and he clutched the side of his head, the Great Oar coming into existance into the room. It was almost painful, feeling fragmented memories of a life past come back into him, even for just a moment. He felt himself grow stronger, and looked at her. "What... What do you already know about me, and why?" He asked calmly, though he wanted desperately to know the answers.
Fontina startled, surprised by her lack of composure. She immediately realized what had happened and quickly analyzes what she had said. She closes her eyes, tilts her head down, and begins to speak as if reciting memorized knowledge. Fitting, since she was.
"The Great Oar. A weapon made of steel and a magic ore native to my homeworld. By channeling magic power into it, the power known as Maelstrom can be used. Maelstrom is a wide spinning attack that uses the magic metal from my origin land to enlarge the sword by 8 times. A single swing sends foes flying. Fusion, Musashi's prized katana, had been reinforced with magic ore many times, increasing its speed, durability, and cutting power to 10 times the norm. With it, he could analyze and replicate a foe's techniques, such as Angry Hornet."
Her eyes then opened and turned to him, her eyes showing no signs of deceit. "This is what I know... because the Maiden of Water from Musashi: Samurai Legend and I... are one and the same. When I died, I reincarnated here. And you? ... I know not where you come from, but you are a warrior, through and through. I do not know who made you, but you are your own man regardless."

She silently prayed her aloofness wouldn't push him away. She was... fond of him already.
Soon after the explanation, Fusion came to being beside the Great Oar, and he winced a bit. "I.. Wasn't made... I just... 'Was'," He tried to explain. Now that he thought about it, how long was he actually a part of this world? three, four years back was as far as he could remember. It slowly started to don on him that wasn't technically 'born' then, either. He looked toward her, his hand on his chest. "I don't know for what purpose I was brought into creation for, but as for right now, you are my mistress, and I will serve you dearly." He swore once more, his 'being' becoming even stronger.
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